6 minute read
To The Editor
Not giving coverage where coverage is due
Dear Editor,
AS THE CENTURY TURNS, a concert produced by the Theater Department on October 15, 1999, and featuring well-known Broadway actors, was given no coverage in Loquitur's October 14 issue. Why did you decide to do this? Aside from the performance'.s ·unique interest, Cabrini Student Services has paid over a thousand dollars to bring these wonderful performers here. I can understand that you might not have space for "The Buzz", but what about the blank space under Friday the 15th in "What Happening"? Why couldn't you have mentioned the concert there?
For the record, the theater department submitted two initial press releases in September, and followed up with the second release 10 days prior to the concert. I placed these in the Loquitur boxes of Ben Lunn and Shanna Fanelli. One week before the performance, we submitted flyers and cast bios. I also spoke about it to Ben and Shanna, who said it would re mentioned.
The performance was a success without your assistance. However, what about the student who always claims: "Nothing ever happens here" or after an event who claims "I didn't know about it!" It's sad to know that our own newspaper does not inform these students of exciting campus events.
I am your biggest fan. Loquitur has had better articles and more excitement this year. But I, at least, feel that you also have a responsibility to monitor the pulse of exciting campus events. All involved are very disappointed.
Neal Newman Theater
Fired college employee fires back at those who dismissed her
To whom it may concern;
Until November 1, 1999 I was employed at Cabrini College in the telemarketing department. I worked for the admissions office. This is to inform you of my feelings regarding my wrongful termination. One would believe that an organization founded by one of the Missionary Sisters of the Sacred Heart of Jesus would be an intense example of Christian charity. One would also believe although it is a business, the bottom line would be in keeping with the mission of the sisters and in keeping with the message of Jesus Christ. Unfortunately that has not been my experience.
When I accepted the position at the College I was told the shuttle service did not begin until the official start of the school year. I walked from the train station each day and was never late. I did not give excuses for not being on time because I wan never late. I believed that if I worked I would be paid. Every other week my paycheck did not arrive in a timely fashion. The first time I complained Mrs McCarthy said she would look into it. I was told the checks had been mailed out and I should receive it by Tuesday at the latest. On another occasion I was told it had been mailed out on Thursday and on Wednesday Mrs McCarthy handed me my check because it had been placed on her desk on Friday not mailed out on Thursday.
On Monday November 1, 1999 I left a message on Ms McCarthy's ,·oice mail informing her I had not received my paycheck and would be unable to come to work this week. Mrs McCarthy responded by calling me at my place of employment to terminate my employment at Cabrini College. Mrs McCarthy informed me in a hostile tone that she found my excuse to be ludicrous. Given my previous work history this would have been a good time to emulate Jesus Christ and ask if the lack of a paycheck left me in need of assistance. If the example of Jesus Christ is not to be followed at a College founded by catholic sisters there is a problem with more than my inability to purchase a transpass. Had Mrs McCarthy bothered to ask I would have informed her I had to choose between purchasing a transpass and making my daughter's tuition payment. I am a single parent and my youngest child attends a Catholic grade school. The money earned on my day job pays her tuition and our rent. When faced with a decision to educate my child, place a roof over her head and food in her mouth I will always choose to place the needs of my child first. Would father have waited for my tuition payment? Yes, it is the mission of the church to help those in need of understanding. Should I have asked him to do so? No, we have an agreement. Saint Rose of Lima will educate my child and I will pay tuition. Would my landlord have waited for his money? OF course because there is a $25.00 late fee attached when the payment is late. My landlord and I have an agreement, I live in the apartment and he is paid each month on time. Cabrini College and I had an agreement as well. In good faith I performed my duties and in tum I would be paid for my work. Scripture tells us that the worker is worthy of his hire. Cabrini College and I also had an agreement with regard to the termination policy; there would be a verbal then written warning if I was in violation of the absenteeism policy. This agreement was given to my by
Mrs McCarthy however when she called me on the morning of November 1st, she did not issue a warning, she did not give me an option to avoid termination, she did not extend any Christian charity. Mrs McCarthy terminated my employment. As of Tuesday November 2, 1999 I still have not received my paycheck.
Attached you will find a copy of my response to my termination by Ms McCarthy. It is my sincere hope that you will consider what I have said. It is my sincere hope that you will review the manner in which part time employees are treated. Finally it is my hope and prayer that an institution founded on the principles of the Catholic Church will always remember in word and in deed to follow first the teachings of Christ. "What so ever you do for the least of my brother that you also do for me."
As per my conversation with Suzanne McCarthy on 11/1/99 I accept the fact that Cabrini College no longer employs me. The reason given for termination was job abandonment. This is to inform you of three things:
I. I did not abandon my job. I called and informed my employer that I would not be in. The reason was unacceptable therefore I was terminated. I understand that it is your belief that you are in no way responsible for when I receive my paycheck. This has been an ongoing problem experienced by several people in the telemarketing department and it has always been management's position that it was not the concern of management to ensure the checks were mailed out in a timely fashion. Each time the check was late I was told it was mailed out the day before payday. This was not always true. On one occasion my paycheck was placed on Suzanne's desk and was not mailed out at all.
2. Each week I arrived 1/2 hour before the shift was to start. During the months the shuttle was not in operation I walked from the train station. I worked with the belief that l would be paid for my work in a timely manner. This has not been the case. This has led me to believe I have no value as an employee in the eyes of the people I work for. I fully accept my termination and do not wish to be reinstated. My termination is simply a confirmation of my belief that my contribution may have been valuable to the college but as a person I am not.
3. Mrs McCarthy was extremely hostile during our telephone conversation. She stated • frankly we find your excuse for not showing up to be ludicrous.• I pointed out to her there was no need for the level of hostility being directed at me. Mrs McCarthy advised me that I call human resources.
I understand that that above statement will be meaningless to the people reading it. I have been informed by human resources that past work history is meaningless because I called out for the week. This document is not an attempt at reinstatement. There are others with similar problems receiving their paychecks on time. It is my hope that even though this will resolve nothing for me personally, others may benefit by a closer look at the manner in which part time employees are viewed. As I have stated previously I know I am not valued as a person by your institution therefore it is in my best interest to no longer be employed by you. I simply wish this to be added to your version of what occurred. Based on my experience with Mrs McCarthy I doubt it will.
Dollean Patrice Ann Elizabeth Adams-Harvey