Engage, Spring 2017

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Notables Benjamin Oladabo, ’17, Cherent Tesfaye, ’18, Dr. Mark Schlueter, professor of biology, and Sahar Mohammadi, ’16, display the first awards ever won by GGC students at the Annual Biomedical Research Conference for Minority Students. Recognized at the 2016 conference as top student presenters, these three biology majors’ undergraduate research projects involved native bee species.

Christine P. Rosen, executive director of Individual Engagement, was named

The Georgia Gwinnett College Magazine

a Certified Fund Raising Executive by CFRE International.

Dr. Benjamin Brown, associate professor of psychology, has been elected to a four-year

term on the executive committee of the Society for the Improvement of Psychological Science.

Dr. Rhiannon Evangelista, assistant

professor of history, received the Christopher

Seton Watson Prize by the Association for the Study of Modern Italy.

Class of 2017 business majors Lorena Sanchez-Rubio,

Marcelo Clavarino, Ana Bedon and Vanessa Parras earned second place at the second annual Goizueta Business School Hispanic Heritage Month Case Competition.

Dr. James Lowry, associate professor of

human geography, was recently elected to serve on the Association of College Honor Societies board of directors.

The Volunteer GGC program received its first

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Editor-in-chief: Sally Ramey Photography: Rod Reilly, Jason Braverman, David Tullis Art direction: Mark Baran Graphic design: Libby LeBlanc Writing: Sally Ramey, Nancy Badertscher, Laurie Hudson, Amy Lancaster, Carol McEntee Engage Online team: Rycca Blanton, Educational Technology Server Team Other support: Barbara Lund, Dan Cassavaugh, Dawn Gadar, Laurie Hudson, Hoang Huynh, Amy Lancaster, Sydney Smith, Candace Williams-Brown

Strategic Communications and Positioning Renée Byrd-Lewis, vice president Sloan Jones, associate vice president Asia Hauter, director of Public Relations

Mailing List To be added to, or removed from, the Engage mailing list, contact engage@ggc.edu or call 678.407.5549.

President’s Volunteer Service Award recognizing more than 1,800 hours of service provided at 23 events over 12 months by 416 members of the campus community.

Jenny Storey, executive assistant to the senior vice president for

Academic and Student Affairs and provost, was elected chairwoman

Georgia Gwinnett College 1000 University Center Lane Lawrenceville, GA 30043 678.407.5000 www.ggc.edu

of the Provost Assistants in Higher Education National Association. See more Notables at www.ggc.edu/notables

Georgia Gwinnett College is an accredited, four-year, degree-granting unit of the University System of Georgia. e n g a g e. g g c. e d u



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