April 25, 2002 issue 24 Loquitur

Page 11

Four colleges to provide aid for drug off enders •

Four colleges across the country have opted to provide their own financial aid to students who are denied federal funding due to drug convictions. At the moment, Cabrini has no plans of adopting this policy.

Myra Smith, director of financial aid at Yale University, said that Yale adopted the plan "out of concern that the student not have their education interrupted because they could not receive federal aid." The other colleges involved are: Swarthmore ColJege, Western Washington University and Hampshire College. These four colleges did not work together to establish the additional funding; it is up to each individual institution whether or not a program gets set up.

The need for this type of funding is due to an amendment issued in 1998 to the Higher Education Act. The Higher Education Act was originally set up over 30 years ago to offer students financial aid funded by the government.


Ax falls on RAs again, TAcademiclines of another fired in past excellence blur with week grade inflation

Matt Holmes was next to feel the smash of the Residence Life hammer with his dismissal on Tuesday, April 18.

"They told me I was fired Tuesday morning and then told me I had to be out by Thursday," Holmes said.

Holmes is a senior English/communications major and was an RA in Xavier Halls.

When asked about why he was let go from his position, he stated that he "did something stupid," but did not think it warranted him "to be necessarily fired."

"It didn't affect me as much because I had an apartment and a job lined up already for when I graduate," Holmes said. "But I can only imagine how hard it would be for someone who didn't have anywhere to go." Holmes refers to the handful of RAs who have been dismissed from their duties during these last weeks of the semester.

"There have been reasons for people to be fired though," Holmes said, "But firing everyone does not make things any better. I think it's realJy unfair to do this to the current RAs because they now have to do all their work plus our

See RA, page 4

The next A on your report card might not be reflective of your success as a student.

Grade inflation, the trend of many higher educational institutions to give out more higher level grades, has many at Cabrini and. other colleges and universities questioning what is the best way of assessing students.

compresses all grades at the top, making it difficult to discriminate the best from the very good, the very good from the good and the good from the mediocre." A's and B's no longer show above average work, since they are becoming the average at many ·schools. At Harvard, 50 percent of the grades were A's.

May compared grade inflation to price inflation. They are similar in that they both keep rising. However, in price inflation there is no upper limit whereas the highest grade that can be achieved -isan A, or sometimes an A+.

The Chronicle of Higher Education said, "Grade inflation

According to Chad May, records and data coordinator in the registrar's office, grade inflation is "the blurring of the lines between good and outstanding students." I

Four colleges have opted to give financial aid to students who have a drug offense on their record. Cabrini has not adopted such a policy because drug offenses are not as big an issue on this campus.
photo by Katie Reing

Children's School changes to improve learning conditions for Cabrini students

After the curriculum changes at the Children's School have been announced, the reasons behind them and their possible benefits are becoming more apparent. The administration says that a budget deficit and the untimely resignation of. the school's former director are the cause of the removal of the before and after school daycare programming.

Parents are comparjng the situation to a hostile takeover of their beloved institution. Teachers are left hoping for the security of their jobs. But as the turmoil wages between parents and administration, there is one group involved that many have forgotten to consider.

Cabrini College education majors take part in field experience and student teaching at the Children's School every year. Dr. Jonnie Guerra, vice president of Academic Affairs, is one of the administrators responsible for the recent changes in the Children's

School's curriculum, and feels that the change will be positive for education majors.

"I expect that education majors will be actively involved in the Children's School next year. It will continue to be a site for field experience and student teaching," Guerra said.

According to Linda Glavin, a current teacher at the school, the changes will be incredibly positive for both the children and the college students involved. "The kids really benefit from the relationships they form with the college students. A lot can be gained from the students' interactions with each other." Glavin said.

One such student participating in field experience at the Children's School is sophomore education major, Shannon Capriotti.

According to Capriotti, the college students perform what is called "student observations" one semester every Wednesday for 10 weeks. Due to the recent changes in curriculum, Capriotti has noticed positive improvements in

Cabrini students gain valuable "hands on" experience in hopes

the school academically. "The classes are calmer now, and there are more specific things to get accomplished," Capriotti said. She considers the only drawback in the program to be the short amount of time that she is allowed with the students. "It's hard for us

Special interest housing encourages community

In the midst of an on-going battle between students, RAs and Residence Life concerning the recent termination of five Cabrini RAs and the accusations of misconduct and disorder among students, there is positive news coming from the office of Residence Life. A trend that seems to be spreading across college campuses nation-wide has made its way to Cabrini and it is known better as special interest housing.

For years t,he office of Residence Life has promoted and encouraged SIH here on Cabrini's campus. It was not until recently that students finally took the initiative to further pursue these unique learning environments in which they will live with others who share the same interests as them.

With the idea in mind of diversifying and building community, Slll allows students to become involved in programs that are of their interest. These communities are established to encourage social, intellectual and supportive environments where Cabrini students can develop the philosophies and qualities of a liberally educated person.

At the present time, SIH is only offered in the New Residence Hall, but this does not mean that other housing facilities on campus cannot host SIH as well. " It really is up to the students to prepare proposals and organize themselves and create different SIH areas," Shayla Hasic-Stamps said. " The school will support any positive, learning and living experience on campus that provides a different learning and living option," HasicStamps, assistant director of Residence Life, said. -

students work with the teachers to improve the education for the participating students.

A group of students interested in developing new SIH would have to develop a proposal, submit the proposal to David Carpenter, director of Residence Life, and find a faculty advisor and student coordinator.

The college offers six different types of SIH as of right now. Students may choose from the Health and Wellness Community, the Interna-tional/Multicultural Community, Intensified Study, Spanish Culture, Community Service and the Honors Suite. There is no selection process to live in SIH nor does it discriminate or reject any student who wishes to be a part of these learning communities, which serve to build unity and community among Cabrini students on an educational level.

teaching job

because we go on Wednesdays and on Wednesdays they don't have any small group or academic time. We really only see them during playtime, so I think next year they're going improve that for us," Capriotti said.

Whether or not the changes are

considered to be positive,the wheels of motion have begun, and the administration feels strongly , about their new curriculum. While parents are left scrambling for daycare, college students hope for a more structured teaching environment.

Phi Alpha Theta inducts new members

The Upsilon Psi Chapter of Phi Alpha Theta (the International History Honorary Society) held its 28th annual initiation ceremony on Thursday, April 18 in the Mansion. Among those present to honor the initiates were Dr. Jolyon Girard, history and political science professor, and Dr. James Hedtke, department chair of history and political science.

Dr. Jonnie G. Guerra, vice president of Academic Affairs was the honorary initiate this year.

The newest members for 2002 a~:

Stephen T. Bissell

Jennifer Anne Marie Coughlin

Ian Scott Duncan

Kimberly E. Gormley

Jonnie G. Guerra (Honorary)

Katie Noel Kempton

Jason Roberto Rotella

Carol Ann R. Wilcock

Congratulationsto the newest membersof PhiAlpha Theta.

2, NEWS Thursday, April 25, 2002
photo by Tara Taylor of a in the future. These
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Drug offender's -receive aid from colleges


A student's federal aid is based on a student's response on the Free Application for Federal Student Aid form.

Question number 35 .asks whether or not a student has a drug conviction. If a student fills in the blank with a "yes," there is an accompanying work sheet that asks for more specific infonnation.

Smith said that students sometimes fill the form out incorrectly because the instructions on the FAFSA form are unclear. "In order to be denied, the conviction has to be within a year of when you are applying for aid," Smith said. This means, for example, that if a student was convicted in 1999 and is applying for federal aid in the 2002-2003 school year, the student should mark "no" in the question box.

Yale intends to award the student whatever aid the student would have received from the federal government. Western Washington University, however, has established a $750 scholarship to students who were rejected because of a drug-related conviction.

Lynne Masland, director of financial aid at Western Washington University said, '"rhe scholarship was not funded by taxpayer or private donor dollars nor is it governed by university policy or

Hostages held fOrsimulation

the Board of Trustees. It was funded by proceeds from the Association Student's sale of ads in booklets .offering discount coupons to students from various local businesses."

Laura Talbot, director of financial aid at Swarthmore College, said that aiding its students with additional money is nothing new to Swarthmore College. "We wilJ help support a student if they were denied any type of federal funding," Talbot said, "This was just an addition to a policy that has always existed for us." Talbot rejects claims that the program promotes any special treatment of students convicted of drug crimes. "We are not offering a student more because of a drug crime, there is no special treatment," Talbot said. Talbot said° that Swarthmore is in a rare situation due to the fact that the college does have enough of its own funds to replace lost aid for its students.

Michael Colahan, director of financial aid at Cabrini, said that replacing aid Jost due to a drug conviction has "yet to come up as a major issue•~ at Cabrini. "Cabrini does not pass judgment on the students. They will still receive Cabrini merit awards that are given independent of the drug issue," Colahan said.

The schools that are involved do have certain requirements that the student must follow in order to be eligible for aid. At Yale, the stu-

dent must be enrolled in rehabilitation that is offered at the school. Smith said that the student is required io meet with the school board to follow up on his or her progress. At Western Washington University the students are required to submit a 250-word essay that explains how pursuing an education will help them overcome any setbacks that they have experienced due to drugs. They must also present two letters of recommendation. One must be from a professional involved in the student's rehab.

Critics of the new policy say that this type of program rewards or promotes bad drug habits. In response, Corey Eichner, associated students president of Western Washington University, said, "This scholarship wasn't meant to be a reward for making a mistake. The idea was to help people who are showing a desire to make their lives better."

At this time no students have applied for the supplemental aid at Yale, Swarthmore or Western Washington. Hampshire College could not be reached for comment. Eileen Coughlin, vice president for student M[airs and academic support services at Western Washington, said, "Denial of federally funded financial aid hasn't been a major issue on our campus as, I think, the fact that no one has applied for the scholarship demonstrates."

New additions coming to Spring Fling

The annual Spring Fling will be held on Saturday, May 4, from 12-4 p.m. on the commons. Like every year, Spring Fling is being organized by the Campus Activity and Programming board.

This yeaF's Sppng Fling will include surji activities as bouncy boxing, jousting matches and the old time.,f~vorite giant slip and slide. ~-/ • ~. ••

Some. he\l'(ad~ons to this year's S~g-w'ill be temporary tattoos,,~-~and "He said,

She said." "'He said, She said' is a different kind of band that we have never had before at the Spring Fling. It is not a cover band, but a more hip-hop dance band. I really hope that everyone enjoys this new type of music," Colin McGinley, head of CAP. board, said.

There will be free t-shirts with a newly unveiled design given out during the festivities. Every year a student designs the t-shirrs. This year's rlesign was ,£reated by senior Randi Kuhn.

The -cafeteea will be close~ for • lunch beca\lse there will be.an-out-

Margaret Beauchesne, a professional hostage negotiator, demonstrated a true procedure in a hostage situation on Wednesday, Nov. 24, to sw.dents in Dr. James Hedtke's class.

"After seeing movies, people think it is just one person getting the hostage out of the situation. That is a huge misconception. In reality it is an entire hostage negotiation team, not just one person," Hedtke, chair of history and political science, said.

has missed something. There are seven boards that are responsible for "extracting· from the negotiations. What is pertinent tops your board."

The Boards consist of the Intelligence Board, the Deadlines Board, the Chronology Board,the Demands Board, the Hostages Board and the Concessions Board. The comman• der interacts with his teams. as well as the swat team, the state police and any other law enforcement that is need in the situation. This person decides how to handle the situation.

door barbecue at 12 p.m. However, dinner will be served on regular schedule.

"Spring Fling is always a fun time for students. Hopefully com-· muter students will stay on campus as well. The CAP board works really hard on this event and has great hopes for this year. We are not sure yet but Y-100 may be coming. There are a lot of events that the CAP board has been working hard on for a long time now. Hopefully everyone will come out for •Spring Fling al}d have a great day," McGinley said•

The hostage negotiation seminar took place in the Academic Affairs conference room on the second floor of Grace Hall and in Dr. Hedtke's office in the Mansion. The hostages were held m Dr. Hedtke ·s office and the rest of

The ~rsoo in charge of message sheets writes the hostage taker's commands to the commander. filling him in as if he were there to bring him up to speed. The runner is the person who hand delivers the message sheets. At the same time. he or she needs to be educated on the whole situation to be able to the class was in the conference answer any questions that are· room trying to get them out of asked. danger. Beauchesne assisted There are seven different the negotiators in getting their types of hostage situations. hostages to safety. She is a spe- They are: the "psycho" incicialist in ,this field. "She has dent, the "simulation" incident, been at the FBI school and has "the grievance airing" incident, seen the new ways to deal with "the escape plan," the "riot terrorism since the 9-11 related" incident, the ''terrorist" tragedy," Hedtke said. incident and the "vengeance

The team consisted of 19 seeking" incident. • individuals, in this case, stu- When in a situation like this, dents, four of which were taken violence.is known to take place by one person. The team leader in the beginning and at the end keeps in touch with all of the to anyone being hefd against people on the team and keeps their will. 64% of incidents are the commander "up to date on able to be taken care of in four the negotiations.'' The alternate hours or less, 91% of incidents team leader is responsible for are able to be worked out in everyone once the teamleader nine hours or less. has gone to the command cen- This seminar was a opportuter. The primary negotiator, the nity for students to see how it one everyone sees in the actually is in a situation and movies, will be interacting with how to deal with a situation the hostage taker. This.~ with all ~rent aspects. n 'the infoan.ationilatherer Bver since 9~Jl- people have from the direct source. The sec- been somewba( living in fear of ondacy-ne~or .gets1111the tenorism.

Loquitur NEWS
stu,tc,am•~~ passes1be dentsy, •:ii ,at loW t ~$~~a-. ·~:.e •..,..,.,.he~~ihal~ ,·~;Mi If> _+ •

RA terminated, no supervision in Xavier

RA, from page 1

work. It seems that Residence Life is just making their job harder.

Kevin Quaglia, junior early childhood education major, feels that the Residence Life staff has been taking the hits like a team and each have been stepping up to take on the additional responsibilities. "We each picked up two more days to make up for the open shifts," Quaglia said. Quaglia has made sacrifices like the rest of the staff and has offered to work the "Hat and Tie" and the Honors Convocation, which he is being honored at for making the dean's list for five consecutive semesters.

"My parents are pretty upset that I can't go now," Quaglia said, "but this is part of working on a team."

•Alex Conynham, freshman computer major and Xavier Hall resident, lived next door to Holmes. Conynham was involved in the incident which caused Holmes to be fired, but he does not blame Holmes for items that were stolen out of his room, which • were a Play Station system, Play Station games and a graphing calculator.

"It was just a simple mistake," Conynharn said about the incident. "I think you should be able to leave your door unlocked for an

Unforgetable ann1versar1es

In the wake of Sept. 11, it is important not to forget past tragedies that have captured America's concern for her fellow American. This past week has been a heart-wrenching anniversary for some Americans.

hour and not have to worry about this happening. The lack of safety on campus is to blame, not [Holmes]."

Conynham said, "Holmes was the best RA. He was so cool and easy to talk to. He was a bit more approachable than others. We could talk to him and he would do stuff about it. He'd hold hall meet.: ings to talk about the problems. I

think it's ridiculous to just fire him. It does not solve anything and just leaves my hall with no RA and craziness."

Holmes was not happy with the short amount of time he was given to clean out his belongings on top of his regular schoolwork and schedule. "I spent three days just moving out and had to inconvenience my friends.''

Almost two months before April 19, 1993, David Koresh was able to get more than 100 people to join him in Waco, Texas. Koresh and his followers, called the Davidians, then barricaded themselves in a fully armed fortress. Koresh belteved that if the Bible was true, then he was Christ. Koresh- did release some children from the compound, none of which were his own. According to www.time.com, he still had about 90 adults with him and 17 children. He issued an hour-long statement -on the radio about how he was waiting for the message of God to decide what to do. Then after fire from the FBI on the early morning of April 19. 1993 it is believed that the Davidians turned their own weapons on themselves and completed what many believed to be their original intent.

Hundreds were killed in the Oklahoma City bombing on April I 9, 1995. According to www.washingtonpost.com, the bomb that destroyed the front of

the U.S. federal building was a car bomb. Terry Nichols and Timothy Mc Veigh were sentenced for the bombing, and McVeigh was sentenced to death for his involvement. McVeigh apparently drove the van into the parking garage of the U.S. federal building. That van housed the bomb that later went off. Nichols was be charged with life in prison and there are still some people wanting his death. Columbine high school lost 15 people and 23 were wounded after April 20, 1999. According to www.cnn.com, Dylan Klebold and Eric Harris were two "misguided" youths who took out their frustration by bringing guns and explosives to school with them. The two gunmen then turned their weapons on themselves. which would leave the question as to why this happened. Most schools adopted a "zero-tolerance" policy towards violence after the Columbine shootings coupled with previous school shootings, violence and threats of violence after April 20. of that year.

The anniversaries for these events have all happened over the last week. Some believe these dates are coincidental, others believe that the dates are meant to correspond with the birth of Hitler, whose date of birth was April 20, 1889.

Grade inflationraises concerns,not an accurate representationof students


The significance of grade inflation can also be seen in what grades represent. According to May, employers look at transcripts and want to give jobs to those with higher GPAs. However, with grade inflation, they may not be getting an accurate representation of a candidate. The same is true for graduate schools.

Cabrini, like most institutions of higher education, has a high rate of grade inflation. May mentioned that this is not a new topic.

The recent presidential election focused on education, and that is why it has been brought back into the eye of the public. Actions to control grade inflation have not been clearly defined at Cabrini as of press date.

There are some majors at Cabrini which are more difficult so the grades are lower, but May said that it was hard to determine if any one major was more or less guilty of grade inflation. .

At other colleges, grade inflation has been hard to keep under control. According to the

Chronicle of Higher Education, there are different reasons for this. One is that students in modem times are used to having their selfesteem boosted. If a student receives an F it lowers their selfesteem and sets back the learning process.

Another reason grade inflation stiII occurs is that professors are pressured to give higher grades to please students and the co!Jege administrations. They want to be popular in order to receive higher student evaluations. David Lest, professor of psychology at the

Richard Stockton College of New Jersey, wrote in the Chronicle of Higher Education. "Colleges and universities reward faculty members. who are popular, and popularity is harmed by giving many low grades. It is rare to find a college or university rewarding a faculty member for having strict grading standards."

One solution to grade inflation is finding other means of evaluation. According to the Chronicle of Higher Education, the Un1versity of California at Santa Cruz gave out written evaluations,

and no grade was assigned. The evaluations focused on student performance. This has had good results there. Currently, letter grades are being assigned, but the written evaluations are central.

Another alternative is using grade distribution. This follows a bell curve, where 2 percent of the grades are A's, 68 percent fall as C's and another 2 percent are F's. The remaining grades are B's and D's. May said that since the bell curve follows a natural process, then grades should follow this.

staff photo Matt Holmes, the fifth RA to be fired, ·feels that he was unjustly terminated.
Thursday, April 25, 2002

Holy Spirit Library revolutionized

A little more than a month ago, the Library introduced remote access to· its online databases. The Cabrini community has enthusiastically welcomed this new service. Holy Spirit librarians, however, are not resting on their recent success.

Reference Librarian Rosemarie DeMaio is pleased to report that all of the currently received periodicals are now housed on the main floor of the Library. "This new location makes this heavily used collection ~asily accessible to our students. It also makes it convenient for Library staff to help our students use the cWTentperiodicals." Two student workers were instrumental in shifting this extensive collection: Vince Crognale and Mike Carpenter.

A survey conducted in January by the Library's Assessment Team to gauge student satisfaction with the Library's services and facilities yielded helpful feedback. While the results indicated an overall level of satisfaction with the Library, students suggested a number of areas in which improvements were desirable.

While some of the suggestions will take time to plan and implement, others are getting immediate attention.For example, the wish for more full-text online resources has received top priority. Three new full-text databases have been added to the library's database page, (http://www.cabrini.edu/library/db.asp), in the last month: CQ Researcher, ProQuest Newspapers and the Historical Backfile of the New York Times. And there are plans to add more.

CQ Researcher issues forty-four in-depth reports each year covering a wide range of "hot" topics. Topics covered by recent reports included schools vouchers, weapons of mass destruction, policing the

Buried in the hack p~ges

Illegal slang

It may be OK to be a skank, but it is not legally OKto be called one. A California state appeals court has ruled it is libel to call someone a "skank" or even a "big skank'' on the radio. The word has been described as "a derogatory slang tenn of recent vintage that has no generally recognized meaning:•

Hot water passion

In Berlin, a young Gennan couple hid in a bed shop after closing time and passionately tested the waterbeds for several hours before being caught by the police. Police discovered the couple after alarms were sounded as the couple tried to escape through an emergency exit.

The Osama bin Laden doll

border and preventing teen drug use. The site posts its reports going back to 1991.

ProQuest Newspapers contains the full-text of current articles from the New York Times (including the NYT Book Review and Magazine), Washington Post, Wall Street Journal, Los Angeles Times, and the Christian Science Monitor, making this a convenient and authoritative source for current events. The Historical Backfile of the New York Times provides primary source coverage for historic events dating back to 1851.

The Library staff is pleased that the addition of these new databases extends the access Cabrinians have to significant informational and research materials, from anywhere, at any time of the day or night.

Circle K picks up 8 awards at convention

Cabrini's Circle K club traveled to Pittsburgh for the Circle K District Convention recently.

The convention was a meeting point for all of the Circle K clubs in Pennsylvania. During the weekend, participants got the opportunity to attend meetings and workshops. They also elected new district board members and learned the election process.

Before arriving at the convention the seven members that Cabrini took to the convention had to fill out award forms in order for them to be recognized for their work.

Cabrini took home all of the distinguished officer awards. The distinguished officers were Jesse Gluckman, president; Catie Garofalo, vice-president; Lisa Difabio, secretary, and Jon Zeminski, treasurer.

Cabrini also took home two distinguished member awards while at the convention. The distinguished member honorees were Bernadette Hazel and Jessica Leahy.

The awards did not stop there. The group also took home first place for their scrap book. and they won the Early Bird Award for early membership payments.

The convention was not all about getting awards and electing ,

officers. They also hosted a dance and got to explore Pittsburgh. There was even a college fair in which they had the opportunity to promote Cabrini.

The seven members who went to the convention had a lot of fun, and are planning to attend the next one in Hershey, Pa., next year. Vice-President Catie Garofalo said, "We encourage all to come out and share this fun and service with us."

Garofalo believes that Circle K is going to continue to have fun planning social events and working in the community.

In New York, a Connecticut toy maker is selling "life-like action figures" based on major figures tied to the Sept. 11th attacks, including President Bush, fonner New York City Major Rudolph Giuliani, and Prime Minister of England 'tony Blair. Because collectors began demanding an adversary, the company added a fourth doll to the line, the Osama bin Laden doll. The most popular doll in sales to date has been the bin Laden doll.

Too young for that

In Florida an 8-year-old boy drove himself to school in a stolen car after missing the school bus, police said. He was suspended from school for up to 10 days for e-ndaRgeringhimself and others. The boy was not arrested because the police had not seen him driving the car. However the boy's uncle was arrested. because the boy stated that his uncle had been giving him driving lessons.

AU courtesy of Rueters.com

Loquitur IT NEWS
photo by Katie Reing Students in the library enjoy the new database additions.

A trip down memory Layne

Layne Staley, lead singer of 'Alice In Chains' was found dead in his home on April 19, 2002. Band members have commented several times since his death. Now, students reflect on the life of Staley.

The su,rv1vmg members of Alice In Chains, guitarist Jerry Cantrell, drummer Sean Kinney and bassist Mike Inez, issued a statement this past Sunday in which they said that they are "heartbroken" about the death of lead singer Layne Staley.

Layne Staley, whose dark and soulful voice helped to create pioneering Seattle grunge-metal band Alice In Chains, was found dead on Friday, April 19, in his apartment complex. He was 34 years of age.

Police officers who were called to his address on Friday found a corpse so badly decomposed that it took authorities a full day to confirm the identification of Staley. His body was surrounded with heroin-injection paraphernalia when relative found him and called the police. No criminal wrongdoing is suspected in his death. "There was nothing suspicious about his death. It appears to


be an overdose or possibly a natural death," Seattle police spokesman Duan Fish said.

The group goes on to describe Staley as "a sweet man with a keen sense of humor and a deep sense of humanity."

"We are proud to have known him, to be his friend and to create music with him," the statement from the band continues. "Layne struggled greatly for the past decade. We can only hope that he has at last found peace."

Staley had a history of drug abuse, including a habit with heroin that he chronicled in the harsh and often depressing and morbid lyrics that made Alice In Chains one of the premier Seattle-grunge acts, associated with other groups such as Nirvana, Pearl Jam and Soundgarden. His addiction ulti-

Layne Staley (above) was the lead singer of the early nineties band "Alice In Chains." The band and fans are mourning the Joss of his life.

song EP "We Die Young" in the year 1990. The band's first fullChains into superstardom. . mately sidetracked his music career. length release, "Facelift," followed a few months later and was a success for the band. In 1992, the band released, "Dirt." The multi-platinum-selling album included the singles "Would?" and "Rooster" launched Alice In

The band signed with Columbia Records just before the grunge scene took America by storm. Alice In Chains showed their hard edge sound on the three

Many people were upset at Staley's death. First year student Jamie Knobler describes Staley's death as being, "unexpected yet expected" and "disappointing."

"Staley had one of the few voices that didn't die out with the grunge era. Now that he is gone we are


l)y Gerl Ly11nUtter

staff writer

Roger Ebert and Richard Roeper gave it thumbs down, but critics everywhere have been giving the "Scorpion King" praise.

Starring The Rock, the. World Wrestling Federation's pretty boy responsible for dismissing every 'wannabe·wrestler that crosses his path, "Scorpion King•·is exciting.

Even though the "Scorpion I(ipg" • is staged in a completely different era with warriors, rather than rookie wrestlers. The Rock gets two hours to flex bis muscles and show Memnon, the king of Gomorrah, who's boss.

Memnon and his band of waniors are in the process of driving other tribes out of their native lands. in order to gain more power and increase the size of his empire.

Under Memnon's control is the Sorceress, played by Kelly Hu. the key to Memnon's predicted victories. Memnon holds the Sorceress as a lavish prisoner, in order to help hirnformhis attack strategies and.act as a symbol of hope and courage for his elite anny.

Methyus, 'TheRock'scharacter, is hired by the other tribes in danger of being conquered by Memnon's anny to kill his priz.ed possession, the Sorceress. However, rather than kill the beautiful Sorceress, Methyus

takes her captive and they fall in love..

Methyus, the Sorceress and the endangered tribes band together to conquer Memnon and reclaim their lands.

After seeing the "Scorpion King'' I found it to be action-packed and entertaining. And. come on ladies, The Rock is half-nakedthroughout the entire movie. Don't think the directors forgot the .fellas, Kelly Hu is stunning with her skin-revealing costumes throughout the.movie. Who cares about Ebert and Roeper's thumbs down rating? The "Scorpion King" is an entertaining flick with a good plot, starring beautiful peopJe.

left with a only a few more from the grunge era, such as Eddie Vedder, Chris Cornell and Scott Weiland," Knobler said. Other people will miss the music of Alice In Chains.

Quincy Adam, a sophomore, was also upset by Staley's death. "He had one of the most distinct voices in rock, which really made the band. Alice In Chains was one of the first bands that influenced my guitar playing and really helped me improve my playing," Adam said.

The band members were joined at the vigil by more than 200 fans, many of whom left notes and flowers in remembrance of the late singer. There was a request from Staley's family for the media to respect their privacy as they mourn their loss. Staley's family also has asked for donations to be made to Eastside Recovery Center in Bellevue, Washington.

Web Exclusive

Log onto www.theloquitur.com and follow the links for tracks by Alice In Chains and Paul McCartney.

•••••••••••••••••••• Spring Fling Update

Next week, Loquitur wraps up the coverage of the Spring • Fling bands. Look for articles on the bands "Eazy Four" and "He -Said, She Said."

6 A&E Thursday, April 25, 2002
Alice In Chains music will continue to live on and Staley's death will be a reminder for many about the dangers of drug abuse.

Sam Shepanl's play, "The Curse of the Starving Class," is billed as a dark comedy. However.mnyof tile situations in the play were so far removed from what is considered "nor~ mal" life, that it was bard to find the hwnoTin them.

The play is about a fanning family living in the Imperial Valley, California. The year is 1976. The father~Weston, is an obvious alcoholic. whereas the mother; Ella. attempts to keep her alcohol problem hidden. The two childml. l3mtna and Wesley, at times appear more adult than their parents.. but this isa mask for their own problems that- have msulted,. fmm.lbeir mixed .dulclooods.

In addition to the theme of are addressed in the play as well. The ihemes of poverty, infidelity, and the phasing out of an agricultural ~iety are a~ as well. At times

tbeweakofhean. Many imense Steve Hatzai, as Weston .the scenes are depicted on the stage, alcoholic father, also gave a such as. examples of domestic beautiful performance. His and~. uge.1. The drunken rages and times of son, Wesley, appears onstage almost maniacal happiness were covered in blood at one point in truly convincing and had me on the show. At another point, a the edge of my scat. Tbe real._bu&metedlamb-carcass is er, played by Maryann Elder. brought on the stage. There is also gave a good performance. no doubt that it is real, once you though at times I found her begin to smell it from your seat harsh character to be a bit too in the audience. There is 1:vena much. gun in the play, which the There is not much of a daughter, Emma, at one point • comedic nature to be found in rums at her mother. One of the this play, but do not let that stop most memorable scenes of the you from seeing it. There are play is when Wesley pulls food many beautiful moments and out of the refrigerator, throws on important lessons to learn from the floor and begins to gorge this play. It is admittedly a night himself with it while his hands of heavy thinking and the play are still bloodied. The scene is may even leave you a bit absolutely grotesque. depressed.,but the insights it will

FormerBeatle's show 'carries weight'

Catching a glimpse of an exBeatie is like catching a glimpse of Haley's Cornet. First, it's hard to believe that you actually saw it, and second it's gone much too fast. On Tuesday, April 16, however, Paul McCartney extended that glimpse into a two and a half hour musi_cfest and jammed with songs he has written over the last 35 plus years.

In his first tour in nearly 10 years, Sir McCartney has gotten over his fear of relying heavily on

Beatles' tunes.

Opening the show with "Hello, Goodbye" the stage was set for an eclectic mix of songs that many of the 20,000 people in attendance will likely never hear played live again. He followed

left McCartney standing alone. McCartney was. optimistic and quipped, "I think I can handle it."

McCartney, grasping the nakedness of the acoustic guitar, played beautiful renditions of "Blackbird," "Mother Nature's Son" and his tribute to John Lennon, "Here Today."

Playing a ukulele that George Harrison had given him as a gift, McCartney played "Something," in memory of his recently passed band mate.

The band came back about five or six songs later and picked up right where they left off.


Extremely vibrant and fresh versions of "Band on the Run" and "Can't Buy Me Love" were soon to follow.

McCartney rounded out the show with "'Live and Let Die," which

The playe,s in "The Curse of the Starving ClasJ;· portray~ characters set against a backgt()Ulld of:contrt>v¥sial themes.

there are even hints of a ~bly slightly erotic dimension in the relationship between the brother and sister.

Though a live, wooJlylamb is brought on stage, this play is far from cute. "The Curse of the Starving Class" is not a play for

The acting fo this play was, give you on life rnake it all for the most part, phenomenal. worthwhile. The themes it The performances by Christian addresses are important to sociLisa.k and Amanda Schoonover ety today, and the play's treatin the parts of Wesley •••and ment of the theme <>falcoholism Emma were remarkable. Lisa.k J believe could teach everyone portrayed the confused, idealis- valmible lessons. tic character ofWe.5ley wonder- You can still catch ''The fully. and Schoonover was won- Curse of the •Starving Class" derful as ••the teenage rebel this weekend at the Emma. They both did good j9bs Montgomery County Cultural <>fplaying characters that are Center in Norristown. The theyounger than their own ages, ater is located at 208 DeKalb and the way they interacted with Street in Norristown. The show each other created a truly believ- is April 26, 27 and 28 at 8:00 able brother/sister relationship. PM. Tickets are $16.'

Paul McCartney recently came to Philadelphia on tour supporting his latest CD, "Driving Rain" (above).

pyrotechnics that left McCartney clutching his heart. McCartney and the band finished the concert off with number one Beatie singles, "Let It Be" and "Hey Jude."

was accompanied by thundering up "Hello, Goodbye" with "Jet," one of Wing's many signature songs. McCartney's voice was right on target, hitting the high notes where the high notes went and transforming his voice into the menacing growl that we heard on the White Album's "Why Don't We Do It In the Road," when the occasion called for it.

During "Carry That Weight," McCartney forgot the words to the middle eight and substituted them with, "This is the bit where I don't know the words," proving that, yes, even Beatles are human.

The 59-year-old rocker waved or bowed after each song and the audience was with him every step of the way. Jumping between his Hofner bass, electric and acoustic guitar to piano and keyboard, McCartney seemed to be at home with whatever he was playing.

About 45 minutes into the show, the band left the stage and

McCartney and the band left the stage, but were back before people started chanting -"Paul, Paul, Paul" and the encore started. As far as encores go, this was as grand and fantastic as they come. The encore included hits like "The Long and Winding Road," "I Saw Her Standing There," "Yesterday," "Sgt. Peppers Lonely Hearts Club Band" and "The End." The energy in his voice and the excitement in his body and his face would be enough to make you think that this was the first time he had ever played these songs.

McCartney made sure that this wasn't just a concert, it was an experience.

·.:ul Loquitur
photo by KIi Dewey
pho(Q by KitDewey The cast: of '7'he Curse of the Starving Class" take a bow aft.erone of the several performances/hey wiHtake part in

Hey, niceeyes. Are they yours?


Jewelry, make-up, tattoos, body piercing and now, colored contacts. These fashions for your eyes are the latest craze in "decorating" your body. Make-up has always been an option for people who don't like the black circles under their eyes, their incredibly light eyelashes or their pale cheeks. Until recently, if you were less than thrilled with your brown eyes, you were out of luck because there was nothing you could do about it. Now however, there are colored contacts available to help you out in an area that was previously off limits.

There are so many different kinds of contacts that are available for everyone, including for those who have perfect 20/20 vision. According to Gina Puma, contact lens technician at Galman and Friedberg Eye Associates in Woodbury, N J., there are two different kinds of colored contacts.

"There are enhancers that are for light eyes such as blue or light green eyes and there are

opaque contacts that are

to your eyes.

Infection is the main thing that people have to worry about. To make it easier on people to clean their contacts, Renu has marketed a product that is "No Rub." It allows people to-just take out their contacts and put them away without the hassle of separate enzyme cleaners and rubbing to get the protein off of them. Customers can also choose contacts that can be worn for 2 weeks and thrown away, mont_hlywear or yearly wear. Puma said that the policy for contacts at the Eye Associates is that if you open the box, you can't return them.

Even though contacts can be dangerous if not worn and handled


The tickets say that you must be there by 9:30 a.m. sharp. In order to get fromPh.illy to New YorltCity we took a 5:42 a.m. train, and lam the complete opposite of wbal some like to call "a morning person," but this experience was well worth the lost minates of sweet dreams. • ABC's ''The View" can be best described as watching a group of girlfriends enjoying some tea and each other's company. Watching these women on TV, some may wooder to themselves whether or not this foursome of ladies are "rear' friends or "for the, camera only." The chemistry between these four women is nothing but genuine

Once seated a comedian comes out to liven the crowd and get them pumped for the women to come out. The atmosphere was so full of energy and booming with music. The set was bigger than I had anticipated.

Once the women came out of the doors the crowd went wild. There was an encouraged standing ovation and the applause was welcomed with the warm smiles of Lisa Ling, Joy Behar, Meredith Viera and Star Jones, co-hosts of The View.

On the train ride there I was wonderingif seeing the show in person would change my mind about which of these co-hosts were my favorite. I have always been impressed by Lisa Ling who I used to watch on Channel One news when I was in grade school. I guess being that she is the woman who represents the twenty-somethings on the show, she is a role model in a way. She is well educated and well spoken and she is uot afraid to disagree with the other women. The day that I was there I was disappointedby heir-contribution to the show. She seemed almost shy, unlike she has ever appeared on the screen before. She proved me wrong on the commercial breaks when she walked right into the audience and greeted everyone saying what a great crowd we were. "Sometimes we get duds," she told us.

darker to change the color of brown and Colored contacts are the latest way to change an asdarker green eyes," pect of your appearance without drastic measures. Puma said. "You can get contacts with your prescription or piano contacts that come without a prescription for people who don't need glasses."

There are colored contacts that are available that have designs on them too. If you want cat eyes it's now possible, and alien eyes and 8-balls are no longer impossible to get. Even though they are a fun way express your personality, contacts can also be a health hazard. "A contact lens provides the perfect warm, moist environment on which bacteria thrive," says the Canadian Association of Optometrists.

"One of the most dangerous things you can do for your eyes is to exchange contacts with a friend," said Puma. "It can lead to infection and can be uncomfortable to wear. Contacts have a base curve in diameter that are specially formed to the measurements of an individual's eye. Wearing someone else's contacts can be uncomfortable at the least. They can feel like there is something in your eye or they could even fall out." This is why even putting your contacts in the wrong eyes can be uncomfortable or ineffective. According to Puma, wearing the wrong prescription contacts can cause later damage

icate skin around the eye.

correctly, there are also contacts that offer very beneficial protection. There are contacts available that offer UV protection from the sun. They block 90 percent of the sun's UV rays and can save your eye from very serious sun damage. However, they only cover the cornea and the rest of the eye is left unprotected. No one should depend solely on UV protectant contacts for their sun protection. Sunglasses provide protection for a much larger.area of the eye and the del-

The next time you 're looking to change your appearance, contacts can be a unique way to bring out the life in your eyes.

Star Jones who I used to find a bit irritatingandappeanldto have an "I know,everything attitude" surprisingly enough did not seem that way at all. This one-time ~ecution attorney was crowd friendly and very funny. She was almost cute in a way. Sile bad a lot to say, but kept the conversation light and fun as she had the crowd gi~g the whole time.

The always-funny Joy Behar of course hadthe audience laughing every othea-minute wiuth her down-to-earth-tell-it-like-it-is attitude. She·has always been my persoaal favorite and still holds the title. She is a mother and a comedian who includes her own life in a lot of the conversation, as do all of the hosts, she seems so nonnal. Her high-heeled Cinderella-glass-slipper-look-a-like-shoessaid it all. On the breaks.the women asked the crowd if they had any questions and one woman in the back shouted out to Behar that she has given her inspiration in her own life.

Meredith Viera has a long list of experience in hosting television. She seems as though she is the head honcho when their friend BW also known as Barbara Walters is n,ot there. Viera has a fresh look. She appears comfortable on the set as though she is in her element. She appears to love the camera.

The women are nothins but a good time to watch. They are as friendly to oneanother when the camera is on as well as when it is off. Even if you disagree with wt. they are saying, you will crack up listening to them battle it out.

Some contacts are tinted so that they can be easily located when lost, but do not change outward appearances.

8 Thursday, April 25, 2002
photo by CatharineHemson photo by Catherine Hernson

Philly some tes of oying derto unera or the :. The lCOUrf Lisa ~emy ed by guess 1eis a o disontricreen to the fe get :veryisecue had 1gthe unute al fa·nlife :eeled :d the r that tough there. r elenotht they

Custom Perfection.•• Roof to Rims

"Six o'clock rolls around, you just finished wiping your car down. It's time to cruise so you head to the summertime hangout, it looks like a car show, every moment frontin and maxin, chillin in the car they spent all day waxin, leanin to the side but you can't speed through. Two miles an hour so everybody sees you." Retrieved from the lyrics of Will Smith's Summer -time, it is that time of year when the streets look like car shows. Everyone washes and cleans their cars to look good on the boulevard. For those who work on their car year round for the car shows, the summer time is just the beginning. This is the life of a show car owner. The term is souped up. and we are not talking about

mom's cookin, we are talking about cars with the best accessories money can buy.

but it ruined races in Philly. After the· movie so many people jumped on the bandwagon and crowded the races. Now it is risky • because of heavy fines."

Some cars are better enjoyed sitting still than speeding down the highway.


"It is an obsession you just can't stop," Wozny said.

Mike Wozny, sophomore, is a souped up car owner. He owns a black and silver two-year-old Chevy Cavalier. This is Wozny's first car and he has ripped it apart from roof to rims. Wozny has put in an engine modification, body kit, wing, custom leather, ram air hood, rims, tinted windows, duel exhaust, strobe and neon lights and of course a custom installed music system. If you don't hear Wozny's music, you can certainly hear his duel ex-

The movie The Fast and the Furious was a movie about souped up racing cars. The whole movie had Eclipses, Jettas, Civics, Maximas and all other sorts of tricked out import cars fly across the screen. "People see my car and th.ink that I am a poser motivated by the movie," Wozny said. "I started souping up my car way before that movie. Don't get me wrong, I liked the movie,

Wozny is not part of the "Fast and the Furious," his souped up Chevy is a show car. Bling bling is what is said when Wozny rolls up in a car show, to which his souped up car has won

five trophies out

of six competi- to be taken for

tions. Tri-State Style and Signs Now sponsor Wozny's Chevy.

Wozny hopes to have his next car modification be a new engine with a turbo charge in it and to install nitrous-oxide (NOS). Junior Ian Duncan, Wozny's fellow car lover, is supposed to accomplish th.is with.in a few months Wozny has already spent a ballpark figure of $10,000 after market on his Chevy.

Wozny and Duncan had a car club. They have retired this club and are starting a performance team. This team will consist of streetcars and show cars. If anyone is interested in joining the club or is interested in advice about cars or stereos please send an e-mail to The Loquitur@hotmail.com with the subject Mike Wozny and it will be forwarded to him.

Loquitur 9
photo by Catharine Hernson photo by Katie Reing Junior Ian Duncan's Honda Civic sits pretty in the parking lot waiting a ride after class. photo by Mike Wozny This beauty is the property of sophomore Mike Wozny. This Ch~vy could be the best looking. Cavalier on campus.

EDITORIAL Keep in touch with friends .

Students, admi_nistration must learn to hear each other

Last week, Loquitur offered comments of assurance that Cabrini must take some falls in order to grow. With the i;-ecentfiring of Resident Assistants and the unfolding of controversial issues between students and Residence Life, it is glaringly imperative that fair and mutual respect and communication between the students and the administration must be established before Cabrini takes any steps for the future.

Right now, the students of Cabrini are experiencing freedom that, according to some upperclassmen, they have not had in several years. Over the past few weekends, Public Safety has not been senselessly writing up harmless students and in return the students have respectfully had their good time. When students are forcibly removed from the houses or the apartments for no good reason other than what seems to be the failure of Public Safety to meet a quota, property is damaged, essentially causing more damage then there was before the intervention.

It is true, of course, that Public Safety and Residence Life has to keep the best interest of the students and the school ' in mind. But when one person from either office is making - s: the final call on controversial issues, questions arise among the student body and rumors fly. Instead, there should be more order to the process or perhaps a leader of Cabrini should step up and take control.

Enter President Dr. Antoinette Iadarola and Vice President of Student Development Dr. Laura Valente. In the midst of this battle between students and the administration, the two figureheads of the students and the college have been shockingly silent. Loquitur understands that neither side wants to speak too soon. But before things get out of -· hand, someone, or some mutual board, must take control. The passing of time and empty threats alone will not _solve the current discrepancies.

It is crucial in a time like this for students to act responsibly with what seems like newfound freedoms. On the other hand, it is just as important for the administration to reassure students that they are on their side, not working against, or for the fall of, the student body.

With open communication and a mutual understanding of the needs of the students and administration, Cabrini will be well on its way for the future. Until a compromise is mutually settled, however, the chaos will continue.

The editorials, viewpoints, opinions and letters to the editor published in Loquitur are the views of the student editorial board and the individual writers, not the entire student body or the faculty and administration.

It's really a shame that people don't keep in touch. Every stage of your life you have a certain group of friends who you would call your best friends. When you were little you even took the time to write their names in a circle on your notebook that said, "BFF" (Best Friends Forever.) Everyone knows that when you care about people you write their names in a circle because it goes on forever. Well the group of friends you have in elementary school are just different when you get to high schoo! and your idea of who you thought your best friend was changes drastically. You go through high school with a different group of people and at graduation, you promise to keep in touch. Some move on to colleges far away and others stay close to home. As the workload starts to grow heavier, it becomes harder and harder to keep in touch with high school friends. Your college roommates start to seem more Like your family than friends, and slowly you start to replace that old group from high school one by one without even realizing it. Our college years are a time to

Commentaries and letters to the editor may be submitted by the entire Cabrini campus community to Theloqultur @hotmail.com or The Loquitur , 610 King of Prussia Road Radnor,Pa. 19087

•Requirements: Names will not be withheld from letters and a phone number must b~ provided.

explore who we are and what we really want out of life. We probably party a little more than we should, but that's what college is right? We grow up and learn that if we rely on one another every step forward is a little bit easier. I'm going to be a senior next year and I don't want this trend to continue. I don't want to graduate and only talk to the friends I've made at major events like weddings and funerals.

I recently went to a viewing and it was like a reunion party. Everyone seemed to be more interested in seeing old friends they baven 't seen in years than in the person that had passed away. I thought how sad it was that it takes a tragic event like a funeral to bring people together and start talking again. Why does it have to be like that?

I want to graduate and still know what my roommates are up to 10 years from now. I want to know what their kids names are, where they're working and still go out with them after a long hard day for a couple of drinks. I never want to lose touch with people again and replace them with a new group. I realize that I will make new friends in whatever job I have, in the neighborhood wherever I plan to settle down and even with other parents of the kids on my future child's baseball team. I'm not saying that I don't want to

have new friends, just that I don't want to lose the ones I have now.

I never thought that my high school years would go by as quickly as they did or my senior year of college sneak up so fast. Now is the time when we are supposed to be looking ahead to what we want and I want my life to give me the courage to say, "I'm sorry," or "I forgive you." Too many friendships are thrown away because of petty differences and situations that could be easily solved with those simple phrases.

I have seen close relationships ripped apart by a fight so small that on any other day it might be overlooked or brushed off as a joke. In the future I plan on biting my tongue for 10 seconds before I say anything when I'm angry. It gives me time to think about what I'm going to say and I avoid saying things that I will have to apologize for later. In the heat of the moment, words can be a lot harsher than they were meant to sound.

If you are one of those people who still hang out with the friend you met in Kindergarten, I am happy for you. For the rest of you who are like me and lost touch with old friends, break that habit starting now. When out of the blue you think about someone you haven't thought about in a long time, give them a call or write them a quick e-mail. Chances are, they are thinking about you too.

The Loquitur

PERSPECTIVES Thursday, April25, 2002
V -
Editors Editor in chief: Managing editor: News edjtors: Sports editors: A&E editor: Perspecth·es editor: Features editor: Pholograpby editor. Web edilor: Executive recruiter: Adviser: Richard Magda Sharvon Urbannavage Vince DeFruscio and Leanne Pantone Alexis Strizziere andO,eryl Wagstaff Ryan Mulloy Catharine Ifcmson Shannon Krng Katie Reing Paul Williams Cathainc Dilworth Or. Jcny Zurek Staff Photographers Mike Baggiano Bemadett Hazel Loren Burton Jamie Knobler Trevor Daniels Cbarl;:s La Courte Kit Dewey Sieve Neild Mike Dotzman Ryan Norris Rose Marie Gon:1.alez Alicia Perry lorn Grosse Erin Smith Nal Hamilton Tara Taylor Jen S"llith Katie Reing Loquitur is established as a forum for student expression and as a voice in the uninhibited, robust, free and open discussion of is.sues. Staff Writers Kennclh Baumbach Lisa Broomall Colleen Connor Maria Chambers Jennifer Dalvanno Jusline DiFilippo Renee!:DiPietro Kelly Finlao Amy Gassen Jill Hindman Eugene Jacovelh Micheal A. Kaz.anjian Tanya McCausland Melissa ModeSli Gina RosweU Karen Schweizer Jen Smith Renee Tomacanin Tracy TUDSOll Cheryl Tranchilclla Lucy Truglio Geri Lynn Uller Loqwtur is a labo(atory newspaper written, edited and produced by student.sregisi,rcd in COM 346, 350. 351. 353 and 354. Members of the ·campus oomrnunity are uMted to work on or submit st<>riesfor prinl. Only students registered in the above classes, however, are eligible to receive academic credit Subscrip1..1onprice is $25 per year and is mcluded 1n the benefits secured mtuiLJon and fees. Loquitur welcomes letter.. to the editor. Leners should be signed and the authorship known to the editors. 'fames are withheld only in unusual circumstances appro\icd by the editor in chief. Letters to the editor should be submitted b)" noon on Mondays. Jnd1vidual oopie:s of the Loquirur can be purchased for one dollar.

My life as an RA part 11:--The end

About three weeks ago, another RA was tenninated and I just could not figure out what was going on around here. RAs were dropping_like flies and we were definitely expendable, I just wanted to keep my nose clean for the last two months of school.

This brings me to Thursday April 4th. On this night, Rick Cruz and I were on duty in the apartments and houses area. Apparently a situation took place in the apartments and House 6 between the hours of 12:30 a.m. and 1:30 am. During this situation th~t took place, neither Rick nor I could be found anywhere. lI'l fact, I was told that we could not be found or contacted by phone or walkie-talkie between the hours of 10:30 p.m. and 1 ~.m. Since we could not be contacted during these times and we were obviously being irresponsible, it was the right-of our respective RDs to ter-

minate our contracts as RAs here at Cabrini College. If these accusations were entirely correct, we would not have had a problem with being terminated at all. The actual truth is that if it were so difficult to find us, why did the RD who was on duty call my room at 10:30 p.m. that night and have a phone conversation with me at this time? I have four witnesses who can place Rick and myself in my room until after 12 a.m., and two more witnesses that talked to both Rick and I in the apartment complex on the second floor until 1 a.m. There were claims that the RD on duty called our rooms several that night, but neither Rick nor I had a messag~ on our phones. You would think that if there were a matter of such great importance going on, someone would have left a message on the phones so that we could get to the scene as soon as possible. The kind student who came to my room to tell me that I was needed at House 6 didn't have a hard time finding me when she knocked on my room door. Lastly, none of the four people heard all of this activity on the

radio when we were getting "offence" when most RA's are at called. This could may not have least given a second chance when, worked for a couple of reasons, according to the Resident the most likely of the reasons is Directors, one of them does somebecause at times the radios get bad thing wrong. I wonder why things reception in the apartment com- were so different in my case. Do plex. Whatever the reason may any of you readers have a clue? I be, I don't think that Rick and I was given a termination letter by can be held accountable for faulty my RD that basically stated that I equipment. When we were am one of the more irresponsible informed of where the disturbance people in the world. My question was taking place, we got there as is that if I am so irresponsible, soon as we could and assisted wouldn't it have come out before where needed. When asked where now? Why would you hire somewe were, we gave reasonable and one for two years straight who did logical explanations, the same not do his or her job? I could tell explanations that are outlined that my RD, who I thought knew here. I can only guess that we our me well enough to believe that I explanations were "taken into wouldn't do such a thing, had not consideration." • even gone to bat for my character

When we were called in to because she is the one who wrote meet with our respective RD's on this letter. Once I left her office I Monday April 10th, we were all felt sick, not because I lost my job set tell our si1e of the story and a here, but because I wasn't given a fair chance to express what hap- fair chance to defend myself and pened in our eyes, and by the way because i know have this incorrect my back was still killing me. letter of termination on my record. There was obviously no need for The one good thing that hapthis because we were given our pened that day was that my back letters of termination without finally stopped hurting and I figbeing asked any questions at all. I ured out why it was giving me of course found this to be odd such problems in the first place. because I was fired after my first My back was hurting because I

got stabbed in it, but I wasn't stabbed with a regular knife, I got stabbed with a Bushido Blade and the inscription on the handle had the initials "SHS." It seems that I was a victim of trusting the wrong people and it really hurts when you find something like that out. Well, now that the healing process has begun and life is getting somewhat back to normal, I have come to the realization that I am going to graduate in a month and I will have fun for the rest of my college career. It is just a shame that I have to leave this school, this great institution of higher learning, feeling so jaded. Jaded not towards the educators, but towards that same people who were supposed to make college the great living experience that it's supposed to be. The only advice that I can give to those who are and will be taking my prior position here at the school is that you have to keep your heads up. Make the best of your situation and always be picky of exactly who you trust. As for me I'm outta here May 19th baby!

Letter to the editor: Not fair! Stressed?

Dear Loquitur Editors, going to be continued in a second piece in next weeks edition. Every Thursday morning, as For crying out loud, the article a ritual, I pick up my copy of stopped in mid-sentence!

The Loquitur. While glad to be I assume that this tactic was informed by the news sections, employed as an attempt to draw my favorite articles always tend in readership, at those who.only to be in the Perspectives section. pick up the paper when there is a Hearing opinions from others on sensational headline, and getting campus and getting insight from them to come back next week writers outside of the traditional for more. But that is insulting to newspaper staff is always nice. me, the devoted reade·r, who But I was very annoyed and dis- simply wants to sit down and turbed by the April 18th edition read a full piece, to get the of the Loquitur, especially by whole story in one sitting. It is the handling of Clarence Scott's good joumalisric practice to take Perspective article. It started out a piece of writing, and if it won't a very interesting article that fit in the space allotted. then the really got my attention, and I editors EDIT! Now understand, was enjoying reading it. But I don't feel Clarence's article what a slap-in-the-face tu get to needed to be edited, it was quite the end of it and find that it was good well, what I got to read

of it was at least.

I guess my biggest complaint is that it was very unprofessional to draw a reader in with half a story, and then to abruptly end (in mid-sentence I remind you) and to advertise that the story will be continued next week. It's , a cheap tactic to try to increase readership, and I suggest next time the Loquitur staff try advertising around carnpus with signs and possibly even free giveaways. Take some pride in your paper, and don't offend your devoted readership with these lame tactics. Otherwise, you won't even have them for long!


All students are invited!

On Monday and Tuesday,April 29th a_nd30th, The Peer Educators will host "The Stress Free Zone" in the first floor of the Widener Center.
Free massages, chocolate, games and make your own stress ball as well as other stress reducing activities will be available.

What I've learned: Carpe diem everyday

Smile often, laugh hard and have fun. Do things that will make your heart smile even if you are afraid. 1-;-istento others, but wisely. Don't let someone else live your life, they have one of thefr own. If you bought a new shirt and you spent a ton of money on it and you don't want anyone to borrow it, it is okay to say so. Trust me, everyone can find ·something else to

wear. Don't talk about others because when you see the hurt in their eyes when they find out, you will wish you never said it. Take classes because you want to learn something, not because someone said it was easy. You are not here to take the easy way out.

If you disagree, say so. Agree to disagree. Stand up for yourself, but don't start trouble. There are going to be some people in life who will never see your point of view no matter what you say or do. Accept that and ask yourself if you are that narrow-minded. If the answer is yes, work on it. If we all

A question of faith in troubled times

There has been much discussion over the sexual abuse scandal that has turned the Catholic Church upside down. Many of the allegations span decades of abuse, lies and cover up by church officials. This puts a negative spin on what the church is supposed to stand for. Many Catholics are left standing around feeling as though they have been lied to and the fact is they have been. So, the question is, what are we to think of priests today?

For some hearing about the news of a priest molesting a young boy seemed lie old news. It was something people joked about, but you were the one afraid to laugh. The fact is the media and many other political officials knew what was going on for years. If anything the cover up of priest molestation could tum out to be bigger than what most people expected.

When I was a child we were taught that priests were the closest Jiving thing to God, but what have happened to his messengers? By all accounts high - ranking church officials should be tried under the same laws used to put mobsters away for life. Whether it is a priest or a hoodlum, anyone committing such horrific acts of child abuse and then protecting themselves and others from prosecution by lies and bribes should face real justice. Even though it is hard to see the good in so much bad, we must try. Not all priests are child molesters. Some are hard working individuals that have dedicated their entire live to not just serving God but also serving all of mankind. It is easy for the media to point out all of the wrong doings of the· Roman Catholic Church. But when was the last time a newspaper or a television program spotlighted a priest that has done good and has made a difference. Think about that the next time you hear something bad about the Catholic Church.

agreed on everything life would be boring as hell. Open your eyes and your mind to what is around you. Even if you get annoyed and fr:ustrated at the environment that you are in, you will one day look back and miss it, but it will be gone and you will be sad. Savor every moment so that you can look back with a smile and not a tear. If something bothers you fix it. Complaining gets you nowhere except a reputation as a whiner. If you feel like you are overwhelmed and have so much to do, take a minute to look around at the people you know. I guarantee there is

someone doing 10 times the work you are and probably complaining less.

Be proud of yourself, but be humble. Do not gloat, but accept a compliment. Always walk with your head up so that you can make eye contact and smile at anyone that passes you buy. If you think that you are having a bad day, play a little game that my mom made up for me when I was younger, "What could be worse?" You'll be laughing in no time. Laugh at life, but don't be too proud to cry. If you love someone tell them. If you feel like you need a day off, take

it. If you need help ask for it. And mom is always right.

Don't be afraid in life to do the things that you want to do, to do the things that make you happy. One thing in my life that I will not tolerate for myself is regret. I regret nothing and I hope that I never will. Life is a classroom. Everyday we learn a new lesson, if you are paying attention or not. You are only here for such a short period of time that you should not waste it being unhappy or unsure of what it is you want. Carpe Diem ... everyday.

The importance of being family: new traditions

Everyone should be proud of his or her family and should never feel ashamed about its flaws. No one has the perfect family life. I am proud of my family and never felt embarrassed of my parents or thought they were doing a horrible job while raising my older brother and me. Of course there were those teenage years where they were always wrong in my eyes but in the end they were right. Even though that was extremely hard for me to admit I do admit that they were mostly right.

teacher's aid three days a week.

We had times that were rough. I remember one that was most recent, my father was laid off from his job that he obtained for about23 yearsin thecompany due to ''down-sizing:' He was given a severance package and my mother was trying to help make end meet. We all had to give up something and work more to help out. After about six months of this lifestyle we grew accustomed to it.

says it is like a vacation when she goes 10 my father's house. She never has to do anything aJI the wash and cleaning are done before she gets there. They talk on the phone every night and make sure that each other is safe and to see how their day went.

Loquitur Speaks:

Since priests molested children and then were most often moved to another state to commit the same crime again violates all nat•.il[al laws of dec~rn;y t\laJ·~xj,sls.

My parents are great role models for my brother and myself. They work hard and some how they would always have time to spend with us. Even now that we are all scattered within three different states, we all still keep in very Attend mass on campus at the close touch. My father has worked in the casino industry Bruckmann Chapel on for about 25 years now. And my

Thursdays at 12: 15 p.m. mother is a pre-kindergarten

My father ended up finding a great job in another casino. The only problem was it was in Delaware and we live in Atlantic City, New Jersey. He took the job and ended up buying a small house near his place of work. My mother still Jives in Atlantic City and my father Jives in Delaware. At first it was extremely hard to get used to not having my father around the house. My mother felt this separation also, because they have been· together for almost 27 years. Now they really only get to see one another on weekends or family events. My mother

I must say I was a little worried about having my parents in two different states with two different lifestyles. I do not know of anyone who would not be upset. They act as if nothing bas changed and that has made me realize that distance could never tamper with true Jove. Once we all get together it is )ike we never skipped a beat. We hold such a strong bond I do not think we would be ashamed of one another. I only hope to be as good as my parents are and succeed as well as they did in raising such a strong family.

Every one should be proud of their family. Sometin1es it is the rough times that bring you closer to one another and make you realize how lucky you really are and how much you each mean to one another.

,... 12 PERSPECTIVES Thursday, April 25, 2002
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Run to get.in shape, run to be in shape, just run for your health

Summer is coming up fast and it is time to start exercising all over again. This is the time of year that students get out of school, and to lose the extra insulation from a long winter cooped up in a dorm room, start running, the cheapest and easiest way to get in shape. To get started all that is needed is a pair of sneakers and a lot of will power.

Running has been the most popular way to exercise for nearly 25 years, though not entirely easy, starting a running program can lead to a happier life.

It is recommended by doctors that before starting any exercise program a doctor should be consulted.

Runners and non-runners can

start new programs for the summer, depending on what your goal is. There are many different programs for different physical needs, athletes trying to keep in competitive shape have different needs than a non-athlete trying to lose a couple of extra pounds.

Know your limits and start slow, there is no reason to over.exert yourself and get hurt the first time out.

Some students and athletes have already started their own running programs that have worked to get in shape for whatever reason.

Field hockey player Sarah Righter, sophomore, runs to stay fit for the fall season all summer.

Though the team does not have a required program Righter generally runs at least a mile every day.

Adding sprints to her distance running helps Righter keep in

shape for field hockey, a sport that requires both endurance and quick bursts of speed.

"I like to run in the morning, if I can get up, or at night. Not in the middle of the day because it's hot," Righter said. It is recommended that all runners follow this pattern as running at midday can lead to heat related injuries and illnesses.

Another recommendation from professional trainers is that mixing different running styles during the week will help keep from fatigue, boredom and work different muscles.

Mixing paces during a workout along with an occasional longer distance run, will push you to greater exert yourself, and will get you in better shape physically and mentally. •

Loquitur SPORTS---------------1_3
Amanda Howard goes tor a run on a treadmilf in the Oixo_nCenter.

Player Profile: Scott Giblin

Whether swinging a racket on the cqurts or cruising around campus in p.is Mustang, Scott Giblin is a big time player.

"Friendly, funny and competitive," are the three words that best describe the MVP of the men's tennis team.

Jun_ior Scott Giblin has been undefeated for the past three years at first singles and this past year at first doubles. Giblin, captain of the tennis team, said that he is most proud of "being a good sport, doing the best I can and being a leader on the team."

In all of his years as a tennis player, Giblin played his most memorable match this year against Arcadia. "I played one of my friends and, even though the team lost, it was a fun match," Giblin said.

When Gibhn is not_found on the tennis courts, he can be found participating in several intramural

programs such as: volleyball, basketball, soccer and softball. He was also a member of the hockeJ team when it was still in existence.

While Giblin is not attending Cabrini during the summer, he plays in a men's tennis league.

During the rest of his free time, Giblin likes to keep busy doing the college thing: hanging out with friends, playing video games and watching movies. His favorite movie is "Night at the Roxbury." "Weathered," Creed's latest cd, is Giblin's favorite.

Giblin, is majoring in Internet computing and has three goals for post graduation. He wants to work somewhere in the computing field, play as much tennis as possible and hang out with his current friends and try to stay in touch with everyone.

Giblin decided to make the 45rninute trip to make Cabrini his

home away from home because "I liked the small campus, and I met friends at orientation."

Since Giblin has never been off the east coast, the most exotic place he has ever traveled to is Daytona Beach, Fla. However, given the choice to live anywhere in the world, he would choose the Bahamas, because "it is warm there all the time."

In the event that Giblin is trapped on an island, there are three essentials he would bring with him. Beer, a radio and cell phone is what he would want there with him.

If Giblin happened to come across a genie that would grant three ~ishes, the three he would wish for are money, to make it to the NCAAs this year and to be good enough of a tennis player to make it to the pro tour.

This week in history

Throughout history, many mem-. arable events have taken place during sporting events. For centuries, athletes have created the prestige that follows their name. They've become "stars" and have broken, and created, records. For this week, April 25 to May 1, he_re are some historical sports moments.

April 25, 1950

Chuck Cooper was selected in the second round draft pick to play basketball for the Boston Celtics. Cooper was the first African-American to be selected for the draft,as well as the first African-American to play in the NBA.

path. Though seemingly miniscule, later this call came back to haunt him as he tied with teammate Babe Ruth for possession of the home run title that season. Each player had ended the season with 46 homeruns. Had his hit counted for what it was, he would have maintained sole possession of the honor that season.

April 27, 1947

Babe Ruth day was held at Yankee Stadium this day, as well as many other ballparks throughout the United States and Japan. Though suffering from terminal throat .cancer, Ruth ga\.'! ·-an extremely emotional speech d\ir. • ing the day's events in New York.

April.27, 1956

was set by the Milwaukee Brewers for the most hits in a nine-inning game. • 31 hits were made, ending the game with a 222 victory over the Toronto Blue Jays.

April 29, 1986

Boston Red Sox pitcher, Roger "Rocket" Clemens created a major league record by striking out 20 batters in their game versus the Seattle Mariners. Boston won the game by a score of 3-1.

April 30, 1946

The birth date of gold medallist, Bob Schollander. He won four gold medals for swimming in the -1964 Olympics in Charlotte, NC.

May 1, 1991

Heavyweight champion, RQCi)'. ~Rickey Henderson of the ~Mffl"ciaJro,retired from Oakland A's broke:·Lou Brock's April 2~: 1931 , "Maroitnt>' was the only b·et,Yr:major league record for stolen During a baseball game, Lou;: weight title-winner to retire;w~. bases. Henderson had his 939th Gehrig hit tlie ball out of the Pt!'k. fan oodefeated record, at 49-ii~::-,r'ih1stolen base on this day.

_14____________________ SPORTs-.. ______________ Th_ur_~_Y_,A_p_ru_,2_s_.2_00_2
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photo by Katie Reing
lntran1urals Announceinent IF ANYONE HAS SUGGESTIONS FOR THE INTRAMURAL PROGRAM CONTA.CT: Kate Corcoran Extension 3909 Please off er opinions about what you would lik~ _to see~ this . year with Intramurals and what . j has worked in the past. ,4 J • J" ).~ ~~E/l_l>,;,;;: r-4;,--"',
Scott Giblin, junior tennis player, is the MVP of the men's tennis team this season.

Grasp a breath of fresh air

With summer just around the comer it is'tirne to get out, enjoy the weather and begin to get in shape for summer. There are many recreational activities being sponsored around the area that are fun outdoor activities that can be enjoyed by all. So get a group of friends together, go on a walk or hike to release some school stress and get in shape. Here are a few of the local outdoor events to get you started on your journey.

Dynamic Diversions

This is an organization that sponsors events such as hiking, rock-climbing, sailing, horseback ridipg amongst many other outdoor activities. People can register online at www.dynamicdiversions.com for a mere $5 fee per year. Their next few planned events include a full moon hike on April 27, whitewater rafting May 3-5 and waterfall hiking on May 18. For more information call 215-849-9944.


A Delaware Valley assoc1at10n holds weekly events for various skill levels and ages at park sites throughout the area with detailed maps to navigate. Events usually take place on Saturdays and Sundays between 10 a.m. and 1

Men's Lacrosse

p.m. The cost is $5 per event to cover the cost of maps and use of •forest space. May 4 is National Orienteering Day which is a good way to experience this sport for the first time. Newcomers instruction will be held for all events and there is no need to sign up. Everyone is welcome. For more information call 610-7920502 or go to their website at www.dvoc.us.orienteering.org.

Walk for Earth

A SK walk/run is being sponsored by the Blue Bell Rotary Club to raise money for future service, including earth day events. It will be held on April 27 at Wentz Run Park in Blue Bell

Registration is from 8-9:45 a.m. and the event will begin at 10 a.m. There is a fee of $20 for adults and $ l 4 for children 13 and under.

Refreshments, bagels and fruit are provided and it will take place rain or shine. All should meet at the Whitpan Township administrative building, 960 Wentz Rd. For more information call Patti at 215-63171 J I.

Natural Discovery Walk

Join a naturalist from the Bucks County Audubon Society as you walk to scenic trails of Honey Hollow. Everyone of all ages is invited to enjoy nature and check out the wildlife. The walk will begin at 10 a.m. on April, 27 and

The men's lacrosse team had an excellent week from start to finish. Playing in two games this week, the men came out victorious with dynamic wins over Montclair State University and DeSalles University. Cabrini dominated Montclai 0-3 on April 16. Fo days later on A score of 11-5.

Women's Lac

The women's I ing three games, g y women visited Rosemont College on April 16 and defeated them 28-13. Following that away victory, the team went to Vtlla Julie College and defeated their team with a score of 19-8 on April 20. Returning home, however, the team lost to the College of New Jersey 19-7 on April 22.

go until 11 a.m. Each Saturday will cover a different topic. The walk is free and no pre-registra: tion is required. For more information call 215-297-5880 or go to Bucks County Audubon Societies website at www.bcas.org.

Devon Horse Show

The $75,000 Devon Grand Prix is on Thursday, May 30. The finest grand prix jumpers will be competeing for their share of $75.000. The event will be held in the evening after the breeding

classes. Admission for the even is $28 for reserved seats in the grandstand area. Entrance to the grounds is about $10 for adults. There is seating around the perimeter of the show ring for the general admission spectators.

Men's Tennis

The men's tennis team were involved with several close contests this past week, but suffered three losses. On April 16, the team visited Arcadia University and fell short in eir match their team, losin April 19, elphia e better on the·

Cabrini won with a single run, making the score 1-0. On April 18, the team defeated Immaculata in another doubleheader. In the first game, the team won 5-0. The team kept up its momentum with a dynamic score of 13-1.

overall standing nal on April 16, he team went to the team place

The softball team had an excellent week, playing two double-headers and coming out victorious in each instance. At the first double header on April l 6, the team defeated Misericordia. In gan:ie one, the team defeated Misericordia with a score of 4-1. In the following game,

information compiled by Ryan Mulloy a&e editor

_Loq_u_itu_r_--'------------SPORTS----------------1_5 •
Before finals hit, get out and do something good for your physical well-being. Philadelphia and its surrounding suburbs offer a plethora of outdoor activites for everyone.
photo by Cheryl Wagstaff Devon Horse Park hosts the world's top riders tor its grand prix competition on Thursday, May 30.
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Strong finish and high hopes pave -way for 2003 inen's tennis season

Starting out with just four players, the final eight players managed to pull_together to finish second in the PAC. What is in store for this team next year?

editor in chief returned to the championship looking to repeat last year's winning performance. Giblin feels it was a pleasant surprise to make it that far.

At the beginning of the season, the men's tennis team had four players on the roster. Led by junior captain Scott Giblin, the team's only other support was from two freshmen, Mike Sofia and John Lobb and junior Tyler Duffy.

After sophomores Jim Diamond, Lenny Yacona and Nick Fenton, freshman Phanaro Thatch and senior Justin Christian joined the team, the team found itself undefeated in the Pennsylvania Athletic Conference with a record of 5-0.

"We started off the season with a totally different team than we have now," said Giblin. "We only had four definite players. Once we talked to some other guys, they joined too. Justin lives next door to me so I

talked to him and Lenny decided to play this year after Jim was in. It turned out pretty well."

"I used to be pretty good at tennis," said Diamond. "It took a while this year. At first, I was pretty bad. But I've been improving and I enjoy the game more now. 'I'm really happy I played."

While the rest of the team was improving, Giblin continued to carry the team. Giblin finished the season undefeated in the PAC, 7-0, and 10-2 overall. Led by.Giblin's outstanding play and the team's expansion, the team marched through the regular season dominating PAC opponents and landed itself a spot in the PAC championship game against Arcadia. The team

th u rs fri 25 26

• Mass,12:15 p.m., •Honors Bruckmann Convocation, 7 Chapel of St. p.m.


• Hat-N-Tie, 9

• Softball at Kings p.m. -1 a.m., College, 3 p.m.

Grace Hall Atrium

• Men's Tennis PAC Championships, TBA

"I was really happy to make it that far. Everyone really improved from the beginning and they held their own out there," said Giblin. "I wasn't sure how far we were going to go, but we finished undefeated and once we got to the final game against Arcadia, I definitely wanted to win it all."

Giblin did his best in the final showdown winning all of his matches. However, the team was slightly edged by the also undefeated Arcadia team. Cabrini lost 4-3 in a tight battle but.does not feel sorry about the second place finish.

"I think we had a great y.ear.Early in the season, we knew we could win some big ones, but you can't predict the future. We didn't know we were going back to the PAC championship game. It's too bad we didn't

win it this year, but we did our best and that's all that coach asks for," said Diamond.

So last year the team won the PAC championship and this year it was undefeated in the regular season and finished second in the PAC championship game. What is in store for next year?

"For next year, we aren't really losing anyone. If the guys come back out and improve over the next year, we should be set," said Giblin. "We are supposed to be getting a few freshmen on the team so that will definitely help. If everyone keeps playing, we should be awesome next year."

With a strong finish this season and high hopes for next year the men's tennis team continues to grow on its path in a winning direction.

( r 1~ r r r -<.;
What's up on campus? sun 111011 27 28 29 • Men's Lacrosse • Senior Art PAC Championship Ex_hibitopening TBA reception, 3-5 • Men's Tennis p.m., Holy Spirit PAC Championship Library TBA • Mass, 7 p.m., Bruckmann Chapel of St. Joseph tues vved 30 1 • Women's Lacross semifinals, TBA • Men's Lacross at Stephens Institute of Technology
photos by Katie Reing Fenton, left, and Phanaro Thatch, right, line up for a serve.

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Articles inside

Grasp a breath of fresh air

page 15

This week in history

page 14

Player Profile: Scott Giblin

page 14

Run to get.in shape, run to be in shape, just run for your health

page 13

The importance of being family: new traditions

page 12

A question of faith in troubled times

page 12

What I've learned: Carpe diem everyday

page 12

My life as an RA part 11:--The end

page 11

EDITORIAL Keep in touch with friends .

page 10

Custom Perfection.•• Roof to Rims

page 9

Hey, niceeyes. Are they yours?

pages 8-9

FormerBeatle's show 'carries weight'

page 7


pages 6-7

A trip down memory Layne

page 6

Circle K picks up 8 awards at convention

page 5

Buried in the hack p~ges

page 5

Holy Spirit Library revolutionized

page 5

Grade inflationraises concerns,not an accurate representationof students

page 4

Unforgetable ann1versar1es

page 4

RA terminated, no supervision in Xavier

page 4

Hostages held fOrsimulation

page 3

Drug offenders receive aid from colleges

page 3

Special interest housing encourages community

page 2

Children's School changes to improve learning conditions for Cabrini students

page 2
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