The challenges
The Disability Policy and Disability Action Plan contains Council’s response to meeting its legislative responsibilities under: ·
The Victorian Charter of Human Rights and Responsibilities Act 2006;
Disability Act 2006;
The Equal Opportunity Act 1995;
The Disability Discrimination Act 1992;
Disability Discrimination and Other Human Rights Legislation Amendment Act 2009; and the
United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.
One in five Victorians has a disability.
Ageing population.
Incidence of disability is increasing.
This graph indicates a clear increase of disability with age. In particular between the ages of 45-54, this figure is 23.4 per cent of the population. Between the ages of 55-64, this figure increases to 33.6 per cent.
Incidence of disability by age group Victoria 2003
Disability Action Plan Edition 4
For the purpose of this Plan, Council continues to recognise the wide ranging definition of disability identified in the Disability Discrimination Act 1992. This detailed definition has been placed on Council’s website All documents associated with the Disability Action Plan will be made available in alternative formats on request.
22 Nov 10
City of Greater Dandenong Disability Action Plan 2010–2014
The Disability Action Plan focuses on four key areas for action.
Promote inclusion and participation in the community
Reduce barriers associated with services, facilities and accessing goods
Council will seek to achieve this by:
The City of Greater Dandenong is committed to improving access and inclusion for all people in the city. The Council’s Disability Policy and Disability Action Plan outline the actions to be achieved during the next four years to ensure Greater Dandenong continues to be a more accessible and inclusive community for all.
The Disability Policy and Disability Action Plan were developed in consultation with the community, Council’s Disability Consultative Framework and in collaboration with staff in Council’s business units. Each year Council will report the outcomes of the Disability Action Plan as part of its Annual Report. People with disabilities will also be consulted on the plan and its future directions via the Disability Consultative Framework. A major review of the Plan will be conducted in 2014.
All Council owned buildings in the City of Greater Dandenong are accessible;
Developing and supporting partnerships which improve access for people with disabilities from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds;
Universal design concepts and accessible housing are encouraged;
Continuing to develop the consultative and advocacy framework;
Supporting people with a disability to participate in leadership projects; and Supporting community development opportunities which improve access and inclusion for people with a disability.
Council will seek to ensure that: ·
Issues relating to accessing technology are addressed;
People with disabilities can easily participate in sport, leisure and events within our City;
Council information is accessible to all residents;
Access and inclusion is addressed in all Council strategies; and
Make significant changes to attitudes and practices which discriminate against people with a disability
People with disabilities can easily access streets, parks, public open space and public transport.
Reduce barriers associated with obtaining and maintaining employment Council will seek to do this by supporting positive employment opportunities for people with a disability.
Council will seek to achieve this by: ·
Reducing stigmas and negative opinion through positive media opportunities;
Ensuring all issues of discrimination are addressed;
Ensuring all staff are educated about access and inclusion initiatives; and
Promoting events which celebrate the “ability” of people with a disability.