Lots for Tots Nottingham Issue 10

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Issue 10

October-December 2015

How to survive with

fiv r e d n u th e


East Midlands Baby & Toddler Show Guide Issue Free Entry!

Lots on Local...

Our guide to all the fun events for half term, Halloween, BonďŹ re night & Christmas

Lots on Weekly... Find your local classes, activities and groups in our weekly listings


Nottingham Distributing directly to 16,000 families in Nottingham City, Broxtowe, Rushcliffe and Gedling

Autumn ‘15 collection

Call us on 0871 423 5656 or visit our website at www.jojomamanbebe.co.uk Visit our Nottingham store: 11 The Poultry, NG1 2HW. Tel: 01159 586 610 Mon to Sat: 9:30am-5:30pm, Sun: 10:30am-4:30pm * Free delivery to UK and Ireland. See website for full details.

Ways to keep in touch:

Welcome to Issue 10... Your guide to everything that is happening for Under 5s over the next 3 months.

Lots for Tots Nottingham @LfTNottingham

Issue 10

Octobe r-De



How to survive w the un der five s ith

East Baby Midlands Show & Toddler Issue Guide

Free Ent ry!

Lots on Lo Our gui de to cal...

events all for hal the fun Hallow f term , een & Christm , Bonfire night as

Lots on

I hope you all had a fantastic summer and enjoyed the holidays as much as my children and I did. As we are now well and truly into Autumn, we have a fun packed issue full of Half Term, Halloween, Bonfire Night and Christmas activities for you and your family to enjoy.

Weekly Find you activit r local classes ... ies our we and groups , ekly listi in ngs


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Nottingh Distributing direc am City, Broxtowe tly to 16,000 families , Rushcliffe and Ged in ling

Front Cover Photo courtesy of Aga Tetera Photography

07845 416968


This issue is also the 2015 Show Guide for the East Midlands Baby & Toddler Show. The Show is being held at the Trent Vineyard Conference Centre on Saturday 7th November and is FREE when you pre-regsiter online. Come down and see us and enjoy a great day out. If you visit any of the places we feature or purchase anything from our advertisers please tell them you saw it in Lots for Tots! Have a wonderful fun packed Autumn and a magical Christmas!

Alex x

Alexandra Russell-Jones Editor Lots for Tots Nottingham


If you struggle to get a copy of Lots for Tots then we now offer a subscription. This is £10 for 4 issues. Email: nottingham@lotsfortots.co.uk

About Lots for Tots

78,000 copies of Lots for Tots in 5 editions distributed quarterly in October, January, Easter & July in Derbyshire, Nottinghamshire, South Staffordshire & Sutton Coldfield. Lots for Tots Nottingham is part of Lots for Tots Ltd. Also by Lots for Tots Ltd: East Midlands Baby and Toddler Show, Nottingham. Bump to Five show, Derby. Other franchise areas available.

Contact details

nottingham@lotsfortots.co.uk Tel: 08456 436 221 www.lotsfortots.co.uk/nottingham

Advertisements in this directory are not necessarily recommended or endorsed by Lots for Tots. Lots for Tots cannot be held liable for any inaccuracies in advertisements or issues arising with goods and services advertised and sold through the directory. All artwork is accepted on the condition that permission has been given for use in the publication. Adverts are accepted on the understanding that descriptions are fair and accurate. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored or transmitted in any form without prior consent from Lots for Tots. © Lots for Tots Ltd 2008-2015



East Midlands Baby and Toddler Show

Saturday 7th November 10am-2.30pm

Trent Vineyard Conference Centre Lenton Lane, Nottingham NG7 2PX Pre-register online for FREE ENTRY or £2.99 Goody Bag tickets (Minimum value £15) £4 on the door. Children FREE


Show Guide...


• • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Adapt Training UK Aga Tetera Photography Bramcote Leisure Centre Costco Wholesale Cutie Patootie Dynamique Dance Eco Roos Forever Living From Me to You Joel the Complete Package Jo Jingles JoJo Maman Bebe Natural Birthing Company Newborn Moments Photography • Nottingham Day Nursery • Nottingham Post • The Peaceful Baby Company • Thomson Financial Services • TinyTalk • Usborne Books • Victoria Grace Jewellery • Virgin Active • Water Babies • Young Living Essential Oils More to announce on our website

• Meet a Min ion £1 10-1

• • • • •

0.45am, 11-1 1.45am, 12-12.45pm, 1-1.45pm Com e up on to the stage and have your photo taken with ou r very own M inion from Dynamique D ance. Face Painting £2 Glitter Tattoo s £1.50 Indoor Bouncy Castle Free Class Ta ster Sessions with TinyTalk, Jo Ji ngles & more Christmas Car d Photos take n at the show by Newborn Mom ents Photography

Nottingham Po st free paper & goodies

Goody Bag tickets £2.99 online

Floor Map

Overflow Parking Cafe


Entrance Main Hall Demo Stage Parking

Class Taster Sessions

Baby changing/ feeding

Lenton Lane

Please mention Lots for Tots when contacting an advertiser

Strengthen and soothe your baby with Baby Massage and Baby Yoga. Relax in small, personal and tranquil classes where you can aid your baby’s neural and physical developement whilst taking a little time for you through Yoga and Relaxation.

The Peaceful Baby Company hello@thepeacefulbaby.co.uk

Supporting families through pregnancy and parenting after baby loss Registered charity: 158908 www.joelthecompletepackage.co.uk email joel.thecompletepackage@gmail.com Facebook Joel the complete package Twitter @TCPJoel

T: 08456 436 221 E: nottingham@lotsfortots.co.uk


Show Guide...

What’s On

Class Taster Sessions 10.30-11am: The Peaceful Baby Company

Strengthen and soothe your baby with Baby Massage and Baby Yoga. Mats, towels and oil are provided; just bring yourself and your lovely baby.

11-11.25am: Jo Jingles

Come and join Jo Jingles (music and movement for babies and pre-school children) for a fun and lively singing and dancing session and see why so many of us in Nottingham are hooked on their classes!!

11.30am-11.55am: TinyTalk Birth-2 years Stimulate development, reduce frustration and enhance your bond by communicating with them before they can talk using easy signs and gestures. 12-12.25pm: Adapt Training

Adapt is a childcare training and support company in Nottinghamshire. Join in our messy activities with expert advice from Childcare practitioners to get the most from playing and interacting with your child.

12.30-12.55pm: The Peaceful Baby Company

Strengthen and soothe your baby with Baby Massage and Baby Yoga. Mats, towels and oil are provided; just bring yourself and your lovely baby.

1-1.25pm: Jo Jingles

Come and join Jo Jingles (music and movement for babies and pre-school children) for a fun and lively singing and dancing session and see why so many of us in Nottingham are hooked on their classes!!

1.30-1.55pm: Adapt Training

Join in our messy activities with expert advice from Childcare practitioners to get the most from playing and interacting with your child. 8

Show Guide...


TRAM: The closest Tram stop is Gregory Street.. The line runs from the City Centre to Toton Lane. Trams are every 3-5 minutes. For a full timetable & map go to www.thetram.net BUS: The closest bus routes are the Trent Barton Indigo & Skylink, Your Bus Y5 and the NCC 14. All of which will drop you off within walking distance of Trent Vineyard. CAR: FROM THE WEST/CITY, at the QMC roundabout take the exit for the A52 flyover (CLifton Boulevard). Exit at Lenton Lane Industrial Estate Sign. Turn left on to Lenton Lane. The Conference Centre (Church) is on the right hand side after King’s Meadow Campus. Alternatively you can now access Lenton Lane via Abbey Street. FROM THE EAST: On the A52, take the Lenton Lane Industrial Estate Exit on the left. Free parking is available outside the Conference Centre.













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For an interactive map visit www.eastmidlandsbabyandtoddlershow.co.uk 9

Lots on Local... October Sat 3rd October Legend Studios Fairytale Photo Shoot Toys “R” Us, Riverside Park, Nottingham, NG2 1RU Frozen inspired, Knight, Princess or pirate. £15 which includes a 10”x 8” photo. Boys and girls welcome. Babies 6mon + To book www.legend-studios.co.uk legend.studios@mail.com 07954 168206 Sat 3rd October 12pm onwards Launch of Mamas & Papas Parent Hub Ikea Way, Giltbrook Retail Park, Giltbrook, Nottingham, NG16 2RP Starting a family can be a little bit daunting. It would be nice to have somewhere you could share your experiences. Mamas & Papas Parent Hub is just the place. Join us for the launch of Parent Hub. With expert advice and an opportunity to meet other new parents, plus drinks, nibbles and giveaways, come feel part of the parenting community. 0845 2682000 www.mamasandpapas.com

Thu 8th October 10.15am 12.15pm Wild Play - Wild Hiding Attenborough Nature Reserve, Attenborough, NG9 6DY Join us for a play session to explore and have fun in the woods! Child-led activities to encourage exploration, confidence, imagination and creativity. Suitable for 2-4yr olds. £5 per child. Booking essential. www.attenboroughnaturereserve.co.uk


Fri 9th October - Sat 1st November We’re Going on a Bear Hunt! Nottingham Lakeside Arts, University Park, Nottingham, NG7 2RD A family go on an expedition of a lifetime – running down the grassy bank, wading through the cold river, squelching over the oozy mud, stumbling into the dark forest, then peering into a cave… what will they find? Little Angel Theatre brings Michael Rosen’s thrilling and funny adventure to life in this entrancing puppetry production. www.lakesidearts.org.uk Wed 14th October 10.30am - 12pm & 1pm - 2.30pm Wild Tots - Autumn Days Attenborough Nature Reserve, Attenborough, NG9 6DY Parent and Toddler Sessions suitable for 2 to 4 year olds. Please book in advance as numbers are limited. £4 per child. www.attenboroughnaturereserve.co.uk Thu 15th October 10.15am 12.15pm Wild Play - Wild Magic Attenborough Nature Reserve, Attenborough, NG9 6DY Join us for a play session to explore and have fun in the woods! Child-led activities to encourage exploration, confidence, imagination and creativity. Suitable for 2-4yr olds. Booking essential. www.attenboroughnaturereserve.co.uk Sat 17th October - Sat 1st November Halloween Freaky Fortnight City of Caves, Broad Marsh Shopping Centre, Nottingham, NG1 7LS Discover a hidden world beneath your feet this Halloween through a maze of original sandstone caves. Explore the creepier side of the caves with our fascinating guided tours underground! Take a journey back in time under some www.lotsfortots.co.uk/nottingham



Welcome to the Parent Hub – a friendly, relaxed place to socialise with other new & expectant parents, get advice and test the latest products. Offering unbiased expert insights, we can help resolve any of your concerns or simply provide a little inspiration; and with the chance to meet other parents; you can even share your own experiences. With exclusive events, guest speakers and product launches there’s a lot happening at the Hub. Mamas & Papas Nottingham Giltbrook Retail Park Ikea Way, Giltbrook, Nottingham, NG16 2RP mamasandpapas.com/parenthub

Lots on Local... October of Nottingham’s most historic streets and see how the locals of Nottingham once lived and worked in these ancient caverns and used them as air raid shelters. PLUS! Kid’s activities available all day every day! Family fun for all ages Sat 17th October 11am Snow Child Loughborough Town Hall, Market Place, Loughborough, LE11 3EB A winter wonderland of poignant, inventive storytelling to enchant children and families. Set in a wintery landscape, where the snow foxes, wolves and bears hide among the trees, we tell you a magical story about family, love and the power of dreams. Recommended for ages 3 to 16 and their families. Tickets: £8/£6 concessions available 01509 231914 box.office@charnwood. gov.uk Mon 19th - Fri 23rd October 10am - 4pm Half Term at Stonebridge Stonebridge City Farm, Stonebridge Road, St. Anns, NG3 2FR Monday – Chicks Hatching. You’ll have a cracking day down on the Farm as our cute chicks will be hatching all day long. Tuesday – Hedgehog Day. Join the Notts Widlife Trust for a day out at Stonebridge City Farm as we celebrate our prickly friends with crafts, activities and everything you need to help these endangered critters in your garden. Wednesday – Grooming Day. Sally the goat and our soft guinea pigs and fluffy bunnies will be waiting their turn in the pampering chair. Thursday – Reptile Day. Come face-toface with some of the oldest animals tortoises, terrapins, snakes and dragons. Friday – Fairies & Toadstools Day. You’ll have a fungi time down on the Farm as we discover the fairies and toadstools that seemingly appear overnight! www.stonebridgecityfarm.com 12

Thu 22nd October 10.15am 12.15pm Wild Play - Wild Music Attenborough Nature Reserve, Attenborough, NG9 6DY Join us for a play session to explore and have fun in the woods! Child-led activities to encourage exploration, confidence, imagination and creativity. Suitable for 2-4yr olds. £5 per child. Booking essential. www.attenboroughnaturereserve.co.uk Thu 22nd October 11am - 2pm Salt Dough Modelling Green’s Windmill, Windmill Lane, Sneinton, NG2 4QB Using our salt dough, work your imagination to make a creation. Great for everyone to get involved. Recommended for ages 3 to 16 and their families. Tickets: £3.00 Fri 23rd October 10am Lanterns for Diwali Nottingham Lakeside Arts, University Park, Nottingham, NG7 2RD Come and join Claire Simpson to make bright, colourful lanterns to light up the wintery skies as we prepare for our celebration of Diwali, the Hindu festival of light. Using withies and glue soaked tissue paper you’ll be able to light up your creation with a candle. Collect your lantern once it has dried. Pre booking essential. www.lakesidearts.org.uk Fri 23rd & Sat 24th October 6.30pm - 8.30pm Night Time Joust Nottingham Castle, Friar Lane, Nottingham, NG1 6EL Join us for an exciting and spectacular night time joust. Robin Hood and his Merry Men will take on the Sheriff of Nottingham and his evil henchmen with lance, sword and fire in an amazing and breath-taking clash on and off of www.lotsfortots.co.uk/nottingham

Lots on Local... October horseback. Stroll around the illuminated medieval village and be entertained by minstrels and street performers. Follow our heroes up to the Castle Green during an atmospheric torchlit procession. Fire artists and jesters will perform for your enjoyment on the Castle Green before the evening draws to a close with the spectacular floodlight joust finale.... And one or two surprises! Tickets are limited Nottingham Tourism Centre 0844 477 5678 Sat 24th October Legend Studios Fairytale Photo Shoot Toys “R” Us, Riverside Park, Nottingham Frozen inspired, Knight, Princess or pirate. £15 which includes a 10”x 8” photo. Boys and girls welcome. Babies 6mon + To book www.legend-studios.co.uk legend.studios@mail.com 07954 168206

Sat 24th & Sun 25th October 10.30am - 5pm Robin Hood Pageant Nottingham Castle, Friar Lane, Nottingham, NG1 6EL The grounds of Nottingham Castle will be transformed into a medieval village encampment complete with a range of colourful characters allowing you travel back in time to the 12th Century. The crowds can meet Robin Hood and his Merry Men, King Richard I in his royal camp, and enjoy living history demonstrations, experience wandering minstrels and historical entertainers, and try their hand at turning lead into gold at the Alchemists laboratory. Adults can also enjoy drinks from the medieval ale house, selling a variety of heritage ales. For tickets Nottingham Tourism Centre 0844 477 5678

The Erewash Museum Sat 24th October 11am - 4pm Fairgrounds of the Past Mon 26th - Fri 30th October 11am-3pm Halloween Week Sat 14th November 11am-3.30pm Diwali Sat 21st November 7 - 9pm Astronomy Event Fri 27th November 5.30 - 8.30pm Dickensian Christmas Sat 12th December 11am - 3pm Winter Wonderland Events are free, see website for full details (£1.50 per child to visit Santa on 12th December at the Winter Wonderland) High Street, Ilkeston Fairytale Photo Shoot at Toys “R” Us Nottingham on: Sat 3rd & Sat 24th October, Sat 14th & Sat 28th Nov To book : www.legend-studios.co.uk 07954 168206 legend.studios@mail.com Boys & Girls welcome, Babies 6mth + Ideal Christmas gift for Grandparents


Tel: 0115 907 1141


T: 08456 436 221 E: nottingham@lotsfortots.co.uk


Lots on Local... October Sat 24th October 11am - 4pm Fairgrounds of the Past Erewash Museum, High St, Ilkeston Come along and hear an original street organ in the museum grounds! The Fairground Association of Great Britain will be providing a model display in the museum. www.erewashmuseum.co.uk Sat 24th October 11am - 2pm Play Dough Modelling Green’s Windmill, Windmill Lane, Sneinton, NG2 4QB Learn how to make your own playdough, fun for kids of all ages! Recommended for ages 3 to 16 and their families £3 Sat 24th October 1pm - 5pm Halloween Art & Crafts Event The Civic Centre, Arnot Hill Park, Arnold An arts and craft afternoon with a Halloween and Autumn theme. Come along and make a bat on a stick, make and decorate an Owl bag, have a go at the spider games, make a spider mobile and more. Listen to traditional Halloween stories and come and see the real Owls. We will also be celebrating The Big Draw with a chance for people to try new and exciting drawing activities with help from a professional artist. Activities for those who love to draw, and those who think they can’t! Parents must be in attendance at all times. SEN Chill Out Zone FREE event but booking essential 2 x sessions 1.00 – 2.30 and 3.15 – 5.00 www.gedling.gov.uk/Halloween Mon 26th - Fri 30th October Halloween Week Erewash Museum, High St, Ilkeston Free fun Halloween themed craft activities. On Friday The Owl Experience will be at the Museum with a range of birds for you to meet and handle. www.erewashmuseum.co.uk 14

Mon 26th - Wed 28th October 8.30am - 4pm Little Wickets Holiday Camps Rushcliffe Leisure Centre, Boundary Road, West Bridgford, NG2 7BY Soft-ball cricket fun & games. The qualified, vetted and experienced Little Wickets’ coaching team will cover all aspects of the game. Children will develop all-round technical skills, a sense of fair play and team work. We will be inside most of the time but if the weather is fine there will be games and activities outside. 4-10 yr old girls & boys of all abilities. 4 yr olds can only stay for the morning. info@littlewickets.com or call 0115 924 8476 Mon 26th October 10am - 3pm Family Felt Making City Arts, 11-13 Hockley, Nottingham, NG1 1FN Bring your family to City Arts for a fun-filled morning of felt making with artists Cathy and Wendy. Find out how to use the ‘Wet Felting’ technique to make fabulous felt flowers. This centuries-old technique can be used to create a whole host of incredible artworks and gorgeous gifts. Children must be accompanied by an adult. Recommended for ages 4 to 12 and their families. Tickets: £7. booking@city-arts.org.uk 0115 9505 251 Mon 26th - Fri 30th October 10am - 4pm Half Term at Stonebridge Stonebridge City Farm, Stonebridge Road, St. Anns, NG3 2FR Monday to Thursday - Halloween creepy crafts, such as bat- and mask-making, apple bobbing, biscuit decorating and fiendish feely boxes Friday - 2pm, Witches & Warlocks Mini Disco, 50p entry pp. Dress in your www.lotsfortots.co.uk/nottingham

Lots on Local... October best (worst!) Halloween fancy dress is encouraged. 5.30 – 8pm, Eerie Evening, 50p entry pp. Come if you dare! Creep around the Farm seeing what lies behind each creaking door! With ghoulish games and fang-tastic food it’ll be a fiendish time for the whole family. www.stonebridgecityfarm.com Mon 26th October 2pm Oddly - Norwich Puppet Theatre Beeston Library, Foster Avenue, NG9 1AE A Puppet show based on the much loved children’s book written by Joyce Dunbar. A fun, whimsical tale about the big questions in life. Norwich Puppet Theatre’s adaptation visually reimagines the story with traditional and contemporary puppets, inventive design and original music. Recommended for ages 3 to 8 and their families.

Tickets: Library Members: £2 Child, Accompanying Adult FREE. Non Library Members (Child or Adult) £4 To book 0115 9816506 Tue 27th October 10am - 11.30am Autumn in the Woods Rushcliffe Country Park, Ruddington, NG11 6JS Discover the woodland in Autumn with Muddy Feet, make an Autumn crown and much more £5 one child, £2.50 sibling and under ones are free.


Tue 27th October 1.30pm Art In The Woods Workshop Nottingham Lakeside Arts, University Park, Nottingham, NG7 2RD Sculptor Richard Janes takes you on a woodland adventure to make sculptures with sticks and models with mud. Using natural materials you might like to

Year Roun d Fun

T: 08456 436 221 E: nottingham@lotsfortots.co.uk


Lots on Local... October celebrate the colours of autumn, make a scary face on a tree trunk, or create a tiny fairy den…the possibilities are endless! Wrap up warm and wear sensible clothes for outdoor play. www.lakesidearts.org.uk

and some very pesky pirates for a magical morning of storytelling, craft and games. £8.50 per child. Please call/email to book tickets. Tel: 07580533499 supersparkleparties@gmail.com

Wed 28th October 10am - 12pm Halloween in the Woods Rushcliffe Country Park, Ruddington, NG11 6JS Spooky fun in the woodland,pumpkin decorating, pinecone spiders and much more. Halloween fancy dress optional. £7 one child,. £4 for a sibling (includes pumkin) under ones are free. www.muddyfeetoutdoors.co.uk

Sat 31st October 11am - 2pm Halloween Mask Making Green’s Windmill, Windmill Lane, Sneinton, NG2 4QB It’s ‘trick or treat’ time again and who doesn’t need their very own selfdecorated Halloween mask. Great event for families to use your creative skills to work together. Recommended for ages 3 to 16 and their families. Tickets: £3.00

Thu 29th October 11am - 2pm Halloween Biscuit Baking Green’s Windmill, Windmill Lane, Sneinton, NG2 4QB

Bake some spooky biscuits to get you in the Halloween mood. Recommended for ages 3 to 16 and their families. Tickets: £3.00

Fri 30th & Sat 31st October 5.30pm Fright Post Farm White Post Farm, Mansfield Road, Farnsfield, Newark, NG22 8HL Two exciting Eerie Evenings with spooky surprises and spectacular scares for everyone. With brand new scares and the renowned Haunted Tractor and Trailer Ride they’ll be ghosts, giggles, fun and frights all night! A bar and hog roast will fill your bellies and the disco and street entertainers will keep you on your toes. £10 a ticket - book online for 10% off. Booking is essential so grab your tickets as spaces are limited! www.whitepostfarm.co.uk Sat 31st October 10am - 11.15am Pirates, Pixies & Pumpkins! Ruddington Vilfglage Hall, Wilford Road, Ruddington, NG11 6BN Join Tinkerbell, Ariel, Rapunzel, Batman 16

Sun 31st October 4pm Spooky Sprint & Fun Run National Water Sports Centre, Adbolton Lane, Holme Pierrepont, NG12 2LU We dare you to run in the Spooky Sprint – a spine-tingling different race! A run in the dark with only a head torch to light your way, which will test your nerve as well as your fitness. It’s so good, it’s scary. Join us for this 5K or 10K run at the National Water Sports Centre in Nottingham. Runners will receive chip timing, a breathable T-shirt and a ghoulish glow-in-the-dark medal. Remember to bring your little monsters along for the family fun run. They’ll receive their very own medal and there are prizes for the best spooky costumes. The family fun run starts at 4pm followed by the main race at 5pm. Sign up now – we dare you! Event details are correct at the time of going to print but are subject to change. Please check with the event organiser before setting out.


Stagecoach Theatre Arts We believe in the potential of every child at Stagecoach! Young children love to learn new skills through play, so we’ve come up with a fabulous, fun and friendly Stagecoach Theatre Arts experience especially for 4 to 6 year olds. Class sizes are small allowing us to nurture budding talent at the same time as inspiring those whose confidence needs building. Singing: Our young students delight in singing so much that it’s hard to say who enjoys these sessions more - the kids or the teachers! Dance: We all know that

young kids love to jump, twirl and run around! Our dance classes are perfect giving shy children the confidence to try out new dance steps amongst friends, and boisterous youngsters an outlet for their energy whilst learning new dance moves! Drama: Our budding young actors are given their first taste of acting through role play, improvisation and storytelling. In addition to classes for 4-6 year olds, we also have classes for children aged 6-18.

See below for contact details

Discovery starts here Our acting, singing and dance classes take your child on a journey of discovery. They’ll love stepping into a new world and you’ll love the effect it has on their confidence and creativity. Classes for 4 to 18 year-olds. Find out more and start your Stagecoach journey today:


01158 510352 beeston@stagecoach.co.uk

T: 08456 436 221 E: nottingham@lotsfortots.co.uk


Lots on Local... November Sun 1st November 3.30pm Oddly - Norwich Puppet Theatre West Bridgford Library, Bridgford Road, West Bridgford, NG2 6AT A Puppet show based on the much loved children’s book written by Joyce Dunbar. A fun, whimsical tale about the big questions in life. Norwich Puppet Theatre’s adaptation visually reimagines the story with traditional and contemporary puppets, inventive design and original music. Recommended for ages 3 to 8 and their families. Tickets: Library Members: £2 Child, Accompanying Adult FREE. Non Library Members (Child or Adult) £4 To book 0115 9816506 Wed 4th November 10.30am 12pm & 1pm - 2.30pm Wild Tots - What a Hoot! Attenborough Nature Reserve, Attenborough, NG9 6DY Parent and Toddler Sessions suitable for 2 to 4 year olds. Please book in advance as numbers are limited. £4 per child. www.attenboroughnaturereserve.co.uk Thu 5th November from 5.30pm Bonfire Night on the Forest Forest Recreation Ground, Gregory Boulevard, NG7 6AQ Enjoy a FREE Bonfire Night celebration at this family friendly event, which marks the anniversary of Guy Fawkes foiled gunpowder plot. Includes fairground rides, a children’s small firework display, bonfire, and a grand firework display. 5.30pm - 10.30pm - Funfair open 7.15pm - Children’s Fireworks Display 7.45pm - Bonfire lit 9pm - Main Fireworks display Sat 7th November 9am Razz Tots Launch Nottingham Girl’s High School, 9 Arboretum Street, Nottingham, NG1 4JB Launching in Nottingham today! Have 18

fun with your child whilst encouraging them to develop and achieve their full potential in this parent assisted melody and movement classes. Book a free taster session 07402 179892 nottingham@razzamataz.co.uk Sat 7th November 10am2.30pm East Midlands Baby & Toddler Show Trent Vineyard Conference Centre, Lenton Lane, Nottingham NG7 2PX

Meet a Minion at this year’s show, face painting, glitter tattoos, bouncy castle, class taster sessions, demonstrations, stalls, Christmas Card photography & much more to announce. Pre-register for free entry or £2.99 goody bag tickets online. Goody bag minimum value of £15. £4 on the door. Children free. www. eastmidlandsbabyandtoddlershow. co.uk

Sat 7th November 11am - 12.30pm NCT Nearly New Sale Long Eaton School, Thoresby Road, Long Eaton, NG10 3NP A fantastic opportunity to purchase excellent quality nearly new items of babywear, childrenswear, maternity wear, nursery and toys. Adults £1. You can also sell your unwanted and outgrown items. nns.nottingham@nct.org.uk Fri 13th - Sun 15th November 9am - 5pm Beetroot Bootcamp Fitness Camp Hodsock Priory, nr Blyth, A fun filled all female fitness camp. Varied sessions to test every ability of bootcamper from novice to experienced. Take some time out for www.lotsfortots.co.uk/nottingham

Lots on Local... November you, work hard and leave feeling ready to kick start your fitness regime. Our own chef will prepare your nutritious food throughout your stay. Get fitter, tone up, kick start your weight loss on this exhilarating fitness retreat. Booking essential. www.beetrootbootcamp.com Sat 14th November Legend Studios Fairytale Photo Shoot Toys “R” Us, Riverside Park, Nottingham Frozen inspired, Knight, Princess or pirate. £15 which includes a 10”x 8” photo. Boys and girls welcome. Babies 6mon + To book www.legend-studios.co.uk legend.studios@mail.com 07954 168206

Sat 14th November 11am - 3.30pm Diwali at Erewash Erewash Museum, High St, Ilkeston Workshops for all the family. Make traditional Diwali crafts. Free event. www.erewashmuseum.co.uk Tue 17 November 10am – 4pm Baby Day Arnold Library, Front Street, Arnold, NG5 7EE Whether you’re a new mum, running around with a toddler or a mum to be come along and chat to local day nurseries and other healthcare professionals. Have a go at one of our practical demonstrations throughout the day including Baby Signing & Baby Yoga. Free Event but booking is advisable for the practical demonstrations. Tel: 0115 920 2247

Sam Appa Photography

Informal and fun family photography presented in a beautiful photo book you can share with friends and family.

For information on how

the sessions work please get in touch:


or call Sam on 07767 701067

T: 08456 436 221 E: nottingham@lotsfortots.co.uk


Lots on Local...


Fri 20th November Nottingham Winter Wonderland Christmas Light Switch On Old Market Square, Nottingham, NG1 2BY A Christmas card scene will be recreated in Nottingham’s Old Market Square this year – complete with ice rink. Full details and timings available soon.

www.nottinghamwinterwonderland. co.uk Fri 27th November 5.30 - 8.30pm Dickensian Christmas Erewash Museum, High St, Ilkeston Join in and travel back in time and delight in the sights and sounds of a lively Victorian Christmas to celebrate the Ilkeston Christmas Lights Switch on. Free. www.erewashmuseum.co.uk

Sat & Sun from 28th November Santa Specials at Great Central Railways Nottingham Transport Heritage Centre, Mere Way, Ruddington, NG11 6JS Take a steam-train trip through the beautiful Nottinghamshire countryside with Santa. Always popular with children, this is the best chance for them to tell Santa what they would like for Christmas. In addition, all children receive a quality gift during their journey and everyone will receive seasonal refreshments. Booking is essential so do not delay as the Santa trains are popular and do get booked in advance. Services every Saturday and Sunday from Sat 28 November through to Sun 20 December 2015 along with two extra special Christmas Eve services to really get you in the Christmas spirit. www.gcrn.co.uk

FREE places available for eligible 2 year olds and 3 & 4 year olds

Come and see our lovely new garden and veranda!


Beeston Nursery

Nurturing childcare in the heart of the community

We are a small, friendly and professional nursery. Our well-trained staff give personal, individual care to all our babies, toddlers and pre-schoolers.

T: 0115 967 7677 E: info@beestonnursery.co.uk www.facebook.com/BeestonNursery 20


Lots on Local... November Sat 28th November Legend Studios Fairytale Photo Shoot Toys “R” Us, Riverside Park, Nottingham Frozen inspired, Knight, Princess or pirate. £15 which includes a 10”x 8” photo. Boys and girls welcome. Babies 6mon + To book www.legend-studios.co.uk legend.studios@mail.com 07954 168206 Sat 28th November 1.15pm - 5pm Christmas In The Park The Civic Centre, Arnot Hill Park, Arnold An arts and craft afternoon with a Christmas theme. Help make the garland that will decorate the civic foyer. Traditional story-telling and lots of arts and craft for all ages and abilities. Booking essential as places are limited. 2 x sessions 1.15 – 2.45 and 3.15 – 5.00 Carols and Christmas Tree light switch

on by the Mayor at Gedling at 5.10pm FREE event but booking essential www.gedling.gov.uk/Christmasarts Sat 28th November 2pm - 4.30pm Big Fish Little Fish Family Rave Hands in the air! Join the launch party as we set sail on the good ship Big Fish Little Fish Nottingham for a family rave up aimed at parents with kids aged 0-8 years. Our theme is ’Over and under the sea’ so dress up and the best outfit will win free family entry to our next party in January! Licensed Bar, amazing DJ, club lighting, craft area, play area with tents and tunnels, giant colouring-in mural, babies-only safe space with soft mats, sofas and ball-pool , parachute dance, glowsticks and transfer tattoos, glitter cannons, baby change and more. Sound levels monitored to be safe for even the smallest ears! www.bigfishlittlefish.co.uk

Entrance: £4.00 (3yr+) £2.50 (1-2yr) £free (under-1s)

Peace for adults, fun for kids, and good for everyone.

Four floors of fantastic play!

Comfy café space, couches included!

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www.edensoftplay.co.uk facebook.com/edensoftplay twitter.com/edensoftplay Free wifi and free Parties available from only £4.50/child!

Opening: 9:30am-6:00pm Mon-Sat 1:30pm-6:00pm Sunday Find us at: Eden Softplay, Saviours Gardens, Nottingham, NG23LH


Happy hour from 4pm weekdays!

ALL PROFIT GOES TO CHARITABLE CAUSES! We are Charitable Business Enterprise Owned and Run by:

Eden Softplay pays its staff the living wage.

T: 08456 436 221 E: nottingham@lotsfortots.co.uk


Lots on Local... December Wed 2nd December 10.30am 12pm & 1pm - 2.30pm Wild Tots - Little Robin’s Christmas Attenborough Nature Reserve, Attenborough, NG9 6DY Parent and Toddler Sessions suitable for 2 to 4 year olds. Please book in advance as numbers are limited. £4 per child. www.attenboroughnaturereserve.co.uk Sat 5th December 10.15am 12.15pm Wild Kids - Wild About Christmas Attenborough Nature Reserve, Attenborough, NG9 6DY Join us as we explore Attenborough Nature Reserve to find out about our amazing wildlife. Suitable for children aged 4 and over. All children must be accompanied by an adult. £5 per child. www.attenboroughnaturereserve.co.uk Sun 6th December 11am Yuletide Wollaton - Tudor Christmas Wollaton Hall & Deer Park, Wollaton, Nottingham NG8 2AE Christmas Craft Fair. Meet the Lord of Misrule, try warm mead and tasty fare at our food festival and enjoy music and merriment in the grand splendour of Wollaton Hall. A wonderful day for the whole family. Some activities may incur a charge, including tours of the Hall and visits to the Tudor kitchens. Real Christmas Trees will be available to purchase over the weekend. www.wollatonhall.co.uk Sat 12th December 11am - 4pm Winter Wonderland Erewash Museum, High St, Ilkeston Come and meet Santa as he makes his annual visit to the museum £1.50 per child including a small gift. Contact us for booking information 0115 9071141 www.erewashmuseum.co.uk 22

Sun 13th December 10am - 11.15am & 11.45am - 1pm Winter Fairytale Ball St Peters Room’s, Church Street, Ruddington, NG11 6HD Join Our Snow Queen, Belle, Aurora, Cinderella, Rapunzel, Ariel, Captain America, Woody and Buzz for a fun & festive morning of storytelling, craft, dancing, magic, games & more! £12 per child. Limited spaces Please call/email to book tickets. Tel 07580533499 supersparkleparties@gmail.com Sat 19th December 6pm Family Carol Concert Royal Concert Hall, Theatre Square, Nottingham, NG1 5ND Bring the whole family to enjoy Christmas music at these ever popular, child-friendly concerts. There is always an opportunity for all the children to come down to the stage to sing carols. Some of them will even get the chance to conduct the band or choir. www.trch.co.uk Thu 24th December 10.30am & 12.30am Santa Specials at Great Central Railways Nottingham Transport Heritage Centre, Mere Way, Ruddington, NG11 6JS 2 fantastic Christmas eve services to really get you in that Christmas mood! Join us for a steam-train trip through the beautiful Nottinghamshire countryside with Santa! All Children receive a quality gift during their journey and everyone will receive seasonal refreshments. Booking is essential so do not delay as our Santa trains are popular and do get booked in advance. Our shop and cafeteria will be open for gifts, drinks and snacks and the miniature railway and model railways will both be operating. www.gcrn.co.uk www.lotsfortots.co.uk/nottingham

Pre-School at The Elms Enrol now for Pre-School & Reception 2016 to secure your child’s place ... At The Elms we understand that your child’s happiness and the quality of their education is your top priority and we are confident that we can meet your highest expectations right from when they join us at Pre-School age. When our Pre-School children reach Reception age they are automatically offered a place within our prestigious Junior School. Children thrive in small classes and receive support from highly experienced staff. The curriculum becomes broader; where Maths and English is developed and

core subjects such as History, Geography and Science are introduced to capture the children’s imagination. We are a caring and friendly community who recognise that children will flourish at a school in which they are happy. If you would like to find out more about joining The Elms Pre-School, please contact our Admissions Manager Mrs Hayley Grange who will be able to arrange a personal tour.

Tel 0115 849 4940


visit us Join our Nursery, Pre-School and Lower School for some festive fun on Saturday 5th December, aimed at children aged 1-8 years, come along and take part in Christmas crafts and more! Book your place today… www.elmsschool.net www.trentcollege.net Trent College, Derby Road, Long Eaton, Nottingham NG10 4AD

NEW Ad–123mmx91mm.indd 1

T: 08456 436 221 E: nottingham@lotsfortots.co.uk

To register to attend please contact us on 0115 849 4949

25/09/2015 11:23


Lots for Parties...

Lots to help your little one’s party go with a swing!


Gymnastics based party fun For more details and to book your party W: www.tumbletots.com/nottingham E: fiona.tumbletots@gmail.com M: 07429 845132 FB: tumbletotsnottingham

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Mobile Soft Play Hire

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E: info@chucklechimps.co.uk T: 07786 406032 W: chucklechimps.co.uk facebook.com/ChuckleChimps 24

Friendly & confidential service offering free birthday cakes to children across Nottinghamshire who are disabled, have a life limiting health condition or whose families would find it hard to provide one

For more information contact: email: freecakesnottingham@gmail.com tel: 07521 670 022 @FreeCakesNotts /freecakesnottingham

Advertise your class, event or business here for as little as £40 for 3 months

nottingham@lotsfortots.co.uk or call 08456 436 221 www.lotsfortots.co.uk/nottingham

Celebrate a new addition to your family A naming ceremony is a fantastic opportunity to celebrate the birth of a child and offers an alternative to a religious service. We will help you to create your own personalised ceremony and we can make suggestions about readings, music and parents’ promises if you wish. If you would like to find out more visit

nottinghamshire.gov.uk/registrars or phone 0300 500 80 80

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Mum and Working Awards Lots for Tots placed 5th in Franchisor of the Year category at London awards After reaching the final 8 out of hundreds of entries and thousands of public votes, Lots for Tots Franchisor Nadine came in 5th place for Franchisor of the Year. The awards programme celebrates the champions of flexible working – showcasing those businesses, associations and individuals (mums and dads!) who are demonstrating how a fulfilling career can be balanced with modern-day family life. The awards, held in the business hub of London on 22nd September, were judged by both public vote & panel including Annabel Karmel MBE and Caprice

Bourret (above). The event was attended by over 200 inspiring, like minded business women; and a few Dads too! Nadine said “I’m so proud to be a finalist. We are a small franchise, full of passion for what we do. I think that showed in the public voting stages and is what ultimately got us to the final alongside some really big national franchises”. Congratulations to the winner of the category, Baby Sensory! To find out more about franchising email franchise@lotsfortots.co.uk or call Nadine on 08456 436 831

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Lots on Weekly...


Most classes are Term-Time only



Drop In and Play 1-3pm Mon, Old Basford Comm Cen,

Little Fishes Baby & Toddler 10am-12pm Thu, Glaisdale Gospel Hall, Glaisdale Dr

St Leo’s Parent & Toddler 9.30-11.30am Wed St Leos Ch Hall, Nottingham Road

Twinkle Stars 10-11.30am Fri Sheila Russell Com Cen St Martin’s Rd

Messy Play Session 10.30-11.30am Thu Basford Library, Vernon Road

Bestwood Affinity Theatre Mon FREE Dance (1-3yrs) 2-3pm Drama (4-6yrs) 3.30-4.30pm Leen Valley Community Centre Tiny Tots 9-10.45am Tue Glade Hill Primary School Rainbow Stripes 2-3pm Tue Leen Valley Comm Centre FREE Tots & Toddlers 9.30-11.15am Wed, The People’s Church, Gladehill Rd Stay & Play 1-3pm Wed Glade Hill Primary School New Youth Theatre Wed Tiny Tots (3-5yr) 4.45-5.15pm Juniors (6-12yr) 5.15-7.15pm Bestwood Village Com Cen

Water Babies Swimming 12-4pm Sat, Beechdale Pool

Bulwell Crazy Tuesdays @ Mousetrap 10-2pm Tue £2 per child for 2 hours play Mousetrap Soft Play, Main Street

Lenton Baby Cafe (under 1’s) 10am-12pm Mon Thomas Helwys Baptist Church, Church Street Baby & Toddler 10-11.30 Tue Thomas Helwys Baptist Ch, Musical Moments 9.30-11am Wed, Edna G Olds Primary, Church St Tots and Toys 9.45-11.30 Thu Cornerstone Ch, Castle Blvd

Bumps to Babies Parent & Toddler 2-3.30pm Thu 1.30-3 Thu Trent Vineyard, Lenton Lane Bulwell United Reform Church, Broomhill Road, Highbury Vale Dad Club 9:30 - 11am 2nd Sat of the mon, Cornerstone Church, 90 Castle Boulevard Clifton Sprigg’s Sproggs 9-11.15am Mon Highbank Primary School, Winscombe Mount Little Monkeys Playgroup 10-12pm Fri, Green Lane Youth Centre

Mapperley TinyTalk Baby Signing 10am & 11.30am Mon St Jude’s Ch, Woodborough Rd Free Trial Class

Bump to Baby 10-12pm Mon Bread & Bitter, Bubbles Toddler Group Woodthorpe Dr 9.30-11.30am Fri Hope Church, Farnborough Rd St Andrew’s Parent &

Bestwood Village Toddlers 9.15-11.15am Thu, Hawthorne Baby Peep 1-2.30pm Fri Primary Sch, Bestwood Village Under 1s, Clifton Children’s Centre, Greencoft Under 1’s Thu 1.30-3pm Top Valley and Colwick Bestwood Pk Children’s Cen, Westglade Infant School Tiny Tots 9.15-11.15am Tue (0-3yr) Colwick Comm Cen, Vale Rd 28

Bumps & Tweenies 1.30-3.30pm Wed (all year) St John’s Church, Vale Road

Toddler 1-3pm Tue St Andrew’s Church Hall, Chestnut Grove Buggyfit

10am - 11am Wed

Woodthorpe Grange Park,

Booking essential. Classes start in November


Please mention Lots for Tots when contacting an advertiser

Advertise your class, event or business here for as little as £40 for 3 months

nottingham@lotsfortots.co.uk or call 08456 436 221

Weekly Local Classes

Fun and skills that could save your child’s life

classes held... in carefully selected warm water pools in NG1, NG2, NG8, NG9 and throughout North Notts

We feel incredibly proud that we’ve helped save a number of very young children’s lives after they’ve fallen into water and survived – thanks to the skills they learned with us. Our world-class teachers could have trained as private pilots – five times over – in the time it takes to fully qualify with us. You can trust us to take the very best care of you and your little one. Let’s teach your baby to swim!

T: 08456 436 221 E: nottingham@lotsfortots.co.uk

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Lots on Weekly...


Most classes are Term-Time only

Mapperley cont Bumps, Babies & Toddlers 10am-12pm Thu Mapperley Methodist Church Westdale Lane Toddler 9-11.30am Fri, Comm Cen,Westdale Lane Jo Jingles Fri 9.30 (over 2 years) 10.30 (3 months - 2 yrs) Lindsey Morgan Hall, Marshall Hill Dr Little Wickets 9-9.45am Sun, (2 1/2 - school age) Mapperley Sports Village, Ransom Road

Nottingham City Water Babies Swimming Mon & Wed, Hilton Hotel, Milton St Water Babies Swimming Mon/ Thu/ Sat Victoria Les Cen, Gedling St Sparklers 10-12pm Wed, St Nic’s Children’s & Families Cen, Maid Marion Way Notts Mama Sling Walks 12-2pm Wed (fortnightly) Various locations

Razz Tots 9am-10am Sat Nottingham Girls High School Classes start 7th November Contact to book Free Taster Session nottingham@razzamataz.co.uk 07402 179892 Who Let The Dads Out 10am - 12pm 3rd Sat of month St Nics Ch, Maid Marion Way


TinyTalk Baby Signing 1.45-2.45pm Thu Pirates Play Centre, Rowley Drive, Free Trial Class

Sneinton Iona School Parent & Toddler 9.30-11.30am Tue & Wed, Iona School, Sneinton Dale

Stay & Play Mon 9.30am-11am Sherwood Magical Musical Club & Edwards Lane Children Cen, 4.30pm (3-5 yrs) Tue 10am (5-7 yrs) Sun Perry Road 110 Sneinton Boulevard Puddle Ducks Booking essential Tue, Thu & Fri various classes. Edge City Tots Nottingham Park Inn, 10.30am-12.30pm Wed Booking essential. Pls see The Edge, Outreach Church advert TinyTalk Baby Signing 11.45am-12.45pm Tue Sherwood Meth Church, Devon Dr Free Trial Class Mother & Baby 10am-12pm Wed (0-6 mth) Sherwood Health Centre Music Time Thu 9.30am-10.15am £1 per child, Edwards Lane & Sherwood Children’s Cen, Perry Road

Nottingham Sling Meet 10am-12pm 2nd Thu of month Forest Kids Nottingham 10am-12pm Thu FREE The Corner, Stoney Street Woodthorpe Park, Mansfield Road meet at cafe Mums & Tots 10am-11.30am Fri, Under 5s, Chill Out Grace Church, Castle Boul 10.30-1.30pm Thu, Sherwood United Reform Ch, Edwards Lane 30

Busy Feet 1-2pm Thu (20 mon +) United Reform Church, Edwards Lane

The Meadows Eden Soft Play 10.30am-11.15am Mon (term time only), Storytime with Cheryl! Come and fill your imagination with Stories and Nursery Rhymes! No Extra Cost Baby Peeps Mon 1pm-2.30pm, 0-12 months, The Meadows Children’s Cen, Kirby Gdns Tots Time Mon 2pm to 3pm, Meadows Library, Wilford Grove Rainbow Stripes Tue 11am-11.45am, The Meadows Children’s Cen, Kirby Gdns £1 per child


Our next issue is out in October and includes half term! Advertise your class, event or business here for as little as ÂŁ40 for 3 months. Includes magazine and website advertising Email nottingham@lotsfortots.co.uk or call 08456 436 221 for further details

Does your child know the magic of music?

First lesson free


Lots on Weekly...


Most classes are Term-Time only

The Meadows cont Eden Soft Play 11am - 11:45 Tue (term time only), Saviours Gardens, Magical Movers - music group incorporating movement and dance. No Extra Cost

Buggyfit 10am-11am Mon. Wollaton Hall and Park, Booking essential. Classes start in Nov Wollaton Twins & Multiple Births Group 10-12pm 2nd & 4th Mon of mon All year exc. Bank Holidays St Leonard’s Com Centre

St Leonard’s Dads & Kids Club (0-11 yr) 10am-12pm 3rd Sat of month St Leonard’s Com Centre To see your class or playgroup listed here please get in touch with Lots for Tots Nottingham nottingham@lotsfortots.co.uk

Jo Jingles Mon

Little Wickets 10-10.45am Thu, Age 2 1/2 to school, Wollaton Pk Com Centre, Harrow Rd

Harrow Road Toddler 9.45-11.15am Mon Wollaton Park Com Centre, Harrow Road

Jo Jingles Fri 9.30am (3-5 yr) 10.30am (2 yr+) 11.30am (Walking-2 yr) 1pm (3-5 yr) 2pm (3 mth-Walking) Wollaton Park Com Centre, Harrow Road

Class & group details are correct at the time of going to print but are subject to change. Please check with the event organiser before setting out.

Wollaton 9.30am (2 yr+) 10.30am (Walking-2 yr) 11.30am (3 mth-walking) Harrow Rd Comm Cen

08456 436 221

West Bridgford, Ruddington & Gamston Clairebr@tinytalk.co.uk Mapperley, Sherwood & Woodthorpe Claireba@tinytalk.co.uk Bingham & Gedling Emmaw@tinytalk.co.uk Contact us now for your FREE TRIAL CLASS!



Lots on Weekly...


Most classes are Term-Time only

Beeston Little Acorns 9.15-11am Mon Wollaton Road Methodist Church Under Fives 9.45-11.45am Mon Beeston Free Church, Salthouse Ln Beeston Mum’s Choir 10-11.30am Mon Assumption Church Hall, Foster Av Buggyfit 12.15pm-1.15pm Mon, Dovecote Lane Rec Ground, Booking essential. Classes start in November

Early Years Music Group Tue (6mth-3yr) Queen’s Rd Methodist Church Booking essential

Open House Beeston 9.30-11.30am Thu Beeston Central Children’s Centre, Trevor Road

NCT Beeston Bumps & Babies (0-9 mth) 9.30-11.30am Wed Chilwell Road Methodist Ch

Early Years Music Group Fri (6 mth-3yr) Booking essential Pearson Centre, 2 Nuart Rd

Jo Jingles Wed 9.45am 2 years+ 10.45am Walking - 2years 11.45am 3 months-walking Denz Play Centre, Queens Rd

Moo Music

9.30am Fri, Beekeeper Pub Soft Play. Booking essential. Pls see advert.

Speech, Sign & Song Club 1.15-2.15pm Wed (2-5 years) Beeston Library, Foster Avenue Booking essential

Give your baby a head start in life! Gymbabes classes are tailor made for babies from sitting (6 months) to walking A fun filled session of exploration, using colourful gymnastics based equipment, to encourage your baby to crawl, stand and eventually walk!

The springboard to confidence for your child Tumble Tots is Britain's leading Gymnastics based development programme for children from 6 months to 7 years For classes, parties & other enquiries W: www.tumbletots.com/nottingham FB: tumbletotsnottingham E: fiona.tumbletots@gmail.com M: 07429 845132

TinyTalk Baby Signing 10am & 11.15am Fri Queens Road Methodist Church FREE trial class Little Lions Stay & Play 10.30am-12.15pm Fri White Lion Bar & Kitchen,

Music for young children in Beeston Fun and learning for babies and toddlers age 6 months to 3 years Tuesdays & Fridays in Beeston

www.eymg.co.uk Individual sessions at and around the piano for young children 3 to 7 years

www.wendysplayfulpiano.co.uk The Speech, Sign and Song Club

A small friendly music group for pre-school children 2 to 5 years, who need extra help with social & communication skills (Symbols above reproduced with permission from The Makaton Charity www.makaton.org.)


Contact Wendy 0115 922 1318 wendy@eymg.co.uk

T: 08456 436 221 E: nottingham@lotsfortots.co.uk


Lots on Weekly...


Most classes are Term-Time only

Stagecoach Beeston Sat 9.30 11am (4-6 yrs) Sat 10-1pm (6-18 yrs)

The Alderman White School Chilwell Lane

Bramcote Pebbles Plus (Emmanuel Church) 10-11.30am Wed (Under 5’s) Scout Hut, Hanley Avenue St Michael’s Parent & Toddler 9.45-11.30am Thu St Michael’s & All Angels Church Hall Dads and Kids 10am-12pm 2nd Sat of month St Michael’s Church Hall,

Broxtowe German Speaking Parent & Toddler 3-5pm 1st & 3rd Fri of month St Marth’s Church, 135 Frinton Rd

Chilwell Barney’s Parent & Toddler 9.30-11.15am Mon & Fri St Barnabus’ Church, Inham Rd Water Babies 9-10.30am Fri De Vere Village Hotel

Eastwood Bundles of Fun 10.30-12pm Mon Eastwood Children’s Cen


BABES Breastfeeding Support 10-11.30am Wed (throughout school holidays too) Eastwood Sure Start Children’s Centre, Chewton St. Just drop in or call 0115 993 5750 New Horizon Tots 10-11.30am Thu, Community Impact Centre, Dovecote Rd

Giltbrook Jo Jingles Thu 9.45am (Over 2 years) 10.45am (Under 2 years) Escape Play, Ikea Retail Park (Call direct - 0115 9386206)

NCT Baby Group Thu 10.30 - 12 pm St John’s church, Canal Street

Nuthall Nuthall Babies & Toddlers 10-11.30am Tue Oldmoor Lodge, Mornington Crescent Horsendale Toddlers 10.30am Thu, Assarts Road, TinyTalk Baby Signing 10.15am Thu St Patrick’s Church Hall, Kimberley Road FREE trial class


Greasley Greasley Toddlers 9.30-11.30am Mon St Mary’s Church Hall

Kimberley Kimberley Parent & Toddler 9.30-11am Thu Parish Hall, Newdigate

Long Eaton

Baby Group 10-11.15am Wed, 0-2yrs, Stapleford Children’s Centre Toddler Time 9.15-11.15am Fri Stapleford Baptist Ch, Albert St Saturdads 9.30-11am 4th Sat of month St Helenís Church Hall


Rockabillies Music Groups Mon/Tue/Fri 9:45am & 11am Thu 9:45am, 11am & 1:30pm (pre book) 6m to 4yrs First Class Free Leopold Street, Long Eaton Available for party bookings

Jo Jingles Tue 9.30am (walking - 2 yrs) 10.30am (over 2 yrs) 11.30am (3 months - walking)

Moo Music 12.30pm Mon, Little Drivers Soft Play. Booking essential. Pls see advert. Rhyme Time Mon 10-11am Tesco Community Room Play & Praise 1.30-3pm Fri Toton Methodist Church, Stapleford Lane


Please mention Lots for Tots when contacting an advertiser

6 months to 4 years

t Learn abouts instrumen Fun s theme

First week FREE

Musician leaders

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www.rockabillies.co.uk | 0774 701 3597

Library Sessions Rattle, Rhyme & Roll- Babies & Toddlers Arnold Beeston Bingham Burton Joyce Calverton Carlton Carlton Hill Eastwood Gedling Hucknall Keyworth Kimberley Lowdham Mapperley Radcliffe on Trent Ruddington Stapleford Toton West Bridgford

10.30-11 Tue & Thu 10 & 11 Alt Tue/Wed 10.30-11 Mon & Fri 10.30-11 Alt Wed 9.30-10 Mon 10-10.30 Tue 10-10.30 Alt Fri 10-10.30 Tue 2.15-2.45 Thu 10.30-11 Thu 2.30-3 2nd Tue 10-10.30 Mon 1.30-2 2nd & 4th Thu 10-10.30 Thu 10.30-11 2nd & 4th Mon 11-11.30 2nd Tue 11.15-11.45 1st & 3rd Thu 2.15-2.45 last Mon 10.30-11 first Wed 10-10.30 & 11-11.30 Fri

www.nottinghamcity.gov.uk/findalibrary www.nottinghamshire.gov.uk/learning/libraries

Totstime for under 5’s

Aspley 10-11.30* Bakersfield 10.30-11 Basford 10.30-11 Bilborough 2-2.30 Bulwell Riverside 10.30-11 Clifton 10-10.30 Hyson Green 10.30-11 Meadows 2-3* Nottingham Central 10.45-11.15 Radford/Lenton 2-2.30 Sherwood 11.15-11.45 Sneinton 2.15-2.45 Southglade Park 2-2.30 St Ann’s Valley 11.15-11.45 Strelley Road 9.30-11* Wollaton 2.30-3

*indicates Totstime included in Sure Start session

Mon Wed Tue Mon Mon Tue Fri Wed Thu Mon Fri Mon Mon Tue Wed Tue

Storyhullabaloo for under 5’s Beeston Carlton East Leake Hucknall Mapperley Radcliffe on Trent West Bridgford

11-11.30 4 sessions a year 2.15-2.45 first Thurs 2.30-3 2nd Mon 10.30-11 Tue 10-10.30 Thu 2.30-3 3rd Mon 10-10.30 Tue

Some sessions are term time only. Please check.

T: 08456 436 221 E: nottingham@lotsfortots.co.uk


Lots on Weekly...


Most classes are Term-Time only

Bingham TinyTalk Baby Signing 10-11am Mon (0-2 years) Church House, East Street FREE trial class Jo Jingles Tue 9.30am & 10.30am (2 yr+) 11.30am (3 mth-2 yr) Church House, East Street Stay & Play 10-11.30am Tue Rugby Club, Brendon Grove

Edwalton Toddles 10-11.30am Thu West Bridgford Pentacostal Church, Wellin Lane

Forest School Fri 10am - 11.30am The Meadow Covert Woodland. Half termly sessions and must be pre-booked

Caterpillars Baby Group Tue, Keyworth Young People’s Centre Little Rascals Toddler 1.30-3pm Thu, Keyworth Primary & Nursery School Willoughby Baby & Toddler Fri 10-11.30am, Willoughby Village Hall, London Lane,

Radcliffe on Trent


Bumps & Babies 10.30am-12pm Wed Bingham Children’s Centre

Tumble Tots Mon various times (6mth-7yr) Gamston Community Centre

Little Fishes 9.30-11.30am Wed, Wellspring Ch, Westminster Dr

Bingham Baby & Toddler 10am-12pm Thu & Fri Church House, East Street

Abacus Toddlers Mon 10-11.30am, Village Hall, Old Tollerton Road

Young Explorers 2-3pm Thu Rugby Club, Brendon Grove

TinyTalk Baby Signing Tue 9.45-10.45am & 11-12pm (0-18 months) FREE trial class Village Hall, Old Tollerton Rd

Little Angels Toddler Group 9.15-11.30am Wed Radcliffe Meth Church, Shelford Rd

Little Wickets Sat 9-9.45am (2 1/2 yrs - school Jo Jingles Fri age) Bingham Leisure Cen, 9.30am (Walking-2 yr) The Banks 10.30am (2 yr+) 11.30am (3 mth-walking) Cotgrave Gamston Community Centre Bumps & Babies 10-11.30am Mon Gotham Cotgrave C of E School Mini Music Makers Cotgrave Parent & Toddler 10-11.45am Mon (0-5 yr) 1.30-3pm Mon (2-4 yr) Gotham Memorial Hall Serendipity’s Day Nursery Crawlers & Walkers 9.45-11.15am Tue Cotgrave Kids Club


Tumble Tots Thu-various times, from 6 months - 7 years The Grange, Vicarage Lane Parent & Toddler 9.30-11am Fri, St Mary’s Church Hall, Vicarage Ln

Ruddington Pebbles Toddler Group 1.15-2.45pm Mon (2-4 yr) St Peter’s Church, Wilford Road Ruddington Methodist Toddler Group 9.30-11am Tue, Church Hall, Charles Street

Puddle Ducks Nappuccino 10am-12pm Tue Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Sat & Young Explorers 10-11am Thu Sun various classes. Keyworth The Hub, Musters Road Cotgrave C of E School Key IV Fitness Club. Booking Little Wickets essential. Pls see advert Cotgrave Parent & Toddler Tue 11.45-12.30pm, (2 1/2 1.30-3pm Fri (0-2 yr) yrs - school age) Ruddington Keyworth Baby & Toddler Serendipity’s Day Nursery 10-11.30am Mon Village Hall, Wilford Rd Parochial Hall, Selby Lane 36


Lots on Weekly...


Most classes are Term-Time only

TinyTalk Baby Signing Thu 10-11am (18 mth-3 yr) 11.30-12.30pm (0-18 mth) Village Hall, Wilford Road FREE trial class

West Bridgford Lady Bay Parent & Toddler 9.45-11.45am Mon & Fri All Hallows Church Hall Jo Jingles Mon 9.30am & 10.30am (2 yr+) 11.30am (Walking-2 yr) 1pm (3-5yr) with music theory 2pm (3 mth-walking) Sports Pavilion, West Park Little Wickets Mon 1.30pm & 2.15pm Fri 10.45am & 11.30am Sat 9am & 10am & 11am (2 1/2 yrs - school age) Sessions last 45 mins Various venues East Midlands Swimming Academy Mon, Wed, Fri 6wks-adult West Bridgford School Parent & Toddler Crafts 9-10.30am Tue & Thu Pierrepont Gamston School

WB Baptist Church Parent & Toddler 10-11.30am Wed, Melton Rd St Giles Tiddlers 10-11.30am Thu St. Giles Ch Hall, Stratford Rd Tinies & Toddlers 10-11.45am Thu, St Lukes Church, Leahurst Road Holy Spirit Toddler Group 10-11.30am Thu, Melton Road/Victoria Road

Wilford Wilford Village Toddlers Tues & Fri 9.30-11.30 Coffee available from 9am! The Centre, Main Road Class & group details are correct at the time of going to print but are subject to change. Please check with the event organiser before setting out.

TinyTalk Baby Signing Fri 10-11am (0-18 mth) 11.30-12.30pm (18 mth-3 yr) Holy Spirit Church, Victoria Road FREE trial class Tumble Tots Fri-various times (6mth-7yr) Sir Julien Cahn Pavilion, Loughborough Road

DO YOUR LITTLE ONES ENJOY BEING OUTSIDE, EXPLORING AND CREATING IN NATURE? Would you like your children to enjoy an alternative playgroup where they learn in and about the great outdoors? We aim to let children explore with the emphasis on child led play, letting them get their hands dirty... Muddy Feet are compulsory! Join us for our free range playgroup and forest school sessions in Nottinghamshire and enjoy:

WB Twins & Multiple Births 10am-12pm 1st/3rd Fri of mth. West Bridgford Baptist Church, Melton Road Water Babies Swimming 1-3pm Sun West Bridgford School, Loughborough Road

Mud Kitchens Hammocks Den Building Natural Art Scavenger Hunts

Poppy Seeds Baby Group Wed 10-12, Poppy and Pint, Pierrepont Road, Lady Bay

(Forest School Only)

Outdoor Cookery (Forest School Only)

BOOKING ESSENTIAL Please contact Fran Groombridge on 07990 626025 for more information or check out our website www.muddyfeetoutdoors.co.uk

Toddler Tuesdays 10-11.30 Tue, The Sports Club, Regatta Way, WB Methodist Church Parent & Toddler 9.30-11.30am/1.30-3pm Wed, Patrick Road

Bug Hunting Campfires

LEARN TO SWIM We look forward to taking your call.

EST 1998



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Swimming Lessons for babies age 6 weeks to 3 years. www.emsababies.co.uk

T: 08456 436 221 E: nottingham@lotsfortots.co.uk Emsa 1/8th pages Feb 13.indd



Bringing your little ones out their shell.

37 19:07 13/02/2013

Lots on Weekly...

Gedling & Ashfield

Most classes are Term-Time only

Arnold Arnold Methodist Playgroup 9.45-11.45am Tue & Fri Arnold Methodist Ch,Front St

All Hallows Parent & Toddler Sat Tots 9.30-11am Tue 9.30-11am Sat (all year) Baptist Church Hall, The Nook Memorial Hall, Main Road

Buggyfit 12pm-1pm Wed, Burton St Mary’s Tots 2-3.15pm Tue Rd Jubilee Park, Booking St Mary’s Church, Church Lane Toy Library 9.30-11.30am Mon essential. Classes start in Pentacostal Church, Station Rd November Tumble Tots Tue various times (6mths-7yrs) St John’s Methodist Toddlers TinyTalk Baby Signing Mon 10-11.30am, Church Hall, 10-11am Fri (0-2 yr) The Church of the Good Standhill Road Shepherd, Thackerys Lane Memorial Hall, Main Road FREE trial class Foxhill Toddler Group Tim’s Tinies Wed 9.30-11am Tue 9.30-11.30am, Foxhill St Timothy’s Church Church, Hillview Road Hucknall Swinburne Way, Daybrook Toddler Time 9.30-11.30am Annie Holgate Toddlers Playtime Toddler Group Tue, Pentacostal Church, 9.30-11am Mon Thu 9.15-11.15am, Emmanuel Station Rd High Leys Children’s Centre Church, Warren Hill Chatterbox Toddlers Indigo Tots Salvation Army Parent & 9am-12pm Thu 10am-12pm Tue, Old Beardall Toddlers Carlton Community Church, Sch, Beardall St, Age 0-4 Fri 9.30-11.30am, Salvation Lowater Road children on the Autism Army Hall, High Street Spectrum (diagnosis not Central Stay & Play Beetroot Buggies necessary) 12.30-2pm Fri (all year) 10.45-11.45am Fri Carlton Sure Start Centre, Moo Music Fitness for postnatal mums Church View, Main Road 10.30am Tue, John Godber Arnot Hill Park Centre, Booking essential, Pls see advert

Burton Joyce

St Helen’s Baby & Toddler 9.30-11am Mon & Thu St Helen’s Old Church Hall




Beardall Bears Playgroup

Puddle Ducks 10am-12pm Wed, Old Beardall Fri various classes, DW Fitness, Sch, Beardall St, Ages 0-4 Booking essential. Pls see advert Friday Tots 9-11am Fri (0-4 yr) St Peters & St Pauls Church Hall, Ruffs Drive


Toy Library Parent & Toddler Happy Tots Group Mon 9.45-11.15 Epperstone Mon 1.30-3pm & Village Hall Thu 9.30-11am, Baptist Church Hall, The Nook, Under 5s Parent & Toddler Tue 1.30-3pm, Sir John Sherbrooke Sch, Flatts Lane 38


Little Treasures Playgroup 9.30-11.30am Tue (all year) Stanhope Children’s Centre,

Lowdham Sing & Play Toddler Group Wed 10-11.30am, Methodist Chapel, Main Street Happy Tots Fri 9.45-11.15am, Lowdham WI Hall


Lots on Weekly...

Gedling & Ashfield

Most classes are Term-Time only

Netherfield Carol Saunders Swim School/ Toddlers Academy 5.30pm (Begin/Improve) Mon 2pm (0-18mth inc parents) Sat 2.30pm (18-36mth inc parent) 3pm (beginners) Sat 3.30pm (Improvers) Sat DW Fitness, Victoria Park St George’s Centre Toddler 9.30-11am Mon Netherfield Infant School, Chandos Street Stay & Play Tue 10 - 11.30am ( all year round) Netherfield Childrens Centre Victoria Road. 0-5 yrs old

Netherfield Parent & Toddler 18 Month Club (18 mth-3 yr) 9.15-11.15am Wed/Thu 1-2.30pm Wed Bethesda Church Hall Good Shepherd Preschool, Scout Hut, Weaverthorpe Rd


Jo Jingles Thu 9.30am (2 yr+) 10.30am (Walking-2 yr) 11.30am (3 mth-walking) Village Hall, Vernon Crescent

Woodthorpe Beetroot in the Park Fitness Mon/Wed/Fri 9.15am Arno Vale Recreation Ground St Mark’s Mother & Toddler Tue 1.30-3pm & Fri 9.30-11am, St Mark’s Church, Devere Garden

Explore a Story 10-11am Thu (2yr+) St Mark’s Church Hall, De Vere Gdns Little Lambs Baby & Toddler 2-4pm Fri Good Shepherd Parish Centre, Thackerays Lane To have your class or group listed here please contact nottingham@lotsfortots.co.uk 08456 436 221





T 07803 749623 I 07793 370782 hannah@carolsaundersswimschool.co.uk


T: 08456 436 221 E: nottingham@lotsfortots.co.uk


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