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SGA president, staff seek more student involvement
Members of the Student Government Association are taking steps to make themselves more available to students than they feel they have been in previous years. SGA President Nicole Klimas has instituted an "open door'' policy and invited students to attend SGA meetings.
by Kristina Geerken staff writer
Sitting alone in the Student Governrnent office, located next to the mailroom, Student Government President Nicole Klimas makes herself available to the students.
"We are here for the students -we want people to come," Klimas said.
So far, however, there have been no visitors and the office remains empty.
The Student Government Association is an organization consisting of an executive board and four class boards with five members each.
One of the primary duties of the SGA is to act as a link between the students and the administration.
The members of SGA executive board are Klimas; senior Josh Hage, vice president; junior Liz Kyle, treasurer; senior Chad May, academic board chair; junior Tricia Arnold, CAP board chair; senior Erin Barney, corresponding secretary; senior Bill Thornton, recording secretary; and junior Nick Luchko, parliamentarian.
Klimas wants to make some changes in the forthcoming year.
A major goal for the SGA throughout the 1999-2000 school year is strong visibility around campus.
"Many people do not understand SGA," Klimas said.
Chad May Academic Board Chair
"SGA is the voice of the students. We just have to have them behind us," she said.
May shares a similar view with Klimas.
"We need to connect with more students. More voices should be heard and the SGA needs to be more visible."
For Klimas, being president of the SGA has many rewards.
"I want to make a difference," Klimas said. "I want to ensure to first-year students and other classes that they will have an incredible college experience. I want incoming classes to enjoy Cabrini as much as I do."
.In order to hear the views and opinions of the students, SGA offers office hours.
Klimas said that the doors are open to all.
"Students must take the initiative to come to meetings and tell us what they want done," she said. SGA will be holding two campus meetings, the dates and times of which are to be announced. Anyone is welcome to attend these meetings.
"More students should get involved," Klimas said.
Klimas said that student involvement is important and it is an active SGA goal to get more students to participate.
"There is only so much the SGA can do on its own," Klimas said.