Spring Clean Your Life Toolkit USER GUIDE: How & When To Use Your Tools!
Spring Clean Your Life Toolkit USER GUIDE: How & When To Use Your Tools!
Welcome to your "Spring Clean Your Life" Toolkit User Guide Welcome to your Spring Clean Your Life Toolkit Guide! We want you to LOVE your coaching tools, so this guide is part of a series to help you use our Toolkits more effectively. We describe each tool in the toolkit, its purpose, how and when to use it, give additional tips AND identify which tools work in coaching sessions, as homework, in workshops or teleseminars and group coaching! For a great overview of all the tools in this toolkit, skip straight to the Appendix for a one-page summary table.
Table of Contents Introduction to this Toolkit ___________________________________________________ 3 SECTION 1: Assess What Areas of Your Clients' Lives Need a Spring Clean ______________ 3 TOOL 1) The Wheel of Life Template ______________________________________________ 4 TOOL 2) Take Stock and Take Action Worksheet! ____________________________________ 6
SECTION 2: What's Draining Your Client & Getting in the Way? _______________________ 8 TOOL 3) My Energy Zappers Coaching Exercise _____________________________________ 8 TOOL 4) Stop Procrastinating - Get It Done! _______________________________________ 10 TOOL 5) Detox Your Toxic Relationships Exercise! __________________________________ 12
SECTION 3: Setting Your Client up for Success ________________________________________ 14 TOOL 6) The "3 Month Vision" Worksheet ________________________________________ 14 TOOL 7) Letting Go Coaching Exercise ___________________________________________ 15 TOOL 8) Daily Success Habits Exercise ___________________________________________ 16
SECTION 4: Wrap-Up _______________________________________________________ 18 TOOL 9) Spring Clean Your Life - Summary & Goals Sheet ____________________________ 18
BONUS Life Spring Cleaning Tips & Information: ____________________________________ 20 You may also find these ARTICLES helpful: ________________________________________ 20 You may also find these TOOLS helpful: ___________________________________________ 20 What Next? __________________________________________________________________ 21
APPENDIX - Spring Clean Your Life Toolkit One-Page Summary Table ________________ 22
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Spring Clean Your Life Toolkit USER GUIDE: How & When To Use Your Tools!
Introduction to this Toolkit As coaches we know that too much stuff can fill up our lives and drain our energy. And it's not just stuff. Overwhelm - having too many tasks and commitments, and spending too much time with difficult people (and not enough with those who support and inspire us) also drains us. In order to "Spring Clean" our lives, we need to understand where our lives are draining us (Section 1). Then we need to understand specifically what and who is draining our energy (Section 2) - which can include tasks that we have been procrastinating over and hang over us... Next (Section 3), we set ourselves up for success - by getting clear on how we would like our lives to be (in 3 months is a nice time period and easy to focus on), as well as letting go of things that drain us, and implement some new habits to support us! Finally (Section 4), this Spring Clean Your Life Toolkit wraps up with a neat summary sheet that identifies the top 3 goals to spring clean your life... Use this toolkit to help your clients' get a fresh burst of energy - and enjoy their lives more!
SECTION 1: Assess What Areas of Your Clients' Lives Need a Spring Clean Use the two tools in the following section to get an overview and raise your client's awareness as to which areas might need some focus.
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TOOL 1) The Wheel of Life Template Especially Good For: All clients. Description and Purpose of Tool: The Wheel of Life gives a wonderful
visual representation of how balanced your client's life is. Each segment on the wheel is scored according to how satisfied your client is across 8 key areas of their life raising awareness and providing the opportunity to make change. In addition, this exercise helps clarify priorities for goal-setting, allowing the client to plan so that their life is more balanced. When used to "Spring Clean Your Life", this tool is a great way to begin - identifying life areas to focus on! Note: This goal is a bonus - included from our Free Coaching Tools!
Steps and How to Use:
1. Ask your client to review the 8 areas on the Wheel of Life. Do they like the category labels? If not, they can rename them and/or split the categories below to make them more meaningful: i. Family & Friends (can be split to give a score to each) ii. Partner/Significant Other/Romance iii. Career iv. Finances v. Health (can be split into emotional/mental and physical/fitness/nutrition) vi. Physical Environment/Home (can be split into work and home environments) vii. Fun/Recreation/Leisure viii. Personal Growth/Learning/Self-development Other examples of areas your client might like to add to the wheel and score could include; spiritual wellbeing, service, leadership, integrity, achievement or community. 2. Now ask your client to think about what success feels like for each area. 3. Then ask them to rank their level of satisfaction with each area of their life by drawing a line across each segment, placing a value between 1 (very dissatisfied) and 10 (fully satisfied) against each area to show how satisfied they are currently with these elements in their life. Tip: Use the example wheel in the bottom right to show them how to score/draw the line. 4. The new perimeter of the circle represents their "Wheel of Life". A great question to start reviewing their wheel is to ask them, "So is your wheel of life a bumpy ride?" 5. Now, looking at the wheel, here are some questions to ask and take the exercise deeper: • Are there any surprises for you? • How do you feel about your life as you look at your Wheel? • How do you currently spend time in these areas? • How would you like to spend time in these areas? • Which of these elements would you most like to improve? • How could you make space for these changes?
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TOOL 1) The Wheel of Life Template • • • •
Can you effect the necessary changes on your own? What help and cooperation from others might you need? What would make that a score of 10? What would a score of 10 look like? Use at any time in a coaching relationship for a quick life satisfaction and balance tuneup. This is an especially good tool to use with prospects and new clients.
Use This Tool: •
In Session
Group Coaching
* * * * *
* A fabulous all-round tool, with numerous additional applications for your client to gain further and deeper learning.
Tips: 1. 2.
This is also an excellent tool to use regularly to track your clients' progress! Learn more about how to do this in our article: A Simple 3 Step Process to Measure Progress Towards ANY Coaching Goal! Once the initial scores have been given, 3 easy follow-on activities are: i. Brainstorming and identifying actions to raise their satisfaction scores in each segment (or in the segments that score the lowest) ii. Using the segment names and scores as a prompt to explore what a full and balanced life would look like - for each wheel segment. iii. Using the scores which the client is most dissatisfied with - or would most like to improve - to brainstorm goals and next steps.
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TOOL 2) Take Stock and Take Action Worksheet! Especially Good For:
This tool is a great starting point to explore your client's frustrations, shoulds and what they're REALLY looking for from life right now. Also use with clients who are unfocused, frustrated, or who have niggling negativity that blocks them from moving forwards.
Description and Purpose of Tool: This simple worksheet helps your client take stock of their current situation - FAST - and then identify actions to pull themselves out! What are your clients tolerating, what's frustrating them, what do they think they SHOULD be doing, and what do they really want? Once they get some clarity from seeing this written down, they'll get insights into what's getting in the way and can take action to move forwards! For a life "Spring Clean", this is a great overview tool to explore your clients' specific frustrations, shoulds and what they're REALLY looking for from life right now...
Steps and How to Use: 1. 2.
Review the instructions at the top of the form with your client. Now ask your client to answer the questions on the sheet in order. Give them plenty of time so they can ponder fully what might be going on for them. TIP: Ask them to write down whatever comes up for them - especially anything awkward or uncomfortable - however big, small or embarrassing it may be. 3. Before completing the wrap-up section, ask your clients questions like: i) What surprises you from your responses? ii) What patterns and similarities do you notice? iii) Which questions did you enjoy answering? Which did you not enjoy answering? iv) Is there a theme to your responses? v) What else do you notice? 4. Finally, ask your clients to note down their Top 3 Observations - and identify an action to move forwards for each one.
This coaching tool can be used any time, and can be given to your client to use whenever they feel a bit stuck or sluggish and want to "take stock and take action"!
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TOOL 2) Take Stock and Take Action Worksheet! Uses For This Tool: • • • • •
In Session Homework Workshops Teleseminars Group Coaching
Great in session and with prospective clients Great as homework, then to review in session and explore further!
Remind them NOT to think too much about their answers - and to write down whatever 'pops' into their mind for the best results.
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SECTION 2: What's Draining Your Client & Getting in the Way? In Section 1 your client got an idea of where in their lives they might need to do some Spring Cleaning. In Section 2, your clients get specific about what and who is draining them - and plan to take action on something they have been procrastinating over.
TOOL 3) My Energy Zappers Coaching Exercise Especially Good For: All types of clients. Description and Purpose of Tool: How can we love our life if we feel
exhausted? What is zapping your clients' energy? What one thing particularly zaps their energy? This exercise is also a great introduction to the idea that mental and emotional drains can have a big impact on us too.
A "Spring Clean Your Life" overhaul includes finding more energy to move forwards with - and this starts with identifying what zaps your energy!
Steps and How to Use: 1. Ask your client to read the instructions at the top - which also give examples of potential energy zappers. 2. You may like to share that there are 3 key types of drains: 1) PHYSICAL Drains eg. a lack of sleep or tired & aching muscles 2) MENTAL Drains eg. incomplete tasks, clutter, unmade decisions, an outdated wardrobe etc. 3) EMOTIONAL Drains eg. long-standing arguments or 'situations', 'SHOULDS', yours or other people’s behaviours. There may also be specific people who drain us... 3. Now coach them around their results. How did it feel to write out their energy zappers? What did they notice? What surprised them? What did they learn from completing this exercise? 4. Finally, ask them what actions/next steps might they want to take?
This coaching exercise can be used at any time. Whip it out if your clients complain of being tired or drained.
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TOOL 3) My Energy Zappers Use This Tool: • In Session • Homework • Workshops • Teleseminars • Group Coaching
* * *1 *1 *1
(great to use in session or for homework when a client complains of being tired or drained)
*1 Excellent exploration exercise in workshops, teleseminars and group coaching:
1. Get people to brainstorm in groups a list of things that zap people's energy generally. 2. Then ask them to share these with the larger group (it's good for people to hear others' ideas and zappers!). 3. Finally ask people to write down their own unique energy zappers on the worksheet, having got lots of new ideas from other people!
Tip: Tip:
You may like to offer that your clients' energy zappers are things they might like to start saying "No" to in their lives. Your clients can use the "Stop Procrastinating - Get it Done!" Exercise to take action on energy-zapping items identified here.
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TOOL 4) Stop Procrastinating - Get It Done! Especially Good For:
Anyone who is procrastinating or avoiding doing a specific task or action.
Description and Purpose of Tool: If your client has a specific action/task they keep putting
off, this coaching exercise will help them decide 1) if it definitely needs doing and 2) brainstorm ideas to identify 3 things to get it started - or done!
Nothing says "Spring Clean" quite like completing things that have been hanging over us! If you can't find something to work on, check the Energy Zappers Exercise for action ideas to free up some fresh energy for your client.
Steps and How to Use: NOTE: This exercise can be done in one "sitting" as a complete exercise or each page can be a separate step. In addition Page 1 can be a standalone exercise to check and grow commitment to the task, and Page 2 can be used standalone as a way to brainstorm ideas to get a task started or done. PAGE 1 1. Go through the questions on page 1 with your client. Delve a little deeper with some additional coaching questions if your intuition tells you to! You could try questions like: - What wants/needs to be said/heard? - If you could wave a magic wand what would you do? - If there was an outcome you were secretly looking for, what would it be? 2. Pay close attention to your clients' responses to questions 7 & 8. Do they REALLY need to do this task? Really? And help them make a decision whether to either let the task go or fully commit to move forwards with it. 3. When working directly with a client questions 9 and 10 are at your discretion. PAGE 2 4. Ask your client to list 3 (or more) things they love for each of the 5 senses, plus what delights them. If your client finds this difficult - a great place to explore is what they loved in their childhood or as a teenager. 5. Next, ask them to review what they've brainstormed and use these ideas to identify 3 actions to get moving on this task. 6. Finally, ask them to score out of 10 how likely they feel they will complete this task now. As usual with the /10 scoring system, an 8 or more is great. If their score is 7 or less they'll need some more coaching. You could try the questions from step 1 above or ask, "What would secretly make the difference? What could make your score a 10/10?" 7. Finally, we ask them to commit to the task by signing their name. Like this coaching tool? Then you'll love our website! www.thecoachingtoolscompany.com
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TOOL 4) Stop Procrastinating - Get It Done! When:
This tool can be used any time. It is be particularly useful with an action a client repeatedly does not complete - but says they want or need to get done!
Use This Tool: • In Session • Homework • Workshops • Teleseminars • Group Coaching
Use the form or simply use the questions as a coaching framework 1 *1 *1 *
*1 This tool can be used 'as is' in a seminar/coaching workshop/group coaching. If you have time, the
questions on page 1 benefit from further coaching questions/exploration. You can also use page 2 as a standalone exercise to brainstorm ideas and identify actions to move forward with.
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TOOL 5) Detox Your Toxic Relationships Exercise! Especially Good For: All types of clients. Description and Purpose of Tool: WHO we spend our time with has a significant impact on our lives - some relationships uplift and inspire us and others are downright draining. This is about bringing awareness to, and being intentional with, whom we spend our time. It’s a great exercise to do with all our clients – and in our own lives too. For a life "Spring Clean", use this exercise to look for action steps to 1) Reduce time spent with people who drain us, as well as 2) Increase time spent with people who energize us!
Steps and How to Use: 1. Review the instructions with your client. 2. Ask your client to make a list of the 20 people you spend most of your time with. 3. Now ask your client to give everyone on the list a score by asking: "How do I generally feel after spending time with this person?" Score each person on a scale from +5 to -5 (where a + leaves you feeling good and a – leaves you feeling somehow less). 4. Now review the scores. Great questions to ask include: - Are there any surprises? - What are the scores for the people you spend most of your time with? - Are you generally spending more time with the ‘pluses’ or ‘minuses’? - How much time are you spending with the high scoring +4s and +5s on your list? - What about the draining -4s or -5s? - What other patterns do you notice? 5. Now decide on next steps: a) First, consider the "plus" relationships. How could your client spend more time with them? If you don’t have any +4s and +5s on your list, who can you think of who could fill that slot? How else could you find and develop +4 and +5 relationships? b) Then, consider the "minus" relationships. In theory, these are people to try and spend less time with - but any healthy relationship has rough patches and it’s not necessarily the right thing to discard someone simply because times get tough. You could ask if there a wound or grievance that needs to be brought into the open and discussed. Where are they giving their power away? Who has your client outgrown – is it time to let go and move on? And finally, for "minus" relationships your client may still want or need, how can your client change HOW they spend time with them so they still feel good about themselves? c) Lastly, consider your most important relationships. Does your client need to shift things around to spend more time with those who are most important?
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TOOL 5) Detox Your Toxic Relationships When:
This tool is ideal to be used as part of a life balance and self-care assessment, to help your client gain an understanding of how they are currently taking care of their relationships - and how those relationships take care of them...
Uses For This Tool: • In Session • Homework • Teleseminars
(This tool is probably best given as homework, then reviewed in depth in session)
Avoid this exercise in workshops/group coaching - when there may be people on your clients' lists who are also present in the workshop - and may be upset by how they are scored by others.
1. Remind your client that we can't change others' behaviour (only our own). So, how could they behave, spend less time or spend time differently with people to boost their relationships? 2. I do hope you try this exercise out on yourself! It's one of my favourite coaching tools and gives us an empowering way to review our relationships - including partners, colleagues, friends and family – and make conscious, powerful choices that leave us feeling better about ourselves and our lives. 3. Finally, it may be worth mentioning that as we work on and change ourselves, we may notice people reacting to us differently, or that we see people differently. This is all a normal part of our growth. We may need to make a decision whether we still want these people in our lives - and if so, how.
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SECTION 3: Setting Your Client up for Success In Section 1 your clients identified life areas to focus on. In Section 2, they identified what's draining them and began to take action. In this Section they will get a vision and set themselves up for success!
TOOL 6) The "3 Month Vision" Worksheet Especially Good For: All types of clients. Description and Purpose of Tool: This simple visioning tool helps your clients identify balanced and meaningful short-term goals. Your client is asked to consider how they want their lives to be in 3 months' time across different key life-areas. Once your client has completed this coaching exercise, it'll be easy to drive out and set goals for the next 3 months using the notes they've made. This exercise helps your client get clear on how they would like their life to be. It's a great place to find goals for your clients to move forwards with following their life "Spring Clean".
Steps and How to Use: 1. Review the instructions at the top of the form. 2. Ask your client to complete the form, and write out they would like their lives to be in each of the areas on the form. TIP: Remind clients that the more specific they can be when answering the questions, the more useful it will be. If they feel like it, they can write more on a separate sheet in answer to a particular question/s. 3. Finally, coach them around the results. How was it? Does it feel like they have a balanced vision/potential set of goals? What's missing? What is different to what they expected? What have they learned about themselves?
Use after your client has identified general life areas to work on, and what's draining them. Then use this tool to form a vision of what they want from their life in the short term.
Use This Tool: • • • • •
In Session Homework Workshops Teleseminars Group Coaching
The "Theme" they identified for the next 3 months can be very useful to return to during coaching to focus your clients.
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TOOL 7) Letting Go Coaching Exercise Especially Good For: All types of clients. But especially where you notice patterns of bearing grudges, holding onto the past, or resisting change.
Description and Purpose of Tool: People often hang onto things which cloud their minds and drain them of energy - preventing them from moving forwards. This coaching exercise also explores WHY they're holding on and the benefits of NOT letting go. What better way to "Spring Clean" your life, than to let go of what no longer serves you - whether it's memories, people, 'stuff', feelings, beliefs, behaviours or something else...
Steps and How to Use: 1. 2. 3.
Review the instructions with your client. Then ask your client to make a list of 10 things they might need (or want) to let go of. Once they've done that, ask them to consider how they benefit by "holding on" to each item. This is what you may know as the "secondary gain" - what they gain by staying exactly as they are. 4. Now review and discuss the client's responses. Great questions to ask include: - Are there any surprises? - How do you feel as you review your list? How would it feel to let go of ALL of these items? - Which items are you ready to set free? Where are you willing to loosen your grip? - What are you NOT ready to let go of yet? - If there was a pattern or theme that stopped you from letting go, what would it be? 5. Finally, what actions or next steps will you take following your learnings from this exercise?
When: This coaching tool works standalone and can be used any time, but is especially helpful with forgiveness issues (self and others) and to wrap-up a period of coaching.
Uses For This Tool: •
In Session
Group Coaching
* * * * (When a client struggles to let go, they may be more likely to succeed with help from a non-judgemental group of peers!)
This coaching exercise is also a perfect way to start a discussion of the concept of forgiveness – whether of self or others.
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TOOL 8) Daily Success Habits Exercise Especially Good For: Everyone. Description and Purpose of Tool: By making small changes to our daily
routine (success habits) we can make BIG changes in our lives and careers! This life coaching exercise helps your clients come up with 5 new success habits - a simple personal framework around which the day’s activities fall into place. These habits can be anything from health to our relationships to planning and organization or making time to breathe - and will be utterly unique to our clients!
Use this tool to identify new daily habits that will give help "Spring Clean" and energise your client's lifestyle!
Steps and How to Use: Start by reading the background segment. 1. The exercise starts with helping your client get some context for these new daily habits by: a) Listing their Top 3 Priorities – in life – right now b) Listing their Top 3 Stressors – in life – right now 2. Ask your clients to brainstorm and write out five or more daily habits that could support them – including their home, personal and work-life. TIP 1: Sometimes it’s hard to know what is meant by specific and measurable, so use the examples on the worksheet to get people started. TIP 2: Focus your coaching questions to help your client identify ideas that minimise their stressors and help them achieve their priorities. Questions like, "Where do you sabotage yourself regularly?", "What ideas have you already (perhaps secretly) had?" and, "What one habit would help you achieve more/get really focused on your priorities?" 3. For each habit identified, ask your clients to write the benefits alongside on the worksheet. 4. Now ask your clients to look at their list and pick 3 habits they will COMMIT to - one to start tomorrow, one for next week and one for the next month. TIP 3: The actions are staggered because trying to introduce 3 new habits at once might be too much for people. Instead we let them get started, feel good, build impetus, then add the next habit. But you can customise and do whatever works best for your client. 5. Finally, to wrap-up ask your clients, "Who do you need to BE to implement these habits?"
This is a great exercise to do early on in the coaching relationship – to help your clients create a healthy and helpful framework in their lives, and support the coaching process. You can give this exercise as homework, asking your clients to write out their answers, or simply use this as a series of questions that you ask verbally – in a session or workshop.
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TOOL 8) Daily Success Habits Exercise Use This Tool: •
In Session
Group Coaching
* * * * *
* This exercise is a fabulous all-rounder! Tip:
It takes time and practice to implement new habits. They start as simple actions and gradually, as we do them regularly, they become habits. It can take anything from 21-30 days to implement a new habit – and it takes a few months or more to cement a habit. So remind your clients to be kind to themselves on the days they don’t remember – and just start again the next day!
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SECTION 4: Wrap-Up What better way to wrap up than to summarise key learnings and set 3 goals to move forwards with!
TOOL 9) Spring Clean Your Life - Summary & Goals Sheet Especially Good For: All types of clients. Description and Purpose of Tool: This tool helps you and your client to
summarise the key goals, learnings and action steps to wrap-up this "Spring Clean Your Life Toolkit" and provide a reference for your clients to take forwards. In addition you can also use this tool as a mini standalone coaching tool to help your clients let go of what doesn't serve them, identify new habits, goals and action steps for a quick "Life Spring Clean". See the STANDALONE tips below.
Steps and How to Use:
1. Start by asking your clients to write out 3 new daily success habits. Ideally these will come straight from the "Daily Success Habits" exercise - but the client might choose something else! STANDALONE: Coach your clients to identify 3 daily habits that will help them achieve the life they want. Questions you could ask include, "What would give you more energy?", "What would boost your health/relationships/peace of mind?" and "What new habit could you introduce that would freshen up and/or simplify your life?" 2. Next ask your clients to identify their "Top 3" Goals that will help them "Spring Clean" their life. If they need help coming up with 3 goals, here are some ideas. Review: • The areas with low scores on the "Wheel of Life" • The "3 Month Vision" worksheet • Their "Energy Zappers" (look for goals to boost their energy) • Their frustrations and desires on the "Take Stock and Take Action" Worksheet You could also ask "What would a "Spring Cleaned" life look like?", "What would be in your life that isn't there currently?", "What would no longer be in your life?" and, "How do you want to feel?", "What would give your life a breath of fresh air?" STANDALONE: Coach your client to identify 3 goals to "Spring Clean" their life - using the questions above, and your own! 3. To increase commitment and excitement, for each goal identify both 1) a Benefit and 2) ONE key action step with a date to complete it by. 4. Finally, ask your client to choose 3 things they want to let go of. As it says on the form this could be a limiting belief, bad habit, energy zapper, someone in their life or something else! If your client has completed it, review the "Letting Go Exercise" and see if their Top 3 items to let go of can be found there.
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TOOL 9) Spring Clean Your Life - Summary & Goals Sheet
5. Once completed let your client know they can cut out the form and put it somewhere they will see it regularly. Suggest they might want to actually READ it rather than just look at it to keep them focused. They can also check off their actions as they complete them. 6. Finally, ask them, how was it? What's missing? What is different to what they expected? What have they learned about themselves? Note: You could also give this tool as homework after the other tools have been completed, then review and coach your client around the results in session.
This coaching tool is ideally the wrap-up for the "Spring Clean Your Life Toolkit". But it can also be used standalone eg. for a "Spring Clean Your Life" coaching session!
Use This Tool: • • • • •
In Session Homework Workshops Teleseminars Group Coaching
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Spring Clean Your Life Toolkit USER GUIDE: How & When To Use Your Tools!
In Summary: There are 9 Life Spring Cleaning Tools in this toolkit and this guide was written to help you use this toolkit more effectively. The tools, tips and sequence above are suggestions only - it all depends on you and your client - so dance in the moment, have fun and play with your tools!
BONUS Life Spring Cleaning Tips & Information: You may also find these ARTICLES helpful: 1. Here are 10 Spring Themed Coaching Questions to Help Review and Freshen up our Lives! 2. Create a Spring Clean Your Life! Coaching Program or Workshop with our Seasonal Toolkit 3. Spring Clean Your Life: Real-Life Marketing From Kacie Smith 4. 7 Coaching Questions to "Freshen up Your Life!" and Get Re-Motivated (Graphic) 5. 7 Easy Ways to Energise and Refocus at Work - in 30 Minutes or Less! 6. De-Stress Series: Relax Your Clients in Under 5 Minutes with these Guided Meditation Scripts 7. No: The Most Powerful Word to Relearn if You Want to Succeed!
You may also find these TOOLS helpful: 1. *FREE* Tolerations What is your client tolerating that's draining them of energy? 2. *FREE* 37 Coaching Questions to Liberate Your Clients! 3. Daily Gratitude Diary Template Focusing on what we're grateful for, can be a great way to see
our lives in a fresh new way. 4. What Makes My Heart Sing? Exercise Get inspired by life and identify activities that make
our hearts sing. 5. *FREE* The Effects of STRESS & Warning Signs! A simple one page mini-poster to help your clients understand the biological effects of stress - and identify their warning signs. 6. *FREE* Cognitive Distortions List Where is your client's self-talk getting in the way? Does the way your client communicates need a "Spring Clean"? 7. 10 Things for Your Best Summer Ever Worksheet Now that they've "Spring Cleaned" their lives, help your clients take charge of their summer and truly enjoy it. Make this your client's best summer ever!
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Spring Clean Your Life Toolkit USER GUIDE: How & When To Use Your Tools!
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© 2018 Simplicity Life Coaching Ltd. About the author: Emma-Louise Elsey is the CEO of Simplicity Life Coaching Ltd. (The Coaching Tools Company.com is a division of Simplicity Life Coaching Ltd.) She is a certified Life Coach, NLP practitioner and recovering perfectionist who loves questions, quotes, creating coaching tools and writing. Since qualifying as a coach in 2004 she has worked with many successful professionals and business owners. Free Coaching Tools: For inspiration and to help you with your businesses, there are many more Free Coaching Tools & Templates at The Coaching Tools Company.com including more coaching questions, coaching exercises, business admin templates for new coaches and forms to help with your seminars. And if you have any other questions or suggestions just give me a shout, we'd love to hear from you! Cover & interior images of woman with cleaning products by ADS Portrait via Shutterstock
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APPENDIX: Spring Clean Your Life Toolkit Summary Purpose of tool
Other Ideas/Options
Group Coaching
Workshop / Teleseminar
In Session
These tools are suitable for any client. Each tool can be used individually at any time, or as part of a life "Spring Clean".
SECTION 1: Assess What Areas of Your Clients' Lives Need a Spring Clean - Use these 2 Tools to raise your client's awareness as to which areas might need some focus. 1 The Wheel of Life Template # Y* Y* Y* Y* 1. The Wheel of Life is a great way to begin, with low scores 1. Ask, "If you had a magic wand, how would indicating life areas to focus on "Spring Cleaning"! you use it to 'Spring Clean' your life?" 2 Take Stock and Take Action Y* Y* Y Y 1. This tool explores your clients' specific frustrations, shoulds 2. How motivated are your clients? Try the Worksheet! and what they're looking for from life right now... tools Are You Sitting Too Comfortably? & 2. Use the results to feed into what needs "Spring Cleaning". Motivation Quiz to gain some insights. SECTION 2: What's Draining Your Client & Getting in the Way? - Use these Tools to identify where energy is being lost and move forwards on something they've been procrastinating over. 3 My Energy Zappers Coaching Y* Y* Y* Y* 1. A life overhaul starts with identifying what zaps your energy, 1. Try our Free Tolerations Exercise. This is Exercise # so you can find more energy for your life "Spring Clean"! Also helpful as what we tolerate also drains a great discussion topic for workshops and group coaching. us! 4 Stop Procrastinating - Get It 1. Help your clients "Spring Clean" their lives by getting a specific 1. Get inspiration from 12 Easy Ideas to Y Y* Y Y Done! task off their plates! First assess whether the task actually Get More Done AND Have Fun Too! needs to be done, and then brainstorm ways to get moving. Tele 5 Detox Your Toxic Y Y* 1. "Spring Clean" who your client spends their time with. The 2. You could also identify a Spark Team seminar Relationships Exercise! goal is to spend more time with people who energise them for your clients - a list of energising only and less time with people who drain them. people to spend more time with. NOTE: Avoid this tool in groups if attendees know each other! SECTION 3: Setting Your Client up for Success - Here your clients get a vision of how they'd like their lives to be, let go of things that drain them & set up some positive habits for success! 6 3 Month Vision Worksheet Y Y Y Y 1. Help your client get clear on how they would like their life 1. Ask your clients to imagine it's summer to be, then use this to find goals for your clients to move (a few months away). What would forwards with following their life "Spring Clean". they like to be different in their lives? 7 Letting Go Coaching Exercise! Y Y* Y* Y* 1. A great way to "Spring Clean" your life is to let go of what no 1. For difficult feelings, try this 3 Step longer serves you - memories, people, 'stuff', feelings, Model for Difficult Feelings & Emotions 2. You may also like Reflective Journaling beliefs, behaviours or something else... Help your clients find more energy and let go of what's not working for them. Exercise For Stress Release & Well-Being Daily Success Habits Exercise 8 Y#* Y* Y* Y* 1. Set your client up for success - identify new habits to "Spring 1. You may also like 7 Insightful Coaching Clean" and energise their lifestyle! Questions to Help You Create Your Own 2. Fabulous all-round exercise that can also be used at any time. Daily Success Habits! SECTION 4: Wrapping Up - Wrap up this Life "Spring Clean" by setting 3 goals to move forwards with! 9 Spring Clean Your Life Y Y Y Y 1. Summarise the key goals, learnings and action steps to Summary & Goals Sheet wrap-up this "Spring Clean Your Life" experience. 2. Also use this tool standalone to help clients let go of what doesn't serve them, identify new habits, goals and action steps for a quick "Life Spring Clean" coaching session.
* These tools are particularly suited in this situation.
# Good for use with prospective clients
1. If your client has enjoyed this "Life Spring Clean" you could now offer your clients broader life visioning and goal-setting with our Vision and GoalSetting Toolkit.
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