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Talk to transfer representative Representatives from fouryear colleges and universities visit the LMC Transfer Center often throughout the semester. To make appointments, call 439-2181 ext. 3124. San Francisco State n Oct. 27, 10 a.m.-2 p.m. by appointment. UC Davis n Oct. 25, 9:30 a.m.-2 p.m. by appointment. Academy of Art University n Oct. 31, 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Info table near cafeteria. St. Mary’s College n Oct. 26, 10 a.m.-1 p.m. by appointment.
Social Justice Film Series Student Life will be showing a free screening of the film, “The Color Purple” on Wednesday, Oct. 26 from 1-3 p.m. in the Library Community Room, L-109.
Academy out for recruits The Transfer Academy is now accepting applications for Spring 2012. The deadline to apply is November 1, 2011. The Transfer Academy provides a dynamic academic experience with strong supports in and out of the classroom, such as counseling, tutoring, workshops, social and cultural experiences, leadership development, and campus tours. The academy is a community of students, faculty, and staff working together to keep you on target to transfer in a reasonable time period. For more information call the transfer center at 4392181 ext. 3124.
Master the CSU application There are 23 CSU campuses. Which one is right for you? The Transfer Center will be having a workshop on Thursday Oct. 27 from 10 to 11 a.m. in the library, Room L-213, to help you decide. Learn everything you need to know to transfer, about the campuses, how to apply, and the important deadlines to remember. Sign up at the Transfer Center, Room CC3 434A or call 439-2181 ext. 3124.
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Tuition rises next summer By JARED THOMSON Staff Writer
Tuition at Los Medanos College will see a $10 increase to $46 per-unit effective Summer 2012. This increase arrives amidst rumors that fees would rise next semester, sparking debate amongst students on campus. “For the academic year that we are in now, the fees have gone up from $26 to $36 a unit, and that’s a big increase on a percentage basis,” said Richard Livingston, LMC interim president. “To go from $26 to $46 in a span of a year and a half is a huge jump. I think it’s really a shame for our students.” Livingston noted that tuition increases have previously been minimal single digit increments that didn’t have too much of an increase on the price that students previously had to pay. Originally, that price was zero. “I attended a California community college in the 60s and there were no fees or no tuition at all. The colleges were free. Probably 20 years ago or so, they began to put in very small fees and it was $5 or $6 a unit initially. What has happened in the last 20 years is that fees have gradually
increased,” he said. Due to the budget crisis our state is in, the state legislator had no choice but to increase student fees to make up for low tax revenue. This is a heavy blow against students that were already hit with the previous $10 increase. “$46 is crazy. They just bumped it up to $36 per-unit and those of us trying to support ourselves are having a hard enough time with that,” said student Robert Bruce. “They keep raising those prices and we will have nowhere to go and the school will lose us.” Fee increases often spark outrage among students, while others will try to accept it for what it is. “It’s not something you can feel positively about no matter how justified it is. It’s like getting an arm amputated, it could save your life, but you’re going to resent having to learn to be a lefty,” said student Dylan Kuhlmann. It’s uncertain whether fees will keep rising each year, but students that are maintaining school costs on their own without aid are affected most.
See FEE, page 6
Graphic by Jesus Chico
Silva is DGC chair
Club Day in the sunshine By PRISCILLA SANDOVAL Staff Writer
In his new post as District Governing Board Chair, Alex Silva, a Diablo Valley College student, knows of the challenges the district faces. Charged with the duty of collecting all agenda requests from the various committees, Silva’s position is unique. After collecting the agendas, they are reviewed and Silva takes this information and submits it to the District Governing Council for consideration when needed. Silva works closely with the Associated Students of Diablo Valley College. The ASDVC are representatives of the Diablo Valley College student body. In its role as Diablo Valley College’s student government, they take action on behalf of students by addressing their concerns. Another aspect is to allocate funds to student groups and organizations, adopting formal positions on college issues, and participating in college committees. Any student who meets the membership requirement can join the ASDVC. Los Medanos College’s student government has similar requirements and functions. “As chair, my job is to facilitate the meeting and make sure people remain civil, and that all voices are heard before any decisions are made,” said Silva. The term of DGC Chair lasts one year, from July 1st to June See DGC page 6
Photo by Irvin Trigueros
Sarah Udor helps student Jeremy Reddic cast his vote for LMCAS executive officers at the Student Life table on Club Day.
Tuesday afternoon, the main quad was home to Los Medanos College’s annual Club Day. The quad was alive with the sound of music and people having a good time. Each club had a table set up and many were selling food to raise funds for events they are planning. The main focus of the day was to inform students about the different clubs on campus and to recruit members. The lively atmosphere of the quad drew students in from all over campus. “I wanted to see what was going on, so I stopped by. I got a lot of information on clubs I didn’t even know existed,” said Ana Tellez. The event was a melting pot of LMC clubs. Clubs having to do with things varying from furthering education to hobbies, like anime, were all in attendance. The event served its purpose of educating students on all of their options and providing them with new information. “A lot of people don’t know there’s a Christian club on campus,” said Sandy Quintero, president of Club Connect. Other clubs that are more known on campus also benefited from the event. “We get to show them what the Umoja program is all about, how we come together to do events like this,” said Brashawnte Burks. Club La Raza was selling chicken tostadas to raise funds for their scholarship program. The club gives out scholarships in the beginning of the semester after reviewing applicant essays and choosing the best ones. “We’re just trying to get our See CLUB, page 6
Mixed feelings over emails By MATT MOELLER Staff Writer
Career Center workshop The Career Center will be holding a resume writing and interview skills workshop on Oct. 26 from 5 to 7 p.m in the library, Room L-214 (2nd floor). Identify which resume format is right for you. Learn to say what employers want to hear from their candidates. How do you answer the tough questions: No experience? Over qualified? Haven’t worked in years? Participate in this two hour session to revamp your job search. Space is limited. Call 439-2181 ext. 3252 to reserve your spot.
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Graphic by Jesus Chico
FORWARD INSITE EMAIL TO A PERSONAL ACCOUNT 1. Click on the “InSite WebAdvisor” link on LMC’s website. 2. Log in, and click “EMAIL FORWARDING.” 3. Enter your forwarding email address and click “OK.”
Many students are still uncertain about using the recently assigned Insite email addresses, but more are embracing the new service. Los Medanos College is providing the email service as a safe and guaranteed way to send college information and notices to students. The service was partly in response to the college receiving thousands of returned emails that were, for one reason or another, undeliverable. “It offers students a permanent college email address in the college’s system that only the student can access,” said Robin Armour, director of admissions. Last February, the college started the personal email ser vice and sent student notices and information about LMC that students might need for the automatic address, but it has been off to a slow start. “The service is running well and the students are using it more as time goes on,” said Armour. However some students, who were
unaware of the email service, missed enrolling in classes causing some to have a negative view of the service. Other students have no desire to use it and do not want to remember another password for another email address. “I am aware of it, but I don’t use it at all, it takes too many steps to open it,” said student Brittany Rice. But LMC student Jennifer Brandon finds it helpful. “I use it all the time,” she said. “It’s quick and easy and sounds professional. But I understand why some people are upset and it’s one more password to remember.” The service does offer an option to have all mail forwarded to a personal email account to make sure students get their information in a preferred manner. The process takes a few seconds and is guided by written steps to follow to ensure success. LMC will continue to send all information and notices to each student’s assigned LMC address and expects students to use the college email system. See EMAIL, page 6
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“Innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower.”
— Steve Jobs
Brandon Ribergaard
Jared Thomson
Revelations 5:13
disgruntled rants
How Steve Jobs influenced all
Apple has hold over its ‘fanboys’
At the beginning of this month, we lost an influential person in the advancement of technology. The chairman and former CEO of Apple, Steve Jobs, passed away Oct. 5. His work with the modern computer and technological influence on our country and the world has been unsurpassed. His life and work was an inspiration to many and his death was found to be surprising. Jobs started of f by helping create and popularize the personal computer in 1977 in his parents’ garage, with the help of long-time friend and Apple co-founder, Steve Wozniak. In 1984, Apple formed the modern personal computer utilizing a mouse, icons and a graphical user interface running on a modern operating system. Nine years later, after formally resigning from Apple, he returned, essentially reviving the company that was 90 days from bankruptcy. iPod, the most universally known digital music player was introduced in 2001. Apple transformed the retail experience; creating the highest revenue retail stores in the world, per-square-foot. Also among their accomplishments are the creations of iTunes, iPhone, Macbook, Macbook Air and the iPad. Gary Morgenthaler, former director of Siri, Inc., believes that Apple is the most valuable company in the world. To me, this comes as no surprise. Most people own at least one of the products mentioned above or personally know someone who does. Apple products have shaped our use of technology in countless ways. Whether you see this as good or bad, you cannot deny the fact that Apple has succeeded where no one else has. Jobs attended Reed College in Portland, Oregon for one semester after dropping out. “I naively chose a college that was almost as expensive as Stanford, and all of my workingclass parents’ savings were being spent on my college tuition. After six months, I couldn’t see the value in it. It was pretty scary at the time, but looking back it was one of the best decisions I ever made,” said Jobs. Apple has paved the way for other computer and technical corporations to follow. Several of the labs at LMC use Mac computers, including the Journalism and Graphics labs. I think most of us are leaning toward Apple computers because of their user friendliness. In the past couple of years, I have grown to like Apple’s software. To me, it is an easy and straightforward design for both work and play. I have an iPad and love it. It is my main computer source, but to say that I could not live or breathe without it would not be true. In my opinion, our society is too dependent on material possessions for satisfaction and contentment that can’t be gained from the use of an iPod, an iPhone or iPad. There are more important things in this life than a smartphone. For instance, have you given much thought to what happens after your death? Where are you going when you die? Do you think Steve Jobs considered where he would go after he died? Jobs gave a commencement speech to Stanford’s graduating class in 2005. During the 14-minute address, he talked about death among other topics. He said a lot of profound things that would make sense to anyone. But he never mentioned anything about where he thought he would go when he died or most importantly, how he might get there. He mostly talked about how “being a good person” is what matters more than anything. “I’m a good person” is not what lets you into the gates of heaven. In 2003, Jobs was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer, and the rarest, deadliest form at that. All the money in the world could not save him. He did fight it for a time, but death is something no one can outrun. Whether you deny this or not, you, your family and friends will pass away. It is one of the most inevitable experiences in this life.
Head over to Google.com and start typing ‘preorder.’ Before you can finish, Google will finish it for you and suggest that what you meant to type was ‘preorder iPhone 5.’ No Google, I meant to type ‘preorder Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3,’ which was actually Google’s fourth guess. This got me thinking about the new iPhone 4S that was recently released prior to the passing of Apple Inc.’s co-founder, Steve Jobs. I couldn’t help but wonder just how many current iPhone owners or die-hard Apple fans out there are guilty of actually buying a new iPhone every year when an upgraded model is released. More importantly, how the heck do people afford it? Why is it so necessary? Cell phones these days are just like computers, as soon as you buy one it’s already outdated because a better one will inevitably come out. Steve Jobs said it best, “if you always wait for the next price cut or to buy the new improved model, you’ll never buy any technology product because there is always something better and less expensive on the horizon.” I got the Samsung Epic 4G a couple months ago, and now the Epic 4G Touch is already available to purchase. Bummer for me, but that doesn’t mean I’m going to up and buy it. There’s nothing I would do any different on a newer phone that I can’t already do. So the screen is a bit bigger, battery life a bit better, with a better camera and faster processor. My phone is already running great for me, thanks. I just don’t understand why Apple’s iPhone continues to sell out like hotcakes whenever a new model is released, because the majority of the people that are buying it are people that already own iPhones. Apple should at least maintain a gap of two years between releases, but you people keep throwing your money at them. And I’m in no way trying to knock on Apple. They definitely build solid products. Apple’s genius in marketing cannot be matched, although there are superior phones on the market. All Apple has to do is add some minor new detail to the iPhone just once a year and the fans will flock like seagulls to soothe their appetites, just because it was made by Apple. I admit that other manufacturers are even guiltier at releasing a plethora of wasteful upgrades to existing models at a rate of just a few months. Motorola has pumped out seven phones under Verizon’s DROID moniker in just two years’ time, while the iPhone is pretty much limited to annual updates. Even Samsung continues to release various iterations of its Galaxy S line and now the Galaxy S II. It’s a wonder how any of these manufacturers are able to profit from phones that are easily replaced after a month or two. A smart phone can be worth $500 without a binding contract, but wait a little bit before purchasing and it’s already free when you sign a two-year contract. What people need to realize is that the reason these phones are cranked out so often is because people continue to buy them. Imagine buying a 2012 model of a car after you just bought the 2011 model; it’s going to be the same car albeit some minor spec changes. Would it kill you to try and make it two years without upgrading your phone? Many Apple customers are upset that the iPhone 4S isn’t the iPhone 5 that they were waiting for, yet they will still get the iPhone 4S even though they just got the iPhone 4. They can’t resist long enough for Apple to bring out the iPhone 5, which by the way isn’t too far down the horizon. The changes in the 4S are so minimal that it seems pointless to upgrade now. Let Apple hear your disdain and show them that the 4S is an unacceptable substitute for the iPhone 5 by not purchasing it. It’s not the end of the world if you don’t have the latest and greatest gadget. Appreciate what you’ve got and save your money for something better down the line.
Cartoon by Alissa Garcia
Take advantage of resources
ome Summer 2012 tuition will increase yet again from $36 for $46 per unit. Even though it’s only being increased by $10 many students are feeling the pinch. It’s important to use all of the resources available to you at LMC. Even if you aren’t paying tuition it’s still important to take advantage of these resources. The Transfer Center, Financial Aid and Scholarship office are just a few places you can go to get help with paying for school and getting you prepared for success at LMC. If you need help with your classes you can always go to the CORE, which has a computer lab on the second floor and the Center for Academic Support on the third floor which offers reading and writing consultations, workshops for scholarships and help with taking tests. There’s also peer tutoring for subjects such as art, business, chemistry and computer science. Or if you need specific help with your math or biology class you can visit either the Biology or Math Labs. There are also many clubs and programs that can help and or look good on your college transcripts such as MESA, Puente and the Honors club. It’s important to use these resources now, they’re free and will help you in the long run. Opportunity is knocking, make sure to answer.
Letter to the Editor
New students not prepared for college? Dear Editor: Every student begins college with the intention of graduating, but the percentage of first year college dropouts is extremely high, at 35 percent. They drop out for multiple reasons, but the number one reason is usually because they are unprepared academically. Many people jump head first in to college with the thought of college being similar to high school, but most soon grasp the knowledge that high school may not have prepared them enough for the next level of learning that college requires. They soon learn that the smooth sailing or the ability to drift along just wont cut it in college. In an article in the New York Times written by Daniel Leonhardt, dated September 8, 2009, he states “the United States does good enrolling teenagers in college, but only half of students who enroll end up with a bachelorship degree.”
He goes on to state that, “Among rich countries, only Italy is worse.” When you’re in high school you have a goal. Most people dream of going to college for the independence and the hope of starting a great future, so start grasping the concept of college and continue planning your future by preparing yourself better than you were prepared in high school. In high school students goals are to pass their classes so that they are able to graduate and eventually go to college. In college the goal is to succeed. — Denae Johnson
Reader Opinion Policy
The Experience welcomes Letters to the Editor and Guest Columns. Bring to room CC3-301. Submissions must be typed, signed and include a phone number for verification.
How involved are you with LMC outside of your classes?
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L os M edanos C ollege
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Member California Newspaper Publishers Association
“Were it left for me to decide whether we should have a government without newspapers, or newspapers without a government, I should not hesitate a moment to prefer the latter.” — Thomas Jefferson
Editor in Chief ........... SAMUEL A. GONZALEZ Perspectives Editor ........... MARK MARTINEZ . Campus Editor ..................... NICK CAMPBELL and MARK FRANCIS
“Not really. I’m just really busy with school and I have a part-time job as well.” — Alicia Zapata
“I’m not. Just the Street Fighter club. I would join a math club, but there is none.” — Brad Maceren
Features Editor .......... ANGELICA GONZALEZ. and SKYE SALA
“I’m in Sabor Latino. I just got into MESA and the ACE study groups and Ballet Folklorico.”
“I’m not really; not yet I guess. It’s my first semester so I’m just kind of taking it slow.”
— Reyna Ramirez
— Colton Ferne
“I’m not, because I’m a mom and I’m very busy. I have two toddlers.” — Daisy Stephens
“I’m involved in the debate team. It’s my first year here, that’s the main thing I’m involved in now. — Denzel King
Sports Editor .................... LAURA CRABTREE Photo Editor .............................. LISA CASSIDY Assistant Photo Editor.............. JESUS CHICO The LMC Experience is published Fridays by the journalism program. The newspaper serves as a laboratory for journalism classes and as a First Amendment forum for campus communication. Opinions expressed in the Experience are solely those of the students and do not represent the views of the college.
Campus Newswatch Help save a life, donate blood
Donating blood is a great way to help save another’s life. According to the American Red Cross, someone in the U.S. will a need blood transfusion every two seconds and more than 38,000 blood donations are needed per day to keep up. There is a high demand for blood donors because the shelf life of blood isn’t very long. Red blood cells can only be stored for about 42 days. Student Life and Blood Centers of the Pacific will hold a blood drive at LMC on Wednesday, Nov. 9 from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. in Library Community Room (L109). Be sure to eat a light meal and drink plenty of water prior to donating. It is also important to declare any medications or conditions you may have before donating. You can schedule a donation appointment by contacting the Student Life Office at 925-439-2181, ext. 3266, or online at http://www.bloodheroes.com. Click “Donate Blood” and enter sponsor code: losMC
Come to heal and connect
The Healing Circle provides a unique opportunity for both students and staff to share their stories; helping others while they help themselves. Through information, discussion, and support, we provide a comfortable and safe place for sharing feelings related to the stress of balancing college and personal life. Tuesdays 11:00 a.m. to 12 p.m. in Room 473 (upstairs from Admission department). If you need further information, please contact Phil Gottlieb at ext. 3382, or Francis Moy at ext. 3136.
Visit Cuba for New Year’s Eve
Celebrate a joyous New Year’s Eve in Cuba with the sizzling rhythms and passion of music and dance – the soul of the Cuban people. The trip will be led by Professor of Anthropology Lenore Gallin, who has directed five previous trips to Cuba. The trip will last from Dec. 27 to Jan. 11. For further information, contact Professor Gallin at 925685-1230, ext. 2772.
Get information on transferring
The Transfer Academy at LMC is a new program targeting incoming students who want to transfer to a four-year college or university. The Transfer Academy provides a dynamic academic experience with strong supports in and outside of the classroom, like academic counseling, tutoring, workshops, social and cultural experiences, leadership development, and campus tours. The academy is a community of students, faculty, and staff working together to keep you on target to transfer in a reasonable time period. The Transfer Academy is now accepting applications for Spring 2012. The deadline to apply is November 1, 2011.
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Staff Writer
The Los Medanos College Child Study Center helps student parents by providing a fun and safe environment for their children while they attend classes. It also provides child development majors with the opportunity to obser ve childhood behavior firsthand. The center is also conveniently located on campus providing child care services close to the parents’ classes. “They can drop by and see their kids anytime during the day. If they work as student interns, they can work in the same classroom as their kids,” said Deartra Govan, a student intern at the LMC Child Study Center. Parents can rest assured that their children’s needs are being met. “I like the fact that teachers are really concerned for the kids and try to make the programs customized for the ones that are currently enrolled there,” said Janee Pederson, a parent of a child attending the Child Study Center. “I feel that my child is See RUST, page 6 getting lots of stimulation.” Children have fun while learnPhoto by Calib Carver ing at the center. “I play outside and I do crafts A few LMC Child Study Center toddlers enjoy some play time with the instructors. and I play in the kitchen,” said “Students get to have one-on- development courses after hav- located at the front of the college Noel Pederson, a child enrolled at the center, while showing off one experience with kids and ing already completed another between the librar y and the drawings and other crafts she they can see firsthand all the six units of child development Honors Center. Requirements for enrollment had done that day. “I stay here different ways kids interact and courses. If a student has already com- can be found on a handout lountil my dad picks me up. When learn,” said Govan. The center provides this learn- pleted 12 units in child develop- cated at the front desk entitled, my dad picks me up, I am here all day, but when my mom picks ing opportunity to students as ment, however, they do not need “Questions and Answers About me up I get to go home early.” long as they meet the require- to be enrolled in any more to be Child Care at LMC.” A fee payment is required The Child Study Center ments to work there as an intern. eligible to work as an intern. Parents can enroll their chil- before a child attends as well These requirements include provides a unique learning experience for students seeking a a tuberculosis clearance and dren by filling out an applica- as enrollment of the parent in enrollment in six units of child tion at the Child Study Center, See CARE, page 6 child development major.
Using your resources
Vast amounts of data available in the library
Los Medanos College’s Muslim Student Association invites you to come and lounge with friends for a hookah bar fundraiser at Wicked Mirage Hookah Lounge in Concord on Thursday, Oct. 27, starting at 6 p.m. Bring your friends, wear your costumes and don’t forget to metion that your representing LMC’s MSA. Wicked Mirage is at 3425 Chestnut Ave. in Concord. For more information, e-mail sehrarahmany@ yahoo.com or stop by the next MSA meeting. MSA meets every Monday from 2:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. in Music Room 710 or in the Library Conference room. All are welcome.
By ASHLEY GOINS Staff Writer
Check into Pan-Am scholarship
Apply for a scholarship for 2012
Vanguard Minority Scholarship Program gives out meritbased scholarships, up to $10,000, to students who are entering either their junior or senior year of college during the upcoming 2012 Fall and Spring semesters. For an application or more information, please visit the Vanguard website at www.vanguard.scholarshipamerica.org
LMC Alumni Raider ticket sale
The LMC Alumni association has teamed up with the Oakland Raiders once again this season to offer you tickets at a fantastic rate! Best of all, when you purchase these specially priced tickets LMC receives $20 of each ticket sold! Proceeds go to support the LMC Bookstore’s textbook rental program. So come and support your Oakland Raiders and Los Medanos College. Contact Claudia Acevedo at 439-2181, ext. 3130, by email cacevedo@losmedanos.edu, or by fax at 432-3261 for more information. — Compiled from press releases and staff reports
— Horace Mann
MSA’s Halloween Hookah Night
Are you undecided about your major or career goals? Overwhelmed by all of your options? The Career Center offers a variety of assessments in the areas of interests, personality, skills and values to help students attain their goals. Career Center staff will work with you to explore potential goals and refer you to campus counselors to develop an education plan. Don’t spend another semester feeling undecided; contact the Career Center at 439-2181, ext. 3252 to schedule an appointment today.
Parents get help from child center
Los Medanos College will hold another free screening on campus in the Social Justice Film Series on Wednesday, October 26 from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m., showcasing the film, “The Color Purple” in Library Community Room (L-109).
Career Center is willing to help
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LMC shows some love
Check out a Social Justice film
The 2011 application is now available for the Pan-American Round Table of Contra Costa and Alameda Scholarship. Requirements: n One of the applicant’s parents must have been born in a Latin country. n Speaking of the Spanish language is preferred although is not a requirement. n The applicant must be a college or university student. Applications must be received with current official transcripts, essay, resume and recommendations no later than October 21st, 2011 to Pan-American Round Table Contra Costa and Alameda, P.O. Box 351, Livermore, CA 94550.
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“A human being is not attaining his full potential until he is educated”
Photo by Leila Tazhibi
Student Monat Harris reviews some of her work inside the library.
The library is one of the most useful places to study for your courses, check out books and find research for an essay or paper. Many students also use the library to study. Librarians are regularly available to teach students how to use library sources. “We let students come to the reference desk to go on LMC Library online, and then have them log-on to electronic databases, and the library catalog on our library website, to get sources on their research papers,” said Technical Services Librarian Christine Park. “We also help them with using citations for their paper.” See USE, page 6
Tutors sharpen their teaching skills Staff training all year round By SAMUEL A. GONZALEZ Staff Writer
As LMC cleared out for the weekend on Friday, Oct. 14, LMC’s hired tutors gathered in the math building for a midsemester training session. About 30 tutors, all with varying degrees of experience, gathered outside the math building around Sandra Mills, director of the Center for Academic Support. Mills is an experienced tutor herself. She was once an LMC student and peer English tutor. She also tutored for DSPS before she got the job as director of the Reading and Writing Center, which has since evolved into the Center for Academic Support. The Center for Academic Support is like tutor central here at LMC. About 20 tutors are employed by the center, which offers tutoring in over a dozen subjects. Mills says that every tutor’s goal is to help students become critical and independent thinkers. “We don’t want to be an answer machine,” said Mills. “We try to
Photo by Samuel Gonzalez
English tutors (from left to right) Meghan Groshong, Sarah D’Amico and Ashley Abitz review grammar in a training session with English lab coordinator Tennille McEwen. find out what the student already knows by asking questions.” LMC’s English tutors began with a review of tutor etiquette, and the do’s and don’ts of tutoring. English tutors Caitlin Lee and Edgar Gonzalez list of do’s and
don’ts included be respectful, ask questions, be the model student, be supportive. Among the don’ts: do not discourage, text, act as if you are above students, don’t be tardy, and no swearing. Both Lee and Gonzalez have three semesters tutoring experi-
ence between the both of them. Lee said that she inquired about the tutoring job to her English teacher who made a recommendation for her. All tutors must have a recommendation form an instructor See TUTOR, page 6
Features Marquee Upcoming music events
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“Remember, today is the tomorrow you worried about yesterday.”
— Dale Carnegie
Love weds tragedy
Throughout the school year, the LMC Music Department produces various student and faculty performances, along with guest artists. All LMC music events take place in the Recital Hall, Room CC3-720. A few upcoming events include: n LMC Concert Band Concert, Oct. 22, 3 p.m. $5 general, $3 for students and senior citizens. n Music Teachers’ Association of California, Oct. 22, 3 p.m., Free event. n Choral Experience Concert, Oct. 25, 7:30 p.m., $5 general, $4 students and senior citizens. n Music Teachers’ Association of California, Nov. 6, 3 p.m., $20 family, $10 general and $5 students. n LMC Concert Band Concert, Nov. 10, 7:30 p.m. $5 general, $3 for students and senior citizens. n LMC Concert Band Concert, Nov. 12, 2 p.m. $5 general, $3 for students and senior citizens. n Music Teachers’ Association of California, Nov. 19, 3 p.m., Free event. n Contra Costa Chamber Orchestra, Nov. 19, 7:30 p.m., $10 general, $5 students and senior citizens. n LMC String Ensemble, Dec. 1, 7:30 p.m., Free event. n LMC Gospel Concert, Dec. 3, 7 p.m., $17 at the door, $15 in advance n Winter Choral Concert, Dec. 6, 7:30 p.m., $5 general, $4 students and senior citizens. n LMC Honors Recital, Dec. 8, 12:40 p.m., Free event. n LMC Jazz Concert, Dec. 9, 7:30 p.m., $10 general, $5 for students and senior citizens. n LMC Piano Honors Recital, Dec. 12, 7:30 p.m., Free event. n LMC Concert Band Concert, Dec. 15, 7:30 p.m. $5 general, $3 for students and senior citizens.
Photo by Callib L. Carver
Drama student Karen Hernandez and Drama Department Chair Nick Garcia practicing projection of a monologue.
Old Latino play will still resonate today By RACHEL YBARRA Staff Writer
“Blood Wedding,” a Latino play about forbidden love and mistakes, will open on stage in LMC Little Theater next month. It is based on a true stor y written a hundred years ago in Spain. Professor Nick Garcia, who is directing the show, said a few of the lines in the play are the most beautiful lines in literature. Stage Manager Amy Hulsey described the play as a Spanish version of “Romeo and Juliet,” and called it a “tragedy-comedy.” Clint Sides, who plays Father of the
Bride in the LMC performance, said the play is “poetic.” Two of the characters in “Blood Wedding,” the Bride and Leonardo, grew up together and fell madly in love, but society tells them they can’t be together. While the story is set in an older time, it has a relatable concept of regretting one’s mistakes and having to live with the consequences. When Leonardo takes off with the Bride, their families hunt them down and seek revenge and blood. Garcia said his cast is getting better and better each day and they plan on “delivering
something special to LMC.” Sides said their practice is wonderful, intense, interesting and challenging, adding that the cast and crew are like family. This larger-than-usual cast includes: Stacy Espinola as the Mother; Sonia Azizi, Bride; Marcel Sanders, Beggar; Melody Ketchum, Mother In-law; Cesar Reyas, Leonardo; Alexis Morenoc, Leonardo’s Wife; Tierra Chatman, The Maid; Marina Ketchum, The Girl; David Sanchez, The Groom; Clint Sides, Father of Bride; Karen Hernandez, The Moon; Chris Sanchez, See MUSIC, page 6
Lastest Batman game is a big hit
Slow Film Food Festival
By MARK FRANCIS Staff Writer
What happens when you seal off a section of Gotham City, throw in some of the worst of the worst Batman villains and lastly Batman himself there? You end up getting, arguably one of the best superhero games ever created. But does it stay true to the Batman mythos from DC comics? “Batman: Arkham City” is the direct follow up to the critically acclaimed “Batman: Arkham Asylum” by developers Rocksteady and publishers Warner Bros: Interactive Entertainment. Arkham City takes place roughly one year after the events of the previous game, this time former Arkham warden, turned Gotham major Quincy Sharpe sections off a portion of the city and throws everyone from both Blackgate prison and Arkham Asylum there. Here, the evildoers can raise havoc and do as they please without worry, yet the only catch is they cannot escape the Arkham City’s limits. Furthermore, a new warden is left in charged of this Arkham City, the long time Batman villain Hugo Strange, who knows that Bruce is Batman. Batman must uncover the growing conspiracy from both the Joker and Hugo Strange, and effectively shut down Arkham City for good. Yet, there is so much plot development from the very start of the game, that just talking any further about the plot may end up spoiling gamers who are willing to give “Arkham City” a try. However, what I can talk about is all the new mechanics and gameplay tweaks added to the already solid “Arkham” engine.
The Slow Food Film Festival is back at LMC for its annual showing. This year two films will be presented, both by Ian Cheney. The films are called “King Corn” and “Truck Farm.” “King Corn” tells the story of two friends who soon reveal how much of the nation’s food is composed of corn and the reasons why. “Truck Farm” is about a traveling, edible exhibit that brings a rural experience to urban students. Both of these films will be shown on Oct. 21 from 4 to 6:30 p.m. in the Science Building, Room 136.
See GAME, page 6
El Campanil Theatre presents The El Campanil Theatre is presenting the following shows, attractions and films: n Hotel California: A Salute to the Eagles attempts to recreate the music and mystique of The Eagles experience. Saturday, Oct. 22 at 8 p.m. Adults $27, seniors $24 and 17 and under $15. n Golden Dragon Acrobats present astonishing flips, spins and acts of gymnastic levitation as China’s renowned Golden Acrobats. Saturday, Oct. 29 at 2 p.m. & 8 p.m. Adults $28, seniors $25 and 17 and under $12. n The Wizard of Oz (1939) film will be shown telling the story of how Dorothy and her dog Toto are caught in a tornado’s path and somehow end up in the land of Oz. Sunday, Oct. 30 at 2 p.m. Adults $6, seniors $5 and 17 and under $5. n The Legend of Pocahontas will be performed in a play, telling the legend of how Pocahontas and her village dealt with hunger, deaths and European settlers in Jamestown. There will be two shows, Friday, Nov. 4 at 7:30 p.m. and Sunday Nov. 6 at 2 p.m. Adults $12, seniors $10 and 17 and under $8. All events are held at El Campanil Theatre located on 602 W. Second Street in downtown Antioch. For more information about upcoming events and tickets call 757-9500 or email the theatre at elcampaniltheatre@comcast.net. — Compiled by Angelica Gonzalez
LMC’s Anime Unlimited becomes an official club By ALISSA GARCIA Staff Writer
Vice President Michael Mikolajczyk declared Anime Unlimited an official club for the fall semester at the club’s Oct. 14 meeting. The group was then allowed to be a part of Club Day. Becoming an official club was exciting for their large member base, which ranges from 15 to 20 people. With their club recognized, they can begin fundraising for the many objectives President Ali Cameron hopes to achieve. Cameron plans on getting the club more focused on fundraising efforts, so they can host an anime masquerade on campus. Although they have tried several times before, their funding has been a bit too limited to pull it off in the past. However, they do plan on going to the Cherry Blossom Festival in San Francisco and Fanime, an anime convention
in San Jose, during the spring semester. Only a small number of members were able to attend Fanime this past May due to their lack of funding, but Cameron is determined to get the club members in gear so they can all have a fun time in San Jose next spring. Adviser Clint Ryan, who accompanied the small group to Fanime last spring, is highly active and has been since 2009. Someone informed him that the anime club was in a desperate need of an adviser and he jumped right on it before anyone else could take the position. He is there for every club meeting and provides the members with anime — Japanese cartoons — to watch each meeting. He also leads the associated club meetings on Tuesdays, alongside his wife Clarissa, that Cameron refers to as Culture
Photo by Samuel Gonzalez
Anime club members Robert Bruce (left) and Regis Jefferson (right) play a game of Magic. Day. Ryan teaches members about Japanese cuisine, life, and anything else pertaining to that culture. According to Cameron, they had presented this culture aspect at the regular club meetings, hosted on Fridays, but some members showed little inter-
ested and preferred watching anime instead. To remedy this, but keep the educational value, they split anime viewing from the culture thread, thus giving those who want to learn about Japan the option to attend those meetings, but not force all anime See ANIME, page 6
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“The harder you work, the harder it is to surrender.�
— Vince Lombardi
Photo by Callib Carver
Mustang Terrence Jones, number 6, gets checked out on the field on Saturday, Oct. 8 by medical aides while football coach Chris Shipe watches over the hurt player.
Injuries sideline Mustangs By JUSTIN BRITTON Staff Writer
When you think of sports most people think of a fun competitive athletic activity that requires skill. But a major downfall of sports — injuries — can have a profound impact on both players and the team as a whole. The college sport with the most injuries is football, especially at the junior college level because the depth just isn’t the same from your first team to your second team. The Mustang football team is experiencing that right now with the loss of three linebackers who are starters to season ending injuries — Emeka Williams, Acemore Pittman and Sam Patolo
almost might be done. “You can’t replace guys like that,� said Head Coach Chris Shipe, explaining that injuries hurt the team because the backups, who are freshman, have to step up and fill their places. Troy Peele, a freshman linebacker who’s also banged up from an ankle injur y, has to battle through and lead the linebackers. “Having an injur y sucks,� he said “but ever yone goes through it.� Shipe underscored the fact that injuries are just a part of the game. “If it’s not one guy with a bump, it’s another guy with a bruise,� he said. “After going
through half the season you’re going to have a lot of players with bruises.� Athletes can help prevent injuries with proper training, stretching and conditioning, and making sure they have the skills to compete at the collegiate level in the first place. LMC sports trainer Annie Martin said proper nutrition is key, and claims that there are too many student athletes who just don’t get the proper nutrition to bolster their bodies. “Does your car run without gas?� she said, adding that athletes cannot play without eating and hydrating properly. One of best things anyone —
including athletes — can do to prevent injuries is to do a light warm-up stretch before and after physical activity. And according to the National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases, continuing to play or exercise when hurt can cause more harm. The institute’s website says “treatment often begins with the RICE (Rest, Ice, Compression and Elevation) method to relieve pain, reduce swelling and speed healing. Other possible treatments include pain relievers, keeping the injured area from moving, rehabilitation and sometimes surgery.� The next football game is Oct. 22 at West Fields College.
LMC sports schedule Opponent Football
West Hills
10/22, 2 p.m.
10/29, 1 p.m.
11/5, 1 p.m.
DVC Volleyball
11/11, 7 p.m.
10/26, 6 p.m.
10/28, 6 p.m.
11/2, 6 p.m.
11/4, 6 p.m.
11/8, 5 p.m.
Napa Soccer
11/10, 6 p.m.
10/21, 3:30
10/25, 3:30
11/1, 3:30
11/4, 3:30
11/8, 3:30
Contra Costa
11/11, 3:00
Stangs win
The Flu and You By Randy Bergen, MD
ood hygiene and common sense can help you avoid catching the flu. The symptoms of flu may include a fever, sore throat, cough, stuffy nose, chills, headache, body aches, fatigue, diarrhea or vomiting.
Flu is transmitted from person to person, usually when coughing or sneezing. It can also be spread when people touch a contaminated surface and then touch their mouth, eyes or nose. You can protect yourself and your family by taking these precautions to limit your chances of getting or spreading the flu:
*G ZPV PS ZPVS DIJMESFO EFWFMPQ ĂŹV MJLF TZNQUPNT UIF $%$ SFDPNNFOET TUBZJOH IPNF FWFO JG UIF TZNQUPNT BSF NJME 5SFBU UIF ĂŹV XJUI SFTU ĂŹVJET BOE PWFS UIF DPVOUFS NFEJDBUJPOT #F TVSF UP TUBZ BU IPNF VOUJM UIF GFWFS JT HPOF GPS IPVST XJUIPVU UIF VTF PG GFWFS SFEVDJOH medications. If youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re severely ill or at high risk for flu complications, KP recommends you contact your personal physician or practitioner. For more information about flu clinics near you, please visit kp.org/diablo or call 1-800-KP- FLU-11. This!"#$%&'(#)*+%#$%,'-./*0%$,-1$-'+/%20%3&#$+'%4+'5&1+1(+6 article is proudly sponsored by Kaiser Permanente. Andy Rodgers, MD,7&1/0%8+'9+1:%;<:%4+/#&('#)%=1>+)(#-.$%<#$+&$+ is Physician Site Leader for the Livermore Medical Offices.
Photo by Drayton John
Mustang volleyball player Brittney Allan spikes the ball over the net as her teammates Marissa Hunter, left, and Hailey Cosby, right, watch during Wednesday nightâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s conference game against Contra Costa College. LMC won against Contra Costa College with a score of 25 to 20.
Back Talk FEE From page 1
“My boyfriend is really having a tough time with it and I really want to help him out. He’s afraid that he won’t be able to finish just because it’s going up so much,” said student Corrine Allan. “I feel like it’s going to make people fall behind, and they’re not going to get where they need to go because they can’t afford it.” Corrine, along with her sister, Destiny Allan, are one of many students taking advantage of LMC’s resourceful financial aid options to pay for school. With these increases, many students will want to utilize the resources that are available to them at the Financial Aid Office on campus. “If I were paying for my units, that would suck. I wouldn’t take as many classes for sure, because I wouldn’t be able to. Financial aid helps a lot,” said Destiny. While many students are eligible to receive the Board of Governor’s fee waiver, many students do pay tuition out of pocket, but they may be eligible for scholarships or grants. “Hopefully people will be able to qualify more for state help,” said Corrine. “It’s really stressful… we want to get out of here.” The important thing for students to remember is that the blame should not be directed at LMC. “Students don’t typically understand. They often see us cutting classes because of the state budget and they’re saying, ‘well, we’re paying more.’ We don’t keep the enrollment fees. LMC’s budget is not helped by the $26, $36 or $46. The enrollment fees go to Sacramento,” said Livingston. “The reason that students are having to pay more is because the tax payers are paying less. The tax payers are paying less because the economy is so bad that the tax revenues are way down and things are being cut all over, including higher education.” Rumors have been going around campus from the beginning of the semester that an increase was due for Spring 2012, but nothing had ever been written in stone. The governor and legislator were waiting for tax revenue results before making a decision in December, but by December students will have already registered and paid for spring. The state community college system found this to be a problem that couldn’t be solved in that time frame. “It would be unfair to students and difficult for the colleges to implement. A bill was passed and was just signed recently by Governor Brown to delay the additional $10 a unit until Summer 2012,” said Livingston. Students can rest easy for now knowing that the increases will not affect the Spring 2012 semester. Visit the Financial Aid office on campus to learn more about how to receive help affording classes with next summer’s increases.
USE From page 3
Student Indivar Singh used the library research services for a paper last semester, with lasting results. “There were pretty good sources that I could use for my paper,” he said. “To this day, I know how to use research for an essay.” Student Lucero Castellon also received help from a librarian with a paper, and explained, “I now understand more about how to use the library to improve school work.” The library, which has ample tables and chairs as well as a few group study rooms, is one of the quietest places to study on campus, and resources are right there if you need them. “My hours in the library are more useful than studying at home,” said Castellon. Students who need to check out a book but don’t have an LMC ID card, need to go to Level 2 of the library with a copy of their schedule, California ID or driver’s license to apply for a free card. “We print their schedule for them so they can get their ID card,” said Park. The library is open Monday through Thursday from 8:45 a.m. to 7:45 p.m., and on Fridays from 8:45 a.m. to 2:45 p.m. It’s closed on the weekends.
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Clay creativity
Photo by Callib Carver
Martin Guzman, a teacher’s assistant, sculpts a set of ceramic shot glasses in his Art 69 Ceramic Sculpture class. Guzaman plans to give the ceramic shot glasses as a Christmas gift. If you enjoy doing hands-on work and creating your own designs then Art 69 may just be the perfect class for you. It is taught by instructor Lucy Snow, and anyone who is curious and may want to enroll in Art 69 in the Spring can do so just as long as they know about the advisory of taking Art 11.
GAME From page 4
Batman has roughly, all of his moves from the previous game at his disposal from the very start of Arkham City. No longer do you have to wait to find an upgrade or a new tool to use. On top of this, combat has been greatly revamped. Batman can now counter up to three enemies at once and can become practically invincible at the hands of a skilled player while still following the rules set before in Arkham Asylum. Players must successfully build momentum and chain combos, which grants additional moves. If you lose the combo, you end up losing additional stronger moves. Batman’s second strongest skill, is stealth and this is the second major part of combat. Batman can’t go toe to toe against a group of enemies with guns, so instead stealth (known as ‘predator’ moments) is required to take them down. Batman can hide in the shadows and along gargoyles to incapacitate enemies and systematically pick them apart one by one. There’s plenty of ways to take out people. You can do it the old fashion way and sneak up from behind or you can do it the Batman way hanging from a gargoyle to tie them upside-down. The game makes a drastic depar ture from the moody atmospheric setting found in the first game. Arkham City is massive, being around double
in size compared to the Asylum. There is almost something going down at any given point in the city, be it helping out defenseless or innocent people from thugs to solving one of the 400 plus Riddler challenges scattered about. I easily got lost in my first thirty minutes of play. Having all of this freedom in the city felt weird to take in. However, get around the city just felt natural with the new mechanic of gliding and slingshotting yourself into the air with a grapple gun. If done correctly, you can get from point A to B in a matter of seconds, without ever touching the ground. Now what would a Batman game be without villains? The game is packed to the brim with nearly every single noteworthy villain from Batman’s history. Be warned, that players will run into around 20 of the best Batman villains during their time in the game. Also on top of this each villain has his or her own mini-story that Batman will have to deal with. This is rather unique and very comicbook-like. Some villains may get more airtime compared to a few others. One villain had roughly five minutes of screen time while another had around thirty minutes. On top of just playing the main story as Batman, players are treated to challenge maps. Players can compete to get the highest scores in standard combat fighting or take to the shadows and do predator maps. For anyone who buys a new
copy of the game, or can spend $9.99 for download content, players can play as Catwoman in a separate side stor y that intersects with the main story. For those who pre-ordered the game from Best Buy, they have a chance to play as the Tim Drake version of Robin inside the challenge maps. With all of this praise though, there is only one serious flaw to the game, the dreaded AR Training missions. Players are tasked with using the gliding and grapple gun skills to help Batman glide through green AR rings without ever touching the ground. Ever y time you complete a set of these missions, you are able to unlock additional tools, however a few of these AR Training missions are a real pain. That’s the only fault to a great adventure and not to mention, superhero game. Rocksteady has picked the best bits of the Batman mythos and added it to their already solid gameplay choices from the previous game, to give us a near-flawless recreation of a beloved comic book character. If you ever wanted to be Batman as a kid, this game is pretty much the closest you can get to becoming him. Furthermore, this game is now the standard to what all other superhero games should aspire to be. It’ll be a tough act to follow for Rocksteady, if they decide to ever make a third entry in the Arkham series. By all means though, go and play this game.
TUTOR From page 3
before they are inter viewed. Tutors are hired by Mills, or by faculty from the discipline in which they will be tutoring. Mills said that LMC’s tutors are schooled in the Socratic method of inquiry.The Socratic method says that the best way to teach students is to find out what they know by asking questions. Lee and Gonzalez, and the other English tutors did an exercise to that demonstated well the principle of the Socratic method of inquiry. Lee played the role of the tutor, Gonzalez the tutee.
Lee’s task was to help Gonzalez without using her hands, so that she is not literally just pointing everything out to him. Lee sat on her hands to help keep them out of the picture during this exercise. “I want to use words and questions to help them understand,” said Lee. “It keeps me from pointing things out and doing all the thinking for them.” Across the hall from the English tutors were music tutors Miguel Reyes and Kevin Pedrizzetti who also did some
tutor-tutee role playing. Reyes has been a music tutor for three semesters now. “Tutoring has shown me how much I really know about music and has given me a different perspective on teaching and learning,” said Reyes. All new tutors go through two days of pre semester training, and continue to be trained throughout the semester. “It helps me stay in the mind set of a beginner. You get to act as a new student so you can relate to to a new student better.”
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30th. However, due to some general confusion, Silva only assumed the role in August. The governing board meets regularly to discuss issues before the school district. The student government brings their ideas, information, and agenda of the students to the committee’s attention. Located in Martinez, Calif., the main role of the District Governing Council is to provide a forum for strengthening the participation of representative groups to meet, discuss and debate issues of district wide concern while acknowledging the autonomy of the individual colleges and respecting the role that training, education, and experience play in individual influence and participation. Silva, in his role as the DGC Chair, will have the opportunity to work closely with school governments across the district by giving the students of the respective schools, a voice in student government. The DGC Chair role oversees all DGC meetings and Steering Committee meetings, reporting to the Governing Board once a month. The other members of the DGC (there are supposed to be 33) include faculty, students, classified, and management. “Each of those groups chooses a speaker to vote on their behalf at DGC meetings. Ever yone else is a representative of the constituency group,” said Silva. The role is vital at a time where students are frustrated by cuts in school funding, class shortages, and other setbacks. Silva has an opportunity to have a direct impact by taking the concerns of the students straight to the District Governing Council. Silva will be involved in several DGC projects. “Right now, I am helping to collaborate in a District-wide conversation regarding SB 1143, the Student Success Task Force,” said Silva. The meeting will be held on November 1st, at a location that has yet to be announced. Other than that, we are just looking at some minor procedural changes that are going to be pushed forward to the Governing Board within the coming weeks and months. Silva’s new role as DGC Chair will help facilitate the process of getting the thoughts of concerns straight to the people who can address it. When any student within the district has a concern it goes to their respective student governments. Silva and the DGC are in charge of handling that concern by facilitating that information to the proper department. Silva and his team represent for the district student governments at the District Governing board meetings at the district office. LMC students and others from across the district will be well served to have this representation at the District Governing Council.
out there and more people in it,” said Vanessa Ruiz, Club La Raza president. The Circle K club is part of an international organization; they are one of 500 clubs in it. They were also using Club Day as a way to inform and recruit. “We’re recruiting for more members, we have 28 members right now,” said Anna Prado. “We volunteer and make our own service projects and build leadership.” For students who were looking to try something different, the anime club was selling Japanese soda and candy. Anime Unlimited gets together Fridays to watch anime and do art. Tuesdays, they have Japanese Appreciation Day where they learn new things about the country and culture where anime comes from. For the health nuts on campus, the Mighty Mustangs table was sure to please. The table featured a push-up competition with the winner receiving a club t-shirt. The club boasts morning runs/ walks and they hike every other Saturday morning. Aside from the physical activity, the club also features seminars on nutrition and how to work out properly. Whether you’re into fitness, anime, or just want to meet new people, there is sure to be a club on campus for you to join. If you missed Club Day, you can still find information on the various clubs. Stop by the Student Life office or check out the posters around campus. Check out the full club list at: http://www.losmedanos.edu/ studentservices/clubs/
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If students fail to check their addresses, they run the risk of not getting important information and dates of upcoming events. A few weeks ago, LMC sent out graduation notices to students using the official college-provided email addresses. LMC has advertised the new service with numerous postings about these new emails on the campus website to increase student awareness and has many links to guide students on using the service. “It will take a while for students to get adjusted to it, but I have noticed more students using it since February and I imagine that it will continue to increase,” said
PLAY From page 4
Michael Simpson, Woodcutter; Chris Kolar, Neighbor; Tyrell Burkes, Woodcutter; Peter Forest, Second boy/Youngman; Joshua Foley, Boy/Ensemble; and Benjamin Perez, Ensemble. The play will open Nov. 11 and continue showing Nov. 12, 14, 18, 19 and 21 at 8 p.m. On Wednesday, Nov. 16 there will be one matinee at 11 a.m. Ticket prices will be $7 with student ID and $10 general admission.
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viewers to listen. The members who want to watch anime attend the Friday meetings. Ryan presents them with a variety of genres to watch and members vote on which one will be seen that day also choosing whether it will be subbed or dubbed. A ‘subbed’ anime is Japanese audio with onscreen English subtitles while ‘dubbed’ anime has spoken English audio. Generally, subbed wins the battle, as many anime fans feel that English voice actors do not fit the role they were cast into. There are two special Friday meetings each month. The first Friday is dedicated to watching an anime movie, The last Friday, members bring in video games and have their own game day where they play a variety of games. Commonly, it is ‘Guitar Hero’ and ‘Super Smash Brothers Brawl’. Anime Unlimited is a “social club with an anime theme,” said Ryan. This group of “dedicated geeks,” said Cameron, regularly attends their meetings in room 204 of the math building from 3 to 6 on Tuesdays and Fridays. If an energetic environment with anime viewing appeals to you, then do not hesitate popping your head in the door.
Photo by Callib Carver
Penny, a child development volunteer, plays with a child in the day care center.
CARE From page 3
a child development course. Also on the handout are pricing plans and other frequently asked questions. Pederson said the only problem with the Child Study Center is that she cannot recommend it to many people due to the enrollment requirement that parents must enroll in a child development course to enroll their child into the child care program. If you’re a student parent and have been wondering about child care or you’re a student interested in child development, then the Child Study Center just might be the place for you to go check out.