Longview Progress Report V8.N1. Jan-Feb

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progress LONGVIEW

LEADING LONGVIEW People. Places. Prosperity



Possibilities in 2014

January / February 2014 Vol. 8 No. 1

FASTer. The 30-MinuTeS-or-LeSS e.r. Service PLedge.

Emergency medicine is about three things: compassion, skilled care and speed. You’ll find these at Longview Regional Medical Center. The experienced E.R. physicians and the entire team are committed to working diligently to have you initially seen by a clinical professional* within 30 minutes of your arrival. If you need an E.R. fast, try our fast E.R. Once you do, you won’t want to go anywhere else. Visit us online at LongviewRegional.com to view our average E.R. wait time.

*Clinical professional is defined as a physician, physician assistant or nurse practitioner. If you are experiencing a medical emergency, call 911.

Leading Longview


People. Place. Prosperity.

hat is Your 2014 New Year’s Resolution?

Last month at the Emerging Leaders Luncheon, Dr. Dale Lunsford discussed his thoughts on leadership. He pointed out leaders are not born. Each of us makes the decision on how we will live our lives and at some point we choose to become a leader. This statement resonated with me. As business and community leaders we have Kelly Hall President/CEO, Longview Chamber of Commerce a choice. We can be complacent, we can look for the negative, or we can make a difference by investing our time, skills, and talents into helping shape Longview into the community we want it to be. Moving communities forward requires leaders to emerge and lead by example. I’m blessed to have a team who believes in making a difference. They have chosen to invest themselves by giving back to the community by volunteering for: • Junior Achievement • Rotary • Zonta • United Way • Great Texas Balloon Race • City of Longview’s Fourth of July Celebration • Gregg County Historical Commission • Arts View Children’s Theatre • Christmas At the Courthouse • Forever Friends • Adopt A School • National Society of Hispanic MBA’s • Howl-o-ween Dog Park • Longview Mural Project • Family Bridge Coalition • Longview Hospitality and Tourism Association

What’s Inside President’s Message....................................................3 Value of Volunteering...................................................4 What’s It All About? Outdoor EXPO ..............................5 Amplify the Voice of Business.......................................6 Leadership Longview Experiences Longview...................7 Ribbon Cuttings...........................................................8 Anniversaries and New Members...................................9 On Target - Tammy Gibbons, Spring Hill State Bank......10 Cover Story - Unmask the Possibilities ........................11 YEA! For Entrepreneurship.........................................12 Shop Small - A Good Idea Everyday.............................13 Business Briefs..........................................................13 Ireland Retrospective.................................................14 Italy Preview ............................................................14 Calendar...................................................................15 Longview Progress Report is published bi-monthly by:

410 North Center Street / Longview, Texas 75601 903-237-4000 / www.LongviewChamber.com The Business View Blog www.BusinessInLongview.com www.facebook.com/LongviewChamber @LongviewChamber

Our team also serves at the state and national level and on numerous boards and committees to represent Longview. They include: • Texas Chamber of Commerce Executive Board • Texas Association of Business Board of Directors • American Chamber of Commerce Executive Board • American Chamber of Commerce Strategic Planning Committee • U S Chamber of Commerce Committee of 100 • U S Chamber of Commerce Transportation & Infrastructure Committee • Texas Association of Convention & Visitor Bureau’s Governmental Affairs Team • Texas Hotel & Lodging Association • North East Texas Tourism Association

The Chamber staff believes it is our responsibility to choose how we invest back into our community, state, and nation. We want our actions to be purposeful in the areas we believe are important. As leaders it is important to understand our values and know how to leverage them in order to be a significant contributor and an effective leader. Our New Year’s resolution is to continue to seek opportunities in our personal and professional lives where we can have a positive and meaningful impact. What will your New Year’s Resolution be? www.LongviewChamber.com

Longview Chamber of Commerce Team Back Row Left to Right: Mary Whitton, Kayla Cantey, Kelly Hall, Margie Harris Front Row Left to Right: Lisa Null, Chelle Brown, Diana Northcutt, Carrie Fisher, Melissa Saunders, Leska Parker, Elaine Reynolds, Paul Anderson

January - February 2014 | Longview Progress Report


Leading Longview People. Place. Prosperity.


hat is a volunteer? What is the value of volunteering? Volunteering is about giving, contributing, and helping other individuals and the community at large. It is working with others to make a meaningful contribution to a better community. People volunteer for an endless variety of reasons. Many people want to gain experience, acquire new skills, meet new people, or expand their network of contacts as a way to get a new job or start a career. Others just want to give back to their

“Not everything that counts can be counted. And not everything that can be counted, counts.”

- Albert Einstein

Perhaps the first and biggest benefit people get from volunteering is the satisfaction of incorporating service into their lives and making a difference in their community and in their careers. The intangible benefits alone—such as pride, satisfaction, and accomplishment—are worthwhile reasons to serve. In addition, when we share our time and talents we: • Make new connections and friends • Strengthen personal and professional relationships

Value of Volunteering community, to help a friend or promote a worthwhile activity. They do it because it makes them feel good. It gives them a “private smile.” Volunteering is rich and diverse. Volunteering is not just about organizing hundreds of volunteers for large events like the East Texas Outdoor Expo, Business EXPO, AlleyFest, or the Great Texas Balloon Race of which Longview is justly proud. Volunteering can be helping on a small but vital project providing a skill others may not have.


Longview Progress Report | January - February 2014

• Strengthen the community and solve challenges • Improve and transform life for ourselves and others Volunteering is spontaneous acts of kindness like helping a neighbor rake their leaves, coming to the aid of a stranded motorist or helping an elderly person cross a busy street. These large and small acts, given freely, are what bind our community together. Volunteering is helping, not hiring; it’s giving, not taking. Your Chamber has many opportunities for volunteers wanting to get involved. Contact the Chamber at 903-237-4000 or info1@ longviewtx.com.

2014 Officers Jeremy DuMond

U.S. Steel Tubular Products

Brad Tidwell

Citizens National Bank

Ken Cunningham

Good Shepherd Medical Center

Roy Eon

Texas Bank and Trust

Dr. Dale Lunsford

LeTourneau University

Brett Lindig

SYSCO Food Services, LLC

Keith Honey

AEP Southwestern Electric Power Company

Kelly Hall

Longview Chamber of Commerce

2014 Directors James Barron Barron’s

Jill Bayless

Longview Regional Medical Center

Kara Bolster STEMCO

Pat Britton

Eastman Chemical Company

David Hayes

Hayes RV Center

John Ray

Lively Cadillac GMC

Tim Vaughn

TVaughn Builders LLC

Darwin Winfield Atmos Energy

2014 Appointed Directors Lester Lucy

Longview Economic Development Corporation


Leading Longview People. Place. Prosperity.

Staff Kelly Hall

President 903-237-4004 president@longviewtx.com

Paul Anderson

Senior Vice President Communications Director 903-237-4041 lcvb@longviewtx.com

Elaine Reynolds

Vice President of Special Event Operations 903-237-4040 downtown@longviewtx.com

Leska Parker

Director of Development 903-918-1546 bmanager@longviewtx.com

Chelle Brown

Director of Entrepreneurialism and Advocacy 903-237-4010 advocacy@longviewtx.com

Mary Whitton

Community Development Director 903-237-4003 programs@longviewtx.com

Diana Northcutt

Retail Development Coordinator 903-237-4029 development@longviewtx.com

Melissa Saunders

Business Development & Special Events Director 903-237-4023 promotions@longviewtx.com

Lisa Null

Membership Services Coordinator 903-237-4013 membership@longviewtx.com

Kayla Cantey

Convention Meetings and Main Street Manager 903-753-3281 x215 meetings@longviewtx.com

Margie Harris

Tourism Services Manager 903-237-4021 info@longviewtx.com

Carrie Fisher

Director of First Impressions 903-237-4000 info1@longviewtx.com


What’s It All About?

t’s about creating a marketplace where buyers and sellers meet. It’s about offering some of the best deals of the year on boats, recreational vehicles, personal watercraft, and all that goes with enjoying the outdoors sports and activities. It’s about meeting new businesses and exploring new products. It’s about learning to tie a fly and finding a professional guide. But, what it’s really about is finding yourself in the right place at the right time if you are looking to make an investment in a boat, recreational vehicle, 4-wheeler, or any other items to help you to get out-of-doors and into your favorite activity — fishing, camping, hiking, hunting or just relaxing in a hammock or swing chair. It’s about not being surprised that Texas is #1 in the nation in total hunters and anglers, because you’re one of them. It’s about economic impact right here at home and shopping with local vendors and dealers. Texas outdoor enthusiasts together spend more ($6.6 billion) and support more jobs (106,000) than any other state. * It’s about enjoying the 32nd East Texas Outdoor EXPO presented by Nichols Marine and packed full with everything a person needs to enjoy the the beauty of nature any time of the year. David Hayes of Hayes RV Center tells why his company returns year after year, “We participate in the Outdoor EXPO because it gives us the opportunity to show our product [line] and introduce new products in a large venue. It also allows us to introduce RV’s to those that have not previously had that experience. The EXPO is important to our community because it supports local business and our local economy.”

It’s about working with local partners in education and training. The Outdoor EXPO partners with the Gregg County AgriLife Extension office and 4-H club to provide hands-on learning activities for kids in the Hayes RV Center Kids Adventure Camp. The camp provides an area for kids to get engaged and see how they play a role in agriculture. Local businesses continue to participate in the expo year after year because of the impact they see in their business and understanding the importance of Outdoor EXPO to our local economy. The 2014 EXPO will take place on: January 24, 25 and 26 Show Times: Friday 12 p.m. to 8 p.m. Saturday 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. Sunday 12 p.m. to 5 p.m. Admission: Adults and children over 12 $10 Children under 12 years Free

* http://www.buckmasters.com/texas-tops-nation-in-rankingof-state-hunting-and-fishing-economic-impact.aspx


Senior Adults 70 and older $5 January - February 2014 | Longview Progress Report


Leading Longview People. Place. Prosperity.



the Voice of

he Longview Chamber of Commerce recognizes the vital role it has in structuring effective advocacy efforts that are related to our member’s business. We have an opportunity to exercise our unique voice, to advocate for issues and projects that are critical to our region’s success. Jeremy DuMond, Chairman, states, “The D.C. Fly-In is a great opportunity to really learn how the Federal Government works. The two trips I have attended were truly eye-opening experiences that provided perspective on how to impact the political process and provide opportunities to meet many of our elected officials.”

To help amplify the voice of Longview business in Washington, we have engaged a delegation, and on April 1st through April 3rd, 2014 the Chamber will lead the bi-annual DC Fly-In. Representative Louie Gohmert agrees that the voice of East Texas business should be heard loudly during the D.C. Fly-In. “Having the best and brightest leaders from Longview come to Washington, DC, increases the IQ in our Capital dramatically. [I talk with] constituents from all walks of life as I travel all over east Texas. Listening to them talk specifically about laws that are problematic and those that will allow Americans to flourish is immensely valuable. It’s such a pleasure to visit with and hear from Longview people... whose ideas make the country stronger.” The Business Advocacy team invites you to participate in the Gregg County Coalition DC Fly-In in 2014, presented by U.S. Steel Tubular Products. Whether you are experienced in contacting elected officials or someone who’d like to learn how to have your legislative and business concerns addressed by your elected representatives, this event affords the opportunity to meet with federal elected officials and their staff. Activities begin at 9:30 a.m. on April 2nd, and conclude Thursday afternoon after visits to Capitol Hill. A registration fee of $350 will help defer the cost of prepared materials and some meals. Hotel and travel arrangements should be made individually. We recommend that participants make hotel arrangements



with the Hyatt Regency Washington as soon as possible, https:// resweb.passkey.com/go/TheLongviewChamofCom, but no later than February 17, 2014. Registraton is available online at: www.longviewchamber.com or contact Kelly Hall: president@ longviewtx.com or Chelle Brown: advocacy@longviewtx.com or call our office at 903-237-4000. TACLA023812C

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Longview Progress Report | January - February 2014

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Leading Longview People. Place. Prosperity.


Experience Longview!

eadership Longview class of 2014 continued its program year with Tour Day on November 14. Neiman Marcus was the first to welcome the group with a tour of the Neiman Marcus Distribution Center. The next stop was Network Communications, a high tech company based in Longview. The class members learned that Network’s has an international reach. SYSCO was the destination for an early afternoon session which included a tour

of SYSCO and an incredible lunch prepared and served SYSCO staff. The after lunch tours included Capacity of Texas and Sabine Mining. Session facilitators were LL Alumni Jennifer Hearron with Neiman Marcus Distribution Center, Danny Copeland with Citizens National Bank and Blake Gore with City of Longview. November Session Sponsors were Westlake Chemical and U.S. Steel Tubular Products Lone Star Tubular Operations. The December session was Health and Social Services Day hosted by LL Alumni Michelle Heflin with The Bair Foundation, Rachel Norwood with Good Shepherd Medical Center, and Dawnelle Priddy-Sigmon with Hugman Architecture and Construction. This session’s topics included: • Obamacare and the Affordable Care Act • Corporate Wellness planning • New Healthcare facilities • Children In Need • Community programs • Local health, humanitarian and spiritual enrichment, and • Volunteer Opportunities in Longview

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The day included tours of the Good Shepherd Institute for Healthy Living and presentations from Steve Altmiller, CEO/ President, Good Shepherd Medical Center, Dr. John DiPasquale, Managing Partner, Leading Edge Medical Associates, (LEMA) and Ron Short, CAO, Good Shepherd Medical Center. Shelly Smith, Executive Director with East Texas Court Appointed Special Advocates and JaneAnn Crowson and David Ummel with Buckner Community Transformation Center shared with the group their programs and services to the community. The afternoon session included a tour of Longview Regional Medical Center and the Alpine Compassion Clinic. December Session Sponsors were Chick-fil-A and Vista College. The Platinum Sponsor for the 2013-2014 program year is Longview Economic Development Corporation.


www.expresspros.com www.LongviewChamber.com

January - February 2014 | Longview Progress Report



Leading Longview


People. Place. Prosperity.





GS Boot Barn

2419 Gilmer Rd, Longview, TX 903.297.5900

Daub Realty

420 S Central, Hallsville, TX 903.215.8380

Heaton Eye Associates

2394 HG Mosley Pkwy, Longview, TX 903.234.0771

Merle Norman Cosmetics 3500 McCann St, L7A, Longview, TX 903.753.004

Sunsational 360 Spa

1809 W Loop 281, Ste 136, Longview,TX 903.297.1500

Sandi’s E-Vapors

105 E Loop 281, Ste 8, Longview, TX


Longview Progress Report | January - February 2014


Leading Longview People. Place. Prosperity.



East Texas Baptist University Jake’s Feed & Animal Center LLC The Smile Studio Tyler RV Center Inc

15 30


Gregg County Historical Museum



Shipp’s Marine Service Inc



Anytime Fitness Cherokee Steel Fabricators Inc Lonestar Office Furniture Liquidators Lowell Holloway Furniture/H & A Furniture, Inc



Boon Shaver Echols Coleman & Goolsby PLLC – Bradley Echols Boon Shaver Echols Coleman & Goolsby PLLC – Darren Coleman Boon Shaver Echols Coleman & Goolsby PLLC – Gary Shaver

20 25


35 55


Dogwood Animal Hospital SeeSaw Children’s Place Eagle Auto Glass Ed Warner Construction, Inc Network IP/Network Enhanced Telecom, LLP


Longview Warehouse and Storge LTD



New Members A Shot in the Dark

Linda Martin P O Box 2707 Longview, TX 75606 (903) 212-7427

Absolute Technology Solutions Mark Strait 4777 Hwy 259 N Longview, TX 75605 (903) 807-0303

Aesthetica Medical Spa Joseph Bianca 1618 Judson Road Longview, TX 75601 (903) 757-5220

Benchmark Events & Promotions, Inc. Tammy Mayfield 1011 W Loop 281 Ste 11 Longview, TX 75604 (903) 297-4371

BodyStrong, LLC

Emily Click 4705 Judson Road Longview, TX 75605 (903) 676-8900

Brentwood Outreach Center

Colleen Miley 911 NW Loop 281 Ste 307 Longview, TX 75604 (903) 297-1712

Cintas Corporation Brian Bass 907 Bergfield Tyler, TX 75702 (903) 368-1968

Cross Fit 259

Brian Olson 100 Janet Kay Drive Longview, TX 75605 (903) 663-1850

El Sombrero

Mike Kittner 1442 McCann Road Longview, TX 75605 (903) 553-0050

Hagemeyer North America Tim Webb 3584 Gum Springs Road Longview, TX 75602 (713) 657-5558


Hagen’s Fasteners, Inc. John Hagen 800 McCann Road Longview, TX 75601

Horn Custom Homes LLC

Landon Ogilvie

P O Box 312 Longview, TX 75606 (903) 241-3846

OLB Aviation

Jason Horn 3007 Chasewood Way Longview, TX 75605 (903) 452-4195

Rae Burrows 199 Corporate Drive Longview, TX 75602 (903) 753-1550

House of Hope

Parkview on Hollybrook

Rev Helen Johnson 3011 W Marshall Longview, TX 75604 (903) 295-0904

Shirley Long 1500 S Central Expwy #500 McKinney, TX 75070 (972) 529-5568

Inspire Photography by Hannah

Pine Tree Home Health

State Farm Insurance – Matt Gandy Matt Gandy 1605 Judson Road Ste C Longview, TX 75601 (9030 758-1432

Summer Brook Apartments

Rob Ferrell 2300 Bill Owens Parkway Longview, TX 75604 (903) 295-9988

Taylor Safety Consulting LCC Neal Taylor P O Box 945 Tatum, TX 75691 (903) 643-8100

Matt Tooker 1125 Judson Road Longview, TX 75601 (903) 236-8880

Texas Farms and Ranches

JCT Investors, LLC

Pine Villa Properties LLC Taylor Carter 1401 E State Hwy 31 Longview, TX 75604 (903) 295-7070

Texas Home Health

Courtney Smith 1809 Judson Road Longview, TX 75605 (903) 758-0794

Johnny’s Flooring Outlet

R. Wynco, Inc.

The Home Depot

Hannah Cromer 125 E Tyler Longview, TX 75601 (903) 387-2215

Colton Marr 250 Towering Oaks Haven Longview, TX 75602 (903) 445-3640 Johnny Land 100 King Street Longview, TX 75602 (903) 753-8556

Molly Wynne 2247 Sandy Lane Longview, TX 75605

Just For You

Noel Raney 305 W Loop 281 Ste 105 Longview, TX 75605 (903) 663-6000

Gene Jordan 2208 Oliver Longview, TX 75605 (903) 758-9599

Kellogg Brown & Root

Tommy Martin 300 Kodak Blvd Longview, TX 75602

Knights of Pythias #26 Joe Bennett P O Box 905 Longview, TX 75606 (9030 241-5506

MRC Global

Frances Turner 1405 W Cotton Ste 100 Longview, TX 75604 (903) 236-0008

Red Wing Shoe Store

Reynolds, Smith and Hills, Inc. – Donald Glenn Donald Glenn 100 E Ferguson Ste 420 Tyler, TX 75702 (903) 525-9838

Mark W. Coleman 4138 US Hwy 259 Longview, TX 75605

Bree Harris 411 E Loop 281 Longview, TX 75605 (903) 757-4208

Thomas Hitting Academy Phillip L Thomas 4800 Gilmer Road Longview, TX 75605 (903) 759-4300


Joyce Powell-Johnson 9308 Park Street Lenexa, KS 66215 (918) 906-7846

Reynolds, Smith and Hills, Inc. (RS&H) Emily Henderson 100 E Ferguson Ste 420 Tyler, TX 75702 (903) 525-9838

Scott DiStefano, DDS

Scott DiStefano 1201 Pine Tree Road Longview, TX 75604-3198 (903) 759-4607

January - February 2014 | Longview Progress Report



Leading Longview People. Place. Prosperity.


ammy Gibbons is a dedicated and prolific volunteer on her own and on behalf of the Spring Hill State Bank where she has worked for the past 33 years, sustaining seven years as Senior Vice President. The Bank helps sponsor various community events such as AlleyFest, The Great Texas Balloon Race and many others. They strongly encourage and support Gibbons and their other officers who are active, often leading, members of many civic and charitable crganizations. The Greater Longview United Way, East Texas CASA, Keep Longview Beautiful, Junior League, Adopt-A-School, the Pilot Club, Hospice, Habitat for Humanity, AMBUCS, Kiwanis, Rotary, Zonta International and Forever Friends have all benefited from Spring Hill State Bank’s involvement and support. Spring Hill State Bank has always believed in education. They have sent many employees through the Leadership Longview Program and support Junior Achievement. Each year they invite juniors and seniors from local high schools to join the Bank’s Student Board, where they learn about banking, the world of finance and personal money management.

my involvement with LL I have learned that there is more to Longview than I ever realized and would not have known had I not been involved in this great part of the Chamber.” “I have received benefits both personally and professionally. I’ve gained leadership skills by being able to take on roles such as chairing committees, serving on various committees, and volunteering in other ways with city events. There are many networking benefits as well. I’ve met and become close friends with many people in Longview because of volunteer opportunities and Leadership Longview. I know I can call on any one of them in a time when I may need assistance for a specific event or even needs in my personal life. Many of these opportunities would not have been available to me without taking the time to become involved.” Gibbons sees and believes that the Chamber works diligently to help the businesses of our City be successful and make a difference. “The Longview Chamber’s priority is to “create a vibrant business community” and bring businesses to the area that meet the needs of families that live here. Providing opportunities around the city for families [and people] to come together such as Downtown LIVE!, AlleyFest, and many other events, the Chamber makes this a priority in its strategic plan and really understands the value of providing opportunities to keep families local for entertainment, shopping and keeping dollars at home.”

Come see what a locally-owned independent bank can do for you ...

When asked why she finds serving as a volunteer for the Longview Chamber a worthwhile endeavor Gibbons said, “Many of us go through our day not really knowing what goes on in the great city that we live in. Volunteering for the Chamber provides many opportunities to learn more about the City of Longview by assisting with events, serving on committees, and helping the chamber staff...Volunteering is good for the community and everyone should find those things they enjoy, and give back through volunteering their time for a worthwhile cause, to help our neighbors!” One of Gibbons’ favorite benefits from her involvement is being a proud graduate of the Leadership Longview Class of 2010. As an alumnus, she has volunteered for the Leadership Longview committee and is proud to serve as chair for the 2014 class currently in session. “Being involved in Leadership Longview is a great way to know more about the City and all that is available to us…Because of


Longview Progress Report | January - February 2014

3700 Gilmer Road 202 Hollybrook Drive

903-759-0751 www.springhillbank.com


Leading Longview People. Place. Prosperity.


his year’s annual banquet is sure to inspire all looking to advance themselves, their businesses and Longview as The Longview Chamber of Commerce looks to “Unmask the Possibilities.” The Chamber is very fortunate to have secured Gary Hoover as its keynote speaker for the evening’s event. Gary Hoover created pioneering book superstore BOOKSTOP, which helped change the nature of book shopping in America. This company was sold to Barnes & Noble for $41.5 million cash when it was seven years old. After he and his partners sold BOOKSTOP, Gary returned to his first love of understanding businesses, and began the company that became Hoover’s, the world’s largest Internet-based provider of information about enterprises. Gary will share his experiences and encourage innovation and entrepreneurial thinking to all of those in attendance at this important event, presented by Citizens National Bank. The evening will begin at 5:30 p.m. with the Prime Time Reception, sponsored by Turn-Tex Machine & Tool, Inc. Members who joined the Chamber in 2013 will have the opportunity to promote their business to all members by having a tabletop display in the reception area. Following the reception, dinner will be served and the program will begin. In addition to Gary Hoover’s keynote address, the Chamber will also recognize three recipients for their contributions to the Longview area. AAON Coil Products, Inc. will receive the Manufacturer of the Year Award for its contribution to our local economy through job creation and corporate citizenship. The Large Business of the Year Award will be presented to Warfab Oilfield Services, Inc. for its continued growth and investment in the Longview area. This year’s Chairman’s Award recognizes P. Anne Hugman for her contribution to the Longview Chamber and the community at large. Contact the Chamber today at 903-237-4000 or visit www. longviewchamber.com to reserve a corporate table or individual tickets to this premier event!


January - February 2014 | Longview Progress Report


Leading Longview People. Place. Prosperity.


he Young Entrepreneurs Academy students are excited to glean wisdom from those that have gone before them in the program’s inaugural CEO Roundtable event on January 23, 2014.

executives will support them by sharing their expertise as a YEA! CEO Round Table Panelist.

YEA! focuses on a broad definition of entrepreneurship – the transformation of an idea into an enterprise that creates value. YEA! teaches students not only the importance and purpose of social and business entrepreneurship, but also the process by which one establishes a business enterprise or social movement.

On January 23, 2014, area executives will gather to share their stories, offer guidance, and direction to the YEA students. This thought provoking experience will have a significant impact on the students’ ability to launch and run their own real, albeit modest, business or non-profit organizations. This opportunity will help further foster the entrepreneurial spirit in Longview teens by encouraging them to acquire practical, usable business and social skills; gain knowledge of social and business movements and how they work; develop writing and presenting proficiencies; build and establish relationships throughout the community; and increase self-confidence and selfesteem. The Longview community is invited so be on the look-out for time and location details. You will want to be a part of this exciting new event!

YEA!, presented by Joyce Steel offers students the opportunity to learn these principles through the yearlong project-based, hands-on entrepreneurial education. Students are taught to write business plans, prepare and pitch their ideas to investors, obtain financial backing, register their businesses, develop marketing materials, prepare for trade shows, and sell their products and services. To further student’s growth as business owners, area CEOs, and C-level

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Longview Progress Report | January - February 2014


Leading Longview


People. Place. Prosperity.

hen you shop at a small business, chances are you’ll be waited on by the owner, a member of their family, or someone who reports directly to the owner. This proximity to the boss makes for better customer service – something that can be hard to find at larger stores. Longview Chamber of Commerce recognizes the importance of supporting small business in Longview. The Longview Chamber teamed up with Small Business Saturday and helped promote SMS, by providing marketing materials and gift cards to small businesses; with the following criteria, they have retail store fronts, accept American Express, and have strong social media presence. The following businesses participated: Louis Morgan #4, Morgan Abbigail, Hurwitz, Barron’s, Nutrishop, Popcorn Gallery, and Hometown Hardware and Gifts. Judy Litzenberg with Louis Morgan Drug #4 explained “The response from Small Business Saturday was wonderful! We had customers ask us if people are starting to realize that shopping local is better. They get better customer service and they can take their purchase with them immediately.” It’s small Businesses that help create the culture they instill in local communities. According to the U.S. Small Businesses Administration, as of 2012, small businesses nationwide accounted for 64% of net new private-sector jobs created and represented 99.7% of all employer firms. November 30th marked the fourth annual Small Business Saturday, a day to support the local businesses that create jobs, boost the economy and preserve neighborhoods around the country. Small Business Saturday was created in 2010 in response to small business owners’ most pressing need: more customers. As of December 31, 2012, more than 3.2 million Facebook users “liked” the Small Business Saturday. Just last year, 350+ advocacy organizations, 150+ corporations, and elected officials in all 50 states and Washington D.C. declared their support for Small Business Saturday.


Each time you purchase a product or a service at a local small business, you are helping to pay the salary of a friend or neighbor.

Business Briefs Read more on these stories at www.LongviewChamber.com/BusinessBriefs

LONGVIEW, TEXAS - Candlewood Suites was honored with the IHG’s “Torchbearer Award” for being #2 across the nation in highest ratings of guest satisfaction surveys, within the Candlewood Brand. BALTIMORE, MD - Employees at Eastman Chemical Company’s Texas Operations received international recognition for their contributions to conservation education at the Wildlife Habitat Council’s (WHC) 25th Annual Symposium, Celebrating Corporate Conservation. Eastman demonstrated its commitment to environmental stewardship by achieving Corporate Lands for Learning certification at its Texas Operations. HOLT CAT®, the Caterpillar® dealer for South, Central, North and East Texas, today announced the acquisition of the expanded Cat mining equipment distribution and support business for its respective territory. As a result of the acquisition, HOLT CAT has created a new Mining Solutions Division – HOLT CAT’s Mining Solutions Group—led by General Manager Scott Perlet, through which the company will continue to provide outstanding customer service throughout its territory. Business Briefs is a NEW on-line feature produced by Longview Chamber of Commerce exclusively for Chamber members. The Business Brief appears here, on the Chamber website, and in the Chamber Buzz. Content includes news and announcements submitted by its members about or related to their businesses. How to Submit a Business Brief: The preferred method is a one-page news release. Send your news item to Paul Anderson media@longviewtx.com or to Mary Whitton programs@longviewtx.com at the Chamber of Commerce. Second and third party news releases are welcome if they are related to your company’s work. The Longview Chamber reserves the right of final determination for what is included in Business Briefs.

January - February 2014 | Longview Progress Report


Leading Longview People. Place. Prosperity.


n November, a group of 16 traveled with the Longview Chamber of Commerce to experience the Irish Splendor! Travelers had amazing experiences throughout the country including touring popular landmarks in Dublin, kissing the Blarney Stone, taking in the spectacular views at the Cliffs of Moher, and spending the night in a 785 year old castle. The trip concluded with an evening enjoying traditional Irish music in a cozy pub. One guest commented, “We were really amazed at the inclusions of our trip, especially the night at Ashford Castle. We were blessed with fall colors, Christmas decorations, and the warm fellowship of friends in a beautiful countryside.” It was truly an incredible experience and one not soon to be forgotten.


pon the heels of returning, The Longview Chamber of Commerce has announced its next journey. Guests can begin registering now for Italia Classica, November 8-16, 2014. This tour includes the popular sites in Rome, Florence, Venice, and Milan. There are also optional add-on experiences including a side trip to the Leaning Tower of Pisa.


Longview Progress Report | January - February 2014

Registering before May 9, 2014 allows for a $250 savings per person! It’s time to consider getting away for a few days and building relationships with fellow travelers, all while experiencing a first-class experience in Italy! For more information, please contact Leska Parker at 903-918-1546 or bmanager@longviewtx.com. www.LongviewChamber.com

Leading Longview People. Place. Prosperity.



Events are held at the Chamber offices unless otherwise noted.

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Office Closed for New Year’s Day Chamber Executive Board Meeting

7:30 am

Events are held at the Chamber offices unless otherwise noted.

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Chamber Executive Board Meeting

7:30 a.m.

Joint Board Meeting

11:30 a.m.

Prime Time

Maude Cobb Convention Center 5:30 p.m.

2014 Annual Banquet

Maude Cobb Convention Center 6:30 p.m.

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Joint Board Meeting

Discover Longview! r e a l

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t e X a s

Hospitality Tour Group Lunch

11:30 a.m.

Member to Member

11:30 a.m. Program is

Salute to Healthcare Call for Nominations

All nominations must be received by 5:00 p.m. February 3rd, 2014 to be eligible for the awards. Winners will be honored at the Salute to Healthcare Awards on Wednesday, March 26th, 2014. Guidelines and “Who to Nominate” is on the website at www.LongviewChamber.com/HealthCare Download an application at www.LongviewChamber. com/HealthCare or contact Melissa Saunders at 903-237-4000 or by email at promotions@longviewtx.com

FsParEE! cE

RegisteR NOW


for the 2014 sessions!

s arE LimitEd


MarCh March 21 • May 9 • OctOber 3 Fun & InFormatIve! This tour is sure to make you appreciate all the interesting and exciting things there are to do in our city while learning some important tips to insure that our visitors have a wonderful time here and recommend our city to others.

Register on-line: www.LongviewChamber.com or call the Longview CVB at: (903) 753-3281

www.VisitLongviewtexas.com • 903.753.3281

410 N. Center Street • Longview, Texas 75601

Chairman’s Club Platinum



Silver ABC Auto Parts AEP Atmos Energy BancorpSouth Capital One Bank Chase Bank Citizens National Bank City of Longview Community Bank Convergys Diagnostic Clinic

Eastman Chemical Company Good Shepherd Health System Halliburton HOLT CAT Joy Global Inc JW Energy Longview News-Journal Martin Resource Management Neiman Marcus National Service Center

Regions Bank Southside Bank Spring Hill State Bank SYSCO Food Services of East Texas, LLC Trinity Rail T Vaughn Properties LLC USSTP Lone Star Tubular Operations

January - February 2014 | Longview Progress Report


410 N. Center Street Longview, TX 75601 903-237-4000 www.longviewtx.com

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