Airbnb youbelong report

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Louise Lee N0497353 Big Idea and Creative Concept Airbnb Report Fashion Communication and Promotion Fash 20031

the intro


about airbnb

the consumers


consumer profiles

the analysis



the research




creative concept visual inspiration campaign idea digital & print






data visualisation research methodology what the brand is already doing


Airbnb is a company that has reinvented the travel industry. Building one of the world’s largest hospitality brands, Airbnb offers access for travellers to rent unique places to stay from its online hosts in more then 190 countries around the world. Founded in 2008, Airbnb began when two long-time friends who saw a great opportunity to make rent out of their extra space. Since then the company has developed a home sharing empire with a trusted community marketplace of over 25,000,000 guests who list, discover and book accommodation over the world. Referred to as “Disruptive, brazen, and overall brilliant” (Inc Magazine,2014), Airbnb won the title of Inc’s 2014 company of the year. Airbnb embrace the idea of sharing, hospitality and human connection focusing on the idea of creating a sense of belonging wherever you are around the world.







Airbnb are very much consumer focused, they have a growing community of global users, and their users divide into two market segmentations; travellers and hosts. Airbnb target both segmentations at one time, as they both compliment each other in order for their marketing concept to be successful. It is hard to determine a typical Airbnb consumer as they target an international audience with diverse income brackets. The online platform makes it possible for anyone to host or travel through their services. Airbnb offers the chance for hosts to list their apartment or a room that can be rented by travellers thus creating a home from home experience leading to countless friendships, new experiences and creating a sense of belonging whilst travelling. The main benefit that targets the hosting consumer is the income it provides. Airbnb hosts being non- traditionally employed and earning below the median household income. 34% say that income from hosting has allowed them to support themselves while freelancing (airbnb. Two different target host consumers are demonstrated in (Fig1&2).


Fig 1

Fig 2


Airbnb’s other main target consumer is the traveller. Guests who use Airbnb to find a place to stay vary from business, to experience a new city or culture, to explore and to relax. The consumer wants a more authentic experience then staying in a hotel, with the chance to stay in rather unique accommodations with a host that can guide them and make them feel comfortable and safe. A typical Airbnb traveller is cost conscious as they opt for a less costly alternative to staying in a hotel, possibly a student or young adult old enough to travel alone with a below average income (Fig 3). However with Business travel spending expected to increase in 2015 with hotel costs also expected to rise about 6 to 8 percent. (, 2014). Airbnb have began to target the business traveller (Fig4). as another target consumer offering them a section targeted to business travel on the website. Also Airbnb has partnered with Concur, which runs TripLink, a system that streamlines the booking and expensing process for business travellers (, 2014) in bid to attract this business travelling user base.


Fig 3

Fig 4





From my SWOT analysis on Airbnb, I can see that the brand is currently very successful due to its strengths around its core focus towards customer support and hospitality, additional funding, “Airbnb is in advanced talks to raise an additional $400 million to $500 million” (, 2014) and strong rebranding. Weaknesses surround legal issues and the safety aspect based around trust between strangers that offers great opportunities for Airbnb to help build relationships between users. Also an opportunity to create wider audiences with the help of social media to get people talking about the brand and possibly expansion targeting a wider audience of people who wouldn’t necessary use Airbnb such as holidaymakers and families; A campaign that would attract all consumer types. Possible threats include illegal listings and bad experiences and press going viral on social media like the campaign called “share better” making a case that Airbnb listings are illegal hotels.







Fig 5


Fig 6

belonging I have constructed primary and secondary research in order to gain insight into the sense of belonging whilst travelling. I have demonstrated a range of research methods to get different results. I collected statistical data (Fig5), which shows that I need to increase the awareness of Airbnb in holidaymakers who usually book separately. Also of different ages. The majority of people also felt that a sense of belonging is important when travelling with words associated in (Fig6).


Fig 7


Fig 8

My creative research from a focus group I constructed produced a selection of drawings of where people feel they belong- most commonly associated to a house or home (Fig7) This demonstrated a visual idea of the comfort they feel when they belong, a familiar surrounding with people that make them happy and feel loved. I found the emotional responses that I got from my research I did in Nottingham town centre very helpful as it provided me with a variety of interesting, in-depth responses towards belonging. (Fig8) This helped me to think of ideas that demonstrate belonging based on real consumers, thoughts and feelings, I feel this is successful as it works with the Airbnb core values, the importance of the consumer and the emotional side that the consumer feels towards the brand and the experience it provides. My research led me to believe that although everyone has their own individual idea of where they feel a sense of belonging the main feeling that people felt from belonging was happiness feelings of emotion towards people. These responses have enabled me to think of an idea for a campaign that will enforce these feelings of happiness and emotion between two people from around the world.


On the Airbnb experience... “It was nice to stay in a real house as we felt more comfortable and like part of the family. After 3 weeks in the city we felt like we lived there. I didn’t want to leave” On belonging... “Little things like leaving notes on the side when they were going out made us feel like part of the family and made me smile” (Interview with Abigail Santos, Airbnb traveller, 2014)


Research Methodology


Airbnb channel a feeling of belonging at the core and heart of their brand, which is demonstrated in real life situations within its existing community of users. The rise of the sense of belonging and bringing people together within companys can be seen in many campaigns such as the Bacardi, ‘Together’ campaign that revalues human connection (Fig9). Similarly Airbnb strive to make human connection through feeling like you belong with one another. The empowerment of belonging is shared and generated from lots of Airbnb online content surrounding different driving campaigns that force the idea of belonging; this is demonstrated with their idea of ‘storytelling’. Airbnb users are sharing their experiences working with photographers and directors to tell moving stories, also creating visual campaigns of short films into the brands story.

Fig 9


#OneLessStranger Airbnb are also focusing on creating content using its online blog, one post follows a traveller sharing his instagram photos of New York in the fall and another advertising a competition on Les Galeries Lafayette’s very own Airbnb listing ( Although the blog content is effective in creating a more personal, deeper connection with consumers it limits its accessibility to people who know the brand or have been in previous association with the brand. Social media is a good way of reaching a wider range of consumers, Airbnb are currently using it as a resource for its consumers. This is demonstrated in a recent online to offline campaign to encourage random acts of kindness in a bid to connect strangers asking them to share their experience on twitter to create ‘on-going initiative’ (, 2014). This campaign is reinforcing the idea of spreading a sense of belonging with anyone around the world to create one less stranger. $1 million has been funded as a gift to 100,000 global community members to enforce this campaign that has been embraced by many people. This shows that Airbnb are willing to invest into making their brand successful and well known. The success of this campaign will create volume of discussion around the brand however I feel the brand could benefit by reaching out to a wider audience getting everyone involved with the brands idea of belonging.





#youbelong In order to demonstrate belonging through a creative concept I have taken inspiration from my creative research and outlined opportunities I feel the brand could embark on to expand out to a greater audience. My big idea will be based on the idea of reaching a mass market of consumers to promote a feeling of belonging towards everyone, anywhere in the world. In order to do this I want to propose a campaign idea that everyone can engage and experience in on a personal level. A multifunctional campaign that begins offline but is translated digitally across platforms and shared online. I want to make sure that my campaign is accessible to people of all ages, as I want to create more awareness from a wider audience surrounding the brand. The ‘you belong’ campaign of sharing messages worldwide will begin through a 10-day installation called the ‘Airbnb home’. These will be small pop-up houses that people enter and share their worldwide message from when passing by on the street. These Airbnb branded houses will celebrate the feeling of belonging that most people feel when at home. They will be quirky and designed with inspiration from each top listed real life Airbnb homes. These Airbnb homes will be similar to a previous installation by Airbnb for London Design Festival 2014 in Trafalger Square (Fig10). Designers created their own interpretation of ‘home’ inside house shaped pavilions. The homes will follow the design of the airbnb branding, visually stimulating and interesting to attract people in. Similarly the Airbnb homes will be situated in countries such as U.S., U.K., Germany, France, Singapore, South Korea, Japan, Brazil and China including New York, London and Paris as these are the destinations in which they have recently launched their ad campaign. These Airbnb homes would be in areas where they would attract lots of different people. I think this idea would work well as it would interest all types of people, a wide variety of ages and genders would find this installation intriguing and anyone can take part in the campaign from families, students to senior citizens. Outdoor installations are a good way of getting the consumer to engage in a memorable experience with the brand. Demonstrated in Cokes 2012 campaign around “open happiness” (Fig11) that provided an outdoor installation of benches called the ‘Love Seat’ designed to create an instant connection, countless friendships and reengage people with their brand. This attracted a mass market of consumers ageing from 3 years old to 65. Similarly I think the Airbnb ‘belong home’ is a fun, interesting way to engage people.


Fig 10

Fig 11


visual inspiration



Fig 12

My campaign idea is based on the idea of sharing a happy, loving message around the world through digital screens. Inside the Airbnb homes there will be interactive ‘you belong’ branded boards available for consumers to write on. There will also be cameras set up that photograph the consumer with his or her own personal messages. With the latest technology these photographs will be transferred to interactive billboards around the world displaying the person and their message for 10 seconds to people passing by around the world thus making them feel as though the message has been personally directed to them. A short, simple message that always starts with the word ‘you’. Followed by the words ‘you belong’. This will create an emotional connection between the sender and person reading the message, reintroducing the Airbnb strategy. The passing on of this positive, happy message from one person to another will make people feel safe and secure; a warm fuzzy feeling. The big idea around these messages plays on the idea that “you belong”. People will have the chance to write a message of there choice next to the word ‘you’ on an interactive board (Fig12). For example the board may read “You… are beautiful”, “You belong”. They will then be photographed with this message which then be projected onto large interactive billboards in different cities around the world (Fig13&14), seen by different people who will read the message. This works on the idea that the message has been personally directed at them conveying a feeling of happiness and affection from a random person. The idea that the message creates a social connection between two people which is digital yet also very human as it is personally handwritten and held up on display by somebody making it much more rewarding and real life then anything shared in print or over the web. This global communication will inspire a feeling of belonging around the word. The core focus of the personalised message will engage lots of consumers as 78% of consumers feel that brands that create unique and personalised content are more interested in building a relationship with them (Hanley-Wood Business Media, 2013).


Fig 13

Fig 14


Fig 15

Fig 16

Fig 17

The function of the interactive boards means that consumers are given the chance to share their message via social media websites. Each message will carry a hashtag #youbelong encouraging people to promote the brand online. I looked at social media campaign #BringBackOurGirls (Fig15,16,17). When more than 200 Nigerian schoolgirls were kidnapped from their boarding school by armed Islamist militants the issue become of international importance echoed by tweeters using the #BringBackOurGirls hashtag which was used in over a million tweets worldwide. Social media played a pivotal role in forcing the issue on our world leaders. Hundreds of thousands of people including Michelle Obama posted images of themselves holding pieces of paper with the #BringBackOurGirls hashtag written on to Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. (, 2014). This social media campaign inspired my idea as it created lots of awareness.


#Airbnbhomes Consumers will have the option to share the photograph of themselves with their message on Facebook, Twitter or instagram with accompanied by the hash tags #youbelong and #AirbnbHomes. (Fig18,19) Airbnb will have to put a significant amount of funding towards this campaign in order to make this a success. The company’s now valued at $10 billion (, 2014) and accordingly spent $3000,000 on measured media last year (Kantar Media) means that they can afford to invest into campaigns and creating more awareness around the brand in order to grow their idea out to a wider audience.


Fig 18

Fig 19


Airbnb will translate this campaign into a digital output creating a short video made up from the images of different people from all over who took part in the Airbnb homes with their photographs and messages. This video will be shared on the digital billboards around the world as well as online, mobile, in-cinema and in-flight. (Fig20) The chance to offer an ad made up entirely from real life consumers is strong as it works alongside the brand strategy as the consumer is what makes Airbnb, without the consumer there would be no Airbnb. Each video will be specially tailored to each country using their language to make it understandable worldwide. Airbnb will encourage users to share the video on their social media sites such as Facebook, Twitter and YouTube. Ideally I want the ‘you belong’ campaign to feature a range of people to show the diversity of consumers that can engage with the brand and become part of the Airbnb community. I think the Airbnb homes will interest many types of people. All ages can take part writing messages and having fun watching their images be displayed over the world even children accompanied by their parents. This will get more people talking about the brand and noticing the brand, people will see the images on the billboards or on social media and want to take part.

Fig 20

More footage of the screens and different peoples messages, also shows how people have shared it to their social networking sites

Video shows people walking into the airbnb home installments Text coming up on screen explaining the campaign

Earth with the airbnb logo appearing around it explaining how the campaign is worldwide. Video zooms in and out ofo different areas of the earth showing what the messages look like...

A short montage of text on screen says peoples photographs ‘You made people feel holding up the different like they belong� messages all shown together which builds up and fades into a large version of the interactive board saying...

Videos of people inside the airbnb homes writing messages and being photographed

Video ends with a screen with the hashtag you belong and the Airbnb logo.

around the world on different billboards and screens. Video shows clips of people reading the messages, laughing and smiling.




Fig 21


Also selected images from the Airbnb home instalment will be printed as a feature in Pineapple(Fig21); Airbnb’s print magazine that contains a ‘tangible collection of our community’s stories and inspirations’ (Airbnb). These images following the campaign will provide a great printed campaign showing a community of worldwide engagement through visual image.



Ideally I want the ‘you belong’ campaign to feature a range of people to show the diversity of consumers that can engage with the brand and become part of the Airbnb community. I think the Airbnb homes will interest many types of people. All ages can take part writing messages and having fun watching their images be displayed over the world even children accompanied by their parents. This will get more people talking about the brand and noticing the brand, people will see the images on the billboards or on social media and want to take part. This campaign will create a moment that forms a connection to create happiness, it will be an experience for the person writing the message and the person reading the message, almost mirroring the two roles of the host and the traveller that make up the Airbnb company. This campaign will empower people to feel a sense of belonging not only everywhere around the world but a sense of belonging within the Airbnb family.






interview script

Name: Abigail Santos Gender: Female Age: 20 Occupation: Student, NTU Country: UK, England Income: (Low) Student Loan, part time sales assistant job Do you travel often? Sometimes, usually for holidays Have you ever used Airbnb? Yes, Me and my boyfriend used Airbnb a number of times when we visited New York for 3 weeks. We stayed at a number of different houses in different areas How did you feel towards the hosts and staying in a strangers home? I was a little concerned beforehand although it was a lot cheaper then paying for hotels. Most hosts we stayed with were really lovely and we made many friends during our stay. They were helpful with information about the city and we got to meet their friends and visit places we would have never known about. It was nice to stay in a real house also as we felt more comfortable and like part of the family. After 3 weeks in the city we felt like we lived there. I didn’t want to leave! How did the hosts make you feel a sense of belonging? They made us feel comfortable and were generally really nice to us. Little things like leaving notes on the side when they were going out made us feel like part of the family and made me smile. They always made me feel happy especially when they woke us up to breakfast in bed! Do you feel your Airbnb experience has changed your life? Yes. defo, It has made me more confident to explore and engage with people I have never met. I have made new friends who live in New York, people I didn’t even no existed before my trip. I keep in touch with them through email and social media. We got attached to one family of 4, the young daughter was almost like a little sister to me. I miss them a lot, even their dog! What do you feel Airbnb can do to empower this feeling of belonging? I think that the feeling of belonging you get when using Airbnb is very emotional and deep, unlike any other holiday or travelling experience. If people opted for Airbnb rather then other travel options they could witness this first hand. Most people who I know who use Airbnb are students but I think everyone would love it, its a great experience.


Interview consent form



Typeform survey results (selection)


Public research consent forms


Public research consent forms


Focus group consent forms


Focus group consent forms


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Front page: Contents page: Page 2: Page 3: Page 5: printscreen Page 7: printscreen Page 6 & 7: consumer profile images via Page 9: Page 13: manipulated using photoshop Page 15 & 16: Fig5 & 6 Data visualisation created by me (myself, 2015) Page 17: Fig 7 Creative Research findings (myself, 2015) Page 18: ig 8 Creative Research findings (myself, 2015) Page 21: Page 22: printscreen Page 23: Page 26: Page 27 & 28: visual inspiration images all via Page 29: Fig12 Image mock up created on photoshop (myself, 2015) Page 30: Fig 13 & 14 Billboard campaign mock ups created using photoshop (myself,2015) Page 31: Fig 15 Fig 16 Fig17 Page 32: Fig 18 Image mock up created using photoshop, (myself, 2015)


Fig19 Image mock up created using photoshop, (myself,2015) Page 33: Fig 20 Image mock up created using photoshop (myself 2015) Page 35: Fig21 Image mock up created using photoshop (myself 2015) Page: 37: Image mock up create using photoshop (myself 2015)

image referencess

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