Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

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The Penitent St. Mory Magdalene,


by Giovanni Francesco Barbieri Location: Vatican Museums

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SACRAMENTAL INFORMATION: Anointing of the Sick, Holy Communion to the Sick and Homebound, Funerals: Please call the Parish 0ffice.

{ *

Infant Baptism: Parents are to call the Parish office during business hours to schedule a Baptism lneeting.

Sacrament of Matrimony: The proper and required preparation for this Sacrament is extensive. The time frame is at least six (6J months. Couples are asked to attend an Engaged Encounter Weekend in preparation and complete State and Church paperwork. Do not set a date or print invitations for your marriage until after you have spol<en with a priesl








ri cai Fnl

ull I

Saturday: (Sunday VigilJ 5:00pm Sunday Morning: 7:00 am 9:00am & 11:00am Faith Formation Family 1st & 3rd Sunday at 9:00am (Ohana Mass every 2na Sunday at 11-:0Oam) Sunday Evening: 6:00 pm Monday - Friday: 7:00 am & 12:00 pm Saturday:12:00 noon Last Saturday of the Month at the 12:0A noon mass

Friday 10:15 - 11:30 a.m. Saturday 3:30 - 4:30 pm or by appoinlmenl Fridays: After the 7:00 am mass and 1't Fridays: 7:30 - 10:00 pm Monday - Saturday: 11:15am Sunday: 5:15pm

ADDRESS: 800 Kahel<a St. Honolulu, Hawaii 96814 OFFICE HOURS: Mon. - B:30 - 12:00 pm Tues. - Fri. B:30am - l2pm/L:00 - 3:30pm PHONE: [B0BJ 941-0675 FAX: [B0B) 945-a689 OFFICE EMAIL: sspeterpaul @hawaii, WEBS ITE:


s,r. Peter & Paul Church Honolulu





1:00pm 1:00pm 7:30pm - 10:00pm 11:00 am - 1:00pm & 3:00pm - 6:30pm tj:00ant l.(X)prn 11:00am 6:00am


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This Weeks Mass Schedule Time Mass lntention

Date SAT



Parishioners, Visitors, and Friends ofSts. Peter and Paul


+Deceased members of DeSilva & Nakanelua Family Charles Goo


+Stanley Pecor



Dear Parishioners, Visitors and Friends,

Fr. Roide

Fr. Sieg

+Maria Dolores Senangote

Fr. Roide



Theodore and +Felisa Gascon Jean Obara (H)



Clara Shin (SI)



+Wilbert Liu

Fr. Roide



Fr. Roide



+Payton Chang +Ruth Ann Pecor



Fr. Roide



Fr. Roide



Fr. Roide



+Enrique Kou Sr.



+Eleuterio Banaag


noon noon


5pm Vigil





Fr. Sieg




Fernandes Fr. Roide Fr. Roide

Parishioners, Visitors, and Friends of Sts. Pe[er and Paul

+Ethel and +Frank

Fr. Roide


Fr. Sieg

+Alexander Hirota




Fr. Sieg


lul22 1lam

The Traveling Padre-Father Russ Roide,

lul29 11am

Matthew Lewis (BDJ

Fr. Sieg


DondiVinca (BD)

Fr. Sieg

While down-sizing ["lay-off'] expert


Bingham flies around the world in the movie "Up in the Air", his ultimate goal of reaching 10M frequent flyer miles is met with disappointment as he faces the underlying theme of the loneliness in his life. While the character in the movie meets thousands of people every year, it yields no friendships or sense of love. Unlike the character played by George Clooney, while flying to dozens of places including multiple pilgrimages to the Holy Land, Fatima, Lourdes, India, Spain, and all over the United.States, Father Russell Roide, S. f ., has developed deep friendships with hundreds of people all over the world. As a priest for nearly 50 years who is visiting Sts. Peter and Paul this month, Father Roide is involved in the fesuit Retreat House in Los Altos where pastoral.counseling, directed recovery and social justice are some of the services offered. Father Russ has touched many lives including both high and college age students. He served as the High School Administrator President at St. Ignatius in San Francisco for 2l years and B years at Stanford University. He is blessed with good health as he does the Lord's work around the world traveling to far reaches of God's world. His deep understanding of St. Ignatius and St. Francis Xavier has enlightened and brought inspiration to many. Like this week's reading in Mark 6:30-34 where fesus' heart is drarnm to pity as he sees his sheep lost without a shepherd, Father Russ has and continues to teach and mentor many people providing guidance and wisdom to all who listen, Please ."E Komo Mai" Father Russ ro Srs. Peter and Paul!

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Submitted by Albert Hayashi

@gG*,%,t We are a Cat{rofic commwriry w{rere

"Caring ?eoyft are caredfor Q irlt


r r,"61t r, www. s s pete

r p a u [h


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luly 22,2018

Sts. Peter and Paul Church


]eremiah 23:1-6; Ephesians


Mark 6:30-34

ln his 1622 painling The Penitent St. Mary Magdalene, Giovanni Francesco Barbieri, known as Guercino, portrays Mary Magdalene with shoulders uncovered and disheveled hair. These details remind us of her shameful past without defining her present. Rather, it is her humble, penitent spirit from which her heroic love for Jesus springs. The sinful Mary, who had been forgiven so much, is also one who has loved much. One angel holds out before her the symbols of the passion to remind Magdalene of the ransom her Beloved paid to set her free from sin. A second angel pointing to heaven reminds her that these nails no longer bind him. Or as the angel would tell Mary Magdalene in the garden, "He is not here, he has risen." Many mistakenly conflate Mary Magdalene with the unknown woman from Luke 7:36-50. The woman offers an act of humility by breaking into the dinner party of Simon and sobbing over the feet of Jesus. She bathes his feet with tears of repentance and dries them with her lovely hair. Despite the confusion, we admire this woman's and Mary's humility. Neither were too proud to repent. The painting is called The Penitent St. Mary Magdalene because Mary looks purposely like a person kneeling in confession. Speaking with head downcast, she admits her failures. And as in confession, the representative of God sits on the other side encouraging her to consider Jesus' passion, love, and mercy. The angel in the center reminds Mary to whom she is really confessing. By pointing to heaven we are all reminded of the source from whom all forgiveness comes. -Fr. Mark Haydu, LC

Reflections Am I humble enough to admit my faults to myself and others? How often do I ask forgiveness form my loved ones and in confession? 2018 Liguoi Publications, Liguori, MO 63057-9999. Printed in U.S.A. lmprimatur: "ln accordance with c. 827, permrssion to publish has been granted on December 1, 2017, by the Most Reverend Edward M. Rice, Auxiliary Bishop, Archdiocese of St Louis. Permission to publish is an indication that nothing contrary to Church teaching is contained in this work. lt does not imply any endorsement of the opinions expressed in the publication; nor is any liability assumed by this permission." No part of this work may be used in any form without the prbr written permission of Liguori Publications. Scripture texts in this work are taken from the New Amerban Bible. revised edition @ 2010, 1991, 1986, 1970 Confraternity of Christian Doctrine, lnc., Washington, DC. All REhls Reserved. To order Liguori Sunday Bulletins,


I - ]eremiah 23:1-6


prophet Jeremiah called the of Israel to become God's shepherds in relation to the people. It leaders

was unthinkable that good shepherds r,vould care more about their own satbty, security and comfbrt than about their sheep.


II - Ephesians


We are all ditTerent types of people, but u'e are all meant to be one under God. Through the grace of God and the blood of Jesus Christ all the u,alls have been torn dorvn that separate the people.



Mark 5:30-34

Jesus also experienced fatigue, and it

was difficult for him to find time away. Everyvi'here he went, the crow'ds seem to follow. As tired as Jesus must have been, he did not refuse their requests. Jesus had compassion for thern.



calt800-32*9521 L

lTtlt Sunday in Ordinary Time Ist Reading-2 Kings 4:42-44 2

nd Reading-Epltesians


Gospel-John 6:l-15




T${il erqRHHaNffi

the date! The Sisters of St. Joseph of Carondelet will be celebrating 80 years of ministry Save

in Hawaiiwith Holy Mass Bishop Larry Silva as celebrant When: Saturday, August 25,201..8 at 10:30 a.m.

Ss*k y Ar:.s.i v.urE".$r

It'il'1.i. l'!{:'$'lr{{,&" U',&U[,

will c:*:l*:Irr';rt "

Where: Co-Cathedral of St. Theresa

50 tlears ns the soul of Akt M.oana

Bishop Larry as celebrant.

Septenfuer 28,2019

Lunch will be served afterward

All are welcome Please RSVP to Ms. Diedre Wong at 373-8801 or no later thank August 1, 2018



fr We ask our parishioners and guests kokua and exercise reasonable caution and care when entering and/ or exiting church grounds. We remind you that the fine for the violation of jaywalking is $130. The church also asks our driving parishioners and guests to exercise caution and good judgment in entering and exiting the church's parking lots in relation to on-coming traffic and/or pedestrians. Thank you for your continued understanding and cooperation in these important matters.

Oahu Catholic Men's Conference 2018 Saturday, August 25 * 8:30 AM - 2:30 PM Catholic Charities 1822 Ke'eaumoku Street Open to Men of all ages. Join us for breakout sessions and a keynote speaker, Doug Barry of EWTN and Dallas Carter plus a chance for Mass (8 AM with Bishop Larry Silva),

Reconciliation. Fellowship, and Food For more information go to

IVlahalo fi:r" vor"rr $lr[)p(]]"t of tlrc liakc salcr

FAITH FORMATION Y*qxmg &dq*$ts Mork 5:31-34 "And he said to them, 'Come awoy by your selves to a lonely ploce, and rest a while.' For mony were coming ond going, and they had no leisure even to eat. And they went awoy in the boat to a lonely place by themselves. Now many saw them going, ond knew them, and they ron there on foot from allthe towns and got there aheod of them. As he went ashore he saw o greot throng, and he had compossion on them, becouse they were like sheep without o shepherd; ond he began to teoch them mony things." 'Ano'ai KaKou, It's nice to know that God always looks out for us, and provides us with what we need^ lt's also a lot of work, because we must be active participants. The disciples must have felt overwhelmed, serving thousands of people. Nonetheless, God's power is amazing, and "nothing may be lost." Of course, that meant even more work for the disciples, after everyone has eaten their fill. As disciples of Jesus, who should we be working to help and how? We do a variety of things now, and please let me know your thoughts of what else we might do. * Tuesdays ESL (English as a Second Language): Practice English conversation Tuesdays 5-6 pm . Thursdays Bible Studyr Young adults Bible study at church


Thursdays 5-6 pm

Second Saturday Morning Church Cleaning: Once a month, just for a couple of hours, we help clean the church from 8.30 am We also do other things as well - please contact me if you're interested in joining efforts on serving:

o o

Kaka'ako Family Shelter Human Trafficking Victims

Of course, there are also plenty of one-off projects, partnering

community organizations, and social/spiritual activities with our fellow parishes, so please sign up (emailfacebook) for notifications, and join whenever you can. Check out our facebook page: www.facebook.coml YoungAdultsM inistrv.Honolul u As the young adults ministry of Sts. Peter & Paul, inspired by St. Don Bosco, we wish to volunteer, learn, reflect, and be happy. Servite Domine in laetitia (Serve God cheerfully). Being part of this group, in this phase of our journey in life, will allow us to help each other to grow spiritually, intellectually and physically. lf you have any interest, questions, comments, ideas, etc. please e-mail us at lriviqlF""cqm or txt 305-898: 0378. Hope to see everyone soon! Aloha, Amala & Sun

ffif;1& Three things every RCIA catechist has to be good at Pope Francis said that catechists have to focus on

three things: Allow yourself to be gazed upon by God. "Now each one of you could ask: how am I experiencing'being' with Jesus? This is a question I leave you:'How do I experience this remaining with Jesus, abiding in Jesus? Do I find time to remain in his presence, in silence, to be looked upon by him? Do I let his fire warm my heart?"'

to encounter others. "The heart of a catechist always beats with this systolic and diastolic movement: union with christ - encounter with others. Both of these: I am one with Jesus and I go forth to encounter others. lf one of these movements is missing, the heart no longer beats, it can no longer live. The heart of the catechist receives the gift of the kerygma, and in turn offers it to others as a gift." Go out

Go to the outskirts. "God is not afraid of the outskirts. lf you go to the outskirts, you will find him

there.... Whenever Christians are enclosed in their groups, parishes, movements, they take ill. lf a Christian goes to the streets, orto the outskirts, he or she may risk the same thing that can happen to anyone out there: an accident. How often have we seen accidents o n the road! But I am telling you: I would prefer a thousand times over a bruised Church than an ill Church! A Church, a catechist, with the courage to risk going out, and not a catechist who is studious, knows everything, but is always closed: such a person is not well. And sometimes he is not well in the head."

When you are looking for RCIA catechists, look for people who are willing and able to do these three things. And let us always keep in mind Pope Francis's closing words: "Let us have the audacity to mark out new paths for proclaiming the Gospel." Our next 4 sessions will use the brand new teaching of 'The Mass" by Bishop Robert Barron. Come and walk tlrrough the Liturgy and be transformed

with Lord

through the insight

*j:H:::.encounter Please join us on Wednesday nights at 6:00pm upstairs

in the Blue Room


JULY Prav*er Intentions from


Pooe Francit Evangeliiatiotr

Priests and


lheir Pastoral ll(inistry.

That priests, rvho experience latigue and loneliness in their pastoral rvork, nmy find help and comforl in their intimacy with the Lord and in their friendship with their brother priests.

I !





Rt"ur" complete this form with your pertinent I you at ! linformation so that we may remember l Mass and with prayers and blessings on yorr" ! ; special day in August. Fill in the complete this, I form (please print clearly!) and place it in the I


Rose & FidelAdomos

Charito A Mabon


John M. Masunoga



Vonessa Alcova

Brady Metcolf

lsaoc Alojado

Thomos Mistysyn

Loronzo Alota

Robert Mistysyn

Becky Aloto

Edwin Munalem

Darlene Amorosa

Betty Ann Nault

Tony Baconi

Patrice Nielsen

Michoel Bartolome

Felicitas R. Nolond

Ho Lun Big

Roy M. Olis

Olivia Mio Blake

Lourdes Olis

Maniko Brody

Berry Olodoy

Arthur Cababo Mwejo Capelle WiniChow Teresita M. Custodio Avon Czerwinski

collection basket or return to the office no later I I than July 29, 2A18. I I I

Srsy&r f}le sfr& f* e*r F*rix$r



Maria Oloday Judy Orlando

Nonal Pong Joannita Pongelinon Yvonne S. Pongelinan

Regina Czerwinski

Ephrem Perez


Blonche DeConte

Josefina Perez

rn* !

George DeConte

Anella Rabaulimon

Azorias D Dosdos

Bregida R. Reyes

Shirley Dungo

Maggie Rotelo

Tessie Dungo

lngo Rafael Sharez

Blanche Hansen

Oliver Shilling

Joe Hansen

Myong Soon Sim

Florence Henson

l ose ph Anth ony Sul I ivo n

Stanley Ho

Dolores Suredam

Robert K. F. Ho

Lolita A. Sutton


Shirlene lwai

Edwin Tagura


Maria Elena Jencks

Yolonda Trejo


Jack Jucewicz

Myrno Vallespin

Christopher lucewicz

Lydia Velosquez

Michelle Keely

Ho Chun Wqh

Chorlene Lau

Ho Shiu Yon

Pot Low

Theresa Yu

Bona Mocobre

Jonleen Maria Xymoon







I 1



- AND/OR -





Catholic Grandparent's Day The Feast of St. Joachim and St. Anne Grandparents of the Child Jesus-July 26

lTeasepr4l' {or t*e sorr/ of




and for r&e c&s olation




of his


Sts. Peter ond Poul Service to our Neighbors in Need Art With Heart Project Come help us decorate bags for our Brown Bag grocery distribution. Your artwork will bring smiles to those who receive our monthly food bags THIS SUNDAY MAY 14 After7, 9 & 11 am Masses (courtyard Area) Family Friendly Project-Volunteers All Ages

Brown Bag Project-FOOD SORTING Volunteers are needed to help with our Catholic Care Project monthly food sorting and to assemble our Brown Bag Groceries for our friends in need


MNI 27

9am-l1am Courtyard Area Family Friendly Project-Volunteers All Ages

Inme Vnlunteer! Feed A Friend Project volunteers are needed to deliver a bag of groceries to our homebound Kupuna. You can pick up your bag for delivery im mediately following the Mass you attend and will take it directly to their home.

SUNDAY MAY 28 This is o greot Family Friqndly Project that provides individuals and families with on opportunity to serve others together.


you would like


help us

with this at the


Baby Bags Project

,ss Delow

Volunteers will assemble emergency baby bags for homeless mothers and children living in shelter WEDNESDAY MAY

31 (l0am-Noon)

Courtyard Area Family Friendly Project-Volunteers All Ages






ln honor of the Month of Mary and our own Mothers Parishioners are asked to donate new packages of baby diapers for our Baby Bags Project. Our Emergency Baby Bags will be distributed to families in need through area shelters. Donations can be dropped off in our Diaper Bin May 1-28

Other ltems we need: Baby Diopers (size 4 most needed), trovel size baby wipes, Baby Food Pouches, New Baby Boltles, New Baby Rottles orTeethers (All items must be new ond in its original packoge)

&/A Read the Gospet and Color

"When Jesus disemborked ond saw the vost crowd, his heart wos moved with pity for them for they we?e like sheep without o shepherd and he began to teoch them many things. Mark 6:30-34.

f I

How con be more like Jesus? How do listen to others when they are sod or lonely? Do help my mom or dad even when om tired ond don't f eel like it? Jesus helps me becouse he is my 6ood Shepherd ond f om his sheep.




Lfi. usd hjln g,trY{s4}.


Morrioge provides the foundotion for fomily qnd the formqtion of "new citizens of humon socieiy." i:rcrr"r rncri'ic.qe

ccmes the icmilv'. "in

ci numori sor:iei.i cie born" cnci moie ci-,iidier: of rlci lhrouch ile croce olihe riclv Spirit ir: Bor;llsrn iil,rix:r (]enlii;rn IDrrymclic tv!'iicir new ciiizels

Ccnsiiiirlica cr.' ihe Churcni.

nc l



Il:e l'rcrne ;" 3siied tne "corr',esiic church" {CCC,

no. i655i*the oioce

i.vnere porsnls iecch {oitlr. i\)v3 i35ti6g,

ond ccncem fcr cthers tc lheir cl:iidren. Porents



oiincipcl cnd {lrsi

responsir:ilitres" |CCC,




Pcrents lroin chiidi'en, lrom childncoC


on, tc recocnize

lo,re for oli, ic.. ccre io, "thei: re;qhbcrs' needs, rnclericrl

::rd spiriilci " :o shcie it cc:rrtrnrir, ''^.,lih oihei.s. or:d ic he invoiv,sd ie lhe iocci ccrnmun

iiy iAposic/iccm Aciucsiicien-r



iire Apo.sici?,-re oi l.oy

The rights of fomilies ond

morried couples should be prioritized in public policy. oe,rc of ir,riivii,rcis r:r:ri sccieiie: is rilkec :o "tne heoiir-r;.'sioie Jhe


olconiugci crc icrmily i;le" iClcuc'iurn el Spes iPcsioioi Con.;tiiuricr: cn lhtl Chuich in iiie /vicciern tA,crrrj], r:o.

i'eo,:lel, n,r. 30).

47i. Theiek;rtl,


musi "eirroci oolic.res

prcrrciing the centroliry- cnc ine inteciiv

Morrioge ond the fomily inspire solidority with the humon fomily.

oi :ee [cr,ii.; icuniec cn morr,cge beluveen

ln the section colled "The iomilv cno

Socie\',' the Cctechism noies thot

c mon olci o wc,mcn" oni ihct

"cssume resr:clrsibiIil;r icr [rhe iornilvsj economic ond iiscol neeis" iCorito-s in "/erltate,

no. 44i

educotcrs ci their cniicren" iCCC. nc. 1653). The iomilv is ine cornmurii.y

f;eino o me,"nber .:i c i,:rnily helps

tc L,rocriien cur defin;lion oi v,,ho is

the rlghis cf the icmily in civii icws cnd

'+rnere children "leorn mcrcl volue.s,

inciudec in ,rur fomiiy.

poiicies cnd rvork ic ensure "thct in

begin iu- honor GoC, o+d mcke gcod use

oi freecjon" iCCC. r,c.22a/1.

fomily gives testimony to foith,love, uniry peoce, ond iustice.


The moried coupie-ilsell


srgn of

groce-\lcr(s tc iorm o fcnrliy tfioi is

o "sigri o[ unity lor rhe worlC''




io lne Kingcom" cf iusiice

onC peoce iCompeniiu,n, no.22C, Familicris Consorlio, no. 48). The

home is ihe plcce lvhere eoch oerscr: ieoins "sollcioriry onci communol


our fellow crlizens. ,,te leorn tc see "lhe chilCren


cr.rr counir',,,"


in ire bcpiizeci. ':he

c|ilicien cf cur rncllier the Chrrch," cirC in every humcrn perscn, "o s.ifl cr

icughie''" ol the Fother. Cur reioiionsliips lviihin


:mmedicte forniiy provide o

le poiliculcr, '"ve shouid preserve

sccioi oCminislroiicn considerotion is

ciyen to ihe requiienrents oi {cmiiies in ihe motier rri housing, educction of cnilcren, t'rcrkirg ccnci:tic,ns, scciol securily cnd tcr:<es" iAposlolicorn


rc. 1 li. We

snould cis,:

founCotion so thct our reiotionships wiih

woi'k lo en.sure thol mrgronis' r'ight to live

cil our neighbcrs beccme "perscncl."

lcgether cs c lcmily is scieguoi'ded.

\l,e corne io recognize our neighbor ncl cs c "unil" bui os o "someone" who 'ieseives porliculcr oltenlion cnd respeci" ino.

22l 2).

in tnis woy: the

Clr:yrighr O '2,i i 3, iJn,lei Slctes Cc,:i,lrer:e c[ 'lclhciic Bi...,rps. 'v".';inin3i6r. DC. Ail :,gris r33svyec i)errirs-\ion is ie.*i:y lrcn:ed tc rilpiticie iii::.acr! rviii':+,.i r)ajcfjtjlil.i] [..x i:,:,i:;i:,ilr,eil,i.:i +sg

i^,',rrr foi iusrice, !iie, cnd iigniry begrns in the for^nil'r'.



As o spouse or fomily member, how con you imitote the love of Christ ond communion of the

Holy Trinity in your own relalionships?


Whot con you do in your fomily to provide o strong foundotion for foith, peoce, solidority with the globol humon fomily, ond o commitment to the life ond dignity of the humon person?

United in Love, Strengthened for Service

in Cililsiion mcrrii;gc,

The love between spouses in

sccuses model tre lo,re cnd

morrioge reflects the love of Christ for the Church.

sciig:lr c[ Christ. By grvinc of thenseli,es r:nd serving ,lne orii:ilrei, theii ionri[,, rrnd Ccrn'rmun:t),, the-v irelf-. O1e

orcilrer iive cuf Ci,risl

s cci,

io cliscicieship, l,cue, cnd selvii:e.



rrii:oe i:rcvides

io,.-rnd.:tiori fr.:r cr icr"nii'y'


tted lc ccl:trrunilri.

so[ioriiv, cnd Jesu:,'


the wcrld.


Morrioge frees us for socrifice ond self-gift.

ici,e ioi hirmonil, lCoiechisiri cf lhe Col,lciic

Duiinc the excironge cl vcws. lhe ccuple oro$i-ses lc iTivi: i:[ l]reiiiseive.: tc eruch r..lher ,:,-,C tc icve oi'ci supocri eucn clher' ciespiie

i-li:,:<.1: tCCCl, nc 1634;. lr: Sr.;ir;iur+:. Gcd-l "communioir ci lcve" vyrth iris cec[:ie

ec':h onc,iher "cverci)me self-cbscrpti,:n,


mi.;iur:l lo,re


spo!.r:le:r reilscis

Gc.di owrr

is seen in tiie r:r:',,r:ri:rti he fi;rnrs .,viir tliern,

cs weii cs ir jesus' seli-oiieiiirc on ihe Crcss. Il'i+ r-'r-rvelcrri o[ iove iirto r.virrci'i si]ouses enier' rn morrruge reilecls the

Clruri:n cr:<j his sell-g;ift

icie o[ Christ h:r iie or [-,ehuli .-'i hrrnronii,v

iCcrnperC;um ci ile Sccicri Dcctrine o{ Ciri;x-'ir ICom;:elciiurrri,




tlei i sl'iol icor, i re s r: rrd ir:


l"^,r.:rricge, ihe couDie

erchcnoes rings os a srgrr ci i\.:ve onc iiceiiiy rn ihe nr:nre oi tl-,e i,Jtrer, Scrr, orrd Hr:i'y Spirit. Like ihe members cf ihe


ir,:s. S g-,r:usi;:; hr:i i-,

Cnrist {CCC, rro. r60?; Coornenrjrum. no. 2lQ). With Christ's nelp, spcuses ore oble tci io,rs. icrslrvri. er,(i serv.j {CCC,

nc 1612i.



N,rpiio I Bl,.ssi r.rc esceci c iy I



rr I icr

xi5 iri''^,

tlie ccupie is collecj io ccie rrit only it:r' ecr:|,


Morrioge reflects the communion qnd union of fhe Trinity. Rife


ecr-);sin, i<:r:o] plr(r'.ri r-rf c;r,e's i),,r,r: $leosr,re" sri lnct lhey ilcn serve oti,ers in irnilcticii oi


)urinp ihe



br.rt crisc,

foi chiiciren, iornilv, cnd


v.;iCilr comrlur:ii'v.

Morrioge slrengthens us for service in the world, Tlre icve beM;eer: 5iic,Jses nelps ihern

tc be signs ,:{ Clrrists lci,e in ihe vrorlc


unrle.i ccuple aiso becoines o "r:onimi:r:iv- of

{Compendi.rnr, no.

cersons.".ii.rsi os the Fciher. Son, cnd Sprrrl

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This Week's Events July

M - Main Church, U-Upstairs Parish Conference Room, R- Reception room, B - Blue room, G - Green Room,

Mahalo for your generous contributions

and F a ithful Stew ards hi p. The Collections for /uly 7 4-7 5, 2 078 are as follows:


Iuly 22

Sixteenth Stmday in Ordinary Time

6:15 am

$9,091.31 180.00 '180.00


- Courtyard


Total: $ 16.305.81 Envelopes & Loose Collections Mass lntentions Baptism Electric Votive & Candles

22-28. 2018

832.45 $10,483.76

6:15 am -

Choir Practice (BJ Rosary (Ml


luly 23

Bridgel Religious


6:30 pm


Charismatic Prayer Group IMJ

Iulv 24

Tuesdav Stt"

Sharbel Makhluf, Priest

- Rosary [M] - Rosary (MJ 7:00 pm - Centering Prayer [M]

6:10 am






11:15 am

Irrlv 25


Building Fund Outreach Stained Glass Catholic Care Project Kupuna dinner donation Donation

$ 3,236.79 141.44 200.00 1,000.00 248.72 15.00 Total: $ 4,841.95

Special Collections.

Bake Sale

2.A0 100.00 $ 102.00

Total Total $878.10 SECOND COLLECTION

Jame' Apostle

- Rosary [M) 7:30 am - Novena to our Lady of Perpetual Help 11:15 am - Rosary (M) L:00 pm - Legion of Mary Queen of Peace [C) 6:00 pm - RCIA [B) 6:30 pm - Scripture Study (RJ 6:10 am

Thursday SL


-Seminarian Education Catholic Relief Fund



July 25

toachim and SL Anne, Parents ofthe Blessed Virgin Mary

- Rosary (MJ 11:15 am - Rosary [M) 6:00 pm - Choir Practice (M) 6:10 am

lulv 27 6:10 am - Rosary IMJ 7:40 am Eucharistic Adoration/Sacred Heart Devotion 10:00


11:30 am


Confession and Spiritual Direction

- Divine Merry Devotion & Chaplet 5:45 pm - Stations of the Cross Devotions [M]

10:45 am

This weekend, our special collection is for the Seminarian Education Fund in the Diocese of Honolulu. As a Diocese, these funds pay for tuition, room and board, health insurance, and other expenses for our seminarians, in addition to costs for the promotion of vocations. These young men are our Hope for the Future. Thank you for your generosity as you Help them Today.

Saturday B:00


11;00 am

11:15 am


luly 28


Cleaning Church IMJ


3:30 - 4:30 pm - Confessions (MJ 5:00 pm - Saturday Vigil Mass

for the Sunday bulletin inside poges, the collection totql and calendar are on the Due to early deadline

back page tor July 22 &29

Cahn"dcot, Monday luly 23 Weekday

Mi 6:1-4,5-8

Mt12:38-42 Tuesday luly 24 Weekday

Mi 7:14-15, 18-20 Mt 12:45-50 Wednesday luly 25 St. lames,

Apostle 2 Cor 4:7-75 Ivlt 20:20-28

Thursday Iuly 26 Sts.

loachilt and Amrc,

Parents of tlrc Blessed Virgin Mary

ler 2:1-3,7-8,12-13

Mt 13:10-17

Friday Wly 27 Weekday

ler 3:1,4-17

Mt 13:18-23

Saturday July 28 Weekday

|er 7:1-11

Deqn?qd,@, My daughter will make her first confession soon. She seems too young to have sinned in any serious way. What is the point of making a child anxious about such things? onfession, or the sacrament of penance, is not meant to make anyone anxious. In fact, its purpose is iust the opposite. This sacrament provides us the opportunity to reflect on our failures toward God and other people, to express sorrow for those failures, and to be assured of God's forgiveness for them. We shouldn't be too hasty in assuming that young children are unaware of wrongdoing and the need to say, "I'm sorry." Even very young children can be deliberately mean, cruel, or selfish. Before children experience the sacrament of reconciliation for the flrst time, they should be able to distinguish between deliberate and accidental actions. (Breaking a plate may be an accident; breaking it over your brother's head is probably deliberate.) They should also be able to express their faults in their own words, and they should have some understanding that their sins affect their relationship with God, who loves them unconditionally but is hurt by their wrong decisions and actions. In general, children are able to fulflll these conditions between the ages of seven and eight. If a child's moral awareness develops more slowly, parents can request that the reception ofthe sacrament be postponed. Sundaybul I e ti n @ Li guori. org

Mt 15:24-30

From Dear Padre: Qeeslions CatlrolicsA-sl, e 2003 LiBuori Publicrtions


luly29 Seventeenth Stmday in Ordinary Time

2Kgs4:42-44 Eph 4:1-5 ln 6:1-15

W ir


Lizuori (-,lrt'ruc,ruom

ARetemptoi* Minirtty


U)a4d, ?,rcrn Popt Fruwos The famity is where we daily experience our own limits and : fhose of others....The family, where we keep loving one another despite our limits and sins, thus becom es a school of forgiveness. is itseif a process of communication. When contrition is expressed and accepted, it becomes possible to restore and rebuild the communication which broke down. World Communications Day, January 23,2015 -Forty-ninth

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