April 25, 1997 Issue 24 Loquitur

Page 13

VOL.XLIII,NO. 24 • I NsIfi E -----A&E 'Cabaret' review p.7 Sports Women's lacrosse p. 15 FRIDAY, APRIL 25, 1997 Features Can you name this Cabrini employee? See if you can identify some of Cabrini's finest. pp. 8&9 RADNOR PA 19087 Thebuckstarts
Technological improvements, which include SPARC and apartment construction and Sacred Heart Hall renovations, are among the reasons for a 6.2 percent tuition increase, according to the administration. PAGE 3 '' ••• mycharacterhas.beenattacked." Former public safety officer Bill Beard and eyewitnesses tell their accounts of what led to Beard's termination. PAGEs .... .. . . . t- <I .lo t-

Heaven'sGate,masssuicide:whydidit happen?

Professors and students attempt to answer why a person would join a cult and ultimately commit suicide for its mission.

have meaning in killing."

"A combination of intelli- "There's an interest in the gence and sensitivity reeks supernatural, God and angels," What caused 39 members of havoc on the psyche," Romano Primiano said, in reference to the Heaven's Gate cult to com- said. the spiritual awakening. mit suicide? He also mentioned sexual Furthermore, he said a posiWhat was it about Marshall aspects in relation to the cult. tive aspect of religion is that it H. Applewhite, the cult leader "How can sexuality not be does not involve physical with piercing blue eyes and a the main driving force of this harm. Since Heaven's Gate soft, prophetic voice, that con- group?" Romano said. "The did involve harm (castration, vinced his followers to best way to get rid of sex is to suicide), most people would embrace his beliefs? deny it." then feel something dangerous

Dr. Joseph Romano, profes- Romano also mentioned or invalid about that religion. sor of philosophy, attempted to that sexuality is easier to deny "When people take their answer these ultimate ques- than to face, in reference to own lives, everybody gets nertions by referring to the term fears and in particular to the vous ," Primiano said. "The 'honest skepticism.' cult's leader, Applewhite. death aspect raises doubt as to "We all search for some- Applewhite was the ~on of a whether it's a valid religion." thing. We must maintain hon- Presbyterian minister and was Primiano also said religion est skepticism, not cynicism," believed to possibly be a is life-affirming, not the denial Romano said. "A critical homosexual. of life. thinker knows the difference Romano said castration and In response to a question of between fact and fiction." death could have been mea- normalcy, Primiano said insti-

According to Romano, hon- sures taken by the cult to avoid tutional religions, such as est skepticism involves temptation. Christianity and Judaism, h.ad approaching the unknown When asked if he would be cult appearances when they carefully. A member of for or against a group similar were young. Heaven's Gate gave up this to Heaven's Gate coming to "Religion never has anyskill and their thinking pow- Cabrini to lecture, Romano thing to do with being normal. ers: said he would be in favor pro- If people worried about norRomano also said the vided that there would be a malcy there wouldn't be any appeal of the cult becomes forum for debate where doubts religious movements. Are we seductive and that Heaven's could be explored. afraid about people who are Gate claimed "complete "It shouldn't be a closed passionate about religion? knowledge." meeting," Romano said. Does it make us uncomfort-

"lt's a heresy to define the able? If there were a "National absolute," Romano said. "How is [Heaven's Gate] Enquirer" 2,000 years ago, the "There's a magic to it [the different from any other reli- wackos would have been the cult], but you pay the price." gion ?" Dr. Leonard Norman Christians,'' Primiano said.

1 Primiano, professor of reli- According to Primiano, cult

The victims of tile mass sui- gion, asked. members judged belief and did • cide called themse;lye;, Higher Primiano said· ·people see; ' not join the cult simply Sour~ , , a quji:;i-religious, ,, s.trong religious eommitment; because they had nothing else , groµp .that de$~gq(,d Xnte,rne~, ,. as a problem which has a lot to) in which to believe. ' , r • ~i~es for, bu:sinesse~.· M~JJ1):>ers dor with the stress we place on• Primiano would b¢Jll 't~~qr • of the. cuJt beJiyve,o th.ey.werr·• indiYiduality.in our c.ultuce.. of a .group similar to Heaven's.

: S\:!ntto ear.th .as angels-,i);ndmef ., "Wh'e>nyoujoil'l a cQxnmµnr-.: ,Gfite speaking at Cabrini proIi ,,in ,,"¥iddle .Am~ti~3i:" ;I;het tarian. Fe1igibh,,}'ou •.giffl:4'up: V1ded that. it be ma classr~om , al.so be}i~vp tlil}t.i.pv.~,!iqie t that sense of individuality," setting with dialogue and the , '·1,hed tbeir container:;,'.', per Primfan6 sai'd. "In' 11997 /chat L 'school/faculty' acting as a haps to rendezvous with a makes people uncomfortable." moderating influence. StuUFO they believed was travel- Primiano attempted to dents should be able to ask ing behind t~e 1,Hal~-~.opip answer the reasons for joining• critical questions. , comet. Members wer¢ a cult and committing suicide "I would be for it. If it is:not described as quiet with buzz- by referring to the spiritual the truth, or wrong, we 1 can cut hair and stylish, .collarless awakening our culture is expe- still learn from it. Until we black shirts. riencing toward the end of the hear from them, we can't

Some of the cult members millennium and also the understand," is how junior were found with pieces of "influence and population of Kevin Eppler, who doublepaper containing a suicide apocalyptic ideas.'' majors in English/communicarecipe: take pudding or apple- "Heaven's Gate is a classic tions and religion, responded sauce and mix it with pheno- apocalyptic communitarian to the same question. barbital, drink it down with religious community,'' Eppler said cult members alcohol, lie back and relax. Primiano said. "They feel they could have felt a sense of fam,,

ily, acceptance and belonging. Furthermore, he said people can see a lot of negativity and search for something positive. He believes the cult is not negative.

Eppler said the cult weighed the spiritual more than the material and found the spiritual more fulfilling.

"I compare all cults today to the early Christian religions," Eppler said.

In response to whether or not he believed God created us to take our own lives, Eppler said, "I believe God gave us

free will [to choose] life or death, or suicide. I don't think their image of God and my image of God are the same."

Commenting on the cult, junior Paul Kleschick said at face value the cult's message was mere propaganda and no different from what German dictator Adolf Hitler did in terms of brainwashing.

"If you don't have a critical mind to analyze, people can get hurt," Kleschick said. Kleschick said he would not be in favor of a similar group coming to speak at Cabrini.


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The primary reason for the $11,660 to $12,700 rise is to "upgrade" the academic experience at Cabrini College.

By now, all students at Cabrini College should have received the notice that was put in all mailboxes which begins with the misleading sentence: "The quality and breadth of your education is of the utmost concern to us."

The letter ·informs students that there will be a tuition increase for the 1997-1998 school year.

Cabrini's tuition increase is up 6.2 percent.

Other private colleges are raising their tuition 4 percent, which is still above the national

inflation rate, according to the Chronicle of Higher Education.

Tuition started going up during the 1991-1992 school year and has consistently increased since.

For full-time students, the tuition will be raised from $11,660 to $12,700 and the room and board will be raised from $6,700 to $6,830.

Some officials at other colleges said a major reason for the high tuition increase is due to more financial aid available to students.

Dr. Jim Hirsh, vice president for enrollment services, said the rise in tuition is due to the new utilities Cabrini will soon have

to offer.

These new utilities include the Sports and Recreation Complex, an apartment complex and renovations in Sacred Heart Hall.

"I think it [tuition increase] sucks because I feel like I'm paying for everybody else who is coming after I graduate," sophomore Kristi Theis said.

"I think the money should go to academic things rather than sports activities," Theis said.

To accommodate some of the expenses, Cabrini has increased financial aid for students.

"A lot of people are dependent on scholarships and grants and banks are not willing to

give," sophomore Gen Aulett said.

According to Hirsh, ·cabrini was $3,000 below Beaver, $1,100 below Chestnut Hill and $800 below Rosemont in tuition for the 1996-1997 school year.

"Most other colleges already have a gym like the one we are getting," Hirsh said.

''What is our tuition money going towards now if we are already paying $11,000 ?" Aulett said.

Hirsh said a major factor for the tuition increase is because of the two new buildings, renovations and an increase in computer technology. Some administrators said it

is not always successful to keep tuition in line with inflation because the cost of products to run the college rise faster than the cost of other consumer items.

"We have a committee to give the money back to the students," Hirsh said.

"We are hoping to deliver more in education and to the students," Hirsh said.

According to Hirsh, this is a pragmatic effort to increase cost when utilities go up.

Some students are outraged at the increase in tuition and are concerned when all their money being put into the school is going to pay off.

No legal

tolerance given to minors driving under influence

A new law in Pennsylvania says minors will be charged with driving under the influence after as little as just one drink.

A zero-tolerance law states that if you are under 21 and you drive, operate or are in physical control of a car in Pennsylvania, and your blood alcohol results show a blood alcohol content of 02 percent or greater, which is equivalent to one drink, you are guilty of driving under the influence.

You will suffer the same penalties as if you were 2 I

The DUI law remains the same for those over 21 years of age which mandates a DUI charge if your blood alcohol results show a BAC of .10 or greater.

Junior Billy Myers, 23, believes anyone under 21 should not be drinking and that someone under or over 21 who is stupid enough to drink and drive should suffer the consequences.

The penalties if convicted of DUI include an automatic one year suspension of your driver's license and entrance into the Accelerated Rehabilitation Disposition program for first -


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time offenders.

Those with a prior criminal record will spend 48 hours in jail, and 30 days in jail for second offenders.

"Anyone under 21 should receive a heavier penalty," first-year student Tricia Fiorelli said.

The law was passed in the summer of 1996 when the federal government threatened to cut federal highway funding to states if the legal BAC limit for adults was not reduced from .10 to .08 or a zero-tolerance law was instituted to minors. Pennsylvania chose to adopt the zero-tolerance law.

First came the record,which battled with cassette tapes for the best recording quality. Compact discs came and killed them both. Now it looks like technology will have its way with video tapes.

After years of technological developmentsand legal altercations, digital video discs expect to be the successor of today's video tape. DVDs are also expectedto run CDs and CD-ROMsout of business. DVDs, which look like CDs, only larger,hold enoughdata to play a full length movie. Due to protracted copyright conflicts, they were unavailablein most stores last year. Recent announcementsfrom two major electronicmanufacturers,


Gain professional experience while earning income and academic credit. This innovative course is offered fall, spring, and summer semesters.

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Tuesday-Friday 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.

Philips Electronics NV and Sony Electronics Corp., stated they will be sellingDVD players startingthis spring. This could mean the end for the home video tape.

Prices for DVD players will range from $600 to $900, and the price will only decrease in time as they become a common household appliance.

This spring, Americans will be able to rent DVDs in video outlets includingBlockbusterVideo.

DVD manufacturersguarantee a sharper, more vibrant picture than that produced by a video tape Freeze-framingand picture searching is also easier.

1be electronic industry expects one million DVD players to be sold worldwidethis year. Manufacturers expectationsare that 10 million will be sold by the year 2000.

New DVD owners are expected to keep their VCRs for watching older moviesthat have not been converted to DVD. VCRs will survive for awhile for this reason, plus the recording factor. DVDs are unable to record programming like the VCR does.

Unlike video tapes,DVDs do not deteriorate and lose picture quality with each viewingor recording. Computer technology will also change with the DVD. Drivers, holding a DVD, are being built into personal computers. This will enhance games and other programs that are played on the PC.

Friday, April 25, 1997 NEWS 3
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This & That

0 Join Paul Marturano in his free and final concert at Cabrini on Sunday, April 27 at 7 p.m. in the Widener Center lecture hall. He will be performing songs from his CD "How Many Days," as well as covers.

0 Mr. Greengenes will be here at Cabrini for Spring Fling Weekend on Saturday, April 26 from 2 p.m. to 6 p.m. outside of House three.

::J Come out and support Cabrini's own men's tennis, and women's softball and lacrosse in the PAC Tournaments on Saturday. April 26.

0 Senior Bill Matoney will win between $900 and S 1000 as a result of being the winner of Cow Pie Bingo.

Last Week in the World of News

y Bill Matoney ssistant sports editor

0 4/17

Cigarette manufactures 'nitiate talks.

The tobacco giants, Philip Morris Companies and RJR abisco Holdings Corporation. initiated negotiations with the ood and Drug Administration in an attempt to resolve their many legal and political probems.

The negotiations could lead o stricter government regulaions and restrictions on the dvertisement of tobacco prodcts. A fund to cover the costs f smoking-related illnesses is nother possibility.

The tobacco tyrants in return ould be considered immune rom most lawsuits posed gainst them, which total over 250 billion.

0 4/18

Dole lends Gingrich $300,000. Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich announced that he will borrow $300,000 from Republican party cohort, Bob Dole, in order to pay off his fine to the House of Representatives. The fine was given to Gingrich when he admitted bringing discredit on the House from taxexempt money. , Dole considered the loan "not only an opportunity to support a friend, but a long-term investment in the future of our party." Gingrich's first payment is not due till 2005.

0 4/18

Grand Forks submerged, burnt.

As a result of heavy rain, North Dakota ·s Red River rose and crashed over dikes submerging the city of Grand Forks. The rain is predicted to raise the river

54 feet, which is 26 feet over the flood stage.

The city is reported to be 70 percent under water.

In addition to the flooding, downtown Grand Forks caught fire and ravaged three blocks evacuating most of the city's residents. Nearly a dozen buildings downtown have been destroyed or severely damaged by fire.

0 4/19

Missing boy's body found naked.

The body of a missing 10year-old California boy was founp. naked in a local desert. The boy was kidnapped at knifepoint outside of his Riverside, Calif. home 16 days ago.

The body was positively identified as Anthony Michael Martinez by coroners. Authorities did not reveal a cause of death, but did disclose that the boy could have been dead up to

Tan your backside at ...


two weeks.

The boy's hands and feet were found taped together. Officials declined to say whether there was any sign of trauma. The police have re-leased a sketch of the abductor and are following numerous leads, but have no prime suspects at this time.

i:l 4/20

Air Force still searching for missing pilot.

After three weeks of searching. the Air Force believes they have finally found the metal wreckage from a vanished warplane lost in the Colorado Rockies on April 2.

The pilot, 32-year-old Capt. Craig Button. is still missing. The Air Force believes that Button left on a training flight from the Arizona-Mexico border, flew northeast about 800 miles and crashed into a jagged ridge of the New York Mountain.

Gene may help people shed fat

Scientists have discovered a gene that might someday help people shed pounds in exchange for a slightly higher body temperature.

The gene appears to make people burn off calories and it might help explain why some people are prone to getting fat.

The hope is that researchers can find a drug to make it work harder, so the body will burn off more calories rather than storing them as fat.

According to a researcher at the University of California, this would raise body temperature.

A person would be able to lose five pounds a year with every one-tenth of a degree increase in body temperature.

It will take further study to see how much of a temperature increase people could safely stand.

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The appeal process of fonner public safety officer Bill Beard is continuing and has moved into stage two, according to Beard. Beard said he met with Dr. Robert Bonfiglio, vice president for student development, on Wednesday, April 16, where he submitted a written account of the events that ultimately led to his "termination."

According to Beard, he was terminated on Wednesday, April 16 for what he said was called "negative duty and conflict of interest." Both Bonfiglio and Rich McErlean, director of public safety, decliried to comment.

However, sources in resident life have indicated that Beard may have been dismissed for allowing a student who had been previously banned from campus into Xavier Hall.

Beard denied the allegation, saying, "Absolutley not, not to my knoweledge."

Beard was working in Xavier Hall on April 4, the night of the college's Spring fonnal. Bill Beard said his son, Jason Beard, a first-year stu-

dent, and several of his friends, who were from off-campus, returned from the formal, and entered Xavier Hall, where they signed in at the visitor's desk and went to Jason Beard's room.

According to Bill Beard, his son walked his friends back to the visitor's desk shortly after 2 a.m., where they signed out and left the building. Sophomore Meghan Barrow then entered Xavier Hall, saying the people who had just driven away in an unidentified car had been involved in an altercation in the Xavier parking lot.

Bill Beard said he then radioed Officer Eric Hatton, who was on duty in Woodcrest, to obtain a description of the car. Hatton responded, saying it was a red Chevrolet Beretta.

When Bill Beard was alerted that the people in the Beretta, were the friends of his son who had just left the building, he told Officer Hatton to disregard the radio transmission.

"They were in Xavier Hall at the time they should have been involved in the altercation," Bill Beard said.

Jason Beard, who walked his visitors to their car and watched them leave, said that there was

no altercation outside Xavier, although one of his friends had been involved in an altercation at the formal.

This was confirmed by sophomore Joe Pilson, who was with Jason Beard outside Xavier Hall.

The following Wednesday, April 16, Bill Beard was summoned by McErlean, who asked for an account of what had happened. Beard said he gave McErlean his side of the story, before going back to work.

An hour later, he was summoned again and told that the President of the college, Dr. Antoinette Iadarola, and the Dean of Students, Bonfiglio, found his actions to be worthy of immediate termination.

'They never showed me a copy of the complaint," Beard said. "They never told me who the complaintant was."

Beard also said he believes that the reason of conflict of interest was unmerited.

"I feel that my character has been attacked," Beard said. "I acted on all the information received, whether it was my son or not."

Mother fakes daughter'sdeath to win back her lover

Neal Casey loved his girlfriend's daughter to the point when even after the relationship ended, he rushed to the hospital when he heard the little girl was dying of leukemia.

But Taylor Cecconi did not die. She was never sick. Police say Taylor's mother, Jodi Denman Cecconi, tried to win back Casey by pretending her 23-month-old

daughter was dead.

When Cecconi told Casey that Taylor had leukemia, he recalled her calling daily about the girl's radiation treatments and chemotherapy.

Casey comforted her while he spent five hours in the hospital waiting room. After Cecconi phoned Casey on March 19 and said the baby had died, he assisted with funeral home arrangements and picked out a grave site and casket. Townspeople sent flowers after the

funeral home published death notices in two newspapers. Police said that Taylor never was in the hospital; she was visiting her father the whole time.

The hoax was revealed when the funeral director called the coroner to find out when the body would arrive. Instead, Cecconi arrived at the sheriff's department with a smiling, giggling Taylor in her arms.

Police detennined the hoax was played by Jodi Cecconi. Fearing for the safety of Taylor and the other

children, a sheriff investigator turned the children over to welfare officials. No criminal charges were planned, according to a Carrol County, Ga. Superior Court judge. According to the judge, police "cannot figure out what charges to press."

The judge signed an order on March 30 requiring Cecconi to undergo a psychiatric evaluation and barred her from any unsupervised visits with her four children.


Need a DJ?

It's time to book your DJs at the cheapest prices. Look no further-Cabrini's radio station, 89.1 WYBF-FM offers professional sounding

Friday, April 25, 1997 NEWS
DJs with the best selection of music for the price. Whether it is high school dances or graduation parties, make sure you call us first for the best prices in town. For more infonnation, call (610) 9028457. $ 1-T\ \:\CL\L \ID$ Attention all students! Over $6 Billion in FREE Financial Aid is now available for students nationwide from private sector grants and scholarships! All students are eligible regardless of grades, income, or parent's income. For more infonnation. call: 1-800-263-6495 ext. F65383 FREE T-SHIRT +$1000 Credit Card fundraisers for fraternities. sororities & groups. Any campus organization can raise up to $1000 by earning a whopping $5.00NISA application. Call 1-800-932-0528 ext. 65. Qualified callers receive FREE TSHIRT. Rent a classified ad for free! Call 902-8412 to find out how. College students & grads • U.S. Marine Corps Officer • $30k to S36k • aviation and ground positions • summer internships • African Americans, Hispanics & women encouraged to apply • Info available 24 hrs/day via faxon-demand (800) 531-1878 E.\STER:\ El'IH>PE .)OBS Teach basic conver~ational English in Prague. Budapest, or Krakow. No teaching certificate or European language required. Inexpensive Room & Board+ other benefits. For details call: (206) 971-3680 ext. R65381 Babysitter Wanted Live-in babysitter for two sweet children. Flexible hours and starting date, about 18 hours per week. Private room in large historic Wayne home near Valley Forge Park. (610) 783-0766. Contact Laurie. Help Wanted Looking for bright, self-motivated person to work for young estate planner. Part-time and summer. Will learn much about investments and sales. Possible full-time employment. Call Bob Green 800-664-8156 WHAT'S HAPPE:\f ING DURINGTHE WEEK OF APRIL24-MAY1 Thursday 0 BINGO NIGHT { 5 Come out and try your luck on the boards on Thursday, April 24 at 9:00 p.m. in the WCGA. Friday 0 SPRING FLING Spring Fling weekend begins on Friday, April 25 and runs through Sunday, April 27. Call student development office for more information at (610) 9028407. Saturday 0 CABARET Theater presents Cabaret for the last time on Cabrini's campus on Saturday, April 26 at 8:00 p.m. in the Grace Hall atrium. Sunday 0 ART EXHIBIT Come to the Holy Spirit library on Sunday, April 27 for the opening reception of the Senior Art Exhibit 0 NYTRIP There will be a trip to Ellis Island on Sunday, April 27. Call (610) 9028407 for more info. The Names Project AIDS Memorial Quilt is coming to Haverford College on April 25, 26 and 27.

WXTU pioneers new night club

Club 92.5 Music Saloon, the only radio club in the country, features live WXTU broadcasts, Nashville recordings artists and unlimited dancing Wednesday through Saturday nights.



is telling the world

She is finally coming out. We have been waiting all season for Ellen Morgan to come out and tell the world that she is a lesbian. We already know Ellen DeGeneres, the actress who portrays Morgan, is a lesbian.

DeGeneres' April 30 episode of "Ellen" has been the subject of much debate in newspapers, magazines and even on "Oprah." There is a controversy about whether or not a sitcom with such content should be seen on television.

On April 30, the cast will include Laura Dern as Ellen's love interest and Oprah Winfrey as her psychiatrist. This notorious evening is expected to go down in history as the first program to have a homosexual main character.

"She is trying to draw attention to the issue, but homosexuality is being portrayed in a negative light because of the publicity she is circulating around herself," senior Kara Thornton said.

Even though there may be voices of dissension about the sitcom, continuing education student Nick Ritrovato revealed a discrepancy in Morgan's timing.

"The character DeGeneres portrays is in her 40s and usually people find their identity much earlier than that," Ritrovato said.

No matter which opinion you hold, the truth of the matter is that on April 30, a homosexual main character will be able to enter your home. The determining factor is in your own hands~the remote control.

Faces and places tend to come and go in life. But every once in a while you come across something really different.

Club 925 Music Saloon, a joint merger between Philadelphia's Country Station 925 WXTU and the new Sheraton Valley Forge Hotel in King of Prussia, is the first radio club to exist in the country.

With a grand opening on April 3, country devotees everywhere did not wait too long to take action.

"We had 3,000 people at the door in three nights on the first weekend alone," Janet Donovan, programming assistant for WXTU,said.

But the attraction of the night club goes beyond just the name association with the radio station, which is the fourth largest country station in America.

If you stepped inside for even a glance, the atmosphere would tell it all.

Where else could you find Garth Brooks platinum records on the wall or an autographed picture of Wynonna?

Pulsating lights and driving music creates the illusion of a hightech night spot, while the country memorabilia assists in the laid-back environment resembling that of a Hard Rock Cafe.

Be careful not to become too laid back, though, especially if you are on the dance floor. You may just

step on someone.

Needless to say, the dance floor is not very large. Dancing wingdingers do not seem to mind the confined space, though. Some of the less shy country boys even look as if they actually might enjoy the close contact. Especially when one of the high-boot, mini-skirt, bustierwearing cocktail waitresses waltzes by. (I guess this does not hurt.)

But what makes Club 92.5 truly unique from all of the other clubs />' _( cl>

are the live Nashville recording artists.

Artists like Nikki Nelson and Kippi Brannon have already visited to meet fans and sign autographs.

MCA recording artist Big House perfonned Iive on April 19.

According to Mark Vizza, Morning Show producer and promotions representative for WXTU, record companies in Nashville are very excited because they now have an outlet that they can use to show off their new talent.

Gina Preston, Morning Show air personality for WXTU, feels the key to maintainingthe success of the club is "continuing the level of enthusiasm and excitement through the involvement of the Nashville record labels."

Preston also regards remembering the customers and fans as a high priority when considering the success of the club.

"These are people who like a party atmosphere and who are drawn together through their love of dancing and of country music," Preston said.

Not to worry if you are an aspiring country dancer, either. Wednesday night is beginner's


So if you want to witness live WXTU broadcasts on Saturday nights, meet Nashville recording artists, sweat a little (or a lot) on the dance floor and take part in the country craze that is sweeping the nation, Club 92.5 is your calling.

And no, you do not have to get decked out in cowboy boots and rhinestone outfits to fit in the crowd. The ticket to fitting in at this club is simply being yourself.

"WXTU is the place for people who like the country way of life and for those who don't even know they do yet," Donovan said.

Once you do make it past the towering bouncers at the front door, Club 925, with its high energy and charismatic following - proves to be one night spot that will stick around for a long time.

And, as Vizza notes, "You just never know who you are going to meet."

The club is open Wednesday through Friday from 5 p.m. to 2 a.m. and Saturday nights from 7 p.m. to 2 a.m. with a cover charge of $5 for all nights. The location is l l 60 Frrst Ave. in King of Prussia. For more 'infonnation call (6f0)'-660-WXTU.

-,,,,_lf ~·: !Sf1Ji../.J~1 J
Couples country line dance at the new Club 92.5 Music Saloon which is a partnership between Philadelphia's Country Station 92.5 WXTU and the new Sheraton Valley Forge Hotel located in King of Prussia. The new night spot opened its doors on April3.
.'· (.
Country memorabilia is hung throughout the WXTUnight club resemfiling that'6T ttie' Hara Rocrt~afe.' •'' • " ' ' '

'Cabaret'combinesfantasy with reality

"Cabaret," which is set in 1939 Berlin, deals with political issues such as naziism. 'Cabaret' will be performed through April 26.

"Cabaret" provides a captivating fusion of fantasy and reality.

This play is conducted in an unconventional fashion as an environmental production,which means the audience is expected to actively participate in certain scenes.

As one walks into the Grace Hall atrium, they are instantly transported to the Kit-Kat Club, a showbar in Berlin during 1939 where the audience serves as the club's customers.

The set is quite lavish with its backdrop paintings outlining the atrium. This large-scale production is perfonned on four stages in each comer of the atrium.

The scenes alternate between the Kit-Kat girl numbers of song and dance led by their superb master of ceremonies.junior Billy Myers, and American novelist Cliff Bradsaw's (junior Paul Monte) struggle to find some inspiration in Berlin. During

Bradsaw's pursuit he finds himself in the center of the political birth of the Nazi party, which slowly crept into the nation and then suddenly took hold of the population.

The cast successfully portrays the theme of ·•cabaret."

The friends and workers of the Kit-Kat Club choose to ignore the the Nazi conversion, with their "Life is a Cabaret" attitude. Their ignorance swells this political dilemma.

The Hitlerjugend, played by Cabrini alumnus Doug Eppler, successfully depicts the Nazi transition with his awesome dramatic and vocal performance.

One of the most powerful scenes is at the end of act one when Eppler initiates the song, "Tomorrow Belongs to Me." One by one, the cast joins in. which illustrates the intensity of the problem.

Another poignant scene was actually during the intermission when two sailors along with the Hitlerjugend pulled down the Nazi

flag which hung above the Kit-Kat Club stage and marched back shouting "Heil Hitler."This was a critical moment because the master of ceremonies hadpreviouslytold the audience "There are no politics here," meaning the Kit-Kat Club. Consequently,this incident dramatically quells the crowd.

In addition, the role of showgirl Sally Bowles, Susan A. Wilkinson, enthralls the crowd and steals the show with her charm in her sultry numbers, glamorizing her lifestyle.

There were some challenges that were presented throughout the show. A few scenes in the first act seemed to drag and lack spontaneity. This could be attributed to the uneven breakdown of the two acts of the play. Act I was 90 minutes, followed by a 15-minute intermission and a 30 minutes for Act II.

Due to a lack of interest for the "Cabaret" try-outs, some of the talent suffered for a musical production, namely the quality of the singing.

Senior art majors display work one last time

Imagine being able to make visible to human eyes your very own pieces of work. Imagine working so hard to have this chance for everyone to view your talent. This imagination is becoming a reality for three senior art majors, each of who will be featuring their work in the Senior Art Exhibit in the Holy Spirit library.

The Senior Art Exhibit will include works from Cabrini's own senior art majors, Stephanie Miller, Lisa Belano and Sister Regina Peterson. Miller, a studio art major, did not come to Cabrini with art in mind.

In fact, she came here as a pre-med major. Only after taking Stephanie Miller an art course for her core requirements did

she become interested in the arts.

Miller has been an art major for only three semesters with her primary emphasis on the fine arts. When she decided to major in art, she had the choice of two directions to pick from, either graphic design or studio art.

Since she likes painting and drawing, but is really not a fan of the computer, she chose studio art. She has taken a design and computer class but she is mostly focusing on fine arts.

After graduation, Miller plans to attend graduate school at Immaculata College where she will focus on nutrition. This summer, she will be working on a collage for Cabrini's Mission Integration Office.

Miller feels she has learned a lot in her years here. 'Tm never going to regret being an art major, but I want other things," Miller said. 'Tm only 22 years old. I want to keep going to school."

Belano is majoring in visual

arts with a graphic arts concentration. In high school, she was interested in computers and enjoyed drawing and painting.

Belano enjoys graphic design and c o m p u t e r Lisa Belano graphics as well as other types of art.

She just recently lost her portfolio containing all of her work from the past four years at Cabrini. All of her computer work was saved, but she had to start her artwork from scratch to get ready for the exhibit.

After graduation, Belano is thinking about attending graduate school. She also sees herself working in an entry-level job and then working her way up.

Sister Peterson, MSC and previous director of vocation ministry, is an art major focusing on water color and oil paintings. She also likes working

with pastels and enjoys sculpting.

Sister Peterson once taught social work here at Cabrini for 11-and-a-half years. She was also vocation director for the Cabrini Sisters. During that time, the community gave her the chance for a sabbatical. She took the offer and began studying art.

Currently, she is an art major and is also helping teach an art class with Cassandra Maxwell, lecturer of fine arts.

Sister Peterson has had previous undergradu- Regina Peterson ate experience in social welfare, as well as graduate experience in social work.

She has had much experience teaching art from kindergarten to high school students.

Sister Peterson said art is

something she has always enjoyed doing.

She started teaching at Cabrini in the '80s and finished teaching in 1991. From there, she became the vocational director for community from Jan. '92 to Dec. '95. From Jan. '96 until currently, she has studied art and is trying to finish classes for her degree.

When Sister Peterson graduates, she will be working at the Cabrini mission in West Park, N .Y. at a residential facility for adolescents where she will be teaching an integration of art, spirituality and social work.

"It is really like putting everything together and I can't wait," Peterson said.

For those interested in viewing some of the art majors work, the opening reception will be held on Sunday, April 27 from 3-5 p.m. in the fine arts gallery in the Holy Spirit library.

The students' work will be on displayin the Holy Spirit library until Sunday, May 18.

Friday, April 25, 1997 A&E 7
photo by Diane Grimaldi Clockwise from bottom left: sophomore KellieO'Neill, junior Mirella Addessi, Susan Wilkinson,first year student Melissa Lessig and sophomore Jamie Fagan perform as Kit-Katgirls in "Cabaret."
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Guess who? Can you identify these famous faces from our Cabrini family?

Friday, April 25, 1997
tf".';' 6 SIDIDJ..V3:.i
l.Carol Serota, associate professor of mathematics; 2.Laura Irwin,assistant director of resident life; 3.Dr. Jerry Zurek,English and communications department chair; 4.John Dzik, athletic director; 5.Joel Seay, supervisor of dining service; 6.Dr. Robert Bonfiglio, vice president for student development; 7.Emma Legge, director of student activities; 9 l66 I 's;z;I!Jdy 'ARP!Jd


EDITORIAL Mission considered?

The college is clearly making an effort to commit more of its financial resources to bolstering the aid packages of incoming students with impressive academic credentials.

It seems like Cabrini is making an attempt to change the corporal structure of the college and join the ranks of some its more distinguished local counterparts like St. Joseph's University and Villanova University, both of which are Catholic, have higher academic standards for gaining entrance and primarily draw their student bodies from a more economically diverse class of students.

While this is certainly a noble goal, that is, increasing the insti.PJJ:ion'sacademic standards, the practice of aggressively recruiting students with higher SAT scores is a means of cutting away the gristle that students with lower SAT scores and less impressive high school resumes represent.

Although this new system of recruiting is a means of improving the reputation of the college, is it consistent with the school's mission statement that focuses on a" commitment to educate students of different backgrounds and abilities to lead and serving a changing and culturally diverse world ...?"

If more funds are committed to academically superior students, then obviously there would be less funds available for the more needy, average student. Since one of the reasons for chru]iing the way financial aid is distributed was to increase the acadmic reputation of the college, this may not neccesarily be a bad thing. However, there may be drawbacks as well.

The major demographic group that needs to be considered here is urban students. On average, the students from the local public and private schools are going to score higher on the SAT than the average to above-average student from a city public school.

The point being, the new financial aid system could be a major hindrance in the areas of increasing diversity and meeting the needs of students of different backgrounds and abilities.

Enjoy it while you sti II can

When I was getting ready to leave for my first year of college four years ago, I remember my cousin telling me to make the most out of my four years in college because they would be the best times of my life.

He had recently graduated from college and said he wished he could go back for another four years.

It seems like yesterday that my cousin said those words to me.

It seems like yesterday I was a freshman at Cabrini. But then, four years seemed like such a long time to me and I felt like college would last forever.

I can remember all the way back to my freshman year when a couple of my friends from the soccer team were getting ready to graduate.

Some of them were telling me they were not ready to ·graduate and all I thought about was how happy I was that I still had three years at Cabrini.

However, four years later, I now find myself in the same position as my cousin was. I am graduating.

While a small part of me is a little excited to get into the working world and try to pave the way

to a successful career, I have to admit that I'm not ready to leave Cabrini.

Not ready to leave the soccer team and my coach. Not ready to leave House seven. Not ready to leave Loquitur. Not ready to leave my friends. Not ready to leave my roommate. Not ready to leave my girlfriend.

The list could go on and on and on.

Although I know my girlfriend and I will still be together and I will stay in touch with my friends, I cannot escape the feeling that my life will change forever.

I have had so many great memories at Cabrini that 11 1s impossible to put them into words.

Although I have worked extremely hard at Cabrini, I have enjoyed each year.

It is hard for me to imagine that when May 18 comes around I will no longer have another year of college to look forward to.

Instead of being a Cabrini student, I will become a Cabrini alumnus.

When August rolls around this summer, I think that is when it will really hit me.

My two sisters will be getting

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ready to go back to college and the only thing I will do is look at them with envy. Instead of getting ready for soccer camp, I will be getting ready for work the next day.

I will tell my two sisters to enjoy their time in college to the fullest,just as my cousin told me. Because before you know it, it is over.

College can be the best four years of your life.

It is your time to live life to the fullest before entering the working world.

In college, you can skip classes for the day and sleep in, but once you get to the working world that option is no longer available.

If I could offer underclassmen a piece of advice, it would be to enjoy their years at Cabrini to the fullest because they will be over before you know it.

I hoped my time at Cabrini would never end, but I know in 24 days my time will come to an end.

I will always have memories to look back on, but I know my life will drastically change.

I am not happy about this, but that is how life is. Enjoy your time at Cabrini. I know I did.

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Friday, April 25,
opinions and letters to the editor published in Loquitur are the views of the student editorial staff and the individual writers, not the entire student body or the faculty and administration.
mt tiborttoN? confasedorsml? CALLAMNION (610) 515-1557 CDUJtStlt,yfandSUl'Jf"rtto he, youheal. ALL SERVICESFREE

A concerned student's view of SGA

I am writing this letter in response to the running of the 19971998 SGA Executive Board election. After examining the whole process and the way things were handled by the election committee, I do not feel that these elections were run in a manner that gave all of the candidates a fair shot at winning the election.

For one, the times and places for voting were not made public neither before-the election nor during it. As a result, a large portion of the campus community was not represented which is unfair to our non-resident students. This leads me to believe that there is a possibility that the people who actually were at the ballot box could have selected the people whom they wanted to vote in the election, rather than letting everyone vote.

Obviously, I have no way of proving this, but I also have no way of disproving it either. Another inequity that I see is in the election committee itself. Its members are not necessarily neutral, by which I mean that there are definitely some people on the election committee who would benefit from having certain people in office. How can the election committee have two of the incoming members serve on it (the

academic chair, as well as the CA P chair)? They definitely have vested interest in who wins and are in power to make sure that those people get in office. Another thing that I question is the fact that two members of the committee, the sitting vice president, and the sitting recording secretary , who were also running for positions, were on the committee for the first part of the election.

Also, there wassome changes of the rules during the election, one of which being the fact that you now had to have one of the committee sign your posters before you put them up, rather than stamping them. Great, but how can you change the rules of an election while it is in progress? Another issue for the discussion is some of the authority and equity in campaigning done by the candidates.

What gives one candidate the right to prevent their competitor from putting an opinion in the school newspaper? 11ris happened when one of the candidates for president wrote an opinion for the paper, while his competitor, who is an editor of the paper, forced the article not to be published by saying that she would pull the lead story of last week's paper and quit the paper if it

was published, even though she was given the opportunity to answer. Also, what gives one candidate, who is on the election committee, the right to pull down the poster of a candidate running for treasurer because they believe that it was inappropriate?

Finally, how can the election votes be counted without the candidates being given the opportunity to be present when the votes were counted? And, why did it take three days for the election results to be known by the candidates?

All of these issues are big questions in my mind as to how fair this election was run. Let me make one thing clear. I am not complaining about this election because I lost. I can deal with losing the election if it was a fair election.And, in my opinion, the election was not fair to any of the candidates. nor the students of Cabrini College, who have the most to lose as a result of this.

You can never have a strong SGA if the student~ do not believe that the election to elect its leaders is one that is fair and equitable, and one which the total student body gets to choose their leaders, not just a select few.

Two Cents

nY• CIUdchool8ayonaii Ill wholewileworld lheCOl11111119'i8mentspeaker,whoWIUd it be?

Joe Barilotti, a senior: John Gotti, due to the fact he could teach us legal ways to make a successful career no matter what your field is in this journey we call life upon which we are about to embark.

Jennifer Ashton, a senior: Bill Cosby, because he is from the Philadelphia area. I saw him speak before and he is a great speaker. He is a typical dad who could relate to any of us.


Sincerely, John

Election committee rules with iron fist

The election committee would like to respond to John Mack's letter in reference to the executive board elections.

First, Mack must not have walked by the food court the days the election committee was running elections. Election polls opened at lunch, outside the cafeteria. They then moved outside the food court all three days. Therefore, the resident and nonresident students were represented in the elections.

Second, our question is, "In the real world elections are Bill Clinton or Bob Dole allowed to stand around the polls on election day?" The students are entitled to their privacy when voting. This rule was not made for this election only, it has been a rule during the history of the Student Government Association and is stated in the constitution.

Thqd, we would like to ask Mack if he read the constitution of

SGA at any time during his terms in SGA. If he did, he would not question the nature of the election committee. The constitution states on page 22, section B 2 (b), "The committee shall be chaired by [Campus Activities and Programming Board] and academic board chairs."

In reference to publicity policies, it states in the constitution on page 17, section 7, B (2), "All materials hung, circulated or posted must be approved by the Election Committee." It also states on page 22, section 10, B (d), "Election committee ,hall determine election policies "

Logically, people running for a position on the executive board would understand that candidates cannot sign their own or each other's publicity.

The Loquitur, according to the election committee, was not doing its ethical job by not Qffering thig opportunity to -all candidates. One

candidate did not make this decision, but the editor of the paper did.

Mack wants to know how the votes can be counted without the candidates present. Are Bill Clinton and Bob Dole present when the presidential electoral votes are counted? He also wants to know why it took three days for the results to be announced. The constitution declares on page 18, section 7 D (1), "Election Committee shall have one week to tabulate votes, double check and announce winners to the campus community from the time of elections."

Finally, we would like to point out that the constitution, written and voted upon by the student body, proclaims on page 22, section 10 B (g), "the election committee shall tally the votes and have final say in declaration of winners."

SGA Election Committee

Stephanie Casinelli, a senior: Oprah. She shows you that you can make it, but when you get to the top you should not change the person you always were. No matter what race, color or creed a person might be, she treats everyone the same.

Katie McCarthy, a junior at Rosemont: Pat Ciarrocchi, because she graduated from Rosemont and she is a successful public figure.

Kristin Malmberg, a first-year student: Oprah, because she is a real positive person who helps you to motivate yourself to be the best person you can. That is really helpful, especially when you are graduating andgoing out to look for a job.

Paul Kleschick, a junior: Connery. Sean Connery because he would storm in and liven up those commencement addresses. It would be short and sweet. We'd probably be out of there in 20 minutes.

Friday,April25,1997 PERSPECTIVES L E T T E R S T O T H E E D I T () R

Corrections Box

Check your facts, Doc

As a student of biology, I feel compelled to comment on the Letter to the F.ditorpublished in last week's Loquitur (April 19, 1997) regarding the use of animals for dissection in the laboratories.

Biologists and their students are often wrongly regarded as inhuman mass mw;derers who destroy life in order to further their own personal interests in research.

This is simply a gross misconception. Biologists not only wish to promote life, but preserve it. The best way to do this is to study it. How do we get an understanding of mammalian anatomy unless it is investigated?

Any education major or profes.,.~ here at Cabrini will tell you the best way to learn how to be a good educator is to be out in the field, working one on one with students. This theory must be true because we have one of the best programs in education to be found. The same theory holds true for biology. A student needs to work with the materials of the field. This is where the animals come into focus. Their use has been a long-standing tradition in the field dating back to the Grecian Age.

Dr. Balcombe's article opposing the use of animals is filled with inaccuracy and myth. He claims that " cats [are] being drowned 10 at a time in burlap sacks or prodded roughly into crowded gas chambers, rats [are] embalmed in formaldehyde while still Jiving, and lastly that...dozens of Jive frogs are piled into sacks for days or weeks without food " These practices would never

occur in a reputable research facility, or in a supplier of such animals.

Carolina Biological Supply Company is the primary supplier of preserved animal specimens for high school and higher education laboratories. The animals they send are not subjected to the aforementioned conditions.

With regard to students becoming repulsed by the dissection of animals, I pose this rebuttal: If a student in a pre-medical/medical profession cannot handle the dissection of a dead, preserved specimen, what are their chances of being able to work on live humans? It can get very messy inside a living body!

Educational quality was also considered. Balcombe feels videos or slides can provide the same information as a dissection.

This is not true. Videos do not allow the student to get up close and actually manipulate. the tissues. A student needs to see the animal and work with it.

Another point I feel necessary to mention is that few of the members of the humane society are science educators or even science professionals! I wonder how it is, then, that they know what the scope and depth of the material that should be learned.

So what are the alternatives? Human cadavers? Interesting. It is extremely hard to test vaccines on a dead body. Many of the research on animals has brought humanity cures to various parasites and infections.

No one complained when this was happening. I'm sure, if asked,

any member of this humane society would want the life of a family member to be saved if they became seriously ill with cancer or other serious illnesses. Animal research has revealed cures and prevention for these illnesses and continued research offers hope for the future.

How does this apply to Cabrini? No animal is inhumanly destroyed in any biology laboratory.

We receive all specimens of tadpoles and fruit flies from Carolina Biological, which is federally investigated each year for cruelty to animals. They have never been fined for cruelty or inhuman treatment of animals.

The inhumane treatment of animals is absolutely a crime and should result in serious punishment. However, the majority of research conducted is not inhumane or cruel.

Balcombe has presented an attack on the field of Biology which is ludicrous, unfactual and certainly misleading. My advice is to ask the opposing side, namely students, professors and researchers what their view is.

Before you do, however, remember that the antibiotics you take, the heart transplant you or a family member may need or the insulin you take for diabetes all came because of humane, practical research.

I doubt that allowing humans to die because research cannot be continued is a humane alternative.

Submitted respecl:fully, Paul R. Kleschick Biology major

Remember, SGA is here for students

Two years ago, the Student Government Af.sociation was re-started by a group of students who were concerned about the fact that students on campus needed a voice to speak about their concerns and issues. This group worked long and hard to create a constitution and the framework for an Executive Board to serve as the voice of the student.

Student Government was not created to serve the needs of a person on the Executive Board. This year, I have seen more people concerned about how they clillnge or manipulate the rules to help themselves or their circle of friends. This is not the reason SGA was created, nor should it be the reason people choose to be part of the organization

Being a part of SGA means you are a student leader

with important responsibilities and rights. But it does not give you the right as a leader to abuse the privileges you have been given.

Serving as a leader is an important role at Cabrini and one that should be treated with responsibility, not one that should be looked at as a way to improve your life at Cabrini.

So, before you decide to be a part of SGA, remember that you are the voice of the student body. It is a job that requires numerous hours and may force you to deal with people who have a different pointof view or force you to deal with difficult issues. Think about it.

0 In the April 17 issue of Loquitur, Resident Director Steve Murray's story "Death's lessons," was cut short. The last sentence should have read: Although his lessons do not comfort us in our time of despair, they do remind and motivate us to appreciate what we do have, and also help us to treasure our priceless gift, the gift of life.

0 In the same issue, in the story "Cloning issues continue to multiply," junior Dennis Finocchairo was identified as a first-year student.

0 Also in that issue, the new SGA recording secretary was reported to be Michele McDevitt when it is actually Lori Henderson.

0 Yet again, in the April 17, issue, James Kuhn's story "Despite bad rep, rap stays steady," was cut short. The last sentence should have read: Popular music comes and goes, but rap has done nothing but sell in its short 20-year history.

0 And yes, in the very same issue of Loquitur, a poem entitled, "Life," was attributed to Tara Gilpin, when in fact it was obtained from the Internet.

We regret the errors;---

Loquitur is established as a forum for student expression and as a voice in the uninhibited, robust, free and open discussion of issues. News Editor Paul Monte Assistant News Editors Becky Ractsch Kirsten Yard A&E & Features Editor Jeanne Lombardo Editor-in-Chier Thomas McKee Sports Editor Jim Martin Assistant Sports Editors Jason Jungreis Bill Maloney Paul Moser Laura Casamento Perspectives Editor Chris Lomanno Assistant Perspectives Editor Dave Jurkiewicz Jen Kietur Gavin Mirigliani Copy Editor Hollie Havens Assistant A&E Editors Colleen Ehrle James Kuhn Assistant Features Editors Michelle Bums Erin McHugh Assistant Copy Editors Andrea Koch Kevin Scott Adviser Dr. Jerry Zurek Business Manager Dina Tartaglia Cartoonist Victor Sgro Staff Ron ff Orazio Mark Friel Mildred Metz Kelly Monahan Danielle Murray Photography Editor Stacey Caiazzo Assistant Photography Editor Diane Grimaldi Dina Tartaglia Photography and Graphic Design Adviser Don Dempsey Sales Associates Becky Raetsch Kirsten Yard Photojournalists Dennis Fohner Beth Molloy Dina Tartaglia Dana Neotwig Loquitur is a laboratory newspaper written, edited and produced by students of Cabrini College registered in COM 346. 350, 351, 352. 353 and 354. Members of the campus community are invited to work on or submit stories for publication. Only students registered in the above classes. however, are eligible to receive academic credit. Subscription price is S25 per year and is included in the benefits secured by tuition and fees. Loquitur welcomes letters to the editor. Letters should be signed and the authorship known to the editors. Hov.ever, if the writer wishes and the editor agrees, the writer's name may be left off tlE publication and an inscription inserted, such as ·•name withheld at the request of the writer." Letters to the editor should be submitted by noon on Mondays.

NBAplayoffssetto beginwithBullslookingto repeat

The NBA playoffs are set to begin on Thursday, April 24 and here is a quick look at the first round match-ups.

Eastern Conference

Chicago Bulls (1) vs. Was.hingtonBullets (8)

This could be a much tougher match-up for the Bulls than many people anticipate. Washington is a very young and talented team with All-Pro caliber players in forwards Chris Webber and Juwan Howard along with guard Rod Strickland. Since firing head- coach Jim Lynam, the Bullets have improved greatly - and come into the playoffs riding a four game winning streak.

Although the Bulls won 69 games this season, they enter the playoffs with key injuries to forwards Luc Longley and Dennis Rodman. However, the Bulls still have the best player in the world, Michael Jordan. They should be on their way to a second straight title.

Prediction: Chicago in four.

Miami Heat (2) vs. Orlando Magic (7)

The Heat should have an easy time with the Magic. Although Orlando thought they would survive the loss of center Shaquille O'Neal, they were greatly mistaken. Center Ron Seikaly has done an adequate job replacing O'Neal but guard Nick Anderson and forward Dennis Scott have had disappomtmg seasons. Penny Hardaway has had an average season and the Magic play little to no defense.

The Heat enter the playoffs corning off their best season ever. Coach Pat Riley is one of the best in the business and he has worked his magic in Miami. The Heat are a very well-balanced team. They have All-Pro players in center Alonzo Mourning and guard Tim Hardaway with a good supporting cast in forwards PJ. Brown and Jamal Mashburn and guards Dan Majerle and Veshown Leonard. The Heat also have one of the best

defensive teams in the league.

Prediction: Miami sweeps.

New York Knicks (3) vs. Charlotte Hornets (6)

This should be a very interesting and competitive series. Many people criticized Charlotte after they traded forward Larry Johnson to the Knicks for forward Anthony Mason. However, Mason has had a career season while Johnson has had his worst season as a pro.

New York has not lived up to their billing this year, while Charlotte has been a major overachiever. Charlotte relies heavily on forward Glenn Rice and Mason. The Knicks once again rely on center Patrick Ewing to lead their team. Guards Chris Childs and Allan Houston have not played as well as the Knicks expected after signing them to big contracts this summer. If the Hornets hope to pull an upset, Mason and Rice will have to come up huge.

Prediction: New York in five.

Atlanta Hawks (4) vs. Detroit Pistons (5)

Defense will be the name of the game in this match-up as both teams are among the league leaders in points allowed. Detroit is led by superstar forward Grant Hill. Hill is the best all-around player in the league and leads the Pistons in scoring and assists. The key for the Pistons is the three-point shooting of guards Joe Dumars and Lindsay Hunter and forward Terry Mills. If the Pistons do not hit their fair share of three-pointers, they will make an early exit.

Atlanta is one of the most improved teams in the league. Center Dikembe Mutombo is one of the biggest reasons for the improvement. Mutombo leads the Hawks in rebounding and blocks and has been a major defensive presence. Forward Christian Latener has put together his best season and guards Mookie Blaylock and Steve Smith are an excellent backcourt duo. Atlanta ·s main weakness is their lack of a proven small forward.

Prediction: Hawks in five.

Utah Jazz (1) vs. L.A. Clippers (8)

Utah enters the playoffs with a record of 64-18. They are Western Division champs and are not to be taken lightly. With the always lethal combination of all-stars Karl Malone and John Stockton, and the sharp shooting of Jeff Homacek from the outside, this team can run up the scoreboard very quickly. They have an excellent fast break, probably the best in the league due to the fact that this team generates a lot of points off defense.

The Clippers are a team of a lot of unknowns. With players like Loy Vaught and Rodney Rodgers, they are more of an inside team and likely to get the ball into the post. With a record of 36-46, this team is going to need the hand of God to come down and put on a Clippers uniform.

Prediction: Utah sweeps.

Seattle Supersonics (2) vs. Phoenix Suns (7)

Seattle is a team full of superstars. Power forward Shawn Kemp is always exciting around the rim and has developed a decent 15 foot jump shot. Detlef Schrempf is a very consistent forward who will hurt you from the outside and can drive on you with the drop of a dime. Defensive player of the year Gary Payton is thought by many to be the best point guard in the game. Hersey Hawkins has taken giant steps this year to become the old threat from the outside that he used to be. With other players like Sam Perkins and Nate McMillan, this team is deadly offensively, but a lacks strong defense beyond the guards. With a history of being playoff flops and controversy in the organization, Seattle can be a very two-faced team.

Phoenix is run by one of the greatest players ever, Kevin Johnson, who is not what he used to be, but can still show up when it counts. He is joined by Jason Kidd who seems like he has court vision with his eyes closed. With the return of Cedric Ceballos, this team will give Seattle a good run, but will not have the guns to pull through.

Prediction: Seattle in four.

Houston Rockets (3) vs. Minnesota Timberwo)ves (6) Houston returns to the playoffs with a much better team. With the early season addition of Hall of Fame forward Charles Barkley, the Houston starting line-up includes three all-stars in Barkley, Clyde Drexler and Hakeem Olajuwon. Olajuwon is without a doubt the most potent center in the league and can out do any big man that steps to his challenge. With rookie point guard Matt Maloney having a good season and with Kevin Willis and Sedale Threatt corning off the bench, this team is experienced and full of talent.

Minnesota is a team full of youth and excitement. With the drafting of Stephon Marbury and the roused Kevin Garnett, the two make a very scary duo for anyone that has to play against them. Marbury is a prime candidate for rookie of the year and has the numbers to prove it.

Tom Gugliotta is always an offensive threat and can get back and play defense. This is a very fun team to watch and they love to run the floor, but they cannot compete with a team of Houston's caliber.

Prediction: Houston in four.

L.A. Lakers (4) vs. Portland Trailblazers (5)

The Lakers are a favorite team in this year's playoffs. With the starting lineup including Shaquille O'Neal, Robert Horry, Elden Campbell, Nick Van Exel and Eddie Jones, this team is a great fast breal5 team and is the most fun to watch. They click beautifully when they play together and are not afraid to play out of the ordinary. Jerome Kersey has been a very big contributor off the bench and with other players, like rookies Kobe Bryant and Travis Knight, this team has what it takes to go far in the playoffs.

Portland is a solid team that has not been to the finals since 1991. Cliff Robinson, Rasheed Wallace, Kenny Anderson and Isiah Rider are going to try and get them there. Chris Dudley isiQ-.,. big defensive help off the bench just as long as he does not go to the free throw line. Stacey Augmon, Rumeal Robinson and Jermaine O'Neal will come off the bench for the Blazers, but it will not be enough to get by the Lakers. This could be the best match-up of the first round, so keep your eyes glued to the TV when these two teams play.

Prediction: Lakers in five.

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Friday, April 25, 1997 SPORTS 13
Western Conference______ ---·-···---··-·--·····•__.,.'
' .

The final installment in a four-part series

Shaping the Future of a College: Daspnechanges,athleticrecruitingremainsunaffectedsofar

Although the changing face of admissions will have a profound effect on Cabrini over the next few years, it is too early to tell how much the admissions changes will affect athletic recruiting, according to John

Dzik, athletic director and men's basketball and golf coach.

Dzik said he "cannot evaluate the system because it has not been around long enough."

However, Dzik said he has not seen any effects so far and has made no changes in the way he has recruited athletes for the upcoming year.

Eagles receive unfair draft criticism, again

experts and some of the Eagles fans would have said the Eagles had made a terrible pick.

Even I have to admit I was shocked when the Philadelphia Eagles took defensive end Jon Harris in the first-round of the NFL draft.

Although I was surprised with the pick, I did not start passing judgement on the Eagles and Jon Harris, as some fans and commentators did.

The NFL draft is not an exact science. Every year there are ..first-round picks who become busts and fifth-round picks who tum out to be All-Pro players.

The Eagles received criticism for their first-round pick and their draft as a whole from some of the so-called "experts."

However, one thing everyone must remember is that these draft experts are sometimes wrong.

Many of the experts said last year that Miami linebacker :each Thomas was too small and too fast to be an NFL linebacker. Thomas then proceeded to win the Defensive Rookie of the Year Award last year in the AFC.

Clyde Simmons and Seth Joyner were both late-round picks who ended up being Allho players for the Eagles.

, However, if the Eagles had \ selected either player in the f"rnt-round, then the draft

Paul Weaver, assistant director of admissions, said, "Students, regardless of what they do, are all held to academic standards."

Weaver said he does not think the new admissions program will have a big effect on recruiting because he thinks the coaches are very good about bringing

in academically qualified applicants.

"The coaches know the best way to get their recruits in is to bring in acceptable students," Weaver added.

According to Dzik, student athletes have graduated at a higher rate than the rest of the students.

Dzik said the athletic program will continue to try to recruit the best student athletes possible.

Dzik also added, "Because we are changing our admissions policy in regard to the matrix system, I hope that will not adversely affect athletic recruiting."

A couple of years ago, I would watch the NFL draft and decide how the Eagles did based on the predictions of the experts.

When the Eagles traded up to draft offensive tackle Antone Davis years back, I was pretty happy because many of the experts had Davis rated very high.

The Eagles and the draft experts could not have been more wrong.

Davis ended up being one of the biggest busts in the Eagles' history.

The Eagles went into this weekend's draft with goals of getting at least three or four major contributors for the upcoming regular season.

They ended up selecting three defensive lineman, three defensive backs, one linebacker, one running back, one tight end, one wide receiver and one quarterback.

The draft prognosticators can give all the opinions they want on how the Eagles did in the 1997 NFL draft.

However, only time wi11 tell if the 1997 draft produced one starter or six starters.

That is the thing about the draft.

Nobody knows how a team will do until a couple years down the line.

Give the Eagles some time before deciding whether or not they had a bad draft.

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Women's tennis losing top two players

The women's tennis team expects to suffer a major setback next year as its No. I and No. 2 singles players plan to leave Cabrini and attend higherranked schools in the fall.

First-year student Keely Crawbuck, the team's number one-seeded singles competitor, has been accepted to Hofstra University in Long Island, N.Y., on an athletic scholarship.

Crawbuck, who also played for the Lady Cavs' softball team and worked as a member of the radio station while at Cabrini, says there are many reasons for her departure.

"I made a mistake last year by not applying to a lot of col-

leges in time," Crawbuck said. "I wanted to play at a more competitive school, either in Division I or II, but I messed up on my applications for those schools.

"I'm not really supposed to be here. I want to go to a school that has a better science department, since I want to be a coroner," Crawbuck said.

Crawbuck also cited her reluctancy to be seeded No. 1 as a first-year student as another major reason for her decision.

"I was thrown right into the No. l spot as soon as I got here, so there was no room for improvement or competition,"

Crawbuck said. "At Hofstra, I will probably have to start really low, maybe fifth or sixth, and work my way up, which is what

l:ady Cavs capture --=>c~homefield advantage

With home field advantage for the Pennsylvania Athletic Conference championship game on the line and the weather not helping the situation at all, the women's lacrosse team came through with a very convincing victory, defeating Beaver College by the score of !3.:-6.

The Lady Cavs stormed out to a commanding lead .in the first half, scoring eight i9als before the Knights c'o'u1a"even tally a goal on the board.

Beaver just did nqt;_paN..e_ an answer for the offensiye, display the La?y Cavs put 01 as. they pulled their starting goali6"after the 10th goal was scored.

Halftime found the Lady Cavs on top by a score of 12-2, but the Lady Knights of Beaver went on the attack in the second half, scoring three unanswered goals.

Through it aJJ, the Lady Cavs' defense held up, as they held the Lady Knights to only one more goal following the small run Beaver made. Cabrini would add one more goal for a final score of 13-6.

Sophomore Jessi Valerio led

I wanted to do in the first place."

Hofstra 's women's tennis team is nationally ranked, both as a team and with individual players and doubles' teams.

Crawbuck's roommate and teammate. first-year student Jodi Holmes, competed as the No. 2 singles player for the Lady Cavs last season, but will also be leaving at the end of the year.

Holmes is still undecided as to whether she will attend St. Joseph's University or Millersville University.

"St. Joe's is definitely my first choice, but it all depends on how much money I get from financial aid and scholarships," Holmes said.

St. Joseph's and Millersville

are both nationally ranked in Division I and II, respectively.

"Millersville is really good since they play year round, at least once a week in the off-season, and their season continues for a very long time. If I played for them I would probably be ranked at around four or five," Holmes said.

"St. Joe's has only two players returning from last season, which would give me a lot of competition for a spot," Holmes said.

Holmes also feels that the lack of competition as a Lady Cavalier influenced her decision.

"I didn't want to stay ranked at No. 2 for all four years. It doesn't give me much of a chance to improve on my

skills," she said.

"I don't think Cabrini was the right school for me anyway," Holmes said.

"It does not have a lot to offer in computer science, which I wanted to major in. I did make a lot of friends here, though, and I will really miss them."

Both women said th.at they did have a very good time playing for the Lady Cavs during the past season.

"The girls on the team are all really nice, and we had so much fun at the Hilton Head tournament over spring break," Crawbuck said.

With the loss of their top two players, the Lady Cavs will be counting on their other players to step up.

all scorers with four goals, and sophomore Lesley Kerrigan and junior Donna Falcone each had three goals.

Sophomore Mandy Seeds and first-year students Carrie Borish and Merrie Lewis aJJ added one goal each to complete the lopsided victory.

With the victory, the Lady Cavs will play in their first PAC championship.

The Lady Cavs ,~iV host the PAC championshiP, i11me on tJ~. Sunday, April 27, ~t __ l p.m. against Cedar Crest College.

"We're really proud of our accomplishments because it's our first year uit~e PAC," junior Theresa McF'a.dden said. "Our ) . • team has ~a lot of talent, and the team's success is based on how well we jntegrate that talent on the field."

The Lady Cavs split the season series 1-1 with Cedar Crest.

Although the team agrees that Cedar Crest is a very good team, the Lady Cavs feel very confident going into the PAC championship.

"This is a brand new experience for me," said first-year student Gilda Zoccola. "My highschool team never went this far, so this is really exciting."

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Friday, April 25, 1997

After rallying to win four of their final six Pennsylvania Athletic Conference games, the women's softball team suffered a heartbreak.er when they were edged out of the fourth and fi?al playoff spot due to a tiebreaker.

On Monday, April 21, the Lady Cavs saw their PAC playoff hopes fade when Allentown College split a


Cabrini and Allentown both finished with identical 9-7 records in the PAC. However, the fourth and final playoff spot went to Allentown because they defeated a higher seeded team than Cabrini.

two-game doubleheader series with Beaver College.

The Lady Cavs had been tied for fourth place with Allentown but were left out of the playoffs because Allentown beat higher ranked Beaver College to clinch the last playoff spot.

Both teams had a record of 9-7, but because of the tie-breaker the playoff spot went in Allentown's favor and the Lady Cavs saw their season end abruptly.

The Lady Cavs were optimistic about their chances of making the PAC playoffs because they felt there was a good chance that Beaver would defeat Allentown in a doubleheader.

"We had our hopes up and it was just swept out from under our feet," commented junior captain Michelle Savage.

According to Savage, this disappointment can be traced back to a questionable call by an umpire in

Allentown and Cabrini's first meeting that could have meant the difference between traveling to the PAC playoff tournament and staying home.

Cabrini went into the seventh inning of the first game of the doubleheader leading Allentown College by a score of 3-2.

Allentown had runners on the comers and two outs in the bottom of the seventh inning when senior pitcher Melissa Hunsberger delivered a high fastball on the inside comer.

The Allentown player hit a pop fly toward the third base line. Firstyear student Kelly Griffith went running from her position at third base towards the ball and caught it in foul territory.

In NCAA softball, a rule exists that creates a "dead ball territory" past the foul zone. If a ball enters dead ball territory and is caught, the catch is disregarded and the batter is given a strike.

As Griffith caught the ball, her momentum carried her into the dead ball territmy.

The Lady Cavs began to celebrate because they thought they had won the game. However, the umpire called the play a "catch and carry," a situation that results when

a player carries a pop fly from foul to dead territory.

After the umpire's ruling, Allentown's runners each advanced a base. The player on third base came home, tying the score.

According to first-year student Laura Casamento, since there were two outs at the time of the play, the correct call in that situation would be an out and the end of the inning.

In a situation with one or no outs, the baserunners would advance one base with the batter being called out. The batter should have been called out neutralizing the advancement of the base runners and ending the inning.

The umpire advanced the runners and moved the batter to first base continuing the .inning,,andtyinmg.=====:~the score, which eventually led to a Cabrini loss.

Although the players argued the call, the play stood and the Lady Cavs went on to lose. 5-3. Because of this loss, the Lady Cavs m~ only a split with Allentown.

If they had won that game, the Cavs would have been the fourth team in the playoffs with a I 0-6 record.

However, because of that loss, tl1eLady Cavs find themselv.:s out of the PAC playoffs.

photo by Dana Nentwig Sophomore Michelle Tholey delivers a pitch in a previous Lady Cavs victory over Neumann College. The women's softball team barely missed qualifying for the PAC playoffs when they lost a tiebreaker to Allentown Junior Michele Savage swings and misses in a previous Lady Cavs victory. The Lady Cavs finished the season with a 9-7 record in the PAC. College.

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