Oct. 12, 2000 issue 05 Loquitur

Page 6

Debutante to poverty to sainthood

Katharine Drexel, noted for her heroic virtue in helping the Native and African American peoples and foundress of the Sisters of the Blessed Sacrament, was raised to the church's highest honor, sainthood, on October 1. The church ruled that Drexel was ref,. sponsible for two miracles, paving the way for her canonization. Drexel gave up over $20 million to aid the less fortunate and construct and staff countless numbers of educational institutions.

Story on page 2

C a b r I n I C 0 1 1 e g e Vol. XLVII, No. 5 Thursday, October 12, 2000
Radnor, PA 19087
photo courtesy of the Sisters of the Blessed Sacrament

Drexelcanonizeda saint, was taught to share with poor

Katharine Mary Drexel, a woman who was born into a home of wealth, power and privilege and sacrificed all of it to help the poor of the country, was canonized a saint on Oct. 1 by Pope John Paul II. An estimated 80,000 pilgrims from around the world witnessed the conferring of sainthood upon Drexel and 122 other persons from three continents. The cereQ1ony,which took place in Saint Peter's Square, Vatican City, was held despite the uncooperative rainy weather. The rain failed to dampen the spirits of the crowd. The canonization ceremony began at 10 a.m. Roman time, 4 a.m. Philadelphia time. Bells pealed at the Saint Katharine Drexel Shrine, Bensalem, Pa., celebrating the beginning of the end of the long and stringent cause for sainthood in spite of the early morning hour. 'The canonization gripped you and you were very much aware of what was happening as the pope declared Blessed Katharine Drexel, Saint Katharine Drexel," Sister Ruth Catherine Spain MBS, Saint Katherine Drexel Guild

director, said.

Born Nov. 26, 1858, Drexel was one of three children to Francis A. Drexel, Hannah Langstroth Drexel and later Emma Bouvier Drexel. Hannah Drexel died four weeks after the birth of Katharine Drexel.

Drexel's father shared the ownership of an international banking empire. Both her mother and stepmother came from prestigious backgrounds.

The Drexels were humble members of the Philadelphia high society. They made generous contributions to charities and taught their children that the money that they had was a gift from God to be shared with the less fortunate. Drexel's mother opened her home three days a week to personally attend to the poor and to have her daughters know the poor.

The three sisters learned that message well. All three made contributions to society for the remainder of their lives building schools and showing affection to the needy.

Drexel's parents died within two years of each other leaving her and her two sisters an estimated $14 million. Two Catholic missionaries from the Bureau of Catholic Indian Missions solicited the Drexel sisters'

support of the missions. Drexel empathetically responded by going to Rome and requesting a private audience with Pope Leo XIII in 1887. She pleaded for him to send more missionary priests to the Indian missions. The pope responded to her plea with the question "Why, my child. don't you yourself become a missionary?" Drexel contemplated the pope's suggestion as it stirred up confusion with what direction she wanted her life to go. She had thought about becoming a nun but was chided by family friend and Omaha Bishop James O'Connor.

Following a visit to the Indian missions in the Midwest, Drexel witnessed the mission's need for monetary support. Drexel's contributions financed the building of 13 mission schools and their staffing within four years. In 1889, following spiritual advice from O'Connor, Drexel decided that she was going to give her life to God and to the Native and African Americans by creating an order of religious. O'Connor asked that the Sisters of Mercy in Pittsburgh train her for religious life in the fall of 1889. In the spring of 1890, Drexel was dealt a hard blow upon the death of O'Connor, her biggest supporter. Philadelphia Archbishop Patrick J. Ryan volunteered to assume the position of Drexel's spiritual adviser. On Feb. 12, 1891, Drexel professed her vowels as the first Sister of the Blessed Sacrament for African and Native American peoples.

During Drexel's time as a novice, she purchased a 60-acre site in Bensalem, Pa. She accepted 10 novices and three postulants to novitiate of the order. At the end of the first year, the community had 21 members. In 1894, at the advice of Ryan, the sisters opened a boarding school in Santa Fe, N.M In the years following, and with the help of her sisters, Drexel constructed and staffed schools for the African and Native Americans throughout the country. By 1942, Drexel had established Catholic school systems in 13 states for African Americans, though she often met much resistance from prejudiced whites of the south.

During her missionary years, Drexel sought to develop a rule of life for the Sisters of the Blessed Sacrament. While visiting with Drexel, then Mother Frances Cabrini advised her to go to the Vatican

City and wait for the pope's approval of the order. Drexel realized Cabrini's wisdom and what could have taken five to 10 years took only four months while Drexel waited in Rome in 1907. Upon Drexel's return to Philadelphia, the community elected her superior general. One of Drexel's most notable achievements was her founding of Xavier University in New Orleans, which received its charter in 1925.

The tremendous amount of work that Drexel placed upon herself dealt her a severe heart attack in the fall of 1935 that led to her retirement from the order's superior. For 20 years, Drexel spent her days and nights in continuous prayer. On March 3, 1955, Drexel passed away, but her spirit and the work of the order has not rested. In November 1988, Pope John Paul II declared her beatified for having demonstrated heroic virtue in her lifetime. The second of two miracles needed for final consideration for sainthood came in 1996. Amy Walls, a second grader from Holland, Pa., was cured of a hearing impairment with no medical cause.

"Kate gave up every penny of over $20 million to the less fortunate. She gave her whole self to God," Spain

said. "She lived like a pauper. Mother Katharine used pencils down to the last inch, mended all of her clothing and made and remade her shoes over a doz.en times." According to Spain, Drexel saw Christ in every person. "The Eucharist was the heart, soul and core of her focus. The pilgrims from the Archdiocese of Phila. assembled in the Cathedral of Saint Paul, Rome, for a Mass of Thanksgiving for Saint Katharine Drexel. 'The Mass of Thanksgiving was overwhelming, a religious and spiritual experience. It was hard not to have tears in your eyes," Spain said. "Men and women were crying, an electrifying and triumphant experience lifting you up and inspiring you."

The Shrine to Saint Katharine Drexel includes many of her personal effects. Drexel's body is entombed in the crypt under the chapel. 1be shrine receives an estimated 3,000 visitors each month. Over 8,000 people visited Oct. I, theday of the canonization. "If we learn to accept each other as children of God, how different the world would be," Spain said. 'The world was different for African and Native Americans because of this woman."

2 NEWS Thursday, October 12, 2000
photo courtesy of the Sisters of the Blessed Sacrament Katharine Drexel at age seven at her home in Philadelphia. photo courtesy of the Sisters of the Blessed Sacrament Katharine Drexel pictured with her step sister Louise Morrell and Morre/l's dogs. Along with Drexel, Morrell donated large sums of money to the needy.

Amnesty International takes part in First Monday 2000

First Monday 2000 started off with a bang on Monday, Oct. 2 as the next major anti-gun event after the Million Mom March.

Coordinated by Alliance for J ustice and Physicians for Social Responsibility, anti-gun violence events were held in more than 300 colleges and other organizations and every major city across the country.

First'Monday 2000 was launched in July by Janet Reno in an event in Washington, D.C.

"October 2 will be an unprecedented day of action to stop gun violence in this country," Alliance for Justice President Nan Aron said. "We are going to put a human face on the tragedy of gun violence and remind Americans that, without responsible gun laws, every one of us is at risk. We intend to launch a mobilization so massive that politicians simply can't ignore it."

Cabrini's branch of Amnesty International set up events on campus to force the campus to see the effects of gun violence.

Did you sit down in the cafeteria for dinner at a chair marked with a statistic on gun violence? If so you represented one of the 89 people

The chalk outlines were drawn around campus by Amnesty International to remind everyone about gun violence. The outlines read, "12 kids die everyday from gun violence in the U.S."

who die each day from gun violence in America.

Maybe you noticed one of the 12 chalk outlines around campus. They represented the 12 children that die each day as a result of gun violence.

The members of Amnesty Inter-

national also held an event on campus called ''Ballots not Bullets," offering students an opportunity to register or find out infonnation on how to get absentee ballots.

"I was very pleased with the results of First Monday because we registered over 25 individuals to

vote in Pennsylvania and handed out various information concerning absentee ballots and registration in other states," Melissa Shannon, Amnesty organizer said.

"I was also happy that people stopped by our table to discuss gun control issues. It is a very relevant

topic to us as college students. Hopefully we'll be doing more with this in the future."

If you are interested in being a part of Amnesty International, you can call Melissa at (610) 9028798.

Recent forum focuses on 'the selling of the president'

Election Day is only a month away and in order to help students and faculty understand a little more about the election, a forum was held on the "Selling of the President." In order for the President to be sold, the most important thing is to know what the public wants.

The first humanities forum for the 20002001 school year was held in the Grace Hall Board Room on Tuesday, Oct. 3 from 3:15 p.m. until 4:30 p.m. Dr. James Hedtke, associate professor of history and political science, was the moderator of the forum, while three professors had 15 minutes to offer their expertise on different aspects in the way that the candidates are being sold.

According to Hedtke, the 2000 presidential election is turning out to be a "statistical dead heat" and also the most expensive election in history, so it is very crucial how

the candidates are presented in such situations as the recent debates.

Ruby Remley, assistant professor of business administration, spoke about the marketing of the candidates. According to Remley, the most important aspect of marketing the candidate is to understand what the public wants. The way this is done is by reading polls, such as the Gallup poll and polls on NBC and CNN. Then, the candidate must create a package of services and goods, according to what people want, and present the package using the media, such as television, telephone and email.

The four P's, according to Remley, are also important. They are Product, Price, Place and Promotion. These are all important in marketing the candidate to the appropriate audience using the media.

Remley encourages everyone to become informed voters. ''Listen carefully, analyze the infonnation, read the newspaper and understand where the candidates stand

on issues to use in deciding on who to vote for," Remley said.

Cathy Yungmann, associate professor of communication, spoke on the image making of the candidates. ''The most information that we get about the candidates is from television," Yungmann said.

Yungmann showed a clip of an appearance of Republican candidate, George W. Bush. Flags were positioned behind him, as were police officers. This shows him to be very patriotic and that he cares about the law.

In a similar appearance by Democratic candidate, Al Gore, flags were also positioned behind him and he was wearing earth tones, which according to Yungmann, made him seem more human.

"Being conscious of the stage and setting will form opinions by the audience based on such things," Yungmann said.

Harvey Lape, instructor of philosophy, focused on the advertising of the candidates. According to Lape, there is no re-

quirement to tell the truth. The advertising is meant to persuade in different ways. One way is to appeal to hopes, or the audience would make up their minds without thinking about the candidate or their issues. Another way to persuade is to appeal to fear, or attempting the audience to vote for a candidate by scaring them. Another way of persuasion is by using subliminal advertising by using such phrases as "you deserve it."

"Most advertising is morally objectionable," Lape said. "It's more important, however, to have the image."

An issue brought up at the conclusion of the forum was how students get their views on the issues that the candidates are supporting and not supporting. Most of the influence comes from parents and television. In order to win the votes from the youth, candidates will most likely appear on shows like late night talk shows or MTV to give an appearance of youthfulness.

Loquitur NEWS 3
photo by Matt Holmes

Family Weekend offers activities for paa,ents,siblings

Family Weekend is almost here. The weekend, which is open to all spouses, siblings and parents of students, will take place from Friday, Oct. 13 to Sunday Oct. 15. There are many events planned for the whole family.

The opening event, a high energy musical performance called "Up With People" is for all ages. It will be held in the Dixon Center Friday evening at 7 p.m. On Saturday, there will be 1·2hours of planned events beginning with a Keynote address given by Dr. James Hedtke, chair of history and political science. The lecture, which will be held from 9 to 10 a.m. in the Grace Hall Boardroom, will also include a mock election and a continental breakfast. The event, which is for parents, will have Family Weekend information available as well.

Following the lecture, a second continental breakfast will be offered for the whole family. It will be free to parents and siblings. However, students will need to use their meal cards.

For people who enjoy sports, there will be two events. The Cabrini Volleyball Classic will take place in the Dixon Center from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. and a men's soccer game will be held on the lower athletic field from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m.

Other afternoon events include the Dean's List Ceremony from 11 a.m. to noon in the Grace Hall Atrium, interactive tours from 10 a.m. to noon, which depart from the Dixon Center and a carnival which is from noon to 4 p.m. The carnival will include food, games, vendors and music. There will also be a Mass held in the Brockmann Chapel of St. Joseph from 4:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m.

There are two more events on Saturday

that are especially for parents. The first is an "Open House." Here parents can meet the college president, Dr. Antoinette Iadarola, and her cabinet. It will be held in the president's hospitality suite at the Dixon Center. There will be coffee, tea and desserts offered. The second event is the president's cocktail reception for parents. This will be held in the mansion foyer from 6 p.m to 7 p.m.

A dinner will be held for all in the Mansion dining room at 7 p.m. The cost is $19 per adult and $12 per child (12 years old and younger). However, unlike in the past, students will not have to pay for this dinner. Attire is dressy casual and the menu is an international buffet. It will consist of Italian, soul food, Chinese and Spanish cuisine. Families were to R.S.V.P. by Oct. 1 if they wanted to attend.

Following the dinner, there will be a homecoming dance at 9 p.m. It will take

place on the mansion lawn, rain or shine, because it will be under a tent. Here the mock election results will be announced and a king and queen will be crowned. Sunday will start off with a breakfast for parents of first-year students from 9 a.m. to 10:45 a.m. in the Mansion dining room. There will also be a breakfast held for everyone in the dining hall from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. This is called the "Festive Breakfast."

It will be free to family members but students must use their meal cards. The concluding event of the weekend is the "One Sky, One World Kite Festival for World Peace.' This will take place from noon to 4 p.m. on the upper athletic field.

Bridget Baxter, the coordinator of student activities, said, "I really think it's going to be fun this year. The fact that we're covering costs will be good for the students because normally they would have to pay for the dinner."

AIDS Walk to provide funds for organizations in Phila

In association with Campus Ministry and the Peer Educators, Cabrini will be participating in Philadelphia's annual AIDS Walk on Sunday, Oct. 15.

The college encourages all students, faculty, alumni and families to participate in this year's walk, which will begin and end at Eakins Oval in front of the Philadelphia Art Museum.

The AIDS walk will help fund organizations in the Philadelphia area that provide community education, outreach and direct care services to the estimated 30,000 people who are HIV infected.

Cabrini has been represented at this eight-mile walk for the past six years. Many of the past participants find the walk very satisfying.

"You meet a lot of new people who are older than you and who are in wheelchairs," Erin Lally, a sophomore, said. "After you finish the walk you feel like you accomplished something for yourself and for someone else," Lally said.

'It is exciting to see all the different groups with their signs and to see the big cross-section that exists across the Delaware Valley;' Mary Laver, campus minister, said.

This year the walk falls on family weekend. Laver encourages the students to bring their families along.

Anyone who is interested in participating can sign up in the Campus Ministry office or they can con-

When perspective walkers sign up they will receive a sponsor sheet and asked to go out into the community and seek donations.

Campus Ministry will provide the transportation, but they ask for additional drivers due to the amount of walkers. Last year 35 walkers participated. The group will leave the Widener Center parking lot at 8:30 a.m. and will return after the walk is over at around l:30p.m.


tact Amy Hulbert, peer educator,extension 3128 or Campus Ministry affiliateErin Lally, extension 8694.

Laver encourages the community to wear their Cabrini gear, bring their roller blades and to bring their friends.

She also wants to remind people that they don't have to walk. 'They can run, skip, bring their roller

blades or pogo sticks, it doesn't matter," Laver said.

According to Lally, if people can't make the eight miles, there are tables, music and poop-out vans along the route.

However, Laver is quick to interrupt: "The Cabrini team has a reputation of making all eight miles."

The group accepts late entries and Laver points out, "We welcome people to show up on the day of the race, they just have to look for our number, which is number 688." deciding upon the decision of whether to walk or not to walk just remember what Laver reminds everyone, "This walk reflects what Cabrini is, education of the heart."

4 NEWS Thursday, October 12, 2000
"After you finish the walk, you feel like you accomplished something for yourself and for someone else"
Lally, sophorrwre
• Delaware Valley Regional Job Fair, 11 a.m.-5 p.m., Valley Forge Convention Center • Family Weekend • Family Weekend •Carnival, Noon-4 p.m., The Commons • AIDS Walk • One Sky, One World Kite Festival, Noon-4 p.m., Upper Athletic Field • National Collegiate Alcohol Awareness Week • National Collegiate Alcohol Awareness Week • Bruckmllbnrh~l of St. J~ -g• N"Admi~f!llti'egt'dte 1 Alcohol Awareness Week • Workshop, Developing Your Resume, 3:10 p.m., Grace Hall, Board Room ---- - --• Mass, 7 p.m., Brockmann Chapel of St. Joseph • Concerto Soloists, 8 p.m.,

College and University News

Georgetown University

Every Georgetown student knows "The Steps." Those 97 stone steps which lead from Prospect Street down to M Street.

Prior to 1973, they were called the "Hitchcock Steps," named after the famous suspense author. However, a Georgetown movie changed horror cinema, and they are now called the "Exorcist Steps."

Georgetown University graduate William Peter Blatty's, "The Exorcist" hit theaters again. There is twelve more minutes of original footage, remastered sound and new sound effects.

University of Pennsylvania

The University of Pennsylvania is one of four schools that has not responded to the request to ban the use of Napster on their campuse_s.Out of 29 universities, Penn, Boston U., Columbia and Harvard have all remained silent about what their decision will be.

Many in the music industry feel that they are losing money from this service and breaking serious copyright infringement laws. Since the matter of whether or not Napster is legal is still under review by the U.S. 9th Circuit Court of Appeals, it is still available to those whose who choose not to ban it.

New York University

New York University claims that they have squashed the bug in the NYU Home system. Programmers say that it still may be hidden within the system. Presumably, the bug would allow someone to send and receive e-mails under someone else's e-mail account.

The core programmers were suspended and are under investigation for misuse of NYU computing resources. The firing and resignations have slowed the switch from the old system to the new one. Only 6,000 out of 40,000 have been switched.

Emporia Sate University

Banned book week wa the week of Sept. 23-30. The week-long awareness is in its 19th consecutive year.

Some of the books which have been subject of controversy includes books such as, 'Tue Adventures of Huckleberry Finn," 'Tue Catcher in the Rye" and "I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings."

Just recently ad4ed to the banned book list is 'The Harry Potter" series, because of its references to magic.

The dean of teachers at Emporia State, Tes Mehring, said, 'Tue more books we ban the difficult it is for the teachers to find replacement books with the same material."

University of Minnesota

For the first time ever, University of Minnesota students and faculty can avoid crowded computer labs. They have an option other than the expensive cost of owning your own computer.

Fifty laptop computers will be available for check-out for as little as $3.50 per day. They will be equipped with wireless Internet access, CD-ROM, word processor and data spreadsheets.

The wireless Internet is called Hubinstalled and it acts as a radio frequency device to give instant Internet access.

Back to Vietnam: a Veteran Returns 30 Years Later Richard Lieb

Marine Corps major and now president of SEI Investment Services

Join him as he reflects:

-on his time at Duke University as one of only two students in his entire class who are Vietnam vets

-on his experience in Vietnam in 1970 & 1971

-on his thoughts and feeling upon returning this past spring.

Lieb was part of a U.S. delegation of prominent Vietnam veterans, now business leaders, who returned to establish a computer center at Hanoi University.

Loquitur NEWS 5
photo by Joe Holden
Hall Board Room Call ext. 8360 for further info .......... "' .....
New lights were installed on campus last week to help brighten the areas that are too dark at night like outside of the Widener Center across from Grace Hall.
Tuesday, Oct. 17 4:30-5:30 Grace


lt.u • ,:,v,1


The Philadelphia Shakespeare Festival opens its 2000-2001 season with William Shakespeare's play "Romeo and Juliet." Tazewell Thompson directs the play.

"For me. Romeo and Juliet is a simple love story that is passionate and explosive - and the poetry of the play truly captures the juicy, hot Italian world of Verona. Exploring this volcanic story in the intimacy of the Festivals theatre space will enhance the tremendous passion I hope to pull from this combustible play,'' Thompson said. -

"Rome. and Juliet" performances begin October 11 and run through November 19,2000 at 2111 Sansom Street. "Free Willy" is another play that begins at the Sansom theatre on October 13. 2000. Regular performance times are Wednesday at 7 p.m., Thursday- Saturday at 8 p.m. and Sundays at 2 p.m. Ticket prices are $22 general admission and $ I 5 for seniors and students. Group rates are available. Call The Philadelphia Festival Box Office at 215-496-8001 for more information.


~leased Oct.

• "Lost Souls'" is a thriller starring Winona Ryder and Ben Chaplin. The premise is a young woman becomes aware of a conspiracy to enable the Devil to walk the earth in human form. She must convince a crime journalist, who is devoid of faith to believe in and defeat this prophecy.

• "One" (not rated) is a dramatic story of two young men whose friendship deteriorates as their lives take different directions. The movie stars Kane Picoy, Jason Cairns, Autumn Macintosh, Paul Herman and Ed Lynch.

• 'The Ladies Man" (comedy) is the story of Leon Phelps, known suitably as The Ladies Mao, who hosts a popular late-night radio call-in show dispensing advice on affairs of the heart. After being ejected from his job for one too may vulgar and inappropriate comments. Leon goes on to find "True Love." She will give him her heart and her money. All Leon has to do is find her. The Ladies Manstars Tim Meadows

• ·•or. T and The Women" (comedy and romance) is a movie starring Richard Gere, Farrah Fawcet and Helen Hunt. Dr. Sullivan is overwhelmed by the women is his life. It seems as if all the women in Dr. T's life swirl around him in a dizzying comedic blur. The movie is reviewed as a funny, bizarre film with plenty of surprises.


Ttrl1rmeased Oct. -tr,-tifJ()()

"Batman Beyond: Return of the Joker'' Original Soundtrack

''Charlie'sAngels'' Original Soundtrack

''Fresno Smith" Original Soundtrack

"Add Insultto Injury"Add N to X


''Chocolate Starftsb and the Hot Dog Flavored Water'' Limp Bizkit

''I Guess Sometimes I Need to Be Reminded of How Much I " Magnetopbone

''Our Aim is to Please Red Snapper" Red Snapper

"Bedlam Ballroom" Squirrel Nut Zippers


_ staff writer

The famous head-spinning and demon -possessing film that scared our parents in the 70's is back.

If you were expecting a whole new and updated version of the "Exorcist," then the "Version you've never seen" will make you sadly surprised. Director William Friedkin's new cut of the 1973 fright-flick classic contains only 11 minutes of extra footage added to the original.

The movie begins with a little girl named Regan, played by Linda Blair, who all of a sudden starts acting very strange. Her movie-star mom, played by Ellen Burstyn, visits numerous doctors to help her child. However, the doctors feel young Regan has the signs of hyper- activity disorder. When they finally realize that Regan's problems are more bizarre they look for help in a higher power. Given no other recourse, Regan's mother seeks out the help of the Catholic Church to perform an exorcism. An exorcism is an attempt to revoke an evil sprit from a person's

body. Jason Miller and Max von Sydow play the two priests who spend several grueling hours trying to remove the demons out of the child's soul.

The only significant differences between the original and new cut version is the addition of longer hospital scenes and the earnest doctor offering an unexpected prescription of Ritalin.

Junior Tina Hadley said of her reaction to the film, "I thought the film was actually comical at some parts. Some of the vulgar comments that the little girl was making were priceless."

I personally felt that $8 was too much money to spend on 11 minutes of uninspiring "new" footage. It seemed obvious to me the only reason those scenes laid untouched for 27 years was because they added little to the story line. They were not effective in portraying the horror of the situation.

My advice to you is to make it a Blockbuster night.

Can't give up ttne gtnost

_ a & e editor

Call him John, Jack or Jake depending on his drink of brandy, bourbon or wine but one thing's for sure, John Barrymore, legendary actor of the famous Barrymore clan, is dead. Stone dead, for 64 years, after a turbulant life of booze, women and the hereditary robe of the American theater.

Jason Miller, Academy Award Nominated Actor for 'The Exorcist" and Pulitzer Prize and Tony Award Winner for "That Championship Season," donned Barrymores skin for a performance in the play, "Barrymore's Ghost," that he himself wrote, directed and starred in. The play gave the audience a first hand account of Barrymores greatest addiction; fame.

Miller, portraying the ghost of Barrymore, transforms himself and his stage into a lifetime of a man who had surrendered his destiny to the narcotics of an actors life, ushering all into the "abyss of bis broken brain" with firsthand accounts of a Barrymore past.

It was scarily easy to believe that Miller truly was John Barrymore seated upon that couch, smoke curling from a number of cigarettes that laced his fingers throughout the night. While the play is no longer running, Theater Double hosts a variety of shows for theater enthusiasts.

For more information, call 215-557-9421

Theater Double Mainstage

1619 Walnut Street Philadephia Pa 19103

A&E Thursday, October 12, 2000
photo courtesy of Theater Double Jason Miller breathes new life into the role of John Barrymore


Imagine spending a year of your life continent hopping, traveling the world, gaining a wealth of knowledge, experience and self-discovery. "Up With People" is an organization that welcomes students from all around the globe to do just this.

Maurius Bachcfner, 20, is from Switzerland. "This year is for me. I just

staff writer wanted to leave everything behind and have a new life," Bachcfner said.

This non-profit organization consists of roughly 140 students ranging from the ages of 17 to 25 and about 20 staff members, all of whom come from 23 different countries. Together they embark on a life-altering expedition.

At each location that "Up With People" visits, they perform a show. At the end of their yearlong experience, as a group they will have performed over 100 shows. The performers need no specialized talent. Everyone sings and dances. Everyone participates. The conflict between different cultural backgrounds are acted out through dialogue, song and dancing. The show changes every two or three years. This year's performance is entitled "A Common Beat." ,

"A Common Beat" stands for the beat of a drum, namely music and the beat of the heart, signifying humanity. Through music, a universal language, people come together.

"It is so amazing and exciting. When I watched it I cried four times. It had people out of their chairs and dancing,"

The Red Cloud Coffee

Meghan Riley said. Riley, 18, is a part of the organization. She delayed her first year of college to take part in this once-in-a-lifetime adventure.

The cast consists of four groups. The groups represent Africa, Asia, Europe and the Americas. Whichever group each student is performing with they need to research and learn the cultural background of that group. "All of the girls are supposed to wear their hair down. If you are in the Asia group and want to wear your hair up, you need to study the hairstyles of the Asian culture. You can't just pull up your hair and stick in some chop sticks;' Riley explained. It is all about stimulating your knowledge on cultural differences and backgrounds.

As they venture around the world the students perform various acts of community service. They do anything from painting the fingernails of an elderly woman to painting a mural over a graffiti-defaced wall. While visiting Cabrini, "Up With People" is doing community service at The Don Guanella School.

The students stay with different host families wherever they go. By staying with these families the students share meals, hear family stories and get a better grasp on what the particular culture is all about. They are in great need of host families while they are here at Cabrini.

In some aspects this program reflects a college year. There is a three-week Christmas Break and a five-day Spring Break. Some students can receive anywhere from 16-30 college credits for their participation in the organization. "Up With People" has an educational partnership set up with three colleges: Carroll College in Waukesha, Wis., Queens College in Charlotte, N.C. and Hawaii Pacific University in Honolulu, Hawaii.

"Common Beat" will be performed at Cabrini on Friday,

Oct. 13, at 7 p.m., in the Dixon Center. Cabrini students, parents, faculty and staff will be admitted free if they bring their college ID. Anyone interested in participating in this organization can stay after the show for an interview. Call 610-902-8507, 8496, or 8497 with any questions about "Up With People." You can also visit their website at www.upwithpeople.org.

Culture Fest 2000

Friday-Oct. 13--Up With People 7 p.m. Dixon Center

Wednesday - Oct. 18 - Noon - 9 p.m.

Noon -12:30- Study Abroad - Live Love and Learn about studying in Italy with Professor Massimo Musumeci

12:3 •1:00 - Study Abroad - Hola Spain! Presentedby Juan Carlos Jimenez

3:10-4:30 • Meet and listen to our visitingscholar, Hong Zhao from China who will be giving a lecture on Chinese his• tory and culture.

1:00-3:10 - Ethnic Student Alliance, Latino aand Friends will be hi;>stingfun events.

5:00-5:30 • Cookin~g iub provides samples of Asian cuiine - YUM!

5:30-6:00- Intema nal Prayer Service - Prayers of peace and anks in many languages

6:00-7 :00- Fine Arts Department presents spectacular wood painted vegetables and Wood Food Service creates a \ giant salad for all to enjoy.

9:00- International Bingo.

Thursday OcL 19 at 7p.m. • Ruthie, born in the Philippines and from MTV Real World talks about alcobomm and her culture.

All events will be held in the Atrium unless othenvise noted.

AsymphoniC event


Sunday,Oct. 15 at 2 p.m.

Locatedin GraceHall

Further Information:610-902-8510

On Sunday, Oct 15, the Concerto Soloists Orchestra of Philadelphia, conducted by lgnat Solzhenitsyn, will perform at the Brockmann Chapel of St Joseph at 8 p.m. The ensemble will be performing Joseph Haydn's Symphony No. 88 and Franz Schubert's Symphony No. 9. The event, which contains 37 musicians, is open to the public. Admission is free. "It's educatian .outside of the classroom," Dr. Adeline Bethany, head of the fine arts department, said.

While Classical music may not be very popular around a college campus, Dr. Bethany hopes that if the students attend the event, that it will, "whet their appetite." And this could hold very true. Think about it. If people thought that the Beatles weren't fab when they first came around, what would have become of the world of music? Every type of music in every generation needs to be given a chance.

Because of this, the conductor, Solzhenitsyn, is a man in

his mid 20's, this hopefully will increase the chances of drawing in a younger audience. Dr. Bethany referred to him as a "star in classical music." Solzhenitsyn has performed with many major orchestras, including: Montreal, Philadelphia, Detroit, Cincinnati and more. For a young man he has had plenty of experience.

Both pieces that the ensemble will be performing are highly acclaimed pieces. Many critics see Schubert's Symphony No. 9 as "the proud last sentinel of the Classical Symphony."

For students, friends and family who already have a passion for classical music you will be more than pleased if you attend. And if this is will be your first time experiencing music of this type, let the love affair begin.

For more information contact 610 902 8380 or 610 902 8255

House Proudly Presents Family Weekend Theater Production
ScenesFromRent - Broadway
The Spot - Cabrini'slmprov Troupe
----:- -

Remembering an angel

October is Breast Cancer Awareness month.

Amy and Leslie Oppenheim, a senior and junior here at Cabrini, would like to share their mother's story.

Both sisters are frequently identified as outgoing.

Both are spotted with their tanned faces full of smiles more often than not.

Like any two sisters so close in age, they bicker.

They argue.

Sometimes they even come close to cat fighting.


Like most sisters, they make up afterwards.

They share clothes.

They even share friends.

Unlike most sisters, they have had to endure life's most difficult obstacle. On Aug. 19, 1998, they lost their mother, Carol Samaha Steadman, to breast cancer.

The Oppenheim sisters may argue back and forth about the weekend activities, but ,they travel on their journey together with an unbreakable bond to each other.

Carol Samaha Steadman, a Cabrini graduate of 1974, was first diagnosed with breast cancer in March, 1995. Amy was a junior in high school. Leslie was finishing her junior high career.

"After going through the whole process of chemotherapy, my mom improved. She grew stronger and conquered the disease." Amy recalled.

Steadman, a kindergarten teacher in Ocean Township, returned to work.

'.'Her love for kids was amazing. Teaching made her so happy," Leslie reflected.

About two years later, Carol Steadman started having terrible migraines. When she had an MRI done, the doctors discovered the cancer had spread to her brain.

The radiation started in February, 1998. It ended in July.

Leslie had graduated from high school and was planning on attending the University of Arizona in the fall.

"Irwas the month of July when I withdrew [from the University of Arizona] to stay with my mother and help take care of her," she stated.

A long pause followed.

She hesitated, "We lost her three weeks later."

The following January, Leslie began pack-

ing for her move to Arizona, when she came to Amy and Leslie Oppenheim pose on the bench that was dedicated to their moththe realization it was no longer a move she er, Carol Samaha Steadman, a Cabrini graduate of 1974. wished to make.

"I had grown so close to my family. I didn't want to be so far away from them," she commented.

Instead, Cabrini College called her name.

In addition to her mother graduating from Cabrini, her big sister was already there.

While Amy will be graduating in December with a liberal arts degree, Leslie has followed her mother's path of teaching.

"Amy and I both share in our mother's love for children," she explained. Mr. Litavec, who is Leslie's adviser, was also her mother's adviser at Cabrini.

Leslie commented, "my mother's passion for teaching was infectious. I am proud to be continuing in her footsteps."

The class of 1974 dedicated a bench to Carol Samaha Steadman. It is located by the mansion.

On Sept. 6, her mother's birthday, Leslie gathered a huge bouquet of flowers and placed it softly on her bench.

Although Amy didn't go with her to help, she checked the flowers everyday.

Two weeks after her mother's birthday, the flowers were gone.

Both sisters are grateful to the class of 1974 for dedicating the bench to their mother.

"When I was eight, I came with my mom to Cabrini for a reunion. I remember running through all the rooms of the mansion." She smiled at the memory.

"I walk by the mansion now and I can't believe my mom lived there."

The Oppenheim sisters continue on their journey. They often head home to New Jersey to visit their stepdad, Rick Steadman.

They also stay close to their mother's siblings, Dr. Michael and Steve Steadman and Jeanette Aiken.

"What I miss most about my mother is her generosity. She put everyone before herself. She always made sure Leslie and I were happy," Amy commented.

Both Leslie and Amy sit quietly at the conclusion of the interview.

A soft smile brightens their dark eyes when they glimpse at the pictures of their mother.

Both of their rooms are decorated with figurines, pictures and poems about angels. Leslie catches me glancing at them sprinkled around her room, and her smile broadens.

I exchange the smile and I know. They have their own special angel.

8 FEATURES-------------Th_fil_sd_ay_.~_ro_be_r_12_,_2000_

For many years, popular culture has christened America the "melting pot of the world." Many different ethnic groups have immigrated to this land. The culmination of different cultures has created a diverse society that offers many unique perspectives on ways of life.

Shirley Dixon, coordinator of diversity initiatives, feels th~t the "melting pot concept" does not give the individual ethnicity justice.

"The diversity initiative counsel is trying to move the melting pot concept to the concept of the tossed salad," Dixon said.

Dixon said, "The campus is a lead crystal bowl and each one of us is a veggie." Dixon then explained that

::bo~:~:i;n ~:;;ekece::c:: !t::u~e~~~ty ;;

mesbes each ethnic group together.

Lisa Learner, assistant professor of fine arts, is having her students create a mural with that tossed salad concept.

In order to honor the different cultures that populate the campus and that of society, Dixon is sponsoring many programs throughout the year.

On Thursday, Oct. 19, the faculty book discussion will take place. "Racism 101" by Nikki Giovanni will be read and discussed by a panel.


Jacki Armes is a very busy girl.

Like many college students today, she must juggle the responsibilities of school, sports and work.

"This year we are inviting students to be part of the discussion," Dixon said. In previous years, students I were invited to watch the panel of faculty who discussed the book chosen.

Dixon explained that President Clinton inspired the book reading. "The President of the U.S. bas an initia-1 tive to have a dialogue on campus about race," Dixon said.

In a speech delivered by Clinton entitled, 'The United States: A Nation of Diversity and Promise," be said, I "We will have an opportunity to become the world's first truly multiracial, multiethnic democracy We must ensure that the educational system nurtures the creativity of every American student."

In addition to the book reading, many other programs of diversity will be offered throughout the year.

Natopha Forbes, president of ethnic student alliance, hopes that the club will sponsor a step-show, fashion show and gospelrama.

"In the past couple of years, it wasn't pushed for us to do a lot, but we are trying to get more organized and to give us a name on campus," Nequia Washington, senior member of the ethnic service alliance, said. Diversity Initiatives is offering "Getting Along" for I Cabrini Day.

"It's a multimedia presentation with lecture, video and live voices," Dixon said.

Additionally, the club will sponsor "Cultural Fest 2000" for United Nations Day, "One Human Family Workshop Choir" for Martin Luther King Day and Cultural Kaleidoscope Week in February.

If interested in helping out with any of the above events, contact Natopba Forbes. All members of the Cabrini community are welcome.

Despite this hectic schedule, she is still thoughtful enough to make time for an interview as the chosen Cavalier of the Week.

Armes is a junior and is dual majoring in business and Spanish. "I really took to Spanish since middle school," she explained.

She is also a member of Phi Sigma Iota, the foreign language honor society.

"In November, Phi Sigma Iota will go to the president's house. We have been there .once before and it was really nice," Armes said

She chose to major in business also because she is an organized person, and that is one skill needed in the business world. Armes is happy with both departments. She feels that,"the teachers here are great."

If being a double major and an honor student was not enough, Armes is also the pitcher for Cabrini's women's softball team.

"I've been playing since I was 9 and I love it," exclaimed Armes. When mentioning the softball team, she becomes enthusiastic and it becomes apparent that she is especially excited about the future of the team.

Concerning this year's team she added,"We have such a strong team this year. We have some really good freshman that came in."

Jacki credits her involvement with softball as helping her to manage her time more effectively. "I am really organized, and I know what I have to do."

One major influence in her softball game that bas stayed with her throughout the years is what she learned from her 16-and-under coach.

"Mr. Jacovino taught me so much. I still remember things that be taught me. He knew me well and he worked with me."

The recent housing situation has not affected Jacki much since she commutes from Haverford everyday. She

is content to be a commuter since she still has her own room.

"It's the best of both worlds-I don't have to put up with the dorm life," Armes adds.

With all of these activities going on, it is hard for Jacki to find time for much else.

"My time is split between softball, school and work. It's bard but I somehow get it done:·

The future looks just as bright for Jacki as does her present.

After graduating in 2002, she would like to enroll in an area law school. Ideally, she would want to combine her talents and interests by specializing in sports and entertainment law.

Law school should not be that difficult for a person with a schedule as hectic as this week's Cavalier's is now.

photo courlesy of Shirley Dixon Photo taken by Laura Glvey Annes, known as "the tenninator" to her teammates, dons her softball uniform proudly.

The editorials, viewpoints, opinions and letters to the editor published in Loquitur are the views of the student editorial board and the individual writers, not the entire student body or the faculty and administration.


Up with getting the word out

Up WithPeople,a musically talented cast representing 25 different countries, will be performing "A Common Beat" in the Dixon Center tomorrow at 7 p.m. The group performs songs and dances from four global culture groups emphasizing the values of the student program international exchange: youth, energy, spectacle, experiential learning, global service and the universal hope for peace. The group is responsible for securing host families within the Radnor area for 150 cast members ranging from age 18 to 26. The overall response on behalf of the student community to the host-family housing hasn't been well received, which leaves the question, "Are the student of Cabrini College passive and not caring?"

The college did a poor job of getting infonnation released on the need for host families. Students were not aware that they might be asked to help provide housing until a couple of weeks ago. Because of this oversight on the school's behalf, the staff of Up With Peoplehas labeled the students as being passive individuals. Not only does the school fail to notify the students of important policy changes, but now it is contributing to making the student body look apathetic and passive. However, is it Up With People'sresponsibility to remind us, the students, that we are often passive and thick-skinned to important issues? According to past events that the college has either sponsored or has taken part in, student participation has been above that of other area schools, according to sponsors of popular school events. The Hunger andJiomeless campaign receives regional attention from the media for active students' support, as does the AIDS Walk. When it comes to impo\tant global issues, Cabrini students are vocal and supportive of whatever cause may be at hand It is not proper etiquette to be visiting and searching for I 50 beds while proclaiming the so-called ignorance of the local school students.

With the current overcrowding of the college residences, how many more bodies can be squeezed into the dorm rooms? The college administration adopted policies banning opposite-sex overnight guests. How can the college expect us to openly welcome visitors when we cannot even choose who our own guests can be? "A Common Beat" would be a wonderful experience where students were able to meet international students if the administration had not changed the rules so drastically and simply left the students uninformed

Students' schedules are anything but open and free for added activity. With the rapid approach of mid-terms, what time would be left for studying over the course of this weekend? The college press release states that host families are supposed to allow the cast member the opportunity to learn and share in the world's cultural diversity. How is that possible amid juggling class schedules, homework, activities, athletics and other random events that students find themselves doing?

There is a tremendous amount of talent coming to campus this weekend The show promises to be an amazing event and one not to miss. It is unfortunate that the college fell flat on its face in the process of getting the word out, or should it say, ''not getting the word out" It is the college's fault that there has been little interest in the need to support international students with housing. Prove the college wrong and attend Up WithPeople's''A Common Beat."

Tickets: Slippery when wet

would ever see a concfrt in such a large arena.

I waited by the days, looking every so often on ticketmaster.com, to find out when the tickets would go on sale. Just a few days before, I found out that they went on sale, this past Saturday, Oct. 7 at 10:00 a.m.

I've always been a fan of music, but my concert experience has been quite limited. So for the first time in a long time, I heard of a concert that I was extremely excited about. I heard a few weeks ago that Bon Jovi was coming to Philly for their first concert tour in several years.

Do you know how long I've been a fan of Bon Jovi? Probably since about 2nd grade during the "Livin' on a Prayer" days, over 15 years. That's 4/5 of my life. Pretty long to wait to see someone play live.

So when I heard this, naturally I was excited and I started wondering what it was going to be like to see the band at the First Union Center. The first time I

So since I don't have my own credit card, I got my parents' number and planned on using it. I got up early on Saturday morning and at 10:00 picked up the phone to call and order my tickets. Unbeknownst to me, this was not the way to go. The line was busy all morning. I tried an alternate number, and it was also busy. I was starting to get a little worried.

I figured it was just a minor setback. so I figured no problem, I'll just go online to order them. While I did get through to how many tickets I wanted and how to order them, it just simply said they could not process my request. At this point, I was starting to get a little mad.

I could not get through on the phone all morning in any way, so

since someone had told me earlier how they had ordered tickets at a Ticketmaster location at Tower Records, I decided to get in my car and drive over there. At 2:00 p.m., I got over there and there was no line at all. So I'm thinking great, I' 11just get the tickets this way. As I ask the guy at the counter for tickets, he says, "Sorry, there already sold out." Out the door went my wish of seeing Bon Jovi.

Now, instead of being at a concert on November 10, I'll probably be babysitting or watching TV. But I guess I've learned my lesson. H you want concert tickets, get there early! But since I am over this and don't want to complain anymore, if anyone knows where I can get some extra Bon Jovi tickets, let me know!

Linsey Heiser is the news editor for the Loquitur. When she's in a good mood, you can hear her humming "You Give Love a Bad Name."








-The member of the band "Love Syndicate" is Robert Wolfer not Robert Walter.

-The photo of Dave Wiley was taken by Matt Holmes. We apologize


PERSPECTIVES Thursday, October 12, 2000
\ \
for our mistakes! ..-

Decision.2000: the silly quote war

Actual quotes by Al Gore

- "We all know the leopard can't change his spots."

- "I didn't realize I was in a Buddist temple."

- "During my service in the United States Congress, I took the initiative in creating the internet."

- "We feel, and the Defense Department feels, that problem is not going to be a problem.

- "I can't name a song. I'm just a really big fan. (Al Gore talking to singer Courtney Love).

---quotes found on America Online

Actual quotes by George W. Bush

- "It's clearly a buaget. It's got a lot of numbers in it."

- "I understand small business growth. I was one."

- "The most important job is not to be governor, or first lady in my case."

- '•1know how hard it is for you to put food on your family."

- "Well, I think if you say you're going to do something and don't do it, that's trustworthiness.

---quotes found on America Online.

Analysis by Mike ~-go's'' Butler

At first glance of these quotes, it would seem that George W. Bush is employing what I like to call ""TheMarion Barry Technique'' by creating a lot of confusion with his quotes. This gives the candidate malcing the quote ample time to run out of the room while everyone who heard the quote are shaking their heads and saying "What the hell did he just say?" For the sake of winning the election, Bush has opted not to include the other staples of '"The Marion Barry Technique'' such as blatant mathematical errors and rampant use of crack cocaine. I give the content edge to Bush. Gore. on the other hand, is going for a more eclectic approach. Yes, the leopard comment is straight from 'The Marion Barry Technique," but the other quotes come from completely different trains of thought. The unawareness of Gore being in a Buddist temple is reminiscent of Dean Martin's dry style during bis days with FrankSinatra. The outrageous claim that he created the internet sounds like something the drunk guy at the end of the bar would say. The "problem not a problem" statement sounds like a Marx Brothers bit. Finally, it takes a lot of courage to tell a musician you can't name one of their songs but you're a big fan anyway. I give Gore the edge in terms of variety. In a head-to-head comparison of silly quotes, I call it a draw between Bush and Gore.

Ccidiz summer program, summer 2000

If you like Spanish there is no better way to spend five weeks of summer than in the beautiful, sun-bathed country of Spain. That is what Dr. Juan Carlos. Jimenez offered this past summer to students who wanted to better their Spanish skills and have an adventure at the same time. It really is the best way to learn the language, and at the same time experience the rich culture of the country. I took this opportunity and went to Spain this summer with four other students from Cabrini and four from Bryn Mawr College. Despite not being fluent in the language, I was able to communicate from the first day I arrived, and my language skills improved immensely during the trip. Dr. Jimenez was willing to help us anytime we had a problem, and he stayed in the same city as we did so he was always close by.

We lived in the small port town of Cadiz, which is on the southern tip of Spain, not too far from the Costa del Sol. The city was amazing. It was almost completely surrounded by ocean, with beaches and beautiful views from just about anywhere. The program Cabrini offers involves four weeks of study at the University of Cadiz and provides an extra week at the end for traveling and

other activities. I stayed with a Spanish woman who lived alone, but she had enough personality for a whole family of people. She had a vivacious energy that seemed to be characteristic of all the people we met there. She welcomed me and my roommate with open arms, and the first day she was ready for us with a dictionary and a whole lot of patience. It was much better staying with her, as it would have been with any family, than in a dorm. We were forced to speak Spanish with her all the time, and that strengthened our confidence and language skills. She showed us around the city, cooked us authentic Spanish cuisine, helped us with our homework and taught us so much about their culture and way of life that we never could have learned otherwise. Not only that, but we formed a special bond with her.

We were encouraged to make friends with the people who lived in the city, which was easy to do. The people were friendly and talkative, always willing to strike up a conversation or invite us into their group of friends. They love life there, and their spirit and energy is contagious. Even our professors at the university would take us out of the classroom once a week for tapas, tours of the city, or trips to museums to make sure that our ed-

ucation did not take place solely in the classroom. In fact, though our classes were interesting, informative and a good way to meet other students from all over the world, most of my learning did not happen there. Our weekend trips to surrounding cities like Jerez de la Frontera, Granada and Seville also turned out to be culturally enriching as well as fun and entertaining.

There was no time to be homesick because we were constantly busy. There was always something going on the city or at the university, such as concerts, poetry readings, day trips, tours, fairs and carnivals. Plus the beach lay all around us with dazzling warm blue water and powdery soft sand. By the time our five weeks came to an end, I was completely in love with the city. Now I cannot wait to go back!

Jennifer Nespoli is a guest columnist for the Loquitur. -

Things are starting to look up around here

For the last month, the "war" between the administration and the student body has gotten really n,11sty,especially here in the Perspectives section. But I am glad to say that peace will soon be returning to Cabrini.

Late last week, Laurie Keenan-McGarvey held meetings with the residents of Cabrini to hear the concerns of the students.

I was not at the meetings between her and the houses or the dorms, but I was at the meeting with the residents of the apartments_with my trusty tape recorder.

I give Keenan-McGarvey a lot of credit for having these meetings. It shows that she's trying to do something about the low morale on campus, as well as show everyone that she is a real person that you can talk to. 1bis was the first step in squelching

the animosity between the administration and the students, and it was a very good first step. Of course, the meeting was not all nicey-nicey. The first portion of the meeting showed how absolutely livid the students were about the rule changes. At first, the only response that KeenanMcGarvey really had at this point in the meeting was that the school would refund the student's money if they wanted to leave which was not a viable option for the people at this meeting. Keenan-McGarvey admitted that she knew that people would not be happy about the new rules, but really underestimated how unhappy they would be. Chris Nielsen let her know how much she underestimated.

'There's a difference between not being able to please everybody and not being able to please anybody,"Nielsen said in what I like to call "The Sound Bite of the Night." "Nobody is pleased. This has totally pissed off the entire student body of this campus. Congratulations."

Kristen Williams had the best overall solution to the problems on campus caused by the new

rules: "Start listening." I don't have enough room in this column to list all the other good points she made, but "start listening" was the main theme.

By the end of the discussion about visitation, the apartment residents and Keenan-McGarvey devised a more flexible solution of telling your RA or RD when someone is going to stay over. Co-ed friends could be stashed in a friend's apartment of the guest's sex. This officially began the healing process.

I focused primarily on visitation because it was the major issue discussed, but other issues were clarified, like the registering of parties and having more campus events.

A lot of solutions were brought up by the students, like John Del1'0sa's grandfather clause idea and having the apartment residents form their own residence agreement, considering the residents of the apartments did not sign one this year. It was a cleansing experience. Concerns were heard, solutions were discussed,· and the students were listened to. Everyone came out of the meeting

Letter to the editor

We, as humans have choices, and our decisions reflect our character and beliefs. We do have some control in our lives and others.

It is so sad to see how the respect for all life has deteriorated. Just because we have the power to hurt or end another life doesn't give us the right.

When we get behind the wheel of a car, we also have choices that can result in life or death. All year our wildlife struggle to find food and shelter in their diminishing habitat, only to have their lives ended by someone behind the wheel of a car.

If a deer darts out in front of our car on a major highway, we have little control. On our back roads we do have more control. We could drive the speed limit, use our peripheral vision, be prepared to slow down or stop, or even better, blow our horn to chase them back to safety.

Sadly, I feel that the attitude of some people is "Who cares?" I do.

Jan Fogle

feeling good.

I'd like to thank Laurie Keenan-McGarvey for having these meetings. This was exactly what she needed to do. I only wish she had done it earlier in the year. We might have had a better opinion of her then. She was genuinely shocked when she found out that the students didn't consider her as an advocate for them and how really low an opinion everyone had of her. But now Keenan-McGarvey is looking to set things right between the administration and the students. Granted, there is a long way to go and a lot of damage and sour souls to be repaired, but for the first time we're seeing light at the end of the tunnel. The downswing

of morale on this campus is seemingly coming to an end.

I would like to see this era of good feelings continue. The rest of the administration should take Keenan-McGarvey's lead and meet with the students to actually listen to their concerns. There is hope for the future of Cabrini College now that the administration has implemented this new "listen to the students" policy. This is a policy I hope they continue. In fact, the administration has to continue it now. If they don't, the war will start again, and the students won't play so nice next time. But I hope things never have to come to that.

12 PERSPECTIVES ___________ Th_ur_s_day,_Oc_to_be_r_12.:....,2_000
Loquitur established forum for student and a voice in the uninhibited, robust, free and open discussion of issues. News editor Linsey Heiser Editor in chief' Joe Holdco MIUlllliaBeditor Stephanie Masucci Spol'tseditor JcssieaSaow A&Eedllor Shanna Lynn Fanelli PenpedlffS editor Features editor Meghan Merle.el PlloCop-aphyedkotMatt Holmes Slalf wrlt,n Kendra Jill Hindman Mike Butler Adm1ishog&lltor Jose Jalandoni Adviser Dr. Jerry Zurek Design editor Janlce Funk Editorial board Mike Butler Mike Bevelaqua Beth Ann Conahan Jennifer Coots Matthew Coughlin Jennifer Devereaux JustineDiFllippo Renee DiPictro AmyGas,en Jessica Giordano Georgiana Rushworth Jenine O:eler Shanna Lynn Fanelli Linsey Heiser Mike Kazanjian Marianne McKim Lauren Nortoo John o•Donnell Julia T<ti Renee Tomcanin Geri Lynn Utter Slaff pboCOCraphon Laun.Givey Mike Fenn Justine DiFilippo Mikell<velaqua Michelle Palandro Anita Pini Jenine Ik.eler Stacy llllnby ToriEy Matt Holmes Joe Holden Stephanie Masucci MegbanM-1 JeWC&Snow MattTholey Loquitur is a laborMofy new,papcrwritten. ecliud and producal by students iD COM 3'46,350, 351, 353 md 3:M. M<mbcnof 1bt campuscommunity an iJrnocdto 'NOr1coo or submit stOries£or Only students re1istered in the above claxs., bowevet', are eliaibleCOtteeiw aaidcmic:credit SUMCripeion~c is $2.Sper Ye# and Jsincladed iRthe be:ae.fits ,ecured in tuitioa and fees. Loquitw ,.,dconan k:tun to the editor. Lttlers s.bouldbe signed and the audlonbip btown to the ectilors. Names are witheld only in uftUJliUII.circumuancesapproved by the editor in chief. Leuen lOthe editor sbouid be submitted by noc;a on Moadays. Let Loquitur know what's on your mind! Commentaries and letters to the editor may be submitted by the entire Cabrini campus community using the following format. We look forward to hearing from you! •Email: Triple80s@aol.com -Classic Mail: The Loquitur 610 King of Prussia Road Radnor, Pa. 19087 •Phone: (610) 902-8412 •Length: No more than two typed pages •Requirements: Names will not be withheld from letters to the editor or commentaries, even at the author's request. ,(

Men's JV Soccer looks promising

The men's Junior Varsity Soccer team beat out Delaware County Community College, 1-0 on October 2nd. Sophomore Pat Dever made the winning goal in the last minute of the game. Dever buried bis shot in the corner of the net after dribbling through several stunned defenders. The JV team consists of freshman and sophomore reserves form the varsity team.

"These guys have a lot of heart and it's given me something to think about," coach Doug Meder said.

Dixon Gym back in service in time for madness

After an accident involving a soccer ball and the sprinkler system over the summer, the Dixon center gym floor had to be repaired. It is now fully functional and the volleyball team can take advantage of it instead of travelling to neighboring schools for their 'home' games. The floor's first non-volleyball business of the year will be the Midnight Madness festivities on Friday, Oct. 13, complete with games, music and fun for the whole community.

Investigation into threats to Olympic athletes proceed

The FBI is investigating a college student who allegedly e-mailed death threats to track star Marion Jones during the Olympics. An 18-year-old man, whose name is being withheld, has been suspended from Fredonia State because of messages sent to Jones, and her husband, shot putter C.J. Hunter. A decision on whether to file criminal charges could be made within a few weeks, said First Assistant U.S. Attorney Kathleen M. Mehltretter.

Running recommended for many reasons

Clear mind, energized body, several problems solved. It's not impossible. One can get all these things when he or she goes running according to The American Council on Exercise. If one sticks with it and run on a regular basis, you'll become a better runner and develop a healthy habit that can last a lifetime.

From a fitness standpoint, there are few activities better than running. It helps the runner stay slim (according to Runner's World magazine, a 150-pound runner bums approximately 100 calories per mile of running) and it improves cardiovascular fitness and endurance, making all the other sports and activities you love to do a whole lot easier.

Runners don't need to learn complicated skills or buy a lot of expensive equipment.

Here are some basic running tips from the American Council on Exercise:

- Keep your head level, avoid bouncing and lean forward slightly from the ankles, not the waist.

- Keep your shoulders down and relaxed.

- Strike the ground first with your heel, then roll to the ball of the foot, pushing o from the toes.

Health and Safety Tips

-Wear bright clothing

- Run with a group

- Beginners should, increase mileage slowly and don't run everyday to avoid injury.

Loquitur 0 '' Q:iO annou c~.1:'11"'' impro• cn.)-urucripted. unrebeaned t rv-o u ts I i comedic theatrehued on audience BUggesti~n.... Would you Ilka to Join Illa group l or Jut find out more about prov? :· of fun. Oct. 15th Sun. 7PM Grace Hall Theatre im:t:z,it.wu: Hyou haln"t: fuimd the thmta; what do you tlunk :,00 might .lurR hem? Mamet: I think it._ lihly dud:I would .ha:n: I B. I 0 i ~¼ QC c~ It IICll:ml to me to be pm&..ion IND1lmDamsun,or perhaps mo~.:, ~nt, peopll: with a not -funn.cdqp, ud reward. the abilit;yto.impamae. ("""\CallJeai at ex:3115for info e-tiMtt US •• U if you can't come Sunday night oothespotimprov@hotmail.com .........._ Iv 0\)tOft eenta~ 'lntramurilu,ague r~~- clli --1---•t-•n• >Ill l'hursdaysSquash3-5:30 FridaysSwimClub A. startdate.Jobeannounced.,. SPORTS 13 itl

Last week's results for Cabrini sports teams


A busy season was designed to prepare the women's volleyball team, and left them with a 4-14 overall record and 1-5 in the PAC

However, the women stayed on top last week, with a record of 2-1. After a 3-1 loss to A1verniaCollege on Tuesday, Oct. 3, The Lady Cavs beat Immaculata College 3-1 the following Thmsday, and The University of the Sciences in Philadelphia 3-2 on Saturday.

Field Hockey

The women's field hockey team also came

back from a loss to have a successful week.

A 2-0 loss to Wesley College started the week on Tuesday. The loss was quickly recovered Thmsday with a 4-2 win over Beaver College. Maureen McQuade, Nicole Schulz, Adrienne Miaocco and Carolyn Katkowski scored the Cavs' goals against Beaver.

That game was followed with a 2-1 win over College Misericordia on Satmday at home.

After this week the field hockey team is 97 overall and 6-2 in the PAC.


The women's tennis team in 6-7 overall, but 4-3 in the PAC. Last week included three wins and just one loss for the team.

Monday it defeated Albright College 5-4, and Tuesday The University of the Sciences in Philadelphia 6-3. Immaculata's trip to Cabrini was the team's only disappointment last week. when it lost 5-4 on Thursday, but the Cavs came back Friday beating Rosemont College 7-2.

Cross Country

The cross country teams raced at Dickinson College on Satmday, Oct. 7, with 46 other teams. The men placed 34th and the women, 32nd. Lauren Dean placed 13th out of 281 runners with a personal best time of 19 minutes, 7 seconds.

Men's Soccer

The Cavaliers beat Alvernia College 2-0

at home on Tuesday, Oct. 3. RandolphMacon College, however, got the better of this team, beating them 4-0 on Saturday, Oct.7. The men are now 3-8 for the season, 2-3 in the PAC.

Women's Soccer

The women's soccer team fought its way out of a slump in the last week. Montclair State University, Goldy-Beacon College and Beaver College beat the Lady Cavs last week, but on Saturday, Oct. 7, the women came back and one 6-0 over Alvernia College at home. Ellen Casiero brought in two goals, Jessica Stork, a goal and an assist, and Kristen Luft, Colleen Feeney and Krista Stella each got a goal.

Upcoming competitions at Ca~Jrini

Women's Soccer Field Hockey

came in over the WilkesBarre/Scranton Penguins 2-1 on Oct. 6. The team's

games include

ber 13th vs. Lowell and a game October 14th at Hershey.

The Flyers loss to the Boston Bruins 5-1, October 7th. The flyers will go to Minnesota on Oct. 11 and Dallas Oct. 12.

The Eagles were defeated by the Washington Redskins, 17-14, October 8th. Upcoming games include an Oct. 15th match at Arizona.

_14______________________ SPORTS~---------------Th_m_s_da_y_,o_c_to_b_er_1_2._2_000_
Oct. 12 , Thurs. Eastern College 4 p.m. Oct. 25, Wed. PAC Semifinals TBA Oct. 21, Sat. Marywood University 12 p.m. Oct. 28, Sat. PAC Finals TBA Oct. 25 Wed. PAC Semifinals, TBA Oct.28 Sat. PAC Finals TBA
Soccer Volleyball Oct. 14, Sat. Catholic University 1 p.m. Oct. 14, Sat. Cabrini Fall Classic 9a.m. Oct. 19, Thurs. Holy Family College 4p.m. Oct. 26, Thurs. Cheyney University 7p.m. Oct. 21 , Sat. Marywood University 3p.m. Nov. 2, Thurs. PAC Semifinals TBA Nov. 3, Fri. PAC Semifinals TBA Nov.4, Sat. PAC Finals TBA Nov. 6, Mon. PAC Finals TBA Women's Tennis Oct. 27 and 28 PAC Championships TBA Area pro-sports results Philadelphia Phantoms H l p w a n t e d Earn $8- $16 an hour The
Philadelphia Flyers
Part-time, fleHible position auailable in a fine dining restaurant on the Main Line Philadelphia
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Flag football starts intramurals season

The first flag football game of the year at Cabrini was held last weekend. The game kicked off on the lower Dixon athletic field.

"I wish there would have been more time to score more points," Shaun Hazlett, a member of the "Mean Green Machines" team, said.

Tpe "Mean Green Machines" team was victorious with a score of 6-0 against the Black team.

Hazlett threw the only touchdown pass to Ryan Greer, who carried it to the end zone with out getting tackled.

Chris Winkler, the facilities, intramural, and recreational manager awarded prizes for contests that he held before the game.

The first contest that was held was to see who could The first flag football game of the intramural season drew a large turnout to the lower athletic field where this team poses. throw the farthest down- dixonrec@cabrini.edu, or board that is located in the field. David Westenberger , just show up on Saturday. lobby of Dixon Center. a sophomore commuter Information about intra- These intramural sports , student, was the winner for mural sports that Cabrini is are first time friendly and

the long distance throw. now also offering, includ- all are welcome. Michael DiStasio, a se- ing flag football, will soon At the field rules are disnior resident, was the win- be accessible on the World tributed, and the players ner for the accuracy throw. Wide Web. To find infor- also have to sign a waiver. Each winner won a basket- mation now, before the These flag football players ball or football mask for links are added to Cabrini's will also be getting printed their excellent efforts. web page, one can look at shirts as well.

Flag football is now every the intramural bulletin Saturday from 1-3 p.m. when the weather permits it.

Anyone can sign up to play including faculty, staff, residents, commuters, and anyone that lives in the Cabrini Community.

To sign up one should go to the Dixon Center, call 610-902-3901. A potential player could also email


w_qm_·M--------------SPORTS--------------- 15
photo courtesy of Gabrielle Beltran photo courtesy of Gabrielle Beltran Sophomore David Westenberger and Senior Michael DiStasio were awarded these masks for special skills demonstrated at the first intramural flag football game.
L 0 q u l t u r Vol. XLVII, No. 5 Thursday, October 12, 2000 Radnor, PA 19087
football starts intramurals ..., rb• 4 •
courtesy of Gabrielle Beltran An intramural season which includes volleyball, basketball, squash, swimming and ultimate frisbee began with flag football last weekend. story on p. 15

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