Longview Progress Report - January/February 2016

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Less waiting for emergency care (and a lot more care, if you need it).

In a medical emergency, every minute matters. So, at Longview Regional Medical Center, you’ll find faster care in the emergency room. We work diligently to have you initially seen by a medical professional* in 30 minutes – or less. And, with a team of dedicated medical specialists, we can provide a lot more care, if you need it.

The 30-Minutes-Or-Less E.R. Service Pledge – only at Longview Regional Medical Center.

LongviewRegional.com *Medical professionals may include physicians, physician assistants and nurse practitioners.

Leading Longview People. Place. Prosperity.

What IF….


ave you ever asked yourself “what if?” As the Chamber prepares to celebrate 100 years of existence it’s easy to reflect on the challenges and successes experienced. But what about the “what if” for the future—the next 100 years? Recently, the board along with several key stakeholders Kelly Hall met and discussed the pivotal President/CEO role the Chamber plays in our community. Difficult questions were posed and considered as conversations began to unfold about ensuring we understand the core elements of business needs. To help dig deeper and look beyond the challenges of today, our facilitator had us watch two videos: Shift Happens 2015 and What You Need to Know in 2028. We recognize how easy it could be to become consumed in the traditional ways of doing business. That is NOT the Chamber you have invested in! Your board and staff are committed to researching to better understand what you, our members, will be dealing with over the next 5-10-15 years. We must consider what the realities of the future may have in store for you. Topics like talent pipelines, technology changes, natural resources shifts, abundance and scarcity, and the impact of a global economy must stay at the forefront. The critical question then becomes: How do we move our organization and community forward as catalytic leaders? As the board digested the body of work, which consumes so much of the staff’s and volunteer’s time, they began exploring the question, are these the “right” activities for the Chamber to be involved in? And, if not, what needs to change to drive success? They asked themselves two questions; How Do We Lead Change Rather Than React to Change?

What’s Inside President’s Message................................ 3 Being and Informed Voter ........................ 4 Salute to Healthcare................................ 5 Centennial Celebration............................. 6 East Texas Boat & RV Show...................... 8 Health Care Summit................................ 8 Reach Customers with Free Digital Tools.... 9 Candidate Forum................................... 10 Advocacy Digest.................................... 11 Ribbon Cuttings .................................... 12 New Members ...................................... 13 Anniversaries........................................ 13 Calendar............................................... 14 Longview Progress Report is published bi-monthly by:

410 North Center Street / Longview, Texas 75601 903-237-4000 / www.LongviewChamber.com www.facebook.com/LongviewChamber @LongviewChamber

What Do Our Investors Want From Us? Three priority areas: Advocacy—Education--Business In order to answer these questions they first reaffirmed Solutions, will be the focus moving forward. their beliefs in the Chamber. These core areas will provide business driven programs • We believe that together we can have a stronger voice that will enable people to connect and move Longview forward. and influence positive outcomes. • We believe Longview is a great place to live, work, and raise families. • We believe that together we can develop leaders to shape Longview’s future. Catalytic leaders know there is much to be accomplished as we move forward. It will be more critical than ever to remain focused on the organization’s priorities. Creating the “What If” will require commitment, member engagement, and partnerships that are in alignment with leading people, leading place and leading prosperity. Continued on page 10 www.LongviewChamber.com

January-February 2016 | Longview Progress Report


Leading Longview People. Place. Prosperity.


Being An Informed Voter

ccording to a recent survey by Rasmussen Advocacy Communication Reports , most Americans think voters in Whether action is needed at the federal, this country don’t have enough say in their state, or local level of government, the advocacy government, but at the same time they overcommunication tool is a winning resource for whelmingly believe their fellow countrymen members and enables them to quickly format a don’t fulfill their message responsibility to be supporting their 23 million Americans contacted an informed about the elected official over a two year period, position and then things they vote instantly deliver but didn’t bother to go vote! We think on. to the elected something needs to be done. On behalf of officials voting on its members, your that issue. chamber actively engages in the political, Legislative Tracking legislative, and grassroots arenas to ensure that Monitoring the status of a bill through the information about elected officials and their legislative process can be a tedious task. The activity is available and that the elected officials legislative tracking tool enables members to are held accountable to the business community seamlessly track and publish valuable and put forward free enterprise solutions that information on any federal or state bill of create jobs and sustain economic growth. Two interest. This feature streamlines the bill avenues are provided on the Chamber website tracking process by automatically generating to provide information and tools to help bill summaries, lists of bill sponsors, and the accomplish this goal. latest bill actions. Voter Resources The voter resources tool offers automatically updated elected official and candidate directories. Detailed profiles are provided for elected officials and candidates that consist of professional background information, contact information, and links to social media accounts and official websites.

2016 Board of Directors

James Barron

Barron’s / J & J Barron Enterprises LLC

Pat Britton

Eastman Chemical Company, Texas Operations

Ken Cunningham

Good Shepherd Health System, Inc.

Roy Eon

Texas Bank and Trust

David Hayes

Hayes RV Center

Keith Honey

AEP Southwestern Electric Power Company

Ron Hutchison Network IP

Roger Johnson

Texas Office Leasing

Wade Johnson

Johnson & Pace Incorporated

Brett Lindig

SYSCO Food Services, LLC

Natalie Lynch

Austin Bank Texas NA

Sam Neale

AAON Coil Products Inc

Rodney Overman Henry & Peters, P.C.

Dana Parr

Copeland Insurance Group

Becky Simpson

Judge Gregg County Court at Law 1

Free Enterprise Network LongviewVotes.com A central component is the U.S. Chamber’s Free Enterprise Network. Through the Free Enterprise Network, the U.S. Chamber provides customized advocacy websites that are powered by tools that educate and activate our chamber members on key issues. LongviewVotes.com, available through the Chamber’s website, engages and leverages the support of its members to successfully impact public policy at all levels of government. This is done through communication, tracking and resources. 4

Longview Progress Report | January-February 2016

Dr. Ron Sones

LeTourneau University

Brad Tidwell

Citizens National Bank

Texas Prosperity Project longview.txprosperity.com The Texas Prosperity Project is built on this belief: When Texas workers are informed and active in government and elections, our families, our communities and our state benefit. We believe that America works best when

Meredith Todd

R. Lacy Services, LTD

Kelly Hall

President/CEO Longview Chamber of Commerce

Continued on page 10 www.LongviewChamber.com

Leading Longview People. Place. Prosperity.

Staff Kelly Hall

President 903-237-4004 khall@longviewtx.com

Paul Anderson

Senior Vice President Director of Communications 903-237-4041 panderson@longviewtx.com

Leska Parker

Director of Development 903-918-1546 lparker@longviewtx.com

Suzanne Brown

Advocacy & Communications Director 903-237-4003 sbrown@longviewtx.com

Lisa Monsivais

Business/Office Manager 903-237-4013 lmonsivais@longviewtx.com

Shalee Faircloth

Information Services Coordinator 903-237-4000 sfaircloth@longviewtx.com

Courtney Gill

Young Entrepreneurs Academy Coordinator 903-452-7521 cgill@longviewtx.com


n March 30, 2016 the annual Salute to Healthcare Luncheon will honor three individuals in the healthcare industry who have made an impact in the Gregg County Community. The awards luncheon continues to have an overwhelming response and will be moved this year to Maude Cobb Convention Center and be held in conjunction with a morning Healthcare Summit. The Sam Mack Lifetime Achievement Award is designed to honor an individual, who, over his or her lifetime, has had a significant influence or changed history in Gregg County’s healthcare industry. The award is named after Dr. Sam Mack who was honored 6 years ago as a finalist for the lifetime achievement award. The Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors felt it fitting to name the lifetime achievement award in honor of Dr. Sam Mack’s many accomplishments and contributions made to the Gregg County healthcare community. The Healthcare Professional Award will be given to an individual whose acts of service represent a dedication to excellence in their area of expertise beyond the scope of everyday employment. Through commitment to their

profession and community, the award recipient serves as an inspiration to others in an effort to improve the quality of healthcare and to discover new ways to assist those in need. The Volunteer Award is given to a selfless volunteer who has dedicated their time to helping out in the healthcare community. Candidates for the awards are nominated by the community and their peers. Call for Nominations Nomination Applications for the Salute to Healthcare Awards are available at the Longview Chamber of Commerce Office or website. The deadline to submit a nomination form is January 29, 2016. Award winners will be announced prior to the luncheon. Salute to Healthcare Maude Cobb Convention Center Wednesday, March 30, 2016 11:30am-1:00pm www.longviewchamber.com/events/membership/ salute-health-care/

Amy Canton

Leadership Longview Coordinator 903-261-7125 acanton@longviewtx.com


January-February 2016 | Longview Progress Report


Leading Longview People. Place. Prosperity.

The Longview Chamber of Commerce Centennial – 100 Years Protecting the Interests of Business Mark Your Calendar it’s a Birthday Bash!


n 1916, a group of dedicated leaders came together with the common goal of promoting Longview as a business community and formed the Longview Chamber of Commerce. One hundred years later, descendants of those leaders are continuing to help strengthen the local economy with other leaders who have emerged throughout the years, due to the visioning of the Chamber’s original stakeholders. The Chamber has and continues to be the driving force behind the growth in Longview. There are many commonalities between today’s Chamber and the early Chamber including working with state agencies on transportation, providing education during times of industry changes, and partnering with business and city leadership to create a better quality of life. Although there are many successes over the past one hundred years to celebrate, the Chamber does not rest on its laurels, but instead moves forward with a drive toward greater excellence in serving the business community. 2016 promises to be a year of even greater focus and vision. Building the strategic plan on four key pillars: Advocacy Solutions, Business Solutions, Education Solutions and Organizational Solutions, the year has been planned to address the emerging and ongoing issues impacting the business community toward positive outcomes. That program of work, in turn, benefits the community and quality of life in


Longview Progress Report | January-February 2016

Longview, making it a great place to work, live and raise families. Help us kick-off this year-long Centennial Celebration and program of work on January 12, 2016. The evening, presented by Citizens National Bank, will be filled with excitement and fun. Distinguished presenters including Ken Cunningham, David McWhorter, Rogers Pope, Jr. and Dr. Dale Lunsford will take members on a journey from when the Chamber began in 1916. Additional successful leaders including Dr. Laura Rectenwald, Julio Velasco, Jon Cromer, Greg Colquitt, Ryan Perez, and Natalie Lynch will share how the Chamber has enabled them to grow professionally as well as provided them access to effectively engage in the community. They too will share their thoughts and aspirations to help us envision how we can shape Longview’s success over the next 100 years. Our evening of celebration will begin with an elegant reception sponsored by Turn-Tex Machine & Tool and will set the tone for a delightful evening. The program will include highlighting the Manufacturer of the Year and Large Business of the Year as well as our Chairman’s Award. Plus, you will get to share in recognizing the first Legacy Award Recipient for their long-term dedication in working with the Chamber. You will want to make plans now to attend the most prestigious event of the year! www.LongviewChamber.com

Leading Longview People. Place. Prosperity.


January-February 2016 | Longview Progress Report


Leading Longview People. Place. Prosperity.

The Boat & RV Show January 29–31, 2016


he Boat and RV Show provides a marketplace for Dealers to offer special Pre-Season Savings and Show Specials on a selection of campers, travel trailers, powerboats, luxury cruisers and fishing boats in an indoor environment where you can see, touch and compare before you buy. Other featured vendors include the Texas Parks and Wildlife Operation Game Thief trailer, handmade wooden furniture, unmaned ariel vehicle (UAV) drones, jewelry as well as other items and services. The Gregg County 4H club teaches kids how agriculture is involved in your life every day in a fun, interactive way at the Hayes RV Center Kids Adventure Camp. Presented By:

Gold Sponsors:



Food Court Sponsor LONGVIEW R&H Machine




Health Care Summit


March 30, 2016

n tandem with the long beloved Salute to Healthcare, the morning of the Salute will feature an Advocacy Summit addressing Healthcare issues. Mark your calendars for the morning of March 30 to attend this important educational event. The Chamber of Commerce is proud of the healthcare system in the community and the advanced technology brought to this region. With 25% of our workforce employed in the healthcare industry, it is one of the greatest economic and socially responsible drivers of the region. While celebrating 100 years of history, the Chamber takes a deeper dive into health care as we move forward into the next 100 years. During the morning the focus will be on policy issues and then transition into front line specialists providing information to equip and embolden companies to make good healthcare provider decisions for their employees. Navigating the decision route of options in healthcare and savings plans will be tantamount, while taking a look at the future of healthcare. Misty Baker, Director of Life & Health Insurance Information, of Independent Insurance Agents of Texas will guide participants through the changes and decisions in health care coverage, and a legislative update will be included. Presenting Sponsor is Diagnostic Clinic of Longview and the Gold Sponsor is Good Shepherd Medical Center.

Kids Adventure Camp Sponsor Hayes RV Center Maude Cobb Activity Center 100 Grand Blvd Hours: Friday 10am-6pm Saturday 10am-6pm Sunday 10am-3pm Admission: Adults $8 Adults 70 & Older $5 Children 12 and under- FREE Business After Hours hosted by

Thursday, January 28 from 4:45pm-6:30pm. For more information visit our website at www.Boatrvshow.com 8

Longview Progress Report | January-February 2016

611 S. Mobberly Avenue Longview, Texas 75602 903.758.1773 • 800.530.4888 www.hudsonprint.com www.LongviewChamber.com

Leading Longview People. Place. Prosperity.

Reach Customers with FREE Digital Tools I D t is amazing how few businesses have a plan for social media or digital marketing. Even more amazing is how many still do not have a functional and/or mobile friendly website. Yet, studies show 60% of the sales process is over before you ever know a person is considering doing business with you. You know where they’re looking? Online. The way people are on line has switched from desktop to mobile device (phone or tablet). Mobile digital media time in the US is now higher at 51% compared to desktop (42%). There are numerous ways to boost your digital presence. Two ways suggested, provided and promoted by your Chamber do not cost your business anything except the action to do it. Google my Business – a free service by Google and Save Local Now – free digital marketing tools provided to all Chamber member businesses. The first step is to check and see whether your business is already on Google and whether it needs your attention to make sure it is accurate and has the information you want. Go to https:// www.gybo.com/tx/ longview to verify the status of your business. Google My Business puts your business information on Google Search and Maps in about 10 minutes. If you’re already listed on Google Maps, you can help your business stand out with photos and reviews. 4 in 5 consumers use search engines to find local information nearby like store address, business hours, product availability and directions. Only 37% of businesses have claimed a local business listing on a search engine–that’s a lot of missing information. You can manage all your business information as it appears across Google by signing up for a free Google My Business account. Google My Business complements your web presence by helping Google present accurate, up-to-date information to customers searching on Google and Google Maps. You can update business info (like hours and address), respond to customer reviews, and see how customers find you on Google. Any business can sign up for Google My Business. However, only local businesses that work directly with customers at a store or within a defined service area are eligible for a listing on Google Maps. If you operate a service area business you can set a service area instead of a business address for Google Maps. www.longviewchamber.com/business/development/google-map/

igital marketing has dominated small business budgets for years. It’s our job to level the digital playing field. Take advantage of SLN, our FREE digital marketing member benefit exclusively for Chamber members. For each and every member: An easy-to-use digital platform built to maximize online exposure. Included in your SLN platform: 1. Content creation + publishing 2. Email marketing 3. Social sharing 4. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) 5. SLN empowers members to create content and share that content where it really matters: online, on social media, and through email marketing. Need help? No problem! Learn more about how to digitally market your business by signing up for a training session with SLN: http://blog.savelocalnow.com/training/. Activate your Account on Save Local Now. Once activated, your account will show up on the Save Local Now page of the Chamber’s website. Using Save Local Now is not difficult. Free demos can be scheduled and there are easy to follow tutorials on the Chamber website that will guide you in: 1. Email Marketing 2. How to Update Your Business Profile 3. How to Create a Promotion 4. How to Create an Event Need some help to activate your Save Local Now account? Please contact Paul Anderson at the Chamber of Commerce at 903-237-4041 or panderson@longviewtx.com www.longviewchamber.com/business/development/save-local-now/ TACLA023812C

Fixed Right Day or Night Free Estimates • Sales / Installation • Residential & Commercial Service

104 Crockett • 903-753-9624 Office • www.alcoair.com www.LongviewChamber.com

January-February 2016 | Longview Progress Report


Leading Longview People. Place. Prosperity.

Candidate Forum

Informed Voter, continued from page 4

Americans vote. But the percentage of eligible voters who cast their ballots continues to decline election after election. According to a study by Northwestern University’s Medill ith 2016 being a major election year Texas and our School of Journalism, 23 million Americans contacted an elected representative districts have some important races! official over a two year period, but didn’t bother to go vote! We Super Tuesday Primary elections will be held March 1, 2016. think something needs to be done. Your Chamber is hosting a candidate forum on January 26, 2016 The Texas Prosperity Project, (also known as P2), a and partnering with Texas Prosperity Project to host this event. not-for-profit, nonpartisan group, was founded in 2008 by a At 6:00 pm, the forum will be held for those running for Senate number of Texas’ major employers and business trade District 1, and then at 7:30 pm, the forum will be held associations to help educate our state’s employers and workers for those candidates seeking State about issues that impact job security, economic Representative office for House competitiveness, wages and benefits – and ultimately our future District 7. prosperity. Materials prepared by the Texas Prosperity Project give employers and employees objective information on candidates, statewide ballot issues, and on public policies that affect job security and the economy – information to consider when they and their family members go to the polls to vote. Presenting The P2 website pages give voters the information and Sponsor is AEP Southwestern tools they need to cast an informed vote. Included are voter Electric Power Company, Gold Sponsors registration and absentee ballot information forms. Voters can are Atmos Energy, Republic Services, Spring Hill State easily locate and contact their elected officials. Bank, and Austin Bank; and the Silver Sponsor is Good Throughout the pages P2 presents information to assist Shepherd Medical Center. members in casting their vote and becoming more involved in the electoral process. But we don’t - and won’t - tell you how to What if, continued from page 3 vote. That decision is up to you. Yes, we will continue such campaigns as “Be Loyal Shop Come see what a locally-owned Local”, and we will seek all willing volunteer talent to help garner more grass roots education and involvement on independent bank can do for you ... maintaining the quality of life we enjoy in East Texas. The Chamber staff and volunteer leaders will continue to engage in state and national work on behalf of our members as well as provide opportunities for volunteers to engage in shaping public policy.

January 26, 2016



Will you join us in creating the “What If” to make Longview a great place to live, work, and raise families? What role will you play in shaping the next 100 years? Will you be one of our catalytic leaders?

3700 Gilmer Road 202 Hollybrook Drive

903-759-0751 www.springhillbank.com


Longview Progress Report | January-February 2016


Leading Longview People. Place. Prosperity.

Advocacy Digest Your Chamber at Work On Behalf Of Business: Advocacy is “Busting Out All Over” For 2016!


he Chamber anticipates 2016 to be a hot year for advocacy. There is the continued important issue watch and partnership with Texas Association of Business (TAB), American Chamber of Commerce Executives (ACCE), and the U.S. Chamber for keeping abreast of legislation proposed and developed in Washington, D. C., and Austin. With this year being an important election year, the Chamber will be hosting candidate forums to provide an opportunity for membership to hear candidates’ platforms and opinion on key issues impacting the business community. Your chamber has secured speakers for summits on three critical issues for 2016 and beyond: • EPA Clean Water Act expansion • Health Care • Cyber Security These summits are extended workshops designed to educate, increase awareness, and incite passion toward action! 2016 Elections 2016 is an election year and the Chamber is poised to bring forth candidates’ platforms to membership in the environment of forums. With the primaries coming March 1, 2016 the first candidate forum will take place January 26, at the Maude Cobb Convention Center, 100 Grand Blvd. As we move forward into the political process this year, additional forums may be scheduled as needed. Summit I – Natural Resources EPA Clean Water Act Expansion – February 18, 2016 This summit shall address the EPA’s and ACE Program’s new expansion of the Clean Water Act, its impact on small business and new considerations to think through, actions that may incur fines, and legal actions issued to stay the EPA’s and ACE’s rule. Speakers include Christopher Knight from Thompson and Knight’s Austin office to discuss Phase I environmental site assessments. Chandler Peter from the US Army Corps of Engineers will discuss the important consideration of waters of the U.S. and wetlands prior to development, timelines and tips for doing business with the Corps and mitigation banks. Frank Chaney, a local realtor and developer, will discuss his experience in navigating environmental due diligence in our region. Summit II – Health Care – March 30, 2016 In tandem with the long beloved Salute to Healthcare, the morning of the Salute will feature an advocacy summit addressing healthcare. Mark your calendars for the morning of March 30 to attend this important educational event. The Longview Chamber of Commerce is proud of the healthcare


system in the community and the advanced technology brought to this region. With 25% of our workforce employed in the healthcare industry, it is one of the greatest economic and socially responsible drivers/ institutions of the region. While celebrating 100 years of history, the Chamber takes a deeper dive into health care as we move forward into the next 100 years. During the morning the focus will be on policy issues then transitioning into front line specialists providing information to equip or embolden companies to make good healthcare provider decisions for their employees. Navigating the decision route of options in healthcare and savings plans will be tantamount, while taking a look at the future of healthcare. Summit III – Cyber Security – May 2, 2016 Last year the Chamber hosted its first Cyber security summit and the response was so great that before the event began we knew we needed to create an even more robust event for our members. On the afternoon of May 2, the Chamber will host a ½-day workshop on Cyber Security. Expansion of this program will include a hands-on component. The agenda will include legislative updates, issues from the security departments, hands on demonstration, and a discussion on fraud prevention. Attendees are invited to continue discussions and connections at the VIP reception immediately following the summit. Washington D.C. Fly-In – May 9 – 13, 2016 We head to Austin and Washington D.C. as an East Texas Region meeting face-to-face with our elected officials on the issues that matter most to your business. The East Texas Coalition is made up of Chambers of Commerce from Smith and Gregg Counties. In order to strengthen their regional voice, Longview and Tyler embarked on a joint effort 7 years ago to combine their legislative trips to Austin and Washington, D.C. This partnership has proven to be extremely successful in positioning our combined legislative priorities. This program provides participants the opportunity to hear from a variety of federal agency leaders on key topics such as water, transportation, and air quality, with an allotted time for private meetings. Relationships are built with elected officials as well as face-to-face meetings. The Legislative Reception includes Representatives and Senators as well as commissioners and key staff of over 100 state agencies providing an opportunity to showcase East Texas’s regional efforts and build relationships between these entities. Continued on Page 14 January-February 2016 | Longview Progress Report


Leading Longview People. Place. Prosperity.

Ribbon Cuttings

Luxe Cabinetry 4013 Estes Pkwy Longview, TX

Applied Consultants

Muddy Paws

2100 N Eastman Road Longview, TX

414 W Loop 281 Suite 10 Longview, TX

Boss Crane


5533 FM 2087 Longview, TX

Longview Mall 3500 McCann Rd. Longview, TX

East Texas Regional Airport


269 Terminal Cir. Longview, TX

Evan’s World Travel & Cruises 913 W Loop 281 Suite 200 Longview, TX

Horaney’s Inc


Longview Progress Report | January-February 2016

300 Industrial Blvd. Longview, TX

Storybook Parties

The Kitchen and Bath Showroom by NWS

301 W Methvin St Longview, TX

1227 W. Marshall Ave Longview, TX

Lone Star Ice House

Wellington Grande

1016 McCann Rd Longview TX

3637 US Hwy. 259 N Longview, TX


Leading Longview People. Place. Prosperity.

Adam Smith's Roughneck Harley

New Members Larry Tonn and Associates

Rob Edwards 3400 North 4th Street Longview TX 75605 (903) 663-3838

Larry Tonn 401 West 15th Street Suite 870 Austin TX 78701 (512) 494-9282

Adams Ribs

Hospitality Health ER

Rick Cox 1402 West Marshall Ave Longview TX, 75604 (903) 238-8002

Jill Shipp 3111 McCann Road Longview TX 75605 (903) 753-1212

C/C Painting

In & Out Smart Repair


Longview Teen Court, Inc.

Eat, Drink & Paint

New York Life

Carlos Munoz 113 Llano Bend Holly Lake Ranch TX 75765 (903) 769-9666

RMJ Builders, LLC

James Dean 517 West Kaufman Street Gilmer TX 75644 (903) 790-7208

SDI Realty

Debbie Mandel 712 Main 12th FL Houston TX 77002

Select Specialty Hospital Dennis Baker 700 East Marshall Ave Longview TX 75601 (903) 315-1114

Paul Floyd 514 East Loop 281 Longview TX 75605 (903) 212-1211

Jann Butler 200 Meadowview Road Longview TX 75604 (903) 297-1608

Sterrex Industries

Steve Shaw 9143 US Hwy 259 N Longview TX, 75605 (903) 653-4860

NaTusha Howard PO Box 3895 Longview TX 75606 (903) 237-2736

Julie Cunneen 206 Highway 80 East Suite D White Oak TX 75693 (903) 399-5851

Doug Hartman 2770 Patton Road Diana TX 75640 (318) 918-4236

Everything Gluten Free


Texas Iron & Steel

David Wright 288 PR 2317 Longview TX, 75603 (903) 758-9498

Texas Star Chemicals, LLC Wayne Fudge 1209 Champion Way Longview TX, 75604 (903) 236-3448

Ernest Gann 915 West Loop 281 Suite 107 Longview TX 75605 (903) 295-0300

Holly Weese 1130 East Hawkins Pkwy Longview TX 75605 (903) 663-7544

H5 Auction and Realty

Pristine Property Management LLC

Henry & Moore Jewelry

Raising Cane's

Becky Horton 409 N Fredonia Suite 118 Longview TX 75601 (903) 653-4599

The Strand

Martha Pierce 2006 Greenleaf Longview TX 75605 (903) 759-7899

Lynn Maupin 712 N High Longview TX 75601 (903) 424-1078

The University of Texas Health Science Center at Tyler Kimberly Ashley 11937 US Highway 271 Tyler TX 75708 (903) 877-5739

Sondra Moore 303 West Loop 281 Suite 105 Longview TX 75605 (903) 663-1515

Dayne Kelley 212 East Loop 281 Longview TX 75605 (903) 238-8800

Jarvis Christian College

Reo Palm Isle Sports Bar & Grill

Lester C. Newman P O Box 1470 Hawkins TX 75765 (903) 730-4890

Tripaga, Inc.

Donny McCoy PO Box 3017 Longview TX 75606 (903) 331-0808

Mike Kittner 4716 West Loop 281 Longview TX 75604 (903) 212-8285

Winning Edge Employment Services, LLC Susan Ponder PO Box 130692 Tyler TX 75713 (214) 926-6988



10 15

Anniversaries - January & February Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices Miles Realty Home Plus Floors



Comfort Keepers Smurfit Kappa Bates, LLC

Ark-La-Tex Shredding Company AT&T Mobility Farmer Agency Financial Services The University of Texas at Tyler Longview University Center Vaca & Kirby Dental Group Wingate by Wyndham



25 30

Charles Tomberlain Ins Agency Jim Bartlett Fine Jewelry Neiman Marcus National Service Center



Jimmie Zeigler


40 60



AAON Coil Products Inc Hugman Architecture & Construction Dianna Kirkley Carolyn Matter Summer Meadows

Women’s Center of East Texas Hope’s Closet 2409 Gilmer Rd. Longview TX



Jim Giles Kari Scott Kilgore College--Longview Motley's Roofing & Sheet Metal

Young Professionals of Longview Gerald’s Social Club 106 E. Tyler St. Longview, TX January-February 2016 | Longview Progress Report


Leading Longview People. Place. Prosperity.



Events are held at the Chamber offices unless otherwise noted.

Events are held at the Chamber offices unless otherwise noted.


New Years Day – Chamber Offices Closed Board of Directors Orientation

y o

Boat & RV Show Committee

o f

6 e e

8:30-10:00 am

10:00-11:00 am

Annual Banquet – A Centennial Celebration Maude Cobb Convention Complex Reception - 5:30 pm Dinner and Program 6:30 pm

MLK Day – Chamber Offices Closed Leadership Longview Committee

o a s j

7:30 am

Advocacy Summit – Natural Resources

Pinecrest Country Club 11:00 am - 1:30 pm

Board of Directors Meeting

3:30 pm

Business After Hours

Network Communications – 119 W. Tyler Street 4:45 pm - 6:30 pm

Ambassador Committee Meeting

11:30 am – 1:00 pm

Business Solutions – Retail Branding

12:00 pm – 1:30 pm

11:30 am-12:30 pm

Board of Directors Meeting

3:30 pm – 5:00 pm

Business Development – Bomb Proof Constructive Feedback 1:00 pm – 4:30 pm

j l

h h

Executive Committee Meeting

Candidate Forum

Maude Cobb Convention Center 6:00 pm – 8:30 pm

Business After Hours

2016 Boat & RV Show Kick-Off Maude Cobb Convention Complex 4:45 pm-6:30 pm


2016 Boat & RV Show Maude Cobb Convention Center

Advocacy Digest, continued from Page 11

Elected Officials Reception – October 25, 2016 Set the date now as the Chamber’s Elected Officials Reception occurs right before major elections this year! Web Presence Increases! In addition to LongivewVote.com focusing on federal legislation activity and calls to action, your Chamber has been busy to create other channels of communication on legislative issues. As the first chamber in Texas to partner with Texas Prosperity to create a web site focusing on state issues, the Longview Chamber is proud to announce the launch of Longview.TXProsperity.com. The Longview Chamber of Commerce works closely with job creators to advocate for pro-growth, pro-business regulations and policies to help ensure economic prosperity for our region.

Chairman’s Club Platinum



Silver ABC Auto Parts AEP Atmos Energy Austin Bank BancorpSouth Chase Bank City of Longview Community Bank Convergys Diagnostic Clinic

Longview Progress Report | January-February 2016

Eastman Chemical Company Good Shepherd Health System Halliburton HOLT CAT Joy Global Inc JW Energy Longview News-Journal Martin Resource Management Neiman Marcus National Service Center

Regions Bank Southside Bank Spring Hill State Bank SYSCO Food Services of East Texas, LLC Trinity Rail T Vaughn Properties LLC USSTP Lone Star Tubular Operations www.LongviewChamber.com

The MBA in Entrepreneurial Leadership is a graduate program designed to integrate business theory and application. The curriculum provides students with the opportunity to expand their understanding of business leadership through theoretical thinking and current research in the field of business. Courses will be enhanced using web-based tools and incorporate hands-on training as students develop their own business plans. The curriculum is designed for a cohort of students to begin each fall and spring semester and progress through the 16-month program. *The online program will begin August 2016, pending approval from the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges


410 N. Center Street Longview, TX 75601 903-237-4000 www.LongviewChamber.com

East Texas Boat & RV Show Presented By:

Admission Prices | Children 12 & Under............FREE | | Adults.................................$8.00 | | Adults 70 & Older...............$5.00 |

January 29-31


Maude Cobb Activity Center | Friday 10am - 6 pm | | Saturday 10am - 6 pm | | Sunday 10am - 3 pm |

(903) 237-4023 www.BoatRVShow.com

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