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Play to Pay
The Importance of Finding Time to Play for Entrepreneurs
Written by: Dr. Amberleigh Carter, DM, AMP, HHP Doctor of Metaphysics Alternative Medical Practitioner Holistic Health Practitioner Owner & Founder of Kinection Holistic Health, LLC
One thing that every entrepreneur needs to have within them is creativity. Typically, and especially just starting out, entrepreneurs are a “one-man band”, needing to do their own marketing, finances, branding, website, and networking, on top of offering their specific craft to the world. They tend to do the majority of the work that they can, until they are able to hire an expert to help them. Wearing many hats, never turning it off, and working overtime because their life is their work, can cause burnout. And burnout means a lack of energy and a lack of creativity.
This is because play requires vulnerability, and vulnerability boosts creativity. Because you must be vulnerable to be creative. This is because creativity is a practice of being messy and wild, giving you permission to color outside of the lines. It’s going beyond what’s considered normal or mundane to reach for something that is not yet in existence. And this skillset comes in handy when trying to problem solve.
Problem-solving skills also spill over into the ability to network and connect dots that are not usually able to be connected when in a stressful state. In truth, it is very difficult to see solutions clearly, or even come up with any potential solution, when overthinking it or when under stress. Staring at the problem will never give you the solution. But, playing will!
It can sound scary to an entrepreneur to have to now prioritize and carve out time for play, on top of their never-ending to-do lists. Play can also be the most foreign concept to goal-driven, overachieving, workaholic entrepreneurs, even making the most avid entrepreneur nauseous when thinking about playing, because…what’s the point? But, play does not have to look like board games and playing tag outside with friends. It can be a few minutes of doing something creative, with no expectations or purpose. I know, I know. Gasp. That’s blasphemy to an entrepreneur. But, here is a mind-trick for you.
What if the point of play is to get paid? If play is seen as a vital skillset in making you a better entrepreneur and getting you paid, then, technically, there is a purpose. Phew! Play, unfortunately in our culture, has not been valued, so it’s seen as a waste of time when we could be making progress on a task that really needs to get done. But, play is JUST AS IMPORTANT as work. So, what is play?
Play is a state of being, while doing a task. That’s it! Not so scary, right? After all, we are called human beings, not human doings. Even ten minutes of being can create an exponential amount of energy to push you forward in your actions. In fact, you will find that after a break, you will be re-energized and see what you need to do more clearly, and get it done quickly… much faster than if you had spent those last ten minutes focused on the task at hand.
So, go color, dance, kayak, breathe, play cards. Even go do the dishes while listening to music. Get outside for some fresh air and sunshine. Turn off your brain. All of these things bring value to you as an entrepreneur. And, that’s the point. For more information on the importance of play as an entrepreneur, you can check out my “Ask Amberleigh” YouTube video, “Play to Pay”. To book a private session, you can go to amberleighcarter.com.