5 minute read

Last week in the world of·news

by Katina Corrao staff writer



The U.S.Senateagreedto an amendment lf:.uwouldallowPennsylvaniato stop out-ofs...relotterysaleswithinthe border. This amendment,in effect, would shut ~11severalbusinessesthatusecomputersto - Pennsylvaniaresidentschancesinlotterr- fromFloridatoCalifornia.Officialsbelieve statelotteryis losing$1 millionor more .lilCllluallytoout-of-statecompetition.

..JTuesday,Nov.9- Gorevs.Perot

Foran houranda half,on the "LarryKing lr. e show,Al Gore and Ross Perot argued a tne meritsand drawbacksof the North klericanFreeTradeAgreement(NAFTA),a ::ee-nationtradeagreementthatcaneliminate -...ffsand trade barriers. During the show, re repeatedlyinterruptedPerot. Hechallengedhimandhispresentationand £.i the Texan was more interestedwith his pr.ical foresightsthanthetruth.Atonepoint,

Perotlookedat Goreand said,"Wouldyoueven know the truthif you saw it? I don't thil]k,.yoo would. You'v~beenup heretoo 1 ,,...

O Wednesday,Nov.10-!Joppei<areteaaut in the cold /. .• Shopperstaking~~ to the new Kingof Prussi/~)J(ilh1ot havea wann place for their rif ~e. TheMontgomery CountyPlanning~i~hadbeenpmhiog for an indoorwai,~tpom neat.theJC Penney departmentstore,bltc,,ountyplannerMonicaC. Drewnianyannouncedthatthe finalplansfortbe projectare in, and\ie waitingarea is notpart of them. '\ KennethB. Hu~, the commission'sassistantdirector,saidthe~ionhasdoneeverything possibletQ enco~e the developersto accommodatepublictranspottation,butforwhateverreason,theyhavechosennot k>do that


Governor-electChristineToddWhitmansaid it was not true thather campaignhad made paymentsto suppresstheurbanand blackvotein the

New Jersey's governor's race. Her campaign ~er, E.dwardJ. Rollins,who saidsuch payments~.· _mmaade,gaveWhitmantheapology -~.r r.,~~c!S~asaretraction. ~£tihgblackministersrespond- uote. They sa_idhis to e imageof the black dnm:l\a:~.~ • & bl,k communitytradition~ ••. l ....,,,,,,;/$ a Friday,Nov. 12- c~ charged with

The pop superstar,MichaelJackson, announcedhe hascut shorta concerttour,toget treatrnentforwhathecalledaprescriptiondrug addictionaggravatedby hisworriesoverchild abuseallegations.

Jacksonandclosefriend,ElizabethTaylor, canceledhis"Dangerous"tourandleftMexico City for London and possibly Switzerland, whereTaylorownsa chalet.

Canfinal,?,>sephBemardin,wasaccusedby a Pbiladelphiaman,StevenCoo,lt,34,inalawsuit,of abusinghlmmoret!f<m a decadeago. In IllsargumentagainstCookjkmardinsaid he has livedacdto&teandchaste,Jifefor65yearsandhas no recollet:tfonof eooi,/ .I Cook,a mentalJiealthcounselorwho suffers from AID~ia'Bemardin abusedhim at least o~,Hesaida priest,theRev.EllisHarsham,first abusedhim,andthenhewasbroughttoBernardin. CooksaidBemardingavehimabookanda framed picture,thensexuallyabusedhim. Cooksaidhe onlyrecentlybeganrememberingtheabase.

0 Sunday,Nov.14-NAFfA dinner PresidentOintoninvited15of 51lawmakers still undecidedon NAFfA to the White Housefor dinner,hopingto presshiscasefor thetradedeal. About20 representativesof the AFL-0O,astaunchNAFTAopponent,stood outsidea WhiteHousegate as thelawmakers arrived,holdingcandlesinsilentprotestofthe agreement.

Ocal Organizations Participate In Fight Against Hunger

Kelli Dougherty staff writer light of hunger and homeless awareness whichbegan November 15,community

3re underway, to help needy people in

These programsfocus on the Thanks=holiday, which can be a trying time for m need.

Ile Holy Spirit parish and elementary

_ in SharonHill,haveSisterMaryLiguori

=careofa listof needy familiesin the area.

-ding to Ligouri, they provide food bas50-60 families referred to her by Com-

':· Action Agency, the Ecumenical Car-

-= ( oalitionand a few local churches. "The provide a full meal for Thanksgiving gouri uses donations given by the com-

;th all the trimmings," Liquori said. "It -i last the weekend."

·.: to purchasefood for the baskets.Dona-

..regiventhroughoutthe yearand saved in servicefund. She also uses food that is ::tedduringa food driveeverythreeweeks at the Holy Spirit church and school.

St. Katherineof Siena in Wayne also sponsors a program to help the needy. In this program, casseroles are made and given to Mercy Hospice, which provides shelter for homeless women and children.

Cindy Young,}'arishsecretary,said, "People in the community,purchase the food.needed, make tbtcasserole&intheirhomesandthen take them kl a local~ point."'

Archbishop.Carrollin Radnor has students volunteertime and money for the needy in the area. Accordingto SisterRita Hekker,chairof the religion department,almost every student in the school body of 870 donates one quarter a day, for a two-weekperiod, in their religion classes.

This IDOl;lefis-used to purchase enough foodio produceappro~mately 30 food baskets.

According to Young, Sister Eileen Campbell from MercyHospiceand a resident hosted a lecture fo explain the importance of this program. The lecture, on theology of • hunger,gaveinsighttotheprogtaQtandstressed its importanceto needypeople.

Thel>asketsconsistoffoodfor breakfast, lunch,dinnerand additional food that may lastaweek..

• "A letter is sent to the pastors of the parishesthatourstudentt~present,"Hekker said. "Jo response,they giye us names of fall\ilies having needs that must be dealt with.'J1iefamiliesma jd"stbe having present ctifficul·~ d e to,tneeconomy today."

AsprintedinaSundaybulletinatSt.Katherine' s, "HOW'in1pottam~ mercy'casseroles, do t~y reallymakeadifference?C.ome and give witness to the value of our charity." Youngsaid,"Peoplein the communitypurchase the food neededand make the casseroles in theirhomes and then take the casserolesto a local collectionpoint."

What's Happening

Poetry Reading 11/18

J A fun-filled evening of poetry

-:::adingsand story-telling. Come.overt9

__:sun,or share your oz<ik,.•. ..~ die f{ed )UdCoffee team will be their special guests. It will be held in the Widener Center Gathering Area, and the cost is $3 with a party flyer 4Dd.$4~ithout a flyer. Food and drink will liea~le. Everyone is welcome,

• • 1 and over are

A few localsupermarketscontributetoArchbishop Carroll's program for the needy. The Acme in Wayne,Genuardi'sinSt. David's and Gentille Market in Newtown Square allow students to purchase food at cheaper prices.

"They enable us to buy things on sale, in quantity," Hekker said. "Gentille's sells us fresh produce at cost."

PhiladelphiabranchesoftheSalvatiorrArmy provide food basketsfor the needy, according Gary Deckert, director of communitysupport services.

There also will be a traditionalThanksgiving day dinner at 715 North Broad Street."It's a walk-in, and no questions will be asked," Deckertsaid.

The Salvation Army in West Chester will make as many food baskets as possible, depending on community contributions.

According to Karen Newman, social service director, they also will provide a Thanksgiving dinner on Nov. 22 at 6:30p.m. for the homeless. "We are planning for 80 to 100 people," Newman said." The people in the community bring in the turkeys."

The Chester County community center will host a larger-scale dinner on Thursday, Nov. 25 from 1 p.m to 3 p.m., according to Newman.

Security Update

Security incidents, as reported by security office from Monday, NtlV.8 through Monday, Nov.15.

Burglary and Institutional Vandalism


::JSecurity found 21 mailboxes

Institutional Vandalism· had been opened. It was unknown 11/9 at that time if anything had been t demand- Cavalier t improvisational CloudCoffee House ent d enjoy the soundsofBilly eelby

0 Xavier RD gave security the taken. While checking the rest of phone head-set from X.,.a,,,.v1;.;·e:.:..r_L:_.._::-.n~. the building, security found a trash South hallway p pole had been ripped from the had ripped it of _r:< und.

Unauthorize~•""l•.~;;ti~iii:-i;;;'.17 11/13 e Building received a call from a student. There was so n the radio room that was making him cough. When security arrived·, the odor was gone.


0 While scanning and patrollidi the halls of Xavier, security discovered a male Cabrini student in Upper South. The RA on duty was notified of the situation, because the male was banned from Xavier. The student was escorted out of the building and back to his residency on campus. The student had not entered Xavier through the front doors while security was on duty.

Noise Complaint 11/14

0 Security received a call from an unknown male about noise coming from a room in Xavier. Security responded to the call, and no noise was noted.

by Catherine Smotherman staff writer

Cabrini's cross-country teams are sort of like a peach pit- small and pitted, but with the potential to grow into a lush fruit.

If the teams were judged strictly by records, they probably would be categorized as nearly ready to pick. The women's team has won the Pennsylvania Athletic Conference (PAC) championship for the last two years. The men's team won the championship last year and came in third this year.

The women managed these victories on their own. The men required a graft (irregular runners added to the ranks just for the race) each year, in order to have a team ·of five.

Everyone agrees lack of runners is the biggest problem facing cross-country. There is noaccord on why there is a lack of runners.

Athletic Director John Dzik said there are two aspects to the problem. "There aren't as many cross-country runners these days," Dzik said. "Running is not a glamorous sport. It takes a lot of work and sacrifice.··

Dzik said high school students are getting better offers from other schools. ··some people are priced out of Cabrini," he said. ··\\'e don't have a track. Runners who want to run both fall and spring won't come here."

Although Cabrini does not have a track, there is a track team.

"We've always had a problem with depth," coach Tom O'Hora said. "even when we had a great team. If you don't have depth, and a few people leave, for whatever reason, it looks like everything is failing apart.~'

O'Hora said Cabrini is not the only college having a hard time fielding a full team. One reason the men won last year's championship is Cabrini was one of the few teams with the necessary five runners.

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