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Sure, Halloween's for kids, but
This past Halloween weekend for most people was filled with fun. As with all holidays there are certain traditions that are carried over as we progress through our years. Traditions such as trick or treating, costume partiesand haunted houses/trails. However, there are also those traditions that should never even start let alonebe carried over into our young adult lives. I speak of those traditions known as the mischief night pranks of egginghouses and soaping up car windows.
It is discouraging to know that there are some people that attend-this college who still take part in these activities even though they are of the expected mature age of 19 and 20. For those who do not know this past Saturday night towards the end of the haunted trail here on campus a few of the people who working on the trail heardsome noises in the woods and noticed that things bad been thrown in their direction. Well it turns out that some students decided that it would be fun to sit in the woods tossing eggs and rocks at the people working the trail to contribute their share of mischief that night. Luckily nobody was injured. The haunted trail closed early that night and some
A thank you for our thank you
On behalf of the Institutional Advancement division staff, I want to thank Crystal Davis and the Loquitur staff for the wonderful coverage you gave to the Hamilton Family Foundation gift in the October 21st issue of Loquitur. Crystal's article conveyed our excitement as a staff in the successful culmination of a collaborative effort.
I wanted to clarify a couple of points relating to the gift-first, in addition to Dr. Iadarola who spearheaded this effort, the other key figure in the preparation and presentation of the request to the Foundation was Steve Highsmith. Most of us know Steve as the nightly news anchor at WB 17, and as a member of the College's Board of Trustees. But we are proud to say that Steve is also an alumnus of the College (Class of '88). His work in helping us secure this gift is an excellent example of how our ever-expanding network can be called on to help the College.
Cabrini students did not get the chance to enjoy something provided for them by the college due to the moronic acts of a few people. A portion of those students were caught and as far as some people who worked the haunted trail are concerned, we hope they get whatever comes to them.
College is suppose to be as close to the real world that a person can get while still being a full-time student. It is meant to challenge you for the events that will occur in your life after you graduate as well as those that are occurring now. I am personally willing to guarantee you that the crude acts of egging and soaping windows will in no way prepare you for life after graduation. Nor do I believe that at the ages of 28 and 30 when you are well out of college that you will be carrying on in these activities. So my advice to anyone who did partake in similar mischief activities this past holiday weekend, get out of this habit and growup. In the long run such behavior will only hold you back from whatever it is in life that you hope to accomplish for yourself.
Tom Handley
Finally, I want to point out that the Hamilton Foundation gift will do much more than simply defray the cost of another $3 million capital project. The gift will enable us to construct a communication center that will enhance our ability to provide a practical, wellrounded education to students now and in the future; it will help us "market'' the institution to prospective students; and it will impact our future fund raising efforts, as was the case with the Kresge grant that we received as part of the Founder's Hall, Phase I fund raising effort, this gift will further enhance our credibility and image among prospective, foundation and individual donors.
Another thank you to Crystal for helping us express our gratitude to the Hamilton Family Foundation for this important leadership gift to the College.
Al Mollica
Vice President for Institutional Advancement
MeganZustra ShannaFanelli
Photography editor Jl!nSnook
Photop-aphy and Graph- k DesignAdviser
Don Dempsey
Tony Barrett
Alison Briant
Terry Clpolllnl
Beth Conahao
Matt Coughlin
Linda Cylc
Crystal Davis
Melissa Lepousld
Nick Luchko
Kate Pelusl
Allison Webb
Adviser Dr.Jerry Zurek
Joe Holden-News
Meghan Merkel-l'enpectlws
Jessica Snow-Sports
Wanna show your Cabrini spirit... then come and join us for...
Midnight Madness
I would like to take the time out of my busy schedule and write a Jetter to the Cabrini Community. First, I give my deepest thanks to all of those who helped in making this year's Haunted Trail a success. Second, I thank all of those Cabrini students who were able to attend this event by taking a walk through the trail. Lastly, I would like to apologize to those students who were unable to participate in this activity Saturday night because of a few students' childlike acts that forced us to end the trail early.
Colin McGinley
Show your support for the men's and women's basketball teams and win money too.
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