Riverside Military Academy 2020-2021 President's Report

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TABLE OF CONTENTS President’s Letter.......................................1 Mission.................................................................2 Beaver Estate Gifts...................................4 Scholarships...................................................6 Enrollment........................................................7 The Strike Zone............................................8 Financials...........................................................9 Generosity Spreads..............................10 Philanthropy.................................................12 Doing the Right Thing.........................14 The Bisso Legacy....................................16 Donors...............................................................18


Riverside Military Academy is pleased to report a 60% rate of completion toward our Five-Year Strategic Plan.

The President’s Report is a production of the Office of Advancement to highlight annual accomplishments and the impact of philanthropy. Every effort is made to ensure accuracy. For questions, email: advancement@riversidemilitary.com Ellen DeFoor Vice President for Advancement Marquita Milligan Donor Relations Coordinator Jody Wilson Alumni Engagement Coordinator



Celebrating our Transformation & the Impact of your Generosity


Establish the GOLD STANDARD for independent college preparatory schools.

Envisioned by Kenneth L. McKelvey

to the Strategic Plan. Our vision remains

(Board Chairman 2013-2017), developed

laser-focused, and while we’re not done

by the late Rutledge A. Griffin ’62 (Board

yet, it is important to pause along the

Chairman 2017-2019), and launched by C.

way, and celebrate the transformation

Brian Daniel (Board Chairman 2019-2021),

that is unfolding at RMA.


Strengthen the responsibility of RMA as ’In Loco Parentis’ – Latin for “In Place of a Parent.”

all who challenged us to reach higher and settle for nothing less than excellence,

We’ve taken the lead in transforming the

our Five-Year Strategic Plan remains the

perception of military boarding schools

focus of RMA, and it is working.

while promoting their ever-important

SP 3

role in education and preparation for life. RMA 2025, a strategic plan designed to

Of greatest importance, RMA continues

help our students reach their highest

to graduate young leaders who head off

potential, is propelled by five strategic

to college better prepared to serve their

priorities: Cadet Experience, Culture

communities as leaders with character.


of Family, Collaborative Environment, Enrollment Management, and Resource

As you’ll see in this report, the entire RMA


Community plays a significant role on our journey to become a pre-eminent college

The 35 page plan, developed through

preparatory boarding school. I want to

a strategic analysis of quantitative and

express my personal appreciation to

qualitative insights of the educational

our cadets, parents, alumni, friends, and

environment as gleaned by cadet, parent

especially our generous donors who are

and alumni surveys, focus groups and

investing time, talent, and treasure in this

personal interviews, is well underway and

shared strategic vision.

60% complete. While the pandemic had an impact, it also helped to accelerate

Thank you for joining us on our pursuit

many of the plan’s action items.

of excellence!

With tremendous thanks and praise to

Very respectfully,


Identify and sustain an OPTIMAL CORPS SIZE.

SP 5

our dedicated staff and faculty, consider almost any metric and Riverside Military Academy has advanced since RMA’s Five-


Preserve, diversify and expand assets including funds, people, space, data, time, policy, and technology.

Year Strategic Plan was launched in 2020. The President’s Report is designed to highlight many of RMA’s greatest

Colonel(R) Stanley C. “Staś” Preczewski, U.S.A., Ph.D.

accomplishments last year with respect

President | scp@riversidemilitary.com | 678-628-4872 – cell

President’s Report 2020-2021 1


Riverside Academy produces LEADERS OF CHARACTER PREPARED FOR SUCCESS in college and beyond through the provision of a RIGOROUS ACADEMIC PROGRAM, leadership opportunities, competitive athletics, extensive co-curricular activities and the STRUCTURE AND DISCIPLINE inherent in a preparatory school using the MILITARY MODEL OF LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT.



Total Scholarship Dollars SENIORS

for College

$2,324,230 Average $28,595/College-bound Graduate













Association of Military Colleges and Schools of the United States (AMCSUS) Southern Association of Independent Schools (SAIS) Southern Association of Colleges and Schools (SACS) National Association of Independent Schools (NAIS) U.S. Army JROTC Unit of Distinction

Cadet Scores

25% TOP 50% TOP

1470 32

Evidence-Based Reading & Writing: 641 Math: 644 Evidence-Based Reading & Writing: 601 Math: 607





*all students take the SAT or ACT, including those required to take the TOEFL 2 Riverside Military Academy



3 students completed

Youth Leadership Hall’s

Leadership Development Program

Through articulation



agreements, RMA is DUAL ENROLLMENT students graduating with

Riverside Diploma college transcript


with college credits


Smooth Transition from graduation into college or national service academy

6 National Awards


Average Class Size


recognizing professional faculty who adapt curriculum to promote

Student Critical Thinking


Aerospace Engineering

2 students awarded


Scholarships through AOPA’s


are taking lessons to obtain

Students : Teacher


5 students

inducted into national

Student Television Network Honor Society

a private pilot’s license. RMA Band received

President’s Award at Veterans Day Parade

President’s Report 2020-2021 3

General Sandy Beaver

A VISIONARY LEADER Changing Times Call for Changing Strategies




G SP 5







eneral Sandy Beaver’s name is synonymous

As the remaining beneficiary of a charitable remainder

with the values, tradition, and leadership for

trust set up by General Beaver in 1960, RMA received

which Riverside Military Academy has been

distributions totaling $995,895 in the spring of 2021,

known for almost 115 years. Among his many leader-

after the last member of the Beaver Family passed.

ship qualities, General Beaver, who served as the

Just as Beaver used his personal wealth to support

Academy’s longest tenured president for more than

RMA during his administration (as rumor has it), so too

50 years, was known for his astute business acumen.

did he plan for his continued support of RMA when he

He took great pride in his fiscal management of the

would no longer be with us.

school, touting such things as the same rate of tuition


paid by every family, capital projects funded without debt, and turning away private donations. Many RMA alumni fondly remember his frequent lectures on fis-

His generous planned gift will help inspire leaders of character, excellence across all areas of the Academy, and RMA’s future.

cal responsibility. While he could not have known the evolution of tech-

“ The inclusion of RMA in a donor’s estate plan

nology and the fast-paced age of global citizenry of

comes as the greatest compliment to the

today’s world, Beaver was certainly a visionary and

Academy,” said President Staś Preczewski. “The

realized there would be a need for financial support

estate gifts from both Sandy Beaver and his

to further RMA’s timeless mission and future.

daughter Lucile will further the Beaver Family’s Legacy in perpetuity. The fact that their gifts were given unrestricted truly allows RMA to benefit in ways that best further our strategic vision and needs, and will be transformational.”

4 Riverside Military Academy


Lucile E. Beaver

A TRUSTED ADVISOR Estate Gifts Further Beaver Family’s Legacy in Perpetuity











lumni who knew both General Sandy Beaver

The first distribution was received in the Fall of 2021 to

and his daughter Lucile, say they were similar in

establish the Lucile E. Beaver Endowment.


intellect and business acumen. It comes then as no surprise, that Lucile too, included RMA in her estate plan.

According to Miss Beaver’s long-time attorney and estate executor, John H. Quinn, Jr., her generous be-

As a young girl, Lucile grew up on the campus of RMA

queath was made to leverage further expansion of

and traveled with the family to the Hollywood campus

philanthropy at RMA.

in the winter where she attended classes with the cadets. Following her post-graduate education, she returned

The Legacy Society

to RMA and served as librarian and the Academy’s hostess before launching a career with the United States Lucile E. Beaver †

Sabin J. Gianelloni III ’55 †

General Sandy Beaver †

Donald M. Gilner, ’55

Her love and appreciation for RMA and its mission as

Carlos A. Cervantes, ’59

Zakaria S. Haque, ’01

a college preparatory school for young men contin-

Conrad C. Conti, ’58

Richard M. Nichols

ued throughout her lifetime. She remained a trusted

Charles H. Cook, ’74

Henry L. Roediger III ’65

Department of Transportation in Washington, D.C.

advisor and confidant to her father, and was a life member of the RMA Board of Trustees.

If you have included RMA in your estate plan, please let us know so that we may recognize you.

Prior to her passing on December 15, 2020, Lucile

For more information, contact Ellen DeFoor at

E. Beaver made provisions in her will to include a

edefoor@riversidemilitary.com or 770-538-2924.

$1,000,000 gift and residual from her estate to RMA. President’s Report 2020-2021 5



26 17 STATES

Helping Hands Grant Access to Riverside’s Unique Education The pride Walter E. Smith, Jr. ’58 feels as a legacy RMA cadet and alumnus


doesn’t end there. In 2011, when he learned of the growing need for tuition


assistance which would make it possible for qualified families to enroll their SP

sons at RMA, he set out to establish the Riverside Military Academy Foundation.



At its inception, the priority of the Foundation was to establish a $5 million endowment with earnings to provide this perpetual resource to support the

15% ESL learners

Academy. Generous gifts from Founders and Friends to the Foundation’s


Entrepreneurial Leadership Program, as well as proceeds from the annual Sandy Beaver Entrepreneurial Leadership Awards Dinner, have raised more than $1.1 million.


“Extraordinary times caused by the global pandemic have impacted RMA’s enrollment. We couldn’t think of a better time when the Foundation’s support could be so impactful,” said Smith.

The Entrepreneurial Leadership Program’s

In FY21, the Foundation Board unanimously approved an allocation up to $250,000 from its quasi-endowment. Disbursed in increments of $50,000 with accountability and reporting to the



made RMA possible for


Foundation Board, the timely and generous allocation was used to provide Entrepreneurial Leadership Program grants as partial scholarships, in amounts ranging from $1,000-$5,000. With sincere gratitude, President Staś Preczewski praised the Foundation’s support by saying, “The pandemic has taken its toll on many RMA families. I am grateful to Mr. Smith and all donors who realize the need and immediate impact of partial scholarships. I can think of no better return on investment.”

6 Riverside Military Academy

& generated

$1.4 million

in tuition revenue for the Academy.

llment RECORD


President’s Club MEMBERSHIP

• •

S ilver Star academic req.

• •

F ewer than five demerits

M aintain 3.75 GPA in core classes/quarter A ctive participant in RMA club | activity | sport


’20 ’21



’19 ’20


Ahead of 5Y Strategic Plan

I nfirmary upgrades

including the addition of a nurse practitioner.

Gurian-trained faculty 1 3 leadership positions per Company


Enrollment Increased and quality

of the Corps evolved despite the pandemic.

Decreased 4 Cadet Dismissals 4 Cadet Withdrawals

Digital Cameras Installed

New Summer Leadership Academy Develops young leaders utilizing character and spiritual development. President’s Report 2020-2021 7

Timothy Stroyne example, and remember to pay it forward for others in the future.”










r. ’ 8



s rne

.L tT



z pe

Ruben Barahona, Sr. ’89 and Ernest T. Lopez III ’84, along with Timothy Stroyne, father of Greg Stroyne ’19, were recognized for


’8 III

their significant contributions as new signage was unveiled. Head baseball coach Chad Sage thanked ALL donors to this project, and said, “The hitting facility has not only given more opportunity to develop skill sets


but also has provided a tool On a crisp fall evening, just prior

donors. “RMA is very fortunate to

for life lessons. Players learn

to the March-On at Maginnis

have alumni, parents, and friends

quickly how the facility should

Field before the football game

in the community who give dona-

be taken care of at all times even

against Banks County, the Corps

tions to the school to help make

as it gives more opportunity for

stood fast while President Staś

your experience here, the best that

teammates to hold each other

Preczewski educated them about

it can be,” said Preczewski. “You,

accountable. We are very fortunate

philanthropy, and explained how

the cadets, are the ultimate bene-

to have donors who have created

the indoor batting facility became

factor of their generous support.

a baseball facility in which the

a reality through the generosity of

I trust that you will learn by their

players can take such pride.”

Barahona, Lopez & Stroyne “led off” with generous gifts that also inspired other donors to help fund RMA’s new indoor batting facility, a $140,000 installation.

Project completed spring 2019. Its dedication was delayed due to the global pandemic. Timothy Stroyne not pictured.

8 Riverside Military Academy

















$643,861 REVENUE 54% $10,516,677

Tuition & Fees

19% $3,669,719


5% $978,758




1% $60,293

FY 2020-2021



Mr. C. Brian Daniel Chairman

Mr. Gregory F. Werd, ’56 Chairman

BG(R) Daniel J. Kaufman Vice Chairman

Mr. Whitney H. Owens, ’79 Vice Chairman

Mr. John W. Jacobs III Secretary

Mr. Leslie T. Smith, ’63 Secretary

Mr. Charlie J. Lail, Jr. Treasurer

Mr. Dennis M. Agnelly, ’66

Ruben A. Barahona, Esq., ’89

Mr. S. David Alphin, ’65

Mrs. Jerry B. Blackstock

Mr. Arthur M. Boisfontaine, ’87

MG(R) Mark Brown

Dr. Arthur D. Canales, ’81

Mr. J. Jette Campbell

Mr. Conrad C. Conti, ’58

Mr. Felix A. Gonzalez Canto, ’86

Mr. Alex C. Deitch, ’98

Mr. William B. Carr, Jr.

Mr. Stephen W. Earhart, ’80

Mr. Counte L. Cooley

Mr. Christian L. Eiroa, ’89

Mr. Bernard M. Freeman, ’58

Mr. Joseph M. Gordon, ’96

Mr. Anthony M. Herdener

Mrs. Susan Graybeal

Mr. Drew W. Horner, ’78

Mr. Patrick H. Higdon, Jr., ’57

Mr. Ernest T. Lopez III, ’84

Mr. Kennedy S. Judd, ’87

Mr. John B. McKernan II, ’88

Mrs. Diana Kelly

Mr. J. Allen Nivens, Jr.

Mr. Alberto Marrufo, ’87

Jonathan A. Pope, Esq.

Mr. Fredy E. Marrufo, ’90

Mr. Andrew W. Talkington, ’71

Mr. W.L. McLendon, ’58

Dr. William E. Russell, Sr.

Mrs. Betsy Pearson

Mr. James R. Van Arsdale, ’79

LTC John H. Shirley, ’65


Mr. John C. Sipple, ’69

21% $4,144,000

Investment Income

Riverside Military Academy is a 501c(3) non-profit institution. Board members are volunteers who serve without compensation or reimbursement of any expenses.

EXPENSES 24% $4,615,204


40% $7,572,038

Mr. John B. McKernan II, ’88 Chairman


Student Services

10% $1,812,354


1% $30,827

Mr. Richard L. Alfonso, ’81



Summer Programs

2% $343,833

Cadet Store

23% $4,289,485

Institutional Support

Mr. W. Michael Strickland Mr. Wayne E. Stringer, ’80 Mr. Samuel D. Weil III, ’66 Mr. E. David Williams, ’65 Mr. Andrew C. Zager, ’88

Dr. John B. Delcambre, ’66 Mr. Zachary A. Garrett, ’11

Dr. Bryan T. Baldwin, ’96 Vice Chairman

Mr. Brian E. Greene, ’90

Mr. Zak Haque, ’01 Treasurer

Mr. Hector J. Laya, ’89

Mr. Jason J. Klein, ’08

Mr. Dennis M. Agnelly, ’66

Mr. Robert Lindsey, ’80

Mr. Errol J. Bisso, ’61

Mr. Frank Piedra, ’87

Mr. Richard L. Bisso, ’85

Mr. Christopher Reed, ’11

Mr. Chris A. Cotter, ’88

Mr. James C. Young, ’78

Mr. Paul M. Davila, ’93 This information is derived from RMA’s audited Consolidated Financial Statements May 31, 2021.

President’s Report 2020-2021 9

from the classroom

Genero Generosity comes in response to many needs across the Academy and we were blessed to recognize one of our RMA families this fall for their philanthropy.


Dean Cathy Moore recently identified that

Cadet Tripp Owens ’24, who was inspired by

the best teachers nationwide rarely have all

witnessing his daughter’s dedication in her

the supplies, equipment, and resources they

own classroom.

desire for their classrooms. An RMA family recognized this need and made a generous

RMA faculty and staff took great pride in

gift to Academics for the provision of class-

expressing appreciation to Mr. Billy R. Jones

room resources.

& Mrs. Mary Lou Jones for their generosity, as they dedicated the Jones Family Classroom

“Her mother and I would like to make this

in Elkin Hall on December 1, 2021.

gift in honor of our daughter, Laytona Jones Owens. She is a former teacher who took

But their generosity and desire to make a

pride in never allowing a child to fail,”

difference doesn’t end there.

said Mr. Billy Jones, grandfather of 10 Riverside Military Academy

Left (L-R): Billy & aM ry Lou oJ nes, pictured with their son Buckshot, grandson Cadet Tripp eOw ns and his

py. With grateful cadets and staff in atten-


dance on that day, RMA also dedicated the Jones Family Dayroom in Bravo Company and celebrated the Jones family for another of their generous contributions.

One of the Academy’s priorities to enhance

“Mr. Jones has quickly stepped forward to

the cadet experience at RMA has been to

address many of the Academy’s philanthrop-

renovate each dayroom within the barracks.

ic needs,” said Ellen DeFoor, Vice President

The full scope of that initiative requires

for Advancement. “We are proud to rec-

an estimated $250,000 to renovate seven

ognize his friendship and the impact of his


family’s generosity through these namings.”

Learning about this priority, Mr. Jones has

The renovation of the barracks dayrooms

given generously to help fund the renova-

was inspired by cadets and submitted as a

tions of two dayrooms. The first was com-

proposal to RMA Administration. According

pleted last spring and the second is now

to Commandant LTC Adam Carter, “renovat-

underway. Upon recommendation by RMA’s

ed dayrooms encourage cadets to come out

Office of Advancement and Development

of their rooms and socialize with other ca-

Committee, the Board of Trustees recently

dets during evening and weekend free-time,

approved the naming of the first dayroom

thus enhancing their experience.”



renovation in honor of Mr. Jones’ philanthro-



to the barracks

mother, Laytona oJ nes eOw ns.

President’s President’sReport Report2020-2021 2020-2021 11

4 1 30 partial scholarships 4 Pizza parties for cadets 4 B ooks for the Library 4 B reakfasts in the barracks 4 B ooks, AV equipment for cadet devotional time & spiritual growth


4 W elcome Center build-out

Total Donors

4 M entoring & character education for cadets


4 D evotional and Bible study materials 4 L ive Stream Equipment 4 G SA agility cones


Total Dollars Raised

4 A C units for two busses

Total Gifts


Average Gift Size



Philanthropy Making a Difference

4 Intramural sports equipment & prizes 4 F ootball shoulder pads & wrist bands 4 General Sports Activities 4 S pecial activities for closed weekends, spring break & Commencement 4 T able Tennis tables

20% Board of Trustees 3% Board of Visitors <1% Alumni Council 36% Alumni* 5% Faculty & Staff

5% Parents

Giving by Constituency

<1% Grandparents <1% Foundations 1% Corporations 30% Friends

4 E quipment for Fine Arts 12 Riverside Military Academy

* $1M gift from an alumnus

4 P ost-game meals for Athletics 4 P ress Box renovation

Giving by Purpose $1,972,746

Annual Fund


Special Projects










LARGEST Single Gift in RMA history!







4 W arm-ups & backpacks for soccer team 4 S nacks/hygiene supplies for Covid Area 19 4 S upplies for Infirmary 4 S occer Field paving & repairs 4 T Vs & gaming equipment 4 E sports start-up 4 S mart board for Library 4 D rill Team gear 4 L unches, snacks, teambuilding for Staff Appreciation

4 B arracks Dayroom renovation Generation


Average Gift Size







Generation X






Post Millennials



4 P opcorn machine + supplies

Alumni Generational Giving

4 S ound system & underground cabling for Maginnis Field 4 W orld War II display 4 S ound system for Carlos & Sandra Cervantes Theatre 4 Commandant’s Lobby display

* Average Gift Size includes $1M gift

President’s Report 2020-2021 13



lumnus Ernest T. “E.T.” Lopez III attended RMA for three years and graduated in 1984. He has maintained ongoing communication with his high school football

and wrestling coach, Errol Bisso, who has been a father figure and mentor for 37 years since graduation. Admittedly, Lopez says he was not the best student and didn’t earn the rank that others had, but the lessons he learned at RMA have served him well. Lopez learned the asphalt and paving business from the father of an RMA classmate; that was his first job after graduation. His second job was with Atlanta Paving & Concrete Construction, which is one of several businesses that he owns today. As a member of RMA’s Board of Trustees, he chairs the Buildings and Grounds Committee, and was recently recognized as the 2021 Distinguished Alumnus. At the Distinguished Alumni Pinning Ceremony President Staś Preczewski touted E.T.s support...

Donna & Ernest T. Lopez III

14 Riverside Military Academy

the Right Thing” “ E.T. is the epitome of a philanthropist. He is known all over our campus for generously giving his time, talent, & treasure to RMA. Whether identifying capital needs to maintain RMA’s infrastructure; making repairs caused parking lots; or making generous financial contributions to scholarships, programs, or capital projects, he leads by example and finds joy in giving back to his alma mater.”

teachers, and military leaders to be inspirational. “They all wanted you to ’do the right thing’. You were respected when you did the right thing, and when you didn’t, they expected you to deal with the ramifications,” Lopez recalls. “We were taught to be tenacious, persevere, and never quit.”

The Investment “I’ve never thought of myself as a philanthropist,” said

The Experience

Lopez. “Donna and I made a conscious decision to

Lopez enrolled in RMA his sophomore year of high

give back because of my admiration for the school;

school. When asked what brought him to RMA, he

she has just as much commitment to RMA and now

said, “I grew up an Army brat; my family lived all over

we are teaching that to our adult children who also

Europe, then California and multiple bases around

want to get involved.”

the U.S. My father was an airborne ranger, a green beret, who served four tours in Vietnam. At home,

The Reward

I was living with ’Rambo’, and I thought attending

Lopez acknowledges that there are many alumni

RMA would surely be easier.”

who may not realize the difference they can make by


by erosion; operating a piece of equipment to re-surface

At RMA, he found the hall officers, coaches,

getting involved. “I don’t think they understand the But RMA wasn’t easy. The first year is always the

reward they would receive by giving other kids the

toughest. It meant having to start over and prove

same opportunity we had. Not everybody seizes the

himself again. He wanted to come home, but his

opportunity, but if you don’t, you are missing out.”

parents refused.

President’s Report 2020-2021 15




ith gasps from family

Pouring themselves into the

and friends and

Academy and the young men

tears in their eyes,

who attended during their tenure

Barbara & Errol Bisso ’61

has been their life’s work. Their

watched as a lasting tribute

legacy includes not only their

in their honor was unveiled at

son Richard, daughter Maria,

Homecoming 2021 with nearly

and Errol’s brother Gary, but

300 alumni in attendance to

also their extended RMA family

celebrate their lifetime achieve-

encompassing hundreds of young

ments. This alumni-led initiative

men whom they have coached,

has already raised more than

mentored, and loved through

The initial goal to raise $100,000

$168,000 to fund the commem-

the years.

for this project has been exceeded, and now the alumni committee is

orative display, upgraded finishes, technology, and comfortable

Earlier this year, Coach Bisso an-

focused on the ultimate goal of

furnishings in the new welcome

nounced his retirement effective

raising $300,000 for the naming

center located at the west portal.

May 31, 2022. Just as they spent

rights for the entire welcome

their early days living in the bar-

center. To be a part of this

The Bisso Legacy tells the story

racks with the cadets, the Bisso

meaningful tribute, contact any

of Coach and Mama Bisso, as they

tribute is located within the

member of the alumni project

are fondly referred to by many

barracks, in the new welcome

committee or Ellen DeFoor, Vice

RMA alumni. They have lived,

center, where their story and

President for Advancement at

served, and remained dedicated

legacy will continue to touch the


to RMA for more than 55 years.

lives of many for years to come.

or 770-538-2924.

16 Riverside Military Academy



Bisso Tribute Alumni Project Committee

Bryan Baldwin, ’96 Art Canales, ’81 Zak Haque, ’01 John McKernan, ’88 Whit Owens, ’79 Andy Zager, ’88

“ Coach Bisso instilled hard work, dedication, and values in me and countless others that have helped shape our lives. Their love for all of us has inspired the Bisso Legacy that we trust will live on through the welcome center.” Andy Zager, ’88

President’s Report 2020-2021 17

Cumulative Giving Societies recognize RMA’s most dedicated

KEY H 5+ consecutive years Ι HH 10+ consecutive years Ι HHH 15+ consecutive years 2021 Georgia GOAL † Deceased

supporters. These donors have given gifts during their lifetimes that reached $10,000 or more, cumulatively since 2002. We are deeply grateful for their long-term investment in the Academy’s mission to develop young men as leaders of character, prepared for success in life. List reflects annual gifts made through May 31, 2021




$1,000,000 & above

$500,000 - $999,999

$200,000 - $499,999

Anonymous Lucile E. Beaver † Sandy Beaver † Ann L. & John F. Phelps, ’56

Donna & Ernest T. Lopez III, ’84 HH Rachel & Kenneth McKelvey HH Abraham A. Mitchell Charitable Foundation

Allyn Ayers, ’64 † Mrs. Jerry B. Blackstock, in memory of Jerry B. Blackstock, ’62 HHH Sandy & Carlos Cervantes, ’59




$100,000 - $199,999

$75,000 - $99,999

$50,000 - $74,999

Anonymous (2) Foster W. Bachschmidt, ’06 H Magda & Ruben Barahona, ’89 HH Bobby W. Bush, Sr., ’49 † Chris & Terry Clontz Kristin & Brian Daniel HH Robin & Britt Daniel HH Stephanie & Robert Eidson HH James H. Harris III, ’71 Jane & Drew Horner, ’78 HH Charles A. James, ’64 Holly & Howard Kalmenson, ’49 Paul B. Krebs, Jr., ’55 H The Middelthon Family Jean & Staś Preczewski H Carl Stecker Sandy & Tim Stroyne H Nancy & Andrew Talkington, ’71 HH Seth Wagner, ’56 HHH F. Chris Whitlock Rebecca & Andrew Zager, ’88 HH

Anonymous Shelia & Alec Fraser HHH Felix Gonzalez Canto, ’86 H Patty & Larry Graham Barbara Griffin & Rutledge Griffin, ’62 † H Nancy & Fred Kennedy, ’64 HHH Nwamaka & Anthony Madichie David R. Nimocks, Jr., ’45 Meg & J. Allen Nivens HH

Anonymous (3) The Blake Family Charitable Foundation HH J. Jette Campbell, ’65 Jackie Cooley † & Counte Cooley HH Ashley P. Curington Angela & Thomas Finn HHH Sharon & Jim C. France H Marie & Steve Garrett Jay A. Glazer, ’64 Paul A. Gross, ’56

18 Riverside Military Academy

Christi & Gregory Fisher Marcia & Bernard Freeman, ’58 HHH Roslyn & Pat Higdon, Jr., ’57 HH Sue & W. L. “Mac” McLendon, ’58 H

Karl R. Katterjohn, ’64 Suzanne & Frank Maurno, ’60 The McKernan Family HH Gloria Misner & Don Misner, ’53 † Brenda & Domingo Moreira, ’63 in memory of Domingo A. Moreira HH Ashley “Dick” Pace, Jr., ’37 Anne & Ward Phillips, ’73 H Walter E. Smith, Jr., ’58 H Raymond Y. Thomasson, ’69 Amanda & Bob Willis HH Chester A. Woodruff, ’78 H

GUIDON SOCIETY $10,000 - $49,999 Anonymous (7) Carolyn & Dennis Agnelly, ’66 H Darlene & Marc Albertson Gary M. Alembik, ’81 Richard L. Alfonso, ’81 S. David Alphin, ’65 HHH Terri & Mike Andrews Mark Anthony Aramark Arthur & Helen Baer Charitable Foundation Pam Baker & Jon Baker † H Rosemary & David Balos Richard F. Bates Paige & Brad Bauer BB&T Robin Bennett Mary & James Benson Wuzhen Bi Steve Biggers Studios Barbara & Errol Bisso, ’61 HH Lawrence J. Blum, ’47 † Ashley & Arthur Boisfontaine, ’87 Paul Bolin Beth & Robert Britton Cleve Brown Bruce H. Buchholzer, ’48 † John C. Bullard, ’43 Estate of Bobby W. Bush, Sr., ’49, in memory of Bobby W. Bush, Sr., ’49 Dawn & David Canniff Carroll Daniel Construction Company HH Lynn & Adam Carter HH Charles M. Cassidy, ’59 Jim Cavanaugh Sahinaz & Asim Cengiz Gail & David Chester H Ralph & Mary Cleveland Foundation, in memory of Ralph W. Cleveland and in honor of Mary R. Cleveland The Warm Jacket Fund at the Community Foundation of New Jersey Janice & Conrad Conti, ’58 HHH Chassie & James Corbin H Rhonda & David Crook Ginny & Al Crumley Sayyu & Samira Dantata Ellen & Mark DeFoor Alexander C. Deitch, ’98 John B. Delcambre, ’66 HH

Deborah & Victor Disharoon, ’72 HH Scott A. Dwyer, ’92 Yvonne & Jeremiah F. Eames, ’61 Alexandra & Christian Eiroa, ’89 Ben/Joyce Eisenberg Foundation Joyce & Arnold Evans Fay Family Wealth Counseling Concepts, Inc., Christopher D. Fay, ’77 Anita & Antonio Feliciano, ’81 HH Beth & Ron P. Fenner, ’66 H Mary & Richard Fisher Nila & Raymond Fordyce, ’61 Frame-Tastic, LLC G. Mitchell Freeman HH Holly & Justin Gallagher, ’90 Joseph G. Gamble, ’44 † Linda & Guy Gardner Zachary A. Garrett, ’11 H Mrs. Leon M. Gauvreau Sabin J. Gianelloni, ’55 † Celia & Donald Gilner, ’55 HHH William T. Glisson, ’78 Dr. Casey & Susan Graybeal HH Kim & Brett Gunter Cyndi & Mufeed Haddad Zak Haque, ’01 Michelle & John Harllee IV George Hearn Lynne Henderson Sharon & Robert Hendricks Cathy & Anthony Herdener HH Ira Hershkowitz Dennis Hite, ’55 HHH Linda & David Hock Florence & James Holson John Horne Michel & Brantt Hudson H Geoff Hurdle, ’87 H Linda K. Hurdle H Martha Jacobs & John W. Jacobs, Jr., ’40 † Billy R. Jones Elizabeth & Kurt Jordan Charlene & Gerard Kaiser HH James D. Kalmenson, ’77 Kathryn & Dan Kaufman James R. Kaufman Dawn & Steven Keig William R. Key, ’97

Jason J. Klein, ’08 Janet & Alan Kloor Patricia & James Lane H Melanie & Campbell B. Lanier Ruth & William Lark, ’64 H Lyn & Jim LaVallee Afton & Theodore LaVallee, Sr. HH Kelly & Adrian Legaspi Royal Little Family Foundation Katherine & Brian Logan, ’92 Nester S. Logan, ’57 Lord, Aeck & Sargent Architects Macy’s Foundation Diane & Doug Magnus Wendi & Robert Mahoney Schone Malliet Dena & Christopher Manzo HH Patricia & Tony Manzo HH Gina & Fredy E. Marrufo, ’90 Laura & Edward Maxwell Patricia & Dennis McCraven HH Karen & Jon McRae, Jr. H Leah & Jeff Merschman Ira J. Middleberg, ’66 Glenda & Herbert Miller, ’61 Christy & Alan Molasky Irena & Andrew Molasky Irwin A. Molasky, ’45 † Cathy & John Moore J. Stephen Morris Memorial Fund Glenda & Jim Myers Richard M. Nichols The Norton Agency Norton Family Foundation Daniel G. “Bud” Oakey, ’75 HH Margaret & Tucker Olander Susanna M. Oslin Trust Whitney H. Owens, ’79 HH Mary Paglia † & Marc Paglia HH Betsy & Russell Pearson PepsiCo Foundation Matching Gifts Program Jacquelin & James Post ProTouch Landscapes, Inc.. Elizabeth M. Quanstrom QuikTrip Corporation Jean Raybuck Miguel Reyes, ’74 H Marie Trenga & Brian Ribeiro Jennie & Frank Rikard, ’56 HHH Candy & Larry Robinson Henry L. Roediger III, ’65 HHH

Gretchen & Wyn Ruppenthal HH E.J. Salcines, ’56 HH Drs. P. Ravi & Seshu Sarma Audreanna Schmidt Melanie & Clayton Sembler Jeff T. Seymour Kelly & Douglas Shaw Ping Li & Henry Shen The Shore Family Theresa & William Simpson H Debra & Michael Sims John C. Sipple, ’69 HH Julie Skaggs H Lola & Craig Smith COL & Mrs. Howard K. Smith, ’45 † Donna & Kirby Smith III Leslie Smith, ’63 HHH Emily Rees, Mike Bennink & Nicole Smith-Bennink Beth & Sam Smith Sidney O. Smith Insurance Kelly & Stanley Smith Jorge Sosa HH Pam & Kent Starke Robert H. Stoddard, ’64 H Mace & Mike Strickland H SunTrust Bank Foundation Florence C. & Harry L. English Memorial Fund Wanda & Bob Swoszowski H Anthony Tippins Turner Broadcasting System, Inc.. Felipe A. Valls, ’50 Connie & James R. Van Arsdale, ’79 HH Robert Van Beever, ’56 † Lara & James Vaughan H Walmart Foundation H Rita & David Wardlaw John Watts Beth & Samuel D. Weil, ’66 HHH Bonnie & Jeff Weiner, ’66 William Welbon, ’42 † Carole & Gregory Werd, ’56 HHH Tammy & Kevin White Charity & Michael Whitney Philip A. Wilheit, Sr. Samuel A. Wilson, Jr., ’60 HH Jennifer Wood Keith Wood Shawn & Wayne Wunderlich Joanne & Frederick Young H

President’s Report 2020-2021 19

Annual Giving Societies

This comprehensive list recognizes donors

who have given a minimum of $100 during RMA’s fiscal year June 1, 2020 through May 31, 2021. We extend sincere appreciation to these donors whose contributions help to enrich the experience for our cadets and enhance the centers of excellence across our campus.



$5,000 - $9,999

$1,000 - $1,999

Randel R. Baker Molly O’Toole & Kevin Bishop King Brainard Bobby W. Bush, Jr. James J. Bush William B. Carr Ronald Echols Tara Goodballet & Thomas Hornick John F. Mandt, Sr., ’56 Brenda Vega-Matos Todd C. Wilkes, ’89

Anonymous AmazonSmile H Nicole & Eric Baker Shelia & Ronnie Baldwin H James D. Black, ’67 Eleanor H. Burke Lucius M. Butts, Jr., ’44 † C. Neal Carter, ’57 H Gloria A. Carter Jefferey Chandler Classic City Solutions, Inc. H Joel W. Collins, Jr., ’62 Chassie & James Corbin H Covenant Risk Advisors Natalia & Frank D’Aries Duplicating Products, Inc. H Jay L. Elrod H Jeannette & Martin Engelmann, ’59 Gerald L. Fishbein, ’48 Free Chapel Janice Frost & Jack E. Frost † Jennifer & John Galloway

Seanie & Ron Zappendorf


1907 SOCIETY $2,000 - $4,999 Atlanta Falcons Football Club Jennifer & Garett Bethenod Tina & John Burns Susan & Filemon Calderon H Dawn & Michael Cannova H CyberGrants LLC Shelly & Drew Echols Ann & Mark Fitzgerald Charles Haines Lisa & Monte Jackson Bobbie & Richard Jacobs Anna & John Jacobs III JW & Ethel I. Woodruff Foundation H Karen Kastritis H Christopher Looney McDonald’s H George Mealey, ’51 Gerald E. Misel, ’71 Charlotte & Henry Moore Patricia & Michael Mynatt, ’64 Peach State Federal Credit Union Primary Care Clinics of Georgia Dyan Spinnato & Joe Rectenwald Roberts Commercial Flooring, LLC Justin Toombs Thompson Van Hyning, ’61 Karen & Charles Williams


Riverside Military Academy

KEY H 5+ consecutive years Ι HH 10+ consecutive years Ι HHH 15+ consecutive years 2021 Georgia GOAL † Deceased

David Hocker Holiday Inn Express & Suites Gainesville - Lake Lanier Eric Hopkins, ’85 House of Finery Elizabeth & Andrew Jobson H Elizabeth & Jon Johnson Maria & Chris Jones Renee & Mark Keiser Nancy & Jody Lail HH Carl K. Lambrecht, ’61 H Heather & Dwight Larson Craig A. Levine H Luna’s Restaurant Nan M. MacGruer H Marco’s Pizza Kathleen McDermott Fran Millar Nancy & Nils Okeson Peach State Bank & Trust H Peachtree Residential Properties Norma & Alfonso Pelayo

Lisa & Lawrence Perkins Amy & Jonathan Pope Ramada Leigh C. Record Suzette & Matt Reeves Henry L. Roediger III, ’65 HHH Scott Roether Bill Russell Stephen Rutner, ’81 H John H. Shirley, ’65 Lorri & Michael Short Smith Bell Petroleum Lydia & Wendell M. Starke Sandy & Tim Stroyne Marc A. Tessler, ’64 Two Brown Dogs Realty Robert N. Vernay II, ’64 H Wilheit Family Properties Willis Investment Counsel Woody’s Pharmacy, Inc. James C. Young, ’78 HH

Jeannie & Stephen Fowle GoPro Emery Ayers-Greenidge & Doane Greenidge Robert P. Greenman, ’58 Julie & Troy Gueller Charles D. Heidgerd ’65 Enrique Herrero, Jr., ’82 H Myra & Edward C. Herty, ’66 Andrew T. Jones Nina Jordan Kim M. Kanakis, ’75 Kimberly & Howard Kapustein Anthony O. Kelley, ’87 Edward M. Kessler, ’46 H Susan & Louis Lataif Graham Law, ’06 Joslyn Lewis Frederick Littauer McKesson Technologies, Inc. Kristen Morris Terry Morris Network For Good Kelli Clay & Joseph Newsom

Carey Norwood David Nourachi Thomas O’Connell, ’91 Ashley & Edward Pincott Tanner Riddle Shawn McDaniel & Michael Roach The Rotary Club of Gainesville Tamara & Keith Schneider Selling Georgia Homes, Inc. Amy Skiles Jerome Smith Specialty Orthopaedics H Brenda & Oscar Starnes III, ’73 Maria & Coy Stuart, ’75 Michelle Talbert Charlotte & Ken Tallmadge Kristen Turner UBS Matching Gift Program Coren & Robert Wagner Walmart Neighborhood Market Arnold L. Watkins Kay & Phil Westbrook E. David Williams, ’65 Ellen Williams

RIVERSIDE SABERS $400 - $999 Anonymous (2) Vanessa & Benjamin Allen H Atlas Supply USA Bryan Baldwin, ’96 H Batey & Sanders, Inc. Benevity Causes Beth & James Berutich The Blackbaud Giving Fund John R. Boyd, ’93 Rochelle & James Brinson Mark A. Brown Peggy & Donna Cannella Christopher Carter H David P. Chandler, ’66 Charlotte Cliche Realty Anne Chenault H Valerie L. Chinn Sarah & Peter Crafford Alberto Cudemus, ’62 H Pamela & Timothy Cummings H Juan Dominguez Debbie & Patrick Drummond Russell Dye, ’87 Brett H. Ferguson, ’75 H

RIVERSIDE RIFLES $100 - $399 Eduardo E. Acosta, ’60 Uzo Akpele Brandi Anderson John Anderson Marilynn & Ronald Andrews Phillipa & Worth Andrews III Alene C. Arenas Stephen L. Armell, ’63 Bridget & Christopher Badeaux Brenda Bahel Nicole Baker Jennifer & Michael Baum Richard A. Baum, ’67 Jennifer & Andrew Baumann Bridget Bazemore Kay Bent Jeffrey W. Bergman Dana Berry Brenda & David Binder Kelley & Richard Bisso, ’85 H Marvin E. Black, ’43 Jeffrey D. Blakely, ’64 Estefania Bonilla Laurie P. Bouchard Andrew C. Bowling, ’91 Richard L. Brashear, ’56 HHH James R. Bright Stanley E. Brown, ’48 Timothy A. Browning, ’68 Sheila & Russell Buice Howell Buot W. B. Burns Bill Burt, ’60 Robert Cagle Jan & Sumner Cahoon, ’49 Carlisa & Christopher Campo Arthur D. Canales, ’81 H Chinn Law Firm, LLC Nevin G. Christensen, ’46 Christopher Columbus High School Steve A. Clasby Toni & Don Coleman Nancy Colston Jane & James Congrove Anne & John Conley Christopher A. Cotter, ’88 Kelli & Darden Couch Justin B. Creech, ’88 H Ralph D’Silva Carlos de Castro, ’89 Sandra & Nathan Deal Clifford L. Deal Jr., ’60 Delta Air Lines Foundation Matching Gift Mari E. DePorres, ’88

Tracy R. Doetsch, ’89 Jeffrey Dombroff, ’62 Katharine & Sean Drucker Annemarie Eades James V. Edwards, ’58 Manuela & Manuel Espinall Karen & Tim Faber Yemi & Ben Famori Xiao Jing Zhang & Hua Fang Shawn & Matthew Feeko Richard K. Feigenbaum Stephanie & John Fiedler Anna & Andy Ford Oscar Fortson Nicoleta C. Frank Ilene & Lionel Fraser Douglas Freedman Jessica & Joel Gandara Sheldon L. Gantz, ’53 H Lisa B. Garner Matthew C. Garrett, ’15 Perry Gentry H Gfesser Family Chan & Ken Goodgames Joe Gordon, ’96 Robert G. Gorrell Robert A. Green, ’73 Mark Greenberg H Stephanie & Donald Griesheimer, ’88 Barbara & Jack Griffeth Lidia Griffin Carlos E. Gutierrez Ferrete William Haag, ’85 Kathy Halsell Jeff Harris, ’62 Shirley Harris Thomas G. Harris, ’93 Cheryl & Chase Hasbrouck Andrew C. Haskell, ’02 Kristen & Ray Hecksher Anne Hempe Palafox Louis & Beth Hill Susan & Philip Hoffstadter Kathryn & James Holland Calvin S. Hopkins III Beau Houck, ’89 Stan Howington, ’90 Sally & William Israel, ’52 H Mandy & Derek Jakes Felicia Jeffley Bradley & Marcela Johns Alene & Harry Joiner Ernesto L. Jusino, ’89 Daniel Kaufman Lidiya & Gennadii Khorunzhyi

Susan & James King Robin & Shawn Knowles Bobbie Kolod Natalae & Dale La Douceur George J. Laganas, ’68 H Amy & Chris Lancaster, ’85 Karen & Chad Landen, ’89 Kelli & Keith Lawson Harry Lay, ’62 Hector Laya, ’88 Kiet Le, ’18 Anthony Legaspi, ’21 Betty Anne & George Lennon, ’65 Robert Loew, ’92 Glenda & Patrick Lowenthal Deborah K. Mack Tom Maier Shirley Marin Bob Martin HH Andrea McCormick Paul B. McCorristin, ’64 H Dianne R. McKenzie David G. McManus, ’64 H Wendy & Manny Menendez, ’91 Megan & Ben Michael Holly & Justin Miller Norman E. Miller, Jr., ’51 Marquita & Tim Milligan Barbara & Roy Moore HH Alice Ann & Thomas Mundy Youlanda & John W. Munroe HH Martha & Pete Nesbitt Carole & John Noble, ’55 James Nofi Northeast Georgia Health System Auxilary Jennifer Nunez-Banos William P. Obier III, ’70 H Tunde Onasanya Will W. Page, ’70 Joseph J. Pagliaro, Jr., ’60 Kelley & Robert Parker, ’95 W. Daniel Pate Richard J. Patey Deborah & Emory Peebles Kenneth A. Peeples, ’70 Mark Phillips Val & Charles Piper, Jr. Brett Player, ’87 William Pontius, ’88 Diana & Chad Porter Nancy & Paul Posner, ’56 Thomas Presten Lara & Travis Provencher Victor Prutu

David H. Ramsey, ’84 Sam Rauch Gerald W. Ravenscroft, ’40 Guillermo A. Rodriguez, ’67 Therese Rojales Douglas B. Romine, ’64 Emily & Robert Ros, ’79 Shari & Barney Rothgery, ’55 Fordusa Yusuf & Aymen Salah Krista & Edward Sanders Raymond Santos, ’80 Susan & Derek Sauls Alan Savitz, ’55 H Lauren Schachter Amber Schaibly Ed Schwartz, ’85 Charlene & Gerald Seiff, ’50 John Shellenberger, ’62 Maggie Sicher Joe G. Smith, ’55 Genaro Solis Perez Walter Sommers Joanne Speake Patricia & Cecil Spears, ’62 JoAnna & Ricky Spencer Mike Staines Matthew W. Stanley, ’75 Charles K. Stoner, ’82 H Robin A. Stooksbury Robert D. Strong Pingping Sun William F. Sutphen Judith Taylor Andrew G. Temple, ’89 Tyler F. Toby, ’87 Lynn Townley Megan H. Tran James C. Trapnell, Jr., ’45 HH Tracy & Mark Truslow, ’93 H Ivel & Ambrose Turkson Cristina Tzilinis Steve Van De Kreke, ’86 H Anita & Jay Vannice Lonnie & Thien Vo Lynne & Eric Vogelbacher Robert B. Wallace, ’60 The Walt Disney Company Foundation Julia & Tharpe Ward Mitchell Watts, ’71 Valerie & Stacy West John E. Wilbanks, ’61 Michele Wilson Ashlyn E. Winfree Ki W. Yoon Yi Zeng

President’s Report 2020-2021 21




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