2010 Annual Report for the Longview Chamber of Commrece

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2010 Annual Report

Leading Businesses. Leading Communities.™

STRENGTHEN PROMOTE PROVIDE REPRESENT BUILD 2011 Chairman, P. Anne Hugman and 2010 Chairman, Jim Kendrick



To be recognized as an effective resource, providing relevant, innovative, and impactful programming that ensures a healthy business climate and an enhanced quality of life for Longview and Gregg County.

Our Mission

To engage in and promote projects with a positive economic impact on the Longview Trade Area.

Our Core Values and Guiding Principles

Strengthen the Local Economy Promote the Community Provide Networking Opportunities Represent the Interests of Business with Government Build Community Leadership and Development Programs

Our Brand Promise

Longview offers an authentic East Texas experience for visitors, residents, and business. The people are friendly, possess a can-do attitude, and are hard working. Our healthy economic environment attracts businesses: job opportunities, strong/affordable workforce, retail, dining and manufacturing.

Real East Texas

You’ll Find it Right Here!

Dear Chamber Member, As the 2010 chairman, I’m very proud to say that YOUR Chamber is moving in the RIGHT direction! The Longview Cham­ber of Commerce members and staff can take great pride in the strides made to fulfill its mission to be “the voice for business” in the Longview community. On September 30th the board hosted its annual board retreat, during which we look at where we’ve been and build on our successes to move our organization forward. A few of the 2010 hallmarks include the launch of Chamber Choice – a small business healthcare plan with UnitedHealthcare; changing the name of the organization back to the Longview Chamber of Commerce; and bringing closure to the Market Street Strategies report. As you may remember, in 2009 our organization partnered with LEDCO to hire Market Street Strategies to make a holistic review of our organizations. In light of the challenging economic times, our board felt it was necessary to review our organization to ensure we were staying abreast of best practices within the chamber and economic development industry in order to move our community forward. Outcomes from this study included: • Provide stronger entrepreneurial-based programming (to date we have hosted 16 business development programs with 677 participants). • Clarify who we are … the board voted to change the name back to the Longview Chamber of Commerce after 78% of our members requested the name change during a recent survey. • Work more closely with LEDCO to bring jobs to Longview. Recently, LEDCO staff and two (2) of their board members participated in the Chamber’s board retreat in order to build a stronger collaborative effort. Without question, 2010 has been an eventful year. The future belongs to the courageous and your Chamber board and staff will continue to take great strides to­ward becoming an even better organization and resource for the community. Looking ahead, the Chamber will need to continue to work on advocating on behalf of our members while building relevant and impactful programs and services to help our members grow and prosper! It has truly been an honor to serve as your 2010 Chairman. I thank you for that opportunity!

Jim Kendrick

CEO, Longview Regional Medical Center

What does the Chamber Do? Strengthen

the local economy by researching and providing available resources to grow our local businesses.


the community by marketing Longview as a destination for new businesses, tourists, active older adults, and potential employees.


networking opportunities by organizing and hosting a myriad of seminars, events, etc. for our chamber members.


the interests of business with government by building relationships with governmental agencies and effectively voicing the needs of area businesses.


community-wide leadership by encouraging and developing a shared vision for the future of Longview and collectively influencing stakeholders to make it happen.

Celebrating Our Legacy Providing Leadership for Tomorrow The year 2010 marks five years of accomplishments through the efforts of a sharply focused staff and a dedicated and talented group of volunteer leaders. Highlights of the past half decade include:

Improved Communications and Access to Information Engaging members through the Chamber’s websites and social media platform continues to allow the Chamber to stay on the cutting edge of communications. By the use of electronic newsletters, social media sites, LongviewVotes.com, MyChamberApp, and new mobile messaging devices, the Chamber serves as the example of using electronic means, in addition to the printed word, to keep its membership informed, educated, and in the forefront of important issues and events that affect the business world on a daily basis. The Chamber Buzz and the Longview Progress Report continue to provide members and the “Being involved in the selection process of Kelly Hall as the president of the Longview Chamber was the high point of my chairmanship.” — Dr. Bill Holda, 2005 Chairman of the Board

community with important information on a weekly and bi-monthly basis respectively.

Increased Awareness and Understanding The community-wide branding initiative has provided Longview with an understanding of who we are, what we value, what we offer to others and how to promote the uniqueness of Longview. From our Urban Main Street designation to the national recognition and official seal of “Retirement Certification,” Longview truly is “Real East Texas Living” – a great place to live, work, play and retire. Literally award winning, Longview’s downtown has been recognized as both a 2010 National Main Street City for achievement of excellence and by the National Trust for Historic Preservation.

Influence and Access at a New High The Longview Chamber provides the avenue to access local and national leadership through its State of the City Address, Elected Officials Reception, and Gregg County Days in Austin. The Chamber played a significant role in the 2007 bond election and its volunteers continue to contribute vision and focus in all areas regarding the quality of life in this region. Transportation priorities, healthcare, tort reform, legislative advocacy, and employment relations are just a few of the issues your Chamber works on to represent your interests.

Business Education Boosts Bottom Lines Kicked off in 2005, the Business Education Series has provided more than 1,000 business people with valuable insight, education, and tools of the trade to help them increase productivity and profits. Expanded to include Behind the Scenes retail assessment, customer service seminars, marketing and advertising events, and the Longview Convention and Visitors’ Hospitality Training Program, the Chamber continues to provide local businesses with topical, relevant information that aids their day-to-day operations. “Most memorable for me was the recognition by all parties that Longview needed an identity or a brand. We began the branding process during my year and completed it during Suzanne’s year as Chairman. …I believe we ended up with something to be proud of that accurately reflects Longview. We also built and developed relationships and increased our communication with the City of Longview and Gregg County. All of these areas remain vital today.” — Lester Lucy, 2006 Chairman of the Board

“In 2007, we adopted a brand, ‘Real East Texas Living’, we could identify with, and have seen it implemented by entities all over town. Another highlight was being recertified as an Urban Main Street City. The benefits of that designation can now be seen all along Tyler Street, as well as some of Fredonia Street.” — Suzanne Cook, 2007 Chairman of the Board

Community Pride and Beautification Efforts Beginning in 2006 and continuing today, the Longview Chamber has been a strong advocate for Keeping Longview Beautiful. As recently as 2008, the Chamber was a strong partner in supporting the request and receipt of the One Hundred Acres of Heritage Main Street $40,000 Façade Improvement Grant Program. Maintaining the character and beauty of Longview remains a high priority for the Longview Chamber.

Leadership Identification and Development 2007 marked the institution of the Chamber’s Candidate Academy program, developed for the express purpose of teaching local citizens the nuances of running a political campaign. Encouraging political leadership

“The single most memorable accomplishment during my year was the launch of Longview’s ‘Sensible Solution’. It is a program that we all hope will pay dividends for our members and for the chamber for years to come.” — Jimmy Howell, 2008 Chairman of the Board

and responsibility at the grass roots level exhibits the Chamber’s commitment to finding and supporting great leaders for this great community. In addition, the Chamber’s support of Leadership Longview (now in its 28th year) and its Alumni Group has been an important part of nurturing and empowering community leaders in the area. This year, Leadership Longview completed a community park in memory of District Judge Bill Jennings at SeeSaw Place. The Alumni Group hosted three alumni events in 2010.

lot and resurfaced it to provide better parking for the building’s tenants and visitors. Roof and flashing repair, new R30 insulation, installation of new ceiling tiles, the sealing of windows, and repair of termite damage has secured the building and helped to keep it in good repair. Cosmetically, new paint, carpet, and redesign work has made the interior of the building more pleasing to the eye. Installation of a high tech media system for quality presentation in the board room has increased its value to staff and members. The replacement of some HVAC units keep the environment comfortable as well as healthy. “My response to, ‘What are you most proud of regarding the year you were the Chairman of the Board for the Longview Chamber of Commerce?’ is: ‘Being able to offer our membership the healthcare product through United Healthcare, and being able to maintain a stable membership base through tough economic times.’” — Jim Kendrick, 2010 Chairman of the Board


Facility Improvements – Responsible Asset Management and Accountability Taking care of the Chamber’s physical asset, its building, is an important part of stewardship of its members’ investment. In the past five years, the Chamber has corrected drainage problems that affected the parking “2009 was an outstanding year in many areas, but the one thing that really sticks out was the highly successful membership drive we had. It resulted in 287 additional business members choosing to join our Chamber. This makes our role as the business community’s principal advocate even more important and relevant!” — David McWhorter, 2009 Chairman of the Board

Key Indicators of Strategic Advancements

A road map for the next three to five years was developed by current and past board members, focus groups, interviews, and using the results of feedback from the Vision 2010 and 2015 community surveys. Every aspect of the Chamber was examined and key performance standards, as well as benchmark measurements, were developed. This solid foundation provides the Chamber with the pathway for guiding the organization, our strategic partners, and future leaders toward the continued success of Longview as a great destination, home, or place of business.

2010 Benchmarks of Success • Recertification of Main Street to renew and revitalize downtown Longview. • Unparalleled participation in Business Services Seminars, assisting over 800 individuals. • Launched ChamberChoice, a healthcare plan for small businesses.

• Provided innovative communication and marketing tools using the latest technological offerings, including RSS feed to the website, MyChamberApp and extensive use of social media to help message about the Chamber and connect members to each other. • Extensively surveyed members to ascertain their priorities for public policy advocacy efforts. • Readopted the name Longview Chamber of Commerce to better reflect our focus on business success and in response to members’ desires.

“The size of your success is measured by the strength of your desire; the size of your dream; and how you handle disappointments along the way.” – Robert Kiyosaki KEY STRATEGIC ISSUES UPDATE As identified in the Business Plan for 2010, these issues provided general direction for the Chamber for the next three to five years and addressed every major area of the Chamber’s mission and core value statements and business environment. Progress has been significant in the past year. As a reminder, the three Key Strategic Issues were deemed to be: • Retirement Development • Advocacy • Redevelopment

2010 PROGRESS REPORT ON KEY STRATEGIC ISSUES Retirement Development The Chamber’s collaborative efforts helped move retiree development forward: • The Longview Chamber worked closely with the City of Longview and the Longview Economic Development Corporation in a joint effort to recruit developers to the area.

• The Chamber played a significant role in the interviewing process and subsequent engagement of SEC, the consulting company that specializes in comprehensive plans for building retirement communities. • The Chamber provided countless retirement information packages to potential new residents, providing fulfillment services for the City of Longview in response to inquiries placed through their website.

Advocacy The Chamber’s advocacy efforts and policy position stands resulted in: • The Chamber’s President now serves on the US Chamber’s Transportation, Logistics and Infrastructure Committee, ensuring the voice of East Texas is heard in national planning meetings. Specifically, Ms. Hall spoke in October to the Committee regarding the need for “higher speed rail” for rural America and more specifically, the Ark-La-Tex area. • The East Texas Corridor Council now has the Chamber’s president as an active member as it considers issues related to rail in our region. • LongviewVotes.com website has been enhanced to allow for broader dissemination of surveys, messaging, and information regarding current legislation at the state and national level. • Multiple participants from the Chamber staff and membership attended the US Chamber Regional Governmental Conference. • The Chamber was represented by staff and volunteers in the Texas Association of Business’s Chamber Partner Conference in preparation for the upcoming legislative session. • Over 150 people attended the Healthcare Reform Seminars hosted by the Chamber. • The Chamber co-hosted with the Texas Association of Environmental Quality to provide information on our region’s emerging environmental concerns. • The Chamber had a presence at the Texas Association of Business Annual Conference, with the president serving on the TAB Board of Directors and the Strategic Planning Committee for Advocacy. • Exploration of forming a General Purpose Committee (PAC) continues. • The Longview Chamber hosted the Transportation Luncheon with featured speaker Janet Kavinosky of the US Chamber of Commerce. • The Chamber hosted approximately 100 participants in the Elected Official Reception. • Chamber members provided important feedback to elected officials in eight advocacy related surveys, resulting in direct correspondence with Senator John Cornyn’s office.

– A Technology Privacy Policy and Terms of Use Guidelines – An Organizational Communication and Marketing Plan – A Crisis Plan

Financial Policies and Procedures Before

• The Chamber conducted an extensive membership survey, the results of which were used in the Planning Conference for 2011. • The Chamber realigned staff to better reflect its priorities and accomplish increased efficiency. The Chamber now has the following team members (filled by existing staff): – Membership and Public Affairs Director – Chief Operating Officer – Membership Services Clerk



Redevelopment The Chamber leads efforts to help businesses in the central business district: • Longview’s Main Street administered $40,000 in façade grants to improve local merchants’ storefronts on N. Fredonia, Center, and E. Tyler Streets. • Increased Downtown Market vendors from 7 to 29. • Increased art vendors at AlleyFest from 102 to 108. • Increased Christmas Parade entries from 98 to 102.

• The Chamber added 116 new members during 2010, held 47 ribbon-cuttings, and hosted Quarterly Membership Luncheons with hundreds of attendees. • Sensible Solutions, the non-subscriber occupational health plan, has grown to 17 other chambers selling our branded program. • The organization secured contracts for operations of the CVB and Community Development, and a HUD grant with the City to administer CDBG façade grants. W E G I V E PA RT N E R S H I P MEMBERS 107 PERCENT 100 PERCENT EFFORT 7 PERCENT DISCOUNT

The Longview Partnership is working with UnitedHealthcare to connect small businesses with the benefits their employees deserve. As a Partnership member, you’ll receive significant discounts on high quality health coverage. When you purchase a UnitedHealthcare small business medical plan, you’ll get an exclusive savings of 7%. You and your employees will get robust coverage – including access to a broad nationwide network of more than 595,000 doctors and specialists, as well as tools that help you both get the most out of your coverage.


Take your Partnership benefits to the next level

The Board of Directors and membership identified a variety of goals for streamlining and re-appropriation of resources within the organization itself during the 2010 fiscal year. The following are the indices of success in this area: • The Longview Chamber began the process to obtain US Chamber Accreditation, a prestigious and sought after designation similar to ISO certification. • The Chamber developed a variety of policies during 2010, including: – A Technology Plan

you select the plan that’s right for your business,

with our Packaged Savings® program. Include specialty benefits like Life, Vision, Dental – and include bigger savings. For a list of participating agents that will help call Kelly Hall or Leska Parker at (903) 237-4000.

Specialty benefits and programs may not be available in all states or for all group sizes. Components subject to change. © 2009 United HealthCare Services, Inc. Insurance coverage provided by or through UnitedHealthcare Insurance Company or its affiliates. Administrative services provided by UnitedHealthcare Insurance Company, United HealthCare Services, Inc. or their affiliates. Health Plan coverage provided by or through UnitedHealthcare of Texas, Inc.

• Events continue to grow and be successful for the Chamber. From the Par Busters Gold Tournament to the East Texas Boat, RV and Camping EXPO, these events shine a strong and favorable light on Longview and are reasons to celebrate.

Convention & Visitors Bureau Accomplishments • Increased registration and participation for the Real East Texas Friendly Hospitality Training Program by 60% (41 registered in May 2010, 69 registered in September 2010). • Placed advertisements in eight annual publications and 16 monthly/quarterly publications. • Developed “10 Reasons to Visit Longview”, Texas collateral material for trade shows and tourism promotion. • Developed “Come Spice it Up in Longview” packets for promotion of tourism. • Created new I-20 billboards for traffic to and from Dallas/Shreveport areas. • Renewed presence at trade shows and travel expos, including the Texas Agriculture Expo and the State Fair of Texas. • Implemented new monthly email marketing campaign with Exact Target. • Designed and implemented Bibisi Mobile messaging program for travel information delivered to cell phones or handheld devices. • Expanded on-line promotions through partnership and click-through banner ads on Texas Highways, Texas Monthly, AAA publications, and other travel information resource websites. • Worked cooperatively and in support of the City of Longview’s campaign to the retirement age market. • Assisted Longview Main Street with increased promotion of Downtown Longview and the new shops and eating establishments.

• Implemented an initiative to promote the Arts in Longview by highlighting already existing visual and performance art. Bringing existing efforts in the visual arts to a greater exposure has resulted in expansion of venues. • Continued services to all visitors and meeting delegates and attendees. • Revised and updated Longview’s promotional video and expanded the use of video on YouTube and on CVB and Chamber websites. • Began advertising with Texas Country Reporter TV show with commercials airing a minimum of 12-15 times over a six-month period. • Mailing of 30,436 visitor brochures via individual request. • Provided services to over 62+ groups, including 5,975 welcome bags. • Distributed visitor brochures to other chambers and travel centers: – AlleyFest rack cards 3,025 – Downtown brochures 5,450 – Balloon Race rack cards 2,560 – Historic Oil Field 90 – Visitors Guide 12,815 – NETTC map 2,250 – NETTC festival guide 1,950 – Party in the Pines card 2,750 – Visitors map 315

Expenses by Activities Total Expenses: $716,295

Admin., Prof. & Legal, • General Accounting/Audit, Capital

Revenue by Source Total Revenue: $1,540,055

Members by Business Size

(under 25 employees): 77% • Micro (26-99 employees): 14% • Small • Large (over 100 employees): 9%

$610,600 • Contracts: Program Generated • (non-dues): $525,200 Investments: $360,000 • Member Other: $44,255 •

Expenditures: 45% General Operating Expenses, Building Maintenance: 12% Promoting Longview: 11% Business Development: 2% Advocacy: 1% Leadership Development: 3% Membership Services: 5% Community Development: 4% Festivals & Events: 17%

• • • • • • • •


Accomplishment Highlights

To receive a complimentary copy of the






2011 edition of Uniquely Longview

Launched Branding Campaign

Recertified as a Main Street Community

Launched downtown façade grant program

Sensible Solutions: Non-subscriber Insurance

ChamberChoice United Healthcare

please contact the Longview Chamber

Completed $150,000 in building improvements

Real East Texas Brand Comes Alive

Formed Leadership Alumni

Membership Drive: 287 new members

Partnered and completed organizational review with LEDCO

Developed sales plan to attract small meeting planners to bring conferences to Longview

Facilitated groups that organized the successful City Bond election

Supported the City of Longview’s bid to become a Certified Retirement Community

Launched and hosted Hospitality Series

Launched MyChamberApp to promote Chamber members

Formed alliance with Keep Longview Beautiful and City of Longview to provide staff support

Hosted 1st Candidates Academy

Completed $75,000 in draining and parking repairs

Partnered with City of Longview to develop Way Finding Signage Program

Launched new Mobile Messaging Service to promote Longview

or the Membership Directory,

of Commerce at 903-237-4000 or visit our office at 410 N. Center Street.

A History of Excellence in Marketing and Communications American Chamber of Commerce Executives – Honorable Mention for Branding Campaign 2010 Texas Festivals & Events Assoc. – 1st Place Marketing Award for Best Event Invitation 2010 Texas Festivals & Events Assoc. – 1st Place Marketing Award for Best Event Program 2010 Texas Festivals & Events Assoc. – 1st Place Marketing Award for Best TV Promotion 2010 Texas Chamber of Commerce Executives – 1st Place Marketing Award 2010 Texas Chamber of Commerce Executives – 2nd Place Marketing Award 2009 Texas Chamber of Commerce Executives – 2nd Place Newsletter Award 2009 Texas Chamber of Commerce Executives – 1st Place Website Award 2008 Texas Chamber of Commerce Executives – 1st Place Newsletter Award 2008 Texas Chamber of Commerce Executives – 2nd Place Marketing Award 2008 Texas Association of Convention & Visitors Bureau – 2nd Place Advertising Campaign 2007 Texas Chamber of Commerce Executives – 1st Place Marketing Campaign Award – Branding 2007 Texas Chamber of Commerce Executives – 1st Place Communications Award – Advocacy Brochure 2007 Texas Chamber of Commerce Executives – 1st Place Marketing Brochure Award – Uniquely Longview 2007 Texas Chamber of Commerce Executives – 3rd Place Marketing Award – AlleyFest 2007 Texas Chamber of Commerce Executives – 3rd Place Communications Award – Newsletter 2007 Texas Festivals & Events Assoc. – 1st Place Best T-Shirt Design 2007 Texas Festivals & Events Assoc. – 1st Place Marketing Award – Best Newspaper Insert/Supplement 2006

Membership Directory Executive Summary Chamber of Commerce Officers, Directors and Staff Organizational Guidelines and Objectives Strategic Business Development Plan Member Listings



Anne Hugman

Keith Honey

Hugman Architecture & Construction, Inc.

AEP Southwestern Electric Power Company

Jim Kendrick

Darrell Rachels

Chairman of the Board

Immediate Past Chairman of the Board Longview Regional Medical Center

Divisional Chair

Divisional Chair

Eastman Chemical Company

Dr. Dale Lunsford

David McWhorter

LeTourneau University

Gans & Smith Insurance Agency

Shane Best

Kelly Hall

Texas Bank and Trust

Longview Chamber of Commerce

Chairman Elect of the Board

Chairman of Finance

Divisional Chair


directors Richard Andrews

John Cox

Dianne Swank


Wellness Pointe

Jon Ray

Tim Vaughn

Good Shepherd Medical Center

Lively Cadillac GMC

TVaughn Properties, LLC

Cathy Cace

Dave Spurrier

Cace’s Seafood and Steak House

Wells Fargo Advisors, LLC


Ed Banos Director







appointed directors Shelby Snell

Judge Bill Stoudt

Mayor Jay Dean

Oleum Operating Co, LC

Gregg County

City of Longview

Kelly Hall

Lisa Null

903-237-4004 president@longviewtx.com

903.237.4013 membership@longviewtx.com

Paul Anderson

Margie Harris

Appointed Director

Appointed Director

staff President

Senior Vice President 903-753-3281 lcvb@longviewtx.com

Leska Parker

Chief Operating Officer 903-237-4010 bmanager@longviewtx.com

Membership Services Clerk

Tourism Services Coordinator

903-753-3281 info@longviewtx.com

Amy Tatum

Membership & Public Affairs Director 903-237-4029 community@longviewtx.com

Mary Whitton

Elena Guilbeau

903-237-4003 programs@longviewtx.com

903-753-3281 meetings@longviewtx.com

Elaine Reynolds

Carrie Fisher

Program Coordinator

Vice President Downtown Development 903-237-4040 downtown@longviewtx.com

Mitzi Barnes

Special Projects Coordinator 903-237-4021 projects@longviewtx.com

Convention Sales Manager

Director of First Impressions 903-237-4000 info1@longviewtx.com

Appointed Director

The Chamber Twitters and Other Social Networking

The Chamber of Commerce continues to embrace technology to remain relevant to chamber members, community leaders, and volunteers. In addition to regularly updating the website, the Chamber is also engaged in the social media networking sites Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter and YouTube.

Staying Connected

LinkedIn The Longview Chamber of Commerce 100 Acres of Heritage Main Street

Facebook Fan Pages Longview Chamber of Commerce Main Street Convention & Visitors Bureau

Twitter www.twitter.com/LongviewChamber www.twitter.com/longviewtexas


YouTube www.youtube.com/LongviewChamber

WORD PRESS www.businessinlongview.com

410 N. Center St. • Longview, TX 75601 • 903-237-4000 • Fax 903-237-4049 www.longviewchamber.com

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