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Social Media
Let’s talk Instagram! Posts and stories can serve as a really incredible way to share your brand, life, passions, and what makes you, YOU! This is how your current following will connect with you and how you will attract new people to follow you as well!
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Here are some basic tips when it comes to Instagram: TIMING IS KEY!1
Finding your time will be even more important for Instagram. The algorithm with Instagram is extremely picky about who it shows your post to. It will not open it up to a larger audience unless it has some engagement in the first 5 minutes!
Some hot times to post:
Not too early as many people are busy getting ready for their day and won’t see your post. For a lot us, that is 9:30am - 11:30am.
After kiddos are asleep or people are home from work, finished dinner and getting their chill on. For us, that is around 8:00pm.
BE YOU!2 This comes back to your branding. Make sure you know your brand, you’re in touch with it and share that!
BE IN LINE WITH YOUR PRODUCT!3Here’s the thing - we are wellness advocates. If we are sharing LOVVARE products but consistently sharing how we are sick, or that we are using and doing things that are not in line with our product, our audience may feel confused and not feel like it’s genuine when we share how we want them to try what we have to o er so they too can thrive in this life. We don’t have to pretend to be perfect, no one is! BUT, sharing about the areas in your life that reflect and are in line with wellness, will serve you. This can be so many di erent things!! Make your own yogurt? Talk about it! Have a garden? Show us! Also, sharing about your e ort to live a more natural life will connect with so many. There’s so much power behind “I used to do this. Now I do this.”
STORIES vs. FEED4Having a feed that looks the way you want it to look, represents your style, and feel, is going to help you grow your following and network. Keeping the same preset on your photos will help a lot! Stories, that’s where you can share more of the bits and pieces of your day. Instagram stories serve as an incredible platform to share about our products every single day without bombarding your personal feed with LOVVARE product photos. Now remember, this is just advice....you run your own business and can take anything you see here and do your own thing with it!
CONNECT!5The more you can connect with other people on Instagram, the more you are not only going to make incredible new friendships, but person by person, you are creating your community!! A community of support, friendship and many times, this turns into growing your business! Remember, be a friend first.