3 minute read

Magnetic Sharing

Lets go over some ways to be sharing about LOVVARE in a way that doesn’t use sales language.

In short, this is authentic sharing.


You got your LOVVARE collagen in the mail and already are noticing a di erence. You can’t believe how fast it’s working. Your face looks so supple and are noticing less wrinkles…. In only a few weeks! Yep, we are right there with you! NOW if you could just get EVERYONE you know to understand just how amazing it is and the importance of replenishing your collagen is!! Well let us help you!!!

Selling is what we are all used to! Buy this! Isn’t this wonderful??!?! Now buy that! Oh and you need this and here’s why!!! Get 50% o TODAY ONLY and if you don’t buy it today then you will forever for the rest of your life regret it. Selling! It bombards us every single day. When we drive down the road, turn on the radio, open up facebook, it stares us in the face.


The LAST thing that we as a team want to do is just add to the voices of SELLING. Selling is constantly asking for something FROM people.

Here are some things that look like selling:

All of your Facebook or Instagram posts have turned into sign up incentives or LOVVARE posts in general.

Every time you hang out with your friends, you talk about them joining your team.

You bombard your best friends with texts asking them when they are going to enroll.

Every time you hang out with your friends, you talk about them joining your team.

You bombard your best friends with texts asking them when they are going to enroll.

This is a quick way to seclude yourself from even your closest friends. No one wants to be bombarded into buying something that they don’t understand or think they don’t need.

INSTEAD we want to share!!!


Click to watch training video. Now more than ever, people are building a community with friends online and that drawn to like minded individuals. You have something inside of you that makes you uniquely you. Did deep for that. Mine that out and let that be a part of how you are sharing. This will act as a magnet to attract those that genuinely desire to be a part of your circle and that you can authentically be a part of theirs!

Sally just posted on Facebook that her poor digestion and tummy troubles. Based one your level of relationship with Sally you may feel more comfortable doing



Reaching out to her directly and about how our trim-biotic will help her!



Share something in your stories that will resonate with her and pray she sees it. This we call passive sharing.


Darren Hardy from Success magazine calls it “the jab jab punch”. It’s also called the 80/20 rule.

80% of the time you are giving away….giving away information or perhaps samples and sharing your life.

20% of the time you are selling. Some people even do the 90/10 rule and only posting about “selling” something 10% of the time. So take this into account. Scroll through your Facebook or Instagram account and see how often you’re talking about LOVVARE. Make sure that it hasn’t completely taken over your feed.

Everything that you’re posting about has a narrative, so we want to be sure that your story is one that is always adding value to others.

I want you to write out the top 5 things you want your business to be known for.

To give you an example, here are the top 5 things I personally want my business organization to be known for: Empowering Doable A safe place Servanthood Fun

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