...so you can express yourself, indulge and
have fun.�
London Dewey | Summer 2012 | Computer Drawing
Essie has been America’s nail salon expert since 1981. They are a subsidiary or the L’Oreal cosmetics company. They offer 266 different nail colors as well as limited seasonal lines.
“bold” “quirky” “fun” America’s nail salon expert. Since 1981
Project Proposal Create a photorealistic vector illustration for use in large media, such as a billboard. Create an infinitely scalable illustration.
Final Illustration After
Final Application
Final Application cont...
Thank you Illustration Reference Image London Dewey Essie Bottles http://3.bp.blogspot.com/--CPGQXb3T8Q/TzpkRo6xXlI/AAAAAAAAApk/ CLcxjk8kie0/s1600/Essie_Spring_collection.jpg Bus Stop Advertisement Space Hemera Item number 101204615 thinkstock.com Blank Billboard Zoonar Item number 126539523 thinkstock.com http://www.moat.com/search/results?q=essie