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Police yield to_protesters, city gains recognition

by Joe Holden editor in chief

The Philadelphia Police Department was prepared for any number of situations that could have occurred during the Republican National Convention held in the city from July 30 to Aug. 4. The police were armed with special weaponry and devices made to handle the simplest out-of-order demonstration all the way up to a devastating catastrophe. The force even had training to learn how to handle the class of protesters that often show up at large political gatherings, such as the convention.


With the city in the national and world spotlight and its reputation at stake, Police Commissioner John Timoney and Mayor John Street were not about .. take any chances or take anything for granted. The city did not release figures on the amount of officers it had working overtime to maintain safety throughout Center City, but it did release an estimated overtime bill of $5 million.

Monday, July 31, protesters and demonstrators did not wait long to get out and be heard. Protesters numbering in the thousands converged upon city hall at about noon and began to march down South Broad Street. Protesters walked in the south-bound lanes leaving a mess of tied-up traffic in their wake. The protesters marched peacefully under the blazing afternoon sun touting rights for the homeless and the under privileged in the nation. The protesters' plan was march to the First Union Center, 35 blocks from city hall.

Timoney reported that the group organizing the event did not have the city permit required to have that large of a group gathered on city property. Even if the group did have a permit, it does not give any holder the right to march down a major city artery holding up traffic at every intersection along the route, according to city services. The route of the demonstration was three and a half miles and the commissioner allowed the group to continue marching to the sports complex in lieu of the close examination by the American Civil Liberties Union and nationwide scrutiny following earlier questions of police brutality in the beginning of July. Police presence was unwavering to the myriad of demonstrators and dealt with the situation in a calm and composed manner.

Many city streets are very narrow and one way with traffic plaguing them during every rush hour. The consequences of the march being allowed to continue separated Center City in two with Broad Street acting as the line of demarcation. The march concluded in the late afternoon hours leaving police officials with questions as to what the remainder of the week would hold.

Tuesday, Aug. 1, the police were not as tolerant with the protesters and demonstrators as the previous day. Protesters blocked major city streets throughout Center City just as evening rush hour was dawning. Arch and Race streets and the streets bounding city hall were impassable as demonstrations popped up throughout the city.

The 16th street on ramp to the Vine Street was completely blocked. Protesters chained themselves to one another and formed a blockade across city streets. The chain was concealed in piping. In all of the cases, police utilized the bicycle patrol and its skills with crowd control. The bicycles aided the police in steadying themselves against the protesters without having to use physical contact. The protesters were pushed back by a police chain of bicycles and arrests were made in all of the incidents. The individuals were charged with civil disorder.

At 43rd street and Haverford Avenue, police surrounded a warehouse that was reported to have been making puppets and constructing materials to impede police response. Police arrested an estimated 300 people and charged them with misdemeanor counts.

Peaceful demonstrations were held on Wednesday, August 2. Most of the protesters were now angered at the city for having arrested the individuals from the previous day. The police depart- ment released a statement saying that if the jailed protesters identified themselves, they would be released. Many of the protesters did not comply.

Due to the many protests and police action the previous day, the national spotlight focused on the outside and the protests just as much as the focus was on the convention. News media waited outside police headquarters all day while protesters stood 100 feet on the opposite side of the street. Police presence was thick with a bicycle patrol numbering more than 70 officers, a cruiser patrol with police officials and a mounted patrol with several horses.

Police did not release a small amount of those who had been arrested until late Aug. due to their unwillingness to supply identification. The Phila. Police Department received distinguished praise from around the country for its handling of the protesters and its overall utilization of officers to create a safe environment.

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