6 minute read

Dancingthe night awa1

by Meghan Merkel and Shanna Lynn Fanelli assistant perspectives editor and features editor

A young woman dressed in a suit-like wedding dress stands in the middle of the Dixon Center holding flowers. She begins to sing in a foreign language. Although the audience does not understand what she is saying, the performance unravels itself as if in English.


Soon a young man in a suit joins the stage. His sadness is apparent as he stands in silence. She dances and sings around him. He cannot see or hear her.

Next, an older woman walks onto the stage and places more flowers on the floor. The bride turns to her and sings, yet she also cannot hear her.

The audience figures out that the bride is deceased. She slowly says her good-byes to her loved ones.

This is one performance of the Tamburitzans of Duquesne University. This particular ballad is called Carpatho-Rus'.

Cabrini was honored by these visitors on Monday night, Nov. 1 and their spectacular presentation of performances ranging from folk songs from Croatia, to Todora dances from Serbia. The dancers and musicians are all on scholarships ranging up to $8,000 per semester at despite the sweat and occasional frustrations, all involved agree that nothing can com- pare to the experience of being a Tamburitzan. According to the unanimous chimes of different toned voices, being a Tamburitzan is just like being in one, big family.

Duquesne University in Pittsburgh, PA.

"There is nothing else like it," Peter Kosovec, a dancer entering his junior year, said. "There is no other performing group in the United States that covers all the different cultural presentations that we do."

Not only do the Tamburitzans present different acts, they do so with a demeanor and artistry that rivals even popular, professional acts. With the twirls, toe taps and heel clicks of spirited dances, one can actually see each brown shoe of thirty dancers move as an individual unit.

It is an effect that is remarkable, showing off their technical skills as well as the artistic effect.

As well as performing all across the country, these dedicated young students don't forget that the reason they are in the program is due to extensive trammg, practice and studying.

"It is hard to balance this and studies as well as being on the road every weekend," Kosovec said.

Theeditorials, viewpoints, opinions and letters to the editor published in Loquitur are the views of the student editorial board and the individual writers, not the entire student body or the faculty and administration.


When you think about it, we' re pretty safe here

Serious crimes over the past few years have lead Rowan University's police officers to ask permission to carry guns. These crimes have included an on-campus shooting and random attacks on students.

It is a tragedy that such measures would have to be considered. If the university's students' lives are endangered to the point that their campus guards require firearms, then their whole environment needs to be changed.

Hearing about campuses like Rowan and Drexel, who have legitimate safety concerns, one cannot help but appreciate the relatively tranquil environment of our own college. There is no such thing as a 100 percent safe college. There are no 100 percent safe places anywhere in the world.

It is only natural to wonder how safe you are, and some people will be always be concerned with personal security. But realistically, how many times have you had a good reason to feel unsafe on this campus? If you stop and think about it, you probably will not be able to come up with that many.

In Issue 2 of this year's Loquitur, we covered the increase in crime on campus over the past few years. Those facts have not changed; Cabrini has seen an uprise that is still unsettling.

But let's try and put things into a fresh perspective. The overwhelming majority of crimes fall under either larceny or vandalism to buildings. We do not wish to make light of these crimes, but remember, these are a matter of property, not people.

Fights and/or attacks on this campus are few and far between. When they do happen, some people make it , seem like the whole campus is in trouble. From a more realistic, worldly perspective, there have been very few fights or attacks ever on this campus.

Violence is untolerable, no matter the circumstances. We on Loquitur agree that the safety of the campus community must be ensured at all times.

Just keep in mind that we are lucky to live in as safe an environment as we do. And thank God that the issue of guns for security purposes on campus is not one that we have to deal with.

Nicole enjoying her time in the darkness

I never real-

__ __, ized how much I took for granted until this past Tuesday night, when in the middle of my nervous breakdown, the elecN ICO LE KLIMAS tricity went out. Before the blackout, I was on the phone with my mom talking to her about everything that I needed to do and how there just did not seem to be enough hours in the day to get everything done. Just as I was on the verge of hanging up the phone so I could go to the newsroom to type this Viewpoint the lights went out. Now this wasn't just any normal blackout where the lights flickered and came back on in a couple of minutes-this was a full-fledge blackout.

Everywhere I turned it was pitch black, my room was darker than night and I couldn't even see my hand in front of my face. I could hear my roommate screaming to me from the back bedroom asking if I had any matches so we could light some candles, of course though since it was dark, I couldn't find any. As I stumbled around in the darkness for a few minutes, tripping over my roommate's clothes, I finally found the flashlight that my mom always told me would come in bandy.

Once I found the flashlight and lit the candles, I realized that I wouldn't be able to do any of the work that I had just been complaining about a few minutes before. Then the real nervous breakdown began. How was I supposed to type my viewpoint, design the front page, do my homework for my morning class, and finish my graphic design project all by Wednesday morning and without the luxuries of the technology that I have become so accustomed to?

I was frantic but I decided hey, there wasn't really anything I could do without electricity so why not make the most of the down time that I had. You would think



•In issue No. 8 we misspelled The Beatles.

We're awfully sorry for all of our mistakes!


-from editors Ben Lunn, Janice Funk and Chris Nielsen to 102.9 WMGK for playing great music and keeping us up on Tuesday night/Wednesday morning. We couldn't have completed this issue without listening to the second best station on the Main Line (~e~ind only 89.1 The Edge) that I would use this opportunity to make up for my severe sleep depravation, but no, I didn't. Instead, for four hours, my friends and I sat around our apartment by candlelight. We talked, we laughed, and we even sang every song that we could possibly think of at the top of our lungs all while eating the ice cream that was slowly melting in the freezer that was no longer working. Imagine ten girls singing (or should I say shouting) the lyrics to every love song we could remember while we prayed that the electricity wouldn't come back on until Wednesday night. Pretty funny huh, but hey there really wasn't much else that ten girls could do to occupy themselves for four hours in the dark.

By the time the lights came back on everyone was very disappointed but relieved that we could finally see again and we would be able to watch our televisions, listen to our CD players, and use our washers, dryers, and ovens. With the electricity being turned back on reality set in and my anxiety returned and I was forced to trudge up to the newsroom at eleven o'clock where I would spend the next several hours staring at a computer screen while listening to the radio hoping to get everything done that I needed to do.

Back up in the newsroom Tuesday night, I reflected on how much I truly take for granted when it comes to technology. What would I do without lights, television, cable, telephones, computers, e-mail, and my beloved CD player? How did people survive during the pioneering days when none of these luxuries existed? I honestly don't know. The obvious reason is that they never had these luxuries to begin with so they learned to be resourceful and live without them. However, lucky for me I am not forced to read by candlelight every night and do my schoolwork with a piece of chalk on a slate. I am happy to say that I live in a century where technology has made amazing strives which have greatly advanced the society of today. I will admit, however, that the four hours that I sat in the darkness were a welcome distraction from my normal hectic schedule.

Nicole Klimas is the design editor of Loquitur. She hasn't reset her clocks yet.



The 21st Annual Senior Dimer Friday.November19, 1999

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