Application Nicolas Villegas

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CONTACT INFORMATION Nicolas Antonio Villegas G. Nationality: Colombian Birthday: November 5th 1989 Phone +57 3003231068 Skype: nianvigo AIESEC Email:

Studies Experience

Working Experience

Systems engineering Expectation of grade: July 2015 Web development, design UI/UX

CEO - Furulabs StartUp - August 2014 – Current day - develop products based on business models Lean - model of discovery of customers

Certification in conception and validation of technology-based business models Development of Minimum viable product, validation of business model, techniques of Lean LaunchPad | Steve Blank + Business Model canvas

Team Leader – PsicSocial StartUp March 2013 - Firt MVP validated as a result of the MINTIC certification manage multidisciplinary entrepreneurial team. See Video For MinTIc Certification

AIESEC Experience 2011-2 2012 2013-1 2014


Extension Valledupar AIESEC Valledupar MC Colombia AIESEC Valledupar

Meeting AIESEC

Contact Information Achievement @ XP

2012 – LDC – Barranquilla Delegate

Manager ICX – Projects for sale – First 10 TN GCDP And Second 7 TN GIP Long Term

2013 – NPM – Girardot – Delegate 2014 – LDC – Pereira – Delegate

2014 – NATCO – Girardot – Delegate 2014 – IGN SUMMIT – Medellín - Delegate

LCVP IGIP – Loyalty of customers – 4 New TN Taker, 15 RE Long Term, Best Area IGIP 2012 award

LCP @Valledupar – THE WAY WE DO IT – +72 XP +200 XLP - growth of 82% compared to previous year

Because applied to be part of the MC 15.16? Because a year more and how it is aligned to my career plan?

“"Each of the decisions we make in our life are United as points which are connected sometime in the future"� The incredible and even indescribable sense of confidence to fight for each of our dreams, but even more important is how we enrich each day with the values organizations that you make a complete being, is at this point where we begin to carry out new and creative ways to tackle the obstacles. Wrong and to get us back turns into freedom that makes you transcends the history books because at every opportunity is see in you learning your effort, with the momentum that we demonstrate our passion that makes us different and where our value is not in money but in the satisfaction that we contribute every day to the world Colombia and our city is a place better. I am sure that this new role, will enrich a more full potential that I have developed in this organization and reaching my relentless vocation of service to this country that has given me the treasure more important is my family, a family that at every opportunity is made more big because build navies unbreakable with young people who I share every day. Be Minister TIC of Colombia is now my most big dream which requires preparation, discipline and the vision necessary to make it possible, be part of MC COLOMBIA 15. 16 me about one step more to this dream with which I can work to provide equity in education and the same opportunities as anyone in the world to this country.

Describe in your words the values of AIESEC, and describes how you live them every day DEMONSTRATE INTEGRITY is to be as transparent as possible with what we do, say, think and feel. I live this value, driving consistency and a balance with my body since developing my discipline every day, with my mind as watch each of the steps and challenges that I intend, with my heart because I enjoy and I love when I way toward a goal and my spirit a clear awareness of steps that I give every day. ENJOYING PARTICIPATION It is to find you the enriching value proposition in each of the spaces of participation.

We found moments where at first glance we do not find satisfaction in activities that we perform, live this value by proposing a change of paradigm in this way to internalize the benefits and the enriching thing which can be said activity, being connected with an objective of value for my. LIVING DIVERSITY It is to demonstrate a proactive learning with such different environments in which we operate, much more when our main goal is to find a solution to impact positive. Live this value by putting in practice the strategy "win win", after having understood the because the situations that I face are different to my naturally Act and think.

STRIVE FOR EXCELLENCE: It is the unshakable determination we want to find the best results in what we daily, clear given the premise that the quality it is not negotiable. I live this value, since childhood my parents taught me to observe and to propose solutions to all these problems, this applied even in my life, I try to bring out the best of my in situations that I live, being integrated with the premise that the General needs take precedence on specific them.

Evaluated the impact of MC 14. 15, that you conservatries and which would be your points of improvement for the MC 15. 16, set solutions

LEGACY CO-ACTIVE Best Version CO Strengthen our Reach Customer Centred

91% 61% 77% 0%

ACTING SUSTAINABLY Each of the actions we make have consequences on our environment, here is where all of our actions have to take into account the future needs. I live this value, promoting healthy behaviors in all aspects of my life, sport, health, feeding, inter personal and intrapersonal relations, which have benefits in the short and long term to me and those around me.



WEAK POINTS • Conversion Rate • Clo- Local development • Professional market research





STRONG POINTS • IGIP talent capacity • OD model and rewarding • OGIP IR

Conversion Rate CEM, LEAD and development tools standardized monitoring and feedback of experiences, Tracking Eps

ACTIVATING LEADERSHIP, We propose environments and situations where young people wake up if a thought critical, responsible and enterprising, to demand that others will also find and evolve their leadership.

CLO – Local Development Development model of sellers BD by Tiers of exchanges, loyalty of customers and Challenge for bond sellers by local committees.

I live this value, being integral in all my ways, and may thus transmit respect, internalize the knowledge and participated to the rest of the results with being a source of influence, and finally inspire others to live a life with farreaching actions.

Professional Market Research Strengthening of educational cycles local marketing, PR of local events, model of discovery of customers lined to the value proposition.

Taking the experience in process U, which was used in AIESEC in Colombia in mid-2011 to be able to raise awareness of need to understand the because of a new vision, which carries with it objectives and different short-term and longterm plans. At this time it showed a lack of subsequent alignment both in different terms of MC, and the different terms of the LC, and each other, this causes the little continuity and the excessive surcharge of nearby generations fulfilled the vision that if not used properly can bring negative factors for the local entities that can not withstand the load and change..

10,000 young professionals additional Strengthening of business ecosystems

As part of the creative process has to take into account the need for basic even more than specific them to subsequently develop a framework for implementation, largely having a model of organization in Colombia development allows us to meet these needs as well as know the as extract which is the ambition and with this know how to implement it to specific cases.

Analyze trends in Colombia in the next 5 years, threats or opportunities? how they approach and capitalization?

Wide internal market and free trade agreements

That you consider the creative process and implementation of our next ambition, taking into account the ambition to 2010-2015

A total chance, is considered since ongoing government investments for the strengthening of higher education in Colombia, example 10. 000 grants free AIESEC in Colombia as Top world needs to strengthen and create opportunities for inbound and outbound exchanges according to the offer, i.e. to create balance supply demand. New business ecosystems especially of technological strengthening is totally an opportunity, created infrastructures, is time to create the offer to current demand. Knowing first-hand the business trends of rapid evolution, allowing exchange projects more fast, with markets that can meet the supply.

Knowing first-hand the business trends of rapid evolution, allowing exchange projects more fast, with markets that can meet the supply.

As a large supplier of young talent, will need to create and strengthen partnerships that will enable it to capitalize on specific needs of companies or associations in pursuit of expansion.

List products other than IGIP focus

Key strategies that capitalize on and encourage CO-Sales

The list of products will be through the following projects:

NST BD Strategy that raises three points of development, 1. Increase of the capacity of local authorities for sale, 2. Process management account and customer loyalty, and 3. The need for more timely is to increase the number of sales closing.

COWORKING – Product: GCDP Departmental youth platforms is that departmental body regulated by statutory law 1622 2013, that brings together all youth organizations or impact on the sectors of youth. According to current regulations, departmental governorates are the power to support the development of these youth platforms which together large numbers of youth organizations throughout the country, the Coworking project is raised so that these governorates packaged form as has been done with projects funded international mobility of members of these organizations as “Empaque y vamonos" with our international partners as well as allow the immersion of international interns in these organization ssharing experiences and massifiant the impact of this program and the return on investment.

STARTUP DREAM – Product: OGIP Focused to enable young people with entrepreneurial attitudes make a exchange to companies or StartUp consolidation phase in the countries of cooperation such as india, Brazil and Mexico. Intends to have ICETEX and the Ministry of information technologies and telecommunications as allies in this proposal as one of the differentiating factors that is proposed is the condones maintenance costs assumed by such entities is that within a certain time these young people demonstrate transfer of technologies I acquired knowledge, in enterprises which are linked to work after Exchange, Own StartUp consolidation phase or accessory I trainings in points vivelab, or point living digital of the country.

First designed strategy for entities that by end 2014 already obtained certification of quality, it needs potentiate the closing of sales and cash management accounts to increase revenue by program aiming at customer loyalty CLO – BD Model New entities to obtain certification CLO: In the same way as a growth curve is estandarized through an organizational model, I raise to develop a model of growth and maturity for the teams or oc complite developing sales and delivery of projects BD, looking for customer loyalty. Bringing benefits focused on clarity that skills developed to achieve at each tier to obtain best results, in the same way the CLO certifications you issue by levels.

CYCLE OF CONFERENCES Strategy to raise the level of national quality: With the Model BD, intends to have in the Conference to provide updates and training as deal with negotiations and customers, in the same way as deliver experiences, share GCP's will be a key enrichment. This will allow measure and certify through evolution develop negotiations and sharing experiences enrich the sellers.

Y2B Plan Key in the sustainability in the business to understand the model with which is creating, identification of segment and needs of the market interested in the different value propositions that proposes an event like the Y2B, It is necessary to get to the detail because variables of value proposition are willing to pay for our end users. The point of break on the success or otherwise of the event is the attendance and provided technology assistance to expand through web services, what possibility assistance and interactivity of users anywhere in the world, for that channel and web promotion is vital

Be really clear the return on the investments made, both on the revenue model and cost structure allow us to prevent and modify variables of the business model to reach sustainability. Main revenues are: 1. payment for classroom attendance at the event by AIESECer and not AIESECer 2. payment by the volume and impact of advertising presence at the event and online in the transmission by streaming, being digital marketing with allies like KREAB and RUBICA essential allies. 3. payment for access to young talent from AIESEC local allied enterprises requiring this talent, example ITOS 4. earnings per digital advertising present on the web page of the event which will be broadcast live, for non-attendees.

Sectors in which AIESEC can compete and which attractions are for AIESEC, propose system to measure both criteria Private and commercial sectors such as industry Software and services, biotechnology, business BPO outsourcing of processes This system is really simple, because it raises from the perspective of the seller and the expansion of market opportunities

Sector of StartUp Technological

Events and announcement Public and private

Growth and international expansion

Qualified human resources needs

Great source of employment in the country

Sector of StartUp Technological






UP Selling

Proposes to investigate the number of companies in this sector and are distributed in the country. KPI : #StartUp/city

It raises to meet ecosystem of these undertakings, developing proposal of values.

Market capitalization strategies consists in the development of products based on research and evaluation

We evaluate the quality of how we deliver value proposition purchased by customers

It is vital to evaluate post sale tangible and future needs of the customers as a value proposition for the customer loyalty.

Customer satisfaction, and quality of experience allows to make uo selling and also use it as a success story for other allies

KPI # Ecosystem/ value proposition

KIP #Product

KIP #RE %Satisfaction

KPI #meeting #Up Selling

Implementation of international GCPs in Colombia HUSQVAMA – AIESEC POLAND AND INDIA Husqvarna Group It is the world's largest producer of energy products outdoors including robotic lawn mowers, lawn tractors, chain saws and trimmers, what a Global makes it for his relationship with AIESEC in Poland and India He promote from ally to AIESEC in your website and promote even from social networking Alliance makes it attractive to implement in Colombia, since the case of success would allow us access to new allies

ELECTROLUX – Global partnership The presence of this ally and its consulting services and training in national conferences, contributes to the positioning of the brand, approaching the local delegates to an environment of empowerment and vision which thinks and envisions a world class company. He receive training of this type of companies, mature thinking and entrepreneurial vision of the AIESEcer, is why that is of vital importance to replicate this type of behavior with national partners, hacerca the the Conference national and regional in order to give visibility to the young aiesecer. -

TATA – AIESEC International Our technology platform was developed by TATA, what very little know is that this company promotes its partnership with AIESEC as his own GCP, what begins to enrich it to the achievement of new clients. Allow our national partners Co-brandig as a mutual strategy you capitalization of clients is a great strategy, since it allows access to many more sectors of markets, which is beneficial for both companies.

Market segment:

Guilds Click to see video example

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