Environmental management

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Jessica Enriquez Maria Dolores Martinez Silvia Ontiveros Marta Sevilla


ISO 14001 BASIC ELEMENT................................................3 NEED OF CORRECT ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT...........................................................................4 ANALYSIS OF THE ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT............................................................................6 DIFERENCES BETWEEN EMAS & ISO............................13 OPERATIONAL CONTROL, EMERGENCY PLANS AND REACTION CAPACITY...........................................................14 WASTE MANAGEMENT........................................................15

ISO 14001 BASIC ELEMENT ISO 14001 sets out the criteria for an Environmental Management System (EMS). It can be used by any organization that wants to improve resource efficiency, reduce waste, and drive down costs. Using ISO 14001 can provide assurance to management and employees


ISO 14001 is known as a generic management system standard, meaning that it is relevant to any organization seeking to improve and manage resources more effectively. This includes: - Single-site to large multi-national companies - High-risk companies to low-risk service organizations - Manufacturing, process, and the service industries, including local governments - All industry sectors including public and private sectors - Original equipment manufacturers and their suppliers. Basic principles and methodology: - Plan: establish objectives and processes required - Do: implement the processes - Check: measure and monitor the processes and report results - Act: take action to improve performance of EMS based on results Continual Improvement Process (CI) - Expansion: More and more business areas get covered by the implemented EMS. - Enrichment: More and more activities, products, processes, emissions, resources, etc. get managed by the implemented EMS. - Upgrading: An improvement of the structural and organizational framework of the EMS, as well as an accumulation of know-how in dealing with business-environmental issues.


The environmental management at corporate levels would be a system approach aligned with strategies, actions and managerial activities that aim at eliminating the impacts of business operation and its products or services on the environment. There are large numbers of electronic machines, plastic products, household goods, food items and chemicals that cause major pollution to the environment or dispose toxic and dangerous wastes or even cause major health issues to the humans. By effectively implementing the environmental management system or ISO 14001, these pollution and environmental issues can be eliminated up to a greater extent and can do justice to the occupants of the earth, including humans, animals and all other living beings. It shows that environmental management at business level can obviously help enhance environmental ethics.

Businesses require environmental management as an effective tool for achieving its competitive advantages because customers that they face are increasingly aware of environment and products and services that are environment-friendly. Business with effective environmental management will eventually be socially responsible, ethical and thus to be able to achieve competitive advantages too. It also can be perceived that environmental management is helpful for businesses to create customer loyalty and reputation through satisfying their needs.

NEED OF CORRECT ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT Secondly, environmental management helps maintain healthy communication among the members of the organization, because people or workforce of the business are more likely to like working environment that are goods for their health and work and this in turn motivate them to perform in their works. Thirdly, by implementing effective environmental management system and by conforming its standards to that of ISO 14001, it can be certified as ISO 14001 that gives greater values in international relations.

Waste minimization, energy saving and effective waste disposal are some of the positive aspects of implementing environmental management for businesses. Waste minimization and effective waste disposal can help the business become socially more responsible, especially among the people who live nearby the business. These both result cost saving to the business as well, because, by minimizing wastes and through better disposal methods, the company will be able to cut its costs down. Environmental management encourages energy saving, that not only helps reduce pollution to the nature, but also cut down expenses of the business.


The hotel we are going to base on our EMS is a three star city hotel, located at Granada city center. It has accommodation, restaurant, wifi, common room, parking and room service. We have monitored the consumption of energy, water and the waste creation. And we have arranged few actions that we are going to take: We want to reduce the consumption of different aspects of our hotel. First of all we want to reduce the water consumption, and we will do the following actions:

To reduce the water consumption: - Change towles every 2 days - Ask to close faucets when are not being used - Adjust the water flow according to the type of cleaning to be done - Do not let water flow while cleaning or rinsing - Soak the dirty dishes before placing them in the dishwasher in order to shorten the prewash - Fill dishwashers to their maximum capacity in order to minimise the number of cycles - Do not defrost food in water, but leave it to defrost in the air

ANALYSIS OF THE ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT To minimize the costs of energy we will: - Activate the light consuption with the key - Switch off the tv when you have been more than 2h when there is no interaction - Choose thermostats that allow you to programme maximum and minimum temperatures - Clean and change the air conditioner filters regularly - Switch off the television instead of being in standby - Do not put hot food in the fridge - Do not leave open the cold storage and the fridge - Do not defrost food in microwave - Switch off equipment when it is not required - Switch off equipment when it is not required - Motion light detector at parking and common areas. - Buy only ecollogical (A+++) household appliances.

ANALYSIS OF THE ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT To minimize the costs of wastes we will: - Buy materials that have the least packaging - Buy cask products - Do not discharge oils into sinks or toilets to avoid clogging pipes and disrupting wastewater treatment systems - Switch off equipment when it is not required - Recycle the bottles of the different drinks - Identify the major sources of waste generation in the hotel - Check that the practices of the hotel are in compliance with current legislation





In this chart, we have marked the forescat we want to achieve and we are expending in the costs of energy. We want to reduce our consumption in a 30%until May and, to get this, we have been decreasing our consumption month by month. First months it has been more difficult, but we are completely proud of our company, because at the deadline, May, we have achieved even a percentage of saving higher than we expected. We have explained shown the quantity that we were paying, the costs and the earning we have had the last two months.

DIFERENCES BETWEEN EMAS & ISO EMS (Environmental management system) is put in place by a business wanting to improve their environmental performance. It is one way in which a business can prove their green credentials to their stakeholders, consumers and governments NON-TECHNICAL DIFFERENCES: - The ISO 14001 system was developed by the International Organisation for Standardisation (ISO) whereas EMAS was created by the European Committee for Worldwide Standardisation (CEN). - ISO 14001 allows all businesses and business sites to participate in the certification. But EMAS is only available to specific sites of a business. - Finally, although the ISO 14001 system is globally recognised, EMAS is only recognised in Europe.

TECHNICAL DIFFERENCES: - There are a number of technical differences between EMAS and the ISO 14001 system. The first of which is that EMAS specifically requires that an initial environmental review be conducted before it can be implemented. - EMAS also requires that a verified public statement of the site’s environmental performance is available, including the environmental policy, programme and EMS. This differs from the ISO 14001 system in that only the environmental policy is required to be publicly available. - Under EMAS, the control over contractors and suppliers is much tighter than in ISO 14001. ISO 14001 only requires that procedures be communicated to these people. - A big difference in the systems is the subject of audits. ISO 14001 does require that audits have to be carried out. However, there is no specified frequency, and also the methodology of an audit is not laid out as it is in EMAS.


OPERATIONAL CONTROL, EMERGENCY PLANS AND REACTION CAPACITY To control, check the emergency plans and the capability of answer, we are going to pay attention to the documents of work instructions, the procedures regarding the suppliers, monitoring and control of effluent and waste streams and the performance criteria. The procedures to establish the compliance with programmes, targets or instructions, we have to identify and document verification information and procedures, establish and document the acceptance criteria and assess validity of previuous verification information. Environmental aspect: We are located at Granada city center. This means, that many of our suppliers must come to the hotel, and they will have to use van or trucks to come. This makes us going few steps back with our ecollogical policy.

There also are different factors that we cannot control. For example, we cannot control what the others companies we work with are going to do with our wastes, if they want to threaten us, they are going to do it.This is the reason why we are going to regard different aspects before contracting the company which will manage our wastes: - Contract well known companies. - Ask for some references to other companies that have worked with them. - Make sure that those wastes are going to the recycling centre. To control the execution criteria, we are going to be as much challengins as we can, which will make us as much concerned with our policy as we can.

OPERATIONAL CONTROL, EMERGENCY PLANS AND REACTION CAPACITY The emergency plan involves the procedures to be performed in case of emergency. In our emergency plan, we have environmental problems and usual problems that can occur. The different emergencies that may happen are: -Risk for people -Risk produced by a product -Environmental risk

We have also marked by colours and from slight to serious who danger are them. The gas combustion is the most dangerous,. We can also see different risks such as household appliances which are broken or having the wrong use, which can cause even a fire. We have to be very careful with the cleaning products, they can cause different vapours than are dangerous.

We have divided them in burgeoning, those we are not manipulating the main product that can cause the risk, and use, those we manipulate the product, or we cause, such as fall or slips.

The answer capacity of our hotel is high, because all the staff has received different education for this. In case of emergency, the first step is evaluating the situation and in case we are not able to solve it up, we will call who it concerns.


At a hotel there are many kinds of wastes. We produce: Organic wastes at the kitchen. Batteries, inks and toner cartridges at reception. Glasses are also produced at the kitchen or the bar. Paper is produced at reception, housekeeping... Metal, which is better known as cans, produced at bar or restaurant. Plastics, which can be produced at reception, at kitchen or even the bar. They are also produced at housekeeping department. Oil, produced at kitchen. There also are other wastes, such as e-wates, and light bulbs. These have to be in a determined container.

WASTE MANAGEMENT PROCEDURE These wastes are going to be classified in different containers. The organic wastes have to be in the brown container. Paper is going into the blue container. Plastics and can go into the yellow one. Glasses are in the green container. The Oil, produced at the kitchen, has its own container, the orange one, but, instead of throwing it to its container, we are going to work with a company that makes natural soaps with this oil. Later, we will use these soaps as amenities at our hotel, and we will be recycling our own wastes. Batteries, ink and toner cartridge go into an especific one, and then, once it is full we have to go to and environmental point. It is the same that happens with the screens and the different technological instruments that broke. To control the way we are going to manage the wates treatments, we are going to prepare a schedule to determinate when we have to empty the containers.

Until here, we have determined how often we are going to empty the containers, but, now, we are going to explain who it going to be on charge of these wastes and their management. The paper wastes are going to be managed Jessica Enriquez. The Plastics wastes are going to be managed by Marta Sevilla. The glasses are going to be treated by Silvia Ontiveros The organic e-wastes are going to be managed by Loles Martinez. The oil is being managed by the kitchen manager. The organic wastes are managed by the maitre. All these people, is going to control the whole hotel wastes, not just the department they work at.

WASTE MANAGEMENT PROCEDURE The procedure that they are going to follow is: 1. Check every morning shift that the container is empty. 2. Control the container at the middle of the day those containers that allow it. At kitchen, the organic, plastics and glass will be checked at 18:00, when the shift has already finished. 3. If any container has to be drained, we will have a determined place to locate the wastes until they are taken to the recycling centre. This place will be far from the main areas of the hotel, at the alley street at the back of the hotel. Obviously, before manipulating any waste, the person in charge of it has to follow different safety rules, for example, they must wear gloves.


Check container empty

Check container Along day to empty

Take wastes away If container is full

WEBGRAPHY https://www.ukessays.com/essays/management/importance-of-using-environmental-management-for-businesses-management-essay.php https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Waste_management https://www.ready.gov/business/implementation/emergency http://ec.europa.eu/environment/emas/index_en.htm http://www.rethinkrecycling.com/residents/reduce/top-10-ways-reduce-waste

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