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Soccer seniors hope to score big after Cabrini
by Jennifer ten Boom staff writer
Erin Barney, the senior captain of the women's soccer team, has played soccer since she was eight years old. She grew up in York, Pa, where there was only a boys soccer league and she was one of the first girls to play on the all boys teams. Barney has also played on traveling soccer teams. Erin said that she will always have fond memories of playing soccer at Cabrini, although·thereis not a specific game she can describeas her favorite. She says that she looks forward to playing soccer during the off season because it is the best time of the year for her. Erin likes the outdoors, especially during the soccer season. But she says if the women's team wins the PAC, that will definitely be a fond memory.
"Playing the game is a lot of fun," Barney said.
Barney enjoys playing at Cabrini College and will miss it when it is over. She said all the girls on the team are her friends as well as her teammates. She gets along with· everyone on the team and the coaches, which is very important.
The hardest thing for her is time management because she is a dual major, biology and elementary education. She says that it is very hard to be lazy during the soccer season because of all the classes that she has to take. But she says the good definitely outweighs the bad.
"I just love the game," Barney said. Megan Hyde has played soccer since she was six years old. She played in the league in Aston, as well as playing on different form the past. the traveling teams. Megan has also played in the Chester Delco league. Megan says one fond memory of playing soccer at Cabrini College was beating College Misericordia for the very first time in the semi-finals. Another fond memory that she would like to have is going to the PAC championships, and winning it would not be bad either. She also remembers the times the team would have great seasons, but then the season would end disappointingly. She hopes that this year is
Megan enjoys playing at Cabrini because there is nothing better then playing the game she loves. Hyde said there are not any lows to playing the game that she enjoys, except leaving it when she graduates.
"I will definitely miss playing soccer when I leave Cabrini College," Hyd said.
Michelle Gabriel and Jen Reichert were not available for comment.