3 minute read
Doing vs. Dreaming
Here’s the deal -- we ALL want to be Royal Diamond CEO one day. We have a HUGE visions to:
IF you want this - I mean really want this - there has never been a MORE important time to be intentional. Write down and put into action what YOU will do to get to there!
You can’t always control the output, but you can always control the input. ALSO - if what you write down seems to make your heart beat a little bit faster, then you are probably on the right track.
We have a HUGE visions to:
Pay o Debt
Go on Vacation
Not Live Paycheck to Paycheck
Give/Tithe More
Put Our Kids Through College - Debt Free
Retire Our Husband’s From a Job they Hate Be at Home with Our Babies
Buy a farm ( okay maybe that's just me :D )
Finally Help Women to Find their PURPOSE
Put Our Kids in Extra Curricular Activities
Have Financial Freedom to JUST go to TARGET!
Do something.
Start something.
Make it happen. TODAY.
When you are a ROYAL DIAMOND CEO - these will be the "make it or break it" lid-lifting moments you will share to the thousands of leaders who will be on your team. There is SO much power in writing down, in faith, what you will get to experience in the future!
I hear all the time " I want this but...."
There are sweet mamas with kids all at home ROCKING this business, homeschool moms, working moms, full time students juggling multiple jobs.....
Change your wording from " we are so busy or I can't do this right now because..." to... " this just isn't the right season for us".
Because the excuses and the belief in your wording can be so toxic - you might actually start to believe that things are slow because it's just not working or because of the busy.
"You HAVE to make it happen, it's not "just going to happen. No excuses, guys. Stop "wishing," "dreaming," "believing" and "trying."
Don't use any of these as an excuse to avoid the things you know you need to be doing! We will mess up when we "do" things - but you know what? It's OK! If you make a mistake, learn from it, move on, do it better the next time! So, what are you going to DO today?!
Here are some ideas!
People aren’t buying a product –they’re buying YOU.
Without your “driver”, you’re less motivated. It’s di cult to stay the course when you don’t have something that’s driving you to show up and share.
People need to know they can count on you. If you’re only available “now and then”, that’s when you’ll get sales.
I believe with all my heart that each family can experience incredible freedom through this business- I want to share this amazing opportunity with them! What are ways your life has already changed? I believe that God has given each of us with this business such a sweet responsibility. To share about the possibilities for improving our health, to share about the potential for financial freedom, and most of all to share about HIM and His goodness.
What drives you? Do you know what residual income can do for your family? Do you have your WHY written out to visit each day? Do you know where you are going and WHY you want to be there? For me, it means I am building something that will bless our family for years to come. It means we are FREE to pursue our dreams and our calling. It means we are on a road to be debt free. What does it mean for you?