March 29, 2001 issue 20 Loquitur

Page 4

CabriniCollege Disordersstem'from lack of control Radnor,PA 19087

EightmillionAmericanssufferfrom eating disorders.Women betweenthe ages of 12 and 25 mostcommonlyfall victimto eatingdisorders.A lack of controlhas been

Tracey Gold, Princess Diana, Elton John, Karen Carpenter and Paula Abdul are people who have all lived in the limelight. They have all experienced the bright lights, the fame and the fans.

They have also suffered from eating disorders.

Eight million people in the United States suffer from eating disorders. Although anorexia nervosa and bulimia are the most commonly talked about, other

forms of eating disorders do exist.

Diet Pill Abuse is the consistent use of diet pills to regulate weight. Often people who turn to diet pills as an alternative way to lose weight do not realize the severity of effects that can result due to excessive use.

The stimulant ephedrine is one of the ingredients in diet pills.

Ephedrine is similar to that of amphetamines. Overuse or abuse of diet pills can result in heart attacks, seizures or stroke among other things.

Compulsive exercising, also

called anorexia athletica, is exercising extensively beyond what is considered safe in order to lose weight. People that suffer from this disorder define their self worth in terms of how well they perform.

Another common eating disorder is known as Compulsive Overeating. This is turning to food for comfort, which results in excessive weight gain. People that have a history of failed diets commonly turn to compulsive eating for comfort. Many times the compulsive eating is done secretly.

Those that most commonly fall victim to eating disorders are women between the ages of 12 and 25.

Eating disorders are triggered by many different factors. Often, eating disorders result because an individual feels as though they have no control over a situation. By controlling their food intake or exercise habits, those that suffer from eating disorders feel that they have control over some aspect of their lives.

continued on pg. 3

Above: Diet Pill Abuse is one way to controlweight.Abuse can cause heart attacks,seizuresor stroke. Right Top: The scale can be a friend or a foe to a person sufferingfrom an eating disorder. Right Bottom: CompusliveOvereatingusuallyinvolveseatinglarge quantilesof readilyavailablejunkfood. Above photo by Stephanie Masucci; Right photos by Joe Holden
foundto be the cause many eating disorders.
on Campus thur~ 29 • First-Year Student Preregistration for Summer/Fall 2001 fri 30 • First-Year Student Pre-registration for Summer/Fall 2001 31 • Spring Formal, Valley Forge Military Academy 1 • April Fool's Day • Daylight Savings Time Begins • Mass, 7 p.m., Brockmann Chapel of St. Joseph • An Evening of Chamber Music with Strings, Piano and Voice, 7:30 p.m., Mansion 2 • Improv Troupe, 10 p.m., Widener Center Lecture Hall 3 4 • Millersville University Teacher Recruitment Day, 10 a.m.-4 p.m. I .
What's up

Emotions tell the story of Search VIII retreat

Monday, March 19 --jBeforej

Everything was in place. In one week it would all be over. The leaders are ready for the weekend and now they are just dealing with stress and excitement

"We just hope the retreatants get the experience that they deserve," Geronna Lewis said. She is a leader for Search VIII, the student retreat that is growing bigger within the student body. Lewis is a sophomore and a studio art and graphic design major and is happy that Search is expanding throughout the campus community.

"You could walk around each floor of the resident halls and bump into as least 2-3 people who have been on Search," she said.

The Search retreat is a weekend when a small number of students are led by 10 other students to Apple Farms in New Jersey for an alternative weekend.

"It's about individual time," Lewis said. She feels the stereotype Search receives as being a retreat of searching for one's own self is a definition that is trying


the best to describe the indescribable. The exact layout of the weekend cannot be revealed by anyone who has been on Search, but Lewis said the title of the retreat exemplifies a universal message.

"In life, everyone is always searching," Lewis said, "and when we find what we're looking for, the cycle just begins again," Jennelle Battle, first-year fashion marketing major, is going on Search. She wants to just get away and relax from the normal stresses of school and studying. Battle is no stranger to retreats. At her high school, she used to go on retreats every year. The retreats she went on helped students to get to know one another by separating them into groups away from their friends.

"My high school retreats helped bring students together through the experience of meeting new people," Battle said. She believes that Search works on campus through the same way. Battle enjoys discussing eye-opening issues and thinks that one of the main reason reasons she enjoys retreats so much is because she gets to explore different topics of thought that are not common to find anywhere else.

"I expect to mature and grow on Search," Battle said, with a sense of confidence and excitement.

"Search is not specifically a Catholic thing, but a reflective time," Mary Laver said, campus minister. "There is an invitation into experiencing the deepest voices of love, the affirmation of who you are and that you are not alone when you feel like you are."

Monday, March 26,

-----11 After

Three students sit down in the Wigwam for lunch: Gina Boccella, Lauren O'Shea, and Lincoln Strehle. They never knew each the previous week and probably would have never met without their decision to go on Search VIII. When they are asked to describe how their decision to go on Search VIII has effected them, Boccella sums up her favorite result from the decision.

"Five people who never knew each other before the retreat, met in the parking lot and now are best friends," Boccella said, a first-year communication major.

"I cannot go into detail about the weekend, but it was a different experience," Strehle said, a

sophomore managing information systems major.

If you are someone who has tried to ask a person about the retreat you probably know already, Search is full of secrets. Most people will use emotions and reactions to the retreat when talking about it.

"Amazing and speechless are two words to describe it," Boccella said.

"People come out more in the fall because they are getting back into the rhythm of meeting deadlines and the retreat is a nice escape from the week," Dr. Laver said.

The Campus Ministry is cur-

rently talking with the Campus Ministry at Neumann College about the possibility of helping them begin the Search retreat at their school, just as Scranton University helped Cabrini get the Search retreat up and running.

'This program is a wonderful community builder on this campus and a jumpstart for people to enhance their spiritual lives," Dr. Laver said.

"I recommend that every one on this campus go on Search," Renee Jerman said. She is a first-year special education major, recalling her experience on Search VII as the best experience of her life.

Search VIII Retreat Breakdown

Residents 66%


photo courtesy of Dr. Mary Laver The retreatants and leaders of Search VIII relaxed and freed themselves from the stresses of campus life during the retreat held at Apple Farms,New Jersey, last weekend.
Thurs., Mar.29, 2001 I '/ I I I /·· '/
photo courtesy of Dr. Mary Laver Juniors Colin McGinley and Carolyn Ashton were two of the leaders that led the retreatants during Search VIII. chart by Renee Di Pietro

Eating disorders serious, most cases involve denial

continued from pg. 1 that we can," Stoll Deleo said. Next

If you have any questions reEating disorders are serious and garding eating disorders, you can

Week in


are extremely harmful to your contact Health Services at x-8400 health. They have the potential of or Peer Educators at x-8286. resulting in death. Both offices are located in the Read about the

Many times those who suffer Rooymans Center.

"Eating Disorder from eating disorders are in de- see editorial, pg. 10 nial. When approaching someone

Little Known Facts Workshop" that you suspect may have an eat- held tonight at ing disorder you need to be prepared for them to deny it. • 1% of men have eating dis- 8 p.m.

Donna Stoll Deleo, RN, MSN, orders Woodcrest Basement. nurse in the Rooymans Center explains, "very rarely do we see • 5 to 10% of those suffering cases regarding eating disorders from eating disorders are Presented by Angela and if we do it is brought to our men Grassi of the attention by concerned roommates and parents."

• Eating disorders are found Renfrew Center

Hollywood demand for perfection too much

The pressme to look good in Hollywood is immense. Celebrities will do anything to look thin when they are in the public eye and labeled as either "too thin" or "too fat" But when does the desire to look perfect go too far?

Many people do not realize how many of the rich and famous have actually been stricken with an eating disorder, such as anorexia or bulimia. Your favorite athlete, TV or film star or talk-show host may be suffering from these potentially fatal diseases.

1984 of anorexia nervosa.

Exercise guruRichard Simmons recently revealed that he battled both anorexia and bulimia in a new book titled, "Still Hungry After All These Years."

Pop star Paula Abdul overcame bulimia, which involves binging and purging food, in 1994 by checking into a clinic.

1980s TV star Justine Bateman of "Family Iles" bad bouts of bulimia, anorexia and compulsive overeating during her stint on the show.

Singers Elton John and Brian Wtlson both suffered from bulimia while also using drugs and alcohol.

Women's Issues

Tonight at 8 p.m. in the Wood- in bright, attractive women crest Basement, Angela Grassi of between the ages of 12 and Held as part of the Renfrew Center will present 25. an "Eating Disorder Workshop".

All are welcome to attend. -4% of college females have Week 'We are here to help anyway an eating disorder fJJ(f)

f]J](1)(f)mam(1)!JJmm (JJ(1)

Toe message that celebrities are sending out to today's youth is not good. How can they learn to live their lives in the most health-conscious way when their idols can not? The number of eating disorder cases is only going to rise.

Celebrities, including men and women, have suffered from a variety of eating disorders.

The first glimpse the world saw of eating disorders was when singer Karen Carpenter died in

In order to take the focus off of the harmful ways to lose weight, talk-show hosts, Oprah Wmfrey and Rosie O'Donnell, have promoted the healthiest ways to lose weight Winfrey now offers food, fitness and health test on her website. O'Donnell uses her "Chub Club" to focus on losing weight with healthy eating and appropriate exercising.

see editorial, pg. 10

Loquitur NEWS _____________________ 3
photo by Matt Coughlin It was a sure sign of spring as a herd of deer were seen grazing in the grass at nearby Valley Forge Park. Deer can be spotted even closer to home throughout the woods on Cabrini's campus.
~. Cl [Cl] DON'T MISS THERETURNOF ticketsavailahle THE GAIT BROTHERS/ al th first IEHEIU FOR. FAN APPRfCIATIOHMGHTI llAMl'HOIOSIO HMS!' 15,JIOOMNS,COlltlUT o, 1N1 ,ar:: B1x Officea1ulat tu;lu,~ne, Zflf.~ --.n&HOO aoi.-...aooo iila1,....,~

Innocencebecomingassassinatedby violence

"Almost three-fourths of kids who carried out school shootings told someone else about their plans ahead of time- almost always another student," (

A trend is growing where children are the violent targets. Each year, for the past five years, a child, usually a white male from a rural or suburban area, brings a gun or bomb to school and attacks his fellow classmates and teachers.

Each year, there is an assassination of innocence. Bystanders are killed, heroes are made, and the reasons for these violent crimes are unknown.

Why do these crimes occur? While the news informs the populace that things are looking up, we watch in horror as another life is taken and a child is tried as an adult.

"Kids are getting guns off the streets from drug dealers," Josephine McWilliams, junior, commented. "Parents and children need to communicate better. Parents shouldn't leave loaded guns in the house. Parents have to be more educated and they need to be more careful."

People are always looking to point the finger, but no one person is to blame. The media creates a scenario where every child who wears dark clothing or plays a violent video game is at risk of becoming the next killer. Other news stories have focused on the working parent and how the children are left alone and ignored. No one knows he is going to plant a bomb because no one is paying attention to him. A third scenario was placed in the

minds of the public by blaming the music industry. Even though Americans have a plethora of people to blame for the violence, they do not have a solution to stop the violence.

"As an educator, I worry always in the back of my mind about the possibility of irrational behavior by a student," said Jill Gorman, teacher of religious studies. "I hate to blame the media. I feel this occurs due to societies general acceptance of violence and hesitance to get involved before it's too late."

Some schools have installed metal detectors and security cameras in hopes of stopping the violence. Other schools will not let the students carry back.packs. Some schools will not allow students to wear trench coats or shirts with alternative bands, dark colors, or "sexual" content. What these schools are not doing is talking to the students.

Evidence suggests that many of these killers are acting out because of revenge; they feel like outsiders, and they have no one to talk to.

''1bekillers tend to be a lot of marginal disenfranchised students who see the shooting as a way of empowerment. Teachers need to intercede when a child is being teased and taunted," Gorman stated.

Student action is one way to help. A number of students are willing to report anything they hear in order to save lives. ''If a shooting happened at Cabrini, I wouldn't want to be anywhere near here," said a student who wished to remain anonymous. Some schools have created peer groups for students. If irrational behavior is seen, the peer leaders inform the school to help and take action.

The FBI wrote a book Mind of an Assassin.

This book studies the mind of assassins and their behavior. Teen killers from the past five years speak out on why they killed and what they did as warning signs as they tried to be noticed.

Secret Service psychologist Robert Fein wanted to find a motive for these acts. ''At the point of suicide, some people think Tm in great pain, wait a minute, that person caused the pain, before I kill myself I'm going to kill them,"' said Fein.

Communication is needed if people want to make any changes with the ostracized youth. They are tired of being ignored and will continue to kill unless people pay attention.

Warning Signs

Do any of the children you know display the following characteristics?

The National School Safety Center says that while there's no sure way to know if a person is potentially dangerous, this list provides a good starting point.

*Has a history of tantrums and uncontrollable angry outbursts.

*Characteristically resorts to name calling, cursing or abusive language.

*Habitually makes violent threats when angry.

*Has a background of serious disciplinary problems at school and in the community.

*Has a background of drug, alcohol or other substance abuse or dependency.

*Is on the fringe of his/her peer group with few or no close friends.

*Is preoccupied with weapons, explosives or other incendiary devices.

RecentShootings Involving U.S. Schools:

*April 16, 1999 - A high school sophomore fired two shotgun blasts in a school hallway in Notus, Idaho. No one injured.

•May 21, 1998 - 1\vo teen-agers are fatally shot and more than 20 people are hurt when 15-year-old boy allegedly opensfire at high school in Springfield, Ore. His parents are found slain at their home. He is awaiting trial.

*May 19, 1998 --Three days before his graduation, an 18-year-old honor student allegedly opens fire in parking lot at high school in Fayetteville, Tenn., killing a classmate who was dating his ex-girlfriend. He is awaiting trial.

*April 24, 1998 - A science teacher is shot to death in front of students at eighthgrade graduation dancein Edinboro, Pa. A 14-year-old student awaits trial.

*March 24, 1998 Four girls and a teacher are shot to death and IO people wounded during false fire alann at middle school in Jonesboro, Ark., when two boys, 11 and 13, open fire from the woods. Both are convicted in juvenile court of murder and can be held up to age 21.

*Dec. 1, 1997 Three students are killed and five others wounded in a hallway at Heath High School in West Paducah, KY. A 14-year-old student is arrested. One of the wounded girls is left paralyz.ed.

Academic Affairs office searches for new dean

Joining Cabrini at the beginning of the 2001-2002 school year will be a new Dean for Academic Affairs. This is a new position for Cabrini. Vice President of Academic Affairs Jonnie Guerra started the interview process on Monday, March 26. At press time, Guerra could not be reached for comment. A look at each candidates resume reveals they have an arsenal of experience behind them and each has plenty to offer to the position.

Sara Ellen Kitchen is currently employed at Chestnut Hill College where she is associate professor and chair of the Department of Sociology. Earning the Jurius Doctor degree from Villanova University School of Law

and a bachelor of arts with a sociology major from Trinity College in Washington, D.C. Kitchen was awarded the Sears Roebuck Award for Teaching Excellence and Campus Leadership in 1990. She is also on the Board of Directors of the Global Education Motivators and of the Philadelphia Chapter of the United Nations Association.

Patsy Baxter Rowe is the former associate professor and chair of the Music Department at Lincoln University. She was employed at Lincoln from 1993 until Fall semester 2000. Rowe has an M.M. degree in Music History and a Ph.D. in music education research from Temple University. Rowe also earned a B.M. and a B.M.E. from the University of the Arts. Rowe was acting dean of women at Lincoln from 1995-96.

Rowe was selected by Zeta Phi Beta Sorority as its Woman Achiever of the Year Award in 2000.

Catherine O'Connell is the associate professor and chair of the Department of English at St. John Fisher College in Rochester, N.Y. O'Connell has been employed at St. Johns since 1991. O'Connell has an M.A. and a Ph.D. in American culture from the University of Michigan and a bachelor's degree with majors in American studies and Russian studies from Amherst College. O'Connell earned the dean's citation for Faculty Leadership in 1996. Currently, O'Connell is working on initiatives in conjunction to Writing Across the Curriculum and Writing in the Disciplines.

From Wilmington College in Wilmington, Ohio, is Stephen

Spencer who is the associate professor, chair of the Department of English, and area coordinator of Fine Arts and Humanities.

Spencer has been at Wilmington College since 1990. Spencer has a Ph.D. in English from the University of Cincinnati and an M.A. in Comparative Literature.

Spencer also has a B.A. in English and History from the University of Dayton. Spencer has been the Director of Writing Across the Curriculum at Wilmington.

Spencer also has a manuscript under review by Kent State University Press titled "Reading the Thirties: Historical and Social Contexts and the Literary Receptions of Pearl S. Buck, Margaret Mitchell and Zora Neale Hurston."

Candidates will be on campus for interviews on the following dates:

March 26-27

Catherine O'Connell

March 28-29

Stephen Spencer

April 2-3

Sara Ellen Kitchen

April 4-5

Patsy Baxter Rowe

Students are encouraged to come out and meet the candidates.

4 NEWS Thurs., March 29, 2001

National College and University News

University of Pittsburgh

A University of Pittsburgh student studying in South Korea was found dead Sunday, March 17 in her Seoul motel room of unknown causes. Jamie Penich was in Seoul for the weekend with seven other students when she died.

New information from the Associated Press indicates that one of Penich's friends heard a loud and angry male voice coming from the victinf s room the night before she was found dead. Penich was in Korea as part of the International Exchange Program.

University of Michigan

According to a study done by the University of Michigan, many adolescents are abusing the drug Ritalin in order to study longer, party harder and suppress their appetites.

The drug is sold for about $3 to $5 a pill on the black market.

Abusers either consume Ritalin in pill form, crush the pill and snort it, or mix the pill with water and inject the concoction.

Harvard University

A Judge overturned a jury's decision Wednesday, March 21 that would have found Harvard University guilty of both gender discrimination and later retaliation against a lecturer in biomathematics at the Harvard School of Public Health.

The judge ruled that the defendant, Tamara Awerbuch-FriedJander, provided inadequate evidence of gender discrimination or of University retaliation after the grievance was made. California State Uni-

Renovation to begin once again on Grace Hall

Change seems to be the common theme here at Cabrini. A new dorm, a new administration, new rules, a new Communications wing, and now, the latest, moving the faculty back in Grace Hall.

Grace Hall was the former home to many faculty members, but when the enrollment skyrocketed the administration placed the faculty in the Mansion and renovated Grace Hall to accommodate student~.With the completion of the new dorm, students will be able to move there, and the faculty can return to their Jong Jost home: Grace Hall.

Dr. Janet Lohmann, professor of sociology, said she was very happy to be moving back to Grace Hall.

'The mansion has been fine, but I miss not seeing my colleagues. I was always able to see the faculty through the halls and at the mailroom. Right now, we are too spread out over campus," Lohmann said.

Mike Caranfa, chief facilities officer, stated that Grace Hall would remain largely the same. "All the bathrooms and shower rooms will remain. The faculty offices that were previously divided by partition walls will now be larger open offices," Caranfa said. He also said that they will repaint each office and replace the carpet if necessary. However,the hallways will be repainted and recarpeted.

versity, Long Beach

A student at the California State University at Long Beach who was arrested in suspicion of making a bomb threat at the University Library is scheduled for a pre-trial hearing Monday, March 26.

Hasan Hasan was taken into University Police custody last Wednesday after an investigation that Jed police to believe he was responsible for the bomb threat and other threats toward a faculty member.

Iowa State University

A group of students at Iowa State University plan to make the world's largest Rice Krispie Treat on April 20. The group hopes to get into the Guinness Book of World Records by making a 2, 500-pound treat that is eight feet long, nine feet wide and two feet high.

The project will take 10 hours to complete and 80 people will participate.


A new and improved ProQuest with more full-text is now available through the Library.

Whatever your major, ProQuest is the place to start your research.

Visit the Library's homepage at http:/ /

Also, ABI/INFORM, a premier database for business research, is now available through Holy Spirit Library, via the Library's homepage.

The laundry room on the second floor

Grace Hall will be converted back into the faculty secretaries office as it had been in previous years.

hiring a moving company to transfer the faculty back into Grace Hall. The faculty will then need time to unpack and settle into their new/old home.

''Last time the move went fine. The movers were very accommodating with putting in bookshelves and hooking up the computers. I never had any problems;' Lohmann said.

According to Caranfa, the area that date is still undetermined. Cabrini is will need most substantial work is the current laundry room. It will be converted back into the Faculty Sup-port Office. All the plumbing will have to be removed, the tile floor will be ripped up, and carpet will be put down. They will also install voice and data lines. A "knee wall" behind the laundry equipment will have to be removed and the whole room will need to be painted. Outside contractors will do all the work under Caranfa's supeivision.

'The final cost will be contingent on how many bedroom carpets need to be replaced. We won't know that until the students leave," Caranfa said.

The plan is to start working on the renovation, after graduation, which is May 20. However,the completion

"I amecstatic;' Ruby Remley, professor of business, said. 'There is not enough space an:asharing offices when you h,avesimilar hours is very difficult.tohelp the students."

"Another great thing is the fact that we are in the same location as the Faculty Secretaries. There is more room to sit and talk to students and help them," Remley said.

Caranfa said that everything will be done before the fall semester.

--Loquitur NEWS 5
photo by Matt Holmes in

Oscars entertain and surprise

And the winner is the 73rd Annual Academy Awards was hosted by Steve Martin on March 25. This is a night full of excitement and anxiousness for celebrities as they parade down the red carpet.

A year's worth of movies and months of awards campaigning boil down to Oscar nominations in 23 categories. It was no surprise to see "Gladiator" awarded with the highest honor: best picture. The $100 million film went home with five trophies, among them were best costume design, sound and visual effects. Also, Russell Crowe of "Gladiator" was awarded with leading actor. Crowe seemed genuinely surprised as he made his way to the stage.

Julia Roberts was an audience favorite as she accepted her award for best leading actress. Her true talents were demonstrated as the feisty, legal assistant in "Erin Brockovich."

Other winners were Steven Soderbergh, best director for "Traffic"; Benicio Del Toro, best supporting actor for "Traffic"; and Marcia Gay Harden, best supporting actress for "Pollock." This year's foreign film award was given to the well-deserving "Crouching Tiger, Hidden


nominated for best supporting actor for "Gladiator." He strutted down the red carpet chewing gum, holding a water bottle and tugging at his untucked white shirt. Meanwhile, women flashed many different styles and designers. Those most commonly talked about were Julia Roberts' vintage Valentino. Her black gown had simple white straps forming a "Y" down the front. Bjork, nominated for best original song from "Dancer in the Dark," also made a dramatic fashion statement. She wore a white, feathered, knee-length dress meant to look like a swan, complete with a swan's head that wrapped around her neck. Jennifer Lopez, known for her eyecatching apparel, arrived in a one-shoulder, two-toned gown by Chanel with a gray, see-through top and billowing skirt.

Overall, the evening proved to be entertaining for all, both those involved and those viewing.

Buried Treasures: MUSIC

b Julia Marie Teti assistant perspectives editor


Tina Yothers, all grown up with black hair, is the lead singer of Jaded. We all remember her "Family Ties" days, but who knew she could sing?

Yothers co-writes the songs for Jaded with her brother, CoryYothers. "Confessions", which is Jaded's second album, was released in October 2000. The lyrics to the songs on "Confessions" are simple and easy to remember. A few of the songs are so catchy that the CD will likely be on continuous play in your stereo, while the lyrics will be stuck in your head.

Yothers seems to be confessing something in the songs "My Turn" and "Ring." The chorus to "My Tum" reiterates: "I don't think you understand me. Don't think you understand. I want you badly!' "Ring" has a similar message with the words: "You don't know I'm alive, trying to survive. Another day I can't have you, it's like a knife in my side."


Fashion is a large part of Oscar night. This year's ceremony saw a wide variety of colorful styles. The stars opted for demure, exquisite and Old Hollywood styles with a twist.

Being seen in the "right" gown or tuxedo draws more than just "oohs" and "aahs" from the celebrity watchers gathered outside the Shrine Auditorium, where the event takes place. It can be worth millions in free publicity for a designer and a star whose outfit is pictured, again and again, in newspapers and magazines.

Most men were attired in the typical black-and-white tuxedos, looking extremely elegant. Here and there an unusual tie or piece of jewelry could be seen. Throwing out the tradition of jacket and tie was Joaquin Phoenix,


photos from Gladiator and Traffic dominated the Academy Awards throughout the evening. Gladiator was awarded best picture while Traffic director Steven Soderbergh won his



Best Actor

Russell Crowe

Best Actrees

Julia Roberts

Best Director

Steven Soderbergh

Best Screenplay

Cameron Crowe

Best SupportingActor

Benicio Del Torro

Best SupportingActress

Marcia Gay Harden

Best Foreign Film

Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon

Overall, "Confessions'' is an album of longing, loss and desire mixed with drums, guitar and the usual modem rock sound.

Plumb-"Plomb/Candycoatedwaterdrops/Bestof Plumb"

"A girl and her band." This is how Plumb, a modem rock Christian group.describes themselves. Their sound can be compared to that of Jaded; however, Plumb is more well-known due to their songs "Damaged" on the "Brokedown Palace" soundtrack and "Stranded" on the "Drive Me Crazy" soundtrack.

A few of Plumb's titles, such as "God-shaped hole", "Drugstore jesus" and "Send Angels" are the only absolute giveaway to the fact that they are a band grounded in God. Don't let this throw you, though. Plumb is not a preachy band. The songs that they write and perform pertain to all aspects of life that anyone can relate to.

Fathead-"WhatDoesn't Kill Us... "

A hip-hop, rock, country, funk, jazz, pop, hardcore and blues band, Fathead .....,....,_--.-....., composed of seven young men, all with incredible musical talent and all natives of Philadelphia. Formed five years ago, the band and its members have undergone a lot of change. Along the way, they have explored the differences in each of their tastes in music in order to understand how to make music. Fathead is influenced by Phish, The Roots, Miles and Redman.

Over the past year, Fathead has sold more than 6,000 copies of "What Doesn't Kill Us ... " In addition to that, Fathead received Philadelphia Magazine's "Best Band" and City Paper's "Best Sound."

Besides playing in local Philadelphia establishments, Fathead also has dates for places in New York, Washington DC, Massachusetts, Maine and Maryland.

photo from Russell Crowe makes his acceptance speech after winning the best actor category for photo from Julia Roberts won the Best Actress Oscar last Sunday. category.
~tid tb-e oeca.:t' goes tO • • •
Thurs., March 29, 20()1

Historic Theaters in Philadelphia

Philadelphia is home to a bevy of historic theaters. While at a concert or a play downtown, you might not be aware of the building's long history.

The Walnut Street Theater happens to be the oldest theater in Philadelphia. The theater, opened in 1809 and drew audiences from Thomas Jefferson and the Marquis de Lafayette. In 1865, Edwin Booth, brother of John Wilkes Booth, bought the Walnut Street Theater two months after President Lincoln was assassinated.

The Shubert Organization then acquired the theater and featured famous plays such as "A Streetcar named Desire" in 1947 with Marlon Brando, and "A Raisin in the Sun" in 1959 with Sidney Poitier.

In the 1970s the theater experienced some setbacks and even had to close its doors. Howev-

er,in 1983, Bernard Havard was named executive director and got the theater back on its feet with a full season of plays in 1983-84.

One-hundred and forty-five plays and 23 world-premiers and 10 American premiers have graced the Walnut Street Theater stage since 1983. The theater has a membership population of 50,000 and annual attendance exceeds 300,000.

Upper Darby is home to the Tower Theater. This theater was built in five days soon before the start of the Great Depression. The George Kessler Company, a leader in theater construction, built the Tower.

Movies were the fust main attraction at the venue yet soon it became known for first-run films and live events.

The Tower now hosts a variety of acts and still remains a world class and historic venue.

Another historic site in the area is the TLA on South Street.

In the early '60s, the TLA featured exclusive performances from an experimental theater group started by Andre Gregory. Performers in this group included Danny DeVito and Judd Hirsch.

Unfortunately, in the late 1960s, the theater lost money and was converted into a movie house showing old and foreign films.

In the early 1980s, the film house had to close, but former employees kept the TLA alive by showing films at the Tower Theater in Upper Darby under the moniker "The TLA at the Tower."

In October 1981, the group that ran the TLA at the Tower was able to return to the TLA Theater on South Street. This time hip, independent and foreign films were shown, making the TLA one of the nations best art-film houses.

The TLA opened its first video store next to the theater in

!women's History Month Special I

1983. Today there are stores in Bryn Mawr, Chestnut Hill, and most recently in Manhattan.

The TLA is now a concert venue for some of the hottest new bands on the music scene.

The TLA has housed acts such as Danzig, the Goo Goo Dolls and Radiohead.

The Keswick Theater in Glenside is another little known hot spot. It fust opened on Dec 25, 1928. Horace Trumbauer, famous for designing the Philadelphia Art Museum, built the Keswick.

The Keswick allowed residents in the Philadelphia suburbs to catch some of the top acts on the vaudeville circuit.

In 1955, the Keswick was converted into a cinemascope film house and premiered most major first-run films in the 1950s and 1960s.

The Keswick was forced to close in 1980 and was preparer for demolition. The Glenside Landmarks Society, a non-profit

Women make impression on the arts

Women's History Month is almost over. It's time to give a moment to the women who made a difference in literature and didn't get a whole lot of credit for it in their own time.

Kate Chopin (1851-1904)

She didn't start out with the goal to write a novel that would shock the socks off the critics of her time but that's exactly what she did. At the age of 32, she lost her husband and had to find away to support her six children. So she began writing. She started out with Creole tales and made a name for herself as an author with a talent for portraying local color. But in 1899, she dropped the bombshell by publishing "The Awakening." It threw her conservative, 19th -century critics into a whirlwind. It deals with the taboo subjects of women's sexuality and infidelity. It's not hard to imagine why this book didn't get too much credit in her lifetime. It was such a scandal that she actually stopped publication on the book and it wasn't heard of again until the late '60s just in time for the women's rights movement. Not bad for a single mom trying to pay the bills huh?

Jane Austen (1775-1817)

You've heard the name and you've no doubt heard of her novels, too. She was born the seventh of eight children. She never married but is thought to have had one proposal. She wrote from the time she was a young girl and even finished

her first novel when she was 14. When I was 14, I was playing dodge ball in gym class. Maybe you haven't heard of this one, "Love and Friendship." But you definitely know her first major novel, "Sense and Sensibility." If you haven't seen the movie, give the book a shot. When she was 21, she published what is perhaps her greatest novel, "Pride and Prejudice." Clearly her books still hold an appeal today. I mean, there was a while when they kept making movies out of them.

Sappho (?-580 B.C.)

All right, so no major motion pictures are being made out of her poetry. She's still probably the greatest female poets of the classical world, inspiring poets of her time and winning critical acclaim centuries later. She lived on Lesbos, an island in Greece. It was an awfully long time ago, so the details of her life are sketchy. Some say she was married. Some say otherwise. Although only fragments of her poetry still exist, you have to love a scandal and her life and works caused enough of that. She ran a school for young, unmarried women. They learned the importance of social graces, composition, singing and how to recite poetry. After she died, however, something hit the fan. People started to wonder about her sexual preference. In fact, people even began to wonder what the women really learned at her school. It became such a big deal that they say the term "lesbian" started because of Sappho and her home, Lesbos.

organization, saved the Keswick in order to convert it into a perforrning arts center.

The Keswick soon went under major renovations and reopened under private ownership. The theater now has a 300,000watt electric service, sprinkler systems, and a fire warning system.

Recently, the building's facade was refurbished and the ornamental plastering in the inner lobby, main stairwell, and mezzanine was completed.

One of the theater's most historic pieces is a 1,700 pipe 19rank Moller Theatre pipe organ, which is also undergoing restoration.

The Keswick is now one of the most diverse and active venues on the East Coast. Such acts as Judy Collins, Phish, Ani DiFranco and Gallagher have graced the stage of the Keswick Theater.

Check out Lucia Mad on March 30, 31, April 5, 6 and 7 at 8 p.m. at the Red Cloud in Grace Hall. On Saturday, March 31, the show is free with a Cabrini College l.D.

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Disneyworld: the happiest place on earth

Most people would think that Disney World, home of Mickey Mouse and children's movies, is strictly for families and young children. However, there is a lot in the resort that appeals to teenagers and young adults. The parks that hold the most to do for the 17-21 crowd are MGM Studios and the Magic Kingdom. The first is home to movie stars of past and present paired with familiar Disney twists.

When you first get to MGM, check out ''The Twilight Zone Tower of Terror." As you follow the path up to the Hollywood Tower Hotel, Spanish moss and an eerie mist help to set the mood. Once inside enter one of the service elevators and begin your journey into the strange realm of 'The Twilight Zone." Be prepared, however, to be dropped five times in a row, from heights as much as 13 stories.

The next stop you should make is to the Rock and Roller Coaster starring Aerosmith. This indoor roller coaster propels its limo shaped cars from 0-60 miles per hour in 2.8 seconds. If you enjoy twists, loops, and loud rock music, this ride is great for


If thrill rides are not quite your style, check out one of the many shows. The Broadway style "Beauty and the Beast," the intense "Indiana Jones Epic Stunt Spectacular" and the humorous "Jim Henson's MuppetVision 3-D" are some of the treats that appeal to both the ears and the eyes.

MGMalso has a host of movie and television related attractions. Star Tours twists and turns its riders through familiar "Star Wars" scenes. Crawl and race through the "Honey, I Shrunk the Kids" movie playground. Tour actual ABC sounds sets on the Backstage Pass walking tour, or see the house 'The Golden Girls" stayed in on the Backlot Tour. Experience the power of sound in "Sounds Dangerous," starring Drew Carey.

For dinner or a good lunch, check out Prime Tune cafe. The '50s atmosphere radiates as soon as you step through the door. Black and white sitcoms and old Mickey Mouse Club skits play while you eat. Think your mother nags you enough? Well, the Ma and Pa servers will make sure you eat properly (no elbows on the table). If you finish your meal, you get a Clean Plate Club sticker. Prepare for a fun dinner.

At night, be sure to check out "Fantasmic!" This production combines film and live actors to create a spectacular sight. Mickey Mouse, the Queen from "Snow White" and other stars dance on stage while movie clips are projected onto walls of water. Fireworks, blacklight and bubbles add extra glitter to the show. It may seem like any other Disney stage show, but it is well worth the time. Just be warned. Seats go fast, so make sure you get there early.

After a day at MGM, be sure to check out the Magic Kingdom. If you are feeling nostalgic and want to relive those magical movies of your childhood, check out many of the character theme rides. "Peter Pan's Flight" and 'The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh," all in Fantasyland, take you through various scenes related to the movies. For more toon enjoyment, check out Mickey's Toontown Fair. Be sure to go to the Judge's Tent to meet the mouse himself.

Space Mountain and the Extra TERRORestrial Alien Encounter are full of thrills for those who want some adrenaline in their systems. These can be found in the futuristic Tommorowland. For more stomach-dropping fun, try Splash Mountain. The

classic flume ride takes you through the story of 'The Song of the South" and then drops you into the briar patch below. Caution-you will get wet

For thrills of another sort, be sure to go on ''The Haunted Mansion." Enter your doombuggy and see all of the hologramic marvels and animatronic spooks that lie in wait. While it is not excessively scary, some of the ghosts can catch you off guard. Most importantly, beware of hitchhiking ghosts! Disney has created the Fast Pass system that is perfect if you can't stand waiting in long lines all day. With a valid ticket, visitors can receive a pass that will give them an hour time frame in which to return to the attraction. This pass allows you to jump to the front of the line, cutting down on your wait. However, you can only get one Fast Pass every two hours, so choose the crowded attractions first.

Make sure that you save up some money when planning your Disney trip. One-day park tickets are $46, but it is better to invest in the four or five-day park hoppers that allow going back and forth between parks. It is often less expensive to stay at a hotel outside of the area in surrounding Kissimmee or outside of Orlando.

8 FEATURES I Thurs, March 29, 2001
Clockwise from left to right: Cinderel/a 's castle is a sight for visitor's passing through, Winnie the Pooh chuckles as he eats some honey, and Eeyore tries to pick up the shambles of his home. photos by Renee Tomcamin
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Campus Ministry seeks positive experience for everyone

Despite what you think you already know about Campus Ministry, you probably don't know about it at all, nor the people who run it.

Campus Minister John DiMucci came to Cabrini in the fall of 1995. In 1993 he received his undergraduate degree in liberal studies from Neuman College in Aston, Pa.

DiMucci then received his master's in theology from the University of Dayton in Dayton, Ohio. While at the University of Dayton, DiMucci was the campus minister.

Upo,;i his arrival to Cabrini, DiMucci's first goal was to build up the small campus ministry program and direct it towards student interest and need.

The campus ministry program has experienced an amazing amount of growth and student interest in the program is extremely high.

In his role as campus minister, DiMucci has brought the Search program to Cabrini, expanded the Appalachia program, and launched the Border experience.

"I would like to see every person who graduates from Cabrini to say they had a positive experience with campus ministry," DiMucci said.

DiMucci elaborated that "campus ministry is about connecting with other people and learning more about life."

A newer face to campus ministry is Mary Laver, who


Campus Ministers John DiMucci and Mary Laver both encourage students to get involved with campus ministry. received her Ph.D in Jewish/Christian relations. Before coming to Cabrini, Laver taught ethics at the Philadelphia Center of Great Lakes College Association. Laver came to Cabrini because she was interested in being involved with students in and out of the classroom. She was interested in being a campus minister and luckily, she found a spot at Cabrini.

Laver explained that the campus ministry program focuses on student leadership and welcoming all students.

Campus ministry also has a very informal and casual structure.

One of Laver's goals at Cabrini is presenting programs that educate and prepare in-service projects.

"I hope to help students to build on terrific programs that John has brought to the college that develop the connection between spirituality and service," Laver said.

Upcoming events include the Senior Retreat from April 6th- 7th and the Walk for Hunger on April 7th. For anyone interested in being a part of the Hunger and Homelessness Campaign next semester, there is a planing meeting on Thursday April 5 at 7:10 p.m. in the. Widener Center Conference Room on the second floor.

Campus ministry also started a Lenten Meditation this semester on Wednesdays that have become very popular and will perhaps continue even after Lent.

The Border Experience for campus ministry is fast approaching as well. There will be an information meeting on Tuesday April 3rd at 9:45 p.m. in Widener Conference Room on the second floor. Applications for the Border Experience are due April 4.

Campus ministry has a variety of programs for all different types of people with different interests. It is an excellent way to meet new people, build character and expand your horizons.

As DiMucci put it best:"No matter who you are or what your background is, campus ministry is a place that will make your life better."

SEM 300: 11 years of service educating the heart

Part 1: Educating the heart

Each semester we flip through the course selection book looking for whatever classes we need to fulfill our requirements so that we can graduate on time. Not too often do we have to choose a class that will not only stimulate our minds, but also our hearts.

SEM 300 is a unique course in that it focuses on the common good, which is the umbrella theme that runs throughout each class offeredin its section.

SEM 300 is a look into the spectrum of diversity. Through this course students are exposed to people from all differentwalks of life.

This course originated 11 years ago when the faculty at that time took a magnifying glass to the college's core curriculum and decided that SEM 300 needed to be a major piece of it. All students are required to take the course their junior year.

Shirley Dixon. student liaison for service learning, explained that between 100 and 150 students participate in SEM 300 each semester. Class size is usually kept to a 20-person minimum so that discussion can reach a more personal level.

Students are able to choose which concentration they would like to be in. For example, this semester there are students working with immigrants who are preparing for their citizenship test, other students are big brothers and big sisters to grade school children and some students are tutoring eighth graders in danger of failing. These are just a few of the student work sites.

Cabrini was the first college to be recognizedby a presidentfor incorporatinga service learning component into its core curriculum.

SEM 300 encourages students to consider their responsibilitiesto their communities and their roles in public life. It is an attempt to teach students to not only follow rules, but question them. It is an opportunity for students to explore what is good and what is unjust.

Often students are not asked to go beyond the walls of the classroom and grab hold of what they are learning. Normally they are given a paper to write or a reading assignment In SEM 300 students come together and work outside of the classroom in a team effort.

The service that the students participate in each week reflects what they discuss in the classroom. SEM 300 is a chance for students to look inward.

This is not only a chance to educate the mind, but also theheart.

9 _Lo_qu_iM __ ~_-~r-'-;._---•'--------FEATURES----------------
photo by Anita photo by Joe Holden Central East Middle School is one of the sites that SEM 300 students are participating in. Next week there will be a closer look into the perspectives of these students.

A few of my favorite things

cent complaint-free guarantee.

Eating disorders: Make it your b.usiness

There are movies about them. The Lifetime channel presents miniseries dealing with their implications. Dramas are run on major networks about their effects on an important person's family.

Eating disorders.

Eight million Americans have them and most often the victim is in denial, which complicates support and diagnosis.

The list of disorders ranges from anorexia to compulsive overeating. Though there are many disorders, there seems to be one common reason for their existence: to gain control.

The victim's life might be a whirlwind of confusion and dismay. Perhaps their homelife is not going well and they are having trouble being responsible. Or maybe it is just a lack of selfconfidence. They now turn to other sources to feel as if they are still in the driver's seat.

They feel release when they are able to binge eat and then vomit. This is the control factor: they control their consumption and then what will happen afterwards, usually bringing it right back up, so as to not gain a pound.

College is a time when there is little-to-no certainty and the most steady things can become confusing. These four tumultuoos years can be filled with anxiety and stress. Eating disorders are easily born in these conditions.

Women, ages 12 to 25, are the most common victims of eating disorders. Four percent of college females have an eating disorder. What are the chances that you know someone with an eating disorder? Do the math.

Be prepared to fight denial and still remain compassioante. Report a suspected case to the nurse. Eating disorders can result in death.

A Hollywood celebrity's life models perfection. Millions of people sit on their couches watching the awards' shows, fantasizing about being in the celebrities' shoes. However, there is no realization of what goes on behind the closed doors. The actresses are also women in need of control. Eating disorders are rampant in the so-called Tmsel Town.

People are infatuated with the perfect image and constantly think they are competing. Pethaps this is a lesson of awareness for all of us. Take the responsibility to not be oblivious to comments such as "Oh, I'm not hungry..." or "I already ate ...before I came ..." or consistent trips to the bathroom or even compulsive exercising. Although people are hesitant to get involved, these individuals may need your help. So make it your business.

There is absolutely no reason on Earth that you should have to listen to a thing that I'm about to say. But, if you do choose to read on, good luck. This is a commentary, a small section on Loquitur where I rant on and on about something that I have stockpiled in the back of my mind. Truth be told, there isn't all that much lurking in my head that I feel I must tell you about that you don't already know. I won't discuss housing, because honestly, who wants to hear about that again. I won't talk about the most recent speaker who visited the college and I promise not to mention a single faculty member's name. Instead, I'll just tell you about the things that make me happy. I give you the 100 per-

The monte cristo sandwich from Bennigans. Even writing the name of this delectable sandwich makes me salivate like a dog under the dictatorship of Pavlov. If you haven't had a monte cristo, you are truly missing out on the eighth wonder of the world. I must have eaten at least 20 of these sandwiches in my lifetime and each time it gets even more delicious. Deep-fried bread stuffed with ham, turkey and cheese topped with powdered sugar ready to be dipped in raspberry sauce. It comes in four pieces and easily contains at least 100 grams or better of asswidening fat, but it's worth it and that's coming from a man who is obsessed with calorie counting. All this with a side of fries and you've had a tiny slice of heaven. I'll let you in on a little secret: I just drooled all over my keyboard. I love that sandwich.

Next on my road to happiness is the Ab-Slide. OK, so I said I didn't mind the countless calories that are soaked in the monte cristo, but I don't want it to stay

with me forever, especially bulging out over my belt. That's why the Ab-Slide was one of the greatest presents I've ever received. Posed like a cat on all fours, arms reached out in front of me with my hands wrapped around those beautiful blue handlebars I'm ready to slide. The stretch in my stomach, the tightness in my arms, the vein popping out of my forehead as I slide down towards the floor, pure enjoyment. In just five minutes a day I'll personally guarantee you results after about two weeks. I won't reimburse you or anything if it fails, but the next time you see me in the halls feel free to flip me off or something, I' 11understand.

And last on my list is you. Yeah, you know who you are. Go ahead, smile for me, you're number one in my book. Each time I think of you I experience a world of happiness even greater than that of my beloved monte cristo or Ab-Slide. There you go, a no complaints, no hassle commentary. Hope you enjoyed it.

10 The editorials, viewpoints, opinions and letters to the editor published in Loquitur are the views of the student editorial board and the individual writers, not the entire student body or the faculty and administration.
Thurs., March 29, 2001
Read the Loquituronlineat www.a.,11a11n11r.c1m Loquitur is established as a forum for student expression and as a voice in the uninhibited, robust, free a11dopen discussion of issues. News Editor: Linsey Heiser A&E Editors: MichaelKazanjian Beth Ann Conahan Features Editor: Meghan Merkel Advertising Manager: Jose Jalandoni Staff Writers Kendra Clark Jill Hindman Mike Bevelaqua Georgiana Rushworth Beth Ann Conahan Jenine lkeler Jennifer Coots Michael A. Kazanjian Matthew Coughlin Marianne McKim Jennifer Devereaux Lauren Norton Justine Difilippo John O' Donnell Renee DiPietro Kate Pelusi Jennifer Ford Julia Marie Teti Amy Gassen Jessica Giordano Nick Luchko Tracy Timson Renee Tomcanin Geri Lynn Utter Chris Vesci Editor in Chief: Joe Holden Managing Editor: Stephanie Masucci Editorial Board Meghan Merkel Stephanie Masucci Joe Holden Michael A. Kazanjian Advisers:Rita Cellucci, Dawn Francis Sports Editors: Amy Gassen Geri Lynn Utter Perspectives Editor: Mike Butler Photography Editor: Matt Holmes Web Manager: Matt Tooley Staff Photographers Justine Difilippo Anita Pirri Jenine [keler Matt Holmes Loquitur is a laboratory newspaper written. edited and produced by students registered in COM 346, 350, 351, 353 and 354. Members of the campus community are invited to work on or submit stories for publication. Only students registered in the above classes, however, are eligible to receive academic credit. Subscription price is $25 per year and is included in tbe benefits secured in tuition and fees. Loquitur welcomes letters to the editor. Letters should be signed and the authorship known to the editors. Names are with• eld only in unusual circumstances approved by the editor in chief. Letters to the editor should be submitted by noon on Mondays.

Twenty things that need improving

After recently reading Cabrini f------, College's "Twenty Things We're Proud Of' ad, I feel it is my duty as outgoing President of the SGA to give twenty things that can be improved.

1. Add more lights and callboxes. SGA has got the ball rolling with this one. If you haven't noticed. there are more lights near the apartments and the tennis courts. We just need more callboxes near residential boulevard and lights where there is heavy student traffic.

2. Put more than two printers in the computer lab. I don't know about you but when I do the math, 2000 students and two printers equal a lot of problems. When exam time comes around and everyone is using the lab, the toner will get low and the paper will look bad. Trust me, it happens.

3. Open the Food Court past 9pm. I can't tell you how much money I have spent on Campus Corner in my four years at Cabrini. If the Food Court were open until 11p.m. or midnight, people would come up. Start with one night and see how it goes. There is no harm done with trying.

4. More service trips. Okay, so we have Appalachia and Mexico, but after that there is nothing. Why is that so when St Frances Xavier Cabrini was the patron of immigrants? Rather than use the money for things that are meaningless to students, liJce a pond or fountain, use that money to supply students with the funds needed to not only make trips that are available now but those in the future.

S. Put a schedule for the Dixon Center outside for students. When I have had a rough day and I need to relieve some stress, I decide to go to the Dixon Center. But

when I get there either a team is practicing or I am told I have to leave because some team from the area is practicing. Why doesn't the school put a big calendar out in the lobby so that student will know ahead of time what is going on?

6. Put Financial Aid and the Business Office next to each other. These two offices should be working together, right? Why are they not in the same building at least so that way they can communicate better and be more accessible for all parties involved.

7. A stable Residence Hall policy and housing selection. This seems to be happening this year but it won't be the same next year. In four years at this college, I have seen four resident life directors and four different policies. Please, for the future students of this college, create a policy and stick with it.

8. Open the Library past 10:30. I can tell you that SGA tried this year to get the library open later. I don't know why it did not happen. Students would agree that most of the time they study past 10:30 and when the place of study closes at that time, you're not going to learn much.

9. Parking. I was always under the impression that freshmen were not allowed to have cars on campus. However, I know for a fact that a majority of them do and this is not cool since the rest of us have to pay. If anyone is interested, look at the Widener Lot at llp.m. Monday through Thursday and you tell me whether or not there are freshmen cars on campus.

10. Off-campus housing for students through Cabrini. I know. Apartments don't want to rent to college students, however, if the college made a deal saying that, for example, the students living there were senior education majors, I think that the apartment complex would reconsider. Especially if Residence Life is saying that they want a one-year committrnent, those students who cannot do this can live in an apartment off campus and still get the college experience.

11. More than one counselor. The Counseling Center is


Classic Mail: The Loquitur 61 0 King of Prussia Road Radnor, Pa. 19087

such an issue that I am tired of talking about it. How can . you have one counselor at a college? Cabrini really should have asked students how they felt about Jefferson taking over this year and compared it to past counselors. It would be interesting to see the comments.

12. Keep graduation on the lawn. Tradition. Even plans for the future call the back of the mansion "Graduation Greens." I hope that it is there, no matter the cost to the college.

13. Phones in the Apartments. So I guess the plans for the CAC back in the day didn't include phones in the hallways. I think that putting three public phones in the hallways would not only help students but also RA's and Public Safety.

14. Give out maps. This is something that should really be done. Every year, give the students maps of the campus and where they can find certain people and offices. This year, there were more students that came to Student Activities looking for Residence Life and stuff like that. Since there was no notification of the move to students, it was an inconvenience. Also there should be a list of where you can find the entire faculty.

15. Fix the website. Why is our website never updated. As of today, the last time it was updated was March 4. That is good. Why doesn't the school have students who are in the IST department help update the page weekly with special features throughout the school?

16. Watch St. Joe's fans. This goes out to the students. If you ever want to cheer on your sports teams, look at these fans. It's sad that there is no school spirit and no interest in going nuts at the games. At the NCAA game there was a small group that did this, but really everyone should have been up for the game. When I sat in the crowd, I heard more people talk about what kind of beer they were going to drink that night instead of the actual game. I hope in the future this will change.

17. Keep Grace Hall a dorm. I know that this is not going to happen but it should. If Grace Hall was a dorm many residence hall problems would go away. Just think about it. Space solution.

18. Begin to look at baseball for the future. Now that we have a softball field, I think that it is time for baseball to have a future at Cabrini. Even if it is a club for a few years, I know that there are plenty of people who want to see it happen. It's not as if we're testing a sport no one has ever seen before.

•Phone: (610) 902-8412

•Length: No more than two typed pages

•Requirements·: Names will not be withheld from letters to the editor or commentaries, even at the author's request.

19. Let students be a part of the decision making. Students are the most important thing to this college. They make the college what it is. They should have the right and the privilege to be part of the decision making in the way this college is run. If the college feels the school is a business then shouldn't they listen and consider what their customers want?

20. Finally, Administration, don't lose contact with the students. I think that this has been deteriorating for the last couple of years. Due to the amount of change and the lack of consistency, students are used to one thing and then the next year it changes again. Please, for the future, consider the students and don't lose them. Many students have a lack of faith in the college already and how it is run. I think it is time for the college to get the students back so that both sides can work together and make the experience memorable.

• ·,J ,, w1• l''\1_ ,;.-..), Loquitur •••• ••••••••••• •••••.••••• • •I : ~l)'I." 1•,·· PERSPECTIVES 11


Loquitur Dome: T~e Eternal De~~!!.,,.,ndwomen

They have all smoked the reefer, ganja, or whatever you kids are calling it these days. And the last I checked, they were all still doing ok.

So guess what? I believe that marijuana should be legalized. If you really stop and examine the hard facts, the criminalization of marijuana is just as much a mistake as prohibition was, if not more so.

First off, I am not saying to stop fighting the war on drugs. Drugs destroy lives, either directly through addiction and overdoses, or indirectly by leading to crime. But, as anyone who will be blunt will tell you, marijuana is not a particularly dangerous drug. Pharmacies are stuffed with legal substances a lot more dangerous and addictive than cannibis. It's like Canada; there's a lot, but it's pretty harmless.

And how is that war on marijuana going? I recently saw a commercial ad aimed at adolescents claiming that not everyone smokes pot. "Only 1 in 4 teenagers smoke pot," the commercial said. Think about it. Is that something to brag about? If 1 in 4 teenagers were taking Pepto Bismol, it would be a national health crisis. 1 in 4 teens smoke pot, and that's considered success. Go figure.

Let's discuss how many fatalities have been caused by smoking marijuana (or baking it into tasty brownies). The total: 0. Look it up. You can die from swallowing too much toothpaste, you can die from eating a cheeseburger at a restaurant, but you won't die from smoking marijuana .. ·

As a matter of fact, there are many who believe that marijuana has helped to prolong their lives.

There are currently nine states


---,Making pot legal would take

that will allow the use of marijua- ff •i that job away. The second factor na for medicinal purposes. How in why the economy would dip is it medicinal, you ask? Well,

is due to the fact that peo~~e use marijuana relaxes you, decreases -,I.. •· their money to buy mar1Juana. pain and stimulates appetite (you •t

Circulation is key to a good guessed it, the munchies). These economy. People need to spend are all handy and important

their money. Marijuana is a things for HIV and cancer pa- ~lililllliilM good outlet. tients, among others. The movie "Tra 1c v1v1 y • ffi II • 'di

Marijuana. Just saying the portrays how involved crack, If you smoke marijuana then

But it's a gateway drug, right?

word automatically puts you in marijuana and other drugs can you're going to want to try other a chill mood. become the interstate commerce harmful drugs, right? Well, let's

tn••i,a6nn Picture a bright, sunny, of other countries. Mexico, take an honest chronological look e,,afKGUU•• spring day. Yourself, your clos- specifically, dealt with Ameriat the "gateway" theory. est friends, and a handful of cans on a friendly level when

How often is marijuana the at your professors are passing a drugs were the topic of converfirst substance that people try? nicely packed bowl around the sation. Making marijuana legal The majority of teenagers will •all'ii1•ana peace pole. This scene could all would kill the smuggling of pot smoke a cigarette or two and/or fDa• QUa••a become a reality if a law passes from other countries. To make break into their parents' liquor legalizing the use of marijuana. ends meet other countries would cabinet before they consider try-

Pot is great to have around. just push heavier drugs onto our ing an illegal drug. The real start- Without the drug, we would not dealers who in turn would push ing point on the road to hard have had The Grateful Dead, heavier drugs onto our users. drugs isn't pot, it's alcohol and The debate free love, dirty hippies, or a bas- The aftermath of legalizing marnicotine. And don't forget, beer • h ketball team. Although it's good ijuana would just produce more and smokes are drugs. Legal ac- between hig to have around, legalizing the crack heads. ceptable drugs, but still drugs. By l drug would cause too much Government regulation the way, those drugs are physical- time and j ai chaos in our society. would be the worst outcome ly addictive. Marijuana is not. Legalized marijuana, much from the legalizing of marijua-

Our country has it so wrong time hits like Communism, seems like a na. We already have restrictions about the difference between al- great idea when playing the out- on alcohol. Imagine the restriccohol and marijuana. Are our LoquiturDome come over and over in your day- tions a mind-altering plant laws really made to ensure the dreams. The sweet aroma of would produce. Alcohol is easier good health of us citizens? You this week. weed could greet you each to control due to the fact that it decide. morning as you light a daily is legal and the government

In most states (but not ours), Chris Nielsen bowl for breakfast. Instead of knows who is buying and selling you can buy malt liquor at a gas h having cigarette breaks between alcoholic beverages. State stores station and in many cases you can calls for t e classes or at work, fellow stu- would replace decaying street by liquor at a drive-through. You f dents and employees could sim- corners for the buying and sellcan buy bottles of run that have legalization O ply inhale a Philly Blunt minus ing of weed. Officers of the law warnings on the label about being the original tobacco. would be on an even bigger "extremely flammable." I don't pot while Amy

Realistically, however, legal- lookout for those who do not know about you, but it doesn't izing pot is a good idea only in abide by the weed laws. sound too healthy to me to drink Gassen argues fairy tales. If pot were legal, the If government controls this something that could burst into dwindling American economy drug, they can make sure that it flames. to keep ree1er would crumble. Countless fami- is simply not stocked in high

Not everyone should smoke lies would be put out on the quantities. Think of the people pot. If it is legalized, not every- illegal. street. America would lose who enjoy that daily breakfast one will smoke it. How many many ties with foreign coun- bowl. If marijuana was made people do you think there are L..___________ tries. If legalized, the drug could legal, those poor souls would who want to smoke but don't be- become too easy to access, or possibly have to succumb to a cause it's illegal? Not too many. even worse it could become one-a-week breakfast of chamThe country will not have sudden harder to find. pions.

reefer madness.

Do you know of a heated issue that deserves attention? Write Mike '80s Butler and give him that beef at

A plunge in the economy On the other hand, pot could Let's be honest with ourselves. would come from two reasons. become too easy to obtain. The war on marijuana is a losing Many families all over the Unit- Many peopk face addictions effort. Let's use our resources for ed States rely on the illegality of that they are trying to curb. Lestopping the dangerous, lethal marijuana to live. Street hustlers galizing their addictive habit drugs that are killing people and sell weed to a variety of peoples would just make it easier for destroying lives. Let's let the hip- to support their families. Selling Americans to find their drug of pies, intellectuals, medical pa- marijuana illegally is their job. choice. tients and college kids do what Their job is very profitable. The Keep marijuana illegal. they're going to anyway. money they make, they put back Legalize marijuana. into the economy buy buying

-----12 PERSPECTIVES Thurs., March. 29, 2001
do Bill Clinton, Willie Nelson, Sen. John McCain, Sam Donaldson and Snoop Doggy Dog_have in common?

Randy XFL ready for playoffs

With four weeks left in the XFL's debut season, three playoff positions are still up for grabs. The Orlando Rage (6-1) was the first team to clinch a playoff berth this past weekend and should earn the Eastern Division Title with losses from either the New York/New Jersey Hiunen or the Birmingham Bolts. A first-place finish would ensure the Rage of hosting at least a semifinal game and if they finish the season with the best overall record that also could earn the right to hot the XFL Championship Game, known as tl)e "Bog Game At The End," should they qualify. With "The Big Game At The End" approaching one might wonder, "What's the payoff"? To the team that wins "TBGATE" goes a million-dollar bounty to be split among them. The XFL players are paid to play, but are paid more to win. XFL base salaries are $45,000 for the 10-game regular season. Quarterbacks are paid slightly more ($50,000) and kicking specialists slightly less ($35,000). In addition, each regular season game features a $100,000 bonus pool to be divided equally by players on the winning team.

XFL players are experienced pro-football players whose backgrounds include the NFL, NFL Europe, the Arena Football League and the CF, but cannot be under contract with any other league.

The eight teams are broken up into two divisions: East and West. Orlando, Mew York/New Jersey, Chicago and Birmingham make up the Eastern Division while Los Angeles, Las Vegas, San Francisco and Memphis compose the West.

Aside from the tough names and flashier uniforms, the XFL is different than the NFL. The differences lie in the rules. One of the biggest changes that this football league

made was the elimination of the point after kick. Now teams must run or pass the ball into the end zone in order to receive an extra point. The changes do not stop there.

In addition, there is no roughing the passer/kicker. That means the quarterbacks are fair game to the punishing hits of the defensive linemen. For more intensity and fast-paced action the play clock was shortened form 45 to 35 seconds. The gives the offensive less time to call a play and the defense less time to rest.

The XFL also changed the game of football by bringing cameras and microphones onto the field and into the huddle. Audio crews and cameramen frequently follow around the coach, broadcasting his plays and strategies. The onfield cameras and probing microphones bring little, if any, new excitement to the game, but who really wants to complain about football after January?

Three playoff spots are still open with New York/New Jersey, Los Angeles and Las Vegas leading the pack. These teams will have their work cut out for them if they want to see the extra money they can win in the playoffs that begin the weekend of April 14-15.

The Teams

Eastern Divison

Orlando Rage

NY/NJ Hitmen

Chicago Enforcers

Birmingham Bolts

Week in Review

Men's Lacrosse

The men's lacrosse team defeated Misericordia College by a score of 28-1 last Saturday. John Hagelin scored four goals and had two assists.

Women's Lacrosse

The Cavs had a full week playing in three games. On March 19 the Cavs defeated Immaculata College, 19-1. They came back last Thursday to beat Widener University, 5-2. Their winning streak ended on Saturday with a 12-11 loss to Eastern College. The leading player of the week was junior Nicole Shultz who had 19 goals and three assists.


Western Division

Las Vegas Outlaws

San Francisco Demons

Memphis Maniax

The Lady Cavs played in a double header on Sunday. They defeated Marywood University 17-0 and 4-1. In the first game, junior Megan Johnston pitched a perfect game and sophomore Rita Homing hit a home run. In the second game of the day junior Jacki Armes pitched a 12-strikeout game.

Men's Tennis

The Cavs played in two matches this past week. On March 20 they lost to Philadelphia University 5-2. They came back on Sunday to defeat Wilkes University by a score of 5-2.

---'--------------~-- -

There are now only three games left to play in the college basketball season. Who can believe it is almost over? Now that the Final Four is set, we should look back and tip our hats to the Temple Owls who made it al the way to the Elite Eight when people were saying they did not even belong in the tournament. And congratulations to Penn State and the St. Joseph's Hawks on their phenomenal seasons.

Now we move on to the part of the season everyone has been waiting for, the Final Four. These games could be the most entertaining games of the tournament. The match-ups are Duke versus Maryland and Arizona versus Michigan State.

Duke and Maryland have played to three


'hot and

cold' four battle for NCAA champs

great games this season. On senior night at Duke, Maryland absolutely took apart the Blue Devils and came away with the win. At Maryland, the Terps held a double-digit lead wit a minute to go and lost. Then the two teams squared off in the ACC conference tournament with Duke corning away with the win. Sure, all signs point toward Duke, but this is a different Maryland team than what Duke last saw. This team is just flat out hot right now. This is their first Final Four appearance and they plan on making the most of it. But will Terps be able to withstand Jason Williams and Shane Battier who have been phenomenal throughout the NCAA's. Remember when Williams scored 19 straight points for Duke in six minutes? The fact is that both teams are hot and have players to some great games this season. This game is a tossup.

The other game features Arizona and Michigan State. This could be the more interesting of the two because Michigan State does not shoot the "three" well but loves to bang on the inside for rebounds. But this is providing Arizona shows up for the game. This game is in a cold climate. Remember what happened a few years ago when they had a scheduled game with St. Joseph's at the Palestra and never showed up? If no one knows about it, check the NCAA archives on the Internet. I am sure you will find something in there. That should be an interesting match-up on the inside for both teams. They both have the horses and the inside play of both teams could decide who advances to play next Monday. Michigan State will have to hold its own against Arizona's Loren Woods and their guards. The Spartans are the defending national champi-

ons and have the experience. But this is not the same team as last year, but both teams will have their hands full.

This is a Final Four where I am not even going to pick. The same happened last year. These games are going to be so entertaining that no one should bet. Just sit back and enjoy the last three games. They are going to be a real treat. The Final Four is here. There are three games left. It is Duke versus Maryland and Michigan State versus Arizona Saturday night. Who will win, we will soon find out. The madness continues. Enjoy.

Note. The scheduled times for the games are Michigan State versus Arizona at 5:42 p.m. and Maryland versus Duke at 8:12 p.m. The championship game is Monday night around 9p.m.

Loquitur • SPORTS

Men's lacrosse destroy Misericordia by 27 goals

The sky was gray and the weather cold, but the men's lacrosse team proved to be hot by defeating Misericordia College by a score of 28 - 1 this past Saturday. The Cavs showed their domination early by scoring three goals within three minutes of the first period. Thro1,1ghoutthe rest of the first ha}f,- the Cavs continued dominance by posting a 20-0 score as the first half ended.

As the Cavs came back for the second half, they continued their dominance. At the end of the third period the Cavs were ahead 24-0.


In the fourth period excitement was brought on when the coach, Steve Colfer, switched the offense to defense and vice versa.

"The 4th period was the highlight for me because the coached switched me from defense to offense and I scored," said Mike Demarest, senior defensemen.

Demarest was not the only defensemen who benefited from the switch. Sophomore Tom Grosse also took advantage of the switch and scored a goal for the Cavs 27th.

Misericordia's turn came in the fourth period with a time of 9: 14 on the clock. Matt Boben scored the lone goal, which created

Yoga: relaxing exercise for the mind, body, soul

Yoga is about 5,000 years old and is rooted in Hindu religious principles. The term yoga is derived from the Sanskrit word for "union" and it refers to a variety

intention is to prepare the body for the pursuit of union with the divine while raising the practitioner's awareness of creation to a higher, keener state.

The aim of hatha yoga is to enhance the prana, or life force. The prana resides in the body and it is thought that by reaching it one will achieve harmony and balance between mind and body.

The practices of hatha yoga include controlled breathing, prescribed postures (also called asanas) and meditation. It is thought that the prana enters the body through the breath. This explains why much of yoga focuses on proper breathing. Slow, deep breathing is encouraged because hurried, shallow breathing is thought to inhibit the life force.

cal exercises, it is most closely related to the mind-body family of therapies. These include biofeedback and meditation. According to research, yoga produces measurable physiological changes in the body. These changes include an alteration in brain-wave activity causing increased relaxation and a decrease in the respiratory rate and blood pressure.

cheers from both the Cabrini and Misericordia fans.

Elaine Abrams, sophomore, stated, " It was nice that they scored the one goal because at least they did not go away without the feeling of not accomplishing anything."

When asked about the game, Matt Clements, senior goalie, stated, "We all had a chance to play, which was good because we all gained some game experience."

As Cabrini looks toward their next game they hope to keep working on what they have been all season.

"We want to work on staying together as a team and keep working

on completing the game as a whole," said Ryan Greer, senior midfielder. Demarest added, "We also want to keep working on our fundamentals."

The Cavs lead the PAC, as stated on the PAC website, with a standing of 2-0 and are 2-3 in the overall standings.

The Cavs will play next on March 28 at DeSales University at 3:30 p.m. They will come back home on March 31 when they take on Shenandoah University at 12:00p.m.

For this game Demarest states, "We would like more fans to come out and support us."

Stop the sniffles with Vitamins B, C , E

t,y Justine DI Filippo assistant photo editor

Cold season is coming. So prepare yourself for those runny noses and soar throats. Drink orange juice and eat healthy.

Photo retrieved from

of disciplines that are designed to bring those who practice it closer to God.

There are various forms of yoga. Some forms less practiced in the West include karma yoga, dynana yoga and jnana yoga. Karma yoga calls for selfless service to God and mankind, dynana yoga seeks union through meditation, and jnana yoga involves the study of scriptures, the yoga mainly practiced here in the West is called hatha yoga. Its

There are various forms of yoga postures. Some are intended to improve posture and work the skeletal system, others to stretch and strengthen muscles and still more to compress and relax the organs and nerves. The main purpose of all postures is to make the body a worthy host for a soul by perfecting it. The aim of meditation is to produce a calm, quiet frame of mind. It reinforces and supplements the disciplines of hatha yoga by focusing the mind and relaxing the body.

Although yoga involves physi-

Yoga offers many proven health benefits. It improves fitness, promotes relaxation and reduces stress. It can also improve posture, flexibility, coordination, sleep, digestion and concentration. Although yoga is not a cure for any medical ailment, it can be used as supplementary therapy for many conditions, such as cancer, diabetes and arthritis. Also, yoga can help to combat addictions such as smoking. Yoga should be performed on a mat to avoid slipping during exercises. Sometimes, advanced students will use a strap to assist in leg stretches. Wall-mounted devices may be available to maintain balance during difficult exercises. Other than this, no equipment is necessary. Loose, comfortable clothing should be worn and yoga is almost always performed in bare feet.

One way to prevent the common cold is to bone up on the vitamins. A few vitamins that can help fight off the common cold are vitamins C,E and Bl2. But be careful because if you take too many you could experience some side effects.

Vitamins help the body produce more white blood cells. White blood cells often produce antibodies that help fight off bacteria causing illness.

Vitamin C helps in the formation of collagen, absorption of iron in the body, prevents oxidation in the blood, and helps in the healing of wounds. Depending on how much the person weighs is how much Vitamin C one should take, as is with most vitamins. Vitamin C can be found in oranges, orange juice, green peppers, broccoli and cantaloupe to name a few.

If taken too much, vitamin C will cause diarrhea and if one continues to take the same amount they could die of dehydration. Vitamin B 12 is a water soluble vitamin that aids in the growth and repair of all cells in the body, including nerves cells. Also along with

folic aci~ helps in preventing birth defects, heart disease, childhood asthma,, depression and diabetic oeuropathy. You can get vitamin B12 in foods such as beef, eggs, milk and Swiss cheese. These can be found in every ones refrigerator or cafeteria.

Along with vitamin C the only problem one would have overdosing on this vitamin is loose bowels. B12 can be taken by injection though some side effects are itching or irritationof injection area.

Vitamin E is found in vegetable oils, nuts, seeds, leafy greens vegetables and wheat germ. Vitamin E is used to get rid of access oxygen in the blood. The only bad effect of too much vitamin E is it can cause an increase of bleeding, but if taken with vitamin K (a clotting vitamin) they will counter act and it would be as if one was not taking any vitamins at all.

Remember when taking vitamins to read labels each brand is different and can cause different reactions. Also go to your doctor for allergy tests some vitamins have a preservative that one could be allergic too. Ask your doctor if you need to be taking vitamins and tonight at dinner how about a salad on the side.

J ------14 SPORTS Thurs., March 29, 2001
"We want to work on staying together as a team and keep on working on completing the game as a whole."
senior midfielder

Lindros: a Philadelphia legend or loser?

Eric Lindros' Philadelphia Flyers career: Born 1992, Died 2000.

Looking back on those eight years, I wonder if the Flyers could have done better with someone else. I believe they could have.

Let's look at how Lindros became a Flyer. Lindros, the top prospect in the NHL draft in '91, was originally drafted by the Quebec Nordiques, now the Colorado Avalanche. Lindros, however, had no desire to play in Quebec and told the Nordiques he had no desire to play for them and sat out the entire year. This lead to a mammoth trade between the Flyers and Nordiques that saw Lindros become a Flyer and saw the Flyers part with $15 million, four players, a first-round draft Pick in , 93 and the rights photos from the Eric Undros website to top prospect Peter Forsberg.

Who got the better of the trade? Both the Avalanche and Flyers have made it to the Stanley Cup Finals once since the trade; however, the Avalanche won when they went in '96 while the Flyers lost in '97. As of March 24, Forsberg bas played 459 games in seven seasons and bas racked up 169 goals and 408 assists for 577 points in the regular season. Lindros has played 486 games in eight seasons, scor-

ing 290 goals and 369 assists for 659 points. Lindros has the advantage over Forsberg in regular season statistics by 121 goals and 82 assists. But the playoffs are a different story all together. Lindros has played in 50 playoff games scoring 24 goals and earning 33 assists for 57 points. Forsberg, on the other hand, has played in 84 playoff games with 38 goals and 56 assists for 94 points. Clearly we can see that Forsberg is not only more durable than Lindros but he also performs better during the all-important playoffs. Even though Lindros has been known as a dominating player, Forsberg has also garnered great accolades for his play as well.

One could argue that Forsberg played for a better team than Lindros and that is true. The Avalanche have been and still are a better team than the Flyers. One of the big reasons for that is because of the $15 million that the Flyers sent to the Nordiques when they traded for Lindros. Fifteen million dollars isn't a lot in sports like baseball and basketball, but in hockey it is a substantial sum. That money could have been used by the Flyers to build around Forsberg.

Aside from Stanley Cups, Lindros does have an edge over Forsberg in terms of awards. In 1995, Lindros won the Hart Memorial Trophy as the league's MVP and the Lester B. Pearson Award as MVP as selected by the players. In that same year, Forsberg won the Calder Trophy as rookie of the year. Also, in '95, Lindros was tied with Jaormir Jagr as the league's leading scorer, but the Art Ross Trophy for being the top scorer in the NHL went to Jagr because be had more goals than Lindros.

But what puts Forsberg ahead of Lindros is maturity. After Lindros turned down the $8.5 million offer sheet from the Flyers, he then handcuffed the Flyers by saying not only wouldn't he play for the Flyers again, but that he would only play for Toronto. Toronto couldn't muster up the right deal and so as the trade deadline approached Lin-

dros all of a sudden widened his selection of teams. If Lindros had kept his mouth shut about where he wanted to go, he might have ended up on another team by now and actually playing hockey instead of sitting in Canada doing nothing. Instead, Lindros has decided to sit out for the second time in his career. So far, Forsberg has not even come close to causing a fraction of the problems that Lindros has.

Whether Forsberg could have brought a Stanley Cup to Philadelphia is irrelevant. What matters is that Forsberg could have provided just as much as Lindros did with exponentially less headaches for the team and at a lower cost as well.

Philliesface frighteningfuture this season

The Philadelphia Phillies begin the 2001 year with a new manager, and a new attitude however, to this writer the end result will be the same. Not only do I feel the Phillies are going to Jose, they are going to flat out stink.

I always give the Phillies the benefit of the doubt and I am always rooting for them and want them to come out as winners, but this year I cannot do it. The pitching staff is terrible, the bullpen is filled with misfits and losers that have seen their better days 5-10 years ago and the starting lineup can only take you so far. There is just no hope for this team.

First off, Larry Bowa is a good guy. He was a classic shortstop back in the'80s with a no-die attitude leading the Phillies to their only championship. Bowa, however, will have to do a lot more then pep talking to get

this team to win. He is going to need a miracle.

The Phillies have five unproven starters. There is no ace and it does not seem that any of these pitchers will take on the role. Lefthanders Bruce Chen and Randy Wolf will be the 1-2 punch. Hard throwing, Roger Person will be third in command but with a shoulder that has had problems in the past. Omar Daal will look to bounce back from a 19 game loss season while Chris Brock will round out the rotation.

The bullpen looks to be one of the most overpriced one in all of baseball. Jose Mesa will do nothing as he is still recovering from his past personal problems. Ricky Bottalico returns to the Phillies to blow another 15 saves. Vincent Padilla looks to be the only reliable reliever who will show signs of life that is of course if he can get his fastball beyond 75 mph.

The starting lineup looks familiar with one new face. Doug Glanville will lead off

photo from and play centerfield. Do not be surprised if Glanville gets traded due to his lack of hitting and the resurgence of Reggie Taylor. Rookie-of-the-Year Candidate Jimmy Rollins will be the Phillies shortstop of the future. Bobby Abreu will continue his hot hitting and right field coverage. Scott

Rolen looks to return to his gold-glove form after a year of back troubles. All-Star to be Pat Burrell will be unstoppable this year and will hit 30ilome runs. Mike Leiberthal will continue to be a steady player and one of the best catchers in the league. Under appreciated Travis Lee hopes to return to his 25 homers and 100 RBI's from two years ago. Marlon Anderson is bad. Enough said.

The Phillies will not make the playoffs. If this team is to do anything, it should spend money on free agents. It is the 4th largest market in America and their payroll is ranked as one of the lowest. The reason, they say, is because of the need for a new stadium. I say it is because they are too cheap and just want to put a product out on the field to get the job done. This is not-fair to the fans of this town that deserve a winning team. We will see when the stadium comes around three years from now if the Phillies are telling the truth.

SPORTS Thurs., March 29, 2001
Lindros takes one of his final falls in game against N. Y. Rangers

Free food, health screenings, tips at Health Fair in Dixon Center

and make it mandatory to students to go to the fair. They would be supporting the sports science department who will be performing fitness tests."

"Every table is going to be a hands on experience where you are either getting some kind of test done, or there is some kind of free stuff that you can take," Greenwood said.

Highlighs of the fair include chair massages and hand massages. Additionally, free screenings will be offered on blood pressure, vision, musculal strength, spine management, and hearing. Free food samples will be distributed from Fresh Fields, Trader Joe's, Arrow Root Naural Foods, and from Christopher's Resturant.

cosponsoring this event. · sports editor Greenwood plans the organi-

Swimsuit season is right around the corner. Many are struggling to workoff that 'freshman 15.' Others are pondering why back pain plagues them when they are still in their young '20s.

Free fitness tests, screenings, and samples of healthy food will fill the lobby of the Dixon Center on Thurs., April 5. Tracey Greenwood, fitness director, along with Sue Fitzgerald, college nurse, are

zation for two reasons. "The first reason," Greenwood said, " is to let everyone on campus become more aware of all the different health issues. The second is to make is a fun event, to get together and make it a healthy social thing."

Last year, the health fair attracted over 200 people. "Hopefully," Greenwood said, "this year we will get more.

I think it would be really great if more faculty offer that day off

Cabrini Co No~20 Inside Mea'&Lu Mllamdia.. 8-P1Fl41'ot ..... Thurs., March 29, 2001 I
photos by Amy Gassen Sports Science major Katie Bartosik, junior, takes the blood pressure of first-year student Justin Sicile. Bartosik, along with other sports science majors, will offer free screenings at the health fair. by Amy Gassen
'L .;;~~,ii;, ...,., 11\:...>:.
One of the tests that will be offered at the fair is how to determine grip strength. Bartosik
Who's Playing? thu r~ 29 • Softball vs. Beaver College, 3 p.m. • Ultimate Frisbee, 4 p.m., Dixon Center • Squash, 5-7 p.m., Dixon Center fri 30 ll Il 31 1 • M's Lacrosse vs. • Volleyball, Shenandoah 9-11 p.m., University, Noon Dixon Center • M's Tennis at West Chester University, I p.m. • Softball at Alvernia College, I p·.m. • W's Lacrosse vs. Muhlenberg College, l p.m. : \\ cd 2 3 4 • Softball at Eastern • Softball vs. Cedar • Men's Lacrosse College, 3 p.m. Crest College, at Neumann 3p.m. College, 4 p.m. • Men's Tennis vs. • Squash, 5-7 p.m., Alvernia College, Dixon Center 4p.m. •Women's Lacrosse vs. Gwynedd-Mercy College, 4 p.m. • Indoor Soccer, 10 p.m., Dixon
demonstrates as Amanda
junior, gets ready

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Articles inside

Philliesface frighteningfuture this season

page 15

Lindros: a Philadelphia legend or loser?

page 15

Yoga: relaxing exercise for the mind, body, soul

page 14

Men's lacrosse destroy Misericordia by 27 goals

page 14

cold' four battle for NCAA champs

page 13

Week in Review

page 13

Randy XFL ready for playoffs

page 13


page 12

Loquitur Dome: T~e Eternal De~~!!.,,.,ndwomen

page 12

Twenty things that need improving

pages 11-12

Eating disorders: Make it your b.usiness

page 10

SEM 300: 11 years of service educating the heart

page 9

Campus Ministry seeks positive experience for everyone

page 9

Disneyworld: the happiest place on earth

page 8

Women make impression on the arts

page 7

!women's History Month Special I

page 7

Historic Theaters in Philadelphia

page 7

Buried Treasures: MUSIC

page 6

Oscars entertain and surprise

page 6

Renovation to begin once again on Grace Hall

page 5

National College and University News

page 5

Academic Affairs office searches for new dean

page 4

Innocencebecomingassassinatedby violence

page 4

f]J](1)(f)mam(1)!JJmm (JJ(1)

page 3

Hollywood demand for perfection too much

page 3

Eating disorders serious, most cases involve denial

page 3

Emotions tell the story of Search VIII retreat

page 2
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