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Studentsreceiveawards,applause at HonorsConvocation
by Amy Gassen news editor
"Stand tall, and the audience will always see you for who you are," Dr. Hedtke, acting head of the history and political science departments, said. "Speak loud and clear and the audience will always listen," he continued.
K'eep your speech short, and the audience will love you. We're going to have a lovefest tonight."
Hedtke included the above tips for public speaking during the opening speech of the Honors Convocation. His former teacher, Sister Francis Therese, taught him this public speaking method.
The Honors Convocation was held on Friday, April 27 in the Dixon Center. Honorees included students who achieved Dean's List status for the Fall 2000 semester, new inductees into various honor societies on campus, and awards for highest GPA per grade level from the Fall 2000 semester. In tion within the specific majors. Aside from the Hedtke's words of advice, a string quartet provided entertainment and refreshments were served after the ceremony.
President Iadarola congratulated each honoree with a handshake and a smile.
Parents, family, and teachers were also recognized at the cere-