8 minute read
Keep the spirit alive What about Bob?
As the smell of turkey drifts out of the kitchen and into the family room, an assembly of men holler for dinner. They are warming their feet by the blazing fire and flip between the variety of football games. "C'mon babe, we're hungry!'"
It is Thanksgiving Day, and millions of people eagerly await the menagerie of edibles. When they finally sit down to dinner and stuff themselves with corn, potatoes and pumpkin pie, do they stop and think about people who are less fortunate?
Hunger and homeless awareness week was designed to "increase interest and raise concern," as stated by campus ministry. Students have the opportunity to participate in the events planned for the week's awareness. The sch¢uled events not only spark campus-wide awareness but also a global response to hunger and poverty.
During the holiday season, people focus upon the issues of hunger and homelessness. Church programs, school events and public fundraisers help people who are less fortunate and benefit those who are homeless.
We must remember these people long after the holiday season ends. The winter months are the harshest on the homeless, and any type of assistance can alleviate hunger and poverty across the world.
Funds are needed to create living shelters and provide food and nourishment. Monetary donations, as well as non-perishable food donations, can be made payable to Cabrini College for Our Lady of Hope Parish. For more information, please contact Francesca Bansbach, campus minister, at 9718225.
Every little bit can make a big difference. Help others enjoy a thanksgiving, even after the holiday season has ended.
IUps and Downs
Many students have been left in the dark on residential boulevard. While cars travel toward the houses, lights magically shut off and leave students in total darkness. When the lights do stay on, they are too dim to be effective. Hey Cabrini, leave a light on for us.
This previous Thursday night, Nov. 11, the sophomore class sponsored a lip sync in the Xavier Great Room. The event gave everyone a opportunity to sit back and relax, as others sang to their favorite tunes.
A brigade of big rigs consumed a bunch of parking spaces in the Sacred Heart parking lot. These tractor trailers took parking spaces away from people who are entitled to have those spaces. Public safety was nice enough to allow students, faculty and staff to park on the multi-purpose athletic field.
Bob Macartney, Sports Editor
Things don't always go as planned, At times we need others to give usa hand. But life, my friends.. continues on.
It's always darkest before the dawn.
Scramblin' Randall and Eric the Great, Both appear doomed by the same fate. Their teams were hol until they went down.
Will they ever bring home the crown?
Charles was loud, so Charles is gone.
In his place, they drafted Shawn.
The Sixers are run by Harold Katz, Doesn't he know, ''Nice guys finish last."
Florida State had the No. 1 team, But Notre Dame ended the dream. Hope is still there for the Seminoles. They'll meet again in the Fiesta Bowl.
Things don't always go as planned, At times we need others to give us a hand.
But life, my friends, continues on.
It's always darkest before the dawn.
It's Ross Perot vs. Al Gore, What does NAFfA have in store?
Better yet, what does it mean?
Will we be drinking water that's green?
New Jersey has elected a new ruler, Her campaign manager fooled her. "Money to suppress the vote," he jeers, Y'all have fun, these next four years.
John WayneBobbitt did not rape his wife. Yet, he endured so much strife.
The entire situation is very disdainful, Couldn't she find something less painful?
Things don't always go as planned, At times we need others to give us a hand. But life, my friends, continues on. It's always darkest before the dawn.
The semester winds down. Exams awa.
This is the time we have all come to ha•. Students stress for absolutely no reasor:
I really can't wait for the holiday seas°"
The food in the cafe is not the best.
I wonder how it passes the test. The taste is no good, and boy does it sme Does Sellers have a deal with Taco Be[
It is time again to pick out our classes. Are the registrars' heads out of their asso Or must we struggle with financial aid. And have our confirmations be delayec.
Things don't always go as planned, At times we need others to give us a ham! But life, my friends, continues on. It's always darkest before the dawn.
Change occurs nearly every day, Most of the changes don't go our way. Today may be bad, tomorrow could be worse, But at least we're not in the back of a hearse.
All of the breaks don't go our way, A lot of times it's just not our day. It is when we're low that we can't give in. Keep on fighting, and someday you '11 Will.
When things don't always go your wa). Take a minute to sit down and pray, If it's not your day, your week, your season, Remember, all things happen for a reason.
Things don't always go as planned, At times we need others to give us a bane. But life, my friends, continues on. It's always darkest before the dawn.
Edrtorn Chef: _,., McAlister
M1vlagingEdior: Oa-lielleOl.laroo
PerapectillesEcitor: o.nele DiMaroo
Co-NewsEditor. Stew May
Co-NewsEdm: Kely McOonald
F_,,.,. Edior: Ga,y 'l-lllte
Artsand Erwtainmem Ecitor: Gay White
Sports Editor:Bob Macartney
Copy Edior: Doug Eppler
To thd'.d.itor:
------a______ e true to your school Cartoon
I would like to thank those who made Cabrini Spirit Day one to remember. As a senior, it held - special meaning because it reminded me how special Cabriniand its peopleare and why I came here. Itwas a great feelingto see thefaculty,staff and studentsso involved in the school. It showed mehowmucheveryonereallycaresaboutCabrini and the problems of the world.
This Spirit Day brought out good aspects of Cabrinithatmanyofusseemtoforget;wearehere to learn more thanjust a "trade," to learnabout the world around us and how we can help. We are exposed to people who make a differencein this world and are given the opportunityto make one ourselves. It's nice to see that students still care about this campus and are working to make a difference.
I would also like to thank Mother Ursula for startingthis collegeand continuingtobring us the knowledge and ways of Saint Frances Xavier Cabrini. And I hope that Cabrini and her people continue to make a difference and make this college such a special place.
JudithA Panasik,senior
Wrting Coach: Doug Eppler
GraphicDesig,er: -Aladin
Edtonal Cartoonist: Joe Opiela
Business Managels: Diane Osborn & KNen 5=lr'8I< Pholography Edkors:Eric Balbusaa & Dawniele Klopp
PholographyAdviser: Dr. carter Craigie
Adviser: Dr.Jerome 2urek
Staff: Shelia Brad'(.Kama Corrao,CarolineCroley.Kali Doughr. Olristina l'eelal, Aonette Holt,Rchard Jasper, MargaretMaJO, Regina Miler,Renee Rozniatosld,Brian Satkowski,Calherine
Smalherma,, Jane Van lngen, Trnolhy Wonson, Celene Wfv1. Diane Wrobleski
Pt-oography Staff: ca-oline Croley,Kerdra Mal1Jn,Ame Marie Mauro.catheme Smolhennan
UX1,Jitl.r is publishedweekly dunng lhe school
Inding The True Self Within
.ane S. Van ngen, staff writer was a Saturday afternoon in Greenwich
--=,--e, and I walked around adoring the cool
-.; stores and thrift shops. I loved finding
.cgs and rare CDs and looking at all the
-.::sthat I would love to wear, but never anted to be a part of the Village, wearing ders, listening to underground alterna-usic, the whole bit. I wanted to be one of starving poets who lived in a studio ent, went to poetry readings and sat " drinking espresso at outside cafes.
&.:.lcouldn't.AsmuchasGreenwich Village
..ifer,Icouldn'tbeapartofoneofthegreatest :ures of New York City. It wasn't me.
"'& yourself." Sounds good, doesn't it? It so American, kind oflike eating applepie
_;,.king lemonade on a hot summer day. In - though, being yourselfisn't as easy as it n me.I've tried all my life to be myself, so I I have some experience in the area. ent to a small, private school from the 10the12thgrades,andmy graduatingclass
3=1wait. Don't despairyet.
OJ can be yourself. But don't take mine or ·sword for it.Takeitfrom yourown word.
- Havinggrownupin a middle-classfamily to public school up to that point, I was surprised to hear of some people riding in limousines, like you and I go to asn 't just clothes, though. I was in my ~ttle world and, for the most part, they • nobby, phony and made me feel about ches tall, because I was unpopular. I - fully recovered.
.:ii:il:mld' s.
Al.:boughwe had school skirts and a dress people shopped exclusively at the GAP &nneton. People criticized me for going ill gym clothes on Fridays, when we had ~-period gym. Later on, when I started to ~ly like the GAP, they thought I was = to be like them.
-,;:close friends I had dido 't go to my My best friend, whom I knew since I I I. lived around the comer from me. My dose friends I met when I was in the 10th One of these close friends tried to conme that no one is normal and everyone is but I never quite bought it. As it is, I ~.'-tried to make my famjly "normal," but _ 'lever successful, and I've come to love for their uniqueness.
I!:.mgs got progressively better as I got
In my last year of high school, I met a group of people on a computer service called Prodigy. Like me, they all liked the B-52's, who are known for being anytrung but normal. Likewise, the people with whom I came to be friends were anytrung but normal. For the first time in my life, I felt like I belonged in a group. Althoughlmetsomeonewhoisnowoneofmy best friends, Prodigy was never a social life for me.
It was also around this time that I actually liked high school. People were nicer to me, and I let my guard down. I tried to forgive them for what they did to me, tried to forgive myself for being in my own little world, and I tried to be friends with them. It never really materialized, though, because it was really too late, and I didn't care anymore. I wanted out, and out I went. But I did not go gently into that good night.
Unlike many people who were sad to leave their rugh schools behind, I eagerly anticipated going to collegeand startingfrom scratch.During summer orientation,[ was excited. anxious.nervous and scared. My parentswere impressedthat I was so sociable. I don't think any of us- my parents, my sister or me- knew what would lie ahead. In fact, if someone had told me ahead of time, I don't trunk I would have believed them. My first year of college was something I'll never forget. Although there were some people likethoselknewinhighschool,Ipaidnoattention to them. I met people who squash pennies on railroad tracks for fun and make up stories about what planet everyone is from. I met people, including loners, who were so naturally themselves I couldn't imagine them being any different. I met people who, like me, appear to be sweet and innocent on the outside, but once you got to know them, it was a whole different story. I met people who were as different as night and day, yet managed to click.
Instead of potential friends, I made genuine acquaintances. I came to feel comfortable in a room, without being friends with anyone. I also made real friends.FriendsI know will be true. As different as we are, and although we may go our own ways sometimes,in the end it alwayscomes down to us.
I've come to be as true to myself as I'm ever going to be. It came mostly as a result of trying to please others and live the way they wanted me to live.
Of course, there are many times when I wish things had been different.Life isn't perfect,even now. There are times when I miss the peoplewho were once in my life, but aren't anymore.There also are times when I worry about the future, which seems so uncertain.
But I try not to let those thoughts overwhelm me. It all comes down to a quote I found in a journal some friends of mine gave me for my birthday last summer. The quote is from Christina Georgina Rossetti, who said. "Better by far you should forget and smile than that you should remember and be sad."
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