Lomo Lovers Vol.5 Panoramics

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lomo lovers vol . 5


welcome. Lomo lovers has been created by two sisters who have a passion for lomography and want to share what’s out there to fellow lomographers. We are creating monthly “inspiration books”. Different cameras, film, techniques and maybe some specialist features you name it, we just want to share it. We would like to thank everyone who has contributed to this issue, without you the book would be empty! This month it’s panoramics. Ever since I managed to acquire a limited edition horizon kompakt (cream metal casing) I seem to have developed a love hate affair with it, I love it, but sometimes my shots are over exposed (you can’t change the asa, or anything in fact) so what you get is what you get. But yet it constantly surprises me with some fantastic photos that I never thought possible.... and I just love the loooong shots.


who are we?

we are two sisters from Buckinghamshire who have a passion for Lomography and vintage cameras. We both got our first cameras back in December 2010 and since then our collection has grown to over 40 between us. we love slide film and experimenting with different techniques, and we love being constantly surprised with the results that you just don’t get with digital photography. we are always inspired by the analogue community, and want to share this wonderful world with everyone.


name: Nicola Clark

name: Sam Clark

flickr & lomohome name: nicnocnoo

flickr name: sammiepops

day job: Graphic Designer, London

day job: Power Plate studio owner

favourite camera:

favourite camera:

that’s a tough one, but currently have a top 4! LC-W, LC-A+, Holga CFN and my limited ed cream Horizon Kompakt.

Like Nic, it’s hard, but would say my top ones are LC-Wide, Vivitar UWS, Sprocket Rocket or Diana F+.

Favourite film:

Favourite film:

currently Fuji VelviaF 100 or Lomography chrome 100.

Kodak elite chrome 200 or Fuji Velvia.


a guide to techniques throughout the book we may highlight techniques of how the image was created here’s a rough guide to the terms

rats eye: this is where the camera is placed at ground level, it gives a great perspective and depth.

double exposure: one shot taken over the top of another usually using an mx button or finishing a roll, rewinding, then shooting on top.

home made redscale: take some colour film and put it in your camera the wrong way round, so you expose on the back of the film.

long exposure: using the bulb mode “B” you can create motion blurs. cross-processing: xpro for short. processing your film in the wrong chemicals gives your film more impact and saturated high contrast.

sprocket hole: modifying a medium format camera to use 35mm film, means you will have the image bleeding onto the sprocket holes.

coloured flash: get some coloured plastic gels, place one over the flash and experiment with colour.

panoramas: combining multiple shots of one subject to create one long overlapping image.

camera tossing: moving your camera or throw it in the air as you take the shot. giving a camera shake and motion blur.

microclicks: Overlapping, merging many exposures together so that they create a much more striking, fluid and cohesive panorama.

Inspirational lomographer of the month.... name: Daz B. flickr name: Daz B. day job: Web Developer How long have you been into lomography / photography: I’ve been taking photos for about 20 years. I used film during the 1990s, and digital for most of the 2000s. During 2008 I discovered the whole lomo aesthetic and got back into film photography.

What cameras do you own: Far too many to list! All the Lomo Compacts (LC-A, LC-A+, LC-M, LC-Wide); some of the Olympus XAs (XA,XA2); Lomography Supersampler, Fisheye, Sprocket Rocket, Spinner; a Canon EOS300 SLR; various Dianas & Holgas; several Polaroids & Instant Backs; Konica WaiWai; and lots of vintage box cameras picked up from car-boot sales - mostly sitting on the shelves gathering dust!

Favourite film: It has to be Kodak Ektachrome E100VS/Elitechrome EBX. I adore the highly saturated colours when cross-processed. Fuji Velvia 100 comes a close second for the crazy pinks & reds. 6.

favourite picture

title. Arty in the Clouds flickr name. Daz. shot with. Lomography LC-A loaded with. Kodak Ektachrome E100GX technique. splitzer


favourite shooting locations: I like photographing animals - mainly cats, and sometimes cows... So places like the back garden & the local neighbourhood alleys (for cats); and fields (for cows).

Favourite Camera / Film / Accessory Combination: I rarely leave the house without one of my trusty Lomo Compacts. If I’m going out looking for cats, I’ll take an LC-Wide. If not, I’ll have an LC-A or LC-M with me. I’ll probably have a spare slide film with me just in case I run out of film.

a bit about yourself: If you haven’t seen my photos before, or have and it wasn’t obvious - I like cats. I live with three and consider myself a bit of a crazy cat man. I enjoy doing little photography projects - aeroplanes landing, cows, graffiti characters - anything that holds my interest for a bit. I also like biscuits.

where would you like to shoot where you haven’t so far? Those crazy sea-forts off the coast of Kent are at the top of my list.


title. hook : hook flickr name. Daz. shot with. LC-A loaded with. Fuji sensia 100 technique. splitzer


title. Plane - #07 flickr name. Daz. shot with. LC-A loaded with. Agfa Precisa CT100 technique. cross processed


title. TURBO chinscraper flickr name. Daz. shot with. LC-A loaded with. Fuji Velvia 50 technique. cross processed


title. Tongueeee flickr name. Daz. shot with. LC-A loaded with. Ektachrome EJP320T tungsten film technique. cross processed


title. Pixie being cute flickr name. Daz. shot with. LC-A loaded with. Fuji Digital Output Film technique. cross processed


title. Balloons flickr name. Daz. shot with. LC-A loaded with. Agfa Vista technique. cross processed


Your favourites by others:

title. Sea Forts / velvia flickr name. slimmer_jimmer shot with. Pentax MX + Cosina 20mm loaded with. Fuji Velvia 50 technique. cross processed

title. Moon. flickr name. pctrL shot with. LC-A+ loaded with. Kodak E100VS technique. cross processed


panoramic shots of the month

title. Eastbourne Seafront Panorama flickr name. 25ThC shot with. Diana mini loaded with. Kodak Ultra 400 (expired 12/2007) technique. panorama


title. Panoramic Brighton flickr name. AndyWilson shot with. Horizon Kompakt loaded with. Polaroid branded 100 technique. panorama


title. British Museum flickr name. Analog Photos shot with. Horizon loaded with. n/a technique. panorama


title. Les Grands Pins flickr name. Scopict shot with. Lomo Horizon Kompakt loaded with. n/a technique. double exposure


title. Berlin Subway flickr name. hirosama shot with. n/a loaded with. n/a technique. panorama


title. enoshima Mt.Fuji flickr name. kikuzumi shot with. horizon perfeckt loaded with. Lomo X-pro100 technique. cross processed


title. Red Tunnel flickr name. Analog Photos shot with. horizon loaded with. n/a technique. panorama


title. Watt flickr name. rueckenwind shot with. horizon loaded with. velvia 100 technique. panorama


title. Kolor flickr name. revlog shot with. horizon loaded with. revolog kolor film technique. panorama


title. Two Blue Sails flickr name. Fotobes shot with. Sprocket Rocket loaded with. Lomo Color Slide 200 technique. cross process


title. Helen flickr name. hanshendley shot with. sprocket rocket loaded with. kodak E100GX technique. cross processed


title. Starry Cows flickr name. Daz. shot with. sprocket rocket loaded with. fuji sensia 200 technique. cross process


title. Blue Silent Curve flickr name. insipidwhite shot with. Horizon Perfekt loaded with. Fujicolor Proplus II 100 technique. panorama


title. Trees and towers flickr name. nicnocnoo shot with. horizon kompakt loaded with. kodak 400VC technique. double exposure


title. untitled flickr name. psychomonkey shot with. horizon perfekt loaded with. agfa precisa 100CT technique. panorama


title. Ice Cream Pavilion Pier flickr name. sammiepops shot with. sprocket rocket loaded with. Kodak 400VC technique. cross processed


title. lost place flickr name. Karen F.H shot with. sprocket rocket loaded with. Fuji 64T technique. multiple exposure


title. You’re still my stigma flickr name. Dykstran shot with. Sprocket Rocket loaded with. Fuji Reala 100 (expired) technique. multiple exposure


title. Acacia trees flickr name. Russel_Darling shot with. sprocket rocket loaded with. n/a technique. cross process


title. Sprocket / Foden / Helter Skelter flickr name. slimmer_jimmer shot with. Sprocket Rocket loaded with. Lomography 200 xpro technique. cross process


title. boats, rides and stars flickr name. nicnocnoo shot with. Diana F+ loaded with. fuji velvia 100 technique. panorama


title. Lullusfest flickr name. rueckenwind shot with. horizon loaded with. fuji velvia technique. cross processed


title. the beautiful side of life flickr name. quelalter shot with. horizon kompakt loaded with. n/a technique. n/a


title. Out back of Blinman flickr name. JohnBanbury shot with. horizon 202 loaded with. kodak max 400 technique. panorama


title. Scenes From The Pumpkin Patch flickr name. J.Sod shot with. Holga 120 loaded with. Kodak Ektar 100 technique. holgarama


title. The Peak, Hong Kong flickr name. porkchopsandy shot with. horizon loaded with. Fuji provia 400X technique. cross processed


title. \o/ flickr name. benbenbenbenben shot with. horizon kompakt loaded with. fuji provia technique. panorama


title. * flickr name. valentusha shot with. horizon loaded with. n/a technique. n/a


title. Overlooking Paris Panoramic flickr name. For the easily distracted... shot with. Diana mini loaded with. ilford XP2 technique. panorama


title. new york23 flickr name. victorymouth shot with. horizon 202 loaded with. agfa apx 100 technique. panoramic


title. massive gates flickr name. golfpunkgirl shot with. horizon kompakt loaded with. Fuji superia technique. panorama


title. Oia flickr name. saviorjosh shot with. Horizon Kompakt loaded with. Fuji Pro Plus II technique. panorama


title. Castel Sant’Angelo - Rome flickr name. samflux shot with. horizon perfekt loaded with. n/a technique. n/a


title. sunlight through branches II flickr name. Red Kiwi Photography shot with. Holga 120N loaded with. Kodak BW400CN technique. red gel filter taped over lens


title. Tunnel Vision flickr name. Lomo-Cam shot with. Sprocket Rocket loaded with. Fuji Sensia 400 technique. cross processed


title. La Cox de LĂŠo flickr name. Scopit shot with. Horizon Perfekt loaded with. n/a technique. n/a


title. mohn flickr name. rueckenwind shot with. sprocket rocket loaded with. n/a technique. n/a


title. Mirror canal - Florence flickr name. Samflux shot with. Horizon perfekt loaded with. n/a technique. panoramic


title. trendy brooklyn flickr name. nicnocnoo shot with. horizon kompakt loaded with. fomopan 400 technique. n/a


title. Cranes & Suns flickr name. Chiara Francesschelli shot with. horizon loaded with. n/a technique. n/a


title. n/a flickr name. sammiepops shot with. sprocket rocket loaded with. n/a technique. crossed process


title. The blue lagoon flickr name. Regis Garcia shot with. sprocket rocket loaded with. kodak 100 technique. n/a


title. salvador flickr name. thomasw. shot with. holga loaded with. n/a technique. holgarama


title. London - Charing Cross Bridge flickr name. Daz. shot with. sprocket rocket loaded with. fuji astia 100 technique. cross process


title. the floating storie part # I flickr name. rouguerouge shot with. holga loaded with. n/a technique. holgarama


title. Paradiso Dream flickr name. Stephane VENDRAN shot with. holga loaded with. Kodak Portra 160NC Expired technique. holgarama


lomolovers tipster: pinholes

title. Sharing the moment flickr name. kycamlewis shot with. pinhole blender mini 35 one pinhole loaded with. expired ilford XP2 400 exposure: approx 3 sec technique. hand held


she’s a pinhole wizard Ky Lewis is a pinhole wizard! Here’s some tips to creating pinhole magic! I love pinholing, experimenting and making cameras. I use many different types of pinholes ranging from simple fold up cut-outs and film pots to beautiful Ltd. edition Zero cameras and all of those in between. Here are some of the basic things to remember when making pinhole images.

step 1: Choose Your Camera I may have too many cameras and too much choice and often find myself with two or three in my bag because they each give a different result. The Cylindrical Cams, like my homemade ‘cashew nut cam’ and the Pinhole Blender Family created by Chris Peregoy can be used either by exposing as one long negative of multiple blended and exposed shots or as a single shot with a heavy vignette. Wide Angle/Panoramic multi format, The Holga WPC (wide panoramic camera) 120 and Zero 612 (6 x 12 6 x 9 6 x 7 6 x 6 6 x 4) With these it is important to make a note of the mask you are using, it is easy to get carried away and forget. The panoramas are amazing from these. Mid Range, the ones I use include, Pinholga; DianaF+ and Operator; matchboxes, PSharon, modified and homemade and Instants which can include polaroids and instant backs. I could go on as there is never an end to the range of pinholes you can find or make, from the smallest pine nut shell to whole aircraft hangars! 67.

step 2: Theme Try to go out with an existing theme in mind, it’s easy to get distracted as it’ so much fun. Do you want emotive, narrative or subjective, will it be a series of images or a single shot.

step 3: Film and Paper We all have our favourites, I have fave films for different cameras, it depends on the f-stop of the camera, light conditions, what you hope to do, fast film for low light, slow film for building up an image in stages or at least to allow for some visible blur. The slower the film the longer you have to make the image but that also means that you could get camera shake. There are too many varieties of film to describe each but my favourites are expired Velvia 50 or 100 which I love using in the blenders, Kodak T400CN, EBX and Agfa RSXII and Precisa. Experiment, take notes for each shot, not always easy as you get lost in the moment and forget but if you do it will help to refer back to later when processed. Find out the f-stop so that you can get an idea of the timings for 100ASA and then adjust as needed. Remember the latitude of E6 is different and you must factor in reciprocity failure. Cross processing film also makes a big difference to the exposure. I don’t use paper as often as film, mostly because I prefer to make the images and not worry about carrying changing bags with me, if you use paper you will be getting a negative image unless you use the Harman Direct Positive Paper.

step 4: Tripod, cable release and light meter These at some point are all nice to have but you can get by without them. If you have no tripod, learn to hold your breath and steady the cam on a surface. This depends if you love blur or not. I have walked with my DianaF+ while exposing the film to get a sense of motion. A lot of the cameras have an option for cable release which means a reduction in camera shake, also very useful for locking long exposures. A light meter is a bonus but I would say that it is not 68.

title. musings on the foreshore flickr name. kycamlewis shot with. holga wide panoramic 120 one pinhole loaded with. expired exposure. I think it was 9 sec

essential, I have for a long time used gut feeling and that is good to develop. Once you know the pinhole specs then you should be able to determine the length of the exposure in certain light conditions. There are a number of online resources to help with this like http://www. mrpinhole.com and http://www.pinholeresources.com

step 5: Viewpoint The wonderful thing about pinhole is that everything from foreground to background can be in focus, use this to your advantage, unusual angles low to high, get the foreground in. Perspective can be very useful for both drama and deception, get up really close make small things look large, change reality!

Step 6: In Camera Fun, Experimentation Don’t forget to have fun and don’t get bogged down in the technicalities of pinholing. Try doing multiple exposures and panoramas, make your own cameras from waste objects such as containers and tins or better still, if you are feeling adventurous, make them from scratch. Start with a small matchbox which is the perfect size for 35mm film.

Step 7: Processing your images I would suggest if you have a local lab then ask them to not cut your negs. When you are first making the images you have no idea if they are overlapping and cutting through your best image would be rather upsetting, mind you this happens even when you have been doing them for a while, best to cut your own negs!

> 70.

title. pinholga flickr name. kycamlewis shot with. holga loaded with. Expired Kodak TN400CN exposure. pinholgarama using microclicks method, each exposure was only a couple of seconds as the snow was fairly bright


title. St. Martins in the field flickr name. kycamlewis shot with.Diana + hand held pinhole loaded with. expired fuji RVP exposure. approx 2 secs


title. Pont Du Gard flickr name. kycamlewis shot with. holga WPC 120 loaded with. expired kodak T400CN exposure. approx 3 secs


title. pier bait flickr name. kenickie56 shot with. lc-a+ loaded with. fuji velvia 100 technique. double exposure


lomo lovers vol.. 6 new camera, technique or film

we will be taking a month off over the festive season, but not to worry we are already planning vol. 6 and will be back on the 1st feb 2012! it’s the new year so this time we are looking for your best NEW CAMERA, TECHNIQUE or FILM shots!! got your first shots back from a new camera? tried a new film or technique for the first time and want to show them off? if so you have two months to experiment and visit our lomolovers flickr group to start posting! special effects/techniques welcome. we are also looking for tipsters, and one special person to be our inspirational lomographer of the month! deadline for entries is Sat 21st January so I can start editing! contact me at nicnocnoo@hotmail.co.uk or follow us @lomoloversuk on twitter for more information

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