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Nº 4

Jessica Enríquez María Dolores Martínez Silvia Ontiveros Marta Sevilla

INDEX QUALITY DEFINITION...........................................................................................................3 QUALITY OBJECTIVES.........................................................................................................3 PREVIOUS STEPS TO QUALITY SYSTEM IMPLEMENTATION.........................4 COMPANIES ANALYSING THE QUALITY....................................................................7 DIFFERENT QUALITY SYSTEMS......................................................................................8 VALORATION OF QUALITY SYSTEMS......................................................................10 RECEPTION DEPARTMENT PROCESSES..................................................................11 HOUSEKEEPING DEPARTMENT PROCESSES........................................................13 PROCEDURE TOOLS OF RECEPTION AND HOUSEKEEPING.......................16 PROCEDURE TOOLS DOCUMENTS: RECEPTION...............................................17 PROCEDURE TOOLS DOCUMENTS: HOUSEKEEPING.....................................19 PROCEDURE TOOLS DOCUMENTS: COMMON FOR BOTH DEPARTMENTS.......................................................................................................................20 WEBGRAPHY...........................................................................................................................21

QUALITY DEFINITION Quality refers to all those features of a product (or service) which are required by the customer. Perhaps the most useful business definition of quality is "fit for purpose". This definition evolved in quality management circles. It's useful because it's applicable to any process, service or product. However, it can be difficult to measure. It is required for planning and executing business processes and tries to meet customer requirements. It is usually acredited by auditors of companies, and this certification has international value.

QUALITY OBJECTIVES 1- Critically review relevant literature related to quality, quality management and the introduction of TQM culture to organizational contexts. 2- Critically review relevant literature related to hospitality and approaches to the introduction of a TQM culture to 5 star hotel operations. 3- Explore how hotel managers and staff approach quality management in 5-star hotels. 4- Explore the critical success factors relating to the introduction of a TQM culture in 5-star hotel operations. 5- Analyze and compare the TQM approach adopted in 5 star hotels with theoretical perspectives. 6- Review and present an integrated model for introducing a TQM culture within 5 star hotel operations.

Quality objectives of the Rafael hotels: - Exceeding the expectations of our clients, meeting the commitments acquired with them, by means of continuously improving our products and services and increasing the efficacy of our management system. - Promoting the values and principles behind the organisation, improving the personal and professional satisfaction of our company's employees. - Establishing and reviewing the quality objectives of our product and our services on all levels. Meeting the applicable requirements, both internal and external.


PREVIOUS STEPS TO QUALITY SYSTEM IMPLEMENTATION Step 1: Top management commitment Step 2: Establish implementation team Step 3. Start ISO 9000 awareness programs Step 4: Provide Training Step 5. Conduct initial status survey Step 6: Create a documented implementation plan Step 7. Develop quality management system documentation Step 8: Document control Step 9. Implementation Step 10. Internal quality audit Step 11. Management review Step 12. Pre-assessment audit Step 13. Certification and registration Step 14: Continual Improvement

Top Management Commitment IT should demonstrate a commitment and a determination to implement an ISO 9000 quality management system in the organization. Top management must be convinced that registration and certification will enable the organization to demonstrate to its customers a visible commitment to quality. This type of top management commitment may be driven by: - Direct marketplace pressure - Indirect marketplace pressure: - Growth ambitions: - Personal belief in the value of quality Start ISO 9000 awareness programs ISO 9000 awareness programs should be conducted to communicate to the employees the aim of the ISO 9000 quality management system; the advantage it offers to employees, customers and the organization; how it will work; and their roles and responsibilities within the system. Suppliers of materials and components should also participate in these programs.

Establish implementation team The first phase of implementation calls for the commitment of top management - the CEO and perhaps a handful of other key people. The next step is to establish implementation team and appoint a Management Representative (MR) as its coordinator to plan and oversee implementation. Its members should include representatives of all functions of the organization Marketing, Design and development, Planning, Production, Quality control, etc.

Provide Training The ISO 9000 implementation plan should make provision for this training. The training should cover the basic concepts of quality management systems and the standard and their overall impact on the strategic goals of the organization, the changed processes, and the likely work culture implications of the system. In addition, initial training may also be necessary on writing quality manuals, procedures and work instruction; auditing principles; techniques of laboratory management; calibration; testing procedures,

Create a documented implementation plan Once the organization has obtained a clear picture of how its quality management system compares with the ISO 9001:2000 standard, all non-conformances must be addressed with a documented implementation plan. Usually, the plan calls for identifying and describing processes to make the organization’s quality management system fully in compliance with the standard.

Conduct initial status survey The goal of ISO 9000 is to create a quality management system that conforms to the standard. This does not preclude incorporating, adapting, and adding onto quality programs already in place. So the next step in the implementation process is to compare the organization’s existing quality management system, if there is one -- with the requirements of the standard (ISO 9001:2000).

Develop quality management system documentation Documentation is the most common area of non-conformance among organizations wishing to implement ISO 9000 quality management systems. Documentation of the quality management system should include: - Documented statements of a quality policy and quality objectives, - A quality manual, - Documented procedures and records required by the standard ISO 9001:2000, and - Documents needed by the organization to ensure the effective planning, operation and control of its processes.

Document control Once the necessary quality management system documentation has been generated, a documented system must be created to control it. Control is simply a means of managing the creation, approval, distribution, revision, storage, and disposal of the various types of documentation. Document control systems should be as simple and as easy to operate as possible -- sufficient to meet ISO 9001:2000 requirements and that is all.

Implementation It is good practice to implement the quality management system being documented as the documentation is developed, although this may be more effective in larger firms. In smaller companies, the quality management system is often implemented all at once throughout the organization. Where phased implementation takes place, the effectiveness of the system in selected areas can be evaluated.

Internal quality audit As the system is being installed, its effectiveness should be checked by regular internal quality audits. Internal quality audits are conducted to verify that the installed quality management system

Management review When the installed quality management system has been operating for three to six months, an internal audit and management review should be conducted and corrective actions implemented. The management reviews are conducted to ensure the continuing suitability, adequacy and effectiveness of the quality management system. The review should include assessing opportunities for improvement and the need for changes to the quality management system, including the quality policy and quality objectives.

Pre-assessment audit When system deficiencies are no longer visible, it is normally time to apply for certification. However, before doing so, a pre-assessment audit should be arranged with an independent and qualified auditor. Sometimes certification bodies provide this service for a nominal charge. The pre-assessment audit would provide a degree of confidence for formally going ahead with an application for certification.

Certification and registration Once the quality management system has been in operation for a few months and has stabilized, a formal application for certification could be made to a selected certification agency. The certification agency first carries out an audit of the documents Continual Improvement Certification to ISO 9000 should not be an end. You should continually seek to improve the effectiveness and suitability of the quality management system through the use of:

- Quality policy - Quality objectives - Audit results - Analysis of data - Corrective and preventive actions - Management review


DIFFERENT QUALITY SYSTEMS ISO 9000 This is a standard that is referenced in ISO 9001, ISO 9004, AS9100 and many other documents regarding a quality management system.

ISO 9001 The most commonly used set of requirements for designing a QMS, it includes requirements for developing and implementing a quality management system based on improving customer satisfaction.

ISO 9004 This is a standard that can accompany ISO 9001 for implementing a quality management system, but is not necessary to do so. This document is designed to provide guidance to any organization on ways to make their quality management system more successful..

ISO 19011 This is also a standard published by the international organization for standardization, and includes the requirements for auditing a management system. The standard defines all the requirements for an audit program, as well as how to conduct successful audits.

AS 9100 This is a standard that is based on ISO 9001 and has additions designated for use in the Aerospace Industry.

ISO 13485 This is a standard published by the ISO organization for use by companies that want to design a QMS for medical devices and the requirements for regulatory purposes surrounding them.

DIFFERENT QUALITY SYSTEMS ISO/TS 16949 This document includes requirements for the application of ISO 9001 for automotive production and service part organizations. The requirements include all additional QMS requirements agreed by the main automotive manufacturers to accompany ISO 9001.

MBNQA The Malcolm Baldridge National Quality Award recognizes U.S. organizations for performance excellence. The award has a set of requirements against which a company could design and assess a QMS built around the criteria for promoting business excellence. Apart from external assessments to attain the award, there is no ongoing certification against these requirements.

QUALITY FRAMEWORKKS THAT SUPPORT MANAGEMENT Lean The core idea is to maximize value by eliminating waste. The main concept is that anything that adds cost to a product, but not value, is waste and should be controlled or eliminated.

TQM Total Quality Management consists of practices designed to improve the process performance of a company. The techniques help improve efficiency, problem solving and standardization of processes. These techniques are used to aid in quality management, but do not provide a framework for a Quality Management System.

Six Sigma This is a set of tools and techniques used for process improvement by focusing on using the statistical outputs of the process to improve the process. It is used in many organizations to support the QMS by helping to improve processes, but Six Sigma does not define a QMS. The tools of Six Sigma were developed by Motorola in 1986 as a means of improving the quality of processes and their outputs by identifying and eliminating the causes of defects.

VALORATION OF QUALITY SYSTEMS ISO We think that ISO Iis important because they give the company a series of procedures that guaranties the correct working of every department that takes part into the organization. Even there are different ISO, due to the fact that each kind of company has one, they all follow a similar procedure. Some of the advantages are that they distinguish the companies depending on their size and their sector. This is the reason because it can be applied to big and small companies. Procedures and registers are not differentiated among countries or legislation. There is a common language that improves and opens the exportation market fot its products and services. Application prodecures and registers that give ISO's standards allow apply the most daily business techniques.

MBNQA This system gives a huge importance to the attention offered to the client and the satisfaction that this one shows. It has become an standard that is used as a reference to the implantation of a management system based on total quality in the companies. This system is very important because it shows more attention to the guests that ISO does.

Lean We think that this management procedure is important because it is focused on the improvement of the product or service.

TQM: Its strategy is givin the client or guest the best performance, and it also makes the company getting a higher production, which also means a higher profitability. Customer focus and customer satisfaction are higher, which means a higher loyalty. This system makes the clients being more loyal which is the best for the company, because every companies looks for loyal clients.

RECEPTION DEPARTMENT PROCESSES BASIC PROCESSES Creating data base Handling guests accounts Coordinating guest service Trying to sell a service Ensuring guest asatisfaction Handling in-house communication. FRONT – OFFICE OPERATIONS - Interacting with the guests to give them accomodation or information. - Checking availability and choosing for accommodate the guestt. - Collecting detail information while guest registration. - Creating a guest’s account with the FO accounting system. - Issuing accommodation keys to the guest. - Settling guest payment at the time of checkout. - Resolve guests quotes and doubts. BACK – OFFICE OPERATIONS - Determining the type of guest by checking the database. - Ensuring preferences of the guest to give a personal touch to the service. - Maintaining guest’s account with the accounting system. - Preparing the guest’s bill. - Collecting the balance amount of guest bills. - Generating reports.

Reservations: These arrive to the hotel and there is a part of the back office which is focused in getting the bookings into the system in . order not to have mistakes Check in: Welcoming and accomodating the customer, asking them about their trip, if everything is correct and trying to be fast, but not too much, because we do not want them to feel rejected. Check out: Giving the bill and the goodbye to the guest, trying to make him loyal and asking them if they have had a great experience Concierge: He tries to keep everything righ and in perfect working.

RECEPTION DEPARTMENT PROCESSES - Check in: When a guest arrives to our establishment first of all we welcome him/her. After we will ask how can we help them. They will tell us that they have a booking and then, you must follow these steps: 1. Ask under which name the booking has been done 2. Once you have found it, ask for the identification cards or passports. 3. Scan these documents and give them back to the guest. 4. Read outloud the booking to check that everything is correct before printing the welcoming card and preparing the keys. 5. Prepare the keys and give them to the clients with the welcoming card. Tell them where they have to sign and give them their copy. 6. Explain them the breakfast and meals timetables, where the pool and all the facilities are and also give them the wifi passowrd. 7. Once everything has been explained, tell them how to arrive to their room and wish them the best for their stay.

- Check out: Once the guests have ended their stay, they will come to do the check out. The procedures that you will have to follow are the next: 1. Ask them how you can help them 2. Check if they have consumed something of the minibar 3. Prepare them the bill 4. Complete the payment 5. Ask them to give you back the keys . 6. In case they want to keep their luggage at the hotel fow few hours, show them the luggage room and mark it with the number of the room they had and their name. 7. Thanks them for having chosen our hotel for their accommodation at the city. 8. Tell housekeeping department that the room has already been left.

HOUSEKEEPING DEPARTMENT PROCESSES HOUSEKEEPING CONTROL DESK Collect all requests Briefing th staff the routine and preparation Assigning duties Collect work reports from staff Collecting check-out room number Handling key cabine Maintaining vairous records


COORDINATION HOUSEKEEPING WITH OTHER DEPARTMENTS -Front office - Sharing occupancy information that helps to estimate future occupancy, budget, and required number of staff. - Cleaning public areas of hotel premises. - Special attention requirements like VIP guests, corporate or large family groups, or airline crews as occupants. - Collection of soiled uniforms from and provision of ready uniforms to the front-office staff daily.

-Marketing and Sales - Supply of promotional brochures, rate cards, or other items such as pen stand in the guest rooms. - Collection of soiled uniforms from the S&M department and provision of ready uniforms to the S&M staff daily.

- Food and beberage - Forthcoming banquet events and parties. - Pest control in kitchen. - Collection of soiled linen and uniforms from the F&B department and provision of ready linen and uniforms to the F&B staff daily. - Clearance of trays from guest corridors. - Placement of special guest amenities in guest rooms such as VIP amenities or welcome drink.

- Human Resource - Acquisition of new staff for the housekeeping department. - Compensation of housekeeping staff members such as salary, over time, medical treatment, etc. - Motivation for staff performance by appraisal or reward, induction and training program for new staff.

- Accounts Department - The issues related to payments of housekeeping staff. - Collection of soiled uniforms from the Accounts department and provision of ready uniforms to the accounts staff daily.

These are the relation between housekeeping and the different hotel departments. This department does not just clean as a lot of people think even though it is one of its main objectives and duties, having the whole hotel neat and clean.

- Security Department - Safety of hotel property, and keys. - Prevention of fire and thefts in the hotel. - Prevention of any anti-social activities such as any suspicious activities, gambling, or smuggling performed by guests in the guest rooms or hotel premises. - Collection of soiled uniforms from the HRD and provision of ready uniforms to the HRD staff daily.

- Maintenance Department - The repairing and maintenance of broken furniture and fixtures. - The painting of the required area in the hotel. - Repairing pipes and electric points in the guest rooms. - Collection of soiled uniforms from the maintenance staff and provision of ready uniforms to them daily.

All workers of this department have a number of rooms to clean everyday. They also have to clean the common places of the hotel, as the hall, the bar, the restaurant... The rooms must be clean in a concrete time, this is why they are assigned a quantity of rooms, because they are distributed in order the number of people that is working and the number of rooms that have to be ready.


- Preparation of cleaning trolley: To prepare it we have to know how many rooms we have to clean during our shift. We will need shampoo and soap amenities, towels, sheets, pen and papers with the company logotype, and all we will need to clean, products, moops, brooms, vacuum cleaner, cleaning rags, air freshener and glass cleaner.

- Cleaning rooms: To clean a room we have to differentiate if there it is a check in, a check out or a guest room. There may also be check out and check in rooms. When we are cleaning a room there are steps that we have to follow regardless the kind of room that we are getting into: - Open windows and air the room. - Put cleaning product into the toilet. -Clean the windows and mirrors. - Clean the dust. - Sweep the room. - Make the bed. - Clean the bathroom leaving the toilet to the end. - Replace the amenities. - Air fresh the room.

- Cleaning main areas: The main areas of the hotel are kitchen, restaurant, reception, hall etc. All these areas must be cleaned everyday and not just once, they are used to be clean twice or even three times. We have to sweep all the floor, clean the dust and mop the floor. We also have to clean the bathrooms and control that there is soap enough, toilet paper etc.

PROCEDURE TOOLS OF RECEPTION AND HOUSEKEEPING - Reservation form: We want to register the information of the client and the details of the accommodation. We are going to fill the document with these details while they are doing the booking. Those details are: Name, surname,telephone, e-mail, arrival and departure date, kind of accommodation, kind of room, number of people (pax), credit card and its details and price. - Quality survey: This is a survey that we offer to all our guests once they have finished their stay. In this survey we ask our guests if they have found our facilities clean, the information, decoration... - Complaint Sheet: We also have the official document that is used at Junta de Andalucia to user's complaints. We must have our satisfaction guests level over 85%, and it is going to be messured by the satisfaction questionnaires. The improvement plannification is going to be filled in the document that we are going to see in the next pages

- Suggestion Questionnaire: This is always at reception, and you can fill in it in case you think that we can improve something or even if you just want to give us your opinion. -Self-assessment: In this document we are going to evaluate the time spend by some of our workers in their performance of some of the activities. We have a alloted time and we want to know if they are next to get that time. The indicator system we have established are: Check in:7 minutes Check Out: 6 minutes Booking: 4 minutes Cleaning rooms: 15,55 minutes Preparing cleaning trolley: 2,8 minutes Cleaning main areas: 4 min approx. The self-assessment is going to be performed once a month. -Interdepartamental communication: This one makes possible the communication between departments. We know the department which sends it and the one who receives it, waht is needed by the sender and the worker who has send it.


Satisfaction questionnaire

Interdepartamental communication

Suggestion questionnaire



Interdepartamental communication

Working shift


http://business.simplicable.com/business/new/7-definitions-of-quality http://www.rafaelhoteles.com/en/rafael-hoteles/quality/

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