Louisiana Summer Program 2013

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summer 2013 ENGLISH









Left: Yoko Ono performing action painting, 2013. Photo
© Schirn Kunsthalle, Bernd Kammerer. Right: Yoko Ono with Franklin Summer drawings. Photo:
© Synaesthete, courtesy Yoko Ono.

EXHIBITION 7.6.-29.9. Often referred to as “the world's most famous unknown artist”, this large-scale Yoko Ono retrospective is sure to surprise, challenge and expand our notion of a legendary and extremely vital artistic pioneer. For more than 50 years Yoko Ono has been a leading avantgarde artist and influential pioneer. To mark her 80th birthday earlier this year Louisiana Museum of Modern Art now shows a major retrospective of well over a hundred works. The exhibition offers a rare opportunity to orient ourselves broadly in Yoko Ono’s multifaceted artistic universe, pinpointing central themes of her career and demonstrating the diversity of media and disciplines with which she works. Yoko Ono expresses herself with equal simplicity and originality in visual art, poetry, music, installation, performance art, film and events. The main element in her works are not materials, but ideas. Many of these ideas are poetic, bizarre and utopian, whereas others can be easily realized. They reflect her subtle humour as well as her decidedly socially critical conscience. While some of Yoko Ono's ideas are mani-

DREAM CATALOGUE A comprehensive and richly illustrated catalogue by Prestel in English, German and Spanish versions. The catalogue is edited by Ingrid Pfeiffer and Max Hollein in collaboration with Jon Hendricks.


fested in the form of objects, others remain non-material. Often taking their starting point from her Instructions, oral or written requests to the public, Yoko Ono not only challenges our conventional ways of thinking but gives us a chance to play an active role and partake in the process of creation. Listen to the sound of the earth turning she encourages us, or Watch the sun until it becomes square. As an introduction to the exhibition, one of Yoko Ono’s major architectural installations, En Trance, will be shown for the first time in many years. This architectural wall with its ambiguous title offers six different entrance options, allowing for various experiences. The first section of the exhibition features important works from the early 1960s where Yoko Ono became known for her ground-breaking experimental and conceptual works,


Above: Ceiling Painting, Yes Painting from 1966, comprising a ladder, a magnifying glass and a painting with the word YES. It was through this work that Ono and John Lennon met. Photo: Oded Lobl / © Yoko Ono. Right: Air Dispenser, 1971. Photo: Iain Macmillan / © Yoko Ono. Opposite page: Yoko Ono in 1967 with Half-A-Room installation. Photo: Clay Perry / © Yoko Ono. Opposite page right: Cut Piece performed 1964 at the Carnegie Recital Hall, Photo: Minoru Niizuma, courtesy Yoko Ono. DREAM and YES are examples of Ono's powerful and poetic word pieces.

Above: Instruction dedicated to “George Machiunas, the phantom architect.” 1965. Left: Yoko Ono and John Lennon with White Chess Set. 1971. Photo: Peter Fordham © Yoko Ono. Opposite page: Yoko Ono inside Amaze Photo: © Schirn Kunsthalle / Gaby Gerster, Below: With installation Balance Piece Photo: Marco Delogu, courtesy Yoko Ono.


HALF-A-WIND SHOW A RETROSPECTIVE is an exhibition of Schirn Kunsthalle Frankfurt in cooperation with Louisiana Museum of Modern Art, Kunsthalle Krems and Guggenheim Museum Bilbao.

performed first in New York and later in Japan. From here the exhibition continues with large spatial installations and recent works, including the brand new installation, Moving Mountains, where we are invited, individually or together with others, to form mobile sculptures from cloth bags. One area is specifically devoted to Ono’s musical production, represented by music videos, concert recordings, covers, posters etc. Yoko Ono’s great political commitment and her enduring efforts to reach out and engage in dialogue with people all over the world – through the use of social media, billboards and Participation Pieces – can be experienced within and outside the museum walls. In the Louisiana Park you are invited to hang your personal wishes on a Wish Tree and on large billboards in Copenhagen you will find poetic messages from the artist throughout the exhibition period.


South & East Wing. The summer presentation mixes thematic installations, new additions and highlights from the impressive collection. Works by a.o. Picasso, Bourgeois, Richter & Hockney.


With a range of daily workshops and special holiday activities, Louisiana Children's Wing is a perfect point of departure for families with children who wish to explore the museum.


Enjoy the beauty of the Sculpture Park where you can experience a series of summer events and performances, especially during the international Louisiana Literature festival, 22-25 August.


TARA DONOVAN EXHIBITION UNTIL 28.7. “Magical” is a term used again and again by Louisiana visitors to sum up their impression of this showing of renowned American artist Tara Donovan, her first in Europe. Using and experimenting with simple, everyday materials like foil, toothpicks and straws, Donovan creates sculptural objects of enigmatic beauty. “Beauty is inherent in the material itself, form follows,” she says.

Photos opposite by Kim Hansen and Bjarke Ørsted feature works by a.o. Pipilotti Rist, Gerhard Richter, Louise Bourgeois and Henry Moore. Tara Donovan installation photos (this page) by Ty Stange.

LOUISIANA is a leading international museum of modern art and a vibrant centre of culture. Altogether, an extraordinary place that strikes that rarest of balances between art, architecture and nature: a place of true beauty all year round.

The Exhibitions The international orientation remains an important premise for Louisiana’s exhibitions, contributing to the museum’s status as one of the world’s most respected exhibition venues. The exhibition programme focuses on international, modern and contemporary art as well as international photo, design and architecture shows. The Collection The museum’s collection is among the largest in Scandinavia and concentrates on the period after 1945. Includes major works by Picasso, Giacometti, Klein, Warhol, Rauschenberg, Bourgeois, Guston, Jorn, Baselitz, Kiefer and Kirkeby. The Architecture The architectural design of Louisiana is considered a unique achievement, rooted in the low-key modernism of the 1950s. The appearance of the museum is that of a subdued, horizontal building complex discreetly nestling into the landscape. The Sculpture Park Louisiana is surrounded by a sculpture park with a panorama view of the Øresund. The sculptures in the park are an important part of the museum’s collection,

and each is carefully placed to do it full justice. Features works by a.o. Moore, Miro, Calder, Ernst, Arp, Sekine and Dubuffet. A mobile guide takes you on a highlight tour of the park. Accessible in the free museum wifi area. The Louisiana Children’s Wing Three storeys, covering 500 square metres and offering children and youth exceptional opportunities to work creatively, using their senses and imagination. Workshops daily from 11:00 to 17:30, on Sundays from 14:00 to 16:00. The Louisiana Shop One of Denmark’s leading design shops, focusing on Danish and Scandinavian design. A well-assorted book shop holds catalogues and posters as well as books on art, design and architecture. The Louisiana CafE Boasts a panoramic view of the Øresund and an outdoor terrace during the summer months. A modern Danish cuisine, based on fresh, in-season ingredients, is served for lunch and dinner. The menu changes weekly. The Cafe also offers a new take on traditional Danish sandwiches, “rugbrødsmadder”, veg. soups, cakes and sweets.

OPENING HOURS Tuesday - Friday Saturday and Sunday Public Holidays Monday closed

11:00-22:00 11:00-18:00 11:00-18:00

Admission: DKK 110 Students with student ID: DKK 95 Children and young people up to 18 Free admission Members of the Louisiana Club Free admission

LOCATION AND TRANSPORT Louisiana is located 35 km north of Copenhagen and is easily reached. By car: Take motorway E47 / E55 or enjoy the scenic route along the Øresund coast. By rail: Approximately 35 minutes from the Copenhagen city center. 10 minutes from Helsingør to Humlebæk Station. From Humlebæk Station there is a 10-minute walk to the museum. Special discount tickets can be bought at all major DSB stations in the metropolitan area.



Sponsor of architectural exhibitions

Sponsor of Louisiana Contemporary

augustinus fonden





The Concert Hall


LAKE GARDEN children’s wing

west wing



east wing




south wing

west wing


east wing

Louisiana Collection Louisiana Contemporary: Tara Donovan until 28.7.

south wing

Louisiana Collection Summer 2013 Kusama: Gleaming Lights of the Souls

Gl. Strandvej 13 3050 Humlebæk +45 4919 0719 www.louisiana.dk

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