COMMON AND PROFFESIONAL LANGUAGE IN ORAL HEALTH EDUCATION Loredana Dumitrașcu1, Mihaela Adina Dumitrache1, Ruxandra Moraru2, Cristian Comes3, Irina Donciu4 1
Department of Oral Health and Behavioral Sciences, Faculty of Dentistry, "Carol Davila "
University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Bucharest 2
Adult Oral Health Department, Queen Mary, University of London
Department of Oro-dental Diagnosis, Ergonomy and Scientific Reseasch Metodology, Faculty
of Dentistry, "Carol Davila " University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Bucharest 4
Department of Prosthetic Technology and Dental Matherials, Faculty of Dentistry, "Carol
Davila " University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Bucharest
ABSTRACT The mass-media use for dental education is justified by their impact in building or changing attitudes and behaviors and by the important number of the receptors. In order the communication process to be succesful, the source’s language must thought in a way the recptor (the public, the patient) to understand it. The present study consider the eficiency of a radio feature about dental medicine in transmiting information to the listeners. The study demonstrate that proffesional language without any explanation is followed by confusions and imposibility of receive or accept the health information.
health, radio, show, education, mass-media