May 03, 2001 issue 24 Loquitur

Page 4

Spring sports dominate the PAC

What did you do this weekend?

Hopefully you were part of history as four of the five spring sports conquered the PAC. Fans and students alike could be found scattered across the bleachers of the lacrosse field and tennis courts, as well as the softball team hosted the PAC championship at Eastern College. Both the men and women's lacrosse team won the PAC Championship. The women's team will be moving on to the NCAA tournament. Along with the lacrosse teams, both the men's tennis team and women's softball teams also won the PAC.

Cabrini College Radnor, PA 19087 11111111111 Thursday, May3,2001 Vol.XLVIl, No.24 Inside
thurs 3 •Stress-free zone in the commuter lounge, 12p.m.-3p.m. 4 •Battleof the Bands/Battleof the DJs •Trip to CamdenYards, Baltimore Orioles vs. New YorkYankees
photo by Katie Hernson
\l\'hat's up on Campus? \\T\\T,,, 5 •Spring Ring, located on the commons, 12p.m.-4p.m. sun 6 •Mansion Tour lp.m.-4p.m. •Senior art Exhibit Opening Reception, 3p.m.-5p.m. in Holy Spirit Library -Cabrini Chorus Spring Concert in Grace Hall Atrium, 7p.m. •Mass, 7p.m. n,c,n 7 •Improve Troupe, lOp.m., Widener Center Lecture Hall tues 8 •Last day of classes •Last day to declare pass/fail •Mass, 4:45p.m., Bruckmann Chapel of Saint Joseph 9 •Reading Day

Stress-Free Zone offers Don't procrastinate students a relaxing place inSt ead designate

Heather Tu said about her massage. "I recommend them to anyone. I'm coming back on Thursday."

In addition to the massages, students can relax by making stress balls and blowing bubbles. Crayons and pictures are provided so that attendees can be creative will destressing. Aromatherapy and relaxing music are also there to add to the atmosphere. Refreshments, such as coffee, tea, cookies and brownies, will be provided.

With the amazing, unseasonably warm weather, it is extremely hard to write a paper or even try to concentrate for finals. However, with the semester coming to an end, it is time to get it together and stop procrasting.

We have all been plagued by procrastination at one point or another. For me, it is a chronic problem. Procrastination usually leads to wasted time, poor performance, and increased stress. Procrastination is letting low priority tasks take precedence over high priority tasks. We all do it. We watch TV or go to the gym instead of completing that 10-page paper that is due tomorrow for our 9:35 a.m. class.

Beads of perspiration drip down your forehead as you frantically type the last three sentences of your final paper for your hardest professor. It has taken you three months of research and studying to prepare for. Worst of all, the paper is due in two hours.

You finish the paper just under the buzzer. You hit save. You press print. Noises that shock you come out of the printer. You look up. You're out of ink.

Now is the time of year where stress is building up. Month's worth of work is all due within a few days. In order to help out with the situation of many students, the Peer Educators have made a comfy place to go to take a break.

Once again, the Stress-Free Zone is open, providing students with many stress reducing activities.

"We're having a great turn out," Peer Educator Eva Nagey said. "People keep coming in and out between classes."

One of the popular activities over at the Stress-Free Zone is the massage. Th~.service is free, so there is a long waiting list.

"People are having fun and are willing to wait in the long lines for the massages," Peer Educator Elaine O'Malley said.

''They are very relaxing and

The Stress-Zone will be open today in the commuter lounge in Widener Center. Stop in between 12 p.m. and 2 p.m. to enjoy some relaxing activities. very focused," sophomore

" I will wait until I'm in the mood," junior Maureen Kelly said. When we make excuses like that, we end up never being in the mood. Come on, who is ever in the mood to do a paper on Gilagmesh? Procrastination is a bad habit. Procrastion can be blamed on crooked thinking. When we use crooked thinking we employ to justify our behavior. Crooked thinking reveals three major issues in delaying tactics: perfectionism, indecency and discomfort. Perfectionism comes in to play for those students who believe they must turn in an amazing paper. They endlessly rewrite draft after draft. Feelings of inadequacy can cause delays. Students believe that they will automatically receive a bad grade and will avoid doing a paper. This way, they do not have to put their skills to the test. The fear of discomfort is another way of putting off what needs to be done. When it comes to our behavioral patterns getting started on an unpleasant difficult task may seem impossible.

•Here is a list of some things to do in order to break the habit-

Use rational self-talks. Excuse:" I'm not in the mood right now." Realistic thought: "Mood doesn't do my work, action does. If I wait for the right mood, I will never get it done."

Engage in Positive self-statements. ''The sooner r get done, the sooner I can play."

Don't put yourself down. Jumping to the conclusion that you will fail or that you are not good at something will only create a wall of fear that will stop you cold.

Design clear goals. Think about what you want and what needs to be done.

Set priorities. Write down all the things that need to be done in order of their importance.

Partialize the tasks. Big projects feel overwhelming? Break them down into the smallest most manageable sub-parts.

Get organized. Have all of your materials ready before you begin your task.

Take a stand. Commit yourself to doing the task.

Use prompts. Write reminders to yourself starting what you need to accomplish and put them all over the room.

Reward yourself. Do not minimize your accomplishments.

2 "Thursday, May 3, 2001 NEws---------------
photos by Renee Tomcanin Peer Educators Eva Nagey and Elaine O'Malley make stressballs in the commuter lounge. Heather Tu is enjoying a massage in the Stress-Free Zone.

Spring Fling promises to be fun but in control

Warm weather, friends, food and fun activities are all planned for the annual Cabrini College Spring Fling on Saturday, May 5. Daytime activities will take place from 12 p.m. until 4 p.m., but more fun is planned into the night.

There will be numerous chances to get physical. Everyone will have a chance to become a sumo wrestler, wearing an inflatable fat suit and battling it out with equally fat opponents. There will also be a Bungee Bull, which is a bull ride, similar to those seen in cowboy bars, with bungee cords attached so people can try to pull you off. A giant inflatable Slip and Slide will be available for those who need to cool off after all that wrestling and riding. All activities will be free.

for you, free gifts will be given away also. Free T-shirts will be given out after 12 p.m. 93.3 WMMR will be on campus with contests and giveaways including a chance to win a car.

The Zoo, a cover band will be performing live between 12 p.m. and 4 p.m. and a DJ will spin tunes at night for those who like to dance.

Public safety will have a heavy presence this year due to some of the bad behavior of last year's Spring Fling. "It's not going to be the way it was last year," Charles Schaffner, the director of public safety, said. Schaffner added that he hopes that the Cabrini community will enjoy themselves without getting out of hand.

So come out on a beautiful day for freebies, fun and friends during Cabrini College's annual Spring Fling.

CAP board members Randi Kuhn and Jeffery Ryan Sy model the Spring Fling shirts. The shirts will be given out after 12p.m. to all who attend the afternoon festivities. on first come first serve basis.

All that strenuous activity is bound to make one hungry. A barbecue lunch will be available free for all students at 12 p.m. Just bring your meal card to get some grub. Please leave room for dessert. because Rita's will provide the sweet cool treat of water ice. The barbecue and most of the activities will take place in front of Founders Hall.

If free food and activities are not enough

Spring Fling Tips

• drink plenty of water

• wear sunscreen outdoors

• take breaks in the shade

• act responsibly

• have fun

WYBF-FM The Burn ··presents Battle of the Bands, Battle of DJs


The Battle of the Bands/Battle of the DJs will take place tomorrow night in the Dixon Center, from 8 p.m. - 1 a.m. The college radio station, WYBF FM 89.1, The Burn, planned the event. The admission price is $2 for Cabrini students and $4 for non-Cabrini students. All of the proceeds go to the Rainbow House, which is an AIDS funding house in Reading, PA. The CAP board has supported the Rainbow House in the past. Junior recording arts major Jake Maze said, ''This year the radio station has been trying hard to get stuff going with the audience and the rest of campus."

"We are trying to do this to open people's minds to other genres of music," Maze said.

Maze is a music director at The Burn, and had important involvement in the Battle of the

Bands/Battle of the DJs creation.

Originally the event was just going to be bands playing, but

~j> Battle of the Bands/DJs

~i> May 4, 8p.m.-1a.m.

~i> Dixon Center

Maze thought that it would be a good idea to entice some DJs to come and fill the open time between the bands' sets, especially since he knew some personally.

"I got DJs coming from New York, West Chester, and Philadelphia," Maze said. "These spinners will be working the turn tables in between the bands."

All of the bands were hand picked by junior English/communication major and Spanish major

Geri Lynn Utter, the coordinator of Battle of the Bands/Battle of the DJs. She chose the bands from their demo recordings. Utter is also the assistant operation manager for The Burn.

Senior English/communication major Dave Toia said, "I feel as a senior that the program has grow a lot and that our general manager (Krista Mazzeo) is organized and inspiring."

Communication center supervisor Krista Mazzeo is excited for the event to be well attended and hopefully the start of an annual happening. A couple years ago the radio station did an event similar to Battle of the Bands/Battle of the DJs, but it was much smaller, being more of a "montage than a bash" as Mazzeo said.

"Because we are doing this for a benefit, we are going to try and make it an annual thing," Maze said.

Benefits the RainbowHouse,to have fun $2 for Cabrini students with I.D., $4 for general admision

~\, 11'@ ~@(r(g1

FeaturingCabrini's Own...

•deep red center



•Drive Faster the turntables

Dizzy D: Hip-Hop from Skyylife Producti Holiday: 2 Step/Rogg A from Local 13 tions

Skyy: Break Beat from Skyylife Product Newell: House/Trance from D&N Prod

monkeyson pogo stix: Industrial, EmoA

Loquitur NEWS
photos by Justine Difilipo Kuhn and Sy show off the design on the back of the spring fling shirts. A turtle is on the front, while a palm tree and sun decorate the back.
'We are tryingto do this to open people's mindsto other genresof music,"
-Jake Maze junior

Studentsreceiveawards,applause at HonorsConvocation

"Stand tall, and the audience will always see you for who you are," Dr. Hedtke, acting head of the history and political science departments, said. "Speak loud and clear and the audience will always listen," he continued.

K'eep your speech short, and the audience will love you. We're going to have a lovefest tonight."

Hedtke included the above tips for public speaking during the opening speech of the Honors Convocation. His former teacher, Sister Francis Therese, taught him this public speaking method.

The Honors Convocation was held on Friday, April 27 in the Dixon Center. Honorees included students who achieved Dean's List status for the Fall 2000 semester, new inductees into various honor societies on campus, and awards for highest GPA per grade level from the Fall 2000 semester. In

tion within the specific majors. Aside from the Hedtke's words of advice, a string quartet provided entertainment and refreshments were served after the ceremony.

President Iadarola congratulated each honoree with a handshake and a smile.

Parents, family, and teachers were also recognized at the cere-

Hat 'n' Tie provides fun for some

mony. Iadorola asked parent and grandparents to stand for applause. Additionally, siblings and extended family were recognized. Finally, the teachers were commended for their great work. Dr. Romano, philosophy professor, was commended for his 40 years of teaching at Cabrini.

The Hat 'n' Tie dance, Cabrini's free "gift" back to the students, was held last Saturday night at the Grace Hall Atrium. There was music (mostly techno beats that people pretend to recognize) there were balloons posing as popcorn and there were people, people segregated by the 21 year old age barrier.

of the "conference room" were those unfortunate enough to have been born a year or two earlier watching their friends and waiting for the kegs to spit their last drop. It was a Janet Lohmann nightmare in full, living color, the same group of people forced to divide upon the request of a hierarchy. The idea around this

:~~• separation is to obviously stop any underage students from pilfering a beer or two from a friend. Public Safety must not be aware of the fact that most students who want to drink, photo by Justine Di Filippo will drink. The

by Stacey Lawson addition, a senior from each de- Sophomore Carissa Bassett was honored by President ladoro/a partment was awarded for distinc- for receiving Dean's List Status.

sometimes even both. Around 11:30 the tribes finally merged, but like every dance before it, it was the same thing that these students have been experiencing since grade school.

Many more dances will fill Grace Hall in the future and hopefully, all will be able to enjoy it together.

As is every dance that's held in Grace Hall, the DJ is at one end of the auditorium, the tables are set up around the Students dance the night away only difference is that it happens before or after the dance, perimeter and at the 2001 Hat 'N' Tie. the crowd fills the space between. This time however, the space between was left empty for a very long time. In what is usually used as the conference room of Grace Hall was transformed into the keg room, the place where Public Safety stood outside the entrance like Roman gurads and everyone who was 21 and over was huddling around the steel gray barrels having what seemed to be a good time. Outside

Thanks to all who parti.cipated in the Border
donationscan still be made in Campus Ministry contact Mary Laver 610-902-8409 Thursday.May 3, 2001
Experience Car Wash!
Never a Slow News Day .1- .,.,....,.~_,,'°""_. ........... ........ ~llil!O'U ~.,...ffil~ ...,_ • .,,.,~nu G.•iw~""" -.--,."'"1..,,,..-.~...,ot~~

Psychologystudentspresentwork in D.C., come home victorious

Cabrini's psychology department went to Washington DC last week to compete in the Eastern Psychological Association. Forty students from colleges all over the East Coast participated in the conference, and five of the students were from Cabrini. Each undergraduate student presented their research on various topics to a panel of judges. The judges ranked the 40 students' topics, but only eight students would be announced as the Regional Research Award winners.

Diana Andrejczak, a senior psychology major and presiding President of Psi Chi, won $300 and was announced as a Regional Research Award winner. She won for having high quality undergraduate research and is now eligible to have her paper published in a periodical journal. She can choose between the Psi Chi Journal of Undergraduate Research or the Sociological Inquiry.

"It will be an honor to have my paper published in an undergraduate journal," Andrejczak said.

Andrejczak's win-

ning topic was about students' perception of their teacher's gender role as masculine, feminine, androgynous (high

* National College and University *

drogynous qualities. In addition, if a male teacher was seen as having a feminine gender role, they were rated lower on teaching effectiveness than a female teacher with a masculine gender role. The test showed that it is more acceptable for a female teacher to have a masculine gender role than a male teacher to have a feminine gender role.

Andrejczak came to the conclusion that the personality characteristics of the teachers were more important to the students than their instructor's biological sex when rated on the quality of instruction.

Andrejczak chose this topic because she believes that student evaluations are really important to schools across the country in determining teacher's effectiveness.

''The information that comes from student rating

Penn State University

Twenty-six people protesting the Pennsylvania State University's response to recent racist death threats were arrested Saturday afternoon in Beaver Stadium at the start of the Blue-White game.

Criminal complaints will be fiJed against the protesters, who will be charged with criminal trespass, according to the Penn State Department of Public Information. The charges have yet to be filed and the protesters were released, but a Penn State Police Services spokesman said the protesters would receive summons by mail.

Thirty students ran to the 50-yard line, sat and protested.

photo coursety of psychology department

Psychology majors Colleen Martin, Stacey Carpenter, Christina Vergara, Diana Anderjczak, and Nick Wi/iamson traveled to Washington, D.C. to compete in the Eastern Psychological Assication.

masculine and feminine qualities), or undifferentiated (low masculine and feminine qualities). Over the course of one year, she collected her data and put together her research. This included giving a test known as the Bern Sex Role Inventory to Cabrini students in the 100 and 200 level science and humanity courses. The survey asked students to rate their teacher's personality characteristics to determine if they were seen as being masculine, feminine, androgynous, or undifferentiated.

Once she studied the results from this first test, she proceeded with another survey. This analysis is similar to the survey students are given at the end of every year to rate their teachers. This survey, The Instructional Rating Form, measured the student's perception of the teacher's effectiveness, classroom behavior, personality characteristics and over all teaching quality. All together 450 students were surveyed. Andrejczak evaluated her results and noticed that students who rated their teachers as having an undifferentiated gender role received much lower ratings than those with the masculine, feminine, and an-

surveys are really influential and affect a lot of decisions made by the schools. It is interesting to see if these tests are gender biased and how much gender influences the results. If evaluations are gender biased, then some teachers could be losing out on promotions or missing the beneficial feedback needed to reconstruct ure their class-

es," Andrejczak said.

In general, just looking at the sex, not gender role, of the men and women teachers at Cabrini, ratings of teachers effectiveness were high. This means that the students like the quality of instruction they receive from both their male and female teachers and that biological sex, doesn't have as much of an affect on the way we rate our teachers.

"The Instructional Rating Form that students are given at the end of every semester should be taken seriously. Many students just rush through them, but the information is very important to the administration and faculty and should be to the students. We should help teachers by answering honestly because this may help the quality of instruction we receive," Andrejczak said.

"I definitely have to thank Dr. Sicoli, Dr. Tomasco and Dr. McKinley. They were so helpful in helping me prepare and get my paper ready for the competition," Andrejczak said.

The group was protesting the university's response to death threats that have been mailed to black leaders, athletes and athletes' parents since October.

The protest was held because students know that their colleagues are in danger and the University is doing nothing to stop or even acknowledge the threats.

Indiana University

Federal officials denied journalism students who write for the newspaper in Terre Haute the right to cover a story that happened within five miles of their campus.

A local school paper, The Indiana Statesman, allowed two student reporters to join their paper in order to cover the event.

The reporters wanted to write about the execution of Timothy Mc Veigh. The journalism students do not want to witness the execution; they just want to be allowed on prison grounds.

Both papers were denied to cover the event because they are not considered actual papers. To be a recognized newspaper means that there is a price for the paper, the paper has to be delivered by mail or recognized by the U.S. Postal Service and thestory has to be viable.

Syracuse University

"Young people are always protesting everything. We cannot live without capitalism and globalization. It's something natural. It's the way life WOlb,• commented Anik Bonoit. a student and protester. Students attempting to study for finals at Universit6 Laval, Quebec booed Young protestors.

People protested against the Summit of the Americas and an array of causes. While some protested for the protection of the rainforest. " others wore red and distributed comm1mist pamphlets. Protesters were granted the right to protest months in advance by the campus and were given free accommodations.


Tom Penders resigned Friday as George Washington men's basketball coach calling it "time for a sabbatical" from coaching. Controversy began when four students admitted to using the access code of Penders' son. Tom Penders Jr., also a coach. The access code was used to make long-distance phone calls, which cost more than $1,400.

Another incident in question came from a student who infonned Penders that he had nine misdemeanors for sexual abuse, weapons violations and theft. Penders never told anyone about the student.

This resignation is the second-straight school Penders left under scandalous circumstances.

-informationcompiled by Jennifer Ford

Loquitur NEWS
5 -

the best for last B 0 0 K s

bJ{ FUzahetbEaccet guest writer

"A Confederacy of Dunces" by John KennedyToole

One of the funniest American novels of the century, this Pulitzer Prize winning work will have you laughing out loud-and not caring who is looking. What appears to be a mundane story of a genius/mama's boy is brought alive by vibrant characters from every walk of life. A novel with only·one of these characters would be interesting and entertaining; this collection of eccentric oddballs is a masterpiece. Their intertwining lives are woven strategically together by fluid, realistic dialogue and witty prose. When Ignatiaus J. Rielly is forced against his will to join the working world, his actions affect a surprising amount of people and come back to him full circle. "A Confederacy of Dunces" is a humorous, absurd look at human nature; read it if you want to laugh, but only if you want to laugh at yourself.

"Bee Season" by Myla Goldberg

Myla Goldberg's first novel ''Bee Season" has established her as an author to expect greatness from. Before her book hit the shelves last spring, book dealers were buzzing with anticipation. When Eliza Naumann wins her class, school and regional spelling bee in quick succession, the quiet, average fifth-grader is very surprised. Evidently, she isn't the only one; her father takes her under his wing, swiftly forgetting about Eliza's over-achieving brother Aaron and taking little notice of his often absent wife. Nursing his wounds, Aaron contemplates his faith and rejects the staunch Judaism he learned from his father. Surprising and touching, ''Bee Season" chronicles each family member's search for completeness with beautiful, realistic prose and well-crafted characters. With a premier like ''Bee Season" Goldberg shows promise of great novels in the future.

1be Poisonwood Bible" by Barbara Kingsolver

t r, With every novel she publishes, Kingsolver attracts an increasing amount of fans with her moving stories and poetically phrased prose. One of her more recent endeavors, ''The Poisonwood Bible" tracks the mission of a Baptist minister as he journeys with his wife and four daughters to postcolonial Africa, intent on saving the souls of the natives. Each chapter is told withhonesty and beauty by one of the five women, focusing on their view of the strange world around them. They alternate relating their lives, poignantly portraying their struggles and their inward desires. Kingsolver takes on the taskof writing from not one perspective, but five with believability and skill. Delving deep into the issues of faith, family relationships and race, the reader finishes this novel wistt, sadder and strangely, hopeful.


"Man Bites Dog"

editor in chief

Never before and never since has the line between fantasy and reality been so blurred. "Man Bites Dog" follows a twisted, homicidal maniac and his film crew as they tear through France murdering everyone from postmen to children. The film, which is rated NC-17, has been banned in Australia and Sweden. Written by and starring Benoit Polevoodre and cameraman Remy Belvaux, "Man Bites Dog" constantly makes the viewer question if what he's seeing is actually happening. Recently Maxim Magazine dubbed "Man Bites Dog" the "Hardest Movie of All Time." What's most shocking about this movie isn't the steadily rising body count, it's the fact that if you try to find "Man Bites Dog" at the video store it will be listed under Comedy.

"Ed Wood"

Director Ed Wood has been hailed as the worst director of all time. Churning out garbage like the gender bending "Glen or Glenda" Ed Wood was always optimistic that he would be the next Orson Wells. Directed by Tim Burton and starring Johnny Depp in one of his most incredible performances to date, "Ed Wood" is part biography, part documentary, part comedy and just a tad of tragedy. The basis of "Ed Wood" lies within his determination to make his "masterpiece" and also deals with the return of the oncepopular actor Bela Lugosi who was renowned for his role in the 1920's version of "Dracula." The story goes up to the time when Wood releases his now classic B-film "Plan 9 From Outer Space" and the eventual death of Lugosi.

"The Tao Of Steve"

This movie gives hope to every fat man in America. Donal Logue, who currently stars in the Fox Comedy "Grounded For Life" plays Dex, a severely overweight man in his 30's who has found the secret to scoring with women. He implores the wisdom of the legendary actor who they feel epitomizes cool: Steve McQueen. The trick, according to Dex, is to treat women like you just don't care. He felt that the least amount of interest a man showed in a woman, the more likely he was able to get her into bed. Full of quick quotes and lines that make you think that you've thought the same exact thing before, 'The Tao Of Steve" is a 90-minute romp through the testosterone filled mind of a man.

bJ{ MatthewTbolB¥ web manager

Saves the Day : "Through Being Cool"

Saves the day is a very young band with an average age of 19. They have been winning fans over with their very melodic and powerful sound. Saves the Day is a poppunk/emo band from New Jersey. ''Through Being Cool," their second release off of Equal Vision Records, combines great guitar riffs with catchy melodies. Many of the lyrics from ''Through Being Cool" take inspiration from heartbreak, teenage insecurity and the romances of youth. Saves the Day has just recently signed on to Vagrant Records, home of The Get Up Kids. Their new release can be found in stores on July 10, 2001.

The Juliana Theory: "Emotion is Dead"

The Juliana Theory is a 5-piece band from Adamsburg, Pa. Their newest release, "Emotion is Dead," contains a mixture of energetic rock and roll, and "mainstream" emo-rock. "Emotion is Dead," is a very emotionally intensive CD, which tackles issues of love and friendship, band worship, and losing loved ones. The Juliana Theory is said to be one of the finest new bands in America.

Nothing to Lose: "Nothing to Lose"

Nothing to Lose is a three-piece pop-punk band from San Diego, California. Nothing to Lose EP release combines catchy guitar riffs, Blink 182-style bass lines, with great vocals and 4/4 time drumming. Nothing to Lose is another pop-punk band that talks about the ups and downs and trials and tribulations of being involved in a relationship. Nothing to Lose has been compared by many as a serious version of the ever-famous and growing Blink 182. Nothing to Lose's EP release can be found on or via their web page. At the moment Nothing to Lose is still a small band, but one can expect to see bigger and betthings from them in the near future.

--6 A&E Thursday, May 3, 2001

New Hope

your spirit go: enjoy paradise in

PYMatthewTholey& KatePelust

Quietly nestled along the Delaware River and Delaware Canal rests New Hope, Pa. This quiet, yet full of activity, Bucks County town offers several different cultural experiences for locals and tourists alike.

In 1710, William Penn granted the land to Richard Heath By 1721, the land had been purchased by William Kitchen from John Wells. Wells still owned the ferry through an act passed by the Pennsylvania Assembly in 1719, giving him ownership of the ferry for 7 years.

Delaware River, and Delaware Canal. Conveniently located in Bucks County, this gem of a town represents various things to various people. To some, New Hope is a place to visit art galleries, shops and restaurants. To others, New Hope is a romantic place to spend a weekend with a love one.

New Hope is an easy trip from New York, Philadelphia, and most parts of New Jersey. New Hope is the perfect place for wining, dining and going to a show or attending


concerts at one of the areas many theaters.

New Hope has tons of things that can appeal to almost everyone's interests. One can take a ferry ride at Wells ferry, which has a narrated tour. New Hope is considered to be a Shopper's Paradise, with over 100 shops offering local crafts as well as beautiful items from around the world. New Hope has a reputation for its unusual shops. For all you who practice Wicca, visit Gypsy Heaven, a store with plenty of spell- casting and witch paraphernalia. How-

ever, this is a store for those who practice white magic only.

New Hope

are for sale.

Restaurants in New Hope range from the affordable pub to swanky and expensive hot spots. El Taco Loco offers inexpensive authentic Mexican food. Odette's offers a carmelized diver scallop with beurre noisette hollandaise and spring chive blossom as an appetizer for $9.

For a romantic weekend, New Hope offers a surplus of quaint and historic inns and bed and breakfasts. The Aaron Burr House, an authentic 1873 ''Painted Lady" has rooms that are hand painted and stenciled by a New Hope artist, in addition to canopy four- poster beds. For the less extravagant, try the New Hope Best Western.

Still not entertained enough? Then take your pick from any of New Hope's leisurely options. The Bucks County Playhouse offers a wide selection of classic favorites and children's theater. The Playhouse is famous for its midnight performances of the Rocky Horror Picture Show throughout October. Historic ferry rides and train rides are also available.

If you are looking for something more upbeat, then try Club Zadar, the Havana Bar, or John and Peter's Place, a tiny yet famous folk venue.

Since the ferry sat on Lower York Road, it was a vital direct travel route to East New Jersey and New York.

New Hope is a few miles away from Washington's Crossing where Washington crossed the Delaware to fight the Battle of Trenton.

Throughout the American Revolution, ownership changed hands several times. Benjamin Parry began operating two mills after the war. These burned down in 1790, yet they were rebuilt soon after.

New Hope has a long and detailed history that is visible by taking a stroll down the streets. Main Street, north and south, Bridge Street, Ferry Street, and Mechanic Street are a few that contain a plethora of interesting shops, restaurants, galleries and architecture.

New Hope is a charming village located along the

Against the Grain is another interesting shop catering to lovers of medieval times. Swords, gargoyles, statues, jewelry, and clothes that look very authentic can be purchased at this shop.

New Hope offers a smorgasbord of history whether it concerns the Revolutionary War or the band Ween. Beautiful sites, interesting shops, along with a heaping helping of culture make a visit to New Hope a necessary and memorable experience.

a & e editor

It is Saturday night, you are tired of hanging out in the apartments, and the Wayne Tavern just isn't the same on weekends. Even though you might become easily bored in the secluded town of Wayne; the exciting city of Philadelphia is only 30 minutes away. There are a variety of hot spots and after hours clubs that will keep you occupied til' the wee hours of the morning.

Some cool clubs to check out are Envy on Bank St. in

If you are into white magic, check out Gypsy Heaven one of many unusual shops in New Hope.

Love Saves the Day sells vintage clothes and toys. This store boasts an impressive collection of Beatles and Pee Wee's Playhouse merchandise.

New Hope also contains a good handful of independent record stores, piercing and tattoo parlors, coffee shops, and used bookshops.

After you shop, visit some of New Hope's fine galleries. The J & W gallery on West Bridge Street features 25 local, national and international artists. New Hope is also home to a collection of original works by Jerry Garcia, John Lennon and David Bowie. Although pricey, these originals

After stopping in all those biza"e boutiques, take a short break on the "NewHope" bench.

Check out Philadelphia's own: nightlife nastalga

"old city" Philadelphia, Club Evolution on Delaware Ave., and for all of you bar goers Finnigan's Wake on Springarden St. Envy and Club Evolution are more for the club-going type. Trance, techno and house are the types of music most played in these types of clubs; however, Finnigan's photo retrieved from Wake is a mix of pop, hip-hop phil/

and alternative music genres. Remember to arrive early because in most clubs, admission is reduced and awesome drink specials are in affect. ;n

There are so many things places to go in a huge city like Philadelphia, but for those of you who want to get out for a night on the town, check out these hot spots.

For more information on cool bars and nightclubs visit


photos taken by Kate Pelusi Come relax near the tranquil water of the New Hope Canal.


With only less than a week of classes left the nice weather doesn't make it any easier to study for our dreaded finals.

You know it's springtime when you ride down the tree-lined pathway of Cabrini's main road and you see students laid out on blankets catching some rays, or playing the guitar, while others sit on the front steps of Founder's Hall and do some last minute cramming for a test. Enjoy the greenery and take some time to smell the flowers like Alison and Megan, daughters of Beth Carey, director, marketing recruitment for graduate and professional studies. Whatever

you do take some time to get some sunshine.

8 ' ..
photo by Jill C Hindman
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photo by Jill C. Hindman
\ Thursday, May 3, 2001
photo by c. Hindman photo by Jill C. Hindman


Cabrini College is fortunate to have a staff of dedicated, caring professors. On a recent afternoon a random sampling of students were asked to name his or her favorite teacher and explain why. Their responses are as follows:

Clarence Scott, junior, English/communications major: "Jerry Zurek, because he makes you think. Even though he agrees with you, he'll question your answer."

Sean Atwell, sophomore, communications major: " Leonard Primiano, because he's funny."

Teresa Milliken, senior, math: Bonnie Nemphos because she's very energetic and she is always willing to help. Her classes are fun."

Greg Kulnis, junior, biology: "Janet Kumar because she's very friendly and upbeat."

Lisa Jackson, junior, Sports Science major," Kimberly Boyd because she cares about her students and she is al-

ways available for extra help. She tries to make class fun."

John Brogan, sophomore, communications major, "Robert McGee, because he would stay on the same subject until everyone in the class understood it. He does his best to help everyone."

Maureen Tinney, senior, Math major:," Bonnie Nemphos, she got me into my major. Just taking her class convinced me to be a math major."

Lisa Meehan, junior, Math major, " Dr. John Brown because he's easily accessible to students. He'll help you at any time. He's funny in a goofy way."

Anita Pirri, freshman, Graphic Design major "Dr. Carol Serotta, because she makes math easy and fun when it could be a chore."

It appears that the math teachers are an especially likable group, even with non-majors. None of those surveyed had anything negative to say about Cabrini's teaching staff. All commented on the accessibility of the faculty and their dedication to the job.


Need a break from the usual meal in the cafeteria? Try some take-out. For anyone who may not be familiar with Campus Comer, let me fill you in.

Campus Corner is a family-owned and located at 829 Lancaster Ave. in Villanova. They offer a variety of foods, including pizza, hoagies, seafood, appetizers and ice cream.

Campus Corner also wants their customers to know that eating out does not mean that you can not eat healthy. All of their fried food is cooked in 100 percent cholesterol-free vegetable oil, and low-fat cheeses are also available.

Campus Comer does a tremendous amount of their business among the college crowd. Young students are constantly seen coming and going from this small eatery. However, the majority of their business comes from their delivery service. Students continuously dial 610-527-3606 to obtain some of their favorites.

So if you are up late studying or have an empty stomach, just remember, Campus Corner is only a phone call away.

!ChristineDeVault: enjoys family talent and tradition ·1

The usual Sunday silence was gladly interrupted on Aprill with the beautiful and sophisticated sounds of faculty member Christine DeVault and her family performing a wide array of chamber music for a standing room only crowd in the mansion.

De Vault, a formally trained vocalist, was joined by her husband, baritone Jeffrey DeVault, her son Jeffrey Paul, an accomplished young pianist, her nephew Richard Amoroso Jr., a violinist with the Philadelphia Orchestra, and her brother-in-law Richard Amoroso Sr., a cellist.

De Vault has been singing for as long as she can remember. However, her formal training began when she was in high school.

De Vault is blessed to come from a very musical family. Her brother attended the esteemed Curtis Institute of Music in Philadelphia and DeVault grew an interest to study at Curtis as well.

For her post-graduate work, DeVault studied at Curtis and then received the Fulbright-Hays scholarship grant to studyin Rome.

After she married, DeVault kept her performances local forms." and taught privately in her home. As her children grew DeVault's recital was part of Cabrini's Cultural Conolder, De Vault realized she wanted to teach private vocal certs, which are usually offered 2 to 3 times a year. Culturlessons in a school setting. al Concerts are a way to expose students and the outside De Vault met with Dr. Adeline Bethany, Chair of the Fine community to varieties of music and performers.

Arts Department at Cabrini, and Bethay offered De Vault a De Vault's own recital with her family members was a place teaching not only vocal lessons at Cabrini, but also beautiful and amazing display of vocal and musical abilities Survey of Music and Interpretation of Opera where she within the setting of the mansion. Her "goal was to perform could share her wide opera knowledge with students. varieties of genres from the Baroque period to the 20th cenDeVault also teaches private vocal lessons, Survey of tury period."

Music and Interpretation of Opera at Eastern College and Each of the performers chose varieties of composers to has a very fullschedule between both schools. contribute to flexibility in the program. De Vault mentioned Interpretation of Opera is a very unique course taught she highly enjoys singing French Art Songs along with traevery other semester. Despite the preconceived ideas about ditional Italian arias as well. Opera, the course teaches opera as an art form that intro- The entire program was impressive. Some particular duces students to the amazing vocal abilities of opera highlights was De Vault's performance of Donde Lieta from singers along with the genius composers who produced La Boheme by Puccini and the finale which featured all the these operas. performers of Yours is my Heart Alone by Frank Lehar and Opera is a conglomeration of several art forms: great lit- arranged by Richard Amoroso Sr. erary works which inspired many operas, composers, "For me, it was an extremely gratifying experience lo singers, the amazing sets and the grandiose opera houses. perform chamber music in the mansion. It lent itself well "Opera is part of what should be a liberal arts experi- to the genre," De Vault said. She was also honored to perence," said De Vault. "It encompass so many1filret'etit aff""'Torm with her talented family members. -~~·c1"

Loquitur FEATURES 9
file photo photo by Justine Di Filippo Students have lots of good things to say about their professors. Some of the teachers mentioned by students were, from left to right, Dr. Jerry Zurek, Dr. Kimberly Boyd and Dr. Carol Serotta. photo by Justine Di Filippo
- -. __ _ --WWW

CLASS OF 2001 : Let's not graduate

Still fighting for fair treatment

As our final issue of the year comes to a close, let us not go quietly.

At the beginning of the year an uncountable number of complaints were made about the living conditions here at Cabrini. Some students were forced to live off campus at Rosemont College in conditions that they called "less than satisfactory." Residents of House 2 weren't allowed overnight visitors even if those visitors happened to be family members. Student government was outraged, meetings were held, commentaries were written and complaints could be heard from every area of the school. Whether people were trashing Public Safety or the stylings of Dr. Valente, we did not have a very happy student body.

Coming to a close, one would have to wonder if things have actually improved or if the students have just learned to live with the inadequacies.

At year's end some new issues are starting to evolve, but with little time left for the students to be heard, it appears that things will continue to digress until May 16.

Recently, some major issues have hit campus. Once again, one of these issues has to do with housing. If you are a senior with 89.5 credits you are not permitted to live on campus next year, thus forcing students who have relied on on-campus housing to find other means of living.

But maybe all of this isn't so horrible. We won't always have things handed to us in our lives so maybe it's about time that we start learning how to fend for ourselves.

Complaining can work, fighting can work. Lying on your back and not do a thing about what drives you crazy doesn't work.

Next August will mark the beginning of another school year. New students will enter, some faculty will change but the heart and determination that the students have put forth this year should remain a staple of what it means to be a responsible individual.

Let's end the 2000-2001 school year on a good note. Cabrini is made up of incredibly bright students who care apout what goes on around them. At the spring convocation ceremony well over a hundred of our students were celebrated for their hard work. Our sports teams have brought us four PAC championships this season and some show no sign of slowing down as they approach the NCAA. It's been a good year, and for those who will be here next year, we hope you enjoy it and for those graduating, good luck.

The editorials, viewpoints, opinions and letters to the editor published in Loquitur are th.e views of the student editorial board and the individual writers, not the entire student body or the facultyand administration. . .

So, I guess this will be my last commentary for the Loquitur. I think that Mike 80s Butler and myself were the only ones in the Class of 2001 who became addicted to the validation one gets from writing weekly commentaries. There is a reason why Andy Rooney has been doing this kind of thing for the past 50 years.

Whether attacking the administration's backwards style of running the school, the Republican Party's gradual destruction of life as we know it, or the always popular reflections on drunken weekends, it's been a pleasure to write about and publish whatever the hell was on my mind. I've been able to convince some people that I've written all my commentaries late on Thursday nights, when I am at my beer-induced philosophical best. That's not always true, by the way.

So, now that I am losing my captive audience of Loquitur readers, what comes next? Where does a "writer" such as myself fit

into our sound-byte society? Who is really reading anything these days anyway? It has to be time to move on.

Ok, so now like many others I'm looking to get into advertising/sales. After all, "that's where the money is in communications." Some of us who were writing not so long ago about sweat-shop abuse in clothing companies will likely end up in marketing jobs for those same companies, and happily so. Those of us who attacked authoritarian policies regarding our college will be annoyed by having to share bar space with noisy college students during our little spare time. We will grow hair in places where it does not belong.

Faced with these harsh realities of growing older (and not necessarily wiser) our time at Cabrini seems almost too good to be true. Sure, we have often been told what to do, where to live, whom to live with, how to live, etc. But the majority of us over time figured out how to tweak, if not downright change, the system to suit ourselves. It's going to take a little bit of time before we figure out how to handle landlords (a gutsy term, literally meaning "lord of the land.") And the majority of us will have to spend some time living with the RD's commonly

known as Mom and Dad. Try sneaking in overnight opposite sex guests through the front door. Better yet, the bedroom window. See, the thousands of dollars we all owe this college weren't just for the classes, cafeteria food and shuttle service. We were paying for the lifestyle. And for the most part, getting what we paid for.

For those of you who aren't graduating for a little while, I know a lot of you have thought about transferring. Hey, the thought crossed my mind early in my college career too. But I'm glad I didn't. I've enjoyed the ride, not excluding the bumpy parts. Hey, those were what gave us character. How many of us have been told we would be living off campus by the lottery system? And how many of us were actually forced off campus? And, finally, of those few students, how many didn't find their way back on? If this place was so bad, why did we all fight so much to stay here?

Just something for the younguns to think about. This place has its issues, and it is not paradise, but, faced with small-sized, highrent apartments, bills, and entrylevel jobs, it can seem that way. Enjoy your time here, fight the good fight. You'll thank me later.

Loquitur is established as a forum for student expression and as a voice in the uninhibited, robust, free and open discussion of issues.

Editor in Chief:

Managing Editor:

News Editors:

Sports Editor:

A&E Editor:

Perspectives Editor:

Features Editor:

Copy Editor:

Web Manager:

Photography Editor:

Advertising Manager: Advisers:

Michael A Kazanjian

Renee Tomcanin

Amy Gassen, Beth Ann Conahan

Tracy Timson

Geri Lynn Utter

Renee Di Pietro

Jill Hindman

Joe Holden

Matt Tooley

Justine DiFilippo

Jose Jalandoni

Rita Cellucci, Dawn Francis, and Jerry Zurek

uxiuitur is a laboratocynewspaperwritte.n,edited and ixoouced by studentsregisteredin COM 346, 350, 351, 353 and 354. Membersof the campusrommunityare invitedto wcxlc on or submitsta:ies forpublication.Onlystudentsregisteredin the abovecl=, howeveJ; are eligibleto receiveocade!niccrerlit..Subscriptionpriceis $25 per year and is includedin the benefitssecuredin ruitionand fees. Loqwur welromeslettersto the editor.l..eUassbouldbe signedand the lllllhcx-shipknown to the editors.Namesare witheldooly in llllusualcircumstmcesapprovedby the editorin chief.l..eUasto theeditt sbbclldbe submittedby llOOn00 Mondays.

Editorial Board

Michael A Kazanjian

Joe Holden

Staff Photographers

Anita Pirri

Jenine Ikeler

Matt Holmes

Staff Writers


Mike Bevel.aqua

Geagiana Rushwooh






LaurenNed.on JustineDiFiliWo

John O' Donnell




Jes.tjca Giordano



Meghan Makel


PERSPECTIVES Thursday, May 3, 2001

FINAL COLUMN: Collector's Edition

I told you two weeks ago that my time here is short. Now, that time is over. But since I was never one to go quietly into the night, here's one last column for you.

Some people think that Columbine was the first ~hool shooting. They're wrong. From my research, the earliest one was in January of 1979 (the month and year I was born; explains a lot about me, doesn't it). Brenda Spencer was 16 when she opened fire on a San Diego elementary school. She fired 500 bullets with a .22 semi-automatic pistol that her father gave her for Christmas for over 20 minutes, killing the principal and the school caretaker as well as injuring eight students and a policeman.

Why did she do it? Here are her words: "I just started shooting, that's it. I just did it for the fun of it. I just don't like Mondays .I just did it because it's a way to cheer the day up. Nobody likes Mondays." This reasoning by Spencer inspired the Boomtown Rats number one hit "I Don't Like Mondays." Spencer is currently serving two 25year to life sentences.

Now I don't remember anything from 1979, but I'll bet that accursed Cabrini fountain that there was nowhere near as much hoopla and panic over Spencer's shooting spree than there was when the Columbine shootings happened. Sure, you could argue that the Columbine gunmen killed and injured more people but Spencer acted alone and fired more bullets. If she had a more powerful gun or better aim for those 500 shots she fired she easily could have killed

just as many if not more people than the Columbine gunmen.

Speaking of Columbine, there's a new lawsuit that has just been filed by some of the families of those killed in the rampage. Conveniently filed just hours before the two-year statute of limitation expired, these families are suing AOL Ttme Warner, Nintendo, Sega, Atari, Sony and 20 other companies that manufacture and market video technology for $5 billion dollars. The suit is basically blaming the video game industry for the Columbine shootings, citing that the gunmen stated on a video they made that the video game "Doom" prompted their spree.

Remember when you were a child and another kid convinced you to do something wrong and then you got caught. Remember saying "he made me do it?" Remember how that excuse got the other kid in trouble? Now imagine that excuse actually worked. Now imagine that "he made me do it" is grounds for filing a lawsuit. Scary, isn't it?

I'm going to save our judicial system a Jot of time and money by issuing a ruling now. Parents, you're not getting any money. Video games did not kill your children, two angry teenagers with guns did. If you want to sue somebody, sue the kids that picked on Eric Klebold and Dylan Harris and pushed them over the edge. Or better yet, get together with the families of the people Brenda Spencer shot and sue Mondays.

I fear the outcome of this case, mainly because I have little faith in our courts. How can I have faith in a system that awards a woman $500,000 for spilling hot coffee in her lap?

Sure, the courts did a good job in throwing out the case involving the woman who allegedly burned her chin on a hot pickle at McDonald's, but hell, even the Cabrini administration does something right every once in a while (like the Senior Send-Off).

Furthering my distrust of our courts is the latest ruling by the US Supreme Court. In a 5-4 decision, they ruled that

police "can arrest people for minor traffic offenses. This stems from a four-year-old lawsuit in Texas where a woman was handcuffed arrested in front of her children for driving without wearing her seat belt. She was brought to jail and spent an hour there before posting bail. The woman thought that being handcuffed and incarcerated was overkill for a violation that carries a maximum penalty of a $50 fine. Our Supreme Court thought otherwise.

So now in the future we can see jaywalkers being chased by K-9 units and cars with a taillight out needing a full SWAT team assault. And if that isn't bad enough, this ruling could increase racial profiling, which is where cops try to arrest you just for being a minority. Surprisingly, Justice Clarence Thomas voted in favor of this decision.

Of little comfort to the woman, myself or sensible people in general is the fact that all nine Supreme Court justices agreed that the cop overreacted, and the majority of the justices agreed that it was within his right to do so. The metaphorical equivalent of the previous statement is if your dog rips a chunk out of your son or daughter and all you do to the dog is say "You shouldn't do that, doggie, but it's okay if you do."

So what have we learned this week. We learned that school shootings have been around since most of the Class of 2001 bas been alive, even the parents of those slain at Columbine can become sickeningly greedy and that rolling a stop sign may warrant a cavity search by an overzealous police officer.

And what have we learned during this 2000-2001 school year? We have learned that I am right. I'm not being pompous; I'm just stating the facts. How can I not be right when practically no one disagreed or contested what I -· wrote? Sure, some of you may have disagreed with me but you chose not to say or write or do anything about it. The point is this: silence speaks. Remember that.

New York injustice,unforgettable QUESTIONABLEFACTS

I just don't understand. Recently, I logged onto various online newspapers to get my daily dose of what is happening in our world. One particular article caught my attention and since then, I have not been able to rid the story from my mind.

Here's the lowdown. Two years ago, Amadou Diallo, a West African immigrant was gunned down outside his Bronx apartment after returning home from work when four plain-clothed policemen mistook him for a rape suspect. The officers pumped 41 bullets into his body, claiming afterward that they thought he was drawing a gun. Actually, he drew The only thing found on his body was his wallet.

As if this brutal incident was not disturbing enough, Police Commissioner Bernard B. Kerik recently decided that the policemen involved will be relieved from any punishment, and simply ordered them to undergo retraining in tactics. It must be wonderful to be a part of the police force in today's society.

This decision practically gives the police power like that of a medieval feudal duke, the power of high and low justice. This, however, is noTmedieval times. This is a democratic society in which the po-

lice force is supposed to be servants of its people, not its ruler.

I will admit that I did not know Diallo and was not there during the killing. However, I understand that be was an unarmed man whose life was taken away from him as he posed no danger for the policemen. I cannot judge Diallo, but I can judge the policemen's actions.

It takes far fewer than 41 bullets to drop someone. The rate of fire the police used strongly suggests that the officers lost control of themselves and let their emotions impair their judgments, which is exactly what we do not need from people who exercise the law on our behalf, especially with firearms.

These officers are obviously incapable of performing their necessary duties without using poor judgment. The fact that they were not charged for murder and fired immediately suggests that the police department believes their members to be above the law.

Police should be punished for making mistakes like this. If any other individual messed up on their job like these men did, a second chance would not even be conceived, and the consequences would be far more severe than a slap on the wrist.

The four officers who chose to kill Diallo knew they had an entire government system to defend them. Diallo on the other hand, had no one. The most frightening aspect of this event is the strong doubt it casts on our ability to trust those who are trained to protect us.

A pack-a-day smoker will lose approximately two teeth every 10 years.

Apples, not caffeine, are more efficient at waking you up in the morning.

40 people are sent to the hospital for dog bites every minute.

The average housefly lives for one month.

If coloring was not added to Coca-Cola, it would be green.

In most televisionCO]!!:-(e~ mercials advertising ?[',...,•.) milk, • f hi 1 "" -k a 1D1Xture o w te 1~ paint and a little thinner 1-.i' is used in place of the .,,.milk.


Loquitur Dome: The Eternal Debate

inter-racial couple?

Homosexuality is becoming more and more acceptable in our society. It still has its hurdles to jump. The remark of someone heterosexual being "gay" is still an insult. There are people out there that just aren't going to accept that lifestyle. Just as the Ku Klux Klan still haunts the south.

In 1967, the Supreme Court ruled that state laws banning inte~_-racialmarriages were unconstitutional, Loving v. Virginia. In some cultures, they practice polygamy, the marriage of one man to many women. In the past, Tibet practiced polyandry, the marriage of one woman to many men. There was a time when 30year-old men married 15-year-old "women." And to people in our Western society the idea of marrying someone you've never met seems a little odd but arranged marriages were, at one time, just the way it was done. •

So why can't Adam marry Steve?

What is marriage? You find someone you love, who you think you could put up with for the next 50 or so years, someone pops the question and then you say your "I dos." It sounds simple enough but what if he doesn't love a her? Should he be denied the same fights that the rest of us share?

Flash back to 1967. Ever see the movie "Guess Who's Coming to Dinner?" She's a white woman from a nice family that has always been "liberal" until their daughter comes home with an African American man she met in Hawaii. Her father is in shock. Everyone is in shock.

Fast forward to today. Do you even look twice anymore at an

But I would say that a lot of people support the right to choose one's own individual lifestyle. If those people think it's okay to live that way, why don't they accept that homosexuals should have the right to live legally with someone they love? It doesn't make a whole lot of sense to me.

To say that marriages are exclusively meant for men and women is unfair. There was a time when marriage was only "meant" for people from the same economic class. It was only "meant" for people of the same race. It was only "meant" for people of the same religion. If our government acknowledges marriages despite these factors now, isn't it time to acknowledge same-sex marriages?

There are 1,049 rights afforded to heterosexual couples united in a civil marriage that homosexual couples are denied. These rights have been compiled into a list by the General Accounting Office of the federal government.

California passed a bill called Proposition 22. It says, "only marriage between a man and a woman is valid or recognized in California." This bill, also known as the Protection of Marriage Act, was backed by state Senator Pete Knight. David Knight, his son, is openly gay.

Tbis WBBk'B iSSIIB: Same-sex Right

or wrong?

Should they or shouldn't


This is one of the most heated questions of our time. Everywhere around us controversy surrounds the question of whether same- sex couples should be allowed to get married. Many people say they should, but many religious people say they shouldn't. Isn't religion what marriage is all about.

To me, marriage is a religious sacrament that you and your second half are making with God. You are promising before God that you will love this person till death do you part and that you will follow in God's way. Now, the question really is, did God intend for couples of the same sex to be married?

No one really knows the answer to that question because no one was alive to ask God, but as you look through the Bible and come to the story of Adam and Eve, you see that God made one man and one woman. God did not make two men or two women. If God had intended for couples of the same sex to be married, then don't you think that God would have made two men or two women?

Also, marriage is about producing children. How can two people of the same sex produce a child without artificial insemination or adoption? God created

only the woman to bear a child and he did that for a specific reason.

It was in His plan for a man and a woman to be married and to have children. Scientifically, it is not possible because God did not create it that way.

If God wanted couples of the same sex to produce children, then God would have allowed both sexes to be able to bear and produce children.

Now, I understand that we live in a country that has freedom of religion, but what religion approves of this? I have not heard of one that does. If there is a religion that approves of same-sex marriages, then I would be interested in learning about it.

I understand that religion has nothing to do with laws and regulations in our country, but it is always there looming in the background. It is the leaders of this country's beliefs that do our choosing and of course their beliefs are going to come out in their own decision-making. By living in a democracy we are allowed to vote for our leaders who we believe will stand up for our beliefs.

I personally do not have a problem with homosexuals because I believe that if they do not bother me, then why should I have a problem with them.

I do believe that marriage is something different. Marriage is a religious sacrament and it is not something that should be taken lightly.

Battle 13

"All the best of everything to the wonderlul class of 2001 from Marilyn L. Johnson. I'll miss you."

"Good luck to all the Seniors and ~specially those graduating Engltsh/communication majors. Your class will always be a special class to me, because I was a freshman right there with you. Stay in touch and please let me know how your doing."

12 PERSPECTIVES Thursday, May 3, 2001
Beth Conahan remindsall of the rightto choseas KendraClark remindsall that God made no right.
"I wish you well, I wish you good luck and to have fun in life. You always have a home to come back to at Cabrini College."
-John Dzik Athetic Director -Dr. Seth Frechie Faculty, English Department

Who rocked the house? Lady Cavs rocked the house

Coach, Team succeed for Men's Tennis

Raise your rackets up in the air and wave them like you just don't care. The Cabrini men's tennis team is champions of the PAC. The team wrapped up the Championship last Saturday. April 28th the team had a resounding victory in the championship tournament.

Scott Giblin won individual championships at the No. 1 spot and Ricky Romyn in the No. 6 singles position. Dan McConnell and Justin Sacile won the No. 3 doubles championship as well. The three victories were enough to win the team title.

The team finished 11-5 overall and undefeated in the PAC through 7 team matches. The conference player of the year went to Scott Giblin, who finished 14-1 on the season at the No. 1 singles position. At the No. 2 spot, Gary Cassera finished with a 11-3 record and McConnell finished 13-1 in singles, 5-0 at the No. 4 spot and 8-1 at No. 5. Romyn was 8-2 in singles during the season playing either the No. 4, 5 or 6 singles.

McConnell and Sacile were 3-0 in the No. 3 doubles on the season before winning the championship. McConnell had gone 6-1 on the season when paired with Ricky Romyn, and 1-0 with Andy Johnson. Giblin and Johnson had been undefeated at the No. 2 doubles position.

Coach Reggie Day earned the coach of the year honors with the successful season. Also finishing out the season were Ian Duncan, Lenny Yacona and Brett O'Malley.

Cabrini softball team practiced hard for the PAC Championship and their hard work paid off, they brought home another PAC title for Cabrini this weekend.

The 2001 women's softball team won the PAC championship this past weekend and will move on to the Regionals from May 10-13. They beat Wesley 5-1 and Misericordia, 3-1 then defeated Misericordia again with a score of 1-0 to take the championship. The team's coach Bridget Baxter shares their recipe for success.

Baxter has many nice things to say about the team. She feels that they are the best team in overall quality she's coached. Baxter feels that what makes the team so successful is their strength, skill, positive attitudes, hard work and discipline. "They want to be here, they come early, stay late, are very unselfish care about each other," said Baxter. The players make a lot of sacrifices for the team. With the exception of winter up until Christmas break, the

team practices year round. But even when they're not practicing as a team they do on their own. They even give up their spring break to go on the team trip to Georgia. There they play the Lead off Classic Tournament that consists of two games each day for five days.

Baxter isn't surprised by the team's success this season, as all of the starters from last year came back, along with four talented first-year students. Not only is the team's success good for its players and coach but for the college as well. "For Cabrini as a whole it's huge. People that may not hear of Cabrini hear of us. It gives the college publicity and bragging rights," said Baxter. Not only has the team received recognition for their playing ability but their academic ability as well.

The team is ranked No. 4 in the nation for academic achievement among women's softball teams. Averaged together the team has a 3.36

grade point average.

What Baxter enjoys most about coaching the team is the daily interaction with dedicated people who work hard and give everything they've got. Moreover, she finds watching them evolve as individuals to be exciting.

Baxter feels the team will remain a success by recruiting the most talented athletes. "The players we have recruit other women. I get them here and then the player's host them and they have a great time. Also, when they watch us play they see what a nice program it is to come into," said Baxter.

Baxter feels that it is an honor to be the team's coach. She is very proud of the players, win or lose. Although she is sad that the season is almost over, she looks forward to next year as all of the players from this year's team will be playing again.

Hurry! Hurry! Time is running out. ...

On Campus hou.sfng is filling

If you have not paid your housing deposit and selected a housing space ...

l} Pay your $350 non-refundable deposit at the Business Office.

2} Stop by the Residence Life office and complete your housing forms.

3) a living space.

nrst contt1I First seroel When all tlw ..,,_...,. JHlJ,d, we will NOT ·ateltd flflJ/ more Olfers to lfN OR .,,,,,.,.., An1J shoa14 le cftrected to tu .Rester.neeU,le at JCUJO.

Loquitur SPORTS
photo by Justine DiFilippo

Assortmentof events unfold at Penn Relays

The streets were crowded. Blocks full of buyers, sellers, venders and travelers, all present for one reason. The 2001 Penn Relay Carnival was coming to an end The carnival started earlier in the week and Saturday,April 28, was the final day of all of the track and field events.

The traffic on the street was overpowering Saturday as 48,522 bodies moved into the stands of Franklin Field, the home field of University of Pennsylvania and also the home' of the annual carnival. This was the 107th running of the Penn Relay Carnival.

Athletes were found everywhere, on the field, in the stands and on the streets. 1bey were warming up, cooling down, competing on the track and field and cheering on their team from the stands.

The atmosphere of the carnival this year and every year is one of excitement, glory and celebration. The crowd is made up of fans of all ages, ex-Penn Relay competitors, and the media. 1be athletes are made up of just of a variety, representing all classes of competition. Professional athletes, college competitors and high school students grace the field, as well as special guests who appear in random events, like the men's 4x400meter relay event that was compiled from

companies such as Sprint..

The biggest race of the day was the men's USA vs. World 4x400 meter relay that was broadcast live over ESPN. Before the race began the commentator announced for everyone on the field to get down so that the offi-

son ran the last leg of the USA team. Johnson is a 200 and 400 meter racer and has been referred to as the second best runner of the 20th Century. This was his last race on Franklin Field, because he is retiring at the end of this year's season.

before the start was bone chilling.

Johnson received the baton at the same time as the last leg runner from Jamaica, but he chose to duck in behind Jamaica and wait until the final turn to take the lead. After he moved ahead on the final turn it was all smooth sailing down the final stretch. 1be crowd came to a frenzy of cheers and chants for the USA victory.

"USA, USA," could be heard in unison throughout the entire arena. Johnson jogged his last victory lap waving to his audience with a grin on his face.

A sold-out crowd watches the Penn Relays held at Franklin Field in Philadelphia.

cials would have full view of the trackfor the race.

Olympic gold medal winner Michael John-

The race began just like any other, the runners anticipated the smoke and pop of the gun; but for this race, the silence of the crowd

The Penn Relay Carnival is not only about the runners, but also the various field events. When the running events are in transition the eye does not have travel far to find another event to focus on. The triple jump took place along the main straightaway of the track, where the finish line sits. The high jump took place along side the second turn of the track where athletes leap backward over heights exceeding their own height. A nerf javelin event took place where the athletes launched small nerf javelins into the center of the field. The most exciting of the field events was the poll vaulting, which took place on the far straightaway,opposite of the finish line. The winner propelled his body over an 18-foot-linch pole and set a new record for the event. All and all, the day was eventful and enjoyed athletes and their fans.

Season of accomplishments for Men's Lacrosse

The men's lacrosse team hosted Wesley College in the PAC Championships, on Saturday, April 28 at 2:30 p.m. Cabrini left with the Championship title with a final score of 15-7, a perfect way for the team to end this year's season of accomplishments.

This year has been one huge accomplishment for the team. This is their first PAC title. According to senior Ryan Greer, one of the biggest accomplishments was how "we came back from our early losses and won the PAC." The team was also able to beat Wesley College, <which they had lost to four years in 'a row. This year Cabrini defeated Wesley two times in the same season. They also defeated the 19th ranked team Marymount in overtime with a final score of 10-9. This year's team worked together as a whole to obtain a title of PAC Champions. "There were some down points but we ,came together when it counted," sophomore Mike Pape said.

According to the lacrosse coach, Steve Colfer, "The team had a lot of senior lead-

ership this year and they paved the way for the younger guys." The team made a commitment to each other early in the season that they were not going to lose. This team was on a mission to do "whatever it takes to win," said Colfer. There was not a game this season that was not competitive, the guys gave their all through the season.

This summer and into next year the team will have to keep one thing on their mind; defending their title. Colfer said, "The seniors who are leaving have set the bar high so expectations for next year will be high." With eight seniors leaving and 1015 new freshman being recruited next year it is sure to be a very exciting season for this team.

One thing that the coach was very happy with was all the support from the campus community. The team would like to say thank you for all of the campus support. "Keep up the support because it really does help pump up the team," Colfer said. With that thank you, Cabrini sure does owe this men's team a thank you for bringing us home another championship title this season.

14 , .,,. SPORTS Thursday, May 3, 2001
photo by Renee DiPietro photo by Justine DiFilippo
The men's lacrosse team played and worked hard to accomplish all their goals this season.

Cabrini's golfers walk off the course after a long day of golf during the PAC championships. I

.:Yes,·Cabrini does have a golf team

'Ain't no mountain~ high enough'

The women's lacrosse team made the tough climb up the mountain and peaked victoriously over the Neumann College Knights. The game was battled out on campus this past Saturday at noon. This is the Lady Cav's fourth consecutive PAC victory.

"The last time we played Neumann it was a tough game with a score of eight to six," Stephanie Masucci, junior, said. Masucci, a defensive wing, knew what the team was up against before game time. "We'd have to play our hardest to win."

In recent games, the Lady Cavs have dominated the scoreboard. In some games Cabrini's score was more than triple that of the other team's. On Wed. April 25, Cabrini defeated Cedar Crest College 17 to 5 allowing them to advance to the finals

With the blare of the buzzer, the Lady Cavs took to the field eager to overcome their opponents. Led by Coach Jackie Neary and assisted by Denise Lomax, the Lady Cavs were neck-and-neck with the


Kendra Clark rest of the team included D' Aleo, Jim Mcstaff writer Crea, Bill Rookstool, Pete Pietranik, and Zane Hamid.

Yes, Cabrini has a golf team.

"People are always asking me, "Cabrini has a golf team?" said Anthony D' Aleo, sophomore.

Despite a lack of knowledge around campus, the team proved to be quite successful this year. In the first four games before the PAC Championships, the team posted a 4-0 record.

Heading into the PAC Championships, the team added to their resume by playing on the legendary Bethpage golf course. This is the course in which the US Open will be played. "It was breathtaking," said D' Aleo. "The 18th hole is beautiful and to know that next year the Open will be determined at that hole and to know that we saw it is amazing"

After Bethpage, the team headed to the PAC Championships, which were hosted by College of Misericordia over the weekend of April 29-30. Wesley took home first, but the Cavs tied for fourth with Alvernia College. Senior Brian Moose gave the team an 86 and 82 and finished ninth overall in the tournament. Moose also claimed All PAC second honors. The

The team speaks highly of itself when describing their season. "This year we did not know how things would be going in, the team came through pretty well," said D' Aleo. "We just go out there and enjoy ourselves."

Improvement is also something that the Cavs hoped to accomplish at the beginning of the season. "We have done what we wanted to do and everyone bas improved, we have had fun," said D' Aleo.

D' Aleo and Moose take the top two spots on the team. Both have helped the Cavs with low averages all season. D' Aleo averages an 83 and Moose a 78 or 79. Besides a low average, Moose has also been selected as honorable mention for the past two weeks in the PAC league.

As the Cavs end a season, a new season brings anticipation. According to D' Aleo, the team will only loose two players next year, Moose being one. The team is also expecting some recruits. "We had a really good season and played well with only two returning players, I look forward to being captain next year and to the four returning players and new ones," said D' Aleo.

Neumann Knights through most of the first-half of the game. Neumann would score a goal and Cabrini would immediately counterattack with a goal on the Knights. The first goal of the game was scored by Cabrini's Nicole Schultz. A~ticeable difference between the two teams was Cabrini's speed and agility. After the Knights would score on the Lady Cavs, Cabrini would speed the ball back into the Knight's territory.

At half time Cabrini was down by one. The score at the end of the first half was four to three.

During a ten minute stretch of the second half, the Lady Cavs scored five goals. Scorers were Colleen Connor, Heather Stinger, Tracee King, Kelli Romano and Angela Grassa.

The Lady Cavs pulled ahead of the Knights in the beginning of the second half. The landmark play of the game came when Adrienne Maiocco, junior defensive captain, scored unassisted after running the ball more than 50 yards down field. Christy Malone received the defensive MVP of the game for having made 15 saves.

15 r.,......,.,Thurscfay~; 2001 SPORTS
photos by Justine DiFilippo Thes Lady Cavs brought home the championship title after a great season.
• CabriniCollege Radnor, PA 19087 Th~ May3,2001 Vol. XLVII, No.24 Inside dleirmccesllfulyear withacu...-W, and"~ award. ptlM 13 Cabrini's pride and joy
photo by Justine DiFi/ippo
Read inside for full coverage of what happened as Cabrini brought home several PAC championships. . \!\'ho's Playing? w·,•v' tll ll 1·-::. t t l_ - fri .::.un 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 •Women's •Women's Lacrosse vs. Lacrosse at Rowan Universi- Rowan University,4p.m. ty, 4 p.m. ,..
photo by Justine DiFilippo

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