Heavey v The Greater London Authority

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Judicial Review

In the High Court of Justice Administrative Court

Claim Form


Notes for guidance are available which explain how to complete the judicial review claim form. Please read them carefully before you complete the form. For Court use only

Administrative Court Reference No. Date filed

SECTION 1 Details of the claimant(s) and defendant(s) Claimant(s) name and address(es)


1st Defendant name


Declan Heavey

~he Greater London Authority



Defendant's or (where known) Defendant's solicitors' address to which documents should be sent.

71 Queens Road West London E13 OPE


Anna Condliffe, Authority Solicitor



[TelePhone no.


7th Floor, Windsor House 42-50 Victoria Street London SW1H OTL

rc-mail address

dheavey@gmail.com Claimant's or claimant's solicitors' address to which documents should be sent.

[TelePhone no.

Direct: 020 3054 7937

[FaX no.

020 3054 3556

~oIIJaii address

annacondliffe@tfI.gov.uk address-------------------,

2nd Defendant

[TelePhone no.

Defendant's or (where known) Defendant's solicitors' address to which documents should be sent.

r-mail address

Claimant's Counsel's details



[TelePhone no.

[Fax no.

[&-mail address=====~--==========~ [TelePhone no.

[Fax no.

[E-mail address:=====~--==========~

N461 Judicial review claim form (04.13)

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Š Crown copyright 2013

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