The Paschal Triduum

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Three Days of Communion with the Lord

The Bread that Makes Us One Because the loaf of bread is one, lue, though mdn!, Are one body,


we all partabe of the one


Corinthians I0:17 -l As we partake of the one loaf, we become one body. Such is the communion that Holy Thursday invites us to embrace. This is a bold commitment, for God's people remain severely fragmented by dualistic political, religious, and economic ideologies, as if truth and right were by-products of division rather than communion. Christ invites us, not to ignore differences or compromise convictions, but to focus on our common faith, common hopes, and common Spirit in the Lord. If we do, we may yet help to answer Christt heartfelt prayer for unity at the Last Supper Fatber, may they be one, ds we Are one $ohn 17:22).

The Cross of Discipleship Wltoeuer does not carry bis otnn


and come afier me

cannot be my disciple.-Luke I4:27 Pain can be an isolating experience. Suffering can close us in upon ourselves and cause us to assume that our hurt is beyond comprehension or empathy. Pain may also tempt us to insulate ourselves against vulnerabiliry in life and in love. These measures can frrrther separate us from the Lord who identifies with the most poor and defenseless among us. Thue disciples take up the cross with its intersecting vertical and horizontal beams that reconcile heaven to earth. In this way, they share the vulnerabiliryJesus embraced by becoming human, becoming brothers and sisters in Christ and co-heirs to Easrer d"ry.

The Empty Tomb "Why do yow seeb the liuing one among the dead? He is not here, but he has been raised."-Luke 24:5 \We live in a culture that loves to gaze into tombs. The eye of the media directs us to stare into the void of personal and communal tragedies in search of details to fascinate, disrracr, or titillate us in our loss. The Easter Vigil is a time for watching of a different sort. We do not seek to commune with darkness, but to keep vigil with full hope of meeting the risen Lord. \7e face the horizon singing the Exuhet in joyful anticipation of communion with the Light of the \Morld: The night will be as clear as day: it will become my light, ml jol.



century, Christians celebrated the great EasterVigil, an event

which began the night of Holy Saturday, continuing until dawn on Easter morning. During this vigil, Christians commemorated salvation history, awaited the return of Jesus, and celebrated the resurrection of Jesus at dawn on Easter Sunday. At the vigil, catechumens, after a three year period of catechesis,

were baptized and received first communion. At the time, the EasterVigil was the most important celebration of the liturgical year.

at Church and at Home


parishes have Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament as paft of their


Thursday celebration. Spend some extra time in silent prayer before the Eucharist. Stations of the Cross are particularly appropriate on Good Friday. By calling to mind the steps in our Saviort journey to Calvary, we can better appreciate what he did for us. Group or individual recitation of the Sorrowftrl Mysteries of the rosary is another powerful way to call to mind Jesus' sacrifice.

Good Friday is also a day of fast and abstinence: Those 14 and older are to abstain from eating meat, and those aged 18-59 are to fast by taking only one full meal with two smaller meals (no snacks in between).

Holy Saturday features no morning liturg, but some parishes might gather on Holy Saturday morning for Morning Prayer from the Liturgy of the Hours. This is a good day to schedule at least one period of prayer in silence. The EasterVigrl ir a richly symbolic celebration of our belief in the Resurrection and the history of our salvation. Many parishes schedule baptisms for the Easter Vigil liturgy as a concrete representation of salvation through Christ. Easter Sunday is the preeminent Sunday, reminding us of why we celebrate Mass and worship the Lord throughout the year. "Alleluia' is the word for the day. Sing or repeat it to yourself often as you go through the days festivities.

Eventually Christians ex-

panded this celebration to a three-day commemoration of Jesus' passion,

death and resurrection, with the Easter Vigil being the high point of the three dry commemora-

DID YOU KNOW... . Lent is officially

on Holy Thursday evening.

. The Paschal Tiiduum is actually a single liturgical event with three distinct parts: the Mass of the Lord's Supper, Good Friday service and the Easter Vigil. . The Solemniry of Easter is celebrated not only on Easter Sunday,

tion know as the Triduum

(latin for "three

days"). Over time, as the Iiturgical

year expanded, the Easter Vigil Iost its preeminence,

although the three




passion still held an important place in the Church year. However, since the reforms the Second


Vatican Council, the Easter Vigil, and the Triduum, have regained their position of prominence in the Western Cathol ic I iturgical calendar.

over with the beginning the Mass of the Lord's Supper

but on the next seven days



. Holy

Saturday is the only day of the liturgical year on which there is neither a celebration of Holy Mass nor a distribution of Holy Commnion (except for those criticaily ill).

. Receiving Holy Communion during the Easter

of all Catholics. In the United States, this obligation may be fulfilled anytime from the first Sunday of Lent to Tiinity Sunday. season is required

READINCS FOR TRIDUUIV4 2CI9 Holy Thursday Exodus 12:1-8,


Isaiah 52: 13_53:12 Genesis Isaiah 55:1-11




Corinthians 1l23-26. John 13:1-15

Good Friday Hebrews 4:14-16; 5:7 -9

. John 1g:1_1942

Easter Vigil Genesis 22:1-18. Exodus 14:15-15:l . Isaiah 54:5-14 Baruch 3:9-15,32-4:4. Ezekiel 36:16-28. Romans 6:3-ll . Lk24:1-12


The Pmchal Tiiduum @ Copyright 2019 byAll Saints Press. PO Box 190825, St. Louis, MO 631 19 (800) 923-8618 17-214

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Holy Thursday of the Lord's Supper 6:00pm - Thursday

- April 18, 2019

Good Friday of the Passion of the Lord- April 19, 2019 3:00pm & 6:00PM- Good Friday Liturgy 2:15PM & 5:15PM - Stations of the Cross Holy Saturday Easter Vigil in the Holy Night- April ZA,201-9 Begins at sunset 6:53PM Easter Sunday of the Resurrection of the Lord - April 2L,2A19 7:A0,9:00 and 11:00AM and 6PM - Sunday

t{o{y t{our A,doratlon We invite everyone to spend some time in prayer with our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament, immediately following The Mass Of The Lord's Supper on Thursday evening. Our parish reception room will transform into the Adoration Chapel. Please consider spending an hour or more after Holy Thursday Mass from B pm until B am on Holy Saturday, We highly encourage Ministries and individuals to sign up on the bulletin board outside the sacristy, Holy Hour Adoration booklets and music will be available should you decide to use them,

Calendrat Monday APRIL



HolyWeekday ls 42:L-7

I was recently diagnoscd with cancer. When I think about death noq I get scared, ?he crucifixion and death of Jesus, surrounded by dark skies, earthquakes, and opâ‚Źning tornbs, adds to my fright. Any lvords of encouragement?

ln 12:t*1t Tuesday APRIL 16 Holy Weekday Is 49:1-6 Jn 15:21-33, 36*38 Wednesday APRIL i7 Holy Weekday Is 50:4-9a

rfl I

Mt26:14*25 Thursday APRIL 18 Holy Thursday Ex 12:1-8, 11-14 1 Cor 11:23-25

fn 13:1-15 Friday APRIL


Good Friday

Is 52:13-55:12 Heb 4:14-16;5:7-9 Jn 18:1-19:42

Saturday APRIL 20 Holy Saturday

Gn1;l-2:2 or Gn L:1, 26-3\a Gn 22:1-18

or Gn22:1,-2,9a, 10*13, 15*18 Ex 14:15-15:1 Is 54:5-i4 Is 55:1-11 Bar 3:9-15, 32-4:4 Ez 36:16-17a, 18-28 Rom 5:3-11 tk 24:1-12

Sunday APRIL 21 Easter

Acts 10:34a,37-43 Col S:1-4 or 1 Cor 5:5b-B


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ransitions in life are always a bit frightening, and the transition of our dying and rising can be the scariest of them all. When we were tiny infants in our mother's womb, we transitioned into iife. We were not conscious of what we were doing, and so we lyere not scared. We were in God's hands. And God, who creates all life, brought us to be born and live. The same challenge faces you now as when you were in the womb. Even though you are conscious ofyour sickness and your possible death, you are still asked to leave it all in the hands of God. God, who brought you to life, will travel with you through your dying and into the kingdom. Jesus certainly showed us how to do this with his prayer during his crucifixion: "Father, into your hands I cornmend my spirit" (Luke 23:46). People who have had near-death experiences do not talk about how scary and frightening it was. In fact, they speak about how peaceful and full of light the iourney was for them. Most hated the idea of "returning" to their sick bodies. This same iourney of peace and light, and the sense of God's close presence to you, can be yours in your last moments here. Trust in God. Cornmend your spirit to Cod's care. Cod loves you! Cod will keep you safe and lead you homel Fr. Paul J. Coury CSsR



U)o'rd, ?apo frntrcie Let us ask for the grace to follow Jesus faithfully, not in words but in deeds. Let us also ask for the patience to carry our own cross, not to refuse it or set it aside, but rather, in looking to him, to take it up and to carry it daily. Palm Sunday, April 9,2017

O 2019 Liguori Publications, Liguori, MO 63057-9999. Pritrtedia1JSA. lmprinatur: "in accordance with CIC 827, perftission to publish has been granted on October 31, 2018, by Most Reverend Mark S. Rivituso, Auxiliary Bisbop, Arcbdiocese of St^ Louis. Perm ission to publish is an indicatior that nothing contrary to Church teaching is contained in this work. It does not imply any endorsement of the opinions expressed in the publiration; nor is any liability assumed by this permission." No part ofthis work may be used in

&,h6antirro,tfrzW O


at Church and at Home

Many parishes have Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament as paft of their Holy Thursday celebration. Spend some extra time in silent prayer before the Eucharist. Stations of the Cross are particularly appropriate on Good Friday. By calling to mind the steps in our Saviort journey to Calvary, we can better appreciate what he did for us. Group or individual recitation of the Sorrowful Mysteries of the rosary is another powerful way to call to mind Jesus' sacrifice.

the return of

Jesus, and celebrrated the resurrection of Jesus at dawn on Easter Sunday. At the vigil,

Good Friday is also a day of fast and abstinence: Those 14 and older are to abstain from eating meat, and those aged 18-59 are to fast by taking only one full meal with two smaller meals (no snacl,c in berween).

Holy Saturday features no morning liturgy but some parishes might gather on Holy Saturday morning for Morning Prayer from the Liturgy of the Hours. This is a good day to schedule at least one period of prayer in silence. The EasterVigil is a richly symbolic celebration of our belief in the Resurrection and the history of our salvation. M*y parishes schedule baptisms for the Easter Vigil liturgy as a concrete representation of salvation through Christ. Easter Sunday is the preeminent Sunday, reminding us of why we celebrate Mass and worship the Lord throughout the year. "Alleluia" is the word for the day. Sing or repeat it to yourself often as you go through the days festivities.

DID YOU KNOW... . Lent is officially





with the beginning the Mass of the Lordt Supper on Holy Thursday evening.

. The Paschal Tiiduum is actually a single liturgical event with three distinct parts: the Mass of the Lord's Supper, Good Friday service and the Easter Vigil. . The Solemnity of Easter is celebrated not only on Easter Sunday, but on the next seven days

. Holy



Saturday is the only day of the liturgical year on which there is neither

a celebration

of Holy Mass nor a distribution of Holy Commnion (except for those critically ill).


Receiving Holy Communion during the Easter season is required of all Catholics. In the United States, this obligation may be firlfilled anytime from the first Sunday of Lent to Thinity Sunday.

READINCS FOR TRIDUUI\A 2OI9 Holy Thursday Exodus

l2:l-9, ll_14. I Corinthians lI:23-26. John l3:1_15 Good Friday

52:13-53:12. Hebrews 4:14-16; 5:7-9 . John 18:l 1ct.l) Easter Vigil Genesis l:l-2:2. Genesis 22:L-18. Exodus l4:75-15:l . Isaiah 54:5-14 55:l-l I . Baruch 3:9-15,32-4:4. Ezekiel 36:16-28. Romans 6:3-11 . Lk24:I-12 Isuah


l9byAll SainrePress.POBox190825,St.Louis,MO63119(800) 17-214

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