Sept. 23, 1999 issue 03 Loquitur

Page 3

Cab r 1 n 1 Co 1 1 e g e Vol. XLVI, No. 3 Thursday, September 23, 1999 Radnor, PA 19087 Who shouldyou pick? yooron,necoJJWJebooks In an attempt to bolster sales, Internet bookstores are competing with local bookstores, including Cabrini's bookstore. Internet bookstores promise big savings, but are they really all they're cracked up to be? atUP8S Breaking the bonds of time Feeling like there is not 1§. l enough time in the day? ; . /·· \ Maybe we can help. • \ Story on page B -~ AE Story on page 2 Sky's The Limit! Check out what one Cabrini student did during his summer break. Check out page 6

Online textbook retailers are launching huge advertising campaigns to convince college students that their services offer more convenience and lower prices than campus bookstores. Cabrini's bookstore owner, however, warns that you might not save as much money as you think.

I?IGershoni would not comment on the methods uses to mark down its prices, such as low commissions or wholesale buying.

news editor

As a result of an intense advertising campaign, price discounts and heightened Internet usage, online textbook retailers are becoming the store of choice for some students shopping for their college textbooks.

However, according to campus bookstore manager Mike Barouki, hidden costs, such as shipping and handling and other fees, make the prices of many of the books found on online retailers equal to or greater than the same books from Cabrini's bookstore.

Jodi Gershoni, communications director of, said that the Internet service offers several distinct advantages over traditional campus bookstores.

"Varsity provides discounts up to 40 percent and the convenience of direct delivery to the student's home or dorm within one to three business days," Gershoni said.

Compared with prices in Cabri-

ni's bookstore, does offer some price breaks.

For example, a book used by George Hebard's Introduction to Biology class is advertised on at a cost of just $75.14, compared with a campus bookstore price of $83.50.

However, also charges $4.95 in shipping and handling fees, bringing the total to $80.09, a savings of just $3.41.

Other Internet retailers, such as, actually offer greater price breaks on books than

For example, the same biology book costs just $66.20, including shipping and handling, at, a savings of over $17.

Barouki acknowledged that Cabrini's bookstore does sometimes charge more for books that online retailers offer at lower prices.

"It could be less elsewhere," he said. "But we have a 25 percent markup on whatever is here, since we have a contract." had a smaller selection than, with several books, such as those used in Cabrini's education and history classes, unavailable.

Gershoni also would not comment on the disadvantages of Internet shopping.

"This is difficult to say," she said. "We offer an alternative to the traditional campus bookstore. Advantages and disadvantages are individual [depending on the individual campus bookstores]."

However, according to the company's websites, many of the retailers' deals do come with distinct disadvantages.

For example, does not offer a book buyback program, in contrast to Cabrini's policy of buying back books after the semester is over.

According to its website, will only buy back a book if it is "gently used," meaning that it is absent of writing and its pages are not tom or marked. In addition, and only offer refunds of shipping and handling fees if they make an error in shipping.


If a student orders the wrong book for a class, he or she must still pay the shipping and handling fees to return it.

Cabrini's bookstore, on the other hand, offers full refunds if a book is purchased in error provided that the student returns the book within a set deadline.

Both Internet services also cannot guarantee shipment within one to three days if the item is out of stock and warn that it may take several weeks to receive a shipment.

According to Barouki, the campus bookstore is a more practical source of textbooks for Cabrini students.

"If [students] are going to go online, it would be easier for them to just reserve the book through the bookstore and not have to pay shipping and handling," he said.

Online bookstores, such as, and, have launched major marketing campaigns to make college students aware of their services.

For example, has aired television commercials geared towards broke college students and covered campuses with posters. " has a national advertising campaign complimented with a national campus representative program of oncampus student marketers," Gershoni said.

According to Barouki, however, Cabrini's bookstore has yet to launch such a campaign.

"Starting in the spring semester, we probably will begin advertising," he said.

Readings in Education

HIS 108 lJ $57.50 $46.70 $60.70 not available

America: Past and Present

...Plfcesobtairnxlfrom Csbrini'sboolcstorfJ and from the WIJbsitesof,, and mcludeshJppillg.handlinQand aHothertaxesand fffS.

NEWS Thursday, September 23, 1999
Cabrini'sboolcsloreoJftn prlees cOlll,JHll'Obk to ,,,.,,, popular online retailers. Class/Book Title Cabrini BIO I03A/ $83.50 $66.20 $86.70 $80.09 Biology: Life on Barth BUS200A/ $80.50 $63.95 $83.70 $79.87 Managing Human Resources CHE 111 A/ $99.50 $102.95 $102.70 $94.SS Chemistry: The Central Science COM360A/ $82.50 $51.55 $85.70 $79.20 The Practice of Public Relations ECE389A/ $67.90 $54.45 $71.70 $65.94 ECE: An Introduction EDU 304 AJI,/ $48.50 $39.92 $51.70 not available Kaleidoscope:
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photo by Laura Casamento Online textbook retailers like have launched huge marketing campaigns, covering college campuses with advertisements such as this one in the Widener Center. photo by Laura Casamento The shelves of Cabrini's bookstore are marked with tags to let students know which books they need for their classes.

College converts graphic design program to department

After an evaluation from an independent consultant, the college granted department status to the graphic design program, which had previously operated under both the communication and fine arts departments. The department has added 15 new computers and several new courses to keep it competitive with other schools.

design major, says she picked this departstaff writer ment because the work sounded interesting.

Web pages, brochures, business cards and letterheads.

These are just a few of the business forms of advertising students are learning how to create, design and lay out, thanks to Cabrini's new graphic design major.

The graphic design program, which was formerly grouped under the fine arts major, became its own department at the beginning of the Fall 1999 semester.

According to department chair Don Dempsey, the original graphic design program was grouped under both the communication department and fine arts department.

However, since Dempsey had to report to the heads of both departments, the program did not fully fit under either.

As a result, an independent consultant hired by the college came to the conclusion that the graphic design program should become its own department.

Dempsey described the graphic design department as "a hands-on major."

The graphic design department, he said, offers a chance for students to get experience through lab courses.

Students are able to create projects that they can later place in a portfolio for job interviews.

Karen Urbano, a sophomore and graphic

"I like to work with graphics on the computer," she said.

The new department has begun to make some significant changes based on an evaluation by Professor J. Charles Walker, chair of graphic design at Kent State University. The program has started to add more courses that relate to the foundations of graphic design.

The department has also acquired a new lab in a former communication department classroom and furnished it with 15 Apple G3 computers, funded through a federal grant to the college.

Previously, classes used the Power Macintoshes in the communications lab.

In exchange for the computers, the department made the lab available for high school students to take design courses as part of a program with the history department to prepare them for college.

According to Dempsey, the G3 computers are intended for use in graphic design programs.

''The computers can run the software very quickly, and the 21-inch monitors make it easy for students to see all of the palettes they need on the screen," he said.

Currently there are 30 students enrolled in the department.

Dempsey, who is the instructor for the graphic design courses, has hopes of at-

tracting more students.

Dempsey said that he hopes to acquire another new instructor "to balance out the program."

At the same time, however, he said he is looking for someone who can collaborate

with the communication and information science and technology programs to deliver courses for Internet computing. With these classes combined into one department, graphic arts students will be able to have a wide range of courses they can take.

SGA president, staff seek more student involvement

Members of the Student Government Association are taking steps to make themselves more available to students than they feel they have been in previous years. SGA President Nicole Klimas has instituted an "open door'' policy and invited students to attend SGA meetings.

Sitting alone in the Student Governrnent office, located next to the mailroom, Student Government President Nicole Klimas makes herself available to the students.

"We are here for the students -we want people to come," Klimas said.

So far, however, there have been no visitors and the office remains empty.

The Student Government Association is an organization consisting of an executive board and four class boards with five members each.

One of the primary duties of the SGA is to act as a link between the students and the administration.

The members of SGA executive board are Klimas; senior Josh Hage, vice president; junior Liz Kyle, treasurer; senior Chad May, academic board chair; junior Tricia Arnold, CAP board chair; senior Erin Barney, corresponding secretary; senior Bill Thornton, recording secretary; and junior Nick Luchko, parliamentarian.

Klimas wants to make some changes in the forthcoming year.

A major goal for the SGA throughout the 1999-2000 school year is strong visibility around campus.

"Many people do not understand SGA," Klimas said.


Chad May Academic Board Chair

"SGA is the voice of the students. We just have to have them

behind us," she said.

May shares a similar view with Klimas.

"We need to connect with more students. More voices should be heard and the SGA needs to be more visible."

For Klimas, being president of the SGA has many rewards.

"I want to make a difference," Klimas said. "I want to ensure to first-year students and other classes that they will have an incredible college experience. I want incoming classes to enjoy Cabrini as much as I do."

.In order to hear the views and opinions of the students, SGA offers office hours.

Klimas said that the doors are open to all.

"Students must take the initiative to come to meetings and tell us what they want done," she said. SGA will be holding two campus meetings, the dates and times of which are to be announced. Anyone is welcome to attend these meetings.

"More students should get involved," Klimas said.

Klimas said that student involvement is important and it is an active SGA goal to get more students to participate.

"There is only so much the SGA can do on its own," Klimas said.

Loquitur NEWS 3
photo by Laura Casamento Graphic design department chair Don Dempsey (right) works with junior Brian O'Connell in the department's new graphic design lab.
need to connect with more students. More voices should be heard and the SGA needs to be more visible."

Hurricane closes College, Causes destruction in area

,.-staftwriter ·es and.closed the col.Jege at 12:30 p.lll; in·. _lionInstitute ·estimated tha:t Floyd's damresponse to the heavy rains and high winds ages came to $800million.

Hurricane Floyd left a trail of death and destruction last week along the U.S.'s Atlantic coast; forcing lllillionS·of people to leave in the largest mass ~vacuation in. U.s: history.

North Carolina, New Jersey, Virginia, Pennsylvania, New York, Maryland and Delaware were the hardest hit states in the U.S.

North Carolina suffered the most damages from Floyd's torrential rains and high winds, which gusted up to 50 mph.

•.The Delaware County area of Pennsylvania was hard-hit in certain areas, including Tinicum Township, Darby Boro and parts of Philadelphia.

At C_abrini,adrcinistr~tors canceled cfass~ Ute New York-based Insurance Inform;i.- Hundreds of thousands of households experienced power outages a~ a _resultof the storm.

brought on by the storm. The School Dis_- Officials -in New Jersey reported that trict of Philadelphia closed schools at the damage··ranged into the hundreds of milsame time, with inany districts in New ier- lions of dollari, U}erealone. • ••sey and Delaware closing schools for ¢.e Airports.·in New York City, Phiiadelphia, entire day. and Washington suffered delays and can-

Damage in the Radnor area, particul;i.rly celed flights due to the storm. roads and streets around campus_,was re- Train and _subwayservices were also disported mostly in the form of flooded roads rupted because of track flooding. However, and toppled trees, according to damage re- Amtrack officials said that _they have reports. stored-service to the entire Northeast area, Seven counties in the state of Pennsylva- and Septa reported only minor delays on nia, including Chester, Delaware, Mont- ·their subway lines. gomery and Philadelphia counties, were declared disaster areas by President Bill

Although most power suppliers had their service restored within 48 to 72 hours after the storm, as of press time some residences were without electricity.

Shelters were set up for victims who lost their power, or whose homes were flooded. Donations are currently being taken by several relief agencies to aid victims of Hurricane Floyd. • •

Food donations can be made by calling 800-344-8070.




• Friday,9/24 CavalierKickoffand Video Dance Party. Dixon Center, 9 p.m.

• Saturday, 9/25 Family Dinner Dance and Crowning of HomecomingKing and Queen, Grace Hall Atrium, 7 p.m.

• Sunday, 9/26 Mass, Brockmann Chapel of St. Joseph, 10:30 a.m.

• Sunday, 9/26 One Sky, One World Kite Festival for World Peace, Upper Athletic Field, Noon.


. Pleasecontactthe Officeof S

• Women's soccer vs. York College, 4 p.m.

• Women's tennis at Philadelphia U ., 4 p.m.

• Volleyball at Widener U., 7 p.m.

• Bingo, 9 p.m., WCGA

• • Family Weekend begins

·•Women's soccer vs. Roberts Wesleyan, 12

• One Sky, One World Kite Festival, 12 p.m,, lTPP"Athletic FJeld

• Field hockey vs. Immaculata College, 4p.m.

• Men' at Wesley College, 4 p.m.

• Women's soccerat WC?5leyCollege, 4 p;m.

• WQtnen's'teimisv·s. Lincoln u.;12 p.m.

• Volleyballvs.WJJson College, 12 p.m.

• Field hockey vs. Rosemont, 1 p.m.

• Men's soccer vs. Misericordia,2:30 p.m.

• CassandreMaxwell Art ExhibitOpenmg R~3p.m.,

• Gorevin Fine Arts Gallery

• Women's telllli$ vs. Alb~ Coll~. 4

• Women'stennisvs. RoseD19PtCollege,4 p.m.

• Mass, 4:45 p.m., Bruckmann Chapel of St. Joseph

• Field hockey vs. Eas~College, 4 p.m.

• Volleyballat Eastern College, 7 p.m.

• Intramural volleyball entries due/captain's meeting, 5 p.m.

•· 4- > .· ~.-: NEWS Thursday,September 23, 1999
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JOINUs Foa... Clinton on Saturday, Sept. 18, making them eligible for federal aid and relief funds. photo by Nick Luchko Residents·of Xavi~r Hall took advanta,ge of the conditions supplied by Hurrican'e Floyd, organizing a football the. mud on the front lawn of-the residence hall.

Last Week-in, the World-of News




North Carolina

Hurricane Floyd made landfall overnight at Cape Fear, N.C., dumping up to 19 inches of rain on areas up and down the East Coast. Thirty ~o people were confirmed dead in North Carolina alone, while dozens more were reported missing and are presumed dead. State officials expect that damage to livestock and crops would surpass the $344 million record set during Hurricane Fran in 1996.


Ft. Worth,Tex.

A memorial service was set for Sunday, Sept. 19 for the victims of last week's shooting rampage at a Baptist church in Fort Worth.

Funerals were also held today for four of the seven people killed when a gunman burst into the church during a prayer service.

Seven more people were jnjured in the attack.

Two U.S. residents were sentenced to jail terms after being convicted of migrant smuggling in a Cuban court. Joel Dorta Garcia and David Garcia Capote received sentences of life and thirty years, respective-. ly, for the July 3 smuggling •attempt in which •one of their passengers drowned. The Cuban court explained that while the sentences were harsh, they were meant to serve as an example to anyone else considering migrant smuggling.


East Timor

A multinational force led by Australia landed in East Timor to try to control the violence that has broken out in the Indonesian state. East Timor has been under attack by a pro-Jakarta militia since last month's elections, when the country's citizens overwhelmingly voted for independence. Indonesian officials have assured the force that they will cooperate.

9/17, North Korea

In return for North Korea's pledge to discontinue the development and testing of long-range missiles, the United States eased longstanding economic sanctions against the country. Trade in consumer goods, commercial transport of cargo and passengers and funds transfers between the two countries will be allowed in most cases.

'98- '99 Loquitur staff earns national distinction

The staff of last year's Loquitur was awarded an All American rating with five marks of distinction, which is the highest award that can be given to a college newspaper by the Associated Collegiate Press.

If the Associated Collegiate Press, a national judging service for college newspapers, gave out letter grades, the 1998-99 Loquitur staff would have received straight A:s.

Loquitur earned five marks of distinction from the ACP on Tuesday, Sept. 20, marking only the second time in the history of the,, newspaper that it has received these highest honors.

Each year, the ACP holds this national contest. Five consecutive issues of a newspaper are submitted, along with two of the best of the year.

Loquitur garnered a mark of distinction in each of the five categories set forth by the ACP: Coverage and Content; Writing and Editing; Photography, Art and Graphics; Layout and Design; and


In his Journalism I class, after receiving the news, Dr. Jerome Zurek, English/communication chair, expressed his pride over the honors.

Zurek explained to students that Loquitur was judged beside schools such as the University of Texas at Austin, which has over 3,000 journalism majors as compared to Cabrini's entire student body of not even 2,000 students.

"Gutsy editorials," "strong letters to the editor," and "hard-hitting columns" were cited by the judge as the more remarkable areas of the paper.

The front page was also commended for its striking graphics.

Zurek owes the good front pages to Don Dempsey's instruction in the area of graphic design.

''The paper couldn't have gotten all five marks of distinction without the benefit of the graphic de-

sign department," Zurek said.

Jen Nespoli, Features editor for the 1998-99 Loquitur, was not surprised by the five marks of distinction.

"I was hoping we would get all five," Nespoli said. "My goal was to do a good paper. This was just the icing on the cake."

"You can never tell if the newspaper is reaching the students, but it was cool to see people reading the paper and talking about it last year," Nespoli said.

Neither Ron D'Orazio nor Paul Moser, sports editors for the 199899 school year and 1999 graduates of Cabrini, were surprised to learn that Loquitur had done so well in the competition.

"I'm not surprised because we had a good group of students," said D'Orazio. Moser echoes his attitude.

''We had a solid staff," Moser said. "Our goal was to report well,

both graphically and content- college newspapers in the country, wise." will move to the next level of Loquitur, now among the top 25 competition.

I ..111. ··-------Loquitur NEWS-----------------·-· 5
photo by some guy at the bar The '98-'99 Loquffur editorial staff. From left to right (top): Paul Moser, Karin Letcher, Nick Levandusky, Julie Shallis, Laura Casamento, Ron D'Orazio. (Bottom): Jen Nespoli, Mary Eileen O'Connor, Nicole Klimas, Joe Elliott, Melissa Lessig, Megan Zustra.


Summer days may have drifted away, but for third-year student Tony Barrett, those summer nights sure did pay off. During his summer break, Tony became involved in acting classes at the Chicago City Limits Building, which is located in New York City. For •eight weeks, every Thursday, Barrett would drive the two hours up and "four hours back in traffic" to participate in an evening of honing his acting skills. The class, a four hour schedule, dealt with the techniques and skills for improvisational acting.

"It was a good time," Barrett said.

What was even better, was the phone call Barrett received from the Chicago City Limits Improv Troupe. The

Troupe, which is a major improv troupe in New York, wanted him to be in performances of their improv show.

"It's cool," Barrett said.

But will Barrett, who also has an interest in broadcasting, be following in the footsteps of his idols, funny men Chris Farley and John Balucci?

"I want to be a circus midget," the six-foot Barrett states. "Unfortunately, my height prohibits me from doing my dream."

For now, the opportunity to perform with a major improv troupe in New York City is enough to spur on other dreams, of which he might share with Humphrey, the stuffed monkey blessed with a '•squirrely tail" that he sleeps with every night. Not one to get fanatically obsessed with a goal for

The Red Cloud Coffee House

early success, nor one to rely on good luck charms, Barrett has an anything goes attitude.

"If it happens, it happens," he said. What will be happening is his presence with the troupe on opening night this Sunday, Sept. 26, at the Chicago City Limits Building located on First Street between 60th and 61st 7:30 pm. He will also be performing with the Chicago City Limits Improv troupe Oct. 10 and Oct. 24 at the same time and place.

Inquiring minds want to know, Tony Barrett, if you're excited. Barrett gives a slow grin and an easy going laugh, "yeah," he said. "Very."

Come to family weekend!

This weekend, starting Friday, September 24, Cabrini will be holding its annual Family Weekend. This is the weekend to bring out the folks and show them around the campus. The event will feature a Cavalier kick-off. This feature will be the opening of Cabrini's sport season. It will be a sort of, "pep rally" or "spirit night," according to Bridgette Baxter, director of student activities. A video presentation of all of the athletes at Cabrini will be shown during this time.

Beginning the festive fun on Friday at 7 pm in the Red Cloud Coffeehouse will be a performance by the Cabrini College Comedy Troupe. On Saturday, the revelry of Family Weekend continues with a day

of amusements featuring an outdoor carnival, and tours of the campus. Great food whipped up by the Wood dinning staff will be available and there will be a homecoming dance where the 1999 homecoming king and queen will be announced.

On Sunday, Mass will be held in the chapel and a brunch will be served after service. Following this will be the ever popular One Sky. One World Kite Festival for World Peace.

All students are encouraged to take advantage of the entertainment offered this weekend and come out to enjoy the fun with relatives.

Loquitur page 6 A&E Thursday, September 23, 1999
Presents A nightof theater and musicalentertainment Sunday,Sept. 26 at 8:00 pm Featuring: • Selectionsfromthe brandnew musical"ZombieProm" • The lmprovTroupe
Tony Barrett smiles for the camera Photo by Ben Lunn


With her quirky, nursery-rhyme type lyrics, fiercely intimate delivery of t,he keyboard and love affair with sounds, the new album, ''To Venus and Back," by Tori Amos, has all the components that Amos fans can readily recognize, but plays like one continuous song separated only by titles.

The album.which opens with the song "Bliss," whose interesting changes, both rhythmically and vocally, is a fresh take on Amos' original style, seems to be a melting pot of melodies. Her second track, "Juarez," is a recognizable copy of the second track, "Cruel," on her fourth album

"From The Choir Girl Hotel."

This is surprising, since Amos is known for her unique style and fantasy-world touched sounds. While she has been experimenting with writing, since the addition of synthesizers, pop beats and electric guitars that appeared on "From the Choir Girl," the same approach for ''To Venus and Back," seems to fall flat.

Mostly formed of slow grooves and lazy vocals, the deep beats and heavy percussion on such songs as "Glory of the 80's" and "Suede" remind one of tribal drums and ceremonial dances. Indeed, the music of Amos is an initiation into her personal world of in-your-face lyrics and intimate melodies.


The album, cons1stmg of two CD's categorized as "Orbiting" and Still Orbiting," contains a live performance of classic Amos tunes. Her live impersonations make up for the lack of originality in "Orbiting." With wails, guttural sounds, lilting vocals and whispered deliveries, the songs, featuring "Cornflake Girl," "Space Dog" and the popular "Little Earthquakes," are superior Amos. While hard core Amos fans will appreciate ''To Venus and Back," the first CD, "Orbiting," fails to live up to the reputation and novice expectations that Amos creates. "Still Orbiting," however, is a true Amos experience. It's a collection of old favorites that deliver the passion and emotion that only Amos, in her possessed-like

0piano playing frenzy can deliver.

• Cometo the Red CloudCoffeeHouse,located in the GraceHall atriumon Sept.26 for a previewof the new musical"ZombieProm"and other entertainingacts.

• FamilyWeekendis this Friday,September24. Eventsbeginat 7 pm in the Red CloudCoffeehouse Witha performanceof the CabriniCollegeComedy Troupe.

• TherewiHbe a celebrationfor the Feastot St. Jerome in 1M HolYSpiritLibraryon Thursday,September30 fromM pm. Aefreshment8wlHbe aerved.

• Sign up nowin the campus miDlsttyfor th& first retrea~which wBIbe October 1.

Lovingthe Game

Yeah, I love the game. I have loved it since I have been old enough to cheer and watch it on TV. I loved it even more when I was old enough to play. So, you can imagine, any movie about baseball, I'm gonna go see it. Throw in Kevin Costner and I get there a little faster.

I am thrilled to say I was not disappointed. I sat back and watched a heartwarming flick about America's Favorite Pastime, "For the Love of the Game."

Billy Chapel, (Kevin Costner), a forty-year old pitcher in the major league, shares with all of us a story of how he came to love the game. Any athlete watching sympathizes with the endless hours of practicing, the injuries that never seem to heal and all the time spent alone, pushing yourself, that the fans never get to see. Those of you that don't play, you see, the love for the game makes it all worth it.

Chapel even takes us back to younger years, sunny days filled with backyard catches and dreams of those perfect

games, the ones where you get to save the day.

My only regret is not driving home and seeing it with my dad, whose love for the game saw me through many sunny (and rainy) days. And there is still more corning.

Even those who don't love the game, this movie appeals to you too. Kelly Preston costars and has an equally good performance. "For the Love of the Game" is not just about a sport. It's a story about love, loss and life. So grab a loved one and go see it. I think you'll love it.

Loquitur page 7 A&E Thursday, September 23, 1999
Photo obtained from inside CD jacket

Breaking the bonds of time

Time is our most precious commodity. We need time to go to class, do homework, write papers, eat, sleep and of course, play. We have 24 hours in a day and we will n~ver have anymore. Our best defense is to learn how to manage time better.

If you were a resident of North Carolina and bad 48 hours to evacuate because of hurricane Floyd, you would find a way to protect your property, choose the valuable items you could not be without, arrange for accommodations elsewhere and notify your family and friends. You would be able to accomplish this because of the nature of the priority. The first step in establishing better time management, is to prioritize a list of your goals and expectations. Then begin to realize how you are currently using your time and compare that with your list. Focus on the daily activities and look for areas where you could make changes. Dr. Arthur Young, director of the Center for Academic Excellence and English professor suggests using a square piece of paper with the hours of the day and consistently write down what you do. This will allow you to discover chunks of time that could be better used.

Next you should decide how to restructure your schedule. As a col-

lege student your first priority should be to block off scheduled class time. Your second priority should be to allow enough time to study for each class. The rule of thumb is to allow one and a half-hours of study time for each hour of class time. The necessities of college life

time to relax. By scheduling time to play you will have something to look forward to when the work is done. In addition, you ease the tension when your friend calls and wants you to go out. Your answer is simple. You tell them you are studying but you can also tell them what time you will be available by checking your schedule. This should ease your temptation to join your friend and allow you to maintain your integrity at the same time.

Other ideas may include making a list of the six most important things you need to get done the next day. Then review your daily list and your weekly schedule every morning to stay on track. You could also create a reward system where you treat yourself to something you really want when you accomplish certain goals. Or establish a buddy system where you and a friend can help each other stay on schedule.

should follow. These may include sleeping, eating and doing laundry. However, you can study while doing laundry. Be creative, combine the more mundane activities whenever possible.

Stop saying things like "Where has the time gone?" and "There just isn't enough time." Begin to use time as a tool to allow you to get the important things in life done.

Young said, "Time management is meant to help you enjoy your life rather than rule your life. Use a schedule to create opportunity not limit opportunity."

Another priority should be to schedule time to play and socialize Playtime will reduce stress and increase your ability to establish your own personality. Everyone needs lphotos obtained from internet

The way we really were

features editor

Don't know much about history? Well, you're not alone. In fact, many of the teachings and wise words of historical, academic textbooks get their information a bit jumbled. History may repeat itself, but from the way it's been recorded, we wouldn't recognize the repetitions if they happened on our doorstep. Here's a few clarifications and interesting details that were either "forgotten," skipped over, or completely fudged.

Ah, the discovery of a new land, the promise of a fresh start. Welcome to America, Columbus. Unfortunately big boy, you're a tad too late. The first European explorer to have laid eyeballs on the new world is actually norseman Bjarni Herjoefsson, (go ahead, try to pronounce his name) somewhere between 985 and 986. History tends to credit his fellow cow-horn-helmeted norseman Leif Erickson, as sailing his sleek viking ship straight to America's shore first, but he wasn't. In fact, neither bearded men discovered the new world first. Homosapiens who migrated over to the continent about 12,000 years ago did. This group would be known as the Native Americans, who had established settlements and were culturally under way while Europe was still in the dark ages.

Plymouth rock. It's the site where the Pilgrims, escaping religious tyranny, landed and carved out the date, 1620, of their arrival. Maybe. There's no record of that happening. It has actually been discovered that the carving was done 100 years later, probably by a member of the First Plymouth Chamber of Commerce. This would be your early advertising and public relations folks.

Please take note that the French and Indian War was not between the french and Indians. It was actually the french and Indians working together as allies against the english for control of colonies.

The King will be responsible for slave trade. A European law? No. It's actually a sentence that was deleted in Thomas Jefferson's first draft of the Declaration of Independence. The delegates of Congress, in a moment of "what is he thinking?" decided that this just wouldn't do. They also made an adjustment and got rid of the "King" part too, but not because they had just finished fighting a huge war for independence with a chance to create a "one country, under God, with liberty and justice for all" deal. It was because the man approached for the position couldn't make up bis mind. Not wanting to be governed by someone who had a tough time making decisions, Washington won a popular vote and was sworn into the Presidents seat on April 30, 1789. All together now, "this land is your land, this land is my land, ..."

_Pa_g_e_8___________________ FEATURES _____________ Th_urs_d_a_y,_S_ep_te_m_be_r_2_3,_1_99_9

Fact or fiction?

Okay, fellow college students, let's see how much you know about a few well-known historical figures. Put your

• George Washington had wooden teeth.

• Queen Isabella sold the crown jewels to pay for Columbus' voyage.

• A new star is added to the flag only on the 4th of July.

• George and Martha Washington had two children.

• Columbus set out to prove the earth was round.

• There are four other flags in the world that have the same color pattern as the American Flag.

brain to the test. Do you know which are fact and which are fiction?

• Lyndon Johnson, who succeeded Kennedy, was born 100 years after Andrew Johnson, who succeeded Lincoln.

• George Washington was an educated man who graduated from college.

• Columbus' voyage from Spain to the New World was perilous--fraught with bad weather and lack of food causing many sailors' deaths on the way.

• Abraham Lincoln was elected to Congress exactly 100 years before John F. Kennedy.

The fact of the matter is.

• George Washington did have false teeth, but they were not made of wood. They were actually made of a cows tooth, one of Washington's own teeth, hippopotamus ivory, metal and springs.

• Queen Isabella may have suggested selling the crown jewels, but her financial advisers assured her that there were other ways to pay for the voyage.

• A new star is added to the American Flag the July 4th following the entry into the Union of the new state.

• Actually George and Martha WashingtGn had no children together, but Martha was a widow with two children when she married George. Although George Washington raised the two as his own, he has no direct descendants.

• By the end of the 15th Century most everyone knew the earth was a sphere, but the question was the size of the earth--its circumference. Columbus' voyage was to answer this question. Yet he did underestimate the size of the earth by one-fourth.

• There are, in fact, four other flags containing the red, white and blue color scheme: Chile, Liberia, Malaysia, and Puerto Rico.

• Andrew Johnson was born in 1808 while Lyndon Johnson was born in 1908, 100 years apart from each other.

• George Washington was a self-taught man who never attended college. The death of his father brought an end to his formal schooling. However, Washington believed education was very important and helped establish one of the first free schools in this country.

• No one died on Columbus' maiden voyage. There was enough food aboard for one year and the weather was ideal--no storms were encountered. However, on the return

trip to Spain there was a major hurricane which almost destroyed the two remaining ships.

• Not only were the elections to Congress 100 years apart, (Lincoln 1846 & Kennedy 1946), but they were elected President 100 years apart as well, (Lincoln 1860 & Kennedy 1960)

page 9 Thursday, September 23, 1999 -----------FEATURES-----------
supposed to be George Washington: note the teeth curtesy of Shanna Fanelli
photo obtained from internet

The editorials, viewpoints, opinions and letters to the editor published in Loquitur are the views of the student editorial board and the individual writers, not the entire student body or the faculty and administration.


Our most underrated team

As you are reading this paper, one of Cabrini's teams is in a competition with about twenty-five others from across the country. The other teams are much bigger, and some of them are perennial competitors.

We're not talking about the men's soccer team or the women's basketball team. Instead, we're talking about the staff of Loquitur, '98-'99.

The story that was featured on page 5 may not seem to be as big a deal as a PAC championship,. but to the dozen editors of last years staff, the battle was just as difficult, and the victory was just as sweet.

If you don't think that a newspaper staff has to work through blood, sweat and tears, then just visit the newsroom on a Monday or Tuesday night. Please remember to watch out for flying objects.

The high marks received by the paper were not handed out generously. This was only the second time in the history of Loquitur that it received such honors.

This honor presents a fresh challenge to the current staff of Loquitur, who now have a decidedly higher standard to reach for.

One thing for you, the reader, to remember is that Loquitur strives to be the voice of the students, not just the voice of its journalists. Some of the highest marks received from the ACP were for the letters to the editor. So, thank you for continuing to not only support our paper, but also for helping to make our paper your paper.

The students of Cabrini have long had the label of being complacent. Well, this year has seen a good start in students using Loquitur as a medium for expressing their views.

So keep doing your role, and we will keep doing ours. As last year's staff can now testify, sometimes all your hard work does pay off.

Will the new dorm be worth it?

Sunday night as I was driving back from Scranton, I came "home" to Cabrini to find an unexpected surprise- a sign that says that I couldn't park in the WoodCvr:,thiaTaura crest parking lot. I started thinking that maybe I could park in Xavier, but instead, I found the same sign. Then I started getting mad. ''This is ridiculous", I thought and I also thought some other phrases that can't be written in the paper. I started to come to the conclusion that I was going to have to park far away from my dorm and drag my very heavy bag around the campus at 12:30 at night. Finally, I did find a parking spot by House 4. I was a combination of grateful and pissed off. I was grateful that I didn't have to park any further, such as in the parking lot for the apartments, but I was pissed off because I wanted to do what any other Woodcrest resident with a car would do-park in the Woodcrest parking lot! After all, that is where I live! So, I got out of my car, and dragged my bag from House 4 to Woodcrest.

On my way up the stairs and read the sign that said that the construction was going to last for the whole year. That only added to my anger. So, I finally got back to my dorm with my bag, hot, tired and aggravated. Now, some of you may be laughing at my misfortune thinking what crappy luck I had that night. Well, it's going to continue and not just for me. The parking lots in Woodcrest, Xavier and near House 1 are all going to be closed off due to construction for the new dorm. Can you tell how thrilled I am?

This problem is going to last all year! From what I've heard, this was going to start during the summer, but it was postponed, so it is starting now. I've heard stories where there already isn't enough for Cabrini students to

park. Now the problem is only going to get worse!

I'm sorry to say, but that this just seems to be another way for Cabrini to inconvenience its students. First there are upper classmen in freshman dorms, now this. What's next? Granted, it will probably all be worth it in the long run when the dorm is finally built, but for now, I don't see it that way. I'm just seeing it that I once again am going to have to search and search for a parking spot just like I did at my old college. Of course, it was much worse then. There were only 2,500 spaces for over 20,000 students. I know it could be a lot worse, but for now, I'm focusing on what's going on here, and that is even less parking for students.

To the administration, I ask you this: do you have a plan that will solve this parking problem? I realize that there is already a lot going on on campus and that the construction is soon to be another really big thing, but is there a new solution on the way? I don't expect there to be, but I hope there is.

The only thing I can say for now is that we all have to prepare to have an even harder time with the parking. I wouldn't mind so much parking at the houses if I, a senior, still lived in one of them! Unfortunately, that is not the case for me and for others as well. We just have to try to find the silver lining behind this dark cloud. That's what I'm trying to do. I was still fuming about this whole mess, but I am calmer, for now that is. I can still blow up at any time, or until the next time I have to look for a place to park my car, whichever comes first. I guess for now, I just have to see this as a way of getting a little more exercise by walking that extra mile to get back to my dorm. It just better be worth it!

Cynthia Taura is the copy editor of Loquitur. If you see her walking back to Woodcrest from the houses, please give her a ride.

• In issue 2, we misspelled Nick Levandusky's name as "Levendusky."

• We also spelled Jenine Ikeler "Janine."

• And we spelled Frank Plum as "Plumb."

• And finally, we spelled Curt Schilling as "Schillingng."

• Oh wait, we also spelled Shannon Downs as "Shannen."

This editorial represents the combined views of the Loquitur's student editorial board. It does not represent the opinion of any one individual writer or any member of the faculty, staff or administration.

PERSPECTIVES Thursday, September 23, 1999
We're awfully sorry for all of our mistakes!

Ben Lunn's adventures in time

You know, something strange happened to me a few days ago.

I had a vision of the future. Okay stop laughing now and let me explain. I may

BEN LUNN °?1Y be a jumor but I can still envision a lot of things pretty well.

Here's how it went:

It's a few years from now, and I am a very famous writer and actor, just rolling in the money. Naturally, the administration here at Cabrini is politely banging down my doors asking for a donation from one of their "devoted and successful alumni."

Eventually I agree to take a tour of the college, (I haven't been back there since I graduated) and I expect to see what I remember as some of, "my best years."

As I come in I get a good look at the fountain that they built. That is one of the "landmarks" that they are proudest about. I get shown the "old" Dixon Center and the communications department, which needs to be renovated yet again. They show me the new dorm that was built on the site of Xavier Hall which, incidentally, burned down.

Woodcrest has been renovated, but I'm not sure if it has air conditioning yet. House seven looks like a dump about ready to fall down and it's also going to be renovated. Founders Hall is finishing phase two.

Where is everything I remember? Everything is different. Okay, get a hold Ben. Very few things are as I remembered them, but that's okay. Things change, but I can always count on the great people that I met here.

"Can I talk to Dr. Zurek," I ask.


"Dr. Jerome Zurek, head of the communications depart-


"Oh, him. He left some years ago."

"Well, how about Dr. Primiano?"


"Neal Newman?"


·'Steve Murray?"

"Gone. He also left. What exactly is the point of all of this?"

"I was just looking for the school that I graduated from:' "What are you talking about? This is Cabrini. Let's go look at the plans for a new fountain and sign at the entrance.''

That was when it hit me. I realized that I finally knew what the administration didn't understand. I know where most of Cabnni's problems come from. What the administration thinks is Cabrini is exactly what it is not. It seems to me that they think that Cabrini College is a new dorm, a

Guest Writers

It's the most wonderful time of the year

I'm sure most Loquitur readers have seen the TV commercial: Dad is waltzing through the local Staples, cheerfully purchasing all kinds of school supplies for his two less-than-enthusiasticchildren.

It's a humorous way of depicting the emotional highs and lows of a new school year.

Community renewal is one of the reasons why I like autumn so much. Summers are kind of boring around here usually. Just a handful of students, no Loquitur to talk about, no "Sports Source" on WYBF (I'm still waiting for my invitation), no scandal, no outrage. Summer is a nice time to re-charge the batteries, reflect on the past year, and prepare for the new one. Come late August, administrators and faculty welcome a new year with enthusiasm (and new chalk), students renew acquaintances with their classmates and a general air of optimism and positivism permeates throughout the carnpus ...usually. Wait, do professors still use chalk or have we switched over to those markers?

Let's not focus solely on school, however.This is prime time sports-watching time! Get out and support those Cavaliers! They like to play in front of large crowds; they usually do when they play on the road. For the stay-at-home sports viewer, the World Series is just around the comer (my team won't make it, either), the NFL and college football are in full swing, and the hockey season is fast approaching. Oh, I guess the NBA starts soon, too.

Fire up the grill a few more times, or catch the last batch of outdoor concerts. Put that final coat of wax on your car (you can start with mine if you want), or hop on your bicycle for an afternoon. Catch some fish in your favorite lake, or practice that turkey call. Yes, turkey call. This season promises to be a banner one in the Weaver household. Turkey season, that is. Where was I? Ah, the point of this column.

I guess you're wondering about that Staples commercial. Think about this: Are you more like the father, or the children? Do you rejoice in the new school year, or are you sullen with the prospect of pencils, books, and teachers' dirty looks?You know, I even like the song: It's the most...wonderful time of the year

Paul Weaver is a guest writer for the Loquitur. He is the acting dean of students. It ain't really Thanksgiving until he lets out his turkey call.

brand new fountain, or even a big shiny athletic center. These things are nice and they make Cabrini a little nicer to look at, but they are not Cabrini. They are not the ESSENCE of Cabrini. With all of the profound ideas of education of the heart, they forgot what makes our little school special. The nice flowers, the new sign, the waterfall/ fountain are not Cabrini. As I was saying, the essence of Cabrini is it's people. I don't care about a fountain. I care about people.

The people are constantly overlooked in favor of some aesthetic bull#&*". Think about it. When you graduate are you going to c,••~ about the buildings, or are you going to care about \\ ho you knew, or the personalities that you knew? The s1..hoolneeds to understand that what makes It worthwhile to stay here are the teachers, students and the atmosphere that they create. So to anyone who is still reading, please for the sake of our school, remember that a college is not made up of buildings and fountains. A good college is made of it's pe0ple and ideals.

If everything I valued is lost ter I gradu1te in two years, this is no longer the school I graduated from. lt 1s just a collection of fancy buildings.

Ben Lunn is the editor in chief of Loquitur. He is considered the visionary of the staff. His latest vision is of a newspa- per with no misspellings.

The truth about Miss America

As all of us who have nothing better to do with our lives know, the annual Miss America Pageant was on September 18. Sure the Pageant is always fun to watch. However, it still remains one of the most mis-titled events in the country. Why? According to this contest, fifty beautiful women wearing evening gowns and swimsuits are supposed to represent our country. This is bull.

Are we really supposed to believe that gorgeous women represent the United States? Keep in mind that this is a country that is home to such people as Janet Reno and Fiona Apple, two women who are about as attractive as gas station attendants. To get even more specific, why do we let ourselves believe that a woman who looks so glamorous she makes Pamela Lee look like Rick Moranis represent the state of Minnesota? There are only two life forms in Minnesota: fish and retired old men who drink their dinner every night.

Before the Miss America Pageant, each state in the union holds its own little contest to determine the winner of

a Miss America nomination. And, based on what the pre-bribed judges tell us, each of these women went through a long, painstaking journey to get to the Miss America stage. Well, I ask you this: How hard can it be to win the title of Miss Wyoming? There's about 15 people in Wyoming, eight of whom are tourists passing through on their way to Vegas. Anyway, each state selects a candidate and jets them off to Atlantic City, New Jersey, where the safest areas of the city are limited to a restaurant in Baily's Hotel-Casino and the Trop World gift shop. Broadcast from the Convention Center, the 50 contestants engage in a pageant where they wear different outfit5 and tell the nine people watching how they would like to make America better, when, in all reality, half of them don't even know how to spell "America."

I just sat back, enjoyed and prayed that they never expand this thing into other parts of the world.

On the other hand, the Miss Kuwait Pageant would be somewhat interesting


Thursday, September 23, 1999

Alright, who inhaled?

drugs and who has done them is once again in the news. The media drug of the moment is marijuana, and the question is "Who has inhaled?"


' Late last summer, I decided to apply for a job at the GAP. There was an initial application, an interview and a phone survey. During the phone survey, many questions which I found irrelevant were asked. One of them was have you ever possessed or consumed any controlled substances.

I now work at American Eagle.

The reason I bring up this summertime memory is because

Presidential candidate Bill Bradley has. So has Vice President Al Gore. George W. Bush continues to elude the question, which leads to the gist of my article:

George W, Bush is a spoiled, overrated and underskilled hypocrite who doesn't deserve to be the President of the United States.

There, that felt good. Now let me explain why.

Possession of a controlled substance is a felony. Saying that it was a youthful indiscretion is a cop-out. The age of reason comes for most people before they can even spell cocaine. If you try a drug, even if you're just "experimenting,"

then you have done drugs. Now I don't believe that any of the candidates should lose our support because of what they did decades ago. Actually, I think that it would be a gnod thing to have a president who has a checkered past. Hell, Clinton sure does, and say what you want about Bill, but we're better off now then we were when George Sr. was in charge.

So all right, back to why no one should vote for Bush. If you apply for a job at GAP or Old Navy or Banana Republic, you are going to be asked questions about your past. The employers have the right to ask, just as you have the right not to work for them.

Think of America as a company, and we have a number of candidates for employment. There is only one position available, and it is a really important


Being a college student at Cabrini has many advantages and disadvantages. Cabrini College is supposed to be student-related. The faculty says that they listen to us, the students, and that is one characteristic that o:iakes our college so special. They claim that they try to accommodate the student. This is why I believe Cabrini is at a slight fault. Let me tell you a little story.

I have no disrespect for our staff, but the registrar's office needs to become more studentoriented. My education advisor bought to my attention that I was still considered a freshman in his records. Naturally I freaked out, as any person would that is supposed to be a sophomore with 33 credits.

So I was recommended to go to the registrar's office to fix the mistake on my record. Well, my transcripts were incomplete, my Social Security number was wrong, my major was listed differently, and I was considered a freshman.

The reason why my credits were low was because I took my language at Villanova, and the transcripts and the consent form were misplaced. I had to go to

Villanova last week to get verification that I took the class, when I registered for the class at Cabrini. I had to get the shuttle service changed just to go over there two days a week.

Of course my advisor was nowhere to be found to fill out the new paper work that I had to fill out for the third time. After I received the transcript, they ended up not needing it anyway. This greatly added to my frustra-

tion, because the only reason I went over there was because the registrar's office advised me to do so.

In conclusion, I would like to know why we pay so much for our tuition and a student oriented staff that at times can be frighteningly unhelpful.

-Name withheld at request of author

Want to submit a comn1entary or letter to the editor?

Length: no longer than two pages.


Name must be included. If you choose not to have your name printed, we will leave it out.

How to Submit: E-mail: Actor l

Phone: 610-902-8412

Classic mail: The Loquitur c/o Cabrini College 610 King of Prussia Rd. Radnor, PA 19087

one. You can assume that they all qualified, and any one of them could probably do the job. Remember, you can only choose one, and then you have him for the next four years.

Do you want to know about these guys' pasts? Damn straight you do, and remember, if they don't want to answer the questions honestly, they don't have to work for you.

But good old Bush, who has been involved in politics for about as long as I've had my beard, keeps avoiding the hard questions. He seems to feel that he can elude the topics that the other candidates have already openly, and in Bradley's case candidly, discussed. Maybe with all his money and Republican supporters, he can. But I hope not.

Let me end with my educated guess as to why Bush keeps I

avoiding the drug issue. Texas has one of the toughest mandatory minimum laws in the country. If Bush were in his "youthful indiscretion stage" today and he got caught with a gram or less of cocaine, he would spend the better part of his life in jail. He passed this law, which in some people's eyes, mine included, makes him a hypocrite.

So let's take our candidates pasts for what they are worth. There is no particular shame in sowing your wild oats, and hell, it was the 70s. The real shame would be if we chose to elect a president who bought his way into the job without having to finish the application.

Chris Nielsen is the perspectives editor of Loquitur. He is still mad at the GAP.

Loquitur is established as a forum for student expression and as a voice in the uninhibited, robust, free and open discussion of issues.

Editor in Chief Ben Lunn

News Editors Laura Casameato Megan Zustra


Shanna Fanelli

Assistant A&E Edit9r Adam Greenberg Advisor

Dr. Jerry Zurek

Staff Writers

Tony Barrett

Alison Briant

Nick Luchko

Terry Cipollini

Crystal Davis

Kristina Geerken

Linsey Heiser

Joe Holden

Melissa Lepouski

Managing Editor Janice Funk

Copy Editor Cynthia Taura

Perspectives Editors Chris Nielsen

Photography Editor Jim Snook

Stephanie Masucci

Meghan Merkel

Bernadette Smith

Jessica Snow

Jennifer tenBoom

Matt Tooley

Chris Vesci

Allison Webb

Jen Yoos

Sports Editor Brian O'Connell

Features Editor Shanna Fanelli

Design Editors Joe Elliou

Nicole Klimas

Photography and Graphic Design Adviser

Don Dempsey

Editorial Board

Brian O'Connell

Ben Lunn

Chris Nielsen

Cynthia Taura

Janice Funk


Shannon Downs


John Ferrise

Loquitur is a laboratory newspaper wriuen, edited and produced by students of Cabrini College registered in COM 346, 350, 351, 352, 353 and 354. Members of the campus community are invited to work on or submit stories for publication. Only students registered in the above classes, however. are eligible to receive academic credit. Subscription price is $25 per year and is included in the benefits secured by tuition and fees. Loquitur welcomes letters to the editor. Letters should be signed and the authorship known to the editors. However, if the writer wishes and the editor agrees, the writer's name may be left off the publication and an inscription inserted, such as "name withheld at the request of the writer." Letters to the editor must be sul>mitted by noon on Mondays.

,-:-, 12 ,.... :.:,,.;,.,:., )("1 "~· PERSPECTIVES

Johnson a no-show for three points for Eagles

closer very quickly. That was the reason for a rushed field goal. One problem, Johnson never showed up to kick the field goal. As a result, the place holder snapped the ball to Pederson, who was forced to throw a pass which was incomplete. This was a wasted opportunity because the Eagles' could have gone in the locker room with a little confidence.

What kills me most of all is that Johnson is a 17year veteran of the National Football League. That was probably one of the big reasons why they signed him. It


Organization and responsibility are two main key elements to have if a person wants to be successful in life. Whether it be working, taking care of a family, or showing up on time to kick a field goal to score some points as was the case at the Eagles' game versus the Tampa Bay Buccaneers.

Sure, this team is horrible this year. Sure, they have a long road ahead of them till they get to the point where they will start winning some games. However, one would agree the road to success has just stretched itself on this football team. Just ask kicker Norm Johnson about paying attention to when he is needed to put three points on the board for his team.

The Eagles drove to the Tampa Bay 31 yard line with 53 seconds left in the first-half. Quarterback Doug Pederson threw a two-yard pass to Kevin Turner which kept the clock running. The half was coming to a

makes perfect sense, because you would want someone you can count on to show some leadership and responsibility for your team. Especially with the big pay checks these players are collecting each year.

Johnson took full blame for failing to show up for the field goal. Right now, I would just say, forget about it and move on to the next challenge. If I were Coach Andy Reid, I would bench Johnson for a game and give him some time to think about what he did to cost his team.

Speaking of the coach, he confessed that it was ridiculous and the incident should have never happened. He seemed to be very upset that a veteran player like Johnson cost the team those points. I can only imagine what he

really said to Johnson in the locker room after the half ended.

The fans knew the Eagles were really bad this year. But are they so bad that they have to hold a player's hand and explain to them their role on the team. Give me a break, this is the National Football League. Last I checked, this league is supposed to be full of professionals.

Will this really be the Eagles of this season? Will other players forget their roles and not show up for a play? This goes to show that the fans will have to wait a long time before something positive comes out of this team. Before they worry about winning games, the coaching staff should read out the roster and remind the players of their roles on the team. This incident fits in with the charts Rich Kotite had when he was coach. Also, there was Tom Hutton's fumbled snap against the Dallas Cowboys.

This team had better get its head on straight if they expect to move forward any time soon. Coach Reid had better step up and take control of the team. Work on this, then worry about winning.

Eagles Notes

With the loss to the Tampa Bay Buccaneers, the Philadelphia Eagles are now 0-3 to start out the Andy Reid era. Their next game is up against the Buffalo Bills next Sunday at 1:00.

Starting quarterback Doug Pederson went 12-19 in passing accounting for I 00 yards of the Eagles' offense.

Rookie quarterback Donovan McNabb went 4-1 I for a total of 26 yards.

The Eagles will face off against their biggest rival, the Dallas Cowboys on October l 0, at home and on December 12 at Texas Stadium.

I Loquitur SPORTS 13
Cabrini aerobic schedulefor
Water Exercise Monday-Friday 11a.m.-12p.m. Step-n-sc·uIpt Monday 12p.m.-1p.m. Wednesday 12p.m.-1p.m. • Wednesday 5-6p.m. Kickboxing • Monday 5-6p.m. Tuesday 6:30-7:30p.m. Step Aerobics Monday 6-7p.m. Thursday 6:30-7:30p.m. Funk Aerobics Monday 7-8 p.m. Wednesday 6-7p.m. Body Sculpting Tuesday 11a.m.-12p.m. Hi Energy Low Impact Tuesday 5:30-6:30p.m. Tai Chi Thursday 7:30-8:30p.m. Water Step Aerobics 7:30-8:30p.m. Ab Busters Thursday 12p.m.• 12:30p.m. * All sessions are held in the Dixon Center
fall 1999

Men's soccer capturestourneytitle at Elmira

This previous weekend, the men's soccer went to Elmira College to participate in the soccer tournament. The team came away with two wins and one of the players named the tournament

MVP. Three members of the team were also named to the All-Tournament team. The men's soccer team is 3-2 so far this season.

The first game was on Saturday, Sept. 11, against Southern Maine.

Cabrini won the game 4-3, with the goals being scored by James Deluisi, Andres Zayas with an assist from Michael Braun. William Crossan scored a goal on a restart and another goal was put into the net by the Southern Maine.

The second game was played on Sunday, September 12, against the host school, Elmira College. Cabrini came away with another win, 3-0, with all the goals scored by John Amerman with assists coming from Michael Braun, Andres Zayas and William Crossan.

Cabrini's goal was protected on Saturday and Sunday by freshmen goalie, James Beck, who did an excellent job of protecting the net. Beck steps in for injured goalie Eric Lucas.

There were no controversial calls, but Coach Doug Meder said

the officials were tough during the first game on Saturday. However, Sunday's game, they were not as tough with the calls. He also said the team played much bette~ on Sunday, than on Saturday.

At the end of the tournament, John Amerman was named the tournaments MVP, and players Andres Zayas, Michael Braun, and Michael Primavera were named to the All-Tournament team.

According to Coach Doug Meder, the two wins boosted the team's confidence. He was proud of the team's performance, especially with Beck's performance in goal and how he handled himself throughout the game. The team was up against tough Elmira fans who were extremely vocal throughout the games, many of them bringing out the couches from the dorms and setting them up outside the eight-foot fence that surrounds that playing field.

Coach Meder was also glad the freshmen, Daniel Jelleyman,

Michael Rennie and James Atwell were getting great playing time. There are also two freshmen starters, Lincoln Strahle and Michael O'Reilly, who also played well at the tournament this weekend.

Meder also said the team was getting help from the players on the bench, when the team needed it. Many of the team's players got good playing time at the tournament this weekend.

"I am happy with the way they are playing," said Meder.

Upcoming Men's Soccer Games

College Misericordia

Sept.25 3p.m.

Allentown College

October 5 2p.m.

Mets vs. Braves:The race is on for first place

by Brian O'Connell teams above the Phillies. There be playing one another for the sports editor you have the Atlanta Braves lead- National League East title. It all ing the National League East by begins with a three-game series

Any baseball fan who has one game over the determined in Atlanta. been watching lately is aware of New York Mets.

Whoever finishes second in the the homerun race between slug- The fierce battle for first pace race come playoff time had better gers MarkMcGwire of the St. in the National League East is on watch themselves, because the Louis Cardinals and Sammy Sosa this week as the Braves and the Cincinnati Reds are only three of the Chicago Cubs. They Mets square off in three games to games behind the Mets. So, would also note the huge drop see who will maybe secure a first what if the Mets or Braves finish the Philadlphia Phillies have place spot heading into the play- second, one of the two watch the taken since the all-star break. offs. Rads, because they do have a

The Phillies are in third place Both teams have 12 games chance to sneak ahead of whoevright now, but look at the two left and six of those games will er finishes second in this heated

Sports schedulefor Family Weekend

Women's soccer RobertsWesleyan College 12p.m.

Women's Tennis LincolnUniversity 12p.m.

Women's Volleyball WilsonCollege 12p.m.

Women's Field Hockey RosemontCollege 1p.m.

Men's Soccer College Misericordia 2:30p.m.

Note: All games are home games and will be held on Saturday.

race. The finale for this series will The three-game series began feature Al Leiter for the Mets and this Tuesday with Rick Reed the Braves ace Greg Maddux, starting for the Mets and At- who enters the series with an imlanta's John Smoltz taking the pressive 18 wins on the season. mound for the Braves. The Mets Offensively, the Mets have the may have an advantage since upper hand with scoring 809 runs Smoltz is currently nursing a ten- for the season to the Braves' 771 der elbow and has only one vie- runs. In addition, the Braves tory since June 18. team batting average has dropped Wednesday's matchups will off in September from .264 to feature Orel Hershiser for the .249.

Mets going up against the strug- The race is on. gling Tom Glavine.

Sports Source

Monday nights from 6:00 p.m. to 7:00p.m. on 89.1 WYBF-FM The Edge

Listen in as Brian O'Connell and his crew discuss Cabrini sports as well as Flyers, Sixers, Eagles,Phillies and more!

Any comments or questions?

Call the show at 902-8453

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photo by Jim Snook Cabrini soccer player battles for possession of the ball photo by Jim Snook Men's soccer player looks to score on the opposition
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Lady Cavs rout lmmaculata for third straight win

Experience proved to be a major factor for the women's soccer team on Tuesday, Sept. 13th when they captured their third victory against Immaculata College. Coach Diane Pierangelli had a great outlook about the game and the team itself. "'It was a warm up for the rest of the league. Immaculata is·a young team which allowed us to work on our teamwork. We also have a lot of our key players back with us this year," she said.

Although it took the women about 20 minutes to score·their first goal, they played extremely well. "We had to adjust to the size of the field," said freshman Siobhan McGonigle. The final scoring was 8 to 0. Once they began to score they simply kept on doing it. "The win was very important for us because it puts us one step closer to the goal of winning the championship. It was not a hard game but it allowed us to let everyone play and also gave us a chance to work on a lot of different aspects of our game," said Junior Jess Ruda. At the half, they were already up 3 to 0. "During the second half, they were able to practice their ball control and passing skills " Pierangelli said. Everything clicked at that point which allowed everyone to get a

chance to play she said. There was about 10 minutes left in the game and all eight goals had already been scored.

The team as a whole was key in winning the game. However there were several key players. "Overall, Siobhan McGonigle, a sweeper on defense was the most instrumental player in winning the game, according to Pierangelli. "She holds the strength in our defense and she is an impact player."

"Siobhan is a great leader and athlete, which will enable her to be the future of our team. If needed she could even play up to score goals. I think the best way to describe her would be extremely physical and aggressive."

Several other players were key factors in the winning of the game. Senior Michele Gabrielle was an important player for the defense. Also, Carley Atkinson scored two goals, both from 40 yards back. The other scorers were Erin Barney, Jessica Stork, Megan Hyde, Tiffany Corry and Kelly Hunter. Pierangelli said, "Sophomore

Tiffany Corry has scored in every game so far and is off to a good start for being new to our team this year. Junior Jess Huda held a great impact on the win because she was able to have her third shut out of the year."

Soon the team will battle the defending champions, Beaver College. They will also

be playing Eastern College. This wil1 be a good game because they are our rivals said Pierangelli. So far the team is two and zero in their conference.

The team seems to have high hopes for this season and expects the best possible outcome. "Everyone plays well because they play as a team," said Sophomore Melissa Lepouski. Jess Huda expects the best also. "We expect to be one of the best teams in the conference. We have a solid and good defense with a great team chemistry. This wil1 all enable us to go far this year," she said.

Pierangelli expects the best from her team also. She expects them to win the PAC championship. They have won the championship two times before and she believes they can do it again. "With what has happened so far, I believe we will by far be the best team in the conference. If we stay healthy, we definitely have the talent to do it," she explained confidently. The new legislation has been passed now which will enable the team to receive an automatic bid for the NCAA if they win their conference title.

Last Week's Results

Women's Soccer

The women's soccer team defeated lmmaculata college 8-0 for their third straight win.

Coach Diane Pierangeli said, "We as a team do not have a lot of depth, but we do have a lot of talent and seem to be very close kn it."

Goals were scored by Senior Erin Barney with one goal, three assists, sophomores Jess Stork with two goals, Carly Atkinson with two goals and junior Jess Huda with a shutout in goal helped defeat and bring to the

downfall of lmmaculata -College.

Men's Soccer

The men's soccer team defeated Baptist Bible College 3-2 in overtime. Goals were scored by sophomores John Amerman, Andy Zayas and Mike O'Reilly. They play Misericordia College on Sept. 25 at 3p.m.


The women's volleyball team compiled a 3-0 record last week defeating Cedar Crest College 3-1, Lincoln College 3-0 and the District of Columbia 3-0. Upcoming matches include a Sept.

25 match against Wilson College at 1p.m.

Field Hockey

Last week, the lady cavs went 1-1 recording a shutout victory over Chesnut Hill College 6-0 and falling to Frostburg State University 7-1. Sophomore Nicole Schultz recorded the only goal for Cabrini in the loss.


The tennis team went 0-3 with losses against Alvernia 5-3, Marywood 9-0, and Kings College, 8-1. Upcoming matches

for the women's tennis team include home matches against Goucher College on Sept. 25 at 12:00p.m. and Lincoln University on Sept.26 at 12p.m.


Both the men's and women's cross country teams participated in a meet at Baptist Bible College. The men's team placed fifth out of 14 and the women's team placed fifth out of 15.

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photo by Jim Snook Women's soccer player drives around an opponent
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Thursday, September 23,1999

Double shot victory

The men's and women's soccer teams both sacred victories with the women routing lmmaculata and the men winning a tournament at Elmira. pg. 14-15

.. Vol. XLVI, No. 3
L 0 q u 1 t u r
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photo by Jim Snook
Radnor, PA 19087
photo by JimSnook

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