4 minute read

The birthplace of stars

by Brian Slatkowskl staff

A star is born.


A boy sits with his head down, praying to his fingers. lo an almost frozen cube of a room, he sympathetically beats life into an old, beaten piano, under blue and pink stage lights. The tables are filled with half-lit faces and shiny plastic cups.

He may not be famous, but tonight he can sit on a cloud and absorb the responsive cheers of a crowd.

Tonight, he plays in the Red Cloud. It doesn't matter who '·he" is. It matters that "he" is in the crowd's critical eye, sweating and undaunted. "He" has stepped up another creaky stair in a long and often fatal path, without armor, only his talent.

His chance has come in the newest addition to Cabrini College, a pearl created by the director of theater, Neal Newman.

On November 9, the Red Cloud Coffee House served up its first cup of coffee.

Under the calm arm of manager Belinda Desher, senior, the Red Cloud illuminated Neal Newman and seniors Dann Trotter and Eric Barbuscia in a song called, "There is a meeting."

The hardly-seen dance ensemble followed the opening act with a routine to the song, "I'm gonna get you." Senior Alicia Casole, of the dance ensemble, said, "I think it went well. It was good exposure for our group."

The next skit was performed by five members of Cabrini's comedy troupe. The setting was a game show called "Sexual Harassment." Its members included Judge Clarence Thomas, played by Marty Stamps, a sophomore, Senator

Bob Packwood, portrayed by Doug Eppler, a junior, Senator Ted Kennedy, played by Dann Trotter, a senior, Sister Mary Scullion, played by Maureen Klement, a sophomore, and a contestant, played by Katina Corrao, a sophomore.

The lights dimmed for the first of two video presentations of the night. They were directed by sophomore Nathan Carter and senior Rosanne Carfagno. Carter's presentation was the soap opera "Monotony Cliffs," and Carfagno's drama was "Between Friends." Both starred various Cabrini students.

Other acts included singing by Woodcrest resident director Sloane Gibb, Newman and Eppler. Barbuscia added to the musical talent of the evening by strumming an almost flawless acoustic guitar solo.

Two English professors also slid into the act.

Dr. Marice Bezdek read poetry, and Dr. Marilyn Johnson acted out a monologue from Tennessee Williams' "A Streetcar Named Desire."

Corrao and Trotter sweated through an improv, with several explicit lines supplied by the crowd. Corrao's already wide eyes lit up, when even she was amazed and said, "l want a big cock in my ass."

The night ended with Billy Joel's "Lullabye," a sobering piano solo by Paul Marturano, a first-year student. Marturano said, "Billy Joel is God," right before he pounded out the first of several chords in complete darkness.

The Red Cloud Coffee House proved to be something that will not drift off in the near future. For artists, it is a place where they can plant their seeds. For students, it is a place to socialize and appreciate local entertainment.


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Wisniewski's interest in graphic design began during her days at Cardinal O'Hara High School. She designed logos in high school and attended the Governor's School for the Arts. The more she learned about graphic design, the more she realized that she wanted to study it in college.

Graphic design is a form of visual communication with a specific goal. The designer is hired by a corporation to create a logo, sign or brochure that will persuade, educate, sell or direct the intended audience. An example of graphic design is Cabrini's logo, found on letterhead, folders and just about anything the college puts out into the public.

Wisniewski earned her graduate degree from Tyler school of Art in Philadelphia and went on to earn a postgraduate degree in advertising from Syracuse University in New York. Currently, she is the coordinator of graphic design at Delaware County Community College.

In addition to her teaching duties at community, Wisniewski is teaching an advertising design course here at Cabrini.

Graphic design is very different from painting or drawing. It is not considered a fine art, although there is as mu creativity and artistic talent involvec. Wisniewski believes that her line ofw, is exciting.

"There is a lot of problem solving Wisniewski said. "It is exciting to cha:--nel your creativity that way."

The designer is hired by a corporytion to come up with a design, she sa1 It is the responsibility of the designer t research the product and the compan\ in order to create a successful design Wisniewski' s show will span her prC'fessional career, with works coverin= 13 years.

The choice to showcase Wisniewski·, art was a logical one. Cabrini has jus· listed in the new catalog a concentratioc in graphic design, under the visual art. major. This is the first year Cabrini ha_ had such a concentration.

Dr. Adeline Bethany, chair of the fine arts department, contacted Wisniewsk for help in locating a graphic desigr: teacher. After Wisniewski accepted the position herself, Bethany asked if she would be interested in a show in the library.

It is unusual for graphic designs to be shown in a gallery- type setting. Normally they are exhibited by a trade organization or college with a graphic design major.

There are a few new courses being offered in conjunction with the new concentration. Computer-based courses are available to teach students the techniques of a growing field. Wisniewski onl~ uses a computer in her current work.

The computer allows more alternatives, Wisniewski said, because it is faster than doing tracings by hand. Now. she only has to hit a button to change a font or the size of the type.

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