3 minute read
Shirani Rea
Written by: Holly Culpepper
The first time I met Ms. Shirani, I was mesmerized by her. I could not put my finger on why she was so friendly upon entering the store like she had known me for years. I thought about her a lot in the upcoming weeks. Then, I had the privilege of sitting down with her and talking about love, music, and fitness.
Peaches Records and Ms. Shirani have a rich history in New Orleans, not only in music but in philanthropy. She started Peaches records in 1975 and, at some point, had 6-7 locations. The primary location moved around several times until 2008 where it landed in the French Quarter. She stayed there until 2016 when she moved the location uptown to what she felt was a better fit. The location was the old 1940s Woolworth that had a rich history of its own. This location held one of the first sit-ins during the civil rights movement.
Shirani Rea is an icon in the music culture of New Orleans. To her, music is life. She has had a hand in bringing up many young artists, including Cash Money and No Limit. She told me Lil’ Wayne must have been only 10 or 11 years old when he was in the record store trying to work and put tracks down. Her goals are simple: to make people’s dreams come true; whatever she can do to help, she is willing. Shirani has even helped a local candle maker make her dreams come true by selling her fabulous candles in her store, which prompted other stores in the area to sell them as well. She welcomes all artists to sell items in her store.
The Philanthropist
We talked about her charity foundation that helps the homeless. Mamma Peaches plays a crucial role in helping the area’s homeless community. She donates a sizeable percentage of the records store’s profit to them. There is even a bucket in the store that collects for them as well. She tells me we are all walking down the same path no matter our financial status, and we end up in the same place. It is essential to her to connect with people and to connect people. Music is the perfect catalyst for this. She has often held release parties, fundraisers, and concerts at the record store. Since the lift of the mandates, the events have been coming back full force.
The Counselor
Music saves lives and is scientifically proven to heal the mind, body, and soul. Her recommendation is always when you are feeling down to drop a needle and listen to a record. “Why a record?” I asked. She tells me a couple of reasons, number one being the sound and number 2, “you have to listen to the whole thing.” Listening to the whole album gives you a better idea of what the artist is trying to portray. She says it also helps to think about why they laid it down that way. She also suggests getting to know your favorite artists to help you better understand their music.
The Businesswoman
I asked her what advice she had for women in business. She says to me,
Success comes from how much you care. At this moment, we established our connection, we both are rewarded by helping people. Throughout our conversation, the same thing resonated give love. It does not matter what language you speak. We all understand the sounds. Her second piece of advice is if you have a dream, you should pursue it. Pursuing your dreams is particularly important. Otherwise, you are going to die wishing you had done what you wanted.
I enjoyed talking with her and look forward to going to as many of her events as I can. I will remember one of her quotes always.