Geo-design for a Circular Economy in Urban Regions (REPAiR) - MYC-Blocks

Page 1

1 | MYC-BLOCKS: The principle


To which flow does the idea belong? Building materials, wastescapes

To which challenge does the idea belong?

Environmental impact of existing building materials (







( )

( ( )

( )

The projected increase of population in the AMA will cause an increase in building demand. Although the materials that are currently used for construction are strong and durable, they are not without disadvantages. Specifically, they have a large negative impact on the environment (Circle Economy, 2015). The Dutch construction is an important economic sector, but also one of the largest consumers of resources and energy. Smarter and more efficient use of resources is crucial in order to manage scarcity and maintain prosperity within the limits of the planet (Circle Economy, 2015). If the demand for construction materials is to be met sustainably in the future, there is a need for materials that are renewable and have a lower embodied energy. Therefore, we propose a construction material made out of plant fibers and fungi as an alternative. This material is a biocomposite that is self-growing, renewable and can be locally produced (Ecovative, 2018; Klarenbeek, 2018; The Living, 2018). The biocomposite is produced as follows: plant fibers are harvested, they are processed (cut and sterilized, no chemical treatment), then they are collected in molds and fungi is grown around them as the ‘glue’. This is then baked to strengthen the bonds between materials and kill the organism, creating a strong biocomposite. For the plant fiber we propose the plant fiber phragmites

australis (reed) because it is suitable to the local climate, has a high yield, does not need fertilizers or chemicals to grow in wetlands and has low labor and machine costs (Smit et al, 2012). For the fungi, only the vegetative part of a fungi (mycelium) is needed to act as the binding for the biocomposite. Dried mycelium forms a strong, organic material that is water-resistant to a certain point, fireresistant and mold-resistant (Ecovative, 2018). It can be transformed into various applications as a construction material, but we focus on using it as an insulation material. The transportation of building materials represents 20% of all the goods transportation over the roads in the Netherlands (Circle Economy, 2015). This heavy transportation contributes significantly to CO2 emissions, particulate emissions and soil acidification. Therefore, we propose that the biocomposite is grown and produced locally (within the AMA), on agricultural land that has a high water table and is at risk of salinization, and along waterways that are experiencing eutrophication due to agricultural run-off. These aspects run the risk of turning these landscapes into agricultural wastescapes, however by being converted into 0-maintenaince wetlands to grow reed, they remain productive will be able to fulfil the increasing demand for building materials for the coming decades.


Ankita Singhvi | 4283600, Lou Krabshuis | 4018125

Q4 2017-2018 | AR0071 Geo-design for a Circular Economy in Urban Regions 02/05/2018 RE PAiR This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under Grant Agreement No 688920
























2 | MYC-BLOCKS: Representation model


AGRICULTURAL The section above shows how our proposal works on a systematic level. Reed is grown on agricultural fields where there is risk of the salinization of the ground water, or ditchside where agricultural run-off is causing eutrophication. From here, it is harvested and cut into short pieces to be transported to a factory where it can be pasteurized at high temperatures. This pasteurization process gives mycelium an advantage to grow by killing competing fungal spores. Mycelium is then introduced to the reed plant fibre in order to grow the biocomposite, which is then shaped and baked to create the building material needed. This is then transported to construction sites, where it can be used as a renewable alternative to traditional construction materials in renovation, re-purposing and new projects. This proposal for using biocomposite as insulation material adds value to the circular economy in a number of ways: it creates wetlands in areas at risk of becoming agricultural wastescapes due to salinization or eutrophication. The biocomposite we propose, unlike insulation materials such as EPS, is renewable, has a low embodied energy, is locally produced (decreasing transportation emissions) and at the end of life is bio-degradable (Ecovative, 2018). As the value chain diagram below shows, the current insulation material life cycle ends with incineration, whereas the Current value chain of insulation material



implementation of MYC-blocks would change this value chain because it can be disassembled, composted and used as a fertilizer. The key components for the MYC-blocks are the agricultural ditches and fields, wetlands to grow the reeds, the factory to pasteurize the reeds and grow the mycelium, and where possible - waterways for transporting the materials to construction sites. The key material flow is the reed. The stakeholder diagram below shows the interconnections between them, and the key relations between flows, and socio-economic qualities. As the diagram shows, there are three types of key stakeholders that have to act in order to move from the current to the proposed value chain are: the supply side, the demand side and the facilitators - with the eco-entrepreneur in the centre. The eco-entrepreneur should be able to align each stakeholder’s individual interests towards the common goal of MYC-blocks. Local government bodies want a high quality of life for their citizens and safety and security in terms of agriculture and water. They are represented by the Bouwbesluit, structure visions and the various branches of government. Farmers want a stable income and assurance that their land will remain arable. They are represented by LTO Nederland,


a collective that looks out for these interests. Therefore, the eco-entrepreneur needs to align the interests of the water and agricultural governmental bodies with MYCblocks in order for them to support the eco-innovation and encourage LTO to encourage farmers to grow the reed. Eco-investors want to make money, and need to invest in environmentally conscious ideas to do so. Mycelium growers want to find renewable alternatives for other materials and therefore make mycelium farms financially viable. They could be supported by Wageningen University, as they do research into bio-based materials. Homeowners and constructors want to create a safe, pleasant living environment. Homeowners and developers hire designers and architects to create this. Architects and designers want to create sutainable living environments that fulfil the client and the Bouwbesluit’s requirements. They are instrumental for the ecoentrepreneur to be able to sell MYC-blocks, as they are the ones that should use them in their designs, and be able to clarify any hesitations of homeowners and constructors. Therefore, the eco-entrepreneur must work in close cooperation with the architect to fulfil the increasing demand for insulation materials with MYC-blocks.

MYC-block stakeholder map

Proposed value chain of insulation material

Ankita Singhvi | 4283600, Lou Krabshuis | 4018125

Q4 2017-2018 | AR0071 Geo-design for a Circular Economy in Urban Regions 09/05/2018 RE PAiR This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under Grant Agreement No 688920

3 | MYC-BLOCKS: Process model

Map 3.1: Height of land in comparison to sea-level in m Own illustration, data source:

Map 3.2: Depth of the border between sweet and saline ground water, shows the risk of salinization of ground water Own illustration, data source: “DANK:DANK-008a_verzilting_grondwater”

agricultural land

Status of building plan


In preparation Definitive





Map 3.3: Planned building and renovation in the AMA Own illustration, data source:

Amsterdam Metropolitan Area (AMA)

The AMA has some distinct qualities. The land is predominantly under sea-level, with the lowest areas around Schipol, Almere and Beemster lying on average around 4m below sea level (Map 3.1). The soil type here is predominantly peat and reclaimed land. Furthermore, there is a uniquely high proportion of agricultural land in comparison to most metropolitan areas in the world, out of which most is used as pasture for cattle. Due to the this high proportion of agricultural land, there is also a high amount of fertilizer used on the land. Even though the majority of it is recycled from cow waste, there is a problem of nutrient (nitrate and phosphorous) run-off into the waterways that surround the agricultural land (Korevaar and van der Werf, 2004). This causes eutrophication of ditches in the AMA, which has the negative effect of causing dense growth of plant life in the water such as algae. The negative consequences of eutrophication is that it causes the depletion of oxygen levels in the water, the algae is toxic to other plants and animals in the surroundings and it competes with other plants and animals, potentially taking

built environment

Map 3.4: Use of land in the AMA Own illustration, data source: “Bestand Bodemgebruik (BBG) 2012”

over the ecosystem and creating an agricultural wasteland. Additionally, there is a large area between Haarlemmermeer and Alkmaar where the ground water is at high risk of salinization (Map 3.2) as the depth of the border between sweet and saline water decreases. Salinization of the ground water occurs due to Considering these characteristics of the water and soil, where do the opportunities lie for the region? The AMA has projected a growth of 0.8 million people, for which they will need to provide 212,000 houses (MRA, 2017) over the next 30 years. This means that the region will either have to build new houses or renovate old ones to current building standards: the planned projects are illustrated in Map 3.3. For all the planed building capacity, there will be a demand for housing that adheres to new stricter requirements of the Bouwbesluit, including insulation values.

and is therefore a waste rather than a valuable resource. Reed thrives in wet soil, low-lying soil, and by constructing wetlands along the ditchsides and along salinization wells, the risk of agricultural wastelands decreases. Our proposal of MYC-Blocks requires space to grow reed, process it, grow and bake the biocomposite and transport it to construction sites. The following page shows the areas that are most suitable for constructing wetlands.

MYC-blocks are the link that bring each of these demands together. Reed is already grown in the AMA, predominantly in the Almere/Lelystad region (Map 3.4). It currently costs the growers money to compost it (Daatselaar et al., 2009)

Ankita Singhvi | 4283600, Lou Krabshuis | 4018125

Q4 2017-2018 | AR0071 Geo-design for a Circular Economy in Urban Regions 16/05/2018 RE PAiR This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under Grant Agreement No 688920

3 | MYC-BLOCKS: Process model

Land at risk of salinization Waterways at risk of eutrophication

Map 3.5: Areas that fulfil requirements for constructing wetlands Own illustration, data sourced from Maps 3.1 - 3.4

Planned building development


Having identified the areas at risk of salinization and eutrophication, we look at the waterways and agricultural land that is suitable to growing reed in a way that does not compete with food production, and is able to give make potential wastescapes into productive wetlands. Map 3.5 shows the waterways that are near agricultural land, on low-lying land at risk of salinization and near areas where there are plans for building (to ensure a steady demand for insulation materials in order to make sure that MYCBlocks remain economically viable). These are summarized in Map 3.6 to show municipalities where the majority of these areas fall, and therefore the municipalities that the eco-entrepreneur should approach in order to align their interests with MYC-blocks’. Once the reed harvested, it needs to be processed in a factory. We propose that this factory is placed near Schipol or in Lelystad, where the logistics (roads, noise pollution, proximity and projected growth) are favourable. Here, the reed is pasteurized; and the fungi is introduced and grown into mycelium. This happens within the controlled, sterile environment of the factory. It can then be layered into molds of the necessary shapes, and then baked. The process ends with biocomposite building material in the form of insulation. This material can then be transported to the building zones to fulfil the projected demand for insulation over the next years. Map 3.6 shows the areas most suitable for growing reed and two potential locations for the processing factory.

Wormerland Zaanstad


Haarlemmerliede en Spaarnwoude


Map 3.6: Municipalities that have the highest potential for growing reed Own illustration

Ankita Singhvi | 4283600, Lou Krabshuis | 4018125

Q4 2017-2018 | AR0071 Geo-design for a Circular Economy in Urban Regions 16/05/2018 RE PAiR This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under Grant Agreement No 688920

4 | MYC-BLOCKS: Evaluation model ENVIRONMENT

ECONOMIC labour 300k

renewable energy 25k


of 7 400 000 meter waterfronts in AMA




133 hectares of reed-culture

rent 75k

profit for re-investment 175k

depreciation appliances 50k

6-8 fulltime employees including opportunities for people with a distance to the labour market

€1.2 million

( 60 000 m2 myc-blocks x €20 )

less eutrophication 133 ha. filters 212 tons of nitrogen

60 000 m2 of MYC-BLOCK NEEDED


decrease of 10-26% CLin saline area’s





€1630 ON






>200 hectares of added habitat for wetland species


N 4800 I COME € =


TON DM / HA 15 /


maximum farmers income per hectare full reed, including ecological conservation bonus




In order for the prospect of MYC-blocks to be an attractive prospect for the eco-entrepreneur, this evaluation is done with the aim of insulating 1000 medium-sized dwellings per year with MYC-blocks. In order to have 1000 houses, there would need to be 60,000 m2 of paludiagriculture (wet agriculture on peatlands). This is equivalent to 133 ha of reed culture. The expected ecosystem services provided by this amount of paludiculture is: desalination, a filter against eutrophication, nature conservation (attractive for residents and tourists) and stabilization of the ground water table according to different seasons. In order to understand the extent to which each of expectations can be achieved, we specify indicators to evaluate the wetlands and MYC-blocks. Environmental impact indicatiors: Nutrient levels → removal of ± 1594 kg of N per hectare

per year, which also leads to the de-acidification of water. (Turpie et al., 2010). Conductivity → reeds growing in wetlands desalinate water by 10-26% (Gao et al., 2015). Biodiversity (added habitats for animals) → Wetland birds are a valuable addition to biodiversity in an area that arises from constructed wetlands (Fritz et al., 2014). Adding 133 ha of wetlands is expected to add 200ha of habitats for wetland species. Economic impact indicators: At the moment, growing reed costs money: it costs 17,50 euros/ton to take it to the composter. In order for a grower to breakeven on his investment of growing reed, he needs to earn at least 25 euros/ton. Growing reed saves the water manager 10 euros/ton. The harvesting costs of reed are relatively high (500-1500 euros/hectare) but the transport costs are very low: approximately 10 euros/ton of dry reed. Therefore, in order to breakeven, the reed must be sold at

a minimum of 25 euros/ton. Considering the ecosystem services it provides, the reed will be sold for 330 euros per ton - double the price of straw. The running costs and R&D necessary come out to about 1,2 million euros. In order to make this back, the MYCblocks must be sold at 20 euros per m2 in order to break even. Social impact indicators: How much reed can be grown, and how many houses would be insulated based on this? Tons of reed/hectare/year = 15 tons/hectare/year. Weight of 1m3 MYC-block = 0.1 ton. m3 of insulation needed for typical app. dwelling = 10m3 = 1 ton. Therefore, 1 ha of reed wetland could insulate 7,5 dwelling. The aim is to insulate 1000 dwellings: 20% of the yearly projected building demand until 2050. In order for the mycellium facility to work, it would need to employ about 6-8 fulltime people, therefore also contributing to the local economy.















0.035 W/mK

0.038 W/mK

0.040 W/mK

0.035 W/mK

0.022 W/mK

0.035 W/mK

0.032 W/mK

thickness for R5

thickness for R5

thickness for R5

thickness for R5

thickness for R5

thickness for R5

thickness for R5

embodied energy (EE) per m2 panel with R5

embodied energy (EE) per m2 panel with R5

embodied energy (EE) per m2 panel with R5

embodied energy (EE) per m2 panel with R5

embodied energy (EE) per m2 panel with R5

embodied energy (EE) per m2 panel with R5

embodied energy (EE) per m2 panel with R5

percentage EE from a renewable source

percentage EE from a renewable source

percentage EE from a renewable source

percentage EE from a renewable source

percentage EE from a renewable source

percentage EE from a renewable source

percentage EE from a renewable source

costs per m2 with R5

costs per m2 with R5

costs per m2 panel with R5

costs per m2 panel with R5

costs per m2 panel with R5

costs per m2 panel with R5

costs per m2 panel with R5

17.5 cm

114 MJ*

>75%* €20*

19 cm

20 cm

380 MJ

860 MJ

25% €20

55% €22

17.5 cm

394 MJ

<5% €16

11 cm

357 MJ

<5% €25

17.5 cm

306 MJ

<5% €16

16 cm

232 MJ

<5% €9

* numbers are based on estimations

Comparison of mycelium-reed biocomposite to other insulation materials Data sourced from: (Hildebrand, 2014)

Ankita Singhvi | 4283600, Lou Krabshuis | 4018125

Q4 2017-2018 | AR0071 Geo-design for a Circular Economy in Urban Regions 23/05/2018 RE PAiR This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under Grant Agreement No 688920

5 | MYC-BLOCKS: Change model for Haarlemmermeer


saltwater well

418km of ditch-sides


salinity in Haarlemmermeerpolder


Map 5.1 Saltwater wells in Haarlemmermeer Own illustration, data sourced from (Witjes et al., 2008)

Out of the five potential municipalities (Map 3.6) that were suitable for implementing the proposed system for MYCblocks, Haarlemmermeer was chosen to test the process model because producing MYC-blocks aligns perfectly with the municipality’s vision of having a bio-based economy (Gemeente Haarlemmermeer, 2015). Implementing the system would change the area as follows: From a morphological perspective the contours of ditches next to agricultural land would change (Section 5.3) as 40% of them would now have reeds growing for a metre on each side as a buffer between the agricultural land and the water way. This would filter the excess fertilizer before it can reach the waterways and cause eutrophication. It will also create a golden edge along the ditches (Impression 6.1) which will break the traditional flat green polder landscape. From a physiological perspective, raising the surface water level around the saltwater wells will increase the pressure on the rising salinity, which will counteract salinization (Map 5.1). This is beneficial to the area, and is an ecosystem service that plays into the water management vision that peat meadows



Map 5.2 Growing reed along the ditches of Haarlemmermeer Own illustration, data sourced from (Witjes et al., 2008)

Haarlemmermeer has (Gemeente Haarlemmermeer, 2012). The factory in Haarlemmermeer is place in an area that is unsuitable for residential building due to the noise pollution. A full scale factory is able to produce insulation materials for up to 1000 dwellings each year. Six to eight people are needed to operate the factory, its research department and sales/management, depending on the season. After harvest in late autumn, winter there will be more work than in the spring and summer periods. Therefore, from an economic perspective, this factory contributes to biobased innovative jobs that Haarlemmermeer wants. From a social perspective, the use of an insulation material that originates from mushrooms may cause hesitation in homeowners and developers. The main change here can only be brought about slowly, through examples and references of the use of mushroom based materials in other every day products. Here, the eco-entrepreneur will have to work with architects and designers to increasingly use biocomposites such as MYC-blocks in their designs, normalizing the material and making it a part of evert day llife.

water inlet


reed production

MYC-blocks would not change the look of buildings from outside, therefore in this sense there would not be much change to the aesthetic of the built environment. They can be moulded to any shape and therefore used much the same as insulation material is generally used. PR












250 houses




0.02m3 = 500x200x200mm

Therefore, apart from the paludiculture, the main changes from this process would not be in what is seen spatially, but in what is not seen: green ditches that have become toxic and the salinization of sweet surface water. Instead, it will support the transition to a renewable, healthy, sustainable living environment. airstrip schiphol

saline groundwater pressure

Section 5.3 Own illustration

Ankita Singhvi | 4283600, Lou Krabshuis | 4018125

Q4 2017-2018 | AR0071 Geo-design for a Circular Economy in Urban Regions 06/06/2018 RE PAiR This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under Grant Agreement No 688920

6 | MYC-BLOCKS: Impact model for Haarlemmermeer IMPACT If reed is grown in 40% of the available ditches in Haarlemmermeer, it would be able meet the demand for 250 dwellings insulated with MYC-blocks. These blocks would be able to processed locally, in a factory that would employ 6-8 people. These bricks could also be used locally, in the planned construction in Haarlemmermeer (Map 3.3), and then after the end of its life, be composted and enter back into the agricultural land. Farmers would be able to earn about 4800 euros per hectare if they are willing to re-construct the edges of their agricultural land to wetlands for reeds. The harvesting costs are low, so it is likely that some farmers may be willing to experiment. This is even more so if a research university such as Wageningen (who does a lot of research into biobased materials) backs up the plan. It is therefore important 250 bio-based for the eco-entrepreneur to provide credible sources for dwellings annually the ecosystem services that the reed would provide, as in Haarlemmermeer well as a fare price that would compensate the change in agricultural practice.


meets the demand for

The waterways and groundandwater ecological healthyof Haarlemmermeer would benefit from thedwellings reeds as well: there would be a decrease of 10-26% of salinity and upto 53 tons of nitrogen could be filtered annually. Furthermore, as Section 6.2 shows, there would be a considerable addition to the biodiversity of the area in terms of wetland birds.



SOCIAL 250 bio-based dwellings annually meets the demand for ecological and healthy dwellings


meets the demand for ecological and healthy dwellings

418 hectare hybrid (crop/reed) needed for 250 houses

418 hectare hybrid (crop/reed) needed for 250 houses

strengthens the biobased cluster in Haarlemmermeer


Typha angustifolia


decrease of 10-26% CLin saline area’s

Acrocephalus schoenobaenus

20% of revenue for R&D

53 tons nitrogen filtered annually

strengthens the biobased cluster in Haarlemmermeer

10-26% CLin saline area’s

53 tons nitrogen filtered annually


ENVIRONMENT higher crop yields of decrease due to increased water quality

ce nt s/

based on 33 hectare of ditch side reed



€80-120 extra profit ha.

53 tons nitrogen filtered annually



0.92 ha. crops

decrease of 10-26% CLin saline area’s

based on 33 hectare of ditch side reed

Phragmites australis


strengthens the biobased cluster in Haarlemmermeer


20% of revenue for R&D

€80-120 extra profit ha.


Botaurus stellaris

418 hectare hybrid (crop/reed) needed for 250 houses

20% of revenue for R&D

ha. r eed

0.92 ha. crops

in Haarlemmermeer

ha. r eed



250 bio-based dwellings annually


€80-120 extra profit ha.



ha. r eed

0.92 ha. crops

in Haarlemmermeer

Impression 6.1 Own illustration, based on


habitat sted for

t harve parts no

seasonal fluctuations

halophytes filter salinity and nutrients



N cl-




based on 33 hectare of ditch side reed





WINTER Section 6.2 Impact to biodiversity through the implementation of contructed wetlands of reeds Own illustration

Ankita Singhvi | 4283600, Lou Krabshuis | 4018125

Q4 2017-2018 | AR0071 Geo-design for a Circular Economy in Urban Regions 13/06/2018 RE PAiR This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under Grant Agreement No 688920

7 | MYC-BLOCKS: Growing-it-ourselves

Day 0

Day 15

Day 7


In order to dive into this project and be able to really see advantages and disadvantages of working with the biocomposite we propose, we decided to grow our own MYC-Block in parallel to this project. We began with a workshop at Mediamatic where mushroom expert Wouter Hassing explained the process of growing oyster mushrooms at home. However, we picked up a species of reed from the park next to the Architecture faculty in Delft (as local as possible!) and took this to the workshop instead. This plant was comparable to the reed we propose for the MYC-Blocks. At the workshop, we pasteurized this in hot water, and then in a clean lab introduced the mycellium seeds to it in a plastic bag that was then sealed in order to stop any contamination. The next step was to keep this in a dark,

warm place for 2 weeks in which time the spores would sprout into the white fuzz that can be seen in Day 15. At this point the process should have continued as the image on the right shows. But unfortunately, the following week, a green mould appeared in the bag and started to grow over the white mycelium. This marked the end of the experiment as it soon took over and suffocated all the white fungus in the back. This could have happened due to a number of reasons, but most likely the plant fibre was not pasteurized at a temperature as high as it needed to be so not all the organisms on it were killed. This means that there were spores of green mould still in the fibres that finally had a chance to grow in the third week. As we were not able to make our own MYC-blocks, we have added some images for reference of what it could have looked like below.

Day 22

Day 29

compost after deconstruction

harvest late-autumn




assemble 3 weeks 3 hours


3 days



Source: (Matrec, 2018)

Source: (Archdaily, 2014)

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Source: (The Living, 2018)

Source: (Archdaily, 2014)


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Ankita Singhvi | 4283600, Lou Krabshuis | 4018125

Q4 2017-2018 | AR0071 Geo-design for a Circular Economy in Urban Regions 13/06/2018 RE PAiR This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under Grant Agreement No 688920

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