San Antonio Medicine February 2021

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of Social Media for the Physician: How Being on Social Media and YouTube Can Help Supplement a Physician’s Practice By Antonio Webb, MD

Internet and social media use has sky-rocketed in the past 15 years. According to a Pew Study in 2005, 68% of American Adults used the internet. In 2019, that number grew to 90%.1 In the same study, 80% of US internet users looked up health information online. That translates to 59% of the American adult population using the internet, with 13% of them going online to find information about their health condition. Also, 7% of all adults have used social media to gather healthcare information. This staggering growth demonstrates the changing times we are facing as physicians. In the face of stifling competition, patients are more often seeking medical information and providers online. This highlights the absolute necessity of meeting the needs of our patients. Patients are searching online and on social media sites to find information about their health conditions and to learn about the various treatment options; then they are seeking out providers for care. Whether it is Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, TikTok or YouTube, most people are using at least 1-2 social media platforms these days. A certain portion of these individuals are also using social media to market their business and, in the case of physicians, marketing their practice with the use of professional social media pages and/or websites. However, a majority of physicians lack an online presence. A study in 2017 by 30


Lander et al, used the Pediatric Orthopaedic Society of North America (POSNA) directory to review each active member's presence on social media using an internet search.6 Their study showed that of the 987 POSNA members, 95% had a professional webpage, but only 14.8% had a professional Facebook page, 2.2% a professional Twitter page, 36.8% a Linked-in profile, and 33% were on YouTube. This study suggested that Pediatric Orthopedic Surgeons may be underutilizing their potential social media presence. Video is one of the most powerful tools in marketing. According to Google, 64% of consumers use video to research healthcare professionals (doctors, dentists, etc.) and 56% watch videos to learn about specific health treatments or problems, such as dental procedures or spinal ailments. YouTube is one of the most popular social media sites in the world with over 2 billion active users. It is localized to more than 90 countries and is accessible in 80 different languages. YouTube makes it possible to create and post videos for all of the world to see. It is one of the most powerful social media sites because of the ability of patients to see you before they come visit your practice. It’s the “try before you buy” form of marketing that allows patients to feel comfortable with you before they even step foot in your office. Here are several reasons why every doctor should be on social media, specifically YouTube.

To create educational videos for your patients Some services offered by your practice may be more complex than others. For example, with spine surgery medical procedures and conditions can be daunting and intimidating for a lot of patients. Conditions and procedures like isthmic spondylolisthesis, diffuse idiopathic skeletal hyperostosis, diastematomyelia, or extreme lateral interbody fusion may be hard for patients to understand and follow, especially when trying to explain them during short and rushed office visits. Educational videos that explain certain conditions that are focused on “pre” or “post” treatment instruction can be helpful for patients to understand their diagnosis and serve as a step-by-step guides to reference before and after an office visit. Sharing videos on YouTube that detail the process from startto-finish helps patients gain a better understanding, putting them at ease while also bringing more patients into your practice. These videos can be sent to patients as links to watch before their appointment, played during the office visit while they are waiting to see you, and/or can be used as a reference by patients to review after their visit. By doing this, patients can learn more about their condition or upcoming procedure and therefore they can be more informed.

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