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Grads: co-op, career services fulfill needs
According to a recent survey of Cabrini graduates, the cooperative education and career services department has left them more satisfied than students at other colleges. Dr. Robert Bonfiglio, vice president for student development, and Nancy Hutchison, director of co-op education and career services, attribute this to the accessibility and the proactive approach of the services.
by Adam Greenberg assistant a&e editor
Cabrini's g cooperative education and career services department, as well as its high rate of job placement, are more than satisfying students.
According to a recent survey, Cabrini graduates indicated that they were "very satisfied or satisfied," to a greater degree than students from other colleges.
Dr. Robert Bonfiglio, vice president for student development, said that the survey was administered by the Higher Education Institute of UCLA and that Cabrini was part of a comparison group of 33 four-year Catholic colleges.
Participants from Cabrini consisted of 101 graduates, 57 of whom also participated in a similar first-year student survey, according to Bonfiglio.
He said that by analyzing trends that appear in several different surveys, certain conclusions can be drawn.
In this case, Bonfiglio said that the substantially higher marks that Cabrini received relate to the college's size.
Career services and advising are co-op education and career services, said that this survey is an accurate reflection of students' happiness with the counseling services provided.
In her four years at Cabrini, 93 percent of students have obtained job placement within six months of graduation, according to Hutchison.
"No other colleges in the immediate area have a formal co-op office," she said.
-Nancy Hutchison Director of Co-op Education and Career Services
more accessible because of the small number of students, he said.
He also stated that these results indicate that Cabrini is fulfilling its commitment to giving personal attention to students.
"It distinguishes us from many other colleges," Bonfiglio said.
Nancy Hutchison, director of
The reason Cabrini's career counseling and advising services are so successful is because of a proactive approach, according to Hutchison.
She said that there is an emphasis on outreach in order to make students aware of everything that is available to them.
This includes programming in the residence balls, interviews on the campus radio station and visits to classes.
Hutchison said that co-ops and career services have thrived in recent years because of this in- creased visibility, as well as easier access.
Until 1994, the co-op office and career services were two separate offices.
That year they were integrated, providing more opportunities for students at one location.
Consistent outreach and a "wonderful faculty" combine to help produce students who are wellqualified for employment, according to Hutchison.
"All the pieces come together and work as one," she said.