Employee handbook

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INTEGRATION OBJECTIVES The main objectives of our company, Marbella Beach Resort are - To reduce the beginning costs, the new worker is less efficient than the experienced one. - To reduce the new worker anxiety level, because, normally, she/he has insecurities at the beginning. - To save on supervisors and colleagues time. - To communicate to him/her the satisfaction of have him/her in our organization. - To make understood, as soon as possible, the company objectives to the new worker, how to develop on his/her professional level and on his/her interpersonal relations. - To situate the new employee in front of his/her new job, to know his/her work functions. - To make him/her feel part of the organization, and that is the reason why exists high implication - To take in him/her effective and cordially The objectives when we introduce a new employee to our company are: - Make them feeling comfortable - Give them the oportunity to better themselves. - Make the working personnel bigger. - Let them feeling part of a big family where they can give their opinions and enhace the company.

INTEGRATION FUNCTION Forcing the pace of professional integration may increase staff fluctuation, with negative effects on the company. Integration period for new employees is necessary because they cannot work effectively without probable knowing of the organization and the task complexity makes impossible to fulfill their duties without a prior initiation. The company has its own protocol and way of working established. The worker that is getting into the company has to learn how they work and the way they do everything. At the same time he/she has to learn, the company has to teach him/her, it is their duty. They have to do this because the company does not want them to be lost, or feel that they do not know how to do the different processes and the worker has to learn in order not to dissorganize the work that is doing or that has already been done. As we can see in document 'Florea': 'the new employees should be informed regarding their tasks and their rights. [..] 'Integration can be considered complete when the new employees have reached maximum capacity to perform their tasks'

The reason for the existence of this company is the accommodation and the quality we offer. Guests are the main important thing for us and we want to offer the best for them. They are the auditors of the quality of our company, they consume the service we are offering and they control if it is good or not. As guests are important for the company, our workers are also the main reason for us to be opened, because without them we could not have arrived here, they are those who are working and trying to improve day by day and have made possible for this company to be like this. The main policies of our compnay are: - The guest has to be listened and their queries solved. - Our workers are the main part of the company and they have to be heared and all their problems solved, no matter what are them about. - We ask our workers to be honest, empathetic and nice with every person that come to speak to them, no matter what they need. The procedures will be explained later in this handbook, in the different departments that we have prepared here. We have also adjuntcted the guides of how to perform the procedures that we have accomplished here.

EMPLOYEE HANDBOOK Welcome to our company new employee! On behalf of your collegues and the Management of the company Marbella Beach Resort, we welcome you. We believe all of our employees play a unique role in our future. Our goal is to perform a quality service and provide customeres the highest level of service, quality and satisfaction. We look forward to working together as a close and strong team, sharing the enthusiasm and excitement of being part of our Company and sustaining our reputation as the best in the industry. It is a requirement that you have an understanding of all company policies and procedures. The pages that follow will allow you to develop an understanding of these. Please don’t hesitate to ask your Manager if you have any questions relating to the material in this manual. This employee Manual has been developed to describe some of the expectations we have of our employees and to outline the benefits available to eligible employees. Employees should familiarise themselves with the contents of this manual as soon as possible. It will help answer many of your questions about employment with all departments of the hotel.

Company's Director: Silvia Ontiveros

Jessica Enríquez

Andrea Llosá

Loles Martínez

OUR MISSION STATEMENT Our mission is to offer the best quality service, making our guests feeling as if they were at their own homes. We want to make a family along our employees and our guests, making them willing to come back for all their holiday and the moments of relax they may have. We strive to understand our client and guest needs by listening to their requirements and responding in a competent, accurate timely fashion. We will desing and deliver our services and products to address their needs. In fact, we are committed to exceeding their expectations by surprising them with our hability to anticipate and fulfill their wishes. Promoting a climate of enthusiam: we are committed to everyone at Marbella Beach Resort by providing a caring, motivating and rewarding environment. As an industry leader, we are dedicated to bringing out the best in our people through effective trainning and meaningful career and personal development, and by encouraging individuality and initiativity. Playing by the rules: We will maintain integrity, fairness and honesty in both our internal and external relationships and will consistently live up to our commitments. Acting with responsibililty: We will actively participate in the improvement of the environment, just as we will be responsible members of our communities and industry organizations.

RECRUITMENT The company reserves the right of selection and recruitment of staff from whatever source (internet, external company recrutation...) All applicants are required to complete a Company application for employment regardless the method of application. We expect our employees not to disclose confidential information and if we find that any worker discoloses any information he or she will be immediately dismissed. Each employee must give and demonstrate the company the following professional skills: a) Study certificates b) Language certificates c) Completed and signed Employee Starter Form.

The company reserves the right to undertake a medical examination at any time either before the employee starts or during the employment.

DRESS GUIDELINES Our employees must wear the company uniform. It has to be clean and neat every time they are wearing it. They are suppossed to be good appearance and smart. Therefore, all employees should observe good habits in grooming and personal hygiene. LOCKERS All our employees must be assigned a locker for storage personal effects or item related to employment. Please: DO NOT KEEP personal effects in the locker once you have finished your shift. STAFF BATHROOM Employees are only to use the designated bathroom and change rooms. They are not allowed to use the guests bathrooms. PUNCTUALITY All members of the staff are required to arrive at least 5 minutes before their shift starts. Uniform must be on before these 5 minutes stat. Being regularly late to work may lead to a disciplinary action. PERSONAL PHONE CALLS AND VISITS If you need to use your phone during your shift, please, do it during your breaks. Ask your family to avoid phoning you unless it is a emergency and with management approval. DRINKS POLICY Company policy allows staff free tea/coffee immediately before and after their shift and during breaks. INFLUENCE OF ALCOHOL OR NON-PRESCRIPTIVE DRUGS Consumption or use of alcohol, drugs or any other substances that may affect an employee’s ability to perform work in a safe and efficient manner is not permitted at the workplace. Employees taking prescription or over the counter medications that may impair performance are to advise their manager who will treat the information in strict confidence. Employees or other persons who are observed to be in breach of this policy will be subject to the employer’s disciplinary policy and, depending on the circumstances, their behaviour may be treated as serious misconduct, justifying summary dismissal. Employees deemed to be in breach of this policy will be cautioned and removed from the workplace immediately. Smoking is only allowed on authorised breaks in designated areas.

THEFT Any employee who steals from the premises will be instantly dismissed and charged. Irrespective of value, stealing has a serious effect on the operation of a business. Unauthorised use of company telephones is regarded as theft, as is giving away of free drinks, food or any other property inventory

EMPLOYMENT CONDITIONS GETTING PAID Our employees are paid monthly and it is processed electronically and will be deposited into your nominated account(s) as outlined in your Employment Contract .It will be transferred from 1 to 5 each month.(There may be months when you get your money before these days of after, depending on the festive dates and the bank working) You will receive the payment of your extra hours worked the next month of its work, for example, if in December you have done 10 extra hours, you will be paid of it with February's payrol. This is done this way because we have to control all the extra hours you have worked and assure our selves that we are paying all of them. You will receive a paysilp every month detailing your wages, hours worked, penalties paid, any deductions (i.e. car parking, certificates etc.) as well as your annual leave entitlement and superannuation contribution. Please take a look at your pay slip each month and if you have any queries please speak to your Department Manager who will direct you regarding the process to follow. PUBLIC HOLIDAYS The hospitality industry operates 24 hours 7 days a week 365 days a year, which means that you will be working on holiday, on festive days... As every worker deserves holidays, you will have 33 days, which are mandated by law. You will have 15 of these days at summer period and the rest od the days during the rest of the year. Our company policy is having 15 days from January to June and the other 18 from August to December. All holidays that you want to have in a concrete dates will have to be told to the manager and he will note it to keep it in mind when allocate the periods. DAYS OFF Every worker will have two days off every week. They have to be consecutive.

OVERTIME Employees to whom overtime relates will work a reasonable amount of overtime, if and when called upon by management to do so. The work performance outside the normal schedules will be considered overtime. Trading shift will not be considered as overtime. OVERTIME RATES Overtime shall be paid for at the rate of time-and-a-half. Overtime rates shall be calculated by reference to the hourly rate, which shall be the appropriate weekly rate divided by the declared normal number of hours worked per week. REST PERIODS Employees will be entitled to a 15 minute tea break where up to four and a half hours have been worked. This break is exclusive of main meal break. In relation to workers under the age of 18, the provisions of the Protection of Young Persons (Employment) Act, 1996 will apply. SEXUAL AND OTHER FORMS OF IMPERMISSIBLE DISCRIMINATION OF HARASSMENT The company is committed to maintaining a work environment that is free of discrimination. The company will not tolerate harassment of it’s employees by anyone, including any supervisor, co-worker, supplier, client or customer of the company. Harassment consists of unwelcome conduct, whether verbal, physical or visual that is based on a person’s statue such as sex, colour, race, ancestry, religion national origin, age, physical or mental condition or disability or other status. The company will not tolerate harassing conduct that affects tangible job benefits that interferes unreasonably with an individuals work performance or that creates on intimidating hostile or offensive work environment. Sexual advances request for sexual favours or other physical, verbal or visual conduct based on sex constitute sexual harassment when the conduct is unwelcome and submission to the conduct is an explicit term or condition of employment, submission to or rejection of the conduct is used as the basis for an employment decision or the conduct has the purpose or effect of unreasonably interfering with an individuals work performance or creating an intimidating, hostile or offensive working environment. If at any time you are being subjected to harassment or discrimination or if you become aware of such conduct being directed at someone else, you should promptly notify your immediate Supervisor or Manger. All complaints will be kept confidential and will be disclosed only as necessary to allow the company investigate or respond to the complaint. MATERNITY LEAVE Employees will be entitled to maternity leave in accordance with the provisions of the Maternity (Protection of Employees) Act, 1981 – 1991 and the Maternity Protection Act, 1994. PARENTAL LEAVE 1998.

All qualifying employees will be entitled to parental leave in accordance with the Parental Leave Act,

RECEPTION EMPLOYEES Welcome to reception department!! It is a pleasure that you take part into this department. In this part of the welcoming book we are going to describe the different procedures that we are carrying at this part of the hotel with the objective of doing all of us everything in the same way. Having this manual is a help to check it when necessary if we find ourselves lost at developing the procedures. As you are coming to a new company and a new teamwork, we will do an activity to introduce you to all your workmates. We will be doing a game the day before you start your shifts. The same day we will do the game all of you will be explained about it! First of all you must know that at reception we do different things: - Reservation controlling -Check in and check out of guests - Communication with the rest of the departments of the hotel. The process to control bookings is the next: - When you receive a booking: you must check which website has it been done on. Once you have founf the booking you will have to go to our reservation platform and save it. You will be asked different details of the booking such as: Surname and Name Kind of room Credit card details

Arrival Date Kind of accomodation Telephone

Departure date Platform Email

Cancellation policy Once you have saved the booking, you have to send the guest an e-mail telling him/she that we have successfully received their booking, that we will be waiting for them and giving them a map in order to find the establishment easier. We will also introduce details such as parking prices to advance them the information in case they want to park their car. - Check in: When a guest arrives to our establishment first of all we welcome him/her. After we will ask how can we help them. They will tell us that they have a booking and then, you must follow these steps: 1. Ask under which name the booking has been done 2. Once you have found it, ask for the identification cards or passports. 3. Scan these documents and give them back to the guest. 4. Read outloud the booking to check that everything is correct before printing the welcoming card and preparing the keys. 5. Prepare the keys and give them to the clients with the welcoming card. Tell them where they have to sign and give them their copy.

6. Explain them the breakfast and meals timetables, where the pool and all the facilities are and also give them the wifi passowrd. 7. Once everything has been explained, tell them how to arrive to their room and wish them the best for their stay. - Check out: Once the guests have ended their stay, they will come to do the check out. The procedures that you will have to follow are the next: 1. Ask them how you can help them 2. Check if they have consumed something of the minibar 3. Prepare them the bill 4. Complete the payment 5. Ask them to give you back the keys 6. In case they want to keep their luggage at the hotel fow few hours, show them the luggage room and mark it with the number of the room they had and their name. 7. Thanks them for having chosen our hotel for their accommodation at the city. 8. Tell housekeeping department that the room has already been left.

All these producedures must be learnt to work at 100% of ourselves as soon as we can. These are the most usual procedures that we develop at reception. You may come across different ones but, someone will be helping and explaining you everything. Even you have this manual, there will be few days in which the Reception chief, who will be explaining you all the procedures and how we do work at the hotel because we want you to be addapted as soon as you can!

HOUSEKEEPING EMPLOYEES Welcome to housekeeping department!! It is a pleasure that you take part into this department. In this part of the welcoming book we are going to describe the different procedures that we are carrying at this part of the hotel with the objective of doing all of us everything in the same way. Having this manual is a help to check it when necessary if we find ourselves lost at developing the procedures. As you are coming to a new company and a new teamwork, we will do an activity to introduce you to all your workmates. We will be doing a game the day before you start your shifts. The same day we will do the game all of you will be explained about it! First of all you must know that at housekeeping we do different things: - Preparation of the cleaning trolley - Cleaning of rooms - Cleaning of main areas

- Preparation of cleaning trolley: To prepare it we have to know how many rooms we have to clean during our shift. We will need shampoo and soap amenities, towels, sheets, pen and papers with the company logotype, and all we will need to clean, products, moops, brooms, vacuum cleaner, cleaning rags, air freshener and glass cleaner. Once we have our trolley ready we can start our work!! - Cleaning rooms: To clean a room we have to differentiate if there it is a check in, a check out or a guest room. There may also be check out and check in rooms. When we are cleaning a room there are steps that we have to follow regardless the kind of room that we are getting into: - Open windows and air the room. - Put cleaning product into the toilet. -Clean the windows and mirrors. - Clean the dust. - Sweep the room. - Make the bed. - Clean the bathroom leaving the toilet to the end. - Replace the amenities. - Air fresh the room. When we are doing a guest room we have to make the bed, depending on the hotel policy, you will change or not the sheets. Our policy is changing them each 3 days. Another aspect of a guest room is that we cannot handle their staff, if they have left their clothes on the bed, we take them off, we make the bed and we put them again on the bed. We do not flod the clothes. When we are doing a check out room we must change the sheets and do a more exhaustive cleaning because someone different will enter in the room. We have to check if the previous guest has forgotten anything in the room, put in the bathroom the amenities and the hygiene seals. Once we have done the cleaning of the check out room, if it is going to be occupied the same day we do not have to review the cleaing, but, if we clean the room and it is not going to be occupied until the next day or more, we will have to give the room a superficial cleaning to control that everything has been done correctly and there is no dust or dirt.

- Cleaning main areas: The main areas of the hotel are kitchen, restaurant, reception, hall etc. All these areas must be cleaned everyday and not just once, they are used to be clean twice or even three times. We have to sweep all the floor, clean the dust and mop the floor. We also have to clean the bathrooms and control that there is soap enough, toilet paper etc.

When you have to clean a determined area such as the restaurant, we have to follow the same steps, sweep, mop and clean the dust. We also may help our colleagues from other departments to prepare the tables for the next services. We also air fresh all the main areas that we clean.

WAYS OF INTEGRATION Employee motivation is critical to maintaining productivity. There are several factors that influence motivation, including payments, career opportunities and positive relationships with coworkers. Business owners and managers also need to understand the role of communication in employee motivation. Facilitating effective communication can help improve employee motivation in several ways. We are going to use different ways of communication such as information distribution, relationships, decision-making and improvement. Information Distribution The company should distribute information that employees consider vital, such as changes in the company's business focus or planned changes in the workforce, unless that information is company confidential. Relationships A workplace operates on the effective relationships built between employees, managers, departments and all levels of the company. Clear and honest communication helps to encourage and strengthen those relationships, which can assist employees in reaching maximum productivity. Maintaining strong workplace relationships helps employees achieve high levels of productivity and supports staff motivation. Decision-Making A company's decision-making process includes active communication throughout the organization. Employees should be allowed as many ways as possible to offer their ideas and opinions, and be part of the decision-making process. Open communication allows employees to be a part of company decision-making and participate in the company's success. Improvement Skill set training programs with managers is the way in which most employees receive their career development assistance. If managers are not monitoring employee performance and developing training programs to improve productivity, then the skill sets of the employees begin to suffer. Communication between the employee and manager, as well as the employee and human resources, is critical in developing training programs that improve the employee's job skills and motivate her to succeed. One example of the information distribution is what we have done with this employee book. All our workers have received one as they have been incorporated to our company and it has essential information such as the holidays, the uniforms....

The relationships is shown at first with the game we do days before the staff incorportation to the shifts. With this we want to make them introducing theirselves and knowing each other at least a bit to start a relation between them. The decission-making highlights at the internal meetings, when the whole staff is together, it can be at the same hotel, or at a dinner if you want an informal meeting, and they participate and offer ideas to improve the bussines. At last, but not least important, we have the improvement. This is shown in the different activities that we are going to propose our staff, such as language courses, new programs courses to be used in the hotel...

INCENTIVES It is a means to stimulate the workers to a determined conduct that, generally, is aimed directly or indirectly to achieve the objectives of more quality, more quantity, less cost and more satisfaction; In this way, incentives can be offered to increase production, as long as quality does not fall, assiduity and punctuality being rewarded, savings in raw materials. The three main types of motivational programs are: - Incentive Payments Programs - Enrichment of the post - Goal administration These are the incentives that we are going to use in our company: - Gift Programs for Employees: A nice way to say “thanks” to your employees anytime is by handing out gift cards and a personal note of gratitude often. Take the time to educate your executive team on the importance of regular recognition of employee achievements by giving them access to group discounts on gift cards and points gift programs. - Support: Oftentimes, employees are trying to grow in their careers, therefore having access to corporate educational support can become a major perk. Offer on-site classes to earn industry certifications. Provide a generous tuition reimbursement program for those who wish to earn college degrees. Make it known that this is part of your overall benefits package and encourage employees to achieve their educational dreams - Celebration and Birthdays: Every employee deserves some special treatment on their birthday. Therefore, have your company send out birthday flowers to recognize their day. Once a month, have a celebration to let your employees know how much you appreciate their hard work and efforts. -Pizza Party: Lunch with colleagues is fun, breaks up the routine and keeps employees in the office. It’s an all-around win for anyone who likes to eat. - Day Off Pass. An extra day off from work always helps, and is even better when employees can pick the day and get paid to boot.

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