Drexel to be canonized Phi la's· second saint
Katharine Drexel will become Philadelphia's second saint, an honor that no other U.S. city claims. Pope John Paul II made the announcement last Friday adding that the date for her canonization will be October l, 2000. The decision was reached after the Pope conferred with other cardinals from around the world.
The announcement comes one week after a Mass celebrating Drexel's feast day was said at the Cathedral Basilica of SS. Peter
nities in the South.
After much prayer and consideration, Drexel professed her vows and founded the Sisters of the Blessed Sacrament on Feb. 12, 1891 along with 13 other companions. Drexel became Sister Mary Katharine, S.B.S.
The young order's missionary work began quickly with its presence on the reservations of the Pueblo Indians of New Mexico. The sisters opened a boarding school on the reservation and another school for African American children. In 1902, St. Michael's school on the Navajo Indian reser-
deafness of Amy Walls, a Bucks county child whose parents prayed for Drexel's intercession on behalf of their child. Medical experts and doctors could not explain the sudden reversal of Walls' impairment.
Walls and her family were present at the Mass, along with Robert Gutherman, who was cured of a serious ear infection and impainnent in 1974, which paved the way for Drexel's 1988 beatification.
Archbishop Giovanni Battista Re, Vatican substitute secretary of state, sent Bevilacqua a letter concerning Drexel which he read during his homily:
"I am writing to you in reply to your letter of Jan. 31 concerning the cause for canonization of Mother Katharine Drexel. In this regard I would inform you that the ordinary public consistory at which Mother Drexel's cause will be discussed is scheduled for March 10, 2000."
The Pope rendered his decision in favor of Drexel, approving her cause for sainthood. He will canonize her Oct. I at St. Peter's
members of the congregation during the procession.
and Paul, Center City, Philadelphia.and more notably, after the last miracle needed for her canonization to sainthood. More than 2000 people overflowed the cathedral for the noon Mass. Archbishop Anthony Cardinal Bevilacqua presided at the Mass among a score of bishops, priests, deacons and other religious.
Drexel, a Philadelphia native, was born into a wealthy, Catholic family in 1858. Drexel and her two sisters were educated by private tutors and frequently vacationed throughout the United States and Europe.
At the age of21, Drexel began to consider a call to religious life while she was tending to her ill mother. Upon the death of her father, Drexel and her sisters inherited their father's fortune. Drexel quickly saw the need to minister to those less fortunate, using her $20 million inheritance to fund projects on American Indian missions and in African American commu-
vation was opened. The order continued to open many boarding and day schools in the East, Midwest and in the rural and urban areas of the South and Southwest.
In 1917, a teacher preparatory school was opened in New Orleans. The school received a charter in I 925 and became known as Xavier University of New Orleans. Today, this school is one of the few in the nation to have remained predominantly African American.
Drexel suffered a near-massive heart attack in 1935 causing her to enter retirement. For the next 20 years, she spent her days praying and was said to have had a "saintly devotion to the Blessed Sacrament" Drexel died on March 3, 1955. During her lifetime, she was directly responsible for opening, financially supporting and staffing more than 60 schools and missions.
Drexel's journey to canonization was accelerated by the church's recent approval of the cure of
Students rebuild both hope and houses
by Stephanie Masucci assistant A&E editorWhile some students spent their spring break lying on the beach, senior Kelly Graham occupied her days helping those less fortunate in West Virginia.
'T d rather do something that will make me grow as a person," she said. Graham, along with 31 other students and staff, chose this week-long "alternative spring break" titled Project Appalachia to help rebuild the houses and spirits of a local community in West Virginia.
"I go every year because I like community service. I like the hard labor we do," Graham said.
Junior Dave Wiley, along with Graham, attended Project Appalachia for the third time this year.
"Some of the work is physically demanding, but not all of it,'' Wiley said. "Anyone can come."
Wiley was the site director at East
Bank for the second time this year.
"It's so great. There are more positives than negatives," junior Aimee Sirois said.
In East Bank a lot of the students worked with people who had dropped out of high school and are working to take their high school equivalency exam.
A lot of the work the students have done over the years has included fixing roofs, installing insulation and building handicap ramps.
This trip, which is hosted by Good Shepherd, a Catholic church in East Bank,W.V., and St. John's Catholic Church in Belle, W.V., has been a tradition among Cabrini students for 19 years. The students who visited Union, W. V. visited shut-ins and worked in elementary schools, whereas, the students who went to East Bank did more construction work.
March Booth, a full-time volunteer for 10 years in West Vrrginia, gives out the assignments on ar-
Fund raisers are held during the year, including the carnation sale for Valentine's Day and support from the community.
A letter was sent out to the faculty and staff explaining the trip and asking for donations.
"We got a lot of support from faculty and staff," campus minister Dr. Mary Laver said.
Each student who decides to attend the trip participates in fundraising to pay the cost of their trip and the tools that will be used for their service. Most students raise enough to participate for free.
Campus minister John DiMucci said that he feels the most extraordinary experience of the trip is the relationships they form.
Dreama Shibling was one of the women who this team helped out last year. Shibling is going for her GED and she is mother of five children.
"The local community was trying to help her out and she would-
n't let them," Wiley said. "Then last year she finally Jet us in."
Last year the team helped install her insulation, and this year they fixed up her roof.
"Her house is warmer and her heating bill was less money this year," Graham said. The students said it is interesting seeing how their work is holding up and how much they have helped these people. Training is not provided to the students before they leave for West Virginia, so each student tests his or her strength and teamwork skills while learning the task at hand.
"We worked on this house that was over 100 years old," Sirois said. "We did siding and some students put up a door."
One of the places the group in Union visited was the Alderson Hospitality House.
"This was a ministry to families of women in a local prison," Laver said. "Families who are visiting prisoners can stay at no cost. They
can connect with each other and there's a van and a chapel."
The students helped move the wood and offer assistance to this faith based organization which keeps this place running all year long.
The University of Notre Dame and Boston College are among two of the institutions that will be coming down later this month.
Every student that attended this week long community service trip came back with a sense of pride and smile as they look back on their trip.
"It's always nice to know you're helping someone out," Wtley said. Students who are interested in participating in a trip like this will have the chance to attend over the summer.
The Alumni Association is hosting a second Project Appalachia Trip, and the Border Experience Trip to Mexico will also be held this summer. To find out more, contact campus ministry.
Formal a success, except for bathroom incident
by Meghan Merkel assistant perspectives editorTo those who become easily bored with the tedious routines of stale college life, a solution was provided in the form of an elegant evening far enough away yet still in driving distance. Students had the opportunity to don a different attire on March 11, 2000, unlike the jeans and Abercrombie sweater nights.
The majority of students who attended the spring formal on March 11 had an enjoyable time.
The soon-to-be graduating seniors took advantage of the complimentary dinner before dancing and celebrating the night away.
The theme was "We've Got Tonight," dedicated to the seniors approaching the end of their beloved Cabrini days. Months of preparation from the sophomore class board seemed to be paying off.
However, around lO p.m., the success unraveled as Bridget Baxter, coordinator of student activities, was informed that the door of a bathroom stall had been
broken off in the men's restroom.
"I couldn't believe someone would actually rip the stall door off, but I was proven wrong," Baxter stated.
Officials at the Hilton immediately linked the crime to a guest (or guests) at the formal.
The damages didn't stop there. It was reported that beer cans were left in the plants and in the elevators. Certain hotel rooms had to be cleared due to noise violations. And yes, like any traditional Cabrini weekend night, there was a fire alarm.
"It is really unfortunate because most likely the Hilton will not allow us back after these incidents." Baxter continued. The estimated damages are over $200.
For those who did not take part in the vandalism, the night went The spring formal at the Valley Forge
stuwithout a hitch. "The formal pro- dents a chance to dress up, dance and simply get out for the vided an opportunity for us to evening. have a good time with our friends was just a fre'>hman attending • while reflecting on our year~ these dances," Costello comhere at Cabrini," senior Joe El- mented. liott said. When the clock struck l a.m., Senior Linda Costello could the Cabrini coaches puJled up to
footed Cinderc l.,, s~·trlht>• 1 for their shoes. With the exception of beer cans and missing doors, th night ended nestled in the seniors' minds of special memonot agree more. "We couldn't be- escort the students back to nes.
lieve that it was our last formal. It school. Pictures were taken, seemed like y~ars. ~0 1 wl).enJl - good-byes were made and bare-
Bush, Gore now pave way to Nov. election
George W. Bush, Texas governor, and Al Gore, vice president, will be contending in the Nov. general election due to McCain and Bradley's resignations. Bush and Gore just about claimed party victory following major Super Tuesday losses for their opponents.
by Joe Holden news editorGeorge W. Bush saw solid evidence of victory over John McCain from two of the nation's electoral powerhouses, New York and California.
Though the future for McCain is l(?oking dim, he holds the potential to shape the Republican party platform and sway his followers and supporters to either Gore or Bush, possibly making or breaking the election for either of the two.
Presidential primaries were held in 11 states on Tuesday, March 7th. Vice President Al Gore also saw a predicted triumph over former Senator Bill Bradley, Democrat from New Jersey.
McCain saw early, unexpected success in the New England and Michigan primaries, upsetting the odds that Bush had a firm grasp on the Republican nomination. However, the South Carolina primary foretold McCain's eventual rout with the stronglyfavored Bush, as did happen on Super Tuesday.
Bush and McCain battled a close contest in the Empire state, second only to California in size, where the population veered to the Bush side awarding him 52 percent. McCain, not far back in the distance crossed the line with 42 percent. Much was different however in Calif. where the winner-take-all primary crowned
Bush the victor.
Gore's success in the primaries catapulted him up to Democratic nominee for president. Gore made several references to the general election to be held in Nov., emphasizing his opponent's knock out.
Gore lapped Bradley in the N.Y. primary taking in 61 percent of the vote. Bradley received a little more than half of Gore's earnings coming in at 38 percent.
As in N.Y., Bradley foundered from New England to the South, the Mississippi valley all the way to the Pacific. Gore claimed all 162 delegates from Calif. making the race now a mathematical certainty that Bradley is sunk.
In the New England primaries where McCain's luck prevailed, many of his voters were not registered Republicans until they made the decision to support him. In Mass., only members of an independent party can participate in the primary of either party. McCain's success in Vt. was due in part to the Democrats and Independents who voted for him. Otherwise, he only received support from 45 percent of Republicans. Similar incidents occurred in the N.H. and Mich. primaries earlier this year. The strong Democrat and Independent support that McCain received in New England suggests a dislike for the Democratic candidates, which will only help the Republicans in the general election. However, now that McCain
has announced his exit from the race, all is left to be seen with who his voters will reconcile with. The Super Tuesday primaries determined that Bush had a definite grip on the Republican nomination. Bush and McCain shared some similar views on the issues, and on other issues the two were in opposite directions.
Bush supports a women's choice to have an abortion, but wants to encourage fewer abortions through adopting and abstinence. He makes no pro-life pledge, and he would support a law banning partial-birth abortions and taxpayer funding of abortions.
McCain wanted Roe vs. Wade to be made irrelevant. McCain did not support abortion or partial -birth abortion.
Bush praises the $792 billion tax cut proposed by Congress. McCain wanted to see taxes cut by 33 percent with any surplus to be given to social security and Medicare.
Bush wants a tax plan that helps both the poor and rich. Currently, taxing in the United States is on a progressive scale, meaning, the more income one makes, the more one will be taxed.
McCain wanted a flatter tax that was more simple, and a middle-class tax cut.
Bush wants IRA withdrawals to be allowed for charitable contributions. As it stands now, unless an IRA explicitly states different-
ly, if a person withdraws from an IRA before it has matured, the person will incur large penalties.
Bush supports tax financing of sports stadiums. Bush guarantees future surpluses with his tax plan. However, his plan includes a $792 billion cut, which would not make it easy for the government to rake in any surpluses.
Bush favors the federal government staying out of the stock market and supports the balanced budget amendment.
Bush wants failing students to pass and to use phonics to keep children reading at their grade level. He favors the government establishing standards and then requiring individual school districts to meet them. He wants to praise and reward the successful schools and shame schools that fail to meet the standards.
Bush wants $7 million placed into low-income schools and wants standardized tests to be locally based, not nationally based.
McCain supported the Ed-ACT bill that would assist families with college tuition and fees.
Bush considers school vouchers a priority. "Let poor people choose their schools like rich people." McCain wanted $5 billion allocated for the school voucher program.
Bush supports the death penalty as a deterrent. He supports mandatory sentencing for repeat offenders. He supports victim notification and anti-stalking laws. He favors the "two-strikes"
What's Going On This Week
law. McCain also supported the death penalty and wanted more prisons.
Bush encourages abstinence from tobacco, drugs and alcohol. He supports tough drug laws and drug education. McCain backed a plan that set aside $1 billion for drug prevention and control.
Bush wants to rebuild military power to deal with the "world of terror." He believes that the military is the key to preserving world peace. He favors increased military salaries and spending. He thinks soldiers should have a clear mission and the best support possible.
Bush wants the legal age for possessing a firearm to be 21.
He wants certain ammunition banned. He backs a $1.6 million tax campaign, "Gun Crime Means Hard Time." He wants no child-safety locks on guns. He favors gun restrictions just as long as the basic right of possessing a firearm remains. He supports assault weapons, and is against a gun waiting period.
Bush supports the social security system but would consider raising the retirement age. He backs private accounts for social security contributions. He would favor tax-funded IRA's under federal guidelines. One of his goals for the system is for Americans to have more control over their investments for retirement.
Last Week in the World of News
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3/13, Littleton, Colorado
A final investigation is 3/11, Maputo,
in order to elucidate the Mozambique
enlire attack of the Relief agencies
Columbine High School scrambled to get food massacre. All of of the and shelter to the vievictims• parents will re- tirns of Mozambique's ceive a detailed copy of floods before more rain 3/10, Frankfort, the incident on a CD fell. Military helicopters Germany Rom. The final report from Spain, South Deutsche Bank AG
confirms that the two Africa, Germany and announced a takeover killers, Eric Harris and Britain left the Maputo of the cross-town rival Dylan Klebold, acted airport to take advanDresdner Bank AG in alone and then killed tage of a break in the a deal which will cut themselves. bad weather, which had 16,500 jobs and will disrupted relief misherald a withdrawal from unprofitable resions on Friday. tail banking.
Credit cards target college students
by Cynthia Taura copy editorThe issue of credit cards and debts among college students has sparked recent articles in newspapers such as The New York Times and the Ohio University newspaper, The Post.
Credit card solicitors can often be found on college campuses, trying to persuade students to sign up by offering free merchandise, such as pens.
Senior Jane Barnett said that she signed up for a credit card in the Wigwam four years ago and was given a free pen. Ever since
then she says, "I get credit card applications in the mail every day."
According to Feb. 20 issue of the New York Times, credit card companies target college students and young adults because they are aware of students' eagerness to establish credit records and financial independence. However, some students are not as ready for the responsibility as they think they are.
John Ploehs, a senior at Ohio State University, said that he bought a lot of stuff he couldn't afford and ended up in debt.
When he told his parents about it,
they wrote out a check and then cut up the card. Barnett confessed to owing some money on her Discover card, which in some ways is preventing her from applying for more cards in the future.
According to the Times, more than half of students at four-year colleges have at least one credit card.
Students have to be at least 18 in order to apply for a credit card and interest rates are usually based on income, credit history and whether or not the student has a job during the school year. Interest rates from different states can also be a contributing factor. Barnett said that her rate is 19.99% because it is from Delaware.
The Post mentions USSA and MasterCard having a program called CreditWise. It lists the top 10 things students need to know, including understanding credit cards and their interest rates, statement due dates and credit limits. The website, www.creditalk.com, provides information such as repaying debts.
Pope John Paul II "" asked God's forgiveness ,.. ~'- for the sins of the Roman Catholics through the \) ;._j ages, including the wrongs inflicted on Jews,
J3/9, South Africa women and minorities. A woman was charged The apology was a perwith attempted murder sonal landmark for the because she used a Pope, who vowed to bread knife and a pair of cleanse and reinvigorate scissors to perform an :.. Catholicism for its third amateur Caesarian secmillennium. Israel's chief tion on a teenager. Docrabbi was deeply frustrattors later carried out a ed by the P:ope's failure hysterectomy to remove to mention the Holoher severly lacerated caust. fetus. Police theorized that the women's motive was attempted theft of -Gabrielle Beltran the baby.
An act of God or a plagueof piracy?Read on to see why recording musician'sseek it out and recordcompanieswant to shut it down.
by Benjamin Lunn editor in chiefIn the midst of national controversy, many colleges and universities across the country have banned Napster.com as well as other popular MP3 websites citing the drain on the networks as the reason. According to Eugene Lytle, Director of Leaming Research and Technology, Cabrini sees the problem, but has found another way of remedying it. Rather than banning sites and formats from the network, the college has decided to rebuild the network and increase the bandwidth to accommodate the increasing drain.
The MP3 music format was created over the course of 15 years by the Fraunhofer Institute to efficiently transmit audio files over a network. Essentially it takes an audio file and compresses into a smaller size so that it can easily be transferred.
Many of the more popular sites, such as Napster.com, are little more than a program that searches out for the selected MP3 files from all of the resources available. Unlike the popular MP3.com, Napster does not store any files on its own servers. Napster simply seeks out the songs that users want but also transforms the user's personal computer into a part of the Napster network. That is a very important point in relation to the controversy over copyright issues raised by the format.
Napster warns about the illegal copying and distribution of copyrighted music, but since it does not have anything on its network and simply connect to others, it claims to have no control of what passes thrdugh. Anyone with Internet access and a CD burner can create their own MP3's and distribute them for free all across the entire world, which is called piracy. That means lost money to the record companies and bands that rely on sales and royalties. Although on
an individual scale the practice seems harmless, when looked at in the scale of the millions that can download these songs for free, the lost revenue can reach millions of dollars. That means major concerns on the part of record labels and their lawyers who are suing for royalties. The Recording Industry Association of America, representing over 95 percent of the country's artists are seeking $100,000 in damages for each copyrighted song distributed through Napster.
The view of MP3's and sites like Napster are not all negative. For many smaller bands seeking recognition, the versatility and wide appeal of MP3's seem
like a godsend. According to Nick Reilly, a former student, MP3's have had a huge effect on his band, Sing Sing Prison. Their first single had an MP3 on a local Georgia station (99X) and was downloaded often. Eventually the station noticed and began playing the single on the programs, giving them that all valuable airplay. To a small band, the music format could give them a wide base of listeners that they would never be able to achieve normally, which will greatly increase their chances of "making it."
The concerns that most major colleges have concerning MP3's have a great deal less to do with piracy and more to do with space. Over recent years the Internet has become a vital tool for educational use as well as an integrated part of our lives. Unfortu-
dents could not use the networks for their intended purpose - education - even if they wanted to.
In light of these problems, many colleges have decided to ban Napster.com and other MP3 sites from their networks in an effort to reduce the drain on the network. Many students have decided to ban together to save their beloved musical format. Indiana University senior Chad Paulson created a website devoted to saving Napster. At www.savenapster.com, visitors can sign a petition which as of March 8, 2000 had nearly 7,000 signatures.
Rather than ban the sites, Cabrini has opted for another, albeit more costly resolution. Cabrini has decided to take the summer to rebuild the network with more bandwidth, or space, for access.
In a debate with many facets to it, Reilly uses his rather unique outlook to hit the proverbial nail on the head. "They are a hindrance to signed acts because they lose royalties they'd normally get, but to unsigned acts, they're the lifeline to the world outside garage."
How the information in the search-results screen is shown. nately for most area colleges, the huge surge in the popularity of sites like Napste r have caught them unprepared to handle the situation. Many colleges find that about 20 percent of their network capacity is used by students downloading MP3's. Others, such as the Indiana University of Washington, had half of their capacity used up by students using Napster. Cabrini normally experiences a 40 percent usage of the network capacity, but it is now nearing 98 percent. With such huge drains on the networks, many stu-
A collage of students, faculty and others came out Sunday, March 12 to the Fine Arts Gallery for the opening of "It's a Small World After All," which showcased the latest creations by Lisa Learner, professor of fine arts at Cabrini College.
All of the paintings are oil on shellacked water color paper and were hand framed and matted by Learner's husband, Richard Wagner. The exhibits title comes from the size of the artist's paintings. Many are quite small compared to the other works Learner has done in the past.
Learner, who teaches painting, drawing and two-dimen-
sional design, said this style seems "more intimate." Many of the scenes are of train stations or urban landscapes. Learner said she used to take the train frequently in and out of the city. She was very interested in conveying the people waiting for trains, as well as the juxtaposition of the old sta-
tions with the modem trains of today.
Her favorite piece of her exhibit is called "Shadow Man." It depicts her father at the Wynnewood train station and has much to do with the theme of aging, she said.
Wagner explained that it is a very difficult process to frame his wife's works. The framing is very "high quality." However, he does find the smaller canvases easier to work with than her previous paintings that were "4 by 6 feet." He also pointed out that the pieces featured in "It's a Small World After All" can be enclosed with glass. Wagner's favorite piece is titled "Backtrack."
He said of his wife, "She paints things that she knows. She doesn't paint landmarks, she prefers local scenes."
Senior Kate MacMenamin, who has had Leamer as a teacher, was pleased with the exhibit. "I like the light quality in the pictures. It looks like a perfect day." She noted that it "was nice to know the artist.'" Used to showing Leamer her own work, MacMenamin stated that seeing her teacher's work was an "awesome'' experience.
until April 6.
By tearingout the bristlesof paintbrushes,LisaLearner,assistantprofessorof the fine arts, is takinga whole new view on the worldwith diminutive,intricatedetail.photo courtesy of Cabrini College Fine Arts Department photo by Shanna Lynn Fane/Ii photo by Stephanie Rose Masucci photos clockwise from bottom left; "Bryn Mawr Station," "The Letter," "The Local," "Walking the Dog, • Leamer in front of her favorite piece, a work titled, "Shadow Man,· and "Merion." photo by Stephanie Rose Masucci exhibit be held in the Joseph and Grace Gorevin Fine Arts Gallery in the Holy Spirit Library
You see them crammedon the shelvesof localfood markets,each one promisinga flavorfulexperience.Loquitur went and tried out the most popularbrandsof drinkmixesand teas to see thosethat lived up to the promiseof a delishtreat for the taste buds and thosethat shouldbe poureddown the nearestdrain.
by Jessica Giordano staff writerBoy, do I enjoy a good drink once and a while- non-alcoholic of course! That is why I was very happy to do a taste test involving different types of beverages that are available. There are so many brands on the market that it can be difficult to decide which to buy. By doing the research for this article, I have come to my own conclusions in regard to which brands of hot chocolate, hot tea, coffee and iced tea I will be more likely to purchase in the future. I hope that this might help you come to a decision as a consumer also.
Although our cold, dark nights are behind us (hopefully) for now, I could not resist trying out different types of hot chocolate. I chose to compare three popular mixes: Swiss Miss, Carnation and Hershey's "Dutch Chocolate."
Swiss Miss was definitely the worst of the three. It was not rich, creamy or full tasting at all. Its chocolatety smell was nonexistent and it tasted more like water than like hot chocolate. I think that this little blonde needs to study up on her cocoa making skills.
Carnation brand hot chocolate was a bit more satisfactory. It had a faint chocolate smell to it. Its overall taste was creamy and full compared to the Swiss Miss, but it tasted more like milk than like chocolate. Fellow input from a student on campus is that ,"Carnation with marshmallows is good."
The Hershey's was the best by far. It was rich, full and creamy tasting. Out of the three it had the best smell and it maintained a creamy surface longer than the rest. It also left a sweet, chocolate aftertaste that was very appealing. It costs a little more money than the rest, but believe me when I say it is well worth it.
Hot tea is something that many people start their day with. It is the choice beverage of older ladies who want to bond and talk with each other. I personally like tea better than coffee because it tends to wake me quicker and more fully. I compared three brands of regular caffineated tea: Lipton, Tetley and Red Rose.
Lipton came in last because, although it was strong, it had a slightly dirty taste. Tetley was somewhat better. It had a very fresh and clean taste. However, I liked the Red Rose the best because it was the strongest of the three and because it had a more natural, distinctive taste.
Many people are unable to start their day without it and some even consider it an addiction. I'm talking about coffee of course, and there are so many brands to choose from. It was interesting for me to compare different coffees, since I do not drink it normally. Despite this, I still came out with some strong opinions. I tried 7-ll's "Cafe' Select," Ireland and Starbucks. They were all regular brews, no fancy-girlie stuff.
The 7-11 coffee was absolutely abysmal. It possessed no redeeming qualities whatsoever. It was not strong, flavorful or smooth. It had this very distinctive, empty, weak and watery taste to it. As soon as I sipped it I wanted to demand my 92 cents back, but I had already gotten home. I don't know what "cafe" 7-11 "selected" this coffee from, but I think that those responsible should be arrested. I am not alone in this opinion. According to a Cabrini student, "7-11 coffee is crap. It always tastes burned."
Ireland coffee was the kind I bad at home, but it is also served in several area restaurants. It was a satisfactory cup of coffee. It was flavorful, smooth and significantly better than the 7-11 brew, but it was nothing to write home
I hate to say it, since some consider it an evil monopoly, but Starbucks was most definitely the best of the three. It was robust, flavorful, strong and distinctive. It went down very smoothly. It also left a pleasant aftertaste, not in the least bit yucky the way some coffees do. It is more expensive than the rest, but I think that it is worth it, since it is a better cup of coffee and since Starbucks bas this cool, studious ambiance going on.
The warm, sunny months are quickly approaching and so is our need for a nice, cool drink. Nothing could be better than some iced tea! I compared Nestea, Arizona and Snapple iced teas.
Nestea was pretty good. It had a very fresh, clean taste and it was refreshing. However, it was not very strong and it did not have much of a lemon taste to it. Other people seem to enjoy it though.
"I like Nestea because it doesn't leave that sweet film in your mouth," Sara said. "It has a good aftertaste, it is clean and refreshing."
Arizona iced tea came in second. It was strong, flavorful and had a decent lemon taste to it. However, it had this slightly dirty aftertaste that I was not too fond of. It is also a bit pricier because it is held in a bigger, fancier bottle. Snapple iced tea came in first because it had a very full and refreshing taste. It bas a strong lemon flavor, and it tasted much more natural than the rest, like real homemade iced tea.
I was very surprised that there would be such striking differences between brands. I used to think that everything was pretty much the same. I was wrong about that. Maybe this will help you next time you are buying a drink, or maybe you completely disagree with me. Either way, happy drinking!
I like cold beverages.... ( and hot ones too)
Voices of 89. l WYBF FM The Edge
You've heard their voices on Cabrini's radio station, 89.1 WYBF FM, The Edge, so isn't it about time you got to see their
are three of the DJ's who ride ::a::.-,_._._,.,. '
For those who do not know the energy behind "Speaking Out," the talk show feaooed on &9.1 WYBF FM, The Edge, it is Amanda Huth, a senior English and communications major. She serves as one of the music directors for 89.1 WYBF FM and currently hosts "Speaking Out," which airs every Wednesday from 6-7p.m.
According to Huth, "Speaking Out" is a unique show that talks about issues that are both locally and nationally based. Huth feels that her show allows Cabrini students and members of the surrounding community to voice their opinions on the topics being discussed.
After her endeavors at Cabrini, Huth plans on earning a masters degree in secondary education. She would eventually love to teach English and or drama.
Jim Kelly is an English and communications major in
the adult and continuing education program. Ever since Kelly was young he always had ambitions of working in the radio industry. Jim's interests in the radio industry grew when he and a friend had started a small DJ business back in 1994.
As of now, Kelly hosts two shows and serves as the production director for 89.1 WYBF. Kelly currently hosts 'The Eighties Experience" and an entertainment show. Both of Kelly's shows air on Wednesdays. The entertainment show, which airs from 7-8 pm, mainly deals with the latest gossips and happenings in the entertainment business. 'The Eighties Experience" airs from 8-10 pm and is a specialty show which plays mostly eighties and old school rap and hip-hop.
Some of Kelly's favorite radio picks include such bands as The Who and Pearl Jam. After Cabrini College, Kelly would like to pursue a career in either radio, audio engineering or both.
Derick Colonello is one of the new voices and faces
here at Cabrini and WYBF. Colonello is a freshman English and communications major. Colonello currently hosts a hard rock and alternative show that airs on Fridays from 10-12 p.m. Some of Colonello's show picks include bands such as Methods of Mayhem, Blink 182 and Soulwax.
Some of Colonello's interests and hobbies include playing soccer, listening to music, cruising around and "pimping" (his words). After his college days are over, Colonello plans on becoming either a sports broadcaster or a newspaper journalist.
Servicewitha smileanda bagof chips
Imagine a planet with no convenient bags of snacks, no hot coffee and no super hoag1es. Well, thanks to the wonderful world of WaWa and its dutiful workers, this vision will never be.
Allison Webb
staff writer
Late night trips to Wawa wouldn't be the same without the familiar face of Wawa Willie. Who is Wawa Willie, you may be wondering?
William L. Mills is the assistant manager of the Radnor Wawa on Lancaster Avenue. You know, the one Cabrini students consider a second home. He has been part of the staff for five years. When asked what his overall opinion is of his time at Wawa, Mills responded, "It's been an experience."
Mills enjoys bagging the cold beverages and crinkling bags of potato chips for the college kids from all around.
'The college students are excellent until they get intoxicated and come in to exhibit their anxiety," Mills said. • 'They're just showing off and I don't like that." t t
Mills loves the hot foods at Wawa, but if he ate it all the time he would be, "as big as a house."
Ikeda Matthews, an employee at Wawa said, "It's a quick way to make money and provide for my kids. This job is what you make of it."
Wawa provides fundraisers to raise money for muscular dystrophy, "Jerry's Kids," children's hospital and many other foundations. Wawa is also a good opportunity for young people to work and the hours are flexible. Next time you hit the Wawa at 2 a.m. give Wawa Willie a hello.
The political machines win again, America loses
The past week has seen the abrupt end to what had been an interesting political season. It almost seemed like we could have presidential candidates who weren't groomed and hand-selected by their self-interested political parties. We had been treated to almost weekly debates, name calling, and actual discussions about new ideas, but that's all over now.
Any time that ideals come into discussion, the major political parties get scared. Not that Democratic candidate Bill Bradley or Republican candidate John McCain were necessarily great reformers or political outsiders, but they made the bigwigs sweat a little. And anytime we can make the men in charge sweat, that is a good thing.
Bradley had the support of the common man, and. he had a down to earth way about him. It didn't take him long to convert over to sleazy name calling, however, which didn't really help.
The bigger loss is Senator McCain. A moderate Republican, he had crossover appeal to independent voters and Democrats who grew disillusioned with the Clinton/Gore team. The candidate with the most significant experience in war, he was not afraid to battle for his beliefs, even against his own party. His legacy may be in his call for campaign finance reform, which might have hurt his own party as much or more than the Democrats. But it would be the right and ethical way to run an election, and would have been better for America in the long term.
Predictably, it was Bush's financial support that allowed him to crush McCain. The Republican lobbyists found their fortunate son, and there has never been a doubt that he would tow the party line, from beginning to end.
These candidates' withdrawals leave us with a pointless and expensive primary season which we, the taxpayers, help to pay for. Politics as usual will be the theme of the season, and then we will get to choose between two candidates who wouldn't know
DiMucci spoke to the congre---, gation about gossiping and how it
effects all parties involved. I commend DiMucci for taking this approach and not barraging the assembly with the familiar tune of what ashes just simply symbolize.
what I was giving up. They were eager to remind me that I work in a newsroom. They wished me a lot of luck, and deemed me a lost cause.
Ash Wednesday Mass was so well attended that the administration was considering selling tickets to watch the Mass somewhere in the mansion basement over a closed-circuit television.
I'm not drawing any conclusions regarding the high attendance for this day, but I only question the importance of ashes. Ashes symbolize the least of important factors during the season of Lent. Ashes only remind us of our roots, and are distributed so that we do not forget what we will inevitably return to.
More important elements were brought up during the homily given by John DiMucci, campus minister.
DiMucci began his homily with interesting points of gossiping that had many thinking he was speaking of something else, possibly something sexual. I'm not sure if it was his intention to have done this, but it grabbed everyone's attention quickly.
I care to elongate on DiMucci's well spoken and suggestive homily. As a kid, I would give up petty things for Lent. I learned through 12 years of Catholic school that you're supposed to be cumulative in what you give up, and not just to continue to give up the same crap year after year.
After hearing DiMucci's homily, I know that a worthwhile sacrifice would be to give up talking about other people. This is a pretty big sacrifice for anyone who is human. Just imagine the responses from my friends when I told them
I found myself thinking the same about many of the people on our campus, which is pretty sad. If everyone isn't talking about everyone else, than it seems that misery is in the air, or there is nothing else to talk about. I ventured to the business office last week to make a deposit for the sophomore class student government, and unbelievably, they're pretty friendly, except for about two bad apples that stunk up the experience. I only assume that they had their tongues bit hard when a Loquitur staff member such as myself cruised through the doors.
I am sure that if everyone would seriously consider the implications of gossiping, this campus would make a 180 degree turn. Give it a try.
Joe Holden is the news editor for Loquitur. Bad apples in the mansion, you know who you are.
•Junior Beth McArdle's name was misspelled in issue 15.
•Senior Randall Sims' name was also misspelled. We'reawMty••ry Ill' allof • mlstakasl
If you don't have anything nice to say, shut up!
Loquitur missing the symbolism of the Confederate flag
submitted by Dr.Joseph J. Romano Dear Editor,Your editorial support of the women's tennis team trip to South Carolina prompts a response. Not only does the Loquitur editorial condone the visit of our team to a state that flies the confederate flag atop its State Capitol, but it applauds the team for a laudable act of independence by resisting the slavish following of several area schools who cltose not to go.
It is detestable enough that the Confederate flag, as exhibited on clothing and vehicles of myriad groups who har-
Not at all impressed by the "low increase" in tuition
submitted by Kevin QuagliaI am writing this letter in response to President Iadarola's letter that the entire student body received in their mail. I can't believe that she would have the audacity to announce "the lowest increase in tuition" to the student body. As a friend said after reading this letter, "what kind of oxymoron is that?"
If a letter is going to be sent out on the tuition of this school, it should be announcing the decrease of our already huge bill to go here. This is especially true of this year since the school screwed up and tore down perfectly good trees and then realized that they didn't have the proper paperwork. For some of us, the scenery is the reason that we came here.
Recently, the Loquitur published an article on the price of a college education in the area and state. Wasn't our tuition already one of the highest tuitions in the area? The kicker is that she says in the letter that the college has to "learn to do more with less." I don't know what's less about 17,500 dollars, but I do know that there are colleges that have lower tuitions but do many good things that we might actually be able to get ideas from to conserve our money.
Of course, now that the tuition is increased, why don't we raise my scholarship from the school? The 5.6% increase from each student would fit that raise perfectly.
I just hope that I am not the only student that was upset by this letter.
bor latent hostility and bias to others; that the flag is the brazen symbol of white supremacy groups and other hate groups wbo are anti-black, anti-Catholic, and pretty much anti-all other things most people hold as decent. These being bad enough, South Carolina flies the flag over its State Capitol. Specifically, the flag stands as an insult to African-Americans whose ancestors were subjected to the unspeakable cruelties and degradations of slavery in which human beings were bought and sold as property. The flag symbolizes the fact that the cruelty continued under Jim Crow laws of the South after the Civil War ended, as blacks were still treated as property, denied basic civil rights and beaten, mutilated and lynched when they dared to "step out of line." What message does South Carolina send by flying that flag from the seat of government? As long as we deny
the real significance of that flag, we live in the shadows of studied ignorance that borders on the darkness of hatred.
I suggest that Loquitur do an informative series on slavery and the subsequent treatment of blacks under Jim Crow. The series might conclude with an exploration of present day attitudes of race relations-especially in the backwaters of South Carolina. Publish these studies in all their harsh reality and then let us judge what the flag really stands for.
Two groups of Cabrini students left campus to spend spring break in the south. One group went to play tennis in a state whose capitol flies a symbol of intolerance; the second group went to serve society's poor in Appalachia. Which Cabrini group do you think really "Stands out from the Crowd?"
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The winding mountain roads less traveled
Spring break 2000 has sweetly arrived and, as always, has stubbornly left. Many flocked to the sandy shores and crystal blue waters of the Ba-
Along with my Cabrini group, I spent my days enjoying all that Union had to offer. One day, I assisted in painting a school room. Although I ended up wearing more paint on myself than what I actually put on the wall, I relished in the triumph of completing the job with a group of four other students. Chopping and stacking firewood was another task on our agenda. I used muscles that I never knew that I had while helping to complete that task. The labor was hard, but I proudly dealt with my pain as one would a battle scar.
We also learned another valuable life lesson. They taught us how to relax. We live in a hurried society. They live their lives at a slow pace. This enables them to enjoy the little things more. Rush hour is non-existent in their little world. Enjoying nature to the fullest, they take time to relax m what is offered. For instance, how many times have you stopped to watch the clouds roll through the sky during rush hour? It's a beautiful sight, but one that is commonly overlooked in our fast paced daily routine.
=== hamas. I am sure that much fun was had at this and other resorts. We also learned a new sense of the term community. I wished that I could have saved that vacation for a latter day, much like the great poet, Robert Frost. Instead of traveling to the shore, however, I took the vacation less traveled by.
Along with eleven other members of the Cabrini community, I was packed like a sardine into a white Cabrini van. I then happily journeyed on the seven-hour ride to spend spring break in Union, West Virginia.
Nothing can top the natural beauty of the countryside. Serving as the backdrop for the workdays were high mountain peeks dotted with green trees. A clear blue sky lay over the terrain. During the night, there were more starts in the sky than there are girls in Woodcrest. Falling starts were a visible treat in the mix of the heavenly
My nights were spent getting to know the wonderful people of Union. Many showed us a little southern comfort by opening up their homes and their hearts to our group of hungry students. They not only nourished us with great food (damn, that cobbler was sweet) but also with fresh new insights on life, Appalachian style. We learned that prosperity does not always mean how much money is in your bank account. Prosperity could represent the happiness achieved through a large family, or the joy of assisting in the birth of a baby goat. Prosperity could be represented by the time and dedication devoted to making sure that your farm is in perfect shape. Instead of climbing up the corporate ladder, prosperity could mean climbing a mountain that sits in your backyard.
This small community works for each other rather than against each other. Building on the lessons in community, the trip also taught valuable lessons needed in communal living. Showers must be kept short so every one can quickly lather up in hot water. Most importantly, vanilla scented Lysol is the single most important possession needed when twelve people share two bathrooms for one week.
Union, West Virginia has made a new friend. I learned a lot from the trip about life and about me. It's all because I took that vacation less traveled. And that, my Amy Gassen is a staff writer for Loquitur. She wanted to bring home a goat, but there was no room in the Cabrini van.
A call for compassion from Chris Vesci (seriously)
Our little world is a very angry and bustling place. Oftentimes, violence is fought with indifference, which seems to be the only reaction people have time for. Issues become so distorted by shades of gray that it is hard to make sense of them.
Dwell upon, for instance, the death penalty. I do not think killing people is the solution to our dilemmas. But it works in the here and now. It is far easier to say "Fry him" than it is to ask "why?" It may be the only answer we are capable of offering as mere mortals.
Until we truly confront our criminals and deal with them individually (because people are individuals), we will continue to hastily pass judgment on what is truly complex and confusing.
Yet, consider what you would do. What would you do to the Columbine killers had they lived? Wouldn't the death penalty seem justifiable? Then again, wouldn't that be stooping to their level, as some would argue?
See, here we make our first mistake. Law is law because it works. It does not always take the moral high ground. It would sacrifice morality for order. I am reminded of Benjamin Franklin, who said, "What you have the right to do is not always what is right to do."
People turn to laws to make sense of the inexplicable. We cannot be slaves of the law. Institutions do not solve problems. People do. People makes choices. Laws do not.
I think one of the first things we have to do is stop being disconnected from what goes on around us. We need a compassion injection. This is a civilization that
watches (live, mind you) bloody school children falling out of windows on television. If we tire of that, we can switch to perhaps The Weather Channel. Is there any way to distinguish what is real from what is not real anymore? Is this possibly why sixyear olds are shooting each other?
It seems like the shooting sprees are getting more deadly, far more absurd and much more disgusting as the months progress. It is as if each one is an alarm screeching at us. What will it take for us to wake up?
But I guess it is far easier to remain in slumber. Change the channel when something disheartening comes on. Plop those convicts into seats and cook them.
I am not trying to guilt people, nor am I saying we are responsible for the actions of criminals. However, we are responsible for our own safety. I am simply stating that we need to investigate why these things are happening and start to feel genuine empathy again. Every child that dies is not only a crime against a family but a crime against civilization. Every person who is murdered or murders is a slap in the face to a civilized world. We owe it to ourselves to stop ignoring, get involved and preserve our safety. If not, there will be a shooting spree every day for the rest of our lives. We need to simply ask why. We are not doing this. We are letting our laws do the thinking.
I llI)1 reminded of the closing lines of "Johnny got his Gun," a novel by a man named Dalton Trumbo. Banned several times in this nation, the book details the pointlessness and pain of war and the potential power of the average man to resist a government that makes war. It ends, "You plan the wars you masters of men plan the wars and point the way and we will point the s.un." Unfortunately, because of an absence
of compassion and an abundance of ignorance, it seems we are now pointing the gun at ourselves.
Chris Vesci is the assistant copy editor of Loquitur. We never knew he cared.
Loquitur ls established as a forum for student expression and as a voice in the uninhibited robust, free and open discussion of issues.
Editor In chief Ben Lunn
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Photographyand Graphic DesignAdvinr
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Staff Writers
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Allison Webb
Managing editor
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Adviser Dr.
O'Connell predicts Stanford over Michigan State in NCAA tournament
by Brian O'Connell sports commentator![](https://assets.isu.pub/document-structure/230703191711-afb59a93879c5e254d4b5c5e4def21eb/v1/4c1ad47cb4cbfdd96949f032a13ed60d.jpeg)
The smell of March Madness is in the air and the field of 64 is set. Now, all basketball fans have to do is fill out their brackets and BRIAN O'CONNELL sit back and enjoy the next few weeks of basketball. This year's tournament is loaded with talent and should be very entertaining, especially when the top seeds play the at large bid teams. There are some new at large bids this year who have not had a big dance in quite a while. Some of these teams include the Dayton and the St. Bonaventure Bonnies from the Atlantic 10.
The west bracket features top-seeded Arizona who should go far. Also in the west are Dayton who have had a great season and last year's Cinderella team, Gonzaga.
I have picked St. John's to come out as the winner of this bracket based on the excellent season they had and their ability to knock off some top-notch teams. They have the experience from last year's tournament that should provide them with a spark this year.
Another game to watch is the Wisconsin-Fresno State game. This should be a war, but I am taking Fresno State to
come out on top. Coach Jerry Tarkanian has been there before and he knows what it takes to win in the NCAA's. Another interesting matchup is Purdue and Dayton. Dayton had a spectacular regular season with 22 wins and an appearance in the Atlantic 10 semi-finals before falling to St. Bonaventure. But make no mistake about it, this team is very good and will probably give Purdue a game.
The rnidwest bracket features top seed Michigan State facing Valparaiso. This bracket has some very familiar teams. Kentucky and Syracuse could face each other for a re-match of the championship game from a few years ago.
You can almost count on that happening because it is highly unlikely that St. Bonaventure will upset Kentucky. But at this point, who knows what will happen? St. Bonaventure could win. Remember last year when Gonzaga upset North Carolina? Nevertheless, I am picking Michigan State to capture the rnidwest title and move on to the Final Four. In the east bracket, three teams should jump out and get the attention of everyone, Seton Hall, Duke and Temple. Seton Hall is a solid team and opened eyes around the country. Their first round game with Oregon will be one to watch. Duke is the number one seed and has an excellent chance to reach the Final Four. Coach Mike Knyzewski has some great players, especially in the freshman class. With Shane Battier leading the way for the Blue Devils, the team hopes to prove to everyone they are the number one team in the land. However, they will have to watch out for
Last weeks results for Cabrini sports
by Crystal Davis staff writerWomen's Lacrosse
The Lady Cavs walked away with a 11-10 victory over Catholic University at the opposing team's field on Sat., March 11.
Men's Lacrosse
The team came out on top twice last week on its own
field. The men defeated the University of Scranton with a score of 18-6 on Wed., March 8, before crushing Kean University, 18-6, on Sat., March 11.
Women's Softball
Alvemia was defeated twice in a double header on Thur., March 9. A shut out, 9-0 and a closer 3-2 game were recorded for the team. A competition against Eastern scheduled to take place Saturday was rained out.
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Temple. The team is playing its best basketball right now and if they face Duke, they will not be facing the same team they lost to in the Final Eight last year. I would pick Temple over Duke if they are to meet down the road. It will be a great game. Coach K. had the players last year to defeat the match-up zone of the Owls, but can they do it this year? We'll see.
The south bracket has top-seeded Stanford defending national champion U. Conn, a depleted Cincinnati team and a disappointing North Carolina squad which won only 18 games this year. It would seem probable that Stanford willcome out of this bracket and reach the Final Four. Their only true tests could be Cincinnati and maybe a solid Tulsa team, which won 29 games this year. The south has some great teams like Miami, Florida from the Big East and Tennessee which won 24 games this year. It appears that Stanford will come out on top.
I have Michigan State and Stanford in the final, but I will take Stanford because they were ranked number one late in the season and look ready to take the crown. Cincinnati can forget about their chances after losing Kenyon Martin and Auburn can as well since losing superstar Chris Porter. Temple and Duke will probably be there at the end, so we will have to see what happens. These next few weeks are going to be a Jot of fun and very entertaining. The road to Indianapolis begins soon.
Intercollegiate Career Fair
March 29, 2000 Noon,3pm
Dixon Center Gym
Meet with organizations seeking tull-time, part-time and co-op employees. Bring resumes and dress for success! ·Check the Co-op & Career Services Web Page for an ·upto-date list of employers attending the career fair.
New faces, new conferencefor track teams
by Kendra Clark sports editorWith spring in the air, the Cabrini College men's and women's track seasons are off and running. With help of a new conference this year, the teams are running towards the conference championships. The team has five meets under its belt already and hopes are still soaring high with new faces and the - new conference this season.
The first part of the season, which began in January with a meet at Widener University, was strong. With all team members dedicated and working hard to achieve their highest potential, every member has been able to attain points in each meet. According to Lauren Dean, women's team captain, "The members are dedicated and independent people who place well."
Besides the success of veteran team members, new members have also contributed to the success of the team this season. New additions to the team include sprinters Christine Demarco and Ellen Briant, who compete in the 100 and 200 meter races, and hurdler Dan Jellyman, who com-
petes in the 100 and 200 meter races.
Demarco and Jel1yman have been sidelined by injuries this season, but they have still been very competitive. "Jellyman is an exceptional and a very high caliber runner," said Jason Bull, the men's team captain.
Dean also added, 'They are very competitive and have still helped the team this season even with injury.'·
The result of the success is the number of records that have been broken. On the women's team, veterans Katie Hecht, Tiffany Cory, and Dean have broken records where on the men's team veterans Ryan Jones, Shaun Hazlett and Bull have each broke records.
The new records set in the women's division were in high jump by Hecht, 5000 meters, two mile, 3,000 meters, and mile by Dean, and 55 HH by Cory. In the men's division the records were in the distance medley by Jones and Hazlett, the mile and 880 yards by Bull.
Also team members Donna Kain and Kristin Zielinski have contributed success with strong performances. Kain competes in the 200 meter and 400 meters, where
Zielinski competes in the 800 meters and the mile with Dean.
One highlight that the team is excited about this year is the new conference that they have switched over to. The new conference, or Collegiate Track Conference, will be very beneficial to the team by allowing them to compete in a championship, as where the old conference did not hold a championship.
By having a championship to work towards, Dean said, "We now have something to build towards to, instead of just working towards individual meets." Both of the captains are extremely happy to be in the new conference and are looking forward to the championship, which will be held April 1 at a place to be announced.
The team's goals are simple, but they have been successful so far this season. Both the men's and women's teams would like to continue to build and develop the talent that the team has and to bring all members to their maximum potential. They also would like to continue to bring in new people, to continue the development and strengthening of the team in years to come.
You can always see the members of the team running around campus on their morning and afternoon runs. Their main practices are scheduled on Tuesday and Thursdays and for sprinters on Mondays and Wednesdays. They practice at either Eastern College or Radnor High School. They are trying to start to run at Valley Forge Military Academy, where an allweather track has just been installed.
For the most part though, most of the practice is independently done. According to Dean, the runners are asked to do morning and afternoon runs and to lift two to three times a week.
It is also not too late to join the team. If you are interested, you can contact the coach, Tom O'Hora, or you can talk to either Dean or Bull. With the new conference and the success that they have had this season already, which will not end until May, and with dedicated athletes and broken records, Bull predicts, "The best performances are still yet to come."
Studentscreate an athletictrainerprogram
by Meghan Merkel assistant perspectives editorIf you want something done, do it yourself.
First-year student Erin Maxwell did just that. All through her high-school career, she was able to participate in a student trainer program which enabled her to work with the athletes at her school. When she came to Cabrini and discovered this program did not exist, she decided she would start it herself.
"Jessica Storck and I were discussing how much we would like to begin a program allowing students to serve as trainers for our tldctes, and so we did,"' Maxwell explained.
With athletic trainer Andra Riccio's encouragement. they passed out flyers and held meetings. They currently have 15 members.
"The main purpose is so sports science majors have the
photo by Jessica Snow Sophomore Jessica Storck and first year student Erin Maxwell serve as student trainers to prepare for future careers.
opportunity to get hands-on experience in their field," Maxwell said. All members need to be certified in first aid. However, the program is not limited to sports science majors. Maxwell is an elementary education major but en-
joys helping the athletes.
"I am grateful for these students volunteering their time to help out,"' Riccio stated.
The student athletes also appreciate the extra hands.
"We are glad that when Andra can't be there at our games, someone will still be there to help us with our injuries," junior Monica Paolucci explains,
"Since thP softball team is off campus, we were concerned about having a representative there at every game. We have walkie-talkies to provide communication in case something happens,but they do not reach to Arch Bishop Carroll," Maxwell informed.
Maxwell recalls a men's basketball game in which one of the opponents chipped a bone in his nose.
"There was blood everywhere and it took more than one person to get him help."
Sunny Spring break trips prepare Cavalier teams
by Jessica Snow sports editor"We ran our ·butts off in 80 degree weather," sophomore defender Adrienne Maiocco grunted describing the women's lacrosse team's spring break experience in St. Petersberg Florida.
The softball team had a sirnular experience in Fort Meyep; Florida, while the men's r O team stayed closer to ~home.
Each team spent a great deal of time practicing while the rest of the community was on spring break.
"We practiced twice a day, we were the only team down at the ~imCi,.¥\'ff, didn't get to scrimmage, but. we did get a • ~•.1~--.:
day to go to the beach," Maiocco said.
Reid Watson, the assistant coach of Temple University's w9men's I,.,·rosse team, did some of the instructing for Cabrini'~ team durmg its week in Florida.
The softball players also returned from break with tans, but they did work hard in the sun.
"Florida is always great for us, if only because the \ • 1ther is great, so we get to pla:, a lot;· Bridget Baxter, coach and coordinator of student activities said.
The team played two games a day and finished the week with a 6-4 record. Its competitns w. -c from both Division ITand III schools and the team·s successful showing should predict a great season accordinf, to Baxter.
had three indoor scrimmag~s berore encountering Lynchburg College in Virginia. Lynchberg was ranked 13th in a pre-season poll and proved to be a challenge for the team.
··we could have done better. It was our first time playing on grass this season.It showed us that we need to work on fundamentals," Matt Clements, a junior goaltender said.
"The opening game wasn't like we predicted, but now we 're on a roll and we should keep doing well all season," freshman Seai Sullivan agreed with Clements.
Members of each team described the experience as important and informative and said that it helped the players bond.
Chairman of WWF initiates new pro football league
Caroline Cinquino
watching it was fun."
staff writer
Vince McMahon, chairman of the World Wrestling Federation, announced that he is going to initiate a new pro football league, the XFL, in the spring of 200 I.
A news conference was scheduled in New York City to officially announce the new "Xtreme" Football League, which wi11play outdoors in United States cities such as Los Angeles, New York, San Francisco, Orlando and Miami. "This will be real American football on a I 00-yard field, but with a lot more fun and a lot more attitude," McMahon said. Reports reveal that McMahon has already obtained a television deal, which will allow the XFL to be broadcast nationwide. In the future, McMahon wishes to expand this venue to include Canada.
McMahon is starting the league due to his dissatisfaction with the current NFL which he believes gives "no regard for individuality." McMahon said, ''These days, the NFL is so over-regulated it's pasteurized. You can't show your exuberance. The league is turning gladiators into choir boys." McMahon also believes that the XFL is a good business decision. "One of my key motivations for starting the XFL is to bring a new brand of football, where the future tackles the past. It's a league devoted to returning football to the way it used to be, when
On Feb. 28, Billy Hicks signed as Vice President of Administration for the XFL. Hicks is no stranger to the sports business. He has experience working in the administrative aspect of sports including soccer, football and women's baseball. Hicks is enthusiastic about the new league and his opportunity to be a part of it. "I've been fortunate to have had the opportunity to build professional sports leagues and franchises from scratch, and I believe that the XFL is on the right track for success. We believe that this new venture will excite sports fans across the country, and I'm proud to be a part of it," he said.
Basil De Vito, President of the XFL, said of Hicks, "Our talented XFL launch team is substantially stronger with the addition of Billy Hicks. His wealth of sports business savvy and experience in launching new leagues is a talent that few people can bring to a table."
Although McMahon's plans concerning the new league have generated little response from the NFL, the Canadian Football League president, Jeff Giles, has voiced concern. Giles told the Toronto Globe, ''They have to get their players from somewhere and I'm sure they'll be looking at us. I'm sure they can offer more than we can pay." However McMahon assured,
"this is not some ego-driven scheme to build a new league like we've seen in the past. I don't believe that you have to hire the most expensive players for recognition." McMahon explained that the new league would have eight teams consisting of former college players "who didn't get their chance." to make it in the NFL, as well as other athletes who did not attend college.
On the Cabrini front, WWF Monday night's "Raw is War" seems to be quite popular. Sources say that the house two lounge is occupied on Monday nights by WWF fans watching their favorite wrestlers battle it out. The question remains as to whether the XFL will spark a similar interest. Cabrini College student Mike Butler, a WWF fan, said that he is "very interested in how it turns out," and that he did not think the idea would be a failure. The reactions seem similar among fans all over the nation. University of Maryland student William Newkirk, also a WWF fan, believes the new league has "great potential."Newkirk says, ''The way that Vinnie Mac had set up the XFL had a lot of promise. Because it doesn't compete directly with football, the XFL should draw not only wrestling fans, but football fans as well. Vinnie Mac also promises faster action, looser rules, and fan participation; i.e., adding the attitude that has made wrestling
Cruising down Residential Boulevard
by Kristina Geerkenassistant features editor
Long, slender and available in a variety of colors and designs, long boards make performing tricks a challenge. In fact, their size makes it hard to stop the device. It is usually best to jump off or use your foot. Sound exciting?
Shaped like a miniature surfboard, long boarding is another invention for skateboarders, particularly females. At the beach or basically anywhere, long boarding is a way to "surf" on the boardwalk or sidewalk, instead of riding over the waves.
Carefully leaning her long board against her leg, Kelli Romano, a first year student, is a resident long boarder on the winding roads of Cabrini'ss Residential Boulevard.
Proudly displaying her board, Romano explained that long board skateboards are sometimes hard to find.
"I would say that they are hard to come across. Your best bet would be surf shops by the beach," Romano said, while toying with one of the wheels of her long board.
"In fact, my board is custom made by Tony Hawk, a pro skater, and some of his colleagues."
Romano's interest in long board skateboarding originated while she was hanging
by Kristina Geerken
out with some friends that use traditional skateboards.
"One day, I just got onto a board, pushed off with my other foot and just cruised. It was the best!" Romano exclaimed.
Red, with four wheels and an intricate Hawaiian floral design at the tail, Romano's long board has cruised along all over.
Without a trace of doubt in her voice, Romano declared that the beach was the best place to be when long boarding. According to Romano, it is a great way to cruise.
"Long boarding is basically skate boarding for females. Although some boys may use them, boys often prefer smaller skateboards," Romano explained.
Since the long board is not as compact as a short skateboard, it makes it somewhat difficult to jump around and perform daring feats.
"I just have fun riding around." Romano intends to continue long boarding. She recommends it to guys and girls alike, especially in a place without many hills.
At left, Kelli Romano, a first year student, poses with her longboard outside Woodcrest while she recovers from knee surgery.
popular to a traditional sport. This is a very gutsy move with the potential to be a huge success."
Timing for the XFL season is ideal for capturing a following. "When the Super Bowl ends, just when interest in football is at its pinnacle, the XFL season will kick off, culminating in April with a championship game," McMahon said. For every question, McMahon seems to have an answer creating the strong possibility that this new league will gain a substantial following. McMahon is considering changing the rules of football for the new league so that the game never lasts over three hours, as well as more significant changes such as allowing receivers and running backs to move on the snap of the ball.
Whether this new edge to football is effective and will be successful, only time can tel1. Many are skeptical, in the face of this challenge, McMahon said, "I love it. I love the long odds, absolutely. That's what I'm all about in my life. Everyone is skeptical... I don't care what they say because the public understands." McMahon has many fans who might just come through for him making the XFL successful and very profitable.