Louisiana Women In Business Winter 2021

Page 13

Be That Person I was about seventeen when I first heard about karma. I had done something stupid. I can’t even remember what it was, to be honest. But I do remember my friend’s voice when she said, “Karma’s gonna get ya!” In my teenage know-it-all voice, I asked, “What is that supposed to mean?” She responded, “If you do something bad, the universe will find a way to pay it back to you.” I thought about it for a while and wondered that if I do something good, will that come back, too? So I started giving random things I had in my mess of a car to the unfortunate people I would see on the side of the road. Sometimes it was food, sometimes a blanket or sunglasses. Something about doing this just made me feel really good. Recently, a friend told me about a trip to the grocery store. There was a lady in front of him in the checkout line. When she tried to pay for her groceries, her card was declined. My friend could tell that she was embarrassed and knew that she’d have to leave without her groceries.

He asked her not to worry about it and paid for her food. He was surprised by how great he felt after, knowing that he had helped someone. Imagine if we were all out here doing little small things for each other. If we could all just be the person you would wish were there if you were in the same situation. There would be a world full of positivity. The person on the receiving end is grateful that someone WOULD help, while the giver is grateful that they COULD. We are all living in trying times right now, and at the end of the day, we are only humans trying to make it through. I would like to challenge you to do one good deed a day, and it doesn’t have to cost a dime - even compliments can lift our spirits. So go out and put a smile on someone’s face! You really don’t know the difference it could make – for them AND for you! Written by: Jessica Seghers


Winter 2021


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