Complaint against the UK in re: International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights

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Suite 101 254 Pentonville Road London N1 9JY England 16 October 2013 Dr Navanethem Pillay United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) Palais des Nations CH-1211 Geneva 10 Switzerland

Dear High Commissioner Pillay I write as the director of Network for Church Monitoring (N4CM) to ask you to urge the United Kingdom to accede to the first Optional Protocol to the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR), the multilateral treaty that commits its parties to respect the civil and political rights of individuals, including the right to freedom of speech. The first Optional Protocol sets out a system by which the UN’s Human Rights Committee can receive and consider complaints from individuals who allege a violation of the ICCPR. But since the UK Government has not ratified the Optional Protocol, individuals living in the UK are not currently permitted to submit written communications to the Committee. Indeed, the UK is the only European Union member state and one of only three members of the Council of Europe not to have acceded to the Protocol. My wife and I complain of an orchestrated campaign of harassment and intimidation by the Security Service (MI5) and/or Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ) over a period dating back to September 2003, after having exhausted all available domestic remedies and after having my application declared inadmissible by the European Court of Human Rights. Please see my Communication enclosed herewith; paragraphs 43-49 outline why the Vatican and the hierarchy of the Catholic Church should be monitored. We note the UK Government’s response in the sixth periodic report under the ICCPR that it does not see “a compelling need to accept individual petition to the UN”, in particular its claim that “the practical value to the individual citizen is unclear”. However, we believe that the Government should be urged to reconsider, as a priority, accession to the first Optional Protocol in order to guarantee effective and consistent protection of the full range of ICCPR rights. Yours sincerely

Declan Heavey Director Network for Church Monitoring


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