1 minute read
Construction booms in Phila as GOP nears
by Joe Holden and Stephanie Rose Masucci editor in chief/managing editor
Philadelphia has been shifted into the national spotlight due to the Republican National Convention, which will be in town on August I.
The convention will push the city into political prominence that it hasn't enjoyed since a dis- needed to the late I960s. host the large crowds the convenPhiladelphia has been preparing tion traditionally draws. The for this event since it was offi- convention center has over 1.3 cially named the host for the con- million square feet of space availvention. The city able, making it the second largest was considered to be a major center in the Northeast. contender for the convention Construction has become upon completion of the First prevalent throughout the region, Union Center and the Pennsylva- mostly concentrated in Center nia Convention Center, pictured City. Construction is nearly comlower left, giving the city the as- pleted on the Penn's Landing
A major element for the city to be able to host a convention of such prominence is the availability of hotel rooms easily accessible to the convention sites.
A Marriot Hotel at 15th and Arch streets, Center City, pictured below right, recently opened giving the area muchneeded accomodations' space.
Besides the overwhelming amount of work being do!le to get the city in top shape for the GOP, Peco Energy has launched a project increasing the electrical capacity of the South Philadel- at cost of over $ I million. The increased electrical service will allow for more dynamic and energy-intensive light and sound systems.
I 0,000 volunteers and officers from Pennsylvania, New York and New Jersey will be assisting city workers and officials to avoid any mishaps. They are prepared to handle the worst-case scenarios and have staged terrorist attacks to make sure they are ready to handle the large numbers expected.