IF you play your cards right, you’ll have a great week! AQUARIUS
(January 20 – February 118) Card Of The Week: Ten Of Cups A GREAT card to appear in any spread, the Ten Of Cups means good luck will find you this week. After what was a turbulent 2019 for you and your loved ones, things will seem greatly improved. Communication will improve, bonds will be formed and relationships mended. Enjoy this period of harmony and peace and let it infiltrate to all aspects of your life.
(March 21 – April 19) Card Of The Week: The Moon YOU’RE exhausted. You’re ratty. You can’t concentrate. No wonder: if you’re suffering from insomnia it can wreak havoc on your life. This card is a signal for you to relook at your sleeping habits. The good news is that most cases of insomnia can be cured. But if tweaking your bedtime routine and steering clear of sleep disruptors like caffeine, alcohol and electronics doesn’t help then it may be time to talk to a doctor.
TAURUS (April 20 – May 20) Card Of The Week: The King Of Swords THIS week may see you turning to a professional advisor, such as a solicitor or attorney, financial adviser or taxation consultant, for assistance on an important matter. Seek someone who has reputable credentials and be sure to ask what their fees are upfront to prevent any nasty surprises later on. If you have a complicated situation it’s best to meet the advisor face-to-face.
(May 21 – June 20) Card Of The Week: The Hierophant IF it’s commitment you’ve been after, this period may very well see your relationship sail to the next level. The Hierophant is the marriage and commitment card of the Major Arcana. If single, this card is also a great omen and suggests a new love interest is on his/her way. If you’re wondering what this potential partner will feel towards you, don’t worry: The Hierophant reassures you that they have good intentions.
(August 23 – September 22) Card Of The Week: Three Of Wands (reversed) STOP playing small. Yes, everything in life involves a certain degree of risk but if you don’t put your all into your goals, chances are you will fall short of achieving them. Disappointment and frustration may lead to your turning down a golden opportunity this week either in your studies, work or love life. Keep in mind that this particular opportunity does not come around every day and if you refuse it, it may never come around again.
(June 21 – July 22) Card Of The Week: Seven Of Cups IS your boss or a work colleague/staff member causing unnecessary friction? While you can’t control their attitude, you can control how their attitude affects you. Try changing the way you interact with people in the business arena, especially those who carry the stamp of authority or success. If you can come to a better understanding of who you are dealing with and what makes them react in certain ways, you can better navigate a path to forming a better relationship with them.
(September 23 – October 22) Card Of The Week: Eight Of Pentacles HOORAY for the Eight Of Pentacles if you’ve been having sleepless nights over money. This card symbolises that your apprenticeship and hard work will bring you the financial freedom you need, even if it’s just fleeting. However, keep in mind that this is not a period for financial expansion, but rather one of review.
LEO (July 23 – August 22) Card Of The Week: The Queen Of Wands A PASSIONATE and energetic woman who falls under the fire sign Aries, Leo or Sagittarius will be making her way into your life this week. She may not necessarily be a new romantic interest, but rather someone who lights up your life just enough to motivate you to achieve your goals for this year. By following the advice of this female influence, you will achieve success.
(February 19 – March 20) Card Of The Week: The Chariot
FOREIGN travel, faraway places and relations with foreign cultures are on the cards for you this week. Whether by plane or boat, you’ll be leaving the comfort of your home and embarking on an exciting (and somewhat daunting) adventure. Whether travel is part of a work project, or for personal reasons, rest assured that the voyage will be well worth it. Remember these golden rules: go with your gut, sleep on it, avoid discussing it with everyone and consider the long-term consequences.
The Chariot
F you thirst for all things mystical our weekly tarot reading will guide you to a clearer path. One card drawn for each of star signs shows you what to expect and how to improve your week!
THE Chariot card is an indicator of great success. A warrior stands inside a carriage wearing armour decorated with crescent moons. Don’t be fooled into thinking he is privileged to be able to steer because he’s in the driver’s seat – he isn’t holding onto any reins and instead is able to control the chariot through his own strength of will and powerful mind.
SCORPIO (October 23 – November 21) Card Of The Week: The Knight Of Wands IT started out as just a hobby, but this week you’ll realise that your side-line interest can be more than just a labour of love. There is money to be made, whether your hobby is writing/blogging, craft-making, music, photography, gardening, pet sitting or refereeing or umpiring. Remember that earnings can vary drastically – from a few hundred rand to thousands – so keep your fulltime job until you’re off the ground.
SAGITTARIUS (November 22 – December 21) Card Of The Week: Two Of Swords THIS way or that? Making a choice when it comes to life-altering decisions can be challenging, especially when each choice has its own set of pros and cons and neither seems more appealing than the other. The best way to tackle the scenario is to remain patient and avoid pressure from other people, which could lead to you making an abrupt decision.
CAPRICORN (December 22 – January 19) Card Of The Week: The Wheel Of Fortune THIS week you will learn that the wheels always turn. Just when you thought everything was going smoothly – bang! – things start falling apart. And the same can be said in reverse. Just when you thought things would never get better, they start looking up again. Whatever the situation you find yourself in this week, remember that you are the master of your own destiny and you can steer your ship to where it needs to be.